BanSii's VidioatÎoll -ho prc:ssecI the fragrant note te bis lips, udc, with a sere4e smnile, lendbac l in his chair. It was imore, much more, than he haid 2el-er ared to hope. î 01Ya fe-w xords, written in a dinty femninine band on a sheet of, tinted note paper, yet Basil Vere, having rend thought bimself the hap- piest hurnan beiug alive. "Meet nie iu St. Saviour's Church at neeon to-inorrow. MARIE." The messenger who had broughti the epistie bai ing gene, Basil gave imiself up to an hour's sweet con- temuplation of bis love.1 M!arie Somneri ille was the ouiy daughter of a weithy, but preud, lawyer, who hadid açre up bis mind thut ne one in the tiaree kingdores w as too goed for Marie. Marie, however, inhcritieg mreof I fore, him. "Rmmbr"she whiE pered, "lie is tiiy brother." -Go, new, B3asil," she whispered Ile needed no second hidUing. H dared net stay in the cempany, Francis longer, else hie knew tha lie might retaliate upen him bis il wcrds2 and blows. Oh, that Marie had net asked hin to do the ail but impossible.1 An(ç as Basil Vere walked home waitrd biqis brewas eouedand hi Net a iieek had passed. iBasil Vere sat miusing in bis boa on the Tharues belew Oxford. ,Il had been boating alene, and ha, drawn bis heat in among the rushe by the rivr rbanik. Thus, quite eut of sight, lie coul watch the other parties that, passe( and répassed. Suddenly hoe heard vQices. "The despicable cac!" said ene. "Yes! tihe felow actually had th, cool chcek to mccit Marie iu St. Sa vioor's Church," saifi a veice thar Basý-il recognicd as belonging t( lier urioter's gracions saeinsse' orf i"Great Scot!" chunacter tian lion luth o's stomu acf "Lîrriy I camne upen thora in tuni irsh deneuner, thongliri euberwise, or h doi't hnow waaimigli uti andi would h-ave noie tf tire mauy liaiveiapl ened." cuitera, that tino latter providedfofr "Bot wiiaioeos Marie Say abori bier ciorco. i?" anedfoee. 'lien euef av lîs met Basil Vere, -"Coi up quite nasiy. Will ucl a young subaltera ha an mfanîry hlaie a word to say te me now! Sayi rogun-eai, irbo froni tPe rer-y lirsi I've klled lionraitb my inienforence, tiare et' ureeting hLafd eterminef te aufnd ie e al day long." wvo nrd mc tsepntiy, blue eyed "Sres a flue ginl, Francis." daugi uer of tPe haen. "Anîd the eid boy mienus te barE Oppetunities for scesig eacb euh- ber nrry -e," Fr ancis acsweret er-on rc ro nt frequeut, iowevsr, and "Noibing bss ihun a itîs wili -Cuit iri.auy wre tbc subterfuges to wiich imr. Iesies-" r'oct unRte honade iu or-fer thai "So Ve-e le altogether tee 10w?' they nrigii eajoecriother's 50- "The c ad! " mutteref Fmunciý ~zity.agnin., "I'd like te mecit te fe]- * * * * * sutloir no. 'Ponr my seul, I would al- inot downtheinsolemnt puppy! ie lIait' an Lurbeoee noon Fusil stcried. patieutiy lu a seclunlef seoi, bidoen But Busil isard iro more. TPe boirind eue o et't ma rrssive piilar e of bout Lad passof eut et' hearng. tus r-iurcb, manthig for Maris. Au Pour- luter Basil was rnn i Aiten3 y stop ho raise uis Pend Py troio rasainha aboit. .andwatced tosewho nterd. j His boat waa upseýt andfleho a Noen carne, and tPe grsnt cdock rcpt Pino11ewe, or er i ccd chirief oui the boum. , Foinane "SI h ml c meehan omnt" g n goof swimorlie camne to e, ýViIlbc ierein momnttPe surface n a i ery sinortnie aud i--e sif te iniîteif, Lopiug thaitith found Frui atPe o rPn n-exti aorsiinper wunifiappear in tPe îauntim'g unr. perison of love, but ail in