the disease la inherited front anceýs- ILL~~ hli71 4 as ta direct cause.- That spiritual SU ES WAY TO SUC CESSine';vouseJada& e traass;r.b pildj h u ?.îp andgne 0111 can be Thei in e kine No "---~-5~ of sin which. to-day-fills our jails by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ng t a.Od VtI~fUX 1Vsieafond reformatery institutions and Not B Desroyiig -*--- M~Wen, u y vli a woînan sufr rmfema'le Jifts tfli anigran noose is the, -~~~~ weakness in ireularity or luther formas liendisýi,rateig ci gis yfwial ieste ieti e-wih in his day, King Selomon 1tain Io be makdiii beýr nervousý sys- iiîtcd, hisvoice in protesf Cen~~~~ ï,n Trying' Tolo Eil h m ln. entgeileral rf7lct beiogg, lsil] Mr N my brother, as flic insanity (Entered according te Act of th Par aYusthrown a successîuî rivaiyu sai c3 n t ddîcasedbysin s liaoent .ftnaa ip. the year (J'e .,aou man that Chri, h eliist Whto is Tusaiid NieLuded and iThree, 1eie mawl Of ntepne upycmnnsuete iiiig and able te faite this ,;i ouf by Xun Liaieily nilrno tîemnea o eiic l i in Trl('1 sYs if yenl cure thec feiale weak- ýol yourlifo ? In the Bible wvo rcad Jiepartuent oî Arlclture, Ottawa.) which all the cvii VpIrits of thc Ii- esirregularitiy,> etc., you -wil cure th ethtCrs a ad sabe e ferno join in the,~ chorus. You fil nervousnes ,sleeplessness;anid other con- nk h vipssoscreet0 L tt Li ei ut. A despateli fremt Chicago says: giecfuily clap yeur hands and %hut equences of womauiy diseliase. Rcv Firankt Uc Wý ilt TaIniago prelauh - Aha, wc havec destro3cd hina! Wc Dr. CIresFvrt Pecito ue ai' din. ie >groe ina aîîisre Must Bear r1nmturo cf cd fremn fhe fehlewfng tcxt: Pîro- iia'z dcstroyad tire man who has- the womanly dise2se-s w'bicb underniluie Csts divin powcr ielsu thi ws rc verlis vi, 34, J-eaiusy is the rage dtircd te stand in our wty!" th generai health. It establishel eu pe htLk esu hr a _aity dries enfeebling drains, linl- l mari -nillicted nef only with one, -but ~~ 0f a nin." TU UE'?WYT UCS.fauainaducrt ,l cures with a legion or four theosand, Vfha dot rag sigify? Hilîteu tI hipyeftc(e~c fernale weakhess. It cures headacheL, devils. Tbis mnan ,vas iso geadcd by- poshsonati nI raien AcarndipauoattRulc is s.aýunId and thaf men hclýP nerveusness, sleeplessness, etc., by cur- this dmoniac poseson tht c gnia r castigation? A de- thfIsem e by bcipinig insfeadl of bec- igthe onal diseases ihch. cause theughl lic nias boundl in fetters 0 Sec Iac.Siili Werare BiiIow. fleliciaticui, jLttI!ieliÂsy planned an il jascosisingstae, u hs wleinanl chains hce wouid npte a l'ct overwheliaingly and scatinhgly g cesef iîîrfd t i D. s isaphcasaiy tht lice Of Bwigbit L. Modyl Wtlat Sîck wnien are nie ocnutD.a inmgt-rs s- ---- sman Cia, as cs~y dcliveiel, as nihen Edrrnuad Burtcamgh bah sd to talS ast aug 1xocdfi icImse re made Mr. Moody in seinc resi, c1ts Pierce, by letter, fce. Ail correspond- spidcr's web. He ivas se distraceci temsecso arilàa-th gAdrs Dr. R. V. that ini his frcnzy tie would tcar etl F ~ tii -s in tt famous riai at est- ci in the îast ccîîtury9, Bis sc,-Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. a i lts lfwc cu ~ART RS . l~EL mister A riieie suh asOhu ycates re1in one - ie fec tr.