NO TES AND COMMIENTS. An article entitled "Our Frontiers in -Africa: T1r politaine--MoroYcco, vicili appeared aboi;t a fortigh ago in th(' Rev'ue Politique et Par- lenaientaiýe, deserNTeq attention ho- cause it is signed by M. flene Millet, ex-Resident Goneýral of Tunis, and expresses t ofiese M. Hanotauei, who was foýrxnerly Minister of Fo-ý eignAffars, and wbo istoeay certaý,in of.,returniing te that pest ed of ignoraineceof local condi(ltions, .'s.:,e:.::. ' nor czmnJhu plead ignrneas an excuse. Ilereafter bis iusp)onsibility and his authority will be increased, Un .' b ecbu set he now knows South Af- : It III rica. 1B1is visit to South Africa was 4 an adirable idea. If ho bad mnade bi; visit before the war thle Briti sh L:~~::: Govermnent would have upýdestood vr nnshnsyi obe tPîe situation better tïan itdid. her," s i Riorae Alethe ou- lar dtectve, s ho pushýed a box of igars over to my side et the table. ABOU TII ilu~1iA BO-1"Ibave iieard it stated," ho e 1unied, ta hrisn man with- zrnuro S1out fis orice, nnd I a,,.-,-, n- ll;GIRLS, would youlike tu have t1l beautiftil dressed doliIfso,sedu yoiir name and adress 11a on 1po-tc'lx and we will send you one doz. lre beautifnliy coiored packages of Sweet Pea Seeds -postpaîd. Seli them rt M0e. each, return us $1.20 and we will NLL YV9Oi'R FAITII 1