Ju5 y cetstr50 dises OI10Vè and imparts a genial 'warinth to the by building a new Hall which wonld tig augar beet growxng pr ofilable. Ra & Juy, dug~cst~iblood. Remember the weakýer the reconp 'the town for lou fpesn ad rlineyasexeiu e haux systenC the greater the exposure to revenue from stores, and that the town grow augar bouts at a thîrd leas expeue DARLINGTOINdiseaseo. lood's Sarsaparilli makes would not lose auythlug In that raupect. than lest yeu-,. Hadf 50 cattie, 100 DARLNGTŽ~.the s. stemn strong h unwîue p and 75 hoge aIl foeding on sagax- _____ _Catun. Ponnington thought tuws beet pnlp whWch .he recalved back froin to opend any more m oney on repatring the factoi y. Un mixas it with chaff An eýntertainiueut will be given by -DARLINGTON COUNCIL. this oid building. When you ataxted fo atiwith clover for aheep-, and thEý pupils and ex-pupi ls-of S. S. No 4, - luPatch up, you never knaw whera theafowjt iug rgrudwha o on Friday eiventiig Iarch 20. A gond Tow,, HALL, Hampton. Feb. 28, 1903. end was going tb be and we wonld only wibmdlnso gon hâ o priogra-i s beng penre, Cxi Rezular monthly meeting; mnembere bave an oId building sitar ail, Ha P19. Ha kept 10 yearling ste, ru at an enjv aplesat eenigail présent; minutes of anwOff fArni whicft were lad twîce a day, îast meeting, wonîd rather go ln fora e building with chahi, %a haîf soop shovel of pulp Mr, .. Gooda lait last weaký for read, and on motion cofirmed nd a ndk h pol s wehrthyaiahait pnuntd nt ground oats-ýha2 Aliberta, N. W. T., where ha intende sto sigDod. A comncain 3vsrceiv- would have It or not. The fondatînu noats for 6 mu1h beiug Worth $1 80-. malta his future home . M. iss Mary pil fromi Pi of J., uir, Tor-onto Uni- cnu the south sida was gone. aud the ateersu had growri sploï-didiy cporureturned to her home nt vm1,satn htiîs-pectr J. L, Cu.Dnatr e e htth.enli most, oof theinwre fit for beef. Lonidon having sput a month with h-r iHlu!jhs hadurd tiogive a prize of Town alprprwalgodrpr okairaihdtnleysd er cousiýn, Miss Mc'1iDlan .... %'Ir. Aihur $ý5a ) uar for fi,'14,eî ars to thÉesehool but the weat op.rt whara the Concl keup iu a gond (thriviug condition, Be ritton, MLnhiîsÇri~ okthat takethe best position déach year Chambav waa lco aiednwea d shape. growf3 no tumip3. MrWrgtad Osaw , isMt home....Mis ida an iii sine depai tmeîîit of se oolwuk, to r.*igtdd Camp is vsti f riends !in towu -...h. arragel v D. TiI!e1y and Mr., Con. comuflh thouzht 'the proper hen mbaîa m casatr b>' Mis MbelTril ' eusm 1 il Hge;o oino onclo a-cus s ombilt thequestion to eleaiug the land Waol, Inspffi3g ai la 9rippe. _,The hr iacD(jvrea seconded b4UlnnilomAnniis, it the people. l'rom the report recaived aoon au Clio sou la8dry auough ha 'ber- hwIihld a social oarlny insin. vas reýsolvet1 >i accapt tee offeand a froin thA architect ha would not ha lu mnwa to break crwuitof aarth surfabe tO vote of thanks w a ased to Mr1lungh- favor of rapairing tho preant buildiug. let the seau geriihxaiteaned start grow. es for his kinl effer, lu