ENDORSATIO14 0F A. C. DENIKE, DRLJGGIST. Mr. A. 0. Denike, Phm. B., the wel-known drugglst and optician of Havelock, who sold Mr. Reynolds the Tablets, wrtes: 'I arn aquainted 'with Mr.,Wm. Reynolds, brakesman on the 0. P. R., and know that about two years ago he suffered greatly from lumbago and kidney trouble. Be purchased Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidlney Tablets from me, and claims that they were the means of cring hlm, and 1 believe this to ho the case. 1 understand from hlm that since Dr. Pitcher's Tablets eured hlm he bas had no return of the trouble." ~ (Signed). A. C. DENiICL Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kdney Tablets are 50c. a bottle or 3 for 81.25, at aul druggiste or by rmail. The Dr. Zina Pitcher Co,_Torouto, Ont.ý Grand Irunk Railwav Svstem. r nhjTP o,Peterooro,isut of his mother Mrs. Wm. Taps0n. RAIL XV TME T BE. Mrs, E. Sharp, Toronto, is visiting- RAILWA TIME ABLE. ber dauzhter in-lawiMrs. Alan Sharpe. BOWýMANVILLE, STATI0X. NMr.in. C. Galbraith, Toronto, has GoING 1Xa Goulu, WaSa been visiting~ bis father Mr. J. K. GaI- mail ..... 9 la.m. 1 Express ...5.15 a. m ratn ,ÎExpes .10 25 "7Local. 7 i0 Mied . 85 p.m. 1 Passenger...1 42 P. M, New life for-a quarter. Miller's Coin- Lo '.«-:856 . Mxd 7 8' pound Iron Pilis. SoId by Stott & Jury, *B ,p)re .... i1i2,î p.mn express does not go west MondtY mr ing druggists. "Sundays ight onlIY. '%Dily. Mr. ',. Ilickard,NM P.P., bas bouzlht SiO'rr & JUft-. Town Agents out F. B. Lovekin's coal business ______________________________________in Newcastle. NUillA-UL aVrirf.L j.tiuA. O ttiJ.t il-k~ BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 4, 1903. Wbitbv bas orgunizeti a baud. > Ms'. Wm, Fole y made abusiness ts'ip te Toronto, lat, week. mnonts of chltren like mnagic. Solti bŽ Stott & Jury,)truggists. Rev, R. Seaborun, Rector cf St. John's churth, utten4edt ie Rus' I Deunery meeting in Lindsay last week. Ladies! Take Miler's ComDeuud Iron Puis if yen wonld have nice, clous', complexions. Solti by Stott & Jury, druggiats. Marriage Ileenges ouly U82Oet STATIES- H'. . B. ellyar, Cobourg, son of X&N office. No witness needed. Mr. John Hels-ar of this town, bas pur- Miss Jennie Fraser, Toronto, is guest echased a Jeiveliery businesq in Ciaton of Miss Edith Hiler, - RavensCraig.' and wiIl remove there shortiy. B-ighest price paid for &Il kinds of Ladies and gentlemen whe take ig<an McKa-y' Miii, Bowmanville. MiIIer's Coaipound Iron Pills always The Miffes Power have been visiting s1pîrits Sord bv àtott & Jury, rugists. -heir brother Mr. W. Power, Totonto. ~RT tpesnsrtsndt Messrg Rod Micelanrd£din Iead, N. W. T,, after a pleasant 'rebilcock, Toronto, tspent Sunday vist with'hia father and other relatives at home. bere. Beo took a carload of herses eut Rev.J .11 Turuul M. A. of St. Paul's with hlm. .chtrch and Rev. D, 0. Crossley, cf the Miss Bel1ena Jackman gave a very Mlethodist clurch, will exrcbange pleasant birthday party-te a number of Qupits next Snnday morning. voeng friends on Tuesday evening of Thee nteesed u uga' . èt a last weex.. She was presented with a ~Whitiy have foritied a provisiouai ring and pin as souvenirs of the occasion. 'Copan knwn s te K3'seneSugs'- Yonr absent son or daughter wonld ,Corpanywith a capital of W250,000 appreciate a year's suhs cription te the STATESMAN. WVhY not inske them a Ms'.