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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1903, p. 6

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lu..s Bad Blood 11110 Rîci Red Blood. This spring you will need sornething to take away that tired, listless feeling brought on by the system being, clogged wvith impurities which have' accwîlated during tbe winter. Burdoc&içX ]lood Bitters is the rernedy yc-t,- reouire. It bas no equal as a spring medicine. It has been used by 14It 1,s a striking fact that tiîis at-IJ¶ fl 1T lllT tiueo ed et 'bt s R AU LXEA JtJKE B99Kl. J.HEYTAXE LIFE EASJLY sont eîîiy ef h t adgrace, but of the finer mnental qualities. The I REMAR B-LE IGN ORANCE 0F THE VENEZUELANS NE VER em'îrasa by res isbcd UPIL TEACH-TER-S. WORRY ABOUT A IYTI T'G. if ieéweuid beld bis Pead up his ner..ous.ness XioS Id begîîo tO disai - Ansvwers Erough Forth in Exami- They Are a Gay Ireosie r1 c Par. rfiC sby girl tîL that e0' nations by Education People, Fromi the President ,Lcry eue in tile recci is leoking at od.Dw. M'F A li~~~er, and lier chest sinks; but if she or. on CUTTINU- SEED, rOTATOLS,. Xould holdl it ii assumie the at- Tbe London P',oard 0f Education The Venezulelan, likîe mauy anoth- Trhe resuts of several expc:iments tîtndO Of ceu"ace, tOOugh SàO h ave !?,as recently md for the fîrst tinmo or insolvent debtor, believes in lot- condcte witin he ast ew ear it ot-he ouldi'tcar ývhthet- e experiinent o testing the 'gels- ting the other fin do the îorrying. con~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~. uc-iii i i~ c as hylo~do e.Tesucon- eral inferiiatien'" possessed by eschma i ulfgto i show that eut potatees ihaive a hyo nt.Te.i maie nlmc pntece r-Ses prn lckeshj til, i tachers at tIhe cid of Lîeir ap- fie-ta yeu weuld imagine lhe Ilîadt duced. Large piece cf so etand r iaei ad îho l i ii0'r the'prnica j-tisiat teae0 ige cr etewrd thebet mrkta!0 o us s ti'iiýs nd akarie are.from î18 te 290. Sonie of the results euld.oeer ,tlîink that bis ýnation preduco greater yields and better the cii t lrcsullt et ils O hreai-cer-ýoJýi , nne o l hecviie qualit.y than srnaii uneut peo,ttes coun ss, bcud imiagine that a toiesting and instructive, says the world and lîad .prexokod tiîrce of ý_'t itopieesof bou 2Oulce in1 i Pall Mail Gazette. One of tbe ques- tbe g reat powers te bckd weutint IO bt ga2e ery attractog reriîîg ofids at eýad lte'dtue tiens set asked for the nails of si its ports, tbat-clii war wrs de- weibt ave i cy stisactry ,- ppr put f bs ee -aidbel1ijîylivin nglshnien distinguisiîcd in astating the land, and tilat pes- suits, wben the am-ouet of sepd lused, an in i cdle iiaed abovebirni. A11 lie 1 g as weil as tbe xield of ptatoes pro- bas te d,) is te let bis body depend eat or ieaue. Nthco nd pitywcr'e walkîng duced, were both take inte o f1mfe tin u ep i ednîany scientifie celebrities ' ero giv- hand le l'and tbreugb Caracas. Th siciration. we li bro f it, crd.lLord Lister, beweî or, is stated Veisezucian, true te bis, Latin blood, As the resuit ef an experinient beuI, îîill alike bocoreo Cs cdte bave inîonted tho enqti-sýeptie" lives in tOc moment. Se long as l condctodforthre yers i ý esy !'ndtreatmet; were this se, tbe dobt, he cac got a fewOi cfthe luxuries o sien, ie plantieg one, tee, aed four cicrl' new teld nie that she bai'itual-iiiîuaanity owes te hlm-would life hie lots the nocssailes go hang. picce, 1 t is Like eld Omar, be dees net, beed tho pico, petatees in th,- came I Y waiiked by aid ef th, invisibe aebenee retrt1ii a rumible ef a distant druin if lie Oé plae, and by using tbe sanie wigbht icu."SIR JOITN'S fUGi DA-MN." happy with bis 'g et iee cd lu et seed in È3ycsi bs Oc ----4---- irJh r sneted foi- the big ee-ratbed Saki, say§ sa writer in found that larger vields aind bctt-r Fo vrSty-es "dameï" whilciî1 h bas iuade iiJ)00tbe New York Mail and Express. satisfaction have, been obt_ in ed the Mie. The ncaie of Sir "Ilaieln" During tbe festive season of Christ- wbore eniy onei piece ixas p]' nted infirs. Uinlslcw'Ss ootlulng 7yTuP lias Mayim ta ise îueeTtîoned. Dan Lono nias and New Year I1ivas in Car- each plac. Th cutting fjîtao icecscd 0v millionts iof metiers lur-i i given as distiîîguisied in art; aise acas and La Victoria. At teat tine tend to nehese te nicidrfo-n whb'e teetling. if dis- 1'"Sir Alfred i Miii,, r" ý- t re- - -------------------------te" -I'iý a iltronrrur,1ib, i o rcniit. ' îf! l eeeou i- - ~ <-,hn-,nrn l~. nn+~ii~i.~. ' C 5. LL ~ 9 ~ i ~ RL ' eould yon like tej'a v(bi batiful dressed dî? f s, Id-us yeur nie and address on a pocrI scnd y eny one de7 large, eautîîuily coiered packages t, we Pea eedspostpaid. SdI theinab I@~eaIcb, retunus $l.2G and wm w(l iirrediateiy send yen ftleNRS '-o- beutifl ~UI1yen Ibave ever, e ,odressed, ineludieg a stylish lbat, un- derwear trimmnedwith lace, storkings S and cute littie siippers ornainented ~x>s- . with silver bules. ,Shebas ov]y tif ul eyes and jeinted boedyî o tu~~~~~ilie ScIoute, NwilMxa1:"rcle the an d tiink i1, a flui Fi'u.. h loyeiiosi Do1 li ha,-o ever in Crte meOnal, Sonavisia ?ay, Ilewrdonda Ci"tho pà.e Myih 'eautiful Don. t uII -~ ~ O iGIRLS, just stop Iand thidnk Nvhat a, truiy wonderfiil bargain we are p , his ovey MgDon Pl uclaceu. mail wiiefi 111()ST, CrllýlCal St-Lge. EVE :)odv Nvas 1

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