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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1903, p. 6

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GOTTILW'5 BEQUI25T 1-n thie basonent ofl the buiilding la Which bis ofiewas locatei, lie fouancti i, tuiialg out of a box W'ith otber pa1porS phiced tere an ge ao it seeifron their yeilow, fluicewuecil appearance. Dr.0, A l IrciwoldSrarrL-cy havýe noticec iti ncit not heen1 for le qunýinjt loo of t!b-e sqluare envelope, ono o tIb k:nd male by basiuîeýssmca for tibeir own-i sperial lise, lonig bel ore] %muel4e wre deisïiecdi1anciput la Caryng lb p t10 hl igll, b nutf te inme, faint anci rua to- gein G"ott-heb 1-i-vi." Tearing l". apart t(-)wipe off a btiother ma1ýrks inside the enmve!oôpe came to view-four sunallî iarks l ooklng somne- tbing ikeaîaitsecross, ai thonr, "Front door, '1ulb. ton paçes eat, fou;ecndchestaut,tbe" - Now, wbat odico gertugbt of na-king a in.tnainside oA an ivlope ? Thoe --v21ry place one Ivoald ho sure te loe Il-ho saici ailouci. -Looks as If soneone migbit baive been hidiag ;a treasku. Lut ime soc, a certain d imne avay fuom(ýn some frozit door, thon s o far. fron a crnit1-ce flaLa row of t rees. Wodriftha1t fronit door elngc 10 a msr?"Ac i Iis cn tel he young doctr ling l mb the xatobset nhouir aller , Ib idfroni a ope windw wet cntring p te olcienelpe trew it ai- bis feet, lthose maks ow lu- pemmriost. VWith no1urglan1Ceofcm wlondeu' u, it hem, ibis lime hofug it li -uto b imw.Cigoi 10' dînnerl,j tiere came ,thait olci Imýnmet hlowinig fabou1t bis fbel, now lie "WiGoltlieb," ho saici, wth a lauh, ilseems that you areL bouaid 10 ýi cqanateci wilb mre." Thon l1ý laske(d col limejanitor, wlîo Iwas pasusia1g m thebuldng-Who is1 or irs Gotlie lfrin 2 "rl ia' mch ofanaytbing, noir I rcko," nsthe antisirr-1"Hewas n, rj-iholci feloir Ibal liveci over at Freman50yon-sagoani i-more now. 1lis lolks ljawoci oveî bis will mi aci lnwed all bis mony -iwLiy. This baili' iras tbe court Ebouse Iben. I 'oso thoy bnci al bis letters andi papirers in court, anci bhat's boir thnt olci envelope go stock away wilh othier court evi'. 'iiy ho dic iti ho coulci not 1e11, bul1t Dr. Freir doubleci thc paper andc1 st,1 tuck itob bis pocket, fanding it Ire aîbe(r 10 bis surprise, -the netcail lie male poiî the young ld ieiu as tb mai-iy seeday irbena bis practi-e iras assureci anci biis inconie sufficient la keep liro. 1 "A qaeer olc i cnvlopo with seuneo queri- di marksoni," lho saici, tari-1 ing Iti Ibroirit ir the guate. The girl caagbl bis biai, a grave ex- pression ciouding bier face. -G ottlicb I1-i- sherend. Thon xx nt on in expîanantion. "Dici yoa knoir this man iras mny greal uncle? t I ý 1 Y' *- to,,,4,.,, 4*44 wa. E4ie yo conti!nuous Ppeal tabbod nme to the heart like a pojit0f stoee. 1 beuard Beason loge is roomn.anyd go 10 thie beac cf thestars.A imo- mnt i, i .e rete ýome2o"e ef- fusivel.y. Ify lood wnis at f(ýoerheat to wonFeea f bis dnebut a htydnosrinon nmy part wotdaail nothig beyýonid placing nie mnanakwr pstin The twýo passeci tbrouLgh the ]hallj aii eteec enoasroom. 