ThesrCsuliau Statesinn BOWMNVILLEý. ÂPR. s,19la AN EXPLANATION. Last weekwe intimated that we did -1et intend to urge eleci ors to vote for or agaiust the by-lawv to bc, votedl on Saturdav, but when wo gave the subjvet eloser eonsideratioli, we decided that belng Mayor does flot or should nit, Interfere with our duties as jrouriialitit. It bas ever been our duty-or we ha% e so regarded t-to maIke careful and thorough investigation into al im- portant undertakings of the town or mnurrouading couutry and then preseut .aur views aud conclusions to the publie Thus we have striven to i nid public op nion and we always feel seriôunly the responsibilitv we 80 assume. Our business as publisher and occupation as j rnrnalist seem to demand that in this particular case of thse town bail by-law, tisat we should (Io our dutv regardless of thie consequeuces and the civie position we occupv. by the will of tise people. Taking this view of our duty, after giving thse who:e matter mnoRt thougistful and earnest consid--r- ation, we must advise every freeholder In Bowmanville to vote for tise by-law lu thse best interests of thse town. It is true that it wili increase the indebted nens of the town sllgistly, but in consideration of the verv great Improvement tise proposed buildings ~will make in tise town, we asis the people te vote for progreas and enter- prise. THE BY-LAW SHOULD CARRY. The by law upon which the property holifers will vote on Saturday demands very special consideration To usno by. iaw ever submitted in town seemed 50 im- portant Athou-gh it necessitates an increase of the town debt ot $5,000. We are not only getting public buildings and accommodation that wilt afford convea- lence and satisfaction to every man, -womnat and child in town, but besides these con siderations two sucis handsomne pub!ic bui dings in the heart of the town wîill give it a modern and prosperous appearance in kecu ing wjîlh our splendid Higli and Public Schools. churches- and business blocks Tise town needs the buildings badly. They will greatly ira prove te town It is a good investmnenl and we must flot a'low it to pa ss unap propriated. Speaking particularly of the Post Office we ail go ta it oftener than to any other public bui!du g It uhould be the tnost convenient buildig as to location ini town. No one can deny but that tise town hall corner isthe right site f ur thse Pot Office XI is the Government's choice and tisi choice is made purely witis a % iew ,to public convenience. AI] concerned ap. prove of the engineer's good judgment The figures given on first page shsow., that thse town stands to lose nothing by the transaction and we shali have thti two handsome and necessary buildings. As citizens we must flot always take a dollar-and-cents view of public under- takings In our own homes or property we paint, paper, drain, improve and erect bui diogs or additions to buidings, with no expectation whatever of gev ing a money value in return. %& e deemed the expenditure wise b, cause of the comfort, couv-enience or necessity. JI is the saine in town matters. Financial outlays to the extent of many liundreds ofdolars are made evervY year with no th<,ugist or prospect of cash returns-the expeiiturj is necessary. Our fine churcises and scsoo's do flot bring-us a monetary income, but we voted for their-construction and we are proud of such fine edîfices. Tisey were needed and we knew it and cheerfully pald our share te their construction and ma;n- tenance. \ e get the general benefits for wich they are designed and that is enough Justtise saine consideration prompts listo support this by-law. We badiy need more