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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1903, p. 3

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BElood Bitters has flithe ot n atnral action Zna the ttomacli, liver> bowels and blcod cf ý&mxjy Medicine knowa, heace its effects ara pr9m-Pt andi Iastfnig. It cures, without fail, ai suc6 diseases as DyaP'epsia, Constipation, Bilotssa, Badl 'Sick Heaciache, BoIL, Pimples, Tumrer, Scrofula, Kid-aey Complaint, jaundicc, ,Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite and Gene.?aIDebihty. The fact that ilis gua- anteedtci'ure if used according te directions warranta any suhffrer in givingy a fair trial toe-BurdocktLec ~7OPKSHIRE&S FOR S L.Fo a tee l(çlotoetMaylpige btisexes. a]so Boar it fetr ývîe and sowa La farrow. ineludiîig ,we ,4 mvy prize winners. In Potitry I have fOr sale!,.Len tiuekg. Toulouse Geese, Bronze Tm-rkey8 and Cocukereis of the folltwing variet- les~Bre aud WhIieBoeks, Light anidPark Bralmae,,Lai gàhans, Buf Wyandodttes acti 0 if Orpingtons. T. J. COLE, Bowmalnville, o13, 8. SS'42-3mfl >DB WOODs ldney T r odbla For Four W",eeks, MIr. T. J. Con, of T«onto, Wahs Confined to His Bed lia,'Paralyzed Condit ttin, Unable b ove, Drug Preparations Did Ilim -No G0od, But POWleY's UIquifiled (zone Soon Destroyed the Olsease %.erms. The Second Dessert=Spoonful Gave UHi Marked Reief ...In Two Days 11e IVas tou [is Feet anddluLess Than a' Week at Work at W$isOffice. Af ter the -miracul- cus cure ,ozone 7 perfornied- on my- tofIfel it mLy POWÇLFY'S Lity te yen and to LIQUWFIED m "f ' ng-- man JýIty to gveyon my CURE3 iDg youLr moSi o DIEASE BI derfulree. DEST ROYING 1 lay oni iny back -cnAt for four weeksïwIth COUNTEE$' (Co JNOlI. (Contluued from lait week) WEDNESDAY EVENING Connil mat et 7.30. Warden la thÎe chair and ail members prErent. A number of notices of By. lawe were gIven., - âMoved by COUa. Cerlaw, sec, 1cld by Couin. Baýker, that resolution No. 894 pasý'et by ibis courapUi in Jenuary 1898 leý heraby reclde sd that ln future ailcomliiccer o brdge~rcadwaye aud public buildivgp, report onlyç- each year,- the -iondition ,cf eaid proper- tiecs ad that at the December semienc of this Coucoul. Carried. C.ýun. McLean aeked th&t the C'e k: have a lîst aeou' for the councîllore of the cfficzr; and their salariez whe are eoeployed by the counties. Conn. LMcLen wlshed tu apeak wlth regard te the unfafrneia of the equaliza- tien et the cectetî. He dld net want te ca any reffi tien ou those whe petiled the Equalizatien as it wae tettled by the ovidence c bs8ied. Hie represented Port Hope and portion cf1 flope. fHe to.,,k the tewnEihip cf Clarke as an, illustration and compared h tet Ho;pe acd aËiaeah 'owed where Port Hope waz beiog awrý3sEîed tee high. He e aid Mayor W'bite c(f Port flop4ain hiï Inauura spechrefrre tethiâ ques- tion, and oa f thes opinion ttey would be ýbetwer ut cf ti e Conties unleas they ceuldbQte reited better. fie Raid that Ih wtou.av-ery cetair t qualzitlen in the Towrnîhlp of' Clarke, Hope and iW tewit cf Po'rt Hpand as an hile tration useýd his own fnrrm ha Clarke as bein ase d tloIw, Clarke la @a- eetd 40 pzr cent tee o -w>lae Poc t Hope 1he preperty lue ssweîîed for mere1 than It cotald bc eold for. had te drive ight miles around, where- s if a bri ýge was thare they would only have a ishort distance 1t0 go. Solicitoï Il olland said that if the two townshlpi huid tics eoade butup te thât stream ,id if It was a certain leugth the counnles would have te build thes bride snteks are cF it, oun. Kened exla1 tdthec road waa opened cp isnd buili wh-hin a few rode cf4 tigc traw. CocuFý geon ,orght that thes ceunthes3 ou-cht te examine Il by a coin- muftes and report on Ir. IlOcun. Kned hü ic Cuncil te teke nome acejon ai nce Thes matter cf arr;agirg for a Home fer the Indigent popr cf thes United Countics was thea lakeo up and a h n.ýthy reselutlen ndoptscd leavîng l ln thes bauds cf tbh3 Speol%,l County Property Oomuittee sund Cemaisionêr of Couniy Bhdigwihh powE r te' have plana, speoificatlo"ns and eFtimates prepared aud lapo týo Idis Couneîl at ltg next meeting, Hienry Jehnstori, of Hlastlnigm, liavîng generously cffdred tc donste $1500, towar fs defreyingý the expainsea tf ereotinjg or improving building te be u>sd fer that purpoes. THURSDAYLEV ENDNG Cüuncil met at 7.30, Warden lu the Ojooncil went inte Commite cf the Whc1,Ia ad gave ihe l'y-lew appointing tics Iuniripilal pudters fer the yer 1903 its Deveral rradlinge, sppointing W. J. Mocaulev aMd W. Hf. MocOsicm the Lum cf $25 00 each te, be their aalary. OC ua. Trebileock warppolnted Cern- m siener for thes W t Durham fiegis- try offl'e. A by law Intredec, ( by Coc7a. Bragg te raite $14,000 teu ccerent sxpE ns- es, was elven ils several reaffiuqs. FEDJG OGS FOR MARUKET 0f the varlous breeds ef hogs test- ed by the Writer, Poland-China and buýlroc-Jerseys have provei the inest Satisfactory, because they mnake quicker growth and can ho pflacedl uPon the mar ket at an early age.ý In particular, a bunch ef Duroc-Jer- Seys that xvore fed mninly ilpen cooked cern gav e the most satisfac- tory resuits, writes S. P. Dorman. A large pan or box was used for coeking the cern, and the furnace filled with ceai, at imerning and at neon, weuld cook enough cern te feed 40 pigs each day, The hegs wero cenfined on the banks of a l'un-. niug etroam, and had, at ail times, access te ',mater. The sheods Were built on high greund, se as te ferin both a sheltor and windbreak. Sheds cuay ho huit of luniher, or miade 'of peles and rails, coeored with wileat, oats or flax straw. Tihe hogs ia question we;e ted ini troughs and they seonieil te en.ioy the cooked cern most. They ate soiue artichekes, but it appeared that these wore eaton more as a reohsh than as a food proper. 1 believo the arti- chokos heiped te keep thoîn in viger- euis and healthy condition. These pigs had been allowed te rua bi- a goed clorer pasture, hav- ing access te a fiell et artichoes, and--aise te a sncall 171 id of rape, U ntil they woro four rnonths eld. Thev w oro kopon cifullfeed -or thre What made your coarseP Comýmon'- Sunlight Soap sav es REDUCES EXPENSE Asie fer~ the Octegen Bar * ýnM mi, MDC: MAR#

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