anld Liyor _Tonio.I Irt Is reaily aurprising how tht "ale t-4 this remedy is inereasiug. We have neyer heard ofa single customer who has ttsed Lt and beau disappointed In the resuits. Lt is an article, o! genuine meril aud soid atý a. very reasouable $1.00 size for 50Oc 50e size for 25c Tour mnoney cheerfully re- tiurned if yon ask for IL. Good for ail stomacli troubles- l,,yspepsia, Constipation, Billons- ilese, etc. reWhen taken in connection with -our Dyspepsia Tablets we guarantee this remedy to cure any case o Dyspepsia or return your money. Stott & Jur,ilm- The Druggist and Optician. ýor E£,-yeglasses If Properly Fitted, Add Orace and Dignity to Veut Appearance. We confess that we take a real pride in seeing a person wear a Pair of Spectacles that have been fitted at our store. .The Spectacles we seil are ai- -ways 'becoming to the features- neoyer too higli, neyer too low, neyer too wide, neyer too narrow, eIwayb the proper size to suit the face. We are not *mushro om op- tias"We did flot spring ýup in a day. It has taken years of ex- perience and close application to place .us in a position te do optical work with sucli absolute accuracy that flot a dist3atis ied castomer can ~e found wearing our glasses. Hundreds of people in ail parts of West Durham and South Ontario as -well as ini other parts of Canada are wearing our Spectacles and any one oîf them cani corne to us and get back every cent tliey paid, for their glasses if they ask for it. non't It Pay You To Deal Wiuth a Fi rn Like his? Stott & J ury, Graduaate Opticans & Druggists. Thiceconstant bendinig o)velr that of neces- sity a sJJoe- xnaker mu st -.-- do when at iL ,, work Cornes biard on the- back and liard on the kid- BO MNVLE APR. 8, 1O Try Ted's Hot X7 Buns on Gnod Frids, Attend thie Emeter Tee in St. Paul' Monde v oulnng. The Wltbonidge farta is net solti. J bau-gainaaillesomas eue. Eester tee on Mondey oveuing nez a t 6 P M. in St. Paul&'.uch Adjt. and Mrs Mark Avre bave baei ýdvfsiting lier sister Mrs. Alex Ras, Hope Mr. Chas. Young hes roturnoti froui et tires mnuths' trip te Bermuda, W. 1 Mr. C. Blackett Robinson of thb le Canada Proabytenian, gae us a, cal lest woelc. A Ioof etMn's anti Boys' reedy t vear Suits juet op)eued eut et Coucb Jolinstoa & Crsdermn'sl Rev.c. O. Joinotea pester of Que01 -St. Methodist ehuncb, Toronto, aske< buis congregetion for, $1.,W0 te maki repaira te bis church anti they rospenti -d etwith 81200. Ladies' taller made suitseand separeto skirts-latest sty les just to baud a, Couch, Johneton & Crydermau's. William Burns, e veli kuovu rosi -dont ot Toronto. anti customs lauding vahendeti et bis honis 131 Williex St. l ins 76tb yean. Ho vas fathor co )Ars. Lucius N. Vanstone, Toronto. Miiler's Compoun.l ran Pilla, euly D1 cents for 50 doses. Saldt by Stott Jury, druggists. Bantimaster Wm. Roenigk vas li 1.onentoa buy ieg nov baud instruments. Il'he boys are rejeiciug iu hanisme nov uavy bine eud golti uniformes A -big Northvest tour next sumnier ii aiiticipated.-Lindsay Watchman. Al cases of weak or lame bok, beekache, rbcurnatisn, viilfli reliel by weening one of Certer's Smart Woed an-iBelladonua Beekeobo Plasters, iPrie 25 cents. Try theni. Dr. Uj.Il. Nicholson, for' sevenal ysars puirser et the steamer Norsenian aend a nions populer ship'officernever saiied -the lakes. bas been eppointeti Manager cf the Georgian Bay anti Muskoka Lake Navigation Ce , wîth heetiquerters et Gravonhurst, Ont. WVe are please ta t note that Presten Methotiat Episcopal Chburci, Dictroit, Mîeh., vas detiicated on