convenient and modrn bui1d- ing s giving more office room. A chance ta build wbat we require on better terms than we ever anticipated has unexpect- edly come to us and we should g rasp the opportunity. Contemporary withtie coming of tiis chance afforded by the Government's offer we feel tise necessity, aye the absoute responsibility in respect to public safety of doing something to ile o&d toxvn hall. Architects tell us the building is positively in a dangerous condition and collapse may occur at any time Tise nortis side and east end ofthe entrance must be takeni down. Tihe total cost of these and sucis otiser outlays as will bc necessary in case we decided to repair the prescrnt strncture is variously estimated at from $2,ooo te $3,ooo and tisco we would have -an old building requiring frequent, repairs. One man Wwsas on tise roof recently, says it is settling down and will soon be a concave surface. So that it is.wîsdom te acéept vit. RIcKARDIS NAIDEN SPEECH. IButÎKÂy opT«E BpuitOEDauvitumD B Oua LMBMBPIN THE auONio BeLas- LÂTURB ONt MAitcER 26, 1908. L ast week we publia bed seme extracts from Tise Toronto Star of MIr. Rîckard'e ~maiden spech in thse Ontario Legisaa titre, but baving since obtained a more comple report of' tlisespeech. we give the portions not lncluded in Isat week 'i article, further than to make tise noces sary connections, tu what Tise Star sait was 'loue of tise best short speeche: made ibis session " It was about 11 p, m. wh,?I1Mn iikard rose to speak and ha esaid ln part:- Mn., SpuAXsrn-I amn having my irsi experience ini Parliament For mer( tisan two weeks 1 have sat silent at m3 desk listesiing te tise Debate, thse timE having been ciieffy occupied by hou Gentlemen ontise opposite side of th( House. I ar n nt able ta -Bay tisat I isavi listened witb ploasure nor with profit but I have endeavoned te isten at tený tively. I arn a new member and sisall Det Impose myself upon this House te any lengtisofet tue at this late isour. Ir tact, it was net my intention tospeak ai aIl on tiis occasion, tise debate isaviab been carried on for more tisan tw' 3weeks by Hou Gentlemen of ability- Lawyers, Dectors and Editons eccupy ing tise front bencises on boti sides o this Hous, and ait ides oethtie questieu baving been thorougisly tbresbed ou until no new, natter eau possibly bt found. It will not be strictiy in keepinfi with tise fitness of things for sone of n oceupving the back benches to under take to.recapitulate and go ever ris samne ground tisat bas already been s( ably covered. But I takle my seat i ise Legisl&ture by a good'fair majerit, sof tise Electors of West Durham, and« realize ihat tise time bas now comi *wisen I bave a duty te discissrge. tiserefore rise iu my place te p)rotes' -against tisis long continued snd wors4 tisanuseless waste of time ciifly takei up by 'Hon. Gentlemen opposite, b. tiseir bowling tirade et slang wsnginý and mand ainging againat tise Govera 3ment and its supporters, retanding anc *hindering tisis Legislature from pro ceediug as thev sisouid do witi tise bu-i ness et tisecountrv. I have tise'utmoqs assurance tisàt net only my Liberal sup e porterq but aIse mauy of my Conserva tive e tiends will enderse my action in sý doing. lu tact, ir, it becomes mer aud more apparent every day that ris peopleetof iis country-Liberals ais Conservatsves as wel-are becomin£ r tired snd disgusted with tiis long con ýtinued debate, tise time bing largel. taken up by Hon Gentlemen opposit( un maksng long, peecises lu wbich hlon ety, trutli and Britishs justice have n( t place; where honor and verelcîty are ig nored, and wisere faix plaY and tisa -courtesy wiicis is alwa) s due front on( gentleman te anothen gentleman la for getten, We meet witis abusudance o Vpreet et this on al ides. No longei yago tisais between tise sessions or thii House, te day- 1 met two prorineu * eadiug uen from mv own Constituenci whd, by the way, 1 believe are as goec Censervatives as auy honorable gentie -men on tise opposite ide et this bouse andi upan tiseir asking if we had go, *down to business ver in the bouse,' was et course obiged te ssy No, notis ing bein.