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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1903, p. 7

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Ttia I~od Wu1dNot Rnanonis stonî fmrv is Condition-h] a Short lime Hie Was Abie to [at 1Eyery IKind of Food, To=da:y 1He Is a WelI Man ...By KiLing the (iernîs, Ozone Eradicated the Disease and H1e is Cured to Stay, Cured. LIQUFIR, OZONE I suffered th e ,Most inisense agony froin dyspepsia and fonnd if impossi- bie f0 get a cuire frcmphsi as r patent mdcns Anything I w'onld cnt onent di- gest rnd my Stoini achewould become distcsuded witli tlie sour fermentation. Great gusts of belching w onu i d semetinres nearly clioke me. I n'as se bad tliat food to wardthemaitennceof thie f er- ~ YLY4'~4Atiîty of Itle f arm by givjing morej 9 1; 1ý1 [1 zattention to )the making, caro and rin uSe f stabAle manure and thoe growth leguines, which sliould hold an whereer pssibe. -AmeýricanAg- nure can hoproue n xr arnI yflqetctvto. hnps That system 0f ifaýrmjin1g 1by whîýclisiLebfr oiGmila n the greatcst financial gais ae t rit is b(cst Io lt hetrah be secured, must in futlu e beunlin-ionc adleln nul o i tensive on1e. Evry square inch of Weed' seeds to corne up. We th the farm miust bo made toprdcf n them -over with a st rong liarrow te its utmnost capacity and the pro- or weeder, while the grýound is d'ry, duets converte.d loto a salable forrnland get rid of most of themi.Otr whicli wlein marketcd will bring the seeds %stili may germinate, but these greateat ret- uirn and at the ýýsame are usually kilied in cultivating the'L timte ]icav(e the largest pecntg f crop, or by, mowing theie off before fertlirzîng material te be retur aed te the seeds ripen after the crop lia the soil, writes Prof. R. S. Shiaw., been rernoveci. It Is the worst sort- In erder to accoroiffisb thtis the of policy te aliow a large mass 0f preduce of the farm m'nust ail be con- weeds te ripen seecI and scatter 'verted into mneats, mnilk, work, etc., broadcaîst. If they are annuais, of through the use of lix e stock, the cors hey cannot cone up the foi- numbers of -whicli 11w owned on the ion ing year without seed, and peren- average fýram euid be greatiy in-i" ais \ili die if ne -isecp tliem shorn creased. A variety of live stock 'of their leaves, and it is the saine must needs be kept on our farms i n itix sprouts. or'der flot on]y te utilize the staple - crops, but to n1ake the best use of LITTLE LE AKS. al-the by-products, as Arell as thore-S bv prox cnt the enormous waste et Letting a dcad tree stand in the sucli cemnien occurreace. The aver- orcliard.D age farmn is se varilab.le as regards Ailowing that littie Ieak In tPeC soul composition, contour, position roof of the barn te spoil a portion of water level, etc., that inl '011w- of the hay, year after ye car. ing an exten-sive sy stem cof crop pro- Cutting your sheestriug inisUtad of ductinn there is bound to eli more,,Untytng it.a or 1ess of variety aside from the Losing tPe keys beionging to the st1apjlecreps. This Iariet ,asel1,1oks on the farm buildings. as t4e by-pr-oduicts, ts inrest adaniBrning yoar shees whiie warrning tageously cu rtditeîik o ofet. meat only by the k!ind of live _tok Alowýing Canada thisties te go te to w hich theiruse ;uis,;beet suited. sce-,d on the farm. PIISERINO SABL MAURE -Feeding mnea ay or grain at oneP PRESRVIN STBLE MANJRE.-Jtie thtan xiii Pc caten. While, therefore, tee lnuch alten- I eaviiig rubbish piles near the lienV tien cannet Pc given te the produc- lieuse te harbor poultry eoomes. tien of a large ameount of stable ma- Using the haif busixel or peck inea- nure on tPe f arnm, the questions of sure eut 0f w hiei to feed grain or Pandling, preservatien and aplîlica- roots te the stock. tien are of prime importance. The Leaviag the saw eut in' the ramn orý value of stable manture mnust depend dew te Pecomne rust eaten.P e r m s e l- Cer Ba, e, flon of thLe oais sae geoi's knie, btaigLydiu Pinkham's VgtbeCnpi "I lird suffered Îforithree yrs -v terrible pains, at f'1e time cf r struation,, adcdid n ot linon' 7 tPe trouble wýe iunt il ftxa dector neuneed if ulariainof oxîaries, anl popsd an op'.ratio ',I1Feit se rekanlirk s sur firt 'I cokld nef srx'ix ethe don. Tho olowngxv1kIrea7, E. Pinkliam's VgtbeC polundinlasucaia,îageca I decided te f ry it. Getwsmy te find flirt I ntesymrvda: takliing two boflsau il te r was cured"uby it. 