liul TIle reliter Nwith wflppI,4iCren,um sweefened 'and flavored amdË ou Orage eil. -Soak one andi ell-qurte tble~'onsgranulated geltin laonequatercup cold wa- terand disolv inthre-quartî-ers ccip oilig watr; a l eif c'Upl sugar, ~~~~three-qures cpoag S ipnens lnpna juice -, ]ceve Cp abis uiceLed1oranges by aing ao smalchle t te tem r d and ix- trjducng iiadrined ispon uie ias w, ith ixtun reanti thla col pIais la cilsi. When draduy oer-e eaf ut r p havds, anti baves agin fin oeanage Srurse.and- mon.j te qater cbut orne juie, twetabl sCeeonslemSe.-jicsselle al u sugar nd a scv-ietre egg lios qunte i mixtue thinenps thepone- talesipoons cold a er;rain, radd o-rane pul rane , and'o uebl ࣠ad chili, and serve with tig ffýorge sauce ila 'feso egsuni sii;a'dgadalyeo haif rcp powdo .re maegar, jiceiro ene largo orange and loneruicete be bod a cnveen trelle ani i quite ich. ell ele eu hexiga, ene hall ýýcup itr, 1throins crosana- ol-tatareaU llete aveehal sqtres chocolate te aecdnsito- el sruptht Wilpreeas,,,!t ilai or pcth eleal teasdaon van- Wpent crps ae mde t hme nuni eatin , u-lSs the ba\ hee a j nev ape hv henswei e gehetaea edi tradc wt !cculth and foi-did tPe reel. The new ai t!ie f1nti spread and therewa j uàsh fer the ne!vi territory.Mnr peureti in at the rate of 200 week alnd seon ail the availableo land wvas s7taeýd eut in claims. "For thle entire 4û00 miles from Per'tfi there i t a sign of eoa tienl. Teeis rne waterecp ht which maytholfen;1stndngintheý) gnlzabobsior basin like j foma,- tiens in t he ptons.)Te qpropectr flls is water Uhag frelin theCse anui th(n-silesout oi-er til!country. When t11wy1have fni lalacer mine the(y 1have ,no e watr ith which te 1work it, and t hpy use a shakeIr. Thatý is a oeie f sieves a1ranjged elle, amaler I te bttoiî.When the tiirt bas een pot through the' shke;t is tosýsed in the air ani the wid lows away the fille dust. The golti then can ho pirked eut. "Ail the water we have is wbat is taken Iroin the mines-anti codtinseti, and thti, selîs from $-9.50 te $6.25 a hundreti gallons. A pumlping svs- tenm is now heing put la Which will brinzý- water frora Perth, 400mie awny, te Kalgeerlie. Tiiere will be tee. relay stations in the lne. The systera will ho in eoperatien next year., "During the grcater part of the year tho thermometer stands at 115, in the shadeanadsolt a prospec- terge away froîn the gmm hole witheýut wator his, sulte ,rings atre, apt te ho s-metlAng wl].There lis now a lne coilw IlfrraPerth anti alse a telegraph ,,l in"."- WI-IYTH-ETEIE SINZGS. Lttie To will tlioubtless becemee a sinit Already ho has begun, te see thLe connection hetween cause nid flcct. Ieasleeking at a tirpof e wa- ter t1irough the mirocpe Le aind themre antieeyweewere tact- "fNw Ikno," said li, What goll way toro.""Acyo? ove-n.theoh h hati only a huadreti or t\we uý,a enr.1Ireckon CtL ý£20,- 000f is ns goti as mine. Prom wat 1 kucxr cf girls yoc'ar Leisin xiii 1n1inclirather pick eut a 1huseatidfor 1bersolthan take one he.r unce Lias chosca for het (bo)uvier attîPltive anti deýsirable !ho nîaie, olima ho atitieti, soetinjgly ),' e1P(1ill i tates antiseveri Chsan s a ('ear." Anti