- donse, only di bating tise Ga *mey Charges. The auswer I receive< was, Il Well, I tiink il is igis lime yoi 1drovped tisat nonsense, and get down t( 5buiness ' Tise opposition are overý reachiuîg tisemselves, aud they are noi doissg themaeives any geod by continu i lsg tû curry on tise steate at sudt lengris. Mr. Speaker, 1 here and nom desire te place myselt on record as pro, testlng lu tise most vigoreus manne: againat this continued tirade et abus( from blon.Gentlemen opposite, tise ouiN abject evidently beiumg te make political capital, and tise only result a tirring up and encouiragissg moat bitter parti. Zan feelings and in discrediting and blacking thse tair name oi our beloved Ontario..le It la net Mv intention, Mr. Speakerl te take up tise time eft tiis flouse by citicicing at any leugt the lengthy speeches oft Hon. Gentlemen opposite, but permit me te say tisat early in the sassion-J tiink eue day last week-this bouse aubmitted te tise ver.v trying or. deai etfiaviug te listen te tise Heu, Gentleman member for West York, during ail or nearly al efthtie time of eue session e! tise Honse, and aoeaîn te- day we have been subjected te ie tasis ef having te isten a second time ta seme two or three isours' talk wbich has simply been a multitude et werds with- out argument, a faint attempt te make political capitaliby sanderirig tise Gev erument and its supportera, sud I do here and now, Mr. Speaker, reseut tise unifair and ungentlemanly manner in wisici tise bon. Gentleman repeatedly reterred te tise Hou., tise Premier et tise Province. Now, Mr. Speaker, let us go baekto the beginnîng of this matter,but whare may 1 ask, is tMe beginning ? 1I had thoughlt jr was on the llth day of M arch the present month when the Hon. Gen- tlemnan. member for Manitoulin, saw fit to prefer certain charges aoeainst the Hon., the Provincial Seere'tary. We heard these charges, but we have no knowledge as to the truth or falsits' ef them, but I have to regret, sir,the man- net iu which these charges were receiv ed bv the Mon. Gentlemen opposite, vryone, I believe, claiming at the tiýre that they had no0 knwledge -w at- ever concerninZ such charges or that such charges were to be made, but fore I think it has since been pretty weli understood that at lenst some of tise Hon. Gentlemen opposite were w'eli Mr. Jaco-b Pollard la impreving nieely adviseti et sud tisorougisly lunisarmony aud expectaso-iýn toise sitting up. witiste whole sciseme. bewover that Mn.Geo. P-. Freelanti bas secureti may have been, I couiti uet help feeling thenegaties th stre rons, chol tatit was te Se regretted that simply tiosa etcgativa ftisesre fr<}iiascieol because oeeHon. Gentlemanoet tis groeuaetcrist were taenoiesat 25e Hanse saw fit te make erty grave sud andcantu-ts-h upicae eîses t 2d!set-loua charges againat another bon. eacis. Gentleman eft tiis bouse, sud a moîn- Mn P Murdoch, who bas heen cou- ber efthtie Governuient wisese chat-acter fiuedt teie buse withi iluess for sorne iati nover been irnpeached-tisat tise weeksi daily at tise store agalu scandai souid bave been receir>ed witis supplrvinz fat-mers anti gandeners