This is the season abave ail othfrs DYO -oile uýe ur-Pa tneDs Ol imedical science has discovered is Dr. Wiliamns' Pink Pillls. These pis toue the nerves and fil the volas with new,' pure, rich, red blood and nerve diseases -anSmia, skin disases, erysipelas, rhfeumatism, neuralgia, palpitation off tlic heart and a score off other troubles caused by bad .lood andbad blood alone. DËrj YYe ounew blood, new life, new energy-.Vou cannot do better ttian start takmng them to-d-ay, J Mr. Jos Poirier, M P.P., Grandj Anse, N. B, says : "Both my wife and daught. jer have been greatly beniýfitted by Dr. Williams' Pink Pis MY dauglter was in very poor liealth, pale, thin and! ap- pareniv bloodless, but throughi the use off the pills she lias regained her liealth an,- lis gain able Co enjoy lite, 1 tinkii Dr Wiiams.,' Pir-ikPi s is the !,est medicine-when the b ood is poo)r " Sub- stitutes are s ýometimneS offcred, but thcy neyer cure If you can't get the ,en- urne pils furm your eaeredIirect to the Dr. Willims' Meice o., BrcxPOnt., and they will be Mailcd at 50 cents a bo', o7 -ix b 0:e ;fo 7Cý caýrrying on tbe Cleninz and 1orks King~ St,- West, ami that not Charge you Ialf as much as outside fim.Givo hlm a trial and bo conviinc- ed. The romainsoff tbe late Mrs. Ellenor Plummor were brouglit- here froma Osliawa last wcek and intorred lu Bowmanville ceetery. Deceased bad been staying with ber dauubter Mrs. Gam'apoaesttheOoverolw. tthe Governmenit as a friend, and is conrteouslv received; thiat bis corres- pond-once, under these conditions, is proînptly replied ta vjth courtesy thait should regulate the amenities of-'inter. coure between dopa rtments off the Goýrv- ernÙment ami repr-,,eotatives of the people wto profess to, be frierily ta -11y tImeýýwaS 0on1Y Confiuecf to bed about a represenýitativc, no ma,-tter v. bhat bis o week.- The funeral took placei on lations tg h .oenet Surelythese Saturday. from- the residence of ber cirecumsta nces (do no, constituite a crime daugliter, Mrs. David Grigg,Oiitario St. o)r a corrupt act. One off the good service be1 g eonducted by 11ev. D, O. qualitios off the Proývincial Sucretary is Crossley assisted by loy. Win Joliife, the promp)ntIidewà iti wiehli e replies he possessed a very amiable and this particular kinidl ý' disposition which won for lier, feature off He busnessaptiude and miiny friends vwbo sympatlsize with the busiînessqaite i vi.Jh Mr. Mtrat- bereaved oy)ln iiibr death. Among tonii,8by coinonsn ecpîoal the relatives w,,ho attouded the flineral el- cIowed, r~le nM.Gmçscr from !adistLanCoceru . Mr. Crsohrrsodnc eevn rmtrejply, Plmerùd two )sonsWili adlier soýveil b)e asked watis thOre titi Mr m.Puraer Wodstck;Mr E'subnited to thbusebyhe membe Sýtork WBrampUý, on; Mrs. m Sipeffo aî)itoLin? Wore lttrsa dress- Chathami; rs, Gea.Stln, Vani- ed to a Go,,rnumont dopartmont by a couver, B.C., MYr. and Mrs. Win. Cox, mr-emb,[er off tho Legiolaturo ta ire ig- Osýhawa. norod ? Via CF evryda Colonist extremel Cbntsiricu mi mpit ominti uflona aoUta, MntaaNevada, Ildah, id their prices are right. t yL --4l ad i~-ers-for- evyz -~y ~TTER' LO RAES thingw you need in Station-- hicago and North-Wostern R'Y, ery, Fancy Goods, IBooks, y,frgm FebY. l!5th to Aprîl 8 >tli. Albums. one way secord class tickets at ýlv low rates 'rom stations ini Pictures always a s 1pecialty. also ta Victoria, Vanconuver. N -w West. Iminster, Nelson, Rossland. &,ýý,& F ull particulars, rates and folders can bes obtainied from B,.Il.. Benett, Gen- eral Ag1.,2 East Kingc Street, Toron- PAINTING AND PAPER HANG iNG. L\owv is the time t aeorders for, ail ki tJ .Mant' n 'at 1i1ie&C sor J, W. LITTLE, 13o w tan uv il A snlerdid linp ~f Fnnnr aini Pens, from 75e Up, I ave made ample pre- paration for, the Wall Paper season, ana if you want antiu xclusive, wecan "Ive it to you. 'Samiple bsook , o r ad .\N r u l ta1 ç'how xthesok ~P R BLGOGK A,;I L inigwitli iL a domnand for noew anid ip-to date Eootwea--r swel Spring ,Styles are rowin aLaunwI lvie"outotry a pair, W aesm Pcasl MeI(n'S Fine Fo(-otwear KihandTprud(.eia) EVERPY PAIR- &UAWANTliEED,) Fred R. Foiey,7 1Parlor -heStore, Boiwimian vil le. il I-i-'7ý-"' M' -an Dm -1 rr jý -r Li lý