vain,. Si emot' o e-r! '-e suipnr,'ee seemef lonlg, Sand the shi te witb a leen -arde off qiaitt ,. ebs aotirbf tl tesuate yo-sr bout. W'll Puys noue such as Tintcous ir tu neyou arrrecg uns!" doîrbi, Pen abat bîni hlief berno But lire '.vs molate. Tci if hoa t Ld ik. -ler? Basi managcfi te get one hues on Alinroni ivfoet1irs echmo iLad fief the aide tuf tPe boni. Facsgot awray a voie serîafed nînostinlu isoit et' il sent te proî sut Iiimi fron cri. ~ 5sccurhrig a hoii, andf ovsrhnlanced car. ii"iiseil. Maxms af nteof enaildeo Le Nexi inomeni ail tIres wene smoug- t.irsfhlm mnh-iag him uniiwarss. gling in tPe dater. -'I1touif ni conne Pefere, Basil- Iî h i dinet taie long for Fusil tn lmav e n dfltiusd." ' erini te the Punîk. The second occin- "M ou ManIý,re, pray do net ex- pant eft'hte boni mas son Pgb hin "ide in a baIf-fro%\vaeid condition, cocoyouseî. Iaurpreu teC'Mt." ,rIag i-engeanTce ou Babil. But "hlSh, uni~ lenemiherireîmay i' e was Frauie;_? Ps bear h~e e. My rothr coide- "bog coulfi net'sces huafor tbe me- "\ c. li sui leaoui is acL A minute Lad net passef, iewever, ii al a beg s'nspe bi ras r iils ieaf appoaref ubov,.ethe etorciu He unir tU hnerv Iis banda up wih 'W uli tireypro'. oui n ter- asrricting gen4une andaf iru fis- "Ifibe colfi" he uerere. Goof lieuvýeas, theremci'!" cniet "rîit ae aiusitniot ýtthem. If'wueBami Nothiîrg cau save iionce are cureflul and e-ver on the aleri IreLegt aliinht urt! chiali cou auîsoesispicion." With eue giauce ut ieheilos "You do net regret yenîm love-" ceaipain,' Baril tireo T is jacket "UTorrdcnyounIrý, Basil! Tintcaernio'thspcemre P h-ad luet ceeu Fr anris. '.cimpa~ssil!" Marie arrsnured' ' * * * * wi.thî a solemu blok. "Sh ouif 1 Pc -le iag on a dnirci and rubhef bis Leo-,,otlerv;ise?"1 "Ne, 'Maris, but I wisbîod te Peur ee. iiras sevenai Peurs lutor. iagahu frein yoir sirset lps,- o îelsriueor e'Fual i ansered. the ccxi roona. Just ait tnt moment thre cbocir - ' is really you, Maruie?"îtnu 1- Lckop.W.îu FuatMaie "Mydar sil, heur ca h al e. snn iatou cnonrgh! VWFin, gou lmosi fief -Look! Franctislmas sen u,"sire fon Fmuncis!:' crie , ns n Young felloîr rushef ut'- A glaf smille lit up Busil's fent- uer-th'erŽ irbîcutb'oy walbed oui of imno-. tihe tinrnchr. I di i becarîse Pc he your Pro- Tbey quickeriro their puce, but tiPer!" lre ana cref itmy aere ieo lato. Francseteuciiof LMn Marne siîiorcd Pis face miii rme ou thno sionifer.hies "Wbhat dees ibtis nasan, Marie?" bcPe nh tal iltwt , ashof dbiîrntly. "Wio is tis teî-1" rî namei i mb rtîiî lo'r "old nai, Basil!" a'ibered Fmanci,ýs "Fraudeb" nxt daus le renlinof1 on acuh s anoesye flaslief upon Per Pro- ut the ; in. "e 1c'1n.',nolu -Angýen ýans pîaiuîg visible ou nOîI., I1iras na cn~delîai i c feýuuea, the gru.ceful contour et' Pouaf--" Pe bae-boorniug more r'isible inu -"Hîsl"1c- -i F Ild"Bou'e nager iun '.rrouilarepose. "Ue'. ronfe me Puppîrg, se rm yshouif h dof ouspaket agfrieuf iLe grunmble! 