'lad gained cighlt pounds and ïns L cxcllintla - Miss AlîcE L ,50T orh Bo vard:, Atlanta, G.-$00fre fn of' aboie lte,' Prordng 5nunensî c t bcu The sym»ptornofinfl amxi-rùat. antd 'Usease (cf Ucore a výl dR iSrobingpanof due cusebot Ier, ad( be drwxc tbl nnieoa hoap Dr dasthr 'a etanccsry a-pîe a s.rcnes itigraet n fiolvs ssi g fem l:ai(c t bih eî. e ei.I, toa e cn d rn h lx b1, ways ili ptili r1p)trritor;il ore desirabe tira manyof the tliickily In ManJýitoba tluýielrmer nc e fea1r druught, and (1wliile frosts tu- Wards the end1 of August may Ocli- prof. W'. TfOdJg8o 0 l~s casionaily 'do somec daniage, yet forDmainGoemet wheat grewlng adrie arig op~ ~juea~ e the raiie Povice was ()e10fite 1in,de scpure,6f,8mr imost desirabpla Iýces 7on1- tPe con- îo e avrageannalman enîpr-1 t u r c in t h e U K I i o n dII i k e s a o t 2 -me noahsabut57 dgesJuy Peiag 61 oa f tPe wiater inmnts Le dsgrees Plow zro Spriag openis tnjwards tlie end cof April, th-- îast zere teralperatueoet the winter isually eccurring about the Sth. of ,btis moth. May, with an average temnperature of 44, n'as by ne mnea-ns an napleasat mIlonth, and the 231,d £su for the Ot WaFs flic average date of tlie last rpvaS frost of spring. These teniperatures, with îîiucli bright sunlshine anîd an m abasence of frost duriag thrcenonths, ~~togotiier with tPe long dais 0f a _USEFUL HINTS. latitude w ithin ia few degrees of the Carpets shld b beaten on tlie '~IArctic Circle, anipiy accourited for wogsd isadatrad thewrong sidouirstaahdeaftery ards tP sccessefa alîe-dson ar more gently on tlie riglit side, and ket grenr ear Baw son g vifl gaîder~s n row-should nover bc relaid until the floor non- ing a large x ariety of- gardon pro- is quite dry. _V hrt due nldng lettuce, radisli, cab- Dextrin is netlîing but roasted pro- Pag e, caulifeiver and Iotilees, and starcli, and anyene witli a stove the warr-ianted the belief that tPe Pardier fliat lias an oven attachînent can Du. carealgi 9- miglit possibly bc a success- mako lis own dextrin wvlenever ho îcit fui crop, beth la parts of tue Yukon needs it, by roasting starcix te a or- territ ory and in the far n100thern liglit brown. Ifs ÏPest known use is I anl districts of tPe MackeaAo e Basin, te iîialt, the famouý)s mucilage nsed >i a - Dawsona was well profected fremincheon, the Pac(k of tlie, postage stamp. ,mi- nincis Uv fihe ligh Plls, and a fea- As a chngAron,, tuffed and'Paked Lu so turc of -rixe aeiglîborliood xxxc ue hickn ry sitin ig the fowi down joy long periods cf calm weather whicli tPe backý as for roligaad roasf- ftroccur. inig. àMakýe 'a1-(ricl,i ravy i oul, id I A LAND CF 01 SLNSEIINE. butter and creami, stirriag Into tbe4 tran TPe whole et Canada, wnu bthe ex- drippings in the hottom iof tbe-pani. [h"ception of near the ceast ini British Peur this over flic fewl and spriakie )uie- ColuniîPra, was favored xith miore lightiy with ciepped parsley. 'jo71 1 sunshine tiran aay portion of great Cucumbers for salad sliould ai- Bifain, Germany, Iiollaid, 'or ways be seaked in ;saltcd ice wafer norfhcrn France. Nearly ail parts ef for hlai an lieur after they liavo been lire the Domninion bad an animual percent- cut into very thin slices, They on,_ age of ever -0, and a suanner per- sixouid aise be peeled thîck enougix ess centiage of 53 and 59 ',wbereas ifte remnoxe evcry parficie of tPe rind. i nasoniv ia the mure sn,,tl na,-, 1 Aftpr ta he --- Ain Extra- ordinary Offèr!1 Electric Beits the Re"caclh of AIL. We Arc SelI'ng thýe TBest EleIctrie Bit,' lu the World at al Pri Ceitin the:: R ea ch of the P oo ratsusilffeèrera. ~&/ ~/FOR $5.00

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