Merch, 29th. The edifice viii seat 750 people anti cost 1about $24,500 al cf wbici bas beeu subscnibsd ti. t aabeautiful structure and acredit teMothodiani in that fine city We note aise that Dr. F W, Crydennian is enset the active officiels et this church. Palpitation of the boant, nenveuguesa, >tremblings. nenvouq beadache, coiti >bands and test, pain in the back, anti ether formaetofweakaess are relieveti by Carten's Irou Pis, made specially for the, blooti, nenves and complexion. Mr. Wm. Foley la bociming the Amen- ican Field- Fonce anti thc Perrin Ritiing tanS Walking Ploya. If yen tion't believe it, asi hlm.,11e bas somae ex- cellent teatimninaIs froni fermons whe have used these pIe va. Ho viii be pleaseta t give yen any information la the spning lime -vea shoulti nid 1youn svsteîn anti bleeti of the impuritis vhicb - accumulato turing- Winter months. For ths purpase ve reconi- ;menti Burtiocir anti Sansapanilia Cemp. )peunti as the best medianie. Soiti et MeDermitis Drug Store. Price 75clor the neznlar $1..0) size. .Mn. F.C. Wade, K. C.,_ oeeof the 3Canadien Counsel ce the Alaska Bounti- arY Commission vhose photo appeereti ia Meeday'is Globe vas barn in this townuin' 1860 and vas educated inl Ottawa, Owen Soundi and Toronto University. Since graduation ho bas spont meast et bis Ilil Manitoba and the Ternitories, AN OBSTINATE CASE Or EcznsiÂ-Mr. W. D. Johnson, Tilscnbung, Ont., vrites tbat bis fathen was eutirsiv cureti et a long standing anti ebstinate case et Eczenia bv the use oft'Dr. Chape's Ointnient. His ieg anti foot veto a mass et acres tint refusedtiate eal anti ho suifferedti tsmibly frein-the ltciing anti stieginer. Thongihe uset a greet mauy remetiies anti vas treeteti bv first-ciass tioctons ne permanent relief vas obtaineti nutul ho used Dr. ChaEe's Ointment. 11ev. J. H. Bamnett', trerely oft Bowmanvilie' pester ,etf the Garafraxa Congregetional churcb, user, Fergus, bas entereti an action for siandon against Mnr. A. P. Giernis. anti bas eugaged cana el to e ent imsoîf. antihas aisoeereda counter dlaim. For some tume tiliera bas bison trouble aven churcb mettons. AN,,AcHNG BAcs-Is ths final indica- liens of kidDey disease, anti shoulti be talion as a signal ot danger-a varning te use Dr. Cbase's Kitnoey-Liver Pilla whiie yet tiers is lime te eveidtihte dreatif nianti certain tatallty cf Ibis terrible disease. Thero laeîno guosswork Dreasmking vmnted-Sme md. - See Ôtir $6.50 eouch. M* D. WiI1iamsý -& Son- 1. Grand Musical concert lu Town Hall - Frlday April 24th ,y You'Il l ke McMurtry's $10.00 rata or ohIlneovermots. Pure Maple Syrup mnd Sugar, just tu> st Cavker & Talt's. 417 75 perler suit-5 pieces.ý M. D. Williams & soi). Chi-ystie's London bts. beet mu the venld ton sale et The Masen Co's. Ladies, black sateen blouses, aise songe elegent white blouses, l new n t Coucli, Johuston & Cr3dermeus., 1. Business men and others are invited Ste the Eastor te s. ln St Paul's churcli SMunday evening. Admission 25c. 0 Elephant Brand Fleur Paint made te 1,walk on, dry s hard in eight heurs. For, "sale only by J. B. Martyn. 3 Gooti vater proof coats rigbt up te ddate lu style ouly $1.75 meu's and boys.. e Ses theni et the Mason Cos. j, Returus show that thons bave been 142 accidents and 179 lives lest on Ca- e adieu railways since lest Octebor. .t Millen'e Grip Powders Cure. tiod by Stott & Jury, druggists. Barb, ouled andi annealed.plaiu twist, galvenized anti Sping Coul fonce vie a Steples, etc Fluli stock lit J. B. Martyn's Miss Ï. Alluni is borne froni Torouto 5much improvei le healtb end is visiting b er mothor, Mrs. Alluni, Onterio St. Miller's Worm Powders for sallev i skin; old. or Young. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Sce spociel offer ln oun viudov for this veok, in white enemnel furniture., 8M. D. Williams & Son. Mon's Hts-tho veny latest Engiisb and American sty;les aI Coucb, Johuston & Crydermau's. About two luches ot snov fou Fridey afterncon antd dispelloti fer a tume the idea that Summer vas uer. Fancy muga &Il sizes, a variety of sic- 1gant patterns anti colons lat Tbe Masons *Co's. t Ladies' Watrprofs-the flusat Stock vs bave over shown froin 83 50 up. Couch, J obuston & Cnydrman's.f It is alvayscheaper te buy tbe best. Il costs as mucb te apply a cheap as it1 doos a goi paint. '1'y the Elephant Brant iet J. B. Martyn's. Witt custeuners kiudly note tuat Miss Medl'ind and Heddy & Ce. have deciti. ed te close at 7.80 ssch eveuing except Saturdeys end pay nughts. 144w Just received direct (romi tbe makers hundreda ef pains of lace curtains neveatc desigus, iu ail qualities froni 25e up te 89.00 per pain Nio botter values ary- where Couch Johuston &Cryderman.n Messrs. W. Swaislaud & Ce. havek selti the Pont Hope Tmes te Mn. Ernestc .G. Rooke, of Wineipeg. Mn. Rooko C vwas assistant editor of, the Teleram, lu Winnipeg. s If You are nervous or dyspeptic tryv Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsie makes 3 ou nervons, anti ncrveusnesa makes yen dyspeptie; sithé n e rentiers you miserebie, andti Ibse littho pis cure both. 9 ho ladies et St.Paul's eburch areQ noted for gi% ing excellent teas. Attend the £aster tea- Mouday ovening wbeu you viii be Co nvinceti that vhat ve say y is truc. Tee senveti froni 6 p. in.j Gooti musical prograiniafler. $1 New Idea Woman's Magazine for h May presents many novel features ie dressmaking and in eveny depantmneetp of tiamestic lutorest. In addition, te special featunes the New Idea patternsU etter many texnpting oppetunities te thc home dresamaker.9 The Ladies' Aid et St.Paul's Cbunch viii bold a Social on Easten Menday. April 13 in the schooi room. An attract- s ie pregram et music anti necitations r viii bo givon. Admiosion te toit andL concert 25c. Teu senveti froin 6 p. n,. Jnst a tew days lett tilt Easter. HaveT yen beught the geods for your newW spring gowxî? Buy early anti get the y prettist coloringe. The West Endi Q Houso are sbowing a most beautiful T range of dress zoods for thc Rastor tratie. "Nain" the sacreti Cantate by Honien Morris, viii be givdn bv Cie choir atet PanE&dale Mthodist'cbunch, Toronto, j. Good Friday ailt Mr.J. Harny Alox- ai ander is te take a Ieading part as 0 soloîst, anti Miss Eva J. Luttreilliibe the piauist.D Be Young! Il la only uecessary te o take Miller's Compoueti IrnaPuis to netain yoniehful appearanco anti vigor. Soiti by Stott & Jury, tiruggists. Ladies, bave vou eve vernu "Quosun Quality" thc famtous shos for vomen ? 11 not, try a pain, yen wiil never regret ai it. We are selling theni every day anti , cur customors are ail, deligiteti. New p sping styles froni Boston are 10w ie, hb ses tLem et ts 'Parler ShoesStore." n Taiiorin g, your ove clotb If you like, tsométhing nov for Eater. I'eopl, salvaasbuy nsv gooi!s te wer t< Eaoter. A aveil rangsetofsatln-strip valet ciollis vhicli si et 50e yd. justlxi et Wst Endi Bouse. 'Tafeta seuh nec] nibbous 1be yd. up, et lMeMurtryî Styllîli reincoats vith double flounce bell sliped eleeve, wide collar,-Ooua collar anti siseves neatiy corded >Prie 88 GO. Slroug kitchen chairs et 39e. M. D Wiillianms & Son. -HIot X buns for Gooti Friday a tTodlé loave jour entier. 