ýml, priatt. thes o r-soi t eeieac (ai thec 1harîse, w-0 in bliy:haysu elech beueffit1 cîcrei 1rtfîPreSF~e t ITL F L~E~. dagetpor clls, reîCe~VW Ii et tof mIoST ceaniiI, of ite Prescrip)tionan iGolden Mýledicai rîn;cov- ianiii le riov\as once insanei i. mdae sinfîi is ce, wcî~lierîrtua mors but 1 aise Lelieve er, was trvd i. Wodh' of iiirton, ly bc eciottcd and ha bis right; ~ý, Ne. i.~IV~ "Fo ~0 ~TIATIGL uiliet îiiidsaid t ttci ice'~s ula ther ni ethers of bis titrc Duccs .,N.,aroflNe i. "F r nind. If Christ couid do-all that lu iiie and t iais wtotej acsfs . ns g.-eat- lif aot.greater. Luis iimberofyerai ofbeenraubiedwit It iiita i ihusin cs Js wea)kness, nervous headaci-e, irreguliiarity, rcst- frteiuaemn fod vi o F0 ALLW £KIL th, 1~ -',f 'f~î th 5 ~ ognzigaui??Oh, yess! I te- lessanese et niglit, andi in faciý wasi,'-cdown, nefiot t Jeus cure yen aise of ttc - il flt toeutli,0 s ag ie'-e te xxouid ha cten a'atrbut after taking tiiree bottlea cf FoiÎte Pre- _______________el a bIindý remonstramcc, an a d f pitC scst ripin atoeof'odnMdciDsv:afuianity of jealousy ? Oh, îny rnrey ndyt cmpi~ierv' fe] that 1 arn entirc!iy cnred. 1 have iio siafui friend, yeu have h-atcd nen le îý and ye geatie expostulat ion, vnaa rt-1 3eieouhndhsadicfeywe P lirttoryainniio, Crlîan r .anelitorcisamii-3enr~n hedcie, ae re eV ici despised incen and fouati fauit fay cifaî;ttDhuhB iglit; ini tact, fret lieadifrt esou, CU7,--R-E iIC hAD CHE 1 rep ti e ry ivamoniti n tt histi ret o 5nsoy:rm ddic~iw nef niei niith mca long cnough ! ii ou SÎ_t uc n tdc t oers o ue iearnegtlyedisalwoafcifriiti nef, boe and neni, by Cbis'stcp, vie n. L. orIru. alTo1 lias sined or utniiîfeitni t i eiee hr xcî otter ailoi trobe te, Witt r iree f4C icr f0lv mca and tryý te teip Cfc f nWi eCnlitpdotTlnt inc -wrong? Oh, ne! -I-Iïge, -ý f im jstasgrat if iîot Th'ilnte menretito."yng todsto ~cgcnti a c nc',hlW'avlle ~ anihicopsc crsr. ag greafer. Ris gra ieart, into eFavor-ite Prescrition"riý bas th testi- Imaised e rig t ete _________ __________ onl-brîiled fi iy; rage iii a fierce. wil, nihicli lie cudgte i i neimu ttosnsfioiut f Oi lei L)ETI3'lly aI orsuîiig, pasio trnrgorf("? Oh. yos; Mr. Moc.iy fii an piste Cure of wenIiny diseases. Do neot yETS 'îecfvict nate Butllllr tlery arconbrnr acctpt au nnknown and unproved subr TO C ON'NOL DRINK EVIZ. f- C [?PNNYCASTLI,.. 1, i 1. DP q, iore i tt iert irnld; rae'is a afetnae e-t: utteý r ~;nd ec î eiîit:' f loe i sTi, tc it"ef ai 1 'ad cf.c i oefbi stitute in its place.. ilieri mon ot ýl r Dr. Pierce's Pleasalit Pellets should be jEfforts te, Reduice Int oxicatio1 in (~i~c-"r' cit'il Mfiî- nrietrClv;agisaaa faiisjsasnchs?,.lVod used with "Favorite rescnintion" >when-. GraPritain. flir dcc nito Bî,~O Bownan.Il lat attilg usr sacred sine oei hie lved Cnes; tuit flieuýghn evr a laxtative is requiredJ. Tcatirtc fcrn rt