ý C W. Souch,'Enniklilen. is ag- present of it? The cost is only one ont for the popular Provan Hlay Fork dollar, or if yenir owf is paid for onlv and Manilla and Sisal repe. You shouIld SO)c for a nwsbeie Botter. send communicatll wth hm, f armers, before it nnt ? For the above price placing an rder . It i8 a great labos' e"w-"- eni t te anY place ln Canada PnVer. or the Uniced States; The Hamilton Times gives at very M-2i) was pleasanjrtly 'aisej 1bvvol un- gloin rpoth tle annual met r ai.ides& iet in the Disc-ile( of st, Panl'>s Prts'bsterian ch1urch in cuc nFia vnn at80 that city of v'hich!1ev. Neil cPhersonl beuuig wnttifor a sp)eial prp) o is pastor. Tecurl sfreofrein dbtThis evet rl-mount was ne o ubtioa anti the yea Juist - p-ssad w-,as (eue Of teuthe he gerf îjj"ý'qV fe!icýitousj wav lu wîch 0 *Chrch clbrtsijbllee. and broughit th4 business bef ore the oin muesand reguýlar atedatso1y, TG CURE A COLD IïN ONE DAY buit the few ethiers present wero imadwe Take Latxative Br,,Omio Quinline Tahiets. All 1 123 nle. ,T 11e la d ies furnukshed a f ree dr ý" ý1m lsupperi t ;il o iro, alid aHi vere huppy. More cases cf sick headuobe, bilieus- ness, constipation, can be cus'ed in lesi tise, witb less medicine, andi for bs mouey, by usine' Carter's Little Liver PUis, than by any other meuns. We congratulate Ms'.W. E. Jewell on becoming owner of the Haines farm cast of the cemetary This us considereti one of the best farins in Darlington. Ttie price we believe wus about $70 an acre. Ns'. J ewel 13 eue of the progressive young farmers of West Durham anci we are gladt t see him locateti on such a gooti farmn. The farm was ativertised lu this paper. If there ever wus a specitic fer uni' complaint, then Cartes"s Little Liver Pilîs are a,specific for sick head ache, andi every wetnan sheniti knew this. Only ene pili a dose Try thein. The Concert Rt the lligh, School on, Tnesday March 10th (seco advt.') promises te ho a rtcb musical treat. The prograin cf soles and part songs which will be presersted isan nnusually good oee Mr. Burton and his pupils wil beassisteti by the very best local talent icluding Mliss Ethel Y. King, Ms'.IH. J. Knight, anti The Ilai-sony Mi e Quartette, A cordial invtation is extended te ail interesteti in music. There will be a silver collection te defray expenses. Spafford, Mss'ch 16 in Town Hall, Bnwmanviiie. Here are some testi mncls :-' If v-on have an opportnnity hear him. " Roi'. A J. Strike, Lintisay. -The, audience was greatly pleaseti. Mr. Spafforti is truiy' Vau entertainer,"1 Rev. E. E. Howard. Blackstock. -'The aecurucy anti rapidity with which ho wieitis the cruayon are wontierfnl," To- rente Satnrday Night. "A fine enter. tainer anti an artist cf rare ability," Toronto Evening ,News "Be carrieti the audience f rom grave te gay frem tears te hllarions langhter tlsrough ont twe heurs cf crayenisms, recituls - -& ,. "T an ra PreP-iss.ý Mrs. Asa. Gordon. Ottawa' Dominion Evangelistie Superintendent of the, women's Chrîstian Temperance Union, aiso World Supt. of Work among Seldiers, is gnest for a few da.ys of Mrs. T. E. Higginbotham, and on Suuday afternoen, by spectal request of the Local Brancb, addressed a mass meet- ing iu the Methodist elhnreh. Ber address 1referred specially t e the W orld's W. C. T. U Convention in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1901, and was se instructive and well received that she was invited by Rev. Mr. Crosslev to talie the even- ing serice lu i the saine church but as she bas lately been speakîng often and work îng very ihard she preferred to rest. Mrs. Gordon bhas consented te address the Women's Missionary Auxiliary in the Methedist sceolroom; ut B p.in. tomearrO-,w (Thursdayýj after- non lwben eery 1wlady lu town lwili ho leaflb And RpeH e who lbas health hbas hope; stnd he wbo bias hope bias everything, "eBut h ope fles ,,a(;the ppocioe kidney diýsease with the dreafui ain whlh acnrnanyit. 