rememLibering The Report of the Coin. wa then lng. Ha than cuitivat 'es and ie, it-go the younger genemation of oldl Daïli tl oe eg-fpruti poeai >fton_. A ltter was receivez.1froinWL adoptad.tui oe Beeda poEgtbis proceMar le ~~< -~~~< Smith, Sacretars' of the Fammners' Asso- Movaci by W. Clemans and sacondadreaedtl]owgtiafoaMyli by F Masonth theP. t> 20th. If land la proparly cultivated ation,,in refamauce to the unequ CI yF aota IeRaasdsdpeed u odhau ufc ation, whereby fammuers ware pal inig ton Stireeta Coni. ha empowterad tb pur. olurw20r21uhespran m Ch, wenitWasm db ouncillor chasa what lumber mqky"berequtred for S1in wd0 or tcheslu row. naind ï, A, cLaughlin, secondeà by Coauncillor the prenent-Seas for town purposea. stroag soui ; the3 beat. luauunwar t A.nnis, and resolved tha t this Council Caxrlaed.qusoshatte a-betarnt ý endorsote sentiment othe comuluni- Moved by F. Matou. seconded by îuinjaedblife iue that ltsai]epnetu yj>,~ ~cation. that railwavs shiould ha taxed W. -1einsu, that- the Clark write the oa e on bfore beea are shxpped1 it equal to farmurs _Th en commit-tee rip- Gualph PavementC eqcinth dairbe Tioupdexletfr pointadti neot a daeputato nbhî orsstigth eîal.TePipaexlenfo of the G. T R report-ad that t-bey bad repaira uaadad t-o tha walks put, down Mîîch cuws. met at thbe subway with Mm. Pope îu yhisdugeth motnen At the close nf the speech several Mr. Parles', but no agreement- had beau ga'ttli it dons au nou as t-ha seasor, farinera preieut- siguad contract-s .4 made, t-he report wras eceived, and the PermitS - Amoug ut-baris wera Messrs Samuel as o setlnint f heMatter, Port Hopa had auked hic t-o arrange Harry J. Kunighi, Joneass Brothers, Rý arrange lu getting Janiet Wilson, an ontcouncil, t-o I8suse a malter t-bey Richard, W. B. Pirchl, S. H. Reynolds. 1)o-i it nt seemr rnor-- effetive t-o indigent lut-o the Home for aged par- hadi unde-r wag. me the terminus ni t-he Freim Wbet WC lee'nled whau wa visit-. ~t th i areed, o ur dses3of sn.M.SJWlia apîe-o ha Trant Valley Canal hatng at- t-ort Hope ad tho Brlin factnry s few weekaegoj tebreathiugorat-atoaLth appoînted Coileetor; laid ovar. Thie inaLtoad of being frt-b_,e cait. Tt w4sasud froua the oxer fcen the fermera reindy nt- t-e soa clark was requested t-o write Mr,. Hos- finally docided t-o meat thbe Port Hope w ho biave pcrowu iaougarE beetse, wua ara kim. poudkaýepem, to malte returus t-o Couincti on Monday afternoon t 3 ecd that ail fermeiýra withlu five to t-ha treasurer. A By-lew, No. GUI wa - 'ilck. aanmle it-asttos ane e J ~~~~~~paszsed appointing pathmast-ers, Mf e y .Men-nce-e yprf bi zwthmt 71 i ~~viawyers Part onkapmCouncillor MoehyFManuode 1pmfibyrotamo. McLughin asautoriadto rocraW. Ciainens, t-bat D. B. SjnpsDon, K. Dr. 8hnttlawortLh ba8 cqnnuented to 500feAofpl f oâr croainWr.C., ha sud la hereby istu tn are- 1reat rut-o B na at-o fuxrthr ds It Wa4, cdec;idt-nrcav applications pare a By.law t-o ha Euhrnitted to the cosa augar beat- grnwing ounS8.turday Esa~isedl or okigtha oad g aratthe nextL lectoîs cqua)ifiad tovota frrt-hA Cpur. NI rch 21, at2 P. fi. Attend t-haMe- Cures While You Sleep mingl h Cucl Cuneillor pes ni e11ing the preseurt Towu Hsll lug a ud brlug youm iarnueè friands 'with It ure hcaue -beairener smngîy Pac1ap1d tlie resuer82 50 fr im ite 100x(;6, 'sud.raialn$500ic 5O antiseptie caridoe h dsae u- ba'r Fsldt-n Jas. BasanU. 