et heintllct;rae i a inaiiy ra vn -en vna bave exceiked bimn ia __________________--aefy ecnro lcdikei e1 SI i-icosfvii, 'c eitet a the pY) if ntI te; ri lc noiain iil e-e.trigleaygîrigiasrchal-nftcigalIdonefl xvho in a lit cf illg g fici o .IIN~eihgci t olan haeseaalnl'uretm- o ettc elos rî drecnty natoe;ia coucertiers are flcglprii fja6.i i i ae lefbniat aoiecut.i sLcrul leoi ai oflgs tn ittentio ber fof reiiosxxol nhchla rcedt uieSL 5inieeIcmîa eixî,er OEce- rage' s ely i;sic is fie, ecbeiag, l teto fiiof i e rr ni g1 hii-hleylt ,!h: g t slumaiI.slîrickiq qnis-i s of'the eterîî-aîîv îl", arieno hiaself. lie spcnlt micsft bife faiiyiýl, nalrs. Ifta staff,ýýIeretiic rn nSaudyîihs LIta ey- teican et isasecahl~~~~~;je 't tï lyr, lfe-in pilshirg ettier riiti'ius ýwouk- aîn oetcwh nirfi eu iurlcneln eai f _______________________adet ttc l;stoyt I a nyr o th e front. Tce bitrgcr flic c(iis omatm f tem es-fctix-e on Ncýw brltaat iioiiuitrir YùUNG, V. S. TITE EVIL- SPRT rima t more aaxhoi s Mr. Mfoody fueuls denîînciation i fi irnesis- flui f ttcel aeuhoiies ae topme-s d'-:~ 111-CE iF ~ - 'Ras fay eal pubic attention te him. tible flooti of rcoce eans. fi f a1cl rmduc flcnubr îlde Tour i aI Enraiie:, aie, liateiiî mcaTous niut ctrfhe rutb'e 1i~snti1er± A-CAUSELESS FIE .Ttc acf puats greater rcspensibiify gIlu Iri 31 )ýI )In îglit elis alcvcry se~sfirival xvlo mniglt Bruiioiîi and John McNeilh anld F. epit i i tt.17 lyr standin fa s nay. It is tit cvili B. Ic\iie arti G. Hl. C. McGrezor Ttc j9aldest part et these hasane for causing druakenness upon the s-piritxvich ruatie Satul's-eyes flashI 'anti (amp-teii-Morgaii and maaiy afflictions, wtere incant ny omeII kecpeî's-cf saloons. ileretofere a rire wlicn lic gripped a jayvciî lianti otters. lie insitet te bis enal piaf- ni soînctinres furpi upen their test drunikard lias rareiy beca arrcstcd '~iAPAG Ih~~ -M ui-led ht ai D)acit's bLenti, mercly formsa the mrightist'religionsý xverk- fis icutis and brodc ov t ttc idea that and punisted, uniese tie connitîtid an .Â5AJ~îIsb, eri cf, Marriage LicengeLse the mnaidens et lus -kit g'doni ers et bis yrnrto.lcplaceti they are untrue, is tua. ffen their Jassauit. Ordiiaary intoxication at- ceinte stleet. hadl grecteti thc retunninig warriens it'3ieai bv lusý side as tie said: '*Bro- lrerizied snrnîises arc xriiioluf aary tracts ne attention froî, the police. viththfli seng, "ýSaui lIs -siain lis ýther i Chi ,Vn a migbfy ,gosritilgfmt cause. Ttyîaeylie-,ý indcd if tte police were tel arresf SiPON1BLlI.fionsai-iI s, but David lus t'al thon- 1ify aIn praying for 'yen. Ttec ttc, strangeg hallucinazýtionsý of al dis- aIl flic mca and nomeiî fouLnt reeling r. . flrtN,. 5,CHAS. m BLAIR sands. It is ttc spirit nuîich miatiebge sucecess yen have ttc tappierl enseti inelc.:îi eeice druak in tire sitrectl et ofondon onr I ~ ~ ~ ~ Cé Clilt.Si-es eýii lMnsfi Frenci gerlcrals betray flic( 1 xvite"na e eig ccybng iteir a. Sautibyxxoi t --fo, t, lii, Kiýtao Banse. ricwîa,îie selrgirl, Joan of Arc, into ttce i By MOOTtI SUfC'f'FEf power for thir ;trI mmidc,' te abi t fit celTis iii ttc police stfa- Siilct tne jIlýt1a eak oîtai Biîk conin iýcri Uner ete te .