To Rie VWcary Dyspeptic. We, A Sk sQuestian: WIi doftyou remone NOT07ES AND COMMIENTS. One of the groatest triumffhs won by medicai science within recent yea rs was the discovery in 1883 of the speciflc germn of diphtheria, and the demonstration which followecd that the germis ef this disease, pro- perly cultix ated inana artificial way, their poiseneus properties extracted and these toxins injected into the vein of a-herse, predurcd certain changes in the watery elements, or serum, ef the blood ot this animal which miade it a cure for diplitheria. The hurnan famuily owe an everlast- ing debt ef gratitude te Klebs and Loeeflier, whe demionstratecl the bacillus of diphtheria, andi te Beli- rin, nn'dbpr (4rran. whe anadeý ing. Let the writers of fiction stand wvherà they bogann the enter- tainers, net amorg trhe scientists. The decadeance of Eng-lisli speech is te ho the subjeet et a lecture te be given ini this city, ani-i i ust bo adnmitted that the thenie is a timiely one. For, aitheugh in these days every other ipersoni one uleets bas a haitcopeJf novel up bis siceve, few have t'-ight words on the end et their tongues. or if the ight word Le there the strugglo te get it off mnakcs one et the most pathe- tic of verbal tragedies. Andii n shoulfi apply Lnunirson's test et eloquence -. "Face te face with a highwayrnan who lias every tenipta- tien anfi eppertunity f or violen-ce -77 DISTRICT NEWS. The bodýfy ff thie late M\rs. C. F PeWrs,'Brn~i %v as br,)ught to Poýrt Jip adîiterred Snatefunerai takngpla~jfreili the residenuce of ber fathe(r, Mr. W C. MiartAi. NMr. J. Yellowlecs, Ninette who is returning from a trip to -eotlarid visit- ed his sister-iu-lawv, Mrs, H, Gale, Col- borne, Mr. \Vm. Coýrneil, West Ops. sold a ýPan of regtsierd Cl3-dendale mares te Mr. John Dtisn Ashburn for $Mud. Mrý J. F. Roewi-and who' has been'in charge ef Steuff ville brandi of the Standard Bank lias ieturned to Brigh- ton 'i' GILSwoudvol]like te hve tihis beanifuldresentdeli Ifse, send us yr indd ress on a postcara D0, sli oi-nus l.2and wi e Lill dressed, inch-di a tyl-ji si a, -lorwear trirmc ih a" -,cig and 3cute ittis ppés1* rna'7o-5s ~ ~.t wth ilver huckles. c hoha3,lveiy golden cuniy hair, eiyeeba- ;j ful eves and join eled body. Mrs.Farak ,ect of warn-iýng A remarkabloieincident in Cobourg roetywas the appearance of four funeral circulars at one turne aninone ~l s hw ingthe death ef residents, 62, 85, 86 and 89 ý enrs of age Cobcurg barber is open and the ice