11 tb-~ A'meuni, dsiabe-- "Vou fnond, Mare! Yn mnet "Look Pere, Francis, if yen fo't Pc nuafl! Sirehi, girl--" ear-s off taiking such rubbish yen Ile couifi hurdhg utter bihs anfdIw'hl q-awrero." iloogite. lHe gavc a fierce sco«i -'"Ve must'i de îlot, Bisil, must ai Basil, nb stoof near. "Suey a? girl, yen fo't c a 1itirah yo 'O"f course net! " er-led Maris, ou- fi naf'?" trig t bat mernt. Tc' h suit fli net pans unuetirefi "Can yon fergi e nme, Mare? ak- ,)yirsieuniio r. -is lîhis hierf f Fania t tecihi raî jtinoeiî'o î pt Ton ieusuf :es" nsaered Mamrics restmuiîninrg influencere lcîfhim Mar-ie, happil.1ý- PucIr.And s omenai i, tee. "TaLe ne notice of' unr, Busil," netunrred Marie with hauteur, turc- ing hon Puck n en ns'brother. "I-le WTOIJKB'T PRIESS TUE 2MATTER is net nosponîsible for ume '.vrds." ",Oh,, oh!" saoerod Franche. -Se "MehitaiL)el," suif Archibaufi, "nom thui's your gaine, ie it? î'îî Il neen tiat ire are ougagof ire shouifi havej iaae tPe 10110w cny 'Peecrîvm,' l'hIluosecnets frura eucld7 otlor, shoif wurr-n." we, dear ?" Fusil turnef upea lhar. "No," nepliof Mhitubel, nfton she "Fusil, tut e noe Lof, ieres a Paf. nsune ePrseoit tntberniaoiber goodfleloî," whibperef Maris -te iras net isiening in tihe noxi oom. liai; "lire hs imy rotirer, nenreurher." .".Weii, tiei,", hoesif, "do pieuse eThe esimple '.ords wreeonougi for tcll me jusi bow olfi yeu are." tPe suinuitern. Wiib a sulky greiil Vithlelasure,"sif 11lcitabei. le ivalk-ed ou Peside Maris, wrrhiag "îBot frst, Archibald, pIeuse tell me hiirneof fer once, iitieut Pis love. uihe mub00gir But Francis iras net te ho baîhofi Archibuif poniferef. Hie nmid ra in iis desigois. Stopphe.g up te Bn- uîeatî mie tîe future.j ý-i lire cauguni lim rougfirly Pj the "I ergir s me, Meitabei," ho e- sioulder, "Uclre taLe yeurself off!, sponfef ; "it mue nonne 0f ry bus!- lie crief. îîess to usk." Fusil tohne notice. Thiis urous- ef the demea la Pis ag-gresîor. lie naisofi bis fsi. "1Wiii 300 NO RATS, NO WIORK. dc off?"lire crief nnnfly.i JII uie innerpoedef er body Ps- Rais. or, ruther, ne ruts, fumishef tute ue ta-o mon, dliigiag tigbtly the strauge neason for certain mi- te e brother. \iiP n cry of rage en-s to go ou airiLs. Thons bail.Pesa Lre fhiLungher rutlessiy fron irn a ndanauexplosion ihanau mon mine lu -Da.e in a nociea ueoenj abosi an bour. Goof subher lietor coifi. No sauce is requirofi. AuS-tier Puddg-Siir 'ý cup sefd- ef i-ai'rlae 1 cup masiof, stoned andf cioppeei dates, and ý cup' funsiy choppof almonde lie o1 qi ratier moisi cookef ids. Lice the sifes and boitom eof a round, wmou butter. ecd pudding fisi witb tibis, fill la the denier witb ich sttwed rbubarb, put n layonreof ricesever the top, spread it witb sofi butter, anafbalte lu a moderato ovea for bal un heur. Wbea doue, ttrm out veny canefully oun aemnali ple.tteýr, and serve eliher Pot or coîf wità t-reani a aa sugar. I'îe josi bIft Miss hupeius mas geing te Propose to ber wisu hem father came bnana(! sked ras mg business. I toî bum, andf o-lnugi- ef ut me,'mufle a cenks(cew moet' y bain, siappef me on tWe face, mufle a door-mut et' mc, turnef me upskbe demn, andf thon trn7eirl'me lu the sineet anf set tirs Puhhdog on me ; but, Pj J ovs, if be'd dou()e iagabu ho mouif bave rusfthe British lion mithia mie." Visitr-' Arîf yen neyer buf any rrerss Ion jour ?is-es "Cea- ie-ic-"I di, mu'anr ; PitL I inanugef to li-e i foir- I" afiectef bg île streug funnes. hi iras eveaiag tune lu oasec-f île Londonr lospitaha, and tIne nurse ou fo ith eîs c iid nc's wIrn f ra giving th ire lie onos ticir inst uCajeu for tPe day. Al Save one mare pa- tiently maitinmg tiir turu te ho seri-efi,tie noeeilaquestion Pciag n lhtthe rosy-cbeekef conaescent, iho was caihicg lustill for ion prtion. "Aren't onu josi a lithse impaienat, h)rotig ?" asken tIre nluiy nimýer, Iiti a tlingset'f correction ihalbon tu."No(, P'n. coit " rtetf Booty, ip!olllptly ; "l" a ittl "Weight ferrirsigli,"1t h l humef tlint "barmansPeut beefstoak." And moeeven, "thons are cases on record wbvPseoclildren's lires Pave Peeni sur- ef by Looeping ibmr on a fluet of bu- mînaas." jA gouilemuani rîo iras stoppef by anul ci ari egg'iag, ropliif: hlo't YoouLueir, ng frieufi, tint fortune' Luocke ut eveny man's door ?" "Yes," replief tPe eld nan, "he bîrutokof ati m foc-r once, but I mas out, andi ever sinde le hs sont lis farîiic-."