1 herd tIbo me(,talli lic ik of a key in iheo oka the -,dnoor clo)Sed behinci thenii. youir boardijn' bos indCite cot- tage are o (f bis plai'." As te 0olI mn musecil on about Gotleb)pini'liig out where 0olden objects hadý once stood), andi declar- ing thiat if ev-er man was salle, aad, truîy that, it, had been Gottlieb, Al-1 len paccd off the distance given ia that olci envelope. The last thlroe: steps led under the corner of the cot-l tage., If buried treasure 1lny there,i the cottage stood well over il,li thou iigh it. One nglt is l~daysaw 1hilm, ga1zng laa usg a y oI of ai innow a is 1,001m, QoVerml1ig the, rîergloomy groundis at the ac of t0wo boardlnig houseý. "De o yu now," she said la a1tone, bsightly conifiinig, "one 0f m, y boardors-such a nevous tlbing, ny way hy, sile gives me the trein bIes just 10 look athe-mde me. chanil ge her .room i(shie was OCCuyIii1gý1 this one), beC%1:ca se heimgae we selookod out of thei( winder yur at thee, itt sho c;uldse wît yueIvor hfear ltelli(0f ich foolî- niess ? Allen murely V led ad mutereci sobiný,g abouitnovo1bing ar- couataý,ble for mnyStrango des anc feliig~,but a young witing; iii, pssiagibe door, hoard andi heeded ili l away thie landlady might 4a-e dploed 1d ho ouLcomo tura- od aga-,iast IlIle financitýal welfaro of hor bouseas il dicith one bey6ad, the trocs aa sbubbery for this girl bg se t oui!onlime grouds thlat ighLlt onuni ernicam scroa iagbck, declariaigta h saw a ltoold lcmdgga unr oeofrh use."1t is the olc for th1, gold ý,houriedl," he sid. Amidt lugher ncijokagtho sor-ý vans alledouIt took.Tberiw "Ho was a diggin,' lur aioo h l'ad burieci there. ThatL dog's y Iour ghost," said the cook. But the'.ugýirl ivas flot convinred. Storios breoci more stories. 1t wasý not long iiatil Vb, cottage opposite,ý oaneth;:(, inggrouni for1 a'tasAns landlady ca!]ed tbom. Ail manai-of uacanny ights and souacis wrosoa and beat,-d. Ail imagination, rats, and 1th" praaks of boys," deelare, its owner. But tiils declaration did not sa tboe suciden departure of ronters un- tl the lhouse stood aI lasI barreci agaýni s î he world, for no renter xvould entter it, and no one would buy it. And then, one stormiy nigbt, a tramp must have forcoci an en- tranre somehow, andi on leaving il dropped a coal from bis pipe. An blour afler aotbiag rem-ained of it buit a mass of red debris. 1t was corne time before Allen thougbt of tbe designateci spot, now froc for the diggiag into. In fart, il was Mlazy who brouglit il ta lus ini. And then, one evening late, under pretence of digging for fishing bail, ho wel farther than hait usualiycrws strikiag a substance wbirh proved to be a mnolderiag codar box. "Ilather ligbit for troasure," he11 tbought, as unduer bis coat lie car- ried itilup to his rooni. And il prov- pending e- il. Leaving inuy romu I crcpt softlY 10 I Iook a violent dislike 10 Beasonl]Beason's door ani listoeuc. 1t wasi frouîu the mroenent I was intmnducicednipossible.for nayan in the room 10 surrise ne. Be oald ffrst bave 10 iun 10unll Ihe d(oor. Thiîs would on- I shiaîl nover forgot our frst nieel-ahem 10rra. uag.Il wsj1ut pior 10 our on- Tefrtsadta ocei m kaowlcdýged Ibe 1latoda1ctica with awch oa" vir.She appear- siaister gar ad anitiniieliibe" tdt 0 L beconig 1 th visior t nuiblettt f aiîly senithiecodandi ber tlnes ïboîrayeci so1nieeci ment. inyenobrkinwt chilîs creeping -upi aaoddon il7aqetoncthdsusontt penn- dcay iras Alice Benson. 