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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1903, p. 5

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re. Sold by Mau Wauftd-see ad. THANKVu This store tenders its sincerest thanks to thome who b r, any degree contribuited to its suece:>s Iast year. it is graýteful for the recognitioa whieh its efforts to, 4 please have developed. It deligently strove to give a c-ourteous service to treai ail ahikeate time; o handie nothingbu the parestan very best of eatabies. -IM your experience bere lias been profit- able it lias sueceeded and iS content. Cash ForTr Produce. ^à 1 ming.nan Cb sCi,,... S* t.un.ana .. £.Jtf Miss Lola Downs bas raturned to Coiborne to, fill ber position in Miss Cul- ,ver's mifinery roorns. Libby Eaton Concert in the Town Hall Thursdav niglt-the Iast of the ) Course entertainments. Ladies be sure and attend the Sprinz Millinerv Opening at Haddy & Co's Central MIII inery Parlors on Friday ,and Saturdav Matàch 27 and 28. Mr. Ernest MeL--ean. Mantrea,having .acceptedl a position with th8 Rged-New foundlaçd S. S. & R.'v Co. at St.Jobn's, Newfoundland, is visiting his parentq, Col. and Ms- Wm MeLean Port Hop.-, pj'rier to leavi g for bis new home on Thursday.-Times. Ia tbe spring t'me i ou should rid ý;our svstemn and blood of the impurities Licb accumulate during Winter -nonths- For thu purpose we recoIn- mend Buirdocî,,ri an Sarsaparilla Comp. poilnd asthe best md~n.Sold at tmidi's Dr-ug.Store, Price3 75e for McOer- hie rezular $1.0) sizc, la forwvardi Dglier subscription from Brantford MIrs. M. B. Annis writes:' 1 We reýadam 1'v oetting settled bere and T thini wa shah like this city. Tho poole arecer frten-1ly. Mr. and Mis. A. L. Va -tn , sîialiy, have beou very 1-ind to u, . Car storeis on one of thiie, main sxesand oý,ur homne et Il J Scaýrfe Ave ,i botf( our bîocks ditant ia a very nie arc.te itv,command- jinga protth a vrhrvr"le mothe, ~r, Fleingis witli t"lem for the pr sen., TO CURE A CULD IN ONE DAY Teako Laxatie rûmoQiinle Tab1ee;s. l drugislsrefufi te moey fielfs toe: e manv new ones as maY. !t1vor ber with a eal. The Spring Opening will beon Fridav and Saturday, M4arch 27tb and 28th afternoon and evening. Hlon. -Fred D. Cberry. Schenectady, N Y, spent Sunday with bis mother and looks as thougb civie bonors agree with hlm for he weigbs about 2201bs and is stilli growing, luke the expanding citv fram wbich ho halls. We al like to Fee Fred come home, for he never (aild to bring cieer n nd sansbine 'and like a meteor la lune hoe drops bere l when least expected and deliglits, as we hoppen to lînow, in springiag pleasant surprises onhis mother. A RIGUT TO Juixia.-Persons who bave used Dr. Chases Ointment have the best right ta judge of its meýrits and there is no prepaation on the market to day ýwhich is hacked by sncb a massi of iiaso)licited testimnonv. It cures cec- zema, sat rheum and piles so promoitly and tcngl th t preop feeL ta pl-sr o rcm di o other suit- ererïs , Sec testimniels in the newspaper, Oýk Friday evening last the Junior1 Crtian Edoaver of the Congregat-1 Uoa hurch hldtheir snulconcert,i et 0le esdec f irs uroSilveri St. Reali'gs nd eciatinswoe e Moi, fle MahadEtenre also Pcýal gie hrIs 50110of te ceHEdingly wall. Theprga ws coculed bv sinzing 'God. Save tieO Dress Goods, Suitings, Silks, Prints and Chambrays. ail new at Coucb, Jobaston & Cryderman's. People wbo shave tbemselqes and want to shave In a Christtan style, buy a tube -of Coke's, Antisceptie Shaving Foam from F.,C. Petbick. tbe barber. Bear ln mind that it costs no more te get a good ftting, well-made suit than it does to buv an ili fitting, slovenlv. made nne. T'o secure the former leave vour orders now .st Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 's Thomas Moyse of Liberty street died on Tuesday from asthma and dropsy at the age of 56 vears. The funeral on Tbursdav was attànded by several friends and relatives. Bev. D. O. Crossley officiated being assisted by Rev. J. H. Turnbull, M. A., of Stý Paiui's and 11ev 'Wm. JoBfiffe. The illness from wbich deceased died bas been of long duration an)d 1ev. Mr., Cross1ey..kpoke ver-v boreful of the triumphant death, Rev. Mr Turnbuli wlio as nearest neiglibor of deceased bad convpe'sd witl i hm ottea during his longý illness. 