the twe n'or-thics g-cia net k.owigiyat oeeanctier. ertlu! s in1gly. "Ce1-ai. oleit for l'ou I mut etn i i ah girl, thon?" sait ed hrnn ea tivo, incensequently Uls rompaîiionshggdlsho- dors. "No marriage foc nIe,' ho repliet. "Sc far as I scil ýi cary tPe tig fan enaugi Ceo -nsuire yeuc being tJe-' fuseti, tint wiIi ho enoùgPh-eh'ý" - Hlamilton n'as tloIogltful for',a moffent. An idea sntitenly occ.urre-t te Pian. Once formna]lly reiqset, mnight ho net 0e able, te put off biisý reînpaniea withl a con1sideýrnblv sinaller E4 in than £20,000. Clf roui-se, ho rouît oasilý- deiay pay- ing hlmi, on sonie îretext or anot-11. or, until the £100,000 n'as am-tually bancI oc-or. Twenty thousantý popants vn'as aivery large suna, ho re- The matrnas therepon settieti; the £J ,000 fer (expenIses n'as proimlt- ly Pait:qI;f1iaie, aka ilncs sary îageetfor te nsin cnlpaig, the predieus ,pair sprt et anti nonit teteresciv Meois. once secaro in the pri-vacy of bis own apartmuent, ion'ever, the lien- oraüle Roýbert Danvers hehaveti;nlaa way ubwiri n'enld ,hýave gcoatly -sur- prisot bJis ýlate cenpe-nion. No ce-on- or n'as ,hoeetPe-n ho gave vetit te bis feig in tho frracf an ex- ulta)nt passel "Ohn'On a genhon' -n'Ot a siily ssITnent thusatipeunds! lbnkIjn golngt h cnen 'ithe horueateti, esttahy "Ta' tb 1.,,'v Vi ciimîght U: o CT.. T1-ce -oPorble eort dcx-nlie-bt n'rap round hic emalid,antl they s-ont- edl thermolc "5 011a pretty tecra'e ox'erlocling the Charnel. Seitly througli the gatbeilg tw-i-1 iigbt crme the gentleemurmor os Clhe w'aves. Prom the tran'ing-room floatedti tn'r&ls thora the n'octs of o of Tosti's hocutlf-l 1 ns.Ev- erytbing sceinati1propjiliosE. 'rhe lady herseý1li nas ilaoa penclvo mood, ns she tappOtiber taiat1y shioo la time te ti e IinSic. Der-uvers it the time na ripe te make b is coup. "Misýs Daylosfort! Decis - ier- ling," ho caid, n'ith n'eu simulateti passion, as he steleen" aruin retint bec net Luawi-il;ing ,n'ist. -May 1- tiare I-hpe that y n mncaro for lue? Bh cï.)nywIe oris?" AUît te lady-, uihu n ai tieon, pr.onaptly ansn'oret"Yes1"one înýight alaxtost Say ahojmeiet hi.s offTer. The lnorable l ot 'sde- ligit et. Pressing a kiss on, hec beny rcek, ho turneci an'ay is Pond anti smiied trium.phantly. Nothing bat been sait ns te the Souîth :African ,cousin n'hom bis fiaarer"s late undle hait inttet ber te marry. AMiess Deylesforti oxidcnt- 3I thought ber ceînpanion ignorant of, the fart. "Inteetd, i, wy houlti alle iniiagiuue hat 1I knecv?'"' thouight Danvers. "0Ga]me littie thýinig, thougb, t e ho wiulng te 'give x11 £î00,000 for her oen'n ar(n t --ýýi ho smiued domlarnty at this v deacecý f bis oenaatatos. wnner wheu. seo nil confite la B ut bids cempanion 'd(i1 t tmen- tion týho sujc-t lent, inet theni. Att intec'elin tPen'hleof tale pnrty at itthe hôtel o' 0ftPýegon tggoîne-at (th'le lonorable Robert took are cf that!), a-i nînny n'eîo Che mfpculatians the anneunrement aruseiý,. Wint reuit aàn-an luke tOe h3.1onirabj, Robert Danvers Sec in the insignificant littio Miss Daylosfert? Designinýg llttle a-in7! people Sciook Choýir honte. They dýdi net k ocf thefotue.Theîo- forFe it 