îsîey liset a loeu, ta-tu- aids of ttc, Englihet, setlît ste Wiaf ans,, fhic inevitabie resi a tk ic t w ic iesi expen- test ofn le.Udrfi ___________b_____Il_1__c______ in th nen3 1:iquor lan aýy' persen founti __________________________ stolti e bnîeied f ttcstake ttc Vt-afr. Meedy fnieti te, aditinc sive et asyiurns" 'nd have for- tireidukh ulcpaeo nasa Isî.ecîs of Rlouen nmcrely because s-e fli- Clit-isthaîi werkcns, n(Ihen S-orne ttco besi t pfIhysicins ani nurses san-îi tvn acareacit H. F. IIUTEIt, - ati xxn cicin ries they ceunit ic;e upi îîigbt have calei is i- s nîariy cohinuiailviiflemac - tty nparttlyuntier, ie'n ay tie ar- ~ 1 PS] II~O î~ FHNTAIYha,-e achievet. t is ttc spirit lieda1, t hiiseinto ttc litants have i roIs- fileixltt flowers reefýi tii1( ani abie Ite i eaf No B ubicÇoiv'ye:Ce. oiev Pivtea-d iicli matie ttcSpnil courtiersq et, s;intul mcaiq anjti xvomcnpi asnii a nihaecrrae lass th(i i uktesl ayL emfeit Cmîi- ]:ilsluIeiuitlwee cret tl l onime Clomustoduehaei-oiHaettc ckluie heunaii ders-li cf disposai. 'Flic-e fini niy stiat îea' nasleat t a -;i; si.ino.. ,n .4 15.0,>.-; itiin- biecit. -th s tc vii spnrit lit nr nisay have excelieti Iimii inr eveny possible way fer hecoîfont kee emcnoetmo ir iiai liis I. Sp.retndlion- iniv-uiand, panticuiar gif t, bt 0 their weak nlinticti relations, yeti ÉE A EEE ~~ TO LEND l~aniiý 11M tatLet by sorne of ttc Lon- !in inihty, niasterful icadc.isipi, inl these insane patients cant neyer beho tnx ini eee nhbta ý,)0.000 00 n gocti mort- doni anistens et their day ar~dxx viet the faine anti emninence whicb "Iili persuadeti tht their fricatis are idrunkardsIF. If one et the." wltlia j!4 ccîî:,tiity lat mi d~e ateý rateu3i i t mcmale- Iitnvcy autti .Jenner anti Janies casl uuiete g lwntiet.hfitu theni. Thoigi hsani alus hisnain tugo.dwn t ug ýfathfu tori hsbansliree years uffer a convi*ctioni for ,. L M C LÀ U, IluLIN. %IlCiic r,Bes vileOî Y. iapsn encnter tâciî' greafeet the comuing cenfrittis as a' Christian - and nives anti chilirl'il nîlay te do- hbtadukensate t t Opprlosition; froni jenieus mc tIliu xorkcr, ia bis influence, upce fhli ig everytting ihiat eau e docfi purchase liquon-r aon e h wic maleVita0f ir0e etie e B-st tmend catishtes y Mr.c ald stht itheir appiacess, Yet fheyv wili kep liable te arrüs- anti a penalty, andi lardh miadeotair mdellîsn tc Cl' kea iIi t'u-dr t'mv 7<l I anidthieosut la vr eate, în rpni biallet~~ ou Ain ut'n ie r thein pr acug andi taxaitlsiloon-keepens are forbitiden under lard~~eaes antid tinne- tej,ýit fbemiý-f ofuî bas knewn. te tedig an babitîtaoi dru ilion. .Jalls lin tt tean eu- absmku tWFi e tmsds.N mrsinw aseee nti. tin, provids for pett n- W'iI e h laittec o te ir ocel s-franc e ha iiaion aif as l f i;I faý psi in rivas )esa-1 Moîîcl ) LNf each sta mn f~ITejaesmt eisfît-set tt isryieN n nehust andt despise lo wli qufrnet ankion punisbien et habiua hirs- oxjýilar afeil a', hi xld nt Nwcasle 1sfI1 tihtflclali ttche f trial, ste distrusfs niho procures nti gives liquor te a Newcý flic succes cf anefiin is ha sOei e cxr succ-suliy b'.iht a temple of, frein !2p la. way a nebbeny cf lihrnscif. Ttc jeal- taeuo1lcrincifntain t lita ant iil neot credif whnf lic habituai tirunkardt-.. (iriîci;~Tmpeatme S.