1-j it.1 secai inposileta reallizo Ibat Ocsoai nah od or the e ' mvn and ýiwif.Suo love two, balt ùiy cm t~c icn coulcIdont havi impelei ber union nectcd intervalsa bg e m n withis mnn. ue -as 10 the rmc-aia She wa euiu 0ashade Of 1 wns about 1o aband:'on my pose- loit elnes imI o lau10justily. I ion in disgusl, winBesasvoire S11t nlpnareci cfuha gni n agthrough te ounxith blooci- able cl'o ah feciui f loving -'Thon die, yoi l acind loi e i, tuaI1alosl uncon- There was a q irk ovement apon scioslvI fcmndm~ slf dlyebating the part OF 0IOiOsonnghk A"bc 1rcIewolil otok in, pier-wohhe cmiglsuceaon cycoth ]i d iiot I-. A xwild, f ticicranhat'.slee bautei lckcf iioi soo(i' ci 10 0f deatb Blclci ior uhni i raec s ac I bni not-so imach as rais- hat(t!ý, -ýi T-e, 1low hai jb"een rckwitb SO hii - itIewa )ig IAc ihsuri deadly "1-n'amore than pleasci 10 mlcclofr hti av en hne yoli,"h saici, siînpiy, with, a depîh itreo of 1, hjlg that sent a pleasurcable rr tahéIbe arde cflFreemna ý Ibiýi îîngling tog b ecryim abci coaîpflotcly steggoed nie, -nom- 1'1 edsure o shail be frieis-tho ing wîth u scîxabraptacarý,s, -et 1 was be't J Iricaci." firediby lIhe ierrceteLýruniination that YiPebal I chceu eseatnalthic Bensons shoiidnol triumph la wilba tlealio 'vo ta tctheir awfu dccij. Terschiee af occasionnn dcbtIex bseiheusuccossqlliypaneiac xctI maysdIf in al inrri1.As I seabýdeec, bat Ibeirecpewuinoho0 mysila 'cio nIcotenptSvePt I easily assureti.'To cthteareci- over aie agaiost the miianato wboi hiancieciwouid prove covicling cvi- she bnci linkeci lber dlestiny. dorure Thé polc-statlion lay but a Duing- the cour1se of the mueni, fow stroots eaway. To ruch ilwas Benson maintaineci a rigici silence. oaîy the malter of mnutes. HTIS wifo eniterteci gaily into the gen I was dowa bbc stairs anci out la] oral conversation, bal refuseci 10 the strcet lnan moment, sprintiag discusbei- own altairs. Orcasionai- for the station like a madman. i ly sue would look ittly aI bier forgot Ibat I bnci on iny' smoking- hibushnci, anci that tu-oubieci look jaclket, ai-i was biatless. People crcpt into bier eyes.1 stoppoclo anci stau-cd. 1 fiew onuan- A nuiinber cf timnes daLriang Ibat bee.dinigly. hatll hou-r 1 lounc Iunysel stcaiing an 1 rearbe-Ici nydestiýition cisîresseci appîpieesive glanco at the sulent mana anci bronîbtlle. .s, bat' nervcd 10 ny arross tbe bable. Twice I caugbt bis duty. lily chance I lounci bbc in- lips nom iag, as tbougb ho bnd couac- spertor a-t tho ergeant's desk. Ia- tbiag on bis minci anci conici not sperbor Littloewa n ianaof action. holp repenbiag il. Scarrely hv iaeseaîeifron Ater fiiisqhiig theur nueni the Don- théc momnt fm-auva nt mu sons icîttbbc roon. A few moments xxere dnsbumîg clown le qtueet. inter u e hearcl bbc street door close Mrs. Jnes ai as a:ýi tlic cloor. bobiidtiein. 1T1ho Sigbt Lo! tue _,ofirer .uns the first 'Thnf ne'eniino bhey di noet-ura iHntia, nOn-he ,ý-civni +hat , sonr ILt is ithe excep[tion raller thlan the ide for tiithe hueeee nIiis couintry to kee-ép a smnal dily ledgetr for the ppettyacuasof Ithe bouse,- hoici. The very best encyc'lopeod;as publisheci on hoiisehold mnatter's f aili to, take any note 0f the homneledger, aithougli many of themn contain :elaborate essays written by dis- tiýuished lawyers on ail miatters of law pertaiig to the housebolci. It is just' this laxity ianepigac-i counts which keeps mnany larders de'- rlleted( andi pursos pour. It is a sm picniate tokeo adomestic egr Thorues0fsi1agle entry bookkeepý",- ing will sfir.Asim'ple form iis a "olws h topae f th ta- cntbook acngeahother ein he-re represeateýd. Mary A Sn iin amccount îxîtlbcashi Aug. 1, to cash in band ..... 