'asinxlcbe Yesdonc" s iCeloittle jlýady te honr cnxpan1ýiata vnig st rtrirmg, -"lie bas cucC Pe oa this eeigtakgootdiness!" Sbb Drss£100,000 ila -dditian te erfui.Ca't I hear sema more ? pre ,nt incnie tlhey ill bavo 1plenty TO-enaste uciphoinhe coi 'ane, w-eni't tbey? appeni fcr t-carofi the women1. -They~ :"Wbly, Vxxbaith tbc mt, r, Tth- promptîx hin f" aces in Cheir joet "' as, i urpriseti at his silence, slhe handkerchiels nnd bat a gocti satis- turriecd te ter coînpallien, 'who -was 1lying dry.1 The piallist started agai.n -3tnring at lier in a half s tuinnet anti Mary hogan te hbeat t'ime with wv3 liber fingers. The timiehenting 1 Was ',ater!- le shoutoti-', rising an-u eadda eec a et ps grily. "Conîciniot if u have de- sibloex-ionfscIthe succes ofthe ceihîý cd ie. I thouight 3 ou 'w eic iprlnnt'or it showed heondi M.Js Dyefr any cicubt that tbe gil bearti cor- 'Cl roui ce I arn." Thoný-a as'upi- rectly, cionci d .o ng lier mnitid-"Xou didn't BEAF FItOM IUER BIRTII. thïink Ivw as the Miss Day le. loîf, the The next subject wa .s a giri, teaf, ieies, cit you? Oh (,orc 5O5pi- torah, anti hlind lrom hfirth, named clous confirinied hy 'bis lace), YOll Catherine Petiersen. She, tee,, did! I Seit ailnOýv-w hvy 3ollPro- hearti 1or the first time ilalber 111e peseclti teie, ton. No doLtt it was andi there n'as net tPe slightest 3ycuýWho.n'rote tlinýt 1 II'!' deubi that the experience brought Tle !Itonorable, itoleit w as heside bier the greatest joy she bias ever biîel ith rage. The rnoxt train known. Tn'e ether girls and a bey te.!,liihm hack te Londlon, and lln' wer h ats et.Tebyna lie us bcbng t 1-ron ten.ed witb an ar- eotelsThbywa tionforbreah o prinis atthese delighited . witlî the nmosic that iestn1erboacMis Dreis ye at the 'ben the pianist playeti a two-step London Tit-Bits. lebgn ogi n hnt ac in tiiie ,te it. In seine ways this n'as reartitt as the hest test cf the Englant and the Unitedi States are aternoon. The lad had, oif course, credited n'ith heing tho two ricbest nover heard music helo's, anti when nations in the n'erlcl, h1L W aue x- hoewas asketi Wh Y lhomatie suri ý'a actlyý constitutes the real wealth Of tiinntratieai over wbat hoi hati a nation masses the understanding of bearti.lho naitdinia the siga lan- the avorage nuortal, say s Lontdoný guage:' Tatier. A natioa's wealth con-sista "i jontcocuîti't stand stiîî. 1 largely la its hcrrewing rcapacitiesý, nover hearti anything like that noise anti in this respect Englanti stands heloce. It Wîas lino." lirst, for beomi tiouht Our vcdit is GIX EN GMÀLI) MEDAL. strdnger than any ether natîioýn 'î It nas hear ly 7 o'ciock n'hen al tho n'orld. A littie ave-r a year ago the experinionts n'ore Over UTh the U~nited Stateýs pesset-,seti a lacg- poese atiblre h I h ori omun fc goiti than that cf any lahcr atery that Mr. Ilutcbinson's oth1er coiumtr1y. in Ax;gust, 1901, invention weuîti rectuce te a Inini- thie 1JrAltite es Treýasury bat in mumni cjst cf theo difficuities - that its strodng box a suim of ,SO;0,354,- hv eh e atahn u. 295 in colid golti bbut curicus4y en hte Ctali. mti te achoic a" ut ough this ,fart aloneweldhy ne ot[,ý\ihte-ro1tcn