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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1903, p. 3

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LOABEB) UP WITH Ii 11E SIPRING TUE SYSTENM IS LOAIiEJ UP WITH IrP'URITIES. Alter thee bard 'work o f the winter, Lue cating -of ridli and heavy foods,, the iystem becomes clogged up with- waste ind poisonous matter, and the blood kceones thick and siaggishi. This causes Luscf Appetit eBios iQss, Lack of Ene rgy and that -ire,.ry, istless feeling se pre-valent lan the sprîng. Tue cl asing, bodprfigato liintes ahthtIP nPeni-u-1)Ppoison from the yStei tarts thT.ý sloggisli liven worliing, îfsOn tht. Kidnleys and Bowels, "'nd renders it, without exception, The Best Spring Medicine. qp> ý NOT-PS AANI COMM ENTS. Itbsrecently been asrertainied nitted suicide a afalteýr te the extet o nealySo0,00 and that a paso or rare b)ookýS ,vas tht caulse of blis 1roi. i he presidenit 0f the bn ss : "Goodin's do fall wns fdue te the eloue of books. lHe as a lover of rare editions and ex- eniebindings. Ilus early enuibez- ziements uent te gratify tbis taste. As years past lie fo-und lis sbertage becerning greater aind took more inoney for speculation in cbeap stocks la the liepe of -(ýrecv(u-ng hica- self."'Tliis cliaracteization shmuld net have been made w ithout a sav-, ing clause, for it casts au unjuat as- persion upon the excellent and gentle guild 0f bibliophiles wlio are net necessarily biloina anad se rarely eno gestbatthe unfortu- nate Goowi's asmnust lie class.ed as phnosoal H was a degeer- ateUbIlimaiac. rIt. bat net that fine sense of morality wiicii charac- teni.zes the cjauss. t is a gentle, pa- tient, loig suffering class. Tt will suiitt personali privations te se- cure airrize, amd the. family aIseu w 111 s'ubmIit tethecaanld joîa theI liead of thlieusen liýsextais uvlwi)en ho bings home the ovee volue uits rarie bminiig0or Its uIijtogra Pli inscýriptionl or it S firSt edition imlprilît. will be ln fthe position of (Germrany. Is she in accord with usa or with Gýreat Britaiin; and whaut is; the na- ture 0f t1e bargain that lias extort- edsich favorable term's for itbe Tlag- dlad rilwýay synidicate fromn1the Sul- tan? Are we really ia the face of a situation sijilar to that in, 1882, when the Egyptianf queýstion was1 about to culminate ianiita iry op- eratiolis, and Lord ijufferin iscv the Sultanin, bis resistance to Bri- tish dponayiiiEgypt? Mrs. Maud Ilal1lington Boothi, of the Volunteers 0of America, ia the letter whicb shte lias addressed to the chef officiais of railroads, makes a suggestion which is alike humane andi practicable. It could lie followed out with littie trouble and expense. 1-er aýdvice is that mzdicines, anes- the(tics, and "first 'aid" applia 1nces sbioiuld lie furnished to the conduc- tors for imimediate use la case of ac- cdijns. At present the only avail- able airticles on railroad trains are tbev aix ad saw, w hidi art. iarely, if eve, sed, because they cannot lie foundinl case of accident, or, if foncapoot be used.. As a r ule tleyar nl riirdesof Pthe po-) sdbilitv of a1ccident1. Tlie s1uggvstiou)1 wb1icli Mrs. Booth mkesisbot)h impl11ýe ami pracica.As she 'sa1s ',\- l ýot equiip very 1traini, or, bot4- triwith a sma1lîcase containing ages, lotionis for bruises, antiseptie1 soltions ýfo;r the washing of wounds? Tihese eQufld lit packed in a smnall caeadwould represent no cestly uutlay." WY01011 women inay avcOid much sickness and pain, says Miss Aima Pratt, if they wil only have faithl in Lydia E PkIkhamns Vegetable Compournd. 1I feel it MY duty to tel! ail young womn-en howmuhLda .Pi- poun li as dome for, mel. wsceai- pleteIlrn dOwn, un1able to attend school, audd id net eRre for any kind of scey but now 1 feel ikje a newV person, andc have gie seven po unds of 11c"5711linthreemnotîs. "I1 recommDE' nd it te ail yeuugn,, women who siffer froJm female weakneIýss."-- MISS ALMA, Ptvr, olly, [c.