____ j I - -- -- I To lake HORS18Lay§ A enstomer who lias used al th advertiscd poultry foods came in th(, other, day ta tel us that what we sold hlmi wae the best an the market. Hie henshegan laying within a !ew days after cammencing ta feed the kind we seil. Another good fea ture le that its cheap. 20Olbs - $1.00 4lIbo -25e Stott & Jury, 1 The Druggists and Optieâans. Our Motta. Lowcst in Pnice, Hiîgiest lu Quality. BOWMAý"ILLE,. Lice 0On Catties No remedy ever offered the public bas given greater satisfac- tion than aur nonpoisafonos powder called "'Death ta, Lice." We make it ourselves whieh je sufficiently guarantccd as ta quslity and as usuai we oýffer ta pay baek your money i f you are nat perfcetly satisfied with the results. 2 sizes 40e and 15c. Equally gaod for C attie, Raoge or Poutry. Easy ta umc, no waste or trouble. stott & jury, The Druggiste and Opticians. Our Motta. iligliet in Quality. Lowest in Price. -1 *Try a Rot Soda ut Tad's. Qysters lu bulk or by the plate ut Tod'e. Farmers wIII make ne mistake bî eubecribiug for Weekly Sun. Hýighest price vaid for ail kinde of grain at mieKaye Mill, Bowmauville. The annual Couversazione ut Onta- rio Ladies' College, Whitby, ie Feb. 14. 1Monkey Brand Soap àa a cla.r aud polinher comabined, but won't waah clthe&, Highest price paid for ail kinde of grain at Caledobian Mills,Bowmanville M A. James le fiaverument issuer of Marriage Licenses for Durham Countv. A lot of Drees Goods eelling off at about hait price ut Cauch, Johnetou & Cryderman 's. Mise Lily Brock, Queen's Park, To- ronto, je guet of ber uncle, Mr-. J. B. Faîrbairu, P. M. New life for a quarter. Mller'e Com- pound Iran Pilla. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. The vry latest lu Wedding station- cry and Weddinz cake boxes ut TuS STATESXAN Office. Bo% s' and yautbs' Frieze uloters, seili- in tand below cost ut Coucit, John- stan & Cryderman'e. Pleasant evcniug, and gaad program ut the social an Tuesday Feb. lOtit at Mn McUoItyre's.,Ail came. Cawker & Tait% Hlot Beef Tea, Cocoa or Chocolate ut Tod's Auy fHat lu store at McMurtry's titis week $1.48. Try a pound of McDermid's 10c Ba- king Powder. Miller'e Pille and Powdere are sold at MeDermid's Drug Store. Highest pnice vaid for aIl kinds of grain at McKay's Mill. Bowmanviile. Ganong Bras' celebrated G. B. Chc'co- lates-a fulll une juet arnived ut Tod's. Dou't lorget the anniversary social atMNr. Mclntyre's on Tueeday rcb. 10. Higitest price paid for ail ktnds of grain ut Caledonian Mills,Bownauville. Don't fuil ta secure one of tho-se cbeap overcoats ut Couch, Joituston & Cryder. man's. Borne snape ln the boot and ehoe de- partment ut The Mason Ca. 'etitis week. See adv. Ail kinds of Fure eelliug off ut re- duced price ut Coucit, Johnston & Cry- derman 's The bestf810bine or black, wonstcd suit lu Bowmanvilleat The Muson Co.'s. Sce them. McDermid's Cream Dentifrice îe the ma t clegant preparation for the. teetit. 25e. per tube. Don't tail ta secure one o! thase cheap Overcoats ut Coucit, Johnston & Cryderman's Scores of Remuants are beinu- sold off Try a Hot Bovril or -Hot Cocoa at Tod'e. Big roductions ou Drees Goods th!@ month at MeMurtry's. Mr. Thos. Long, Port Hope, was ln town luet Wedneeday. Miss Cora E. Boue, Oshawa. je visit. ing at Mr. W. Riding's. Caponines Selling ýoff below cost at Couch., Johnston & Cryderman's. Mr. Cecil T.*0ka, Cobourg, isvisiting bis father, Mr. John Oka, Ebenezer. Mre. Fred Williams. Caunington, bas been callng on oid friends hare prev- joue tai remavinz ta Vancouver, B. C.- C.ugba. solda, b.armn.ao aad oSier threat alimentai arc quiekiy rlitired b! Oresolene tablets, lau tente purbox. MIi druggis Our perecinal thanks are bereby ai- preseedta the scores of friende, near and far. who have sent us messages of congratulation on aur election -as May- or. Rov. Dr. Carman, Superinteudent of the Methodiet cburch jn Canada, N, ill preacb. in the Methodiet churcb, Bow- manville, ou Sunday lu behalf af mlasionary work. À epecial offering wIll be taken iu behaif af this Iund. Publie cordially iuvited. Mr. A. W. Hepburn, General Mana- ger of the Lake Ontario Navigation Ca., met the Lncal agents of the steam- er Argyle, at Part Hope ta arrange for the business of the coring season. The steamer will prohahlv commne bar CAWKER & TAIT ,%niUles I 30 WIVL&N VILLE. Stock-taking Closes] and as us ial wc find a large quantity of odds and ends that w.: must cdean out at sacrifice prices. These goods will be place2d on a bargain counter for youn in- spection. Shap eariy and secure so.nj genuine bargains. Tne yean cnded has been the best in the histo. of oair business cancer and wc mean to neacit out for greater.resulîs this coming year. Thauking our rnany Patrons and Fniends for thcir liberal patronage extended ta us in thte past, we hope to merit the same good feeling lu the future. O.i- fotto.-<The most reliabie goods for the least money."