11e bore strong testi- moaiv to his excellent qualities as a ncxgbr aine' that Mr. .Moyse wait ail1 that a neigibor could be expected to be lie also sp&a',e of! ils faith in bis Savfiur. The err wekre Messrsî WV. B.Coc. i. inb P rebil- cO' , Js ainad T . Hgi- wher liewas eg'adedas a (ýveytu- wa nwcemiedad survived bv bis fitlift ;oung wife andt littli daughter, W"I' WI..r,t.%,U[,,..,.CiprlS, ,,~Leav v vour order earlv. Price guaranteed. Quality fine. See sample, Cawiler & Tait, or Sam'l Everson. 11ev. D. O. Crossley entertained tbe members of bis Suîiday Scbool class, at the Parsonage, Tuesday evening last. The young ladies bad a deligbtful- time in. games,, music and other pastimes and pronouince Mr, Mrs. and Miss Crossley splendid entertainers. The well known streugthening Pro- perties of TaON, combined with other tontes and a most perfect nervine, are found in Carter's Iron Pis. which strengtben the nerves and body. and improve, tbe blood and complexion. 11ev. J. Il. Turnbull, M A., the bighly esteenîed pastor of St, Paufl's churcb, lias received- a unanixpous caîl to Bank St. Presbyterian Chiurçh, Ottawa at a salarv of $2.000. 1ev, Dr. Moore. tbe retiriag pastor, bas resi aedater 86 veAsrs' seyvice and the chuirch hbas given bim a retirin- allowance o! 81,WO Per annum for the next six vears. lt's not the weather ttit'q at failt. It's îOur svstem, clogged wMithpoisoýn- ous, riaterialq, that makes yýou feel duCil drowsyv, weal aud iniserabýlle. Let BroiBlood Bir>tteýrS clen 'r away al the posnprfvand caýni--iyour blood, aieyou feel bighrt and Meci27th et S8 p) m,. when aï. ic 1-namwllb rnerdbv Mse Kig, Ms.Cewker, Mn 1IL J.Kagt and the (Orcliestra. AJ ni -,i io,1 t,3 or two for '25 ets, MARRIED. HÂIMBLY-HANN &-On lMardi7tii, t the resi. deuce of r&s.j. C. Elliott, sister of the bride, Peterboro, by 11evIL. S. Wight, ýB. A., B. D., Mr. W. A. fiambly, Tyrone, and Mise Isabella Rann a, Puterboro. HOCKRZDGE,-At 203 Chesftnt St., March 16th, Richard Hockridge, agefi 48 years. GOODMAN-In Bowxsa[uv!ile, Marceh il, Maria iLarper. beloved wife of Mr. Win. Goodman, aged7syears, Mrs. Wm. Cox, Oshawa, Marei 9th, Elleor0 reliei of the laie John Pluminer, aged 73 years. Gen'r.~C stora d '- a- the Signature When fleby was sick, we gave lier castoria, When aie was a Chuld, aie crie4j for Castoria. 'When sie becaine Miss, aie lung to Castoria. When shee had Children,she gave them Cestoria. 11.TORS'E FOR SALE.-Good' ieavy -17. faLInI horse for sale cbeap. Apply to GEoý. Gaey,ý Newcastle- 2 w tinsmith, steady r wrk hrughutyear. GITRNFY FouNny COPAxY, Limited, Toronto. 12-1w bugy fr alechepnewlùy paiuted, ApplyaiTa AESNOfce "IrA NTD tO r o tiarm.(i Bowma.nyiCn. 8,2 tf r AxADRSIMITH, Elifiol~ 22 BTLLS FOR SALE-Two Shorthorn gre. Bargaini. Corne quick. LEVISHINNER, Tyoe, P. 0. 8 -tf FOR SALE-2 Goodl Demnocrats-- 2 good Cftrts-l Jnsnp seat Bug-gy - Apply to il-t. JOHN FEROT, Bowýmanville. s ERVANT WANTED,-For general kJ ouse work. Âpplyt b Mrs.W,. W.TAMUBLYN, Concevssion est., Bowmanville. 9 tf A PRENTICE WANTED-to learn taeiloring. Also helper on coats. Apply at once to J. T. MOLLoN, over The Mason Co's store, Bo.wmianvifle.1-2 e.7'orAbLE ORoomT O uRE wT.-A Hall, ,L O R oSA L E O7 Ro o e H ou A w t H l Summer Kitcheni and Woodofted, Goofi Sabling and Garden situýaied on corner of Ontario and Alieri streýetsi .Bowmanville, for fluriher parliculars apply to J. B. MÂRTYN, YOîU Attenltioni Tor A Momnlt., c a" p cr h a p s h e l p vo u t o v o e 6 tiedficisin cident to the under- akn.For instance CEMENTS-We bave Battle's Tborold, for concrete w&113ls, cattie stables auou cellar floors; Eng-isb POrtJand for pave- Ments and cisterne.1 BILL STUP-Pî ne anfd Hrmiock Joists, Scaatliag and Boards. rImBEai-pine a a d Cedar,, quare Timiber anad fleapeu. AL 1-FOR S,11, E-B e i a Wnte ~edadwioPnad a2 ý Iics, more 0or fesssoti part of lot 21, cool, Darfîngton, o vi haedweffîog houme CîII and aind eesryfarm w lduswlth storme stabi leCTNG.Pine aodccl a nuereat hm Sifsiz. rchard anid Graîaed, Beaded and V-Joit Vepry favorable terins ,il be Ive, Apv1 ILGE....I ' ls aie Pr JOaN WrHERIDG IE,onpenss'WTlVîiE 20E,5.ýValiaufel t ootorl ! .adCedar andB .Ie .dr JAME, Bo meui Ste1-our i.ý. Ta te lav,1ie, lia ,141 î ~~ Thti ý'sttc gn.afrta fui gti h exlVcy rikbueadgodoîinç Tm fartas0,Oi w L i esl eaaey 'l low- jp)ices-es IAH L N) n iuyr~-~I'

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