wlti s scb jey anti rejoiciug by' eveny Hon. id and gardon seds., Gentleman efthtie opposition, it weuild 1Mn. bellyer, tise couverted Russian appean, irs tisat tisey regarded it as be- Jew, wili lecture lu tise Congegatio)naIl ing sncb, a geed tiing, sucis s sweet chut-ch on Good Ftiday evenîng on met-sel that tiseit- nejoiing fsirly SuS- -Th - ouiobr" Admission 15c; bled ever as was made rnitest by twe for 25c; Ciiltren 1(Oc. tiseir vigereus peunding efthtie desks, Eastet- will be preperly obseirved at even te tise danger eft tiei being de- the Methodiat chut-ch next oundey molisised. I say, Mn. Speaker, tis ia wheu tise pastor, Rer- D. O Crossle.V, matter te Se regretted. sud wbiie we yil preacis apprepriate sermons and have u111tise paat several insztances wisere -the ecboit- wli fut-nias suitable music.smlar changres ef brîberv, etc., bave1 Pwublie welcoue. been pteferred, tlis manuer lu wbiehis ;t y )r a Lt 9 lt le io ee IV t le Lt oa e t )t r s t sncbi charges have been received in tise Hanse bave no precedent. However. air, I saisi I was going bacis ta thse ie- ginunisg, viicis 1 h-ad tiougis wu. on the its day of Marels, but it has ap- peared te me, sir, tisat Hon., Gentlemen opposite in discusîng this matter have gone a very- long waybackuin tise isto- ry cf thse world to try and find, out something bad &bout thein political op- poneutsa Il mus at rater brIlfivta()Hon Gentlemen representiugToroute. 2To- rente belng our Capitol and tise Queeu City efthtie West, we very naturally re gard everything comlng tram Torouto, as being the best. Tise Hon. Gentle- man trom soutis Toronto, takiug up a very censiderable time, during wbich we otten found ourselves near tise land ot dreama, succeedei in sayîng soute moderately flai- things, but could not posaibly close ii speech without reter- ring once again te that sweet morsel. to that old, stale and.- worn out env of West Elgin ballet boxes, a tiseme o! wbich, Hon. Gentlemen opposite neyer gnow weany, aud about wbich shey uer- er tell tise"ioe truts. I mavisav, Sir, that in listeninc te tise Hon Gýentleman, member for Nortis T'oronto tonrtise finst time, 1 was some what aurprised and disappointed. as I believe was aise a considenable number et Hon Gentlemen- ou isis aide of tise bouse. 1 shall net offen any criticism isere, especially as my Hon tniend, member for Brockvslle, undentook te do Lse at considerable lengris, and ton wisich t ie wss calhed te task, and I must sav, air, tisat I was ratise n accord with tis, as I did net tisink it wotis tise time. It appeaned te me that ail tûe criticillm 'necessarY in dealing witi tise Hon.Gen- tdaman trom Norths Tononto-and we migtst add.West Toronto and East To- ronto--auà 1 would surn them ail up by saying tisat il voiu take netising trom nothing, usotbiug remains. 1 believe, Mn. Speaker, tisat 1 a. n 1messurably safe in saying, that everv- tishing tisat could In any way be constru- ed as being a scandai on tise Liberai iParty for tise hast hait century bas been 7raked up by blon. Gentlemen oppopite >We have been treated te a long tirade .relative te Soutis Oxford Election, Elea- 1tien trials aud protesta; West Elgin bas bean reiterated again sud again. and in every instance as bas been etten tpreved, onhv a part efthtie trutis bas been told, wisich la alwaysequivalent te talseh,>od. Tisey are censtantly aiseut ing, Iltse machine," *the machine." Ju8t wisat tisey meais by tisa1 do net know, nor do I tiik tbe.v kuew tisem- 1selves. Tisey neyer cesse te accuse tise Government and its supporters with bribery aud corruption, and everything thisl bad, whiie rhey are tise pst-tv et purityý, et