Lt te Live Pui1 -j'U.u ýýL t ,0ý nllowngin the t !uUU ofscauuuaand UOLBN LIS PBFSILENCE 1More Bloquenat in Gospel Signiiflýicance Than the Silver 'Tongue of SpeIech. £ Merf e;% accor cng te0 Ad of t hO r"IM m e usic lu it thýýa a y hort 4 ameet I 1ada1) lîe year Ul Thosad 1n Iundredi nd I'hre, pace of Urne hefore or itei,ýr it." !yWm a;iy, o! a tq he morst eloquent psagsof our Deat.tof Agrieuiture. It, -spiritual dcvelomewnt imay oftolene A despatchl fromn Chicago says î founidNwhen we pCthoe goldçnI lips Rnev. TFrauk T)e Witt Talinage ureaci- Mot gspl silencve against our nih l'al life untîl at last, .zut before hList iiatlrdorn, he could cry ouit ta ra ture, "Tis is ýa faithful saying ai worthy of ail acceptation) - that Ciist Jesus. came into the \wor-Ildto Save uinners, of whom -1 arn chief.-Y Oh, my brothier, by pray er adcn sc ration and 'by grace can.nt and- will1 not you corne so narto iGod that you will ceavse to coniderna your; ifellow men? cea,ýISe beause ie, Paull, yucan lfeel 1thatyoarth chief of sinnerts? Whe \%eharpopeharshly cri- ticized, a we, in the name of Chist, say niotlnig or onl3ý, if ne-] c essary ý, speaký up in their behaif as1 Schrist wo(uld hbave us spek. Mayl xve learn this lesson mot bhv stannI. f -mm-mi ý 4400 RWM!4 oi a given nuinoer snouja ne rougn a,ý 'w -ecentIv le - - 1 Nebrask àý THAT THE SIGNATURE-