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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1903, p. 8

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COTJNTIES'CO UNCn,. TW ONI~ Adjonrned meeting heid on Mondai, eveningliast, MaYor M. A. James, pre- / I o ~~~ ~ ~ ~ (oiînned frmliMt wek siding. Membera peaent. oucellor& MM eE IV ~ S O N C o .mon comuaca oad ware F .Mtini.R. aennu ,n- Î,~i ~'Where the Caînel's head goees is odyfolom, myaan Orientl proerb I's the s',ýameWayit dsease. A amal Ïpening. will give it an entrance sud M WbnIldiseast once has. a place la the I àly large aUmbe r of i11e May follow it. rle opeun ~ es atomnach. When the . atoenach la « weak" the 0' body aise becomes weak- ened by Iack of nutrition, anud 4sase attacks ýthe heart, liver, anffothe orgne. d Dr. Pierce's a i Gldeu m2dical DL 'ov- oey iakes the 'veak utôtunah streng. t curres dÎtiumla( ~the ston ach ai or organs of di- , N igeuton anrdnuntri ion, end so enables the, !ody ,t resiat or throw od' ther diseases. Menansd women ,-iho arc slck are ia- vtedto ceamut Dr. Pierce, by letter, free, and se obtalu withosst charge tise opinion of!,a specalist on their aliments.. Ail cor- 1 respeudence strlctiy coafidentiai. Ad- Idreas Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. , -rr the pase two erF, ! have beenl a ver-v jSfkcwmf, wieOî~Ceiy f los Woo- f. iud Av., Cleveland, 5)1110. "1 tred urediciues -rosdotrs ans u te nmvait. At last 1 decided W11-111 tsrted I was ail runi-dowu aud 1had a very ~taattaite in my imouth.Wa chore u, ut tines jr was very hard for meu% 1i5i~slu my u jit Waý,s soWeak 1 coud 11401, ~ tUýt Di em o o kUp or dowa Sai-eý ,%it lot the Ï* iu v o mbrother or so:i ie dlIarn eo-w takingte ourth botte, fail 1ur 4Iappyt) wsay I cl ike' ysi aan 1 cl ou sud down st3Èirm sud prform ly 1'tbrgh1e, aed ,I',au ssure* you lt1at ife la Accept ne substitutte for "Golclen Mýedý- as, goofi for dyapepsia or debility. Bililnueqla cuîed is by the u01ofDr. Piere'sPlaiantPreet. tiie;ifrom G. A. Stimsoa & Co., as to purchasing debentures; ail fyled. Couan. Annis having reported'that the G. TER. was continuing te build the subway bc- tween lots 28 and 29. The clerk was instructed te notif y the, officiais of the road that iflr&ny furtber work las doue before a seutlement is effected legal pro- ceedings.will bu taken iu the niatter The Reeee with Counicillors Annis and McLaughlin were authorized in thes meantime te confer with aiyv deputatien which the G. T. U3. might namne in or- der te efl ect a setulement without litiga- tien if possible. The _colector was granted a further extension ef fifteen days in which te make return o! the roll for 1902. The clerk was authorized to have notices prepared caling meet- ings of ratepa3 ers in the different divis ions on 21st February for nomination, of Pathmasters. etc. A Bv-Iaw (608) was passed. appcivti g W. J. Roy As- sessor at a salary of 81(o The Audi- tors presented their report cf the Trea- surer's account for the year 19G2, and on the same being read, was satisfacte- ry and accepted,and the clerk instruet- cd te have it printed.