honestv sud ail tisai la goed. But, air, they uttenr t ai in making tise people e1 Ontario believe snytising et tisekinti. We isean -mucis about tise wil et tisa people, ot depriviug tisem et biheir nigis, etc ,but, air, ai thiৠla ouîy tise means uscd te aecomplibi' à pur fpose. Tisey care net for puritv or hion- est gevemn menton tise wiil of tisez peo- ipie, or tise goed oethtie country. Wibat bis of mucis more inteneat te tisem is te rdeteat tise Goverument. It matters net 1isow, oniy tiefeat îisem, on tise floor of tise boure if tisey can, aud if net, then by manufactuting pohitical capital te be bused as eppertunity may cSur. Tise euoe aIl important ebject te c3e obtaiued bv Hon. Gentlemen opposite ls te cross tise fluer et thiarbouse aud take posses 1Sien oethtie tressury bencises. New, air, Lif ail that la wanted li a tain and impar- >tial trial that sisaîl de justicete tise ac- Scuser aud tise accused, aud tisat ghaîl 1make a final end tisereto, aud eue tisat shahI be acceptable te sud appreved by 1the peophe etfisis Province, tisen 1 ast ,it is ahi tbat eau be destred or wished for. But, evidentlv tisat is net ail we 1are at; tisat is net ail tiat Hon. Gentle- men desîre to make eut efthtie case. Now, Mn. Speakr, it bas been repeat- edly stated by bon. Gentlemen oppo- site, tisat if a motion isad been made appeinting s Commission et a Commit- tee ou, Privileges and Elections-tse Opposition weuid have at once acquies- ced, and ne time weuld have beeu lest lu debate. I arn net able te believe this, sud lu ail tairneas I ssv, 1 do net be- Ileve tisat there la te bc found lu tiss lieuse one single tair-minded man wise ddes believe it, 1 amn bound te believe tisat wisat latis uh esired ltisa-ht tis question shall be debated sud tise charges iseralded as beinz true- tisrougbout tise lengris sud breadt'h et tise land wiitiste object et making pe- litical capital. Itisa a matten te be regretted tisat two weeks et valuable time has beeu takeni rip in discussing a question tisat at moat might bave been dispesed et lu two days v, but trie waste et -tirne la net ail; lu tact, that ila aEtecendary ,censidena- tien. What la more te be regretted la tise tact that while Hlon. Gentlemen op- posite, instead et keepingito tise ques. 'tien betere tise bouse, bave evideurly ahown a disposition te atirup aud nake up ererything-preseut on pasttisat migist eenutiese ligistest degree thnow a S.&TURD.&Y, April 18.-Mn. J S. Rundie, Concession St-, Bowmanville, will sel s top buggy, open buggy, ett, 8 piows, and a qusutity et wood sudf iseuseisoit funniture Sale at 1 p. m. See buis.' J'AS. BISanr,' Auctioneen- A Mn. T. b Race, Proprieton et tise r Mitchell Recorder, wss lu tewn st f week sud gave an addresa on tise c cultivation of "Floýweî-s" sud home J adornment nden thie auspices of tise Honticultural Seciety. Mnr. Rac3 laan M entisusist on tise cultivation etf iowers isavlng a lange gardes o! roses and other beautitul sbba ud plants. J - I STIRMO Ir.T Ma.ÀLR Rîaa»GuàPPLU» Wi-IT Ops'osrr. ION i WIRHFORCE. (From British Wbig, Kingston.) Toronto, Marcis 27.-Tise bouse yes terday, as Wii reports have sbown, began witis el ctnical diseisanges, sund tisus it ended also,but In a baPpier velu, one o! wisich thse reports ia tise Mornine papens gave ne lnkling, for bu whe =peko at tise midnlgist bout receives s otcommentas attise bauds of tise press,, from tise pressure ot time. Alten neterring te a previeus speaker Tise Whig report sava: IlBut a great- er surprise ensued, aenved by Mn. Ricis- ard, ef West Durham, winding up a dresry nigist with matenial ton convul- sions Iu igiter vein but in dead