10,000 tozen gondi f-esh eggs vante( et Cavker & Tait's. Rot X Buns for Gooti Fnidey et Tod'i 1Leave your order nov. 1 Berkshire Pig sînaeet. Finder ne. port te S., SsOv)Nx, Bowmanville. -Apvrentices vauteti te leemu millin sry. Apply et Central Mlilliinry Parlers, HAwnr & Ce. Fniday april 24th is tic date of! Grand Musical concert lu Town Hall. Reserve tie date. Don't feul te soeurse necf these ceem overceals et Couch, Joinston & Cryder- man 's.* Taes your eggs te E. F. Cern1 Churcl st , Bovmanville. anti get tbe cash. 13-6w* Eey. W M. Rannavin, B. D , Omemes, gave geoti preehical serment in the Presby tonian chunci, Suntiay. cosgha. ceai, bearfaa. andmuSe51,r tthrant alimneits,,are iluickIy relieved by Cresoene tableis, tenonta prbox. Aildmuggits Coke Shavieg Foani. Coke Shaving Feani. Wbet la thet? UaîlletPetiks Barber Shop anti ses, Remember lic ladies cf St. Paul's ebhurch are serviug an Easter Tee on Mondey ovcaing. Don't misa it. For the néeet, best anti cheapesi reedy te vear eletbing oeil et Coci, Joinston & Crydernienn'S. Lawn Moyens, Rekea, Hees, Spadim, Shoveis, Rubber Hlose, Recis etc., lowe,8t pnices et J. B. Mertyvn's. Fer the Eater Irate MceMurtry is shoving a fine rangseto King Queiity, MePhenson anti MoCready~'s feelveer. Cawker & Tait have engageti the service et e Lady tiemenaraton on je'lies for April 9,10 anti . Ail ladies invitoti. Petbick, tic barber, stilI uses Cokes Anticeptio Shaving Foani. Conie anti get sieveti viti it anti ses bow it venka. rreal yourself te a pair et Quicen Quality shoca fer Ees-en. Most perfect. fittir-g shees madie. Mnt. Foîey, bas tic sole agcncy. Prinlase yd. le 15c; mualins lOcyti, te 50c; Embro-eiie 4ce yd up; Valen- doenne laces 2ec.yd. up. Big display, geond patternsaet West Endi Hous. Tic Mason Ce. are selling suits fî-ociy nov, over 400 nov suits te choose troni Every boy or man bas a pecket aluniuni conib anti mimeor froc yith their sait if they tiesiro. $19,50 matis by eue man lest Yeen selling our heusciolti usosities. Diti yon make as niuch?: Try eut linos Alwa3as seliing. Write G. Maribali & Ce., London, Ont. Eixis Fou Hvcnt 3-f ou vent te got gonti Black Minorcs. eggs for balci. ing eau eat once te H. Creeper's. Quality geoti. Pnice nizit. Thrseebotel. keepeys o! Port Hope, G.illespie & Gemble et MilantiHouse, M1rs. Brooks cf Ontarioo Hense, anti W. J. -Cooke oe" Brillihotm i elvre oaci fineti $20 and coats fcr selling liquor lu pro- hited heurs.. 'rill LAnmna' FÂveRri-Laxa-Liver Pilla are tic ladies' favorite meti-ine. They cure constipation, sick beatiacho, biiiousness. anti dyspepsie vithout gnipieg, purging or siokenieg. For tie Easter trade McMurtry bas maesspeciel proparationa ln tic Gents' i'uretshinge Dept. Nov celoreti shirts st.% liai neekwcar, kiti gioves, aveul range et hatsfa i By iose,now uînbrelles. Lots le cheese froni. FARMERS ATTENTION l- Cevker & l'ait are lekieg entera for seet potetoos vhlci viii arrive about Apnil t.t Leae vour enter eeni.y. Frics guaranteeti. Quality lice. Sec saniple, Cawlier & Tait, or Sarn'l Everson. If i ia ereedy-to-wean suit yen ers toimi te wear for Easter bny a 20th Jonlury germent, stylo anti fit st 1ev- eal prie for sale by McMurtry. Fit jul as goeti as made-tîn.order ones, and coat bas. Gocd range cf apning )Vencoels la' £tck. ilev. S.T.Barllett.Napauee, 11ev. S. F. )ixeon anti othera are pnomînentlv as- sociatetin lie inauguration ef a Sum- nor Schcol fer Brigiton, Belleville anti Lapaee Districts te behohlti et 12 )'cleck Point