~o forfait if r naaata eerpe'ggnunns FREEMEDcuJA T)DVIET lieare eretyiVited to write to Mlrs. Pinkam j'or avsli4e ha~ iiiod u aMotlierly way 11uxdreds Of youigg women; her adlce is freely andf cheerfully given; her add(ress is yuMss Judging from tlie letos he la ne- ceivînIg froca se maay young girls Mrs. Pinkham is inelined te ttbel1)fief thiat our girls are putshed nîtogetý-her tee near the. li mit of their enduiiratnce now- adays la oun publie schools and semia- anies; less learning. and more herlth needed. Ji-heCol1i8 strager an ïtis pro-babl1 lancon- nction with it thiat ,ve have news by way of St. Petersburg that Mus- cat, outside the. entrance te the Per- slan' Gulf, will shortly ho taken un- dec the. protection of CGreat lîritain. This would ,convert tht. whoetofn scxithern Arabia inte a British de- pen.dency and an annex of India; and the bnlets - andi outlets-cf tht. Ibd Saand tht. Persian 'Gulf weuld lie Tht. failures of to-day precede tht. practicallyuinater Bitish control. Su1ccesses cf to-mnortrowý. Tht. killing of tobirds with ont. Tlut. sJ1iutinis rnctdstili atone is a nereciet, insitrsigb a leainl It oftea requiires ýiard vwork týO tht. îîussian press tat1tue Aghans lire okto nukea ihoea av dmne bc tt.Hu--r' Thr sne great dissiilarity b.Heaandhu hm ereb ict off tht. tvw(erin thie differeaf seliocls of medi- x-att.r îiuppIý f"tI.' Rusianset.l cio, specially when it ceaies temetontelwrcrscfta paying the bills. nnso t,(l'L a Occasienally tht. truly geod citizen' river whenrc Jt(erasthtlbunar takeps tht. widcw's at dollar and lot. between -I'esi ndu1'ssin er thoner coatnibuites- a nickel of it for ritery. Tak'ea iii connecýtion wIl tht. heniefit cf tht. ctheu- heath ii. tht. Perse-Aifghandisputb'outtht. T'ere is a poîicemaa's coîlege lawtrscnht llmawidh t Bn St. cterburg te train aplic""t8 tisli-Indianacommisac i e etî for. tht. foce. bore is a museu.nthse meveniens pitt nIta counlined wýiHi tht.eschool, wher tht.tion 0f th. ret ew.rciteesef pupils inketbieiselues familiar uith la etwetr si ebIný1g their1 tht. oolsofinias-jhun dnlscis-sad ctnunoe t t itilg dsut e ela rob'bilig citc-c-oea spe 'i tt'sîýa.Tht. ainoin tc field %witb. Russki 3itvts i'--.- i tes evw dut.vop1.t.n frcaCharltou's sa sels there lI 19J2, the total fueill-for both water Lnd electrit. ilght ser'vice -waS $1,1100. ELECTRIC ËIGHIT PLANT. Tihis plant started with an expendi ture of $15,000, basby extensions called for ever $20,000 more. The number of iights the plant c 'nid newv furnish are: arc lig-hts for tes 6-wnyflef 1,600 candlepower; theý batnce of 2,000 c. p ,aud 8000 icuec~s There are about 8.500 iights wired; andt tere have beeu as mauy as 2 240 in u1se at oe furnish curreut te a '2 00' lighit machine Carr3igafliia. the wu siarted with a 600 light machine. After five- Vears thisi was' suppilmented with a l'- 000 iglitdyao Six vears later, tht.ý 600, lighit dynlamo was ecagd-n Fe Well hail( been cared for that niea r ly its original f ull valuie was aliowed for it iii the. exehange for two 12,000 lgi m~thîus-oe ofwhl(ýich is ept as a reserve, lu case of mishap to the dyna- mo whicli is in constanut use rh e price of a 2,000 iight dyatim o lu 19 ;2 was n02,- 80)1. PIRE BRIGADE AND INSULUANcE Colliugwood is lu Clasa B 1(or insu. rance. Tho. brigade is a volu nt eer ern- pany, firemen are-,net paid te give their whole lime teto ht. ervice. There are -20) tuembers, eaehý paid $85 a ydar, und eýlectr.ic alutrm belîs a'.e placed in their homes. The Chïef getss$8) a vear Qne hoereel is kept in a centrai iivery' ; and it s tberefore aiways possible te get soee bse to hie seat of a fire, quickly. sasoke, while eleven answeýred thaLt Officer 1'McKînnon of the Y they miglit do se. nla rgard teo on a Visit. d1rinking, ail but ont. of tht. parebta ( replied that tbey would allow it. " 'ht. KIondike is-only in lt; ____fancy, and is bound te býceca, Tht. rnst northera liglithouse la greatest mîningcmintt Great Britain, tht. nortliwest tewer Tis is'tht.rsylmedci on the ceast of Shetland, is ùont. cf Bg"iugi MeKlýiniil, tt the most interesting of latt2r-day Preventive OflIcer 0f the lKlc sea marks. It is built on a rock wlie is on a visit te OntaCrie 20 feet high, tht. sumi -t cf ,whlich n.W. Chief Mininoni is a gi barely affords noonu for tht ece-stature, , geia1ýl nd intellectua sary buildings. Tht. rock itself lis ef0reging up Nrth," was