ear- nest, hoe grappled with tise Opposition witb a force old stagers would bave heE- itated te assumne. pauaing at tise end et escis diseharge wi tistise nging procla- mation: 'What arewe at,sud wisyare we at it ?' He exproosed utten disgust attiseweary rpetition et speeches in opposition, at tise apparent insiucerity of tise Censervativea, who would bave stonmed twice as furiously against a comuittea, sud wso isd n, reg ard or respect forlte faim name et tise .Prov- ince. but were inLing it ln spurieus lu- tamv lu thein gneed for office alter thir- ty yeara et depni vation. Re 8aceed on tise four Toronto meuibers, as eratori- cal windmills, aud challenged tisem aud tiseir asseciates tu neturnute tair play, decency and diguified action. Tirougis- eut isebit isard, lu quaint tasision, edec- trifying tise Liserais, eutertaining even bis opponeuts suad establisbing a record as a dissolver ef heavy fine. Tise g ai- lentes were stili tiled,and liteners went awav. se cbarg-ed witis menies et Riekard sud bis original deiivery that tise three penderous Conservative spece, whicis preceded it, were rele- gse eoblivion. Cobeurg's member, (Sam Clarnke) ackuowiedg-ed wit e! tise bouse, la saite bave immediatehy sur- rencieredth ie sceptre. Riekard, acceunt- et tise quieteat imember efthtie gneup, bas matie a st 'irring bit." From Woeus$roen SriNTINsL-RuBVIBW, In tise report efthtie Ontario Legis- lature on tise Gamey charges tise .oodstock Sentinel-Review says: Mnr. W. Riekard ef' West Durham, a plain sensible business man, gave the il Ouse a surprise.lie, tollowed Mr. St. John lu eueetftise brightstansd meat vig-or- eus speeches efthtie session. In geed language sud witis mucis viger sud dramatie etteet, ise stnuck eut at tise Opposition in a wav that kept tise memisers lu roars et laugister, or lu close attention sud aecuned for hlm about tise heurtîest appiause efthtie session, ie denounced tise waste ot tise b-ouses time oi tise part et Oppesi tien membera' ln reishing oid party cries aud tise netuted scandais efthtie pasi lie defended tise position taken bv tise Govermmet for tise Investigation et tise Gamey cîse trom tl-e emmon seuse stand 'oin)t et a layman and a business mnansd ise weut for" those who were obstructing tise business et tise session lu tiselilveliest style yet adopted by any m-ember ou eltisen aide. Wheu tise bouse adjcurntd Mn. Riekard was sur rouuuded by Liberai menibers snd heartily congratulated on 1doing upý" tise member tor W. York, sud sizieir up thse situation In a speech tisai wiii net seon be forgottun by an3one wio ieard it. A COMMON MIST AKE Many People Weakeu Tiseir Syatem by Taking Purgative Medîcines. People wise use a purgative medicii lu tis pring malte a serilous mistake Most people do need a mediclue at thi season, but ît is a tenie that la requi-et te give isealtis, vigor sud vim. pur gatives irmitate sud weaken-a tenii modicine luvigoratesand strengthens Dr. Williams~ Pink PisI are absolute1j tise be8t teule med'cine lu tise world Tisese pila do, net gailop threngs th( bowels-tbey are geutly absorbed intr tise ayaItem, filiing tise velus witis th( pure, icis ted biood tisat c'a'rnei isesîing, iseaiti sud stnength te evesi part efthtie body. Lt-. Williams' Pint Pilla eut-e 5k ineruptions, indigestion headacises, nervousuesa, neuralgia Sbackacise. rheumatism, ceustinued wearnessud ail otiser bloed troubles The*v st-e juat tise toule yen need toi tisis spning. Mn. A Campeau, Alex. andria, Ont.,àays :-"T receiveti gresi Senefit trom tise use et Dr. WilliamE Pink Pilla, sud take pleasure lu recoin- megdiug tisem te aIl wise suifer trom troubles arising eut of s paoýr condition et tise blood. 