'i th tefehgauaî alnthe bac ~ihie, ad he ds arwhficI3 of'ten 1comos7 toetitls of this aient, onýfly the use of Dr. Clsase's Kidnie ver Puils wlll restore o .îe, cenafidenco antd boaIlih. One pili a docse, 25 cents a box- ai eight k'ast Girandl Masters were present, savs: *1C.R. McCulleug-h madie an eloquent speech ini replying te a toast cf Canada. Our Berne. It was oe of the best speeches cf the evening."l Bowmanviile is prend cf yen, Charles. The AGo ~or'BRA&iIN WR- lanthese davs, haîf our diseas-'s cerne frein the neglect of the bodi n the overwork cf the brhin, In this railwav ago the weur and tear cf labos' anti intellect go on withont pause or soif pity. We live longer than our ferefathers but we suf- fer more. Tiey fatig-ueti oaly the muscles, we exhaust the fluer strongth cof tbe nervos. " Dr. Chase's Nerve Foodi is the greatest inedicine cf this ugo because it is best suitedt t the needs cf the prosent day. It restoes anti revital. izes wasted nerve solls and makes the pale, weak and exhausted eitrong anti heaithy and vigoreus. Bowmanville Ledge Ne. 99 A.O U-W wili give a concert anti reception to Grand Master Workman, Jos. Gibsen, PMIngersoll, lu the Town Hall, Friday nigit. Admnissioni isb.' invitation, The Granci Master will 'douves' un address anti being a bo,-ru orator seme Ilveli' antd intorestin!, speaking us assureti About 800invitations bave boon issueti. We bave stas'ted eut on eus' long mas'cb of thirty-one days, to tramp throngh ail kinds cf weather, cold,snow, nain, sloet, etc. It is the important sou- son te proteot the foot with gooti sunud boots anti subbers te prevent catcbing coltis. This is bargain menth at the Parier Sboe Store. A number of linos and broken sizes must be cleas'ed ont te make room for spriug geonds Ifyen have neyer called onUus, try us once. FREI) R. FoLEY. Furs ! Furs I I Fur8 ! 1 ! Winter's buok la net broken but the back of1 riesf Purs I-as been broken ut Uarkuùs Mayer's. A great. annual on aud prices are away down-in seme cases cnt lu t wc. Now la time te, get thut Fus' Ceat for your wife or yeus'self. Bu7 vour f ur geeds at i f urrier's, then yen knew that yen are bunving the gen- nine article anti net au imitation.. -A sy$tem of dyeing f urs is practised and it is easy tieceling people flot jutiges. The vory muny frZeutsin s thîs tewn anti district cf Rev. Georgeo Coulson Workman, Ph. D., 573 Churcb St., Toronto, wili regret te hear that for the pas six monthh e bas been laid aside with un ebstinate attack of sciatiea. Af ter being enfi nedtt the bouse for ever twe mnonths bie went to Clifton Springs, N. Y , for s'est andi treutmient un November. Tho twe monthis' stay ut the sanitarinm benefittet i m sonio- what, but did net restore hlim te normial health as ho,,is stili suiffe(-ring much pain anti tiare3net undertalte pulit work, When Baby wnsV sick, we gave lier Casionsl. Whcni she -,as a Cild, she crîed for Castoria. WhIýen she bewanse miss, she .ctung to Castonia. Whensh;!e hxd ChIIdeI,sheCgave them CastOria DIED RAueFY,- In Bowma nvilie, on Sundy ad Ist, Rihard Bailey, aged 74 years, COATES-In Port Peri y, Feb. 19th, Margaret, reliet of late Thos. Coates, Esq., aged 66 y ears. FRÂYzB,-At Coesarea, Feb. 