Genulne Little Liver Plls. e I LI-m are overomie by yi.EPn- Jiam's Vegetable omnpoiundm. Let the Si1ver, Tongie of Christîan Testi- mnony13e ileard. (Entered accordflng to Act oà the P'ar- MY brother living In Ch*Iicago, do lianent cf Canada, in the Yeair iU-e unot knwta e(aio ihn Thousand Nine liundred and Three,yO0Wtaterae tbf by WVrn. flaily, of Toronto, ai the a ra4ius of tbree blocks of your Jiepartiment of Agricuture, OttaWaL.) hanuse'seores and scores of farnilies who nex or hear the naine of Jesus A despatch froin Chicago says: gpoken in their homes except in .1ev. Frank De Witt Talmage preac¾- blasixeiny? Do you not know that rision and ser Will you go in tenieoi Jesuts Christ ? W1ii you promisehereiad now ta carry the gospe messge t the great un- church)ed and ton the sinful men and omnwho are lix ing under the shadows of our owný doo-rs ? BOERS BISPLEASED. The Magistrates Are Not Always Men af Tact. The London .Tirnes' correspondent at Spr]ngfontein, SoLth Africýa, says the line of cleavage in the ranks of the Boer extremists who waited on Mr. Chamberlain on Fni- day bas been cleanly defined since S aturdays banquet. The irrecon- Castoria is for Infants and Chidr;en. Castoria is a