'T'liereev ua tto $5000;()raisid from 4h1 _______________p___ fac wih eeryret.h, givigponed tocd a By law foir opeing L'up or Goeru e t rtha porpose of erecthn )rez -y o and constant treatnti. It- islau- pbi travel themod otpoit lots !7a new Town Hall. - îok ahi to otbesSit aaî cilren. a nd !18 ýoncession e3,tbLaw roaid, which wasgivn afirt sd scon redfp- Colin. M4asofn gave notice t-bat-ha, laa oO t ethati.ibeCLaerk, was mat-met-ad te have wnn5d at t-be next meting tut-roduce a ofs-ded ipreoerii prepamed n isudBla for t-bat porposa.T % Wh-looring Oough Broncàtis bIv Mns 1Rioe'The motva was aut-hnmi Count. Msnoadt-he attention ni cýrou1p coughs z.ed t-ngrn ordeprs oni the treasurar as t-ha Council to t-hie lItion ni t-ha Catarrh, Qolde Grippe aud HayPever flow:C, H1oopr, use nf landi for Cemaot-ry not payinq its exrea a,3 In $icrney tO The Vaporizer and I Lanp, vhicli sboutd lasi od 2 . k, rv] 350 nigns taprsnt -pe4la ugetdA-a a1 !iftimie, togetuser with a otie of Cresolene, -Jitnet Wfjlson $5; Mis C-te, 8 J:ho Monsy rpeetvea from MesArs. Ors-1{ JL ýG5O Erta supplies ofcr 25îeeîcents antd Coucli, $6;'M-s, Smtl~$1; Mms e Ros, htman sd Fkle ha lnveatad in soma D' %gNUV 5cent,. lWrite for descriptive bookltsionutain- $;U %j A ï R Bntnu*8 W iztghigeettesimoysatois vlue HsiNr a rie; .BaWi $; W ay *0 ha arranged for b>' t-haCounciL.__________________ VASOCRESLEN us OLOch 825J;Mrs. Hoidge, 82 fid ,rlybronght thoaa iiatters baera Vao-CýTSResolenert Meeting than adjourned te Saturda>'. tha Conoil no that t-bey might thiuk It G ide r o vaoceoeeMardli 2th, et 1( o'clock a. m. evorsudmag nmuoatona fnoor xRoFuto Sree 151Nore ,&çIlm . ELLIOT?, JR., mae"ting. Ooncil aijourned until New Yok MoCA:bS O1R I A to Sulighit Caillot Fade Diamond Dye Golors. Diamond Dye colora are absolutels' fast and Unfading._ Washing with strong SOap or exposure luniunlighti cannot start or fade theFo brilliant and imperishable colora. No other dyes in the world have suth au established re- putation for strength, purity and beaut 'v of efoior.s. Diamond Dves are the most economical agents Or coloring; on(, paekJa,-e will color as much ina terial as three packages of ans' other brand of dsýes. Send 'ou r address on a Poi sta]1 Card and The Welis3 & Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Mlountain St , Montieal, P.Q , will send you free of cost, new b"k on home dyeine", samples of dved clotlI and the newest dtisigns for floolied Mats and Rugs. ECHOOL ,REPORTS. SCHOOL SECTION NO. 2 CARTWRIGHIT J UNiIOR DivisioN.1-1 ,1 Junior Part 1 -Roy Taylor, Maretta Williau,Charlie Vonning,Elnier Mount- joy. Sen. Pt. I-fferbert ShortridRe, Anna Phalan, Arthur Balley, Wilfrld Powers. Austin Wiilan, R sey Wright, Rues4l Ruchia. Pt, Il.