19, Mr. PanSl Frayer, la lais CJsh year. BATrMAN,-At Myrtie, Feb. 21. Chas,ý Wesley Bateman, postmaster, aged 51 years. WLS.ON,-TIn OshaVwat on Tiiesday, Feb. 24th, 1903, Ellen Elizabeth Salter, beloved Wlfe of George 1 Wilson, aged 24 years, One nnth and five days. BRowN-In Toronto Hospit al, Feb. 2lst, Kari,1 second son of William and Jane Browni, Cedardale, âged 18 years. McLEAN -In Oshawa, Feb. 22nd, George MeLean, aged 72 years. Chidren Cry for Ohi~renCry ior CAS*nýTO R lA, Chlidren Ory -for CASTOR IA, Correeted by J.MoiýUartry each Tuesday Proni 100 iba ........ $1 90 te.$2 80 W=UArFuil, bush .... 0OQ( 0 70 't Spring...... 0'i0 68 Reti Fife.......'000 0 75 Goose........ 000" 065 BARtLEY, VIbush, No. 1 ... O040" 0 00 1't2 ... 042" 0 4 3 ... 089" 040 o Two rowed 0 40" 000 OÂTs, white 't...........0 00 0 80 't.............. 000"-0f60 BucKwrEAT t'............ 00 0 O45 PEAS, Blackeye, !? bush.. O 00 0 00f1 Canadýian Beanties 0 00 "0 70 Mummoy t' O 0O '0 O00 ttSmaii 't O 0 PD O 065 t'Blne t 0 00" 06(5 CLVESED.......50" 7 90 TIMmVSED......175 2 20 S00 15 VOA-, bsh.......O 90 't O 80 P i,0 eu.........80" F ARM FOR SALE.-B e i n g 100 col Drintnon whi'h aredwelllng house and inecessary f arns buildings wîth sinus stable and cellar undernieatis barnc fulI size. Orcbard et !, aceres,well wa ered by two wells and small runniflg streaci, Convenient te Darlington S4tation G T. U.-*post office and scisool. Pos- sestonieiatsly or as mnay be agreed upon. Very fvoaletrras will ho given. Appli' 10 Jouie W\VriuiiEKD,4on premises, W.T. WIrHER- TOG, 24ý Vanaui' vst, Toronto. or t' TM. A JAMES,Bo avle ciERVANT WANTEUD,-Fo)r gonerai esate Concession st, BwavIl.11 xr COLT FOU 8ALE--Cars'iage c ;lt ý ( .Jrlsing 2 years, sirefi by HreAppyv at 'i!eýT Tisa Sxâsuàxfflce 9- f' BOLAUit w.- ia u u V IC il Y ui.CIL t. J«.m g and Colored Blouses at get out prices. ip$5,00 Silk Blouses for $2.7b M- Ceylon Flannel Blouses. youi choice of any àe -in stock worth $1.(10 to $1.50 for 75C. Em>- 43- We edTh rdeI r God ara:s w.- ýoo -4SadadBn,"Bwanilr w.- -4" PPRNrCEWANTED-At once A o te ari milsnery. Apply te Mrs. ig man, BowimanYille. s-tf BULLS FOR SALE-Two Shostborn B butis, fourteen mnontba old- Gran ei gre Bagaîn. Corne quiclm. LziSINR yrne, P. O. 8-tf ~HORTHORNS FOR SALE.-One reglslsred. Ai reasonable prices. A. MANiS. Bowmanviille, Ont. 9-3w, ][TOUSE AND LO T FOR SALE.- LLFrame dweIlliugs contanng seven room8, woodshed. Good elstero. 'stable and driving shed. One acre of land on whicli are a number of fruit trees and a qnantlty of small fruit. W«thin qarter of mile of school and post office. For particulare appy at once te WILLIÂM Col, Soila P. O. 7-tf loiAttentioni If yen are building os' r'pairlng we can ebp help yeuteBove ora 0( the d=fentes incident te thlqa uuil.. Cîsi@sm-We have Battis.Thorolti for concrete walla, -cattîe stables aj,,ý celiar floors; Euglish Pos'tland fer pave3- ,monts anti cisterns. BILL STUPS-P lu e an d emlock Joists, Scýantling- anti Bourds. rImBE-Pîne a nad Cedar Squas'e Timber and Sisepers. ý FLOORLING--Hedandi White Plns and White Mapie. CEuîNnQGanid WÂxissa--PainteI anti Graineti, Beadeti and V-) oint, Srn&~-eveedCove,Sipapt anti Clapboarding-. SansAI rades,, Naiv 0Pn anti .Cedaýr anti13. uC. lReti Codas'. atruhaîf e notiha ll ot . l, n.7 DnI AsBn i. ecndysonhi are lot 21, oon. mr'aanti Ru TIi a on ic-ar a snir nbaSat ï Eo iepe ie.or t) S "'ru- N ,Sjlicitors' BoW ,vle -t 7& PtdIIrise c soibe -lïiwmaavil@ -P -r -r -r -1 -1 LI aking. for instance.-