- "111edaughnîs !" ne- 'i~ les getensnau.Whatoer do ff KEY TO THE UIIÂ1ACTER -INTERPRETATION OP0F THI EYES, EAUS, 1VOiTH., r s- é _____ IINTS TO ITOUt-SEKEEPEitS. FORTUN'ES 1X4ÂE IN FAUS1[lt YEARB k )AU@-NO ýd. 1,~Finged table linon isnet a goedù U No A ~ thecheice for daily usýe. Napkîns anld Te vie 0~ tablecleths intendeîld for commron 110W 5011E MEN BECAME RICH SUCCESSES OURt GRANDFATH-I 0ffsrieati e eue ypeo- ON CHANCE. ERS SNEERED AT. flouse ence. For everyd'ay use hemmedJa.Wt ,,,, j tee weis aebest, aise. The fringe ThcideîWattThat iXiadetWealth fo lmsnaps off- with wear. A new cenbincdnsb HMdeWath fr Iammner in. 1784, :But it Was m with cearse teeth, is useful te ir:eep Those Who Took .&dvantage of leinorder the fringes ef dolleys, nap- Themn. Seoffed At. li COlI:jN F0011. kins, toevls and counterpanes. Neariy ail-if net alI-of, the Cenfluibuh e xtnivy îoueîony isih worst fes te ap- 1F ads mnake fortunes-fer semneoene. îvorld's definito successes of to-day byn bertuseeep xerss vlual petite and digestý'ion, and aise te Follow any succesol innov ation te -academlie and comutercial-were usedbyhueepria aule god living. And thora is ne earth- is source, and it will ho found that more o 1r. less solffed- at whean Mother aid te the cook wbo airn's te giVe ly excuse for it. WVe ray ho re- the eriginator, or possibly the man' enius firsi produced ibem and gava atpeepie what thoy mosi need in the stricted te a few articles of food by Wbçýo iook up the idea, became m,-, i- ihem 'te mankrnd, andi their ea' le I'arieus seaseons. In summier we reasen of distance froni market, but 1 Mrnseiy wealiby einig Wr-n age nmer senoàasadcoin eeae that is no r'mson why poîaîoes Sonie ef these fads cnrichod their of cases srueed ai andi condermned, lu Inwrnier choôolatc, cocona and cern sbouid ho aiways "boiled lu water- orîginaters quite by accident, and says London Answers. Sfoods. Cern fleur is' different from or eggs perpetualiy fricd. Especially witbout auy visible effort ou the Take, for instanco, the steainbain- Id cernimeai in thai it is groundfi ne in spring is a change relhshed. part of tho mari hîiseif. Ia other, mer. This conirivance bias donc adiike wheat fleur. Iu making the 'Iberush-arrd-tray service fer the cases the nian was quick te see -mrpras ta n te e grauliedconmelth bei uel frein.the table- -ed and fr11 it. c hanlical invention cf modern times ities, ,ihe souibere white cern is cloîhii L1S 1eut of date. Use a foldefi Takiag semle of the more, premin- te deveiop the 'vonderfulreoce secd.Tehi0ftekue 5naphin and a plats,, or eue 0of 1 the nt cases eue may -see how siightt (of the great iren irade. -- lrejected and only the liard criystals suiver scrapers that coulc fer tle the accident which madle the fer- The lay md, roeu a-ui d Wie av e lowthand geraled os. Su huoivIa inîeuted a hearsay, believes thai the steam.n at wite and ellw ad grnultedminiature carpei-s-weeper intended te Felix,ý thefamnous -Pariama ihui-- hamner was the invention of àlr. to hominy. This lisi gives quite a hrush the crunihs froin the cloth, dresser, Who was ruade wealthy be-! James Nasmyth, the iroufoualder,, of range of choice. For general famiIy but the idea is su atrocieus and in cause the bairfiresser of Mlleo. Manchestor. This is truc lu amn- use the cerrumealisleprohbiy te o u o taste that it ;s te bc bug 'niec de Mentije, fterwards EKm-or, ut only lu a imoaisure. 