-Harry Von. ning, E hel Allen, Heorschai Allen. Jr. Second-Hoeln Whitfielti,,Roy Fargu. son, Cairl i htBarold'.Home», Cari MciLýiughlin, Violet Riohes, Wealoy Fowler. Sr. S, ennd-George Crawford, Mlabel Werry, EDlth Sbortrid.gnBertha Taylor, Joaeph Hooey, Louis Willan, ,1,hnny Hooey, Ronald PhaIen,Oamuond -Wright, Hàrry (>)Iver, Eva rFowla3r. Av erago îedoo,29. Teaýcher, Gar- sort. Fifih Cis-F kNeab, t t, per. uV Jobb. Sr, IV.-Elaie Trewin, Rus. 8eil Parr, Melville TrewiGrtie Tre- win, Luther Mo0Uztj'ýy, May Fergufion, K~u Profit, Ber'rim Bercock, Wroy J 'bh, Hrold We;ry, Lrtie Férguson, Noimn Mý cNpily, Jr, IV.-May IV.<, nj'y, Emmnia Olver, aMaggie Bing. hain, E dwtn Shrridge, Wni. Hlooey, Pu'aedi r1oUptjoy. Sr. I-Mri P-toaock, Phena t$rowr, Viola Tr'ewju, ERchard Mao, D4ta Neabitt, Albert Wrîgnýt, Ruperr Werry, Arlne Whlt- fieid, Thomas, SwaInj, George H'iimanr. Jr. III.-Lvwla wnFred. aiw Wibart Werry, Elle vbtt rn Mason, MIoerv a Taylor, Annie Fx-go. pon, Salena Swaln, Wlnnle6 Mahooci, Harry Maeon, Chanita McLatighlin, Ru3sail Wfllan, Eunice Whittield, May Cravrford, JoaBeph Taylor, Orr Dever, Euixne oSandarmon. Average attend anc. for the month, 42. C. E. Parr, Teoher. SOLIN A. The banch meeting of t-be lomen's1 Institute was held on Weduesdas', with 37 lu attendance, Mme. Thos. Baker, pre siding> Mr, Chas Kers 1 ahe gave an instrumental solo and Mrs Law read papers on1 Disco, emy of Coffee" and t"Ma ing Homne Attractive " The Ques. to Dawer,' cnntaining 17 questions, was satisfactomri!y answered.. Seven new members were ecived Future meet ings will be held t-ha second Fiday nf each mont-h Next meeting Aprîl îot-h t <2 pi LIoterest-ing pmogram i.promn- ised. Par-tic'ulars laîercï.- MssAnnlie, Hogarth hias mturmnad fioin vie;it-ingý friends at- Enfield ..... Mms. Hl G.Pasene and baby' are ecvrigfmoin their seious îliness. amers, don't forget Thnmsday le the day nof Mr. Jesse Aruot's sale-...Mis Rý C. Scott was badly shaken Up b. bein t-hrown froin a rig Sat-urday.. . .Mm. Thos Pascoe cnt an chu t-ec wit-h over 25 cords oi st-ove wood lu it..- Ms De la Wemyhbas been pnnmly ....-LMmr.%W N . Pascoe had a wnod- heu and nysier supper Thursday.,.... Mr. J. W. Broo!Ls bas purchased aegistemed marc colt fmom Mm A. Clemeus... . Mm, W Cox and famiiy iut-cnd going t-o Min. loba shortly. . tMis Flossie and Mm. Art-hum Osborne, Coumtice, visit-cd et Mm. A.. L Pascoc's recently .... ., . George Blai,in t-be employ of Mm. J. G. Lang- maid, had ,omne fingeme badly mangled un a ont pulpe!-..-.. Mm., Phillips,Toronto, visited ut Mr. S Shortridgti's.