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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1903, p. 2

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setabie suis 10 sonit i igtiteuUrineb are of ail sis then most to hoi dread- U flllllflfl el and that it is tlie dut~c h ll[B[IIIool~hg~ lg~II,,Ô..,UUp reacher te warn his hearers JWNTISTS. them. The eider brother is the modern --Pharisce, who'thanks God thatlie Will be nt lack'.teck on thse first je flt as otiser mien. H1e cenp lac- Monda cfae ofi n enitiy luihseupon ibhd i u rkdt Jiioneday i aadatNwaîeltthe social outcast ,andth le pauper Wdedyfrein 2 p M. andi says to lis frientis: "Just look, OFîIC:-Temnperanice St., Bowmstu- at me. 1 neyer liat anv smure adi- i ilie,rear efl li,,grnbotlsam's drug Stere x antages than those peuple have _________________________had. 1 was of a higlistrung, imipe- tuoils nre(, yet 1 neyer would let my cvii esiesget the botter of roc. 'T"1,lnn nnnr lenu duik. I hav, neriruaip a li I 1 asunable t C. HARND.E.N L.D. . py invrwsfrqetro 6 racinate ,of tfi e no x ai lege f ocimidightcaouer.Indeeti, teo Dental Surgeoný)s, 1Onîtario, be frank w ith you, I have just about CIFCE-ppoiteTBig'nm' geed opinion cf imy moral attain- CIFCE-ppsit Tinhamsoii,3.lments as Prince Bis marck had of Y 1 ALIZED AMl. îis akillinlustatesmiansmip. Wheal ___________________________ oMeeou askcd the Iron Chancellori who ho thought was the brainieet stacîtesinan in ail Europe, Bslrk i TT 'iotareplied: Modesty foi bids my stat- A i avsup to-ULLU ng who isethe liiainiust, baecause J a su -t - ïtthen I mglthave to enin m owu name. ,J3ut I arn perfectiy will- Thi isi mttô:_Ec7nýea asing te state that B3enjain ýDiarnaeli Thsi symet:Ech3era is wtheut deulit the sceIond ablest the new impros'ements are placed on statesmian in ail Europ ' Other tise market, 1 always make il a speciai saints," remiarlis the phÏarisaical point te spare ne expense in cquippiug eider brother, "namy lie mequni in nshop vih the best geeods and applsurai attajum-rents, but 1 arn sure ances, giving My patrons epprtuuities there le ne superior in ail the worid unobtainable eutside of large nmac-te n uabesl. hiA A n .j IFj 11;'sgl -FAua- elries alwaî s kept in stock. Jrazing. E]Dameling-,, Grind!Dng and General }lepair work. Tire vulcanizinc, a specialty. Your esteemed Poatronage rcspectfully solicited. WM. FISHLEIGH, Bofl wmANVILAIL. Market Square. WE WANT BIEN EVERY WEEK DAY. 100 MFîW ANTHD te leave their earefor EaIl and Winter Suits tie be made up iii very latest sty le =n fin guaranteed. We make man's and bo'vs suits equal te any and prices lower that maux. Brinz us your wrinkled clothes te lie presm-d and made lite a new Fuit. Wýe keep samples of elotb-prices rigit j-1'. LAnîLn, the fastionable tailor, neariy opposite STATESMÂN office. BOW manvil'i1e. 45-tf WANTED.-Men at good wa es How are yniu goat employ your time thIswnter? Do you iknow Unt not for niany years blias threben sucli demnand for choice fir-it-,radîe N inrsery oiras thpre le to dy. M reqire ore melC1to seenre 0cr slbIare-f th lusnes.We dont -4k or ecxpeet youï tô %work forrï cot(hng. If voix am'temues 70r im poftaly Wite 1,1d1,au ba 'i(,ca d fr yo Our stock lis atxxdt test. We !I aîdOc Rt. E.P BfeKeqei Nurveryman, Trouto, Oô4 5 A DEFECT IN CHARACTER. Eider brothers, you have ne greunti fer pride if tle restraint tisailias kept y ou frei prodigaiity fa itself a defec t of character. It je truc that yen have net gene off as a prodigalinjte a far country. Yen andi tarteci yeur young frieuds on