some liais le June. Meny people say tioy are "1aillnre asily stanîleti on upset, eesilv vorriot and irritatet Mllburn's Ifeant anti Nenve Pilla are juat lhe remedv suci peopie requins. They nestore perfectj harmeny ef the nerve contres anti give svw force te siattercd ucryous avastemis. We will i)e pleased to sh-ow you ladies our ne'w Spring (Joats, Dress t.4oods, Prints, Muslijs, Ginghams, Blouses and White Wear. fXLSO Lac-e Curtains and Curtain Poles,Chenille Curtains and Table Covers, Window Blinds, Carpets, Floor Oils and Linoleums. GENT LENIN We invite you- to see the finest display of up-to- date furnishings even shown in Bowmanville, consisting of Hats, Caps, Ties, Collars and Cuffs,Underwear, Braces Socks etc. PIýLSO Ready-ýTo -Wear 0Olothing, Latest Out, Natty, Stylish, Dressy, ail now and Special Value. The Leading Dry Goocis fouse, Next Dooùr to Stand ard Bank, Bowmanviile B ULLS FOR SALE-Two Shorthorn JLPbuils, fourteen months old- Grand pedi- ge.Bargalin. Corne quick. Lavi SKINNER, yrnP. O. 5-If t' RSALE-2 Good Damorats- 2 2 good Cars-i Jnmp seat Buggy - Apply to il__ Joa EHx XC, Bowmanvlle.0 BUGGY FOR SALE-Good second. "baud buggy for sale cheap, newly painted. Apply ai THuz STÂTýESMÂN 0Office. 3118 A. ALEXANDER. CHURCR ST., is prepared to do fashinnable dress making at lier home or the home of lier custoîners. Gond itguaranteed. 14-2w. F O SALE OR TO R-'ENT.-A very eomfortable 7 lloomned ilonse with Hall, Summer litebeiî and Woodsfled, Good Stabli Il and Garden sîtuated on corner of Ontario anï Albert streets, Bowinanv Ile, for further botuAttenltion For A Moment., Ifyen are builng r rpîlg~ cen ponhaps ieip you ,,te olvrSeg WM6 the tiiulties incident tate 1113unter- taking. For instance CEAIENT'S-We have Bettle'à Thor olt for ceucrete walla, cattîs stables ani- coller floons; Enelibh Portland for pave- moula anti cisterns. BILL STurm-Pl ns anti lemlock Joists, Scantling anti Boardis. Boulton, tu ber flet year. CAMEBon-At Cobourg, April 2nd. Clara Boswelt, widow of the laie Hector Camneron. WÂR-In Hampton, April eth, Anu Yeo Weetaway, belove .wlf e nf Joseph Ward. aged 73 years. FnfleraI (to-day) Wednesday 2 p. m., to Hampton Cemeiery. Quxo-ln Bowmanville, April 4th, Jeannie Rose Climie, beloved wif e of Win. Quxek, aged 38 years Daugbte r of the laie W. R. Clîxole. A Warxîin.A to Mothers. Ask anv doctor sud ho will tel you that the 'soothing" medicines contain opiates and narcotics dangerous to the health of infant and children Every mother should shun these so-called medicines as she would deadiy poison. Baby's Own Tablets is the onlv mcdi- cine speciall.v prepared for chidren sold under an absolute guarantee to contain no opiate or harniful drug. Everv dose helps little -ones and cannot pos- sibly do harm. No other medicine bas been so vanm- lv praised bv motbers evervwùiire. Mrs. J. ~. Standon, Weyburn, N.W.T., says:-**Baby's Own Tablets are val. ilable in cases of diarrhoea, constipa. tion, hives, or when te(hing. 1 have neyer used a medicine that giyes such good eatisfaction." These 1 abiets wiii promptly reliever andi cure aliner ailments of ehidren and mav be safely giveil te a new born baby. Try thera for your bidren and we know you vili use no other mpdic. ine.- Sold by druggistîî at 25 cents a box or sent by mail on receipt of price by writing direct to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co. Brock ville, Ont., BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Correeted by J.MoMnrtry eaoh Tuesday VIUa t 100 tU ........ 