10.00 Aug. L()t J. Smithb. ....... ... 25.00 Carriod over ...... ... ........ $35.00 1888.Cr-, Aug. 1, 12 yds. cal1ico .__$1.20 Aug, 20, 20,I) . sugar........ 1.40( Aug. 4, ,1Mb. fou... ... ........6.5 At he n~lof achof helse twvin pags te cedtsidoiisisubtracteci Ploutii ofunofntey diainin lapuand- tered. IL will bc found 10 be of iale lthe niatter of dates, for how oflon do otherwise method01CIîcail wCo[nenillook WbaChopele'ssý- ly ilte recese"s 0f a treaIcIerouls mnoy1 recail jusýt wensle bouh er ls .barrel of foror lher la-st ipackaýge1 0fsuar 1ad it may,1mreoe, some istancs serve I eci 1oh f1rinancil or 0fthe h fouse wh llte anid shw te înany ways laiiwicilýii wasq expeanded. It ils also the only way of syslomallrlng the expenditure of the hýome finances, and there are few womnen who are either se poor thal they do not need an account book or so rich Ibat they may af- ford te spend money without sys- ten -that is, without setîing aside la proper proportions the money for the, ditio.ront purposes for wblch they spend1(iit. BENZOIN'S USES. -1 could not keep bouse wlthout beaizoiri," a friend said 10 mne oae day. I happenecdin ajust as she was applying somcthing fromn a bottie v':iLb a wooden tootbpirk t1, an aching looth, writes ITolen M. lRch- nrdsn. 1 llke moninwitb t11,1m7, lWo tea- SP0onfuls 0f niinceýd onintwilt te ment ancilsao witb sait ad1ep per. Forn mb tosmiall cake1 o hals ndfrywitlh a t ile butter or clarl>ed drlping. Make a sau, ce wb1ile the mnt nis cooking b1pt- tingtogeM ier a talsoonful eacb ofbrwnd ouir and butter ;w'hen thley buible pouir on tbemii a hallj pin-on cululofbeef stock il you hae Itwa{erif you hae1,t hOSo to itastei Tm over tema wblb yOu have a1-rangýd 1upoin at ToSpr a Beef's Tongue--Wnsh ard lrim the longue, rub il with a mitu0 f baîf a plat of sugar, hall a oosonW f saltpetre, a table- spofu aia 0 f grouadcl oves andi auspice, witlh alesofu of black' p)eppeir.Plc in a strioag brie and lott ilremaý1In tw o wek When aadtaike out of bick-le, vvash aad wip)e dry' , roll in a thIïia paste of 11our ,alidl water, put in a dipa pan an111(1putit o the ve 1hke Baste wvith bIutter anci waer. Vl4el done remlove thle paste, sikih, an (d lot stand ill perfectly coîi beor Oaîîel(risps-mix oatm3eal andi kaead (lil a t >Il, u sin1g we't our! to prevoialfrn mcrumnbling, nmoM lit alvd cul mn small im ckes 1Bae lwenlý1)y or tblty îaute's iln a bot ovonp. If macle ory 1 ib. m auc ket la a cool, drylAace, Ithcîse, jre,iiingoocýil for severn aS. Baldin 'ndiagPuta laYer ofý ibIona lyrof sie pl witb cbepped alornds, lemonjur atnc a,-t ew gralifjgs of nutmnel(g.Ai teinte mums, pples aniïse)soni- ignli he di Ifui, hbaviiigte topý layver 0f crumbs.nBake la I, moea~ovonibree1(ý-qi1arter's of "11 suetnconcil filt)oro, 1. ThIs1 pud- dUig S a sort of Brow CBety fa- mliaiir bnaaycooks. Poai'l kepcastards la t1ie cellar ain oe esl Tbeýy ;are hakble, 10 bonepoisolious.1 Doni'l pour hlý,]ing wlr oe chia pcheilna an. Il ,Pwill crack by. Lh uc 1iden conltractilon tli x Don't mioistein your food witb the idea, of sav ing- your Ieetb. Il spoils, the F, eetb, andi you wlll sooni lose 1then.