- Permission was givell the Wemen's lustitutu te bave the use cf the hall for holding meetings free of charge on ar- raaging wîth the Janitor Ree' e Býrcwu -a e notice that ho wou1ýd introduce a at the next regular meeting of the Council te open the read fer public travul at lots 17 and 18, con. 4. The L4eve was autnorized te grant orders on the Treasurer as foliows: J Mount- ,"Y, graiel 90c; E. Prout, cedar $1, J. iHll, account cf spiiig bridge, lot 7, Col). 2 $35; J Snewden, O. L. BYers and S. Peufouuid, $4 each for use cf plliug booths for Prov. elettion., A. WightA. W. Anis, J Snowdeni, O. L. Byers, A. E. Rundie, and C. Rogers, $4 each for pollrug .boo,,tbs for vote on Referendum; J. R.R.Cle, W. Ferrell, R. Snowdon, H J. Werry, A, J. Courtice aud C. Rozers, $6 each, ser -ices as deputy ru- turniiug officers at municipal ehzction, icdIngoel clerk aud hall; 0". Elliott. do > 4;Il Elitt jr., witness tees $125, doý. reg,ýistratn tees $26; S. Peilard, sal- arv ast collieCtor $100; 8 J. Wiiliams- and F. L_.!,BIis $10o each, services as audi- ts;indiigents, Janet Wilson $5; Mrs fPo(u!tur, ;J CcCh,$6ý; Mrs. poue $4; rs. Roe, $4.ý; Mrq Lane, $3HE BranItc,_$; W' lcckenl, 82.50; Mrs Heidge'l'liTe Cr'nncilthen adj*ourn- ed te S1aturd:i-,, Feliïuary 2Sth, at 10ý lowlng division, yeas 16, nays 7. Coun. Donaidson gave notice of a by- law te appoint Municipal .Audtors. 1 A deputati on frein. Township of Sey- mour, six in number, were admitted within the bar end heard. J. B. Fer- rie, -4. A. kMulholland, E. C. West. W. S. Russeli, W. Stewart, S. Grills. -Mr. Mulholiand raid we wsnt $600, but il Yeu Rive us $500 we wilI Jet Yeu off. This grant la aakA. for a bridge over the river Trent at Healep'i3 Falsa. In Seymour we are ut fortunately ituatd as the Trent Rlvèr dlvided the town- ship virtually la two. The ]and near la very peer, and ln addition they have a nuaiber of amail s¶treme, and we a fsw Vears ago spent $200ûl for a bridge. Th ere la a lorry ai this place, and *col. dAnts bave happoned. The current ia swift, and teams ln wlnter drop throngh, The gevernment have a dam tLere, but they wonld not ailow tbem to use the dam as a drive way. They have now butIt a atone dam, end they ailowed us te build à roadway over It. We could bave asked yen to bud a boundary bridge which wouid cost yen about $12,500. We wanted a 14 foot readwsy on the dam, and new we find we eau oniy buîld it 12 feet wide, t hais not been our fauit. We sait you for a grant of $600. He truated they would give the grant. On motion of Counto. Spence and Trebilcook, the inatter was referre dto Road and Bridge Oommittee. Coun. Naylor gave notice of motion that he would to-morrow ask for urant of $500 fer a bridge st eaiey's Falls., (Te be contlnued) C~rc~Cry Tor c~Idren eý e Ohildren Cry for CASTOàRlA1 repiacing tue seales, removing the tank J and building a new look-up, buying1 premises and titting up' a Fire Hait andt stable for team wonld coet from $3,500 te $4,000. We would recommend that the Town reserve front twenty-tive te thirty feet of land north of Town Hall for the purpose of buildtig a Leck-up or any other neceasares for public use. Laid on table. Couin. F. Mason Introdoced a By.iaw for the appointaient of Town Officers.1 Oonv. J. Mason a By-law for appoint. ment Board of Healtb. Ceun. Don- caster ai&ked leave te introduce a By 1 iaw for the appointoient of Police Con- stable for the tewn. Council, on meti cri, went mie cern- mlttee of the whole, Rule 33 belng sus. pende& for the passage o! By-laws. The following appointments were 'Îhen made: Town Clerk, John Lyle, salary $600 Treaeurer, J. S. Me-orcraft, 150 Aesessor, J. Mcoonnohie, 150 Chief Con etable,R Jarvis. 