1 think there la ne bettez tonie medicine." If yen need a medicine tis spring give tisese pilla a trial-bey will net disappeint sou. Do net be pensuaded to, take as ubstitute or auy et tise "just as goed" medicines wiih some dealens wiso cane ouly te profit, effeït- iein eus- tomers. See tisat tise full name, Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Paie People, la on tise wrapper arounid even y box. If indoubt seudl direct te tthe Dr. W"U iama' Medicine Ce , Brockville Ont.. and tise pilis wiil be sent by mail, port raid, at 50c pet- box or six boxes fer 82 b0. _ _ Mn. Geo. Potten bas aceeptgd a situ- ation lu Brantford. Attend tL.e Baste- tes lu St -PauI's :isurch, -Monday evening. Miss Ethel H. Mollon la espending Easter bolitisys lu Tot-onto. Millcr's Worm Powders, malte tise :isildren isealtisv. Sold Sy Stett & Jury, druggists. TiseApnilnumbe oft:Tise Amenican àIotiser-bas s brigist timeiy table et contents tor ita readers this mentis. Vlotisers, yen should net miss neadiug bhis iutenestiug journal. It centains sorne pleudiu suggestions ton tise cane ut your little eues Publisised at Battie Creek, Micis., at $i,00 pet- yest-. S end for s copy. Tise Woman's Missïonat-y Auxilianv' wiii isoit their Easter Tisank Oftering at home attise Methodist Parsonage on lEsster Menday from 8 te 6p.m. No unvelopes have been distribnted but everv eue will Se welcemne to cornee sud contribute tiseir offcrng. Miss Mary Allenýo et tieChina Iuiaud Mission wilI give an atidreass lutise al terneen sud aise Pt a public meeting in tise chut-ch ai 8 p m G;ood murical pt-ogt-ain at escs set-vice. Collection in tise evening. >uiblie cordially invited. t Auction Sale ef Mn Rundie's buggies, A evlsuder lu the lange chopper lu jturniture, etc. Sec notice. Vanstene's mill but-st receutly whicis Mr. nd rsErnet E Makli necessitated an outiav et severai Mn.audMrsErnat . Mckln, unmircd dollars te replac. Cobourg, spent Monday lu town.MisEtsQugneuFaswo E New lite ton a quarter. Milen's Cern- bas been eugaged lu Carnubeliford, bas peuud l-ou Pilla. SoId by Stott & Jury, accepted s position as assistant in tise dnuggists, Poat Office bore sud bas commenceti Washabie Kid gieves in white sua uy celons, met neceivAd at Coucis, Joisuston Ou Mondsy Bennett e! Queen's isotel & Crydenman's. sud Coucisman et Royal hotel, Pot Dent miss tise lecture ou "Tise Hope, were escis fined $40 sud costa ton Donkbors'" lu Trinitv chut-ch Goti violation ot License Act-second offence Friday nigist. Mrs. Howcs, Hamilton, Mn. J B. Veo t ontise bç-law, Saturday huis - Dreweny, MrT-.r. Tamblyn, Mn. Alex Dont misa sncb a goed chance te Boyd, Toronto, Mn. Jas. Clirnie Ham- impreve tise town, ilton, sud Mn. Gee, Sanderson, Coi- Mns Tiss. bean accompanied ber borne, were bore yestenday srtendiug daugliter Mrs. b. Goodman te Toronto tise tunerai efthtie late Mns. Wm. Quick. Last week. Mav ah-e neturu1 mach im- Have vou calleti at tise new bard- pt-eved ln healtis. ware store ? F. M. Soucis will convince Tises. Peste desires te inforrntise You tisat ho eau snppîy'von witb paluts, citizens otBowmanville sud vicinity tisat euis, fonce wire,, for-ks, abordes, miik ho la stili carryiug on tise Cleauiug anti caus, paiîs. etc.,j as ciseap as.tise ciseap. Dyiruz Werks king St , West, sud that Ost. Re la doing a rus biing trade ise wiil do yeut- work quite as well sud sînead. net charge yen hait as mucis as outside Rev. J.. P.