~ owynan- eus, pcmýlitic&n null acf support fthe! a goot i an's lite. Thc javeliti etosyf eiteitg i at il ayo t otrcaee aon I ile,rear cl. Iliggnoamsrgor netnc f-,lus, panfy, te ,cause tie ijeajous baste bas. a poisoncted atî senci a yong 'eigante destruction jkecepers ieave cent plolife iciters nte, nantetirn' flic nomiraton timrneît; thc - nîicm is more, cidiy 'thaifveo sociien than flic ttoughf tha fli th in-il flot' custoîfirs, xvte anc, knenn wealites sthre omn anti a.jeC fiimuitptfwhmr e man sire mnarriet bas dropIpeti ttc fo get di-unk wbcenii opponituniy i suriy ioie -o a lever ton thait ef a s-neak- ifes that eni anti arter N e Yer's -~aiottcer--sungeon tas ciret i a ct'îppie istroy flie hile of a mara in a r"ç%m«lif lie lia nvrpnraeifiepn-emfstboiithntcltett g détective. Conitinuiiut fanîf ai- a te iill not Ile se-rveti nith on insef; flc jea;lous riitnjivn aine xvtlit isý Itro0ia. iia- cnti taise atsfin ani'noiat,îenn e ti ir -Dental(I,ý Furgeons, aI ~I-FIIE-pplsite " Bngau'a ffce. The e sonr desan inn r tens ili ae t t ptici licineu' teaienusdeline itt[Jonkeeen ftmherlcgnoue of I E ncia nia suces haf aof dtpart (fn-sI i e e cl-vli epilete trbtc ias tcunteaký it in apbi rpiatb - - - j)nfiFamotc ietmnînyjaý,ca fi inca.-zl; it ati ý xve bs 1an Il a, pool'ou e'cosfcl haý nicl if oli go ec fiiue t îîs T lves- Ilt rage. As-r a1cf m onoîuanin ( in fa tte l Iau 1sit berwi atter in b ier. tahlt d f ecl l tenbeîîey nsn at uJiif blii fi l-;u xab <mnlo beý,ltle ttc i* s tiotd utlinsi' on' sec flirc ilor nientt xOî sani ijn fvisshontitepiici tcusfoxuserepet ou nnituNtei rglf îbnicrok oint e sprt n ex ense ii euippng so'n ati dui~aiatin Yenviiiantisietrs- lve ben cuîîmeatebasrosantmagnnimify friniyn or c she wiiîttctet got atial- mgItv tiaeir zIt ani- iont eVl ttem. Iou paity totc orun gh'Ft ter y n eceaes egn nt Fc'Oe 3it sr sue.gxigm'ptosopntiiIes- oli, imprfccioîi-is v-o!xiii atte fi:yas_ en nf roè,1wùc tfl Ibeen( usti as millon fedt nd'e nise iniiet~~~~~~~~~~~~ A upye ihgaesu-at reo cotto onI , jjIotl aitor tenij neitIi wand mtintr shnt ie aotyu t i cîrn xtule to etlîing ofdi- chIs iw'x kpf a -tck rain jut ruiciin, en mylii eovr- sit b tc xi1dex' eîfiuaiy diugte oadrtpitht tic hve uredaitnihe anieseeaetcot I~namelmni~i linnin antiliui Geimraiticnoeluîcîî flcrn-etf ee nt oi en teiîfl tictifla fîn Iore. t aelit chigli uli nt coy- __________________ xxienn th -rý ii ie fýhsýh IJIi llý( l e blSýýre bios thc stah e gola ti li seir ar ty 1_aI work Tir ucaizn ave rci wit te x.