550 Police OoaS'te, H. Meteaif, $30 pet M 1Supt Cemetery, W. Bagnali, 450 Cbjet Fire Brigade, W. Edger, 25 Chief of Fire Englue, R. Fishleigh, 75 Assiat Engineçr, T. Perey, 40 Supt. Chernical Engine, H. Oreeper, at $4 17 per montb Stwarô Fir.t Brlgade,W. Flahieigb,at $5 peta.ou, h, wi(h ue montha' no- tice là case his servics ba dispitnsed vlth. Englacer ofWaterWorks,R Jarv.i $50 W'ôrci Cnsals A. Grant, J. Fletcher, 0. 0. Fletcher. Feace Vxewers, E. Beliusnu' La and G4 D. FJ--_tcber, the salariles tebe the lees w, h1ch îhele eally coli1i Pounidk*ývjper), G. i), Fletcher, alAry do,1 Trcat OfcR, Jarvie; Fruit 'Ireei Inispecter, &c. R.Jarrîs; Dr. Potter was lponîd edical Eleaith Officer, ana G. D). FýLtcher ,ippointed cru thé-ý Buî;SanitarY Insýpecter, L. Jarviri. Moeved by (J un. F . H. Maeon, .geconded Ccn. Peninn-~on, Thet the Irisurance üon the Drill i Sed be osucel- ýd '1!d îhaý ihe Insuiraiceu Ce. be as3kea to refond the uuused pkrt of the meo,,iey pald. There wes no reaeon wty we sbouli auie the DiJ~ll Shed as the Goveramenit would ia the (&ma o!ftire, Lake the insurance inony. oueao'l adj*urnod. PA1HE'S CELERY COXvPOUND Quickly Reaches the Affected Parts, Fortifies Them and Imparts New Life to the blood. Are yeu ceuscieus of a weak spot in connectien with any o! thse great organs of the body? Do yeur kidacys bother von ? It May bu that yen, experieuce pain, la urination er pain la the amail Of the back. You find the skin dr, sud harsh, the urine higb colored or a deposit lu it. Any e! these symptoms peint te kidney trouble., 18 vour liver doirYg its great work properly ? If youhave vomniting. nausea, furred tengue, constipation or disorder- ud vision, there is a wuak spot la the liver. This demands instant attention. la the network of! muscular fibres o! the stemach ia a beaithy condition, or are the nerves weak, irritated or iufiamed ? k digestion poor? Have yen dyspepsia. indigestion, beartburu, waterbrash or flatulence ? Auy cf thesu troubles are forerunners cf suUfering and iii health. Dees.vour biood as it courses te ail parts cf the body carry ucurisiment land lite, or is ir filcd wltb irupurities Land poisons? JUnleassvon have a fuill sud vieorous supplv et pure bleed your life is daily in dangýer. ininewr -nt eical imon and the tens cf îoansmiide weii and stroa)g bv, thlat this mr-iosmdcn syu sure deliverer f 01m ail the troubles we have mentimned. Paine's Ceeycom- pcud iiqarckiaud pr'Omptly reaches the weýak sud suffering parts, fortifies tbem, gives new lite teo theý blood, nounishues trie nerves, bulds muscýle sud tisane, and imakes sout rejoice in a condition o! healtb that wilbepr moanenit ani 1 astinz.1 thre great Britishl Naval and 'Co.mmercial Station cf Singapere ...Miss Dickie, London, bas been engaged te teach at S. S No. 13 during irço3.. . .Miss GraceJ Harris, of Hampton, vîsited Miss Ethel Woodley. ... Miss Phyllis Lee la living at Mr. Thos. W oodley's, ORONO. Mrs. E. Davev bas been iii wlth a se- vere cold . ... Miss Gertie Hlli visited at Mr. John Hali's .. . .Miss Jennie MeCul- lagh vîsited Bownianville friencis... Mr. James MeMullen visited frieuds la Newtonvile.... Miss Ora Caldwell, Ty. roue, la visiting hier uncle, Mr. Wes.