- Wilson, pastor e! George firme. Give hlm a trial and he cenvine- St. Metisodiat cisureh, Peterboro, ed preacbed acceptablv lu tise Methediat Tise unanimous eall from- Bank St. ehuncis Sunday. Tise neetis sud work Presbytenian chut-ch, Ottawa, te R-ev. efthtie Educationai Societv efthtie cisurcis J. b. Tumnbuil, M. A.,, o! St. Paui's were nieely pnesented sud a liSerai cisurci,Bowmsuville.isas been accepted. reapense made by tise cengregation. Tise Witbv Prelsbyterv met bore -nearly $80. Tuesday sud mod srated tise eal. Mn. Edituir L. B. Williams. ef Events, [Neil MreKinuon, eider fer 29 yeara lu sud Mrs. Williams, Campbellton. N.B., Bank St. chut-eh, sud Rev, J. W. b. vise have been visitiug thoir parents at Mime, naster oethtie Giebe chut-ch, and Enniakiîlen, were in Town.. Ssturday member ef Ottawa Preasbterv repres sud gave us s frieudly ca il -Lite lu ented tise cengregatien sud Pt-esbytery tise Eastern Province seems to a gnee nespectiveiy,. A mot-e extended niotice [with tisem. They repet,. busines wlilappearnenxt week - boomlng alsoý. B etween jSeasons But plenty to interest von. lleadquarters for every- thing, you need in Station. ery, Fancy Goods, Bzoks, Albums. Pictures always a speecialty. A splendid line of Fount- ain Pens, from 75e Up. I have made. ample pre- paration for the Wall Paper season, anci if' you want anything exclusive, wev can give it to, you. S~l book now ready. No tr'ouble to show the, stouk. West End House. EASTER-TIDE IEIS.J West LndHue BaserDress GoodS. ___Somebody wili be too late; let it not be * you to get just the shade of dress goods o want in our New Spring Arrivais, New 8Crepe De Chines, Voiles, Armure Cloths, Satin t.! Cloths, Granite weaves in ail new shades' as well as the stapie coiorings. We won't sel what we cannot guarantee. Prîostley' s BladolDress Goods Always Black. Easter Ribbons. Easter Gloves.- Taffeta Silk Ribbons3 î inches wide Perrins' Kid Gioves (French 15e yd-5 inchs, d 25e y -5 Made) comfortable i'rom momnent !nc SainRibon 5oyd n al e a- ou put them on in ail new shades Sing shades. $1.25 and $100 pr. Cheviot Dress Goods. Waist Oloths. S52 inch Blk and Blue Shades 75e yd. In flew Satin and Silk1 Stripe k~58 inch Blk and Blue Shazies $1. yd. Goods pel. yd 50c. 56 inch Bik Shade, heavy $1.40 yd. SutaleGodsý orSkxt a ,dJapanese Taffeta Silk SuitabeGodgfrSkss n 29 inch Goods in all colors 50e yd. Boy's Olothing. Wash Goods. The littie gent as a generai rule Neyer before had we sueli a wants, a new Spring Suit-boys are -beautiful dispiay to show you. hard on clothes but we have the Muslins 10e yd up to 50c. $1.50 to $7.50 a Suit. Prints bce yd up to 15c. Easter Stiits. 201h Century Cloths costs mucliless byfar as * "custom-tailor goods ît nd you are absoiutely certain about the general.effeet before hand. Men's Suits: in.Tweeds, faîiey or plain- Worsteds in Checks ~ Stripes or plain goý ds. Suits, $5.00 up to $16.00. Raineoatis,Su n or Raim, $10 00, $12 00,'$13.50, Spring Overcoats, $650 up to $1.7.00. Easter Men's Furnishings. Can't keep stili about our llats-very iatest shapes, qu'ality first, $2.0!'.>buys a good Hat here. 1ý, Killg Quality Man's Footwear. Fit Like GIoyes, M NEW GOODS.-Tooke's Shirts, W. G. &R, andM Crescent Brand, 1 ,3W G1ovcs Umbrellas, Fane y Sox. Latest in Collars, cana be found- at McMrtry's of Bowmanvile, the Mensman. Quarter Lot,0f Groceries. < ~~7 s, Hand-picked Beans, 25c ; Sweet Sugar Cern, 3 tins 25c, 500 * ibs itue Vostizzas Currants, 8 lbs 25e;, MeLaran's flavored Jellv. 3 packages 25e, 3 Ibs Sweet Biscuts. 25; Tomate Sop with Beef, 8 lbs tins, 2 tor 25c; Tip top Chip Soap, 4 lbs 25e; Golden Dae, bs2e JohnsMctlurtrycI BOWMAN VILLE. cul& To ure a CoRdiiOeDy i Tke Laxaive Bromo Quinine Tabl:gets. 011evy Seven Mlion boxes SON ini Past 12 months. T"is sgnature, '9.O'?.'L, bot- 29c