-enîa Tbpeciat dy Your tetemeu arnae yens. i rmit thaf ai 1ra aIl-eti gay leaits ; youat. iin nd ifoc li, gbarIue îM respc-ctfimllyscuiteiteti. amohur -t fered Ifeîî y-id Iiýen isslil rpt hta e ac ?hi lVeln' Semng Syrup ton-, Cliii ihnwlnpoeei teen tionoutîcin one oniy-ri so le-i Myl :fan doe yen ho ,,l th ne thiYde Tetig fnu etv WM. FSHLEIH, I~ ~ se stethiuke hoxvcns te oisonlie x-ihliîg f liv, tutyen houit pennUtil sulfner mametiatel. Be OWiuîarkt vlaLm'l. Msrke Squre ?. ~ lierllur upom tcrii înecy Iou pityerr.o )tlin i- se teII s niighte t have. er pedue1f otniir sn '~~' * i yaenf ii zi îvralwle liuecatsocîifr ebl lcaîtk bu f fcrsBar EVERY WEEK DAY. ttce O,", eand, Cozmpliictcd. ( se nieae et ptci e toc iticiankanti speck a goi nord-fr i offl'iekidasys>. Johnii l'ex iii bis famneus "Boek ef i ttc nglborbooti. Lerolt ian- Mr. Trenentan an tates:-ý"rwo years M-artyrs' tipcI. mr xrcafugynsîuiile ailagl i i 1000 Mmifo FalVanTd, ite leSx'etheruoI isldueltine ts.ntant oneties than sotîc etflise me i-Iaixice te ttc young ]nniyer, andt mesr o alatiWitrSiet~uniary troubles. ,liesidesthe pain antioodmnsert rorg h tbe made up, iii very latest s-fi le s-tndifia lcaeinacua oenntts tal imitnoe r limhtrt norg t gus-raxutt-ee. We uake nens nd's s-titi hut5 becs- e ropsc bytese troubles-, 1 itroeiocer fic io ath1a t th-m -ye'îgniister. X'c eider mcn, yoeî Eunsn-. B tnir; àxouprces lower that sellu dp stat and imny legs wouid frit-ode taxe teen tinetilatu en- shouiti îot only te prenud of the ftact wuile equi Izu coult!i scarcehyhe arwndatgol Hearing cf Dr. Chasteeusens.-that yoe ihuvenîctie c sn:cccss, bt te te prescd anti m 3atiehua fleur uit, Ktdciey-Lixver Pille. I precured a box anti MatdenîIiîg jGalousy, oetteti tee-les-s, Iyou stetiltiaise te prtuudet ttc tact We ko.ep )sacales et lef hîi-pniec righîf cotinucte useof this vau-hlenuedicine lis ttc cause ct innunuenabie domestie - thsk '.7u tav e heipeti soace yeiinge Joi 1T. ArUmS, teaiosbe tailon, unti aow 1 cao say for s- certainty that 1 anti social iîmfeiciîies, < mi-tt'm-ana te cimbthttcdifficuif bceigtts niearly oppoSito ,SVATL£SMAit Office, Bow- amrn sirely cwr-ed. nover teck auy clikc te is victiîîîanti us objeef rn ibciynan tx bl aîi mantille.45-if niiciue ta it eseme goa t makes- ttc wiîe suspect ttc bus- t ot ic-aue tcieati arn flmnnly cnvnctitat if if tbadti bnd mfmcl I gI mk testruggliig in as-cent ici' beuei to-day.r " ns1wudnt L ,hsandti ipugn tte motivecs anti SIN 1$ TEUE CIIEF CALSE. wcrin , actions et bis- cxife. If is the cause But naddcîîiag jeus,,ýy tas a di- AIR FOU011CONSUMPTIVES. JThceù -l1 c-,c't directly on th-e kidneys o oto h ures fIvrs rc esna as.Atisnte ianti liver, rguat uc bowels sad ens-une i as ifi îari tlvr, 'c esnicue i naîte 7P'le ait'er t histn ae I tb perfec,-t aiohthe digestive ant ilr- xhc acnrcthe cliapineilss 0f. aro ttheies-uit t fso)ie orgatîle or Lura, i Vigiî ni~ tete e tS-iSng syem. Ont ir ds- 25 centS uany livesfor ifluneantidtcîîfy. fuctionnitiodc.Suîthî a recan.aly i-e roa gras cîii c)At ail talroEdascn, Btsl.lstsOtlo noafezL lIsatuify n11(y1te esuseti hy a lior a ~uiphvscui sauatrhmn laÏ. at tcsicdikaf1as mate a xxiii!)e foutiti, t Ie5i0'fa' boc bil cfbunya-itr cci tcF-eni f tc nafbLITr.IfnannuiintOu teteemcssitg uli flc irti-ctfreintlit le s. -' crthl 1tins oet heu ttc ieTerýrible, 's-ilt et( xt-taxtineves ;smei gives fon-- antwueg t Loic ne oleýt sysîci. 