the, path te a tiiuulard's, grave by 'teaching thern hem te bury their lips in the red poison of the ine eup. -îen have licn ou eesiugy for thati ,ou iînay bave e en ýise mau anti ctiîngy that that tlereis neo lerthat yen would drink a glass of wine or sinoke a elgar unles oine eue else paid for is not prin- cipie that saves c5,ie rnen from go- iug te destruction by the broad bjghway of ciisolteness, but pe- nurieusuese. Tley heid ou toeveery dollar they have anti are too stingy, te spend a cent. They lseep their meyas long as they cau and nev- er give ýa cent te a frlend unlese the umkethatfret give them a firat cl7as ae mty nipay faml in- tercet . -But, my ce cniiled respecta- ble atiluprilýitphairisalcal lriend, thouigh yn are not a p [rodigaid, yen a sineer o ma i reblir of Ithe ploor! ioismt F101u'd otmtbeVmn uyu mtacln Jor i last rtitai soi. 1t Las, 1- eplol a,.lý'I ...e o M no symipatlsy witlî tiiusn xhu tdn- Father's bouse! ' ' There ouglit te tiare that y oung men are led astray lie'joy on eartli as well as joy fa icto thse far country of sin because heaven oxer one aluner that re- they have genereus limpulses and penteili. Thereý ouglit te lie the alinermai affections and therefore came joy wlich the gooti shepâherd caunot say ne te the tenîpter. That feu wliea lie found isi sheep that prodigal iras an ingrate, ai ery way iras lest; the saute joy wihl thie yen tatke hîn. Ile iras a seitish, once frantie ilfe experieneeti whie conteniptible, -dissoluite rake. Noe--he recexereti the lest piece of silver, mnan je large hoarted wholie li take a which mas part. of lier weddiug frlend te a saloon 'or open a hottle dewry. of wiie at a club wleienl oruier te TIIE LACK 0F FAITII. d'a filLe iaises bis owvm childi-rn go The eider lrotlier's conduct -aise hun,!gry andi lu rage. No gen- shows a iack of f aithinlabhs father.- erushare v ourg tuan il go EHa refùseceto belleve thaï, hic Di- jutt( he far ceuuitry of sianudrock- Vine 1ather's love lapowmerful en- lecsy aunaer ic lmuy ili a uglitecane a snnr ito a the sanie rne le kuoa tha hie id saint. îufidoiity ofteu jatrenclifca it- fahu l wepngathoexithhis self mn the pe)w aud lehii the eîo ceafutj ftears ;but, chnrch ipip!it. Somte chricn i mc- thouli hat.vongerson ivas a sel- bers, ai corne mlnisters of tegs flei, espcae horacter, the eider pel, are onldy teoriziug irbea they eider brother leate muienihecliprofe-ss te belitive that Jesus Christ slgaiei te prenal oy ver theeau pardon sin. They profess te bc- r411epntt prod-igual retumu whea ileve ilat Christ eau transferm the !,(-pýntnt roriil'srétrn; wenseven dûviled M1arys jute the Mary e lieý sair the eyee of his f ather glisten- whli are wiiliug te it at bis feet ing wth love anti bis checks flush- anti morship, but these skeptical ig mih a holy thankfuluess, lie eider brothers: go forth jute the cak li ae rliad e boru silieand great,wide, sinful world anti by moultifnht have otriede stab andtheir practical behavior scatter woul nothavetrid tostab thetheir ideal spiritual theories te the old mnan te tihe heart. Dîd lie net four wiutis. say u olec : Yes ir shh dive When the reformied tirunkard contes that dissolute debanclice back te his honte, they cry eout : "What je the cwine trougli. Then ire eau have .goti of ietting that unpriucipled thie pleasure of seeing fathoi agaîn loafer jute the lieuse ? 11e le juet restieesly racing the floor throngli like ether 'drunkards. 111e je only -"~'=----~""5--~iurepeuting for a~ littie ihile se that loie nay get souic mouey out of us, I ~and go forth on another spree. Drive, ' ý , ' Ihl eout at once. Let bien go te the poorlouse, ihere lie leongc.