81 80 te:.8 20 WimA, Fail, bush... 0Oc)(1fi 070 WH Sp n.........0 l 0 70 le Red Fife.......0 00le 0 75 il Goose ....0 00 0 64 BARLy, bush, No. 1 ... 040" 000 il 11 et 2 ... 042"et0 40 Ilt fi fi 3 ... 089 0 40 il' ilTwo rowed 0 40 0 00 OATS, white fi.............O000 't O 29 't........0 00"te0 W BUOKWHEAr il............. 00 t0 O45 PEAs, Blackeve, e bush 00 O00 'i Canadian Beauties 0 00 0 70 If Mummev 7 t' O00 il O0 0 U Smaill if O60 ti O 65 il Blue il O0 0 fiO065 CLOVER SEMD ...........6 50 7 00 TimoTUT SBE ......... 1 75 2 20 dUT-rER, best table, #1l'b., O 0 'O017 Effls, Udoz ............. 000 0 11 PorATOBs, f bnsh .......O 00 0 O80 UÂY, &tou...........800"fi8 50 il ORSE FOR SALE-Au aged horse A i n good eonditionl for sale, Apply to ALEXANDER SMITH, Enffield. 15 lw* flr ,OUSE AND LOT TO RENT- -11Brick bousfe situated on Scugog St., con- taining 8rmoins, hard and soft water; half acrie nf land wlthi apple irees on ih. Fur particulars apPly to Mas., JO11N4MÀYNÂRD, Hiampton. 15-tf FARM TO lIENT OR FOR SALE- 10. ares, more or less, north hall of lot 2, lu lot con. township of Cartwright, near Shirley P a; a hort drive fromn aglan or Port Ferry. There are on the pre irs a gond commodious dwelling bou8e and agood barn witb stone basemeut stables, aiso a young orchard just corne luto beariug. Aout 35 acres of poujeh- lngedoue on the farm and immediate possession e iven. Very favorable tenus offered. L. K. XTrl, 0Oha wa1 58w*. License District of West Durham. TeHUIrnh l i rl l lil ,7IIIAÂ de NW HARDWARE STORE. * Pe Mfr. Franki M. souch lias opened Up a in complote nov stock of hardware in thse___ U ck store next door vest etl*.al Bros.ihàr l 111 I h le wili be pleased to Meet cui4oniors* .,> L UL 'iI4 ~requiring mnythirng in lis lino of-1mai. -. 4, ce ne" 11liasas brand nov stock of d. Zardwee, Tlnware, Granitwjàre, oeus* "mnd paints. spaldes, -férks, siiovels. ste JE If -you corne oun way c'l, send everflowing values > etc , everythiug usually found là a first- . yu a éites hardware î,tore. Give hlmý a cali ou wy. a. nd lie vili cenuince you thatbeBelsIf You leave a dollar with us, its merely exchanging the goode atriglit prices. mnoney toi its equîvalcut in groceries. Bd What we send you wisi bc as sound and as Cnuine as Giîc- BO~ MR h85,t t the money.f and Mrs. Frank Grlgg, a son. If you are a ciýrefu1 spender, this store wiII appeal te yoi 13 ScoTT-In Kendal, March iOth, to Mr. and on the score of economy. lirc H. 0. Scott, a non. BT,1RT-Nar Mrtle, Mareh si , to Mrt. and 1:Ms - o i BBight a son. BLmsIn astWhibyMarc 22d, he iféSmoked Hami and English Breakfast Bacon, Our Coe ofDuncan Blair, of a son. it> 1'S 4 TÂrLýon,--n0osh ava, April lot, the wite of Hami and Tongue are delicious, selected from the tenderness of a Geo. Taylor, f a dangbier. yuth, faily nelt in yuur niouth, and seli at ~ op~1 . MARRIED. 5ORAMSG-~ -RoBîisox-AnoUB-At the residence nf the brlde's father, on liarch 2ath, by Rey. E.EB. Nice Sweet Oranges for Howard, Thomas H.Robinson, Cartwright, and l oaneîvîe ge If yeu are anxious to sectire goods that are flot alraid of ROSEVÉ ai-McowN-IflCobourg, March the closest serutiny, this is the place te corne. [t is a good place E.tb Roevr . ColSaunpring, aD.Lara., M - eo corne for every reason that makes one store better than a'nother. be wan, Bl e l. a toy umat7an se 'ý a 0-neTorno. Mtch sth Clad togreet yu t y e, avaanw Net eMabe Arant.Tek M.le~ o'- .D. r.1 . T e' .ABri.WM 4 A a Ce Te ,,,i ot Brri Wk. C W K R & TAI T 4, THE POPULAR GROQERS. BOULTOiq-At Port Hope, April 4tb, Crln Hootwidnw of the lte .W .,,.,. ril-1 5 1