'r. WnlnsSott Syrup" for chiil(ltin fettig is- plea- sanf te flic tas-te anti is flue .pro-I scriptiomn cf one oh flic oitiest anti beef female plîxcihucceatîti nurses imu1 the Uniteti States. Price 25 cents- a Iottle. Soiti by al ir u ggisis9 flirougheuf flthexxoriti. Bc sure anti asit for Mrs. Winsio's Sootting Syrup." -- basf y-car tceret of fax ntier cuifivation droppedti t 49,74 are fremn 55,442 acres itn i90],o o -crease et 5,r696 acres-. Ta prT Chie' anti ai antbe te) yon lt l'V. 1 uf mret Ia crtelfl1 ttc cure fo- eChý lti pýrotmuding plea, ratedi. Sce tes- What lus Castoria is for infants and Children. Castorla is a Iiarmless substitute for Castor 011,, Paregorie, Dropji and Soothùng Syrnps. It contains- neitiier -Opium, )Iopline orother '.frarcotUe substance. It is Pleasawý. Its guarauf ce is thirty years' use by Minions or Mothers. Cas-frla destroys, Worms and allays Feverisb- ness. Cas-forla cures Diarrhoea axid Wind Colle. Castoria rdlve eetIhing Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatieuy.Caýs-torIl, asntltstii o odà, regulatcs flic St omacli anBGweïs 4of Infanlts aud. cbLdMren, ghin uA altly amîd aturd tleep. Castaria Is thucbdn' Castorla.Catr. chiltirea. Mottera haie repeatedty toti une that 1 recomnuiei 1 t as supeior to anuy pre' ot ils good effeet upoti tlteir ciidtren." ecriptien kilown te marY FR. G. C. Osciocu, Lowell, Iase. IL. . 11CER D . Bmab'- .1Y THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F Ap PEARS ON~ EVERY W,'RAPPER. 'ESTABîLISRïED [&90. PHONF MAIN 4303. STOCK AND BONDI BROKERS, 19 WELLINGTON .STREET, EAST, TORONTO. Main Offles-47 Broadway, New York; 60 state st., Boston Stocks, Bonds and Grain Bouglit and Sold for C.)ash or on XMargin. maeile dàîily '(1 p. ii) xUonn Cvrr esrço:,denlce invited> Ys 98 04 A. Building, - -*Yonge stîeteTerante Prfhtcloal-DAVID Hom.cI harterd Accountant vioê-7prIucipa1- . . .wkTrsnvELTr, charterod Accountant. The only college in Toronto affiliated with the Institute of Chartered Accountants, or having Chrrtered Accountants on its1 staff, Our Penrnanship t eachers are acknowledgect by those whio kncw ta be the best in Canada. A!J. iQEUIPMENT 0F,85 TVPEWRITERS. VALUED AT 0V1P SIO,OOO, UIS AN INDICATION OF TH-E COM-ý PLETENESS 0F OUR SHORTHAND-TYPEWRIT$NG DP.PARTM ENT. Students may enter at any tini. Write for free catalogne and 6pecinmei lesnin Penmiansh!p.ý Six Hiunidied Positions Offerod Our Students Last Year C) HIEAVY RU E D'»M;RSC ý Al 'RICENY" 0, u A p yhnatenvoresd dspndntie u h , g r e efore0 yor. .. i=o ..ut the ay e nn- fî c ion anettheey are yenen tiritael it tuts mumken, depreaeed aanti hae""r" -e- g n o~at brain fagged? have yenôs.eak bac-wUdncn' 'tlesLt' iilt? depusit imi urine? weal- eemaliy ?- ýQ ecx Fret, Write fer Quiestion Bý crletI orHomeTr 't. amiew..vWFET ETO? ~C. .