- I nacuv ~m~îe 'Whe. the young girl who lias led a dissolute lufe mante te lead a pure tiiyofledxes,,nitoirola.s it becomes torid nti<ais t <ltertuebile rom the bOfithus" prdcn suiness andti:a The ta gueisceateti, the hoad aches, diestion le -s iiperfet,; thera e achiig cf helmsand back, feeings offunes weightý and soreness over the stonmach -)nd liver; the eye becomos yeiiow andi jaun- diceti, andi the complexion muddy; the urine is scanty aud hsglily coloreti, andi the bowels irregniar, con stipation andi loosa- nees alternating. There ie littie use of treating the liver repara lely, as it eau neer lie set riglit untili the kidneys andi bostels are madie active la removstig the iraste mat- ter rom tle bc>' t11efor Ibisvery rea- son that Dr. Cliase's Kidney-Lirer Pis hava always proveti se weuderfully suc- cessfulin lu ring the most chronc cases of ier complaint, bliousnsess and coruplica.- ted aliments of the iduc-ysliver antid ies Onie plil a dose, -25 cents a bo-. 1A-Ï dealers, orEdaon a &C. Torcoto. Jetvo I arma sof forgivenesea heIld eut te ber hy liedaerra hu fnd oely rebuke ý ýý.. Why ?Biecauseftheïcyical eidrsesd e neýoiit lbe(-,lievetht a prdgeiwmrî milýi abac past ea ecr 1vebv ivnepme, i cha'ge ino asainti mînan miti a. setless fý uture. lTle crimiiinl !bas seéveti hicpententiary -terb anti je libemateti frosa tIc stene ceii. ls the- gr-eai iorid t ilarge ,,ready te f or- gixc e ine anti e"ex chlmback into honorable esl rclif lie repente? Oh, ne t !Tho eider brethere anti eider sistere arc se hbitter againast the e'--ýconvjcts ithat, many a repent- ant ieelas tcieaeyreturnedti t hie crimes ibecasise lie coulti carnaa living iuneotsra. THJE FATIIERý'S FOkUIIGiX NESS. iras iaseu :'I a nl Iole mil lin' yussugîV, ',li xbre eide so. Wieathesuiantcame, him the day liefore gazing at Mrs. matter of cooking is flot the first jnow?- Johnny - "Mother wvo't Jet Quepe's -cs.Yo a' suppose to( e osdre.-Then what ism stand on my liead, and dad ijs it was I hey that put the idea into the first ?-, he demanded. "Can you ail the tirneý fussing because 1I weaïr his liead?' provide, the things to lie cooked ?" mny shoes out se fast." YOU don't take Va'po-Cresolene into the stomach, you breath it. Put sorre Cresolene in the vaporizer, light the lamp beneath and then breathe-in the vap-or. It's easy, 1c onvenient, safe. It can bc used with success, evenl for infants. Don't you sec at once 1ow valuable such a remedy mnust be for hay fe ver, diphtheria, sore, throat, catarrh, asth,, and other diseases of the air passages ? For whooping-cough it is a perfect specific, often curing the discase in from one to three days. What is Vapo-Cresolene ? It is -what cit dutus ai! a COalLar pro luct th-t- it'%ssoinetinli ke carbolie acid, only it destroys disease germs. Keep Vp-rslreon hnand; it's fot ~.N.MîLîHexpensive, f'or the vaporizýer I-asts a liffe- Rogersville, Pa.: tirne and the Cresolene costs but littie. I r.d your remedy to lie the best I hae ever tried jn the disinfecthWg ruooms where searl4t fever and d1p.hthcria provail.' - Vapo-CrenClene ii sold by druggists ererywhere. Thie Vaporizer and Lam-p, wh2chold bast and a 1bottie of Cresqolene Complete, $i550; exti a spplies of Vapo-Cresole.e 25 cents, and ocent's. d bookiet contLainlut ph)ysicians'testiimonials free upon roques:. VAPnCREOLSaC., ÈalFu!Lüto . Nw or,l Ua Ï A . ii Il. vo riot hnnqlletý 1 When by M. 1n"n, -t -t- ýt . 1 - 1

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