h ineans constitute- the oArnrrn re- imute caýn har i i seil ,or hersl public thincetgoenco aex- tialk, alnd thus boni what speech istonce. sents ik. Tis, Prof. Van Tas- _______ selsiti, tPe patient can bnlp hlm- "Its asy enugli te cak sU more than aay elle mn 'belp füinonda," sa1iti Spenders- hitterly,'ht. Tis. ntcfocurse, appliadta t "bt rtt Lard te keep thora. n ue; x'Oehave loarneti to talk a "Oh J o't kaow," replieti Lentd t1o. ors. "I'ce get a numbor cI - frienti>s Mr. 1-utchisen bas heen at n'ork n'h seraporecty 'ilingtelot me n bis invention for several years. c e toa. Lasi earho W.nt te rEnglanti anti + sho'eti hat iinachirncouitde Sade ws eove ani Aire n'a insecora cftheinsituioS for ue~e. Atlunh sati lite "I ci-i th cea an i orh laLena.Queea dernbat art f ananial ae-he Aleantia sn- elle 0f the ests, anti 1s. asi leýg 2 0 ous e,"akthe iî!ventor te gîvenather an~ne'ic Sahe "t'stPe an' at uckngbn Paace.lIedit e I bne I'ncn' yîu erherd f nt te Queeýn gave Ihlm a gýalti anmais'licking th,-eir chos2"odl ley nnswerei, -as no stcwuu away, the missile, lan whirh, n'hen ho îench- oti home, ho fouati A CHEQUETFnR 55,000. Pr. Glynn, a heneveleit Canmbridige tioctor, usedta tecdorie that the, most gratifyinggfoc ho hat evor re- ceiveti nas a nagpie hrooght te hlmx lan a n'icker baskeýt by an olti noin soneheho at beenable te ro- stoý-re te health; anti ichn Joshua Wart hati curedti'hoe ing of an ob- stinate m-latiy ail the rewart ho claimeti nas the <privilege ocîl. dri vljng b is carniage in St. James' P'arkt. W'?ien a lady te whcm Dr..Aber- aebhati nprescription in hic uauai churish niannor'askei,. "Whnt ama I tea teo nith it?- lho promptly> answxereti, "Anythiîîg yen like. Ycau may put it on the ire, àf yen please." Taiuing hlm at -bis wxorti the lady promptlv rdSnsigfed thew slip of paper te the Ilaiumes hait wa'lketi eut of the coasulting-reomi. ikhea Tysea the millionaire mnr la' Pis iast tinys, bebbbeti al the way frea 1{eckney to conisult Dr,, Radcliffe, anti tendtereti a tn'o-guiftea fee, tho indignant physician, who recognizetdiihlm anti osVpiseti bis meanlless, thluadored at hlm, "Yen mny go, sir- YOU TMAY 0O JIOME ANDMI) E; for'tPe grave is n'aiting for Tysea, of Ilackney, n'ho bas grcwn 1 ricli eut of the gpoils of the public anti the tee-sos f erpbans ant i lden's. You'll be a deati manf, sir, la ton tintys..", It is net olten a prescription takes suri ea acceptable ferra as that giv- on hy- Dr. Lettsom to a poor woeman v,' omlie hohai surarmoncdtateattenti île quirkly discovenat that bis pa- tient n'as s'ofeérlng scliy frein that toc comnmon maiatdy-starvatIion; e, as ho n'as leavî,ng ber, ho bantieti er a slip of paper, n'itb the n'orts, "Here is a prescription n'hich, I think, n'ill 'de seme gecti." It n'as net the geneous tioctor's inuit if it failedti t nork a cure, for the pro- scription n'as nothing iess tPe-n a tiuqefer lifty tiollars.-LonUtoll Tit- Mnrs. Justrch-.'These dln'wentids aegenuine, of course ?'- en'llr- "Certninly, maaiar, IT on' the anaulaiiri,, turer, pecsonelly." - t S reportotdi tateiteniu- gents eekiIlOtiiiane'ggrnn cuiàTurkish trGeopg -LIstib, lîe-co-