tht. ap:pearance of a igigan tic ir- f tt WlanianlSpca brand seen freca a distance tbe iter tht. lnauiteoutae liglithouse, perched on tgs &rrow pou If te tht, lld th. po sumtippeîars nmore lîke an ,or- CefcfPoicof lailtoni. diaywhite hat on a giant's lead ilt is tht1tnstc innyl thananytingelse. Vet Tht. tewtr wrd elo ive in,': litht. Chie is ne 1, ss thani 50 feet high and cos linît.d witli pide, ýfor lie i ove $50,00teereet. a'"Ld nab ont f the ____________________________ lia ben terethree year moe, and tht gec Dw get your stoniach and liver hvh tHpvdsres intýo proper condition by us- pitd ruestaurants-Ysi ~ ~ tifile cold up there. This lias ing uîfhisrenowned olu îamily th. o t SLsevere wintt.r ax\er i i l tht.indike. Just befeore thtieaýgeýtenf rauefor days.lu1t tht peplerather it' ; liey blau e everYtinLg col hreis astrenig feeling la i P 4onlis. in fa t f~na Soldilverywhera . Inntien la tht.cAntkainonadar VaSE SAYINGS. For aver Forty Yoares Red Spr-uce (ium As A SPECIFIO FOR COUCHS, COLDS, Era. Ha S beeu tested and lias becomle the 'amlycougli specific of thouisands throa".!,gY"ouIt Caniada and the United States. It never was more popular for more largely used than -it is to-day. MERIT AL.WAYS TEL.LS. Cough Remeidies corucn au ge.New preparaionis are tried aud ,abandon- ed, but thie aId reliabile remains. 7The preseut is a tryig season for both oid and youug, and colds eesily cauiglit now are a. to r emain for the uiLnter u'nless proluptly cured, Noe batrremedy cau lie fouad than '%ray's5yrup al'so owus a $?,()Ou chemical englue, a fire englue, twýo reels, a hook aud ladder wagi-aî, 1,700 ft. of eod hlose, and an electric alarm svstemý, with sev- en al&arm boxes ,-which cost in al $700 to instali. The alarm f5 a churcli bell, for the use of wvhich $35, a year is paid. TLE F i~ILSIDE,. M1u nicipal owuersip lhas becu n, suc- cess at .ollliugw;iood, niotitibtanidingy thiat the towlu bas neowaterpoweîýr avail- able, and coi-sequeitly lias a hepavy fuel bill, witb) onsequent Éinerease-A expense, for labor for frn.The asratstate- mentt of th,ý toý,h for thie 3ear f 911 gives ibiýs filuanciIlsatement:- Cashi revenue for àear.$...85 918 69 BEnrtal of 7,3 hydrants,840 each '2 92iý 00 Waeter for Park s , treets, publ le buildings, founitain, etc,.... 400 00 $9 220 69 Expeuses, including wages. .$S2 017 12 6 fulel account ... 624 43 Debntuesrin'alandintr't4 951 91 $8 596 46 Showing a net revenue or profit lun 1901 from waterworks, of $687 2S. EARNISGS-ELECTRIC LIGMT. Cash revenue for )-ear .... 674 86 35 are lightls at $60.- .,,.....2 100 00 Publile buildingýs fgtn....... -4o ()0 $8 221 86 Expeuse, inciu-dinig wages . .. .$2 596OC) Ilfuel aCcount .... . .2 8ý 08 27- D)4beiitt.trLs, princ'pi an"dfnt'st 212.1 52ý S7 027 8.) Showýin,- a net profit fromi electrie lightiung, of 31,197.01. CHARGEIS FOR WÂATER AND LIGrr. Chargeas for water in Collingwood aire: For a 4 roemed bouse $3 50 a year. Z, rom o iuse $1, 6 roomed $3, 7 room9d $8. 8 roomed $7. In the. 4 roomed bouse, a hflth is $1 a water cleset $1,urinal $i ChMarges increase in proportion to the. size of a bouse. In anu8 rbomed bouse a bath is $2, water closet $2, urinal $2. The rate for a 12 room-3d bons 3 is $9, water ci.oset $2 50, bath $2.50, urinal,,$2,- 50ý Stores rua froro $8 te $6. Steami englues $1 25 per horse power. Baths in hotels and public buildings are $6 f 3r the first an4 $8 for sulisequent eues. Water üloséls are the, same. lu stores, shops and offices j2.0 aci. Ail theEe Bovril is invaluable in the kitchen as by its aid ricli nourishinig soups and tasty g-ravies can be prepared in a few mnoments. It also adds flavor andstreugth to stevs, hashes, ragots and every other dish for which it is em- ployed. No cook wvho aims at culini- Page Metal Onmna ec U~doe uble ald low-priced. Specially suitàl for front j- anddivision 1enQes intown lots, cemetrirls, orchairdeetc. Retails I for 20 C ENTS PE R rU N NiNG FOOT. j st about the eheapest fence you ar, aPut uP. WÇrite for full particularsm Use Page Farmni ce nd PotLry Netting.I Thoe Page Wir-e enceCoc., Limiîted, Waiker',ile, Outul I

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