t~tel'nî P~~ A~<UM. ~OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIR8T' TEE WOELD AFTERWÂRDS. M A. JAMES, EditranFrpit. NEw SEIirE& B~OWMANVILLEz ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY, MARCII 25, 1903 VOUMEX XN.13 ~,,~, ~* ., ~, ,. *,~.,~,~ .u~ ,JL.nu,. , xu. .w~.wi. .~x, ~.~..SAYING FAFEWELL. Mayor about -Mr. Densem. and was AMALGAMATED WOOInWORnnast' UNION PRESENT BRO. J oinN u NSEM WITH A GOLD 'WATCH. Mr. John Densem, ný the Dominion' Organ and Piano Cr;,s factory, bas gone with his family to Silverton, Oregon, U. S.A., where a zood position awaits him. On Satu ,day evening his fellow workmen turne1d out in force, and forsffathered in t1 s larg'e Foresters' thankful for the priviiege of 9onn n. this farewell gatherig is besttt W wiseswoidfolow r. ý-Densem and M n faniily to tbeir American home. r_______________ Mr. Dtensem's father thanhed the T ÎieSo 3 Wn n'le brethren for their generous gifts and T iieso o~ av1e compiimentary address and Mayor James and Councillor Mason for thesir Followiuog up the spirit of some para- Major Sneigrove, who has since been kind words about his son. Short izraphs contained in our inaugural ad elected Secretary-Treasuier of the Ca- appreciative sDeeches followed bY d ress to the Town Council, we now pre nadian League for Civic Improvement Messis. Neil 'Yeliowlees, Geo E. sume to elaborate a littie more fully the said the objects which ýhe promoters o Maynard. D. Morri,;n and others. At suggestions therein made, and earnest- the League haci in view were to unite the close ail joined hands and sang ly sbit$it the hearty and voluutary ac- the efforts of all citizens in the, syste- £ J ouch, Jolinston& alla ..in, n,