ý l 1 on't use steel, knives for cutting fisb, oysters, sweetbreads or bramas. The steel bînekens and givos ah unù- pleasant, fiavor. DUI't srrub) your refrigerator with wanrm wte.Wbcn incessary sponge it oI qlcky wthIwo lounces, of loraldhyd in two parts of colci1 watcr 1),on't, put tablecloths and-npka ltar ie Iruilt-stained intobotso- sudffs; it sets or tie he sîniis. e max e the stains firsi willHilae3 oxalic acici, washing quickly ;in lacear Doa't sait -o0r peppor your food S before tasting il, andi evea thoý_n do so m ery aiîostenlaliously-it is a : 4 1 lo-w They Êàrý3 lisposed of byýýtho l4dsof Georgiua, i n rural Georgia the "boys" go to 500 the "girls"on - 011 ac lIt is the cu.ston 1gene>rally for su1t- ors to arrive Sîrdyaleno the cabsin hoetbi amre adieg live e there Ie orss re tre iibt the madwanid the ydùngmli are entierlained tuntil Sna vg is expectecithatho Liegî"s will vride eh cliici Ihe boys on b1orie- back 10 burh Sadaymominlg. A1t the wVidow anc'shomei, Int ln go, _j oe anmd Jakýe,ariei conyIispaiSudywith youagL) Nacyani arisy, the w9idow's pretydngbtes.Thoir fathe1r û ing da, yoý,V4ung Iaka nSimple maneiboy of 19), 'wac bb eoným r LY on the place. Hank, tog ol as general wisdom- go(os, wvas yve Wise ix one respect heý was a gýoo fmrandi the household sto)res lbin ii and on the hoard, vwore no)u Younmg Nanice amîI Narcissy did not oleto 1mrt1in oead Jl uilois, tbey wvere not acpal~ anoCi the grl cid 11(ot wichTi, ceea iinlg t 10 churcb on1 11o rs batckbblilîci thoîn. lath lnorllila aller beafatNarcissy aad LNaraC wqre dloing up thle work.l in the kit- c, n01 the fronlt porcbi of tho log ra Iilalte 1 iow Nanlcy, o vevî-with joe anijal,t(.I1-p 11v rural regioi, hile Imotheýr o# thî2e fk1r ily liolcis pmsocial iIi »po tane1 4C ait il l heroffice 1 lacid n tiing guesîs w thie mgirlIs, il,'I( mlodest b.ackýgr-oud, (carry - lé boaseolcimacbneryof hospitalityt. Dmi5lof alerm ~ios ini Geugu .Cottnrydstis sbroligbt' abot y the query, "Dïyou want y lu brse culi "lJpoi) LIat bint, the visitor accede(s, ïaad blts wbere ho s. Thje girls bai decide(Ici that tey ýwoald niot rjie 1 chi-c biluidJoe aniff Jake, anci younig lHnnk. as the inan of theplac, uns a ieila 10 nssist la tbepesanlttsk of dis- însigtheyogae. "Iaa,"sacit-arcsy the eideýr gil "yvoia înust go ani ax ibema tWý' llrsif the awnts 1their oses' "tht inrIiit'I o waY lo art. Uap woula' nver ruv JOc a' Jake ofÎ "Bl we don'. like hen two IcI1- lors, Hak"epandNance, -ý'an wvC djoa't wanlt t' ride t, churlcli ble- ýhinid 'em. You muust go a'a e 'f they wnnts thopir bse. Iaberlted bospitailty, bowVcr, Was stroýng la 1lk's ;cc-ble initul-- ho still - .,donlrreci, a1dithe girls coulici io nv hm sceninspiratiOn 'f tIbm %two Ielrs ossessny boealdy v'lli halt'feec i 'n womretie -an' tbey'll cal pwrfl o o sl that gooci comai yoa rwd ti sumnner."- ý A reseaîf ai glean glowed( la I4Jank's dreamv blue ,eyes. 1-Je9gt

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