-. .. Mr jas Moore, Tymoue, was gucet- at-Mrs. E G CROSS BABIES, Soma lbabies appear aI wavs ugly tomn- pared It can't bea al originel sin ait- aer, meot lu your baby anywey. Your -baby is flot a cross 4a) ý for nothing. Hal is cross becansa lue is uncomfort- able' Adifferanca likaimagie is affect- ed by Baby's.Owui Tablots Thay do immediata and permanent Znod; t-bey cannot possiblv duo stnY barm. No trouble: nu spilliujg; nou diflC7cult-y gettiug the lunt-n'babyI's iuoutb; for vemy young infants t-haeau nrbu; cumblad t-o a pow- der or gin luwatzer Tbay are sweeat aver usadBabyýs Own Tablots withou.t findfing t-bat t-bey 0o gond for ciidmau roi ail agas Mrs. M.IWatt-ars, Sheeýn. homo, Que , says: -",' bave used many t-uadicines for lit-tle uit-s but f! ive never found enyt-ing equal t-o Baby 's Own Tabluts, 1 simply would not be wit-out t-hem lu t-ha bouse, aud I strougit' rec. ommaend t-hem t-o al ut-herm mo t-baecs."- Babv's Own Tablets curealal the mi- nom ailments of littie nues,and vou have a positive guarant-ent-bat t-bey contat- no opiate or hiarnfi-l drug. Soid hy al! dmuggist-s or maIled post paid ti 25 cents a boýx by writing diirqect t-o ttiu Dr, Will- iams' Madîcin-e Co., Brockville, Ont. AUUTIOIN i 0sVtýs THuRsDAY, VMemch 19 -14r. Jessýe Âmnot, lot-. 26, con. 4, Damliigt-on, will sali dm bis valtille farm stock, müachinery, Bad ppe iteiniplaments, etc. Sea, bille; for perticu- 1, lars. Saleaet 1 p. m JAMýEs BISHQ?, Indig stion SATURDAY.M ,M, G. M. la- 1wuli, pmoduca -dealer, wlloffer Mr.'Jas. MCMat-h, 31 Inverness Street, sala on t-ha Mamkýet- Squair, Bowr. - St-ratford, Ont, 8s'tates:-« My ,ilgestiive ville, four horses, harneeýs, wagons, organs weme entirely demangeil, un>' ppetîte egg cases, butter tub ý, sosies, hemi- was poor, I was mun dowu± lu healh ad imers, saws but-t-er makar, tables, etc. bAd severe attachs nf dizziness end ýner- Termes cash. Sala, at 12 p. ni, Se vous head-aches. The use ni Dr. Chase's bills for pmic mj4L. A. W. ToL.., Nerve Food has entirely cuired me. as ny auctionee. digestioa lu very nch lmprovcd. the headachea have lait me sud my appe tit-e is TrESDA7, NMareh 81.-Mm. J. H. BÀxîaU real gond. I eaui recommeud Dr. Chase's of Ilarmnoas, lot- à, con 2, East Nerve Food Most heamtily, knowving it-to W1hitb)y, wîll sal[ by public auction bc an exceptionally gond mdcn. bis eutire st40«, farun hniplements, a quanititv- of bey and etraw, corn Beinig alight-y lxtieDr. Chas'. sta1P>ike t-c. Sua potere. JAMES Narva Fond regrlates t-ha action cf the Bmsor tct-loueur l2e-9wU excratnry orgaus and through lt-s estOra- tive influence on t-ha nerves and muca SATCItDAV, Al)ril 4t--The Harudan. ensures t-h& bealt-hfnl ausd vigomous action Est-at-e composad cf 81 ecrte.gLo-i2n of itha respimatory end digestive systema mkn rnDalutnwlb If yoa are weakened by nverworlc, worry suld by auction, Salaet-2 p. ml. For or diseas., t-bis great- fond cume is bonnd t-o particulars seac large adyt. i-n anot-her be of benefit to ynu. As a restorative it colunyin. L. A. WX. Trat-b.auctioueer. bas nevçr beeti. appmnached. 5o centsa FIA 8Pi 7TTM.W .Wl boxax il ea'e3,'r Eruanoa.Bats hatne, lot 10, cen 12, lu t-ha Town of Ce., Toroato. Bowmnaavi'!e, will seil his valuable. fax-m stock, implermauts, at-c. This le an importantt sale as t-haroi; a fin&t Dr C as, lot of tho)ro-bred stock.. See bille for IVSale at 1 p. m, L. .W. Nerve F da uctioer. ý 1-