« Thorn ton.. . .Mrs. Rich~ard Prown la visiting lier i3ister, Mfs. itaples, Lon- d n .. Ms.Wm, McLeod la vîsiting ber daughter. Mrs. Wmn. Seymour, Osh- awa.... .Miss Lizzie Armstrong enter- taiuud a f ew friends Frîday evening week.... .Mrs. J. G. Houey atteuded the' funeral of Mrs. W. W. Gouid, at Col- borne.... Mrs Richard Edwards, Oaa. uingtou. visited lier datghter, Mrs. A. C. Mafarlane.,. Mr. Henry C. boar, Secretary cf the West Durham Farmers' Institute was in town last wuek . . .. Miss Lena Moment aud cousin, Miss Julia Momènt, attended the wedding of their friund, Miss Hamilton, at Toronto... Mr. aud NMrs. A. A. Gamsby have re- turnud home frem a pleasant visit with friends in thse wst.. ,. Miss M. M. Mo- ment will visit Miss Pollard, at Rich- moud, Virginia. . .. Miss M M. Moment enturtained the Tennis Club recently... Mrsý W. E. Soiub enteîtaiued a party cf 3 ouug people in houer cf ber neice, Miss Mabel Thornton, Boston Mass.. Mr. Edsou Keat came up, frcm Belle- ville and teck bis mether te speud the: winter witb him... Mr. aud Mrs. John J. Gilfillan attended the funerai of bis cousin, Russel Power, Mlaple Grove.... Master Perey, Lawrie ei U iursday> week for Thedford, afler fcuir imopfts', pleasantvisit with, bis feste, motei, Mrs E, Davey.. ..Mr iD. M. Bilîings bas gene te vibitfhis dUughters lu ýTe- routeo alud Rcetr At 'a recut metring cf the Pelice Trustees, Mr'..' tiesdMr J ohn G. bou1ey l pect- mng Triustee,.. . .Educatienal imeetinIgsI indibe 2ethodisit chrircýi on Sund(Ja Y. Eev. W., Il. Adamls, a formner pastcr, preachecfinluthýe moruiipngsdlunthe' evuiugadreses er ~ienby Eev.I Messrs. W. H. Adama sund J. A. Me - Kee. .. r.Henry Swanscott b-roke! hia ieg whilù teaming ln a ll's wamp, Report of S. S. N~o. 1, Dariington, fer January: Sr* IV, Jean Gaibraith, Gertie Moses, Norman Trewin ; Jr. IV,.. Lucy Galbraith, Willie Hanngh, Arthur Allin, William Allia; Sr. _111, Ott& Bragg, George Trewin, Kathleen Trewin, Fred Bragg, Ezzie Knight George Allia;7 Jr. III, Bertha Allia, Gladys Galbraith, Aima Vinson; Sr. 11, Edna Rictard, Myrie Pointen, Annie- Hodgson ,Roy Eichar-ds,Mar3 Galbraith, Ethel Allia. Robert Trewin, Harold Herbert; Jr. 1l, Roy Allan, Percy Man~- niî1g; Pt. I, Verna Jewel, Frank Trewît, lHerbart, Jewell, Florence, Trewin. N. B. HIALL, teache1. as aeWa And 'Very NervourS Mnr. Beni., 77 Hillyard St.,. St. John, N.B., wrifes -'For three years 1 was a sufferer from extrema nervousuesn and female weakness. 1 was paie and weak, bail ne appetite aud wouid semae- timas faint two or three times a day. 1 uuderwent a very painful operation ,idl for seven weelçs wag under the L'octr's care buýt le seemed unable to heip Me., flespairing of recuvery, 1 toock the ad.- vice cf a friend wh'j told mie that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. would ibuîîid me up, and fnake me strorg and wi again. 1 coutinued this troan.t3, using lu al sixteen boxes, &ndbeev that I arn as strong, and well as ever la my tifs. As a result I cannot sa%, tue iflucli foxý Dr. Chase's Nerve Food]. Tlit. tesýtimionia1s I sca for it are neot haifstognuh. 50c. a box. at ail diers» or Edmnauson. Bates & Ce., Tor,,nto. On, every box. of the geauiue wili bec fouud poprtrait and iignatunre of Dr. A. W. Chaseý. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food

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