11fr. tic Prefenrefi, but cern fleur rmay hochod twlntbcaoei.jTsm . 1î ctused in the preparatiou of sema iAÀ wiil net hooefi. v we ppneLger, vs ezeivt umt eîil aer renso dishes gond nd ihepemovlli eet aoplexnOh, ut the original inventer of the brete maloud ntpickie may ho made from prunes. Ilaby, the Cerruan barber, hecausle steanur-hamimer livefi hall a -century t produce as goed resulis. Souk thein 24 heurs, thon sttanm famrous and wecaltby hecautse the 1bofono Mm. Nasmlyth's tiraet' wt Blanc mange from cern fleur is tbem ouic iue.T erKie a u f bis officers wihJmsWttefte fengo itns t ruade ne foiiows: Lot one plat of pouinds ef fruit allIow twe Ipouuds eftheii turned up moustache. Wý'att pateutcd bis idea lu 1784, bot 'i rulk corne te a bell. Mix-eue table- strgar- a plu t ef vinegar and an ToAaicnc lwrrad the ho Wld scefod, ut tire tbing thoen, espeon cf cern'fleur wîth a his oeunce'eahof cdevez and cinuamion -tOitune of Sir Isaac Hioden, an and refused ite have h ai any pnice, coid miik and slowly stir inte the auh a quarter ounce of gin-Pr. Boul Engiisb mranufactumer, wbe put soft I l 140 the w,ýorld thought other-; boillrrg milk. Add eue weil beaien tein minu tes, thon put lutn pi unes îwilled flaunels on the market te Wise. h clrauged is midthon, and Cegg andi cook util tbick, stirmîug and cook tili ibey are tender and take ihe place of coten goofis. adoptefi the marvellous contrivance. d. colsianily te keep fron scorcbiug or the synup dlean. Lady Carew made tbe pepulariiy Witbeut tire Stoam-bamrl r te gi- t geting iumpy. Season with a piuch ___of'Ir-ish i eplin by appc-r iug in it gautic forgig f mb ue mn -f sali and teaspoon of vanila. PERFUMED (GARMEITS aitirhe court cf Louis Philippe, and cbîaery of a liuer coulfi net ho Mould and serve with cioam and ai the saur ure e fortunes Of muade. 'sugar. Quesu Alexandna's laces, Inons the Irish manufacturers ofi. Sheep sbearing bias been doue by Breafas MuUnsOne intof ornand i lîks are per funred hy a ineibofu One firrrn madIe a surahl fortune hy baud sinco the time of Moses-and L- Breakfast M lins-One pintoe' cernar.biob a ie fleur, eue tablespoon 0fsugan, twoTo meiayWrarcicpy sellino- peacock leathers, wbich ho- before-and tPehe ibofi of to-day bas Tedrawcrs i lu whb ihey une kept came a lad ai the cemenation Of lu no Wvise, diffened frem that observ- teaspoons bakiug 1powder, eue table- are linrd witb white papen, strewn Qe ibinn fHlad d b h uin saîis u e oean butter, oeeegg, oeue and eue- QenWihwiîb o loin, ed b heacet salte.Bt d1a pncb a rla epetals. Ou tis is placed An IFnrIlib irnur took up the idea the deveiopmenî of rammoîh sheep- hl sait. BaLeeniulk ndans. evo alaer raof fabrîete ho sceniefi, cf nakin-g sandale for cbildreu, and aial Asnla ndl teso Cern Brkeaii r-O uOyvo cr er on a layer of rose leaves, andi uew le naking great fortunes lu the Our ucwer colonies, and tire increas- morai, ead ne-bif cups fler,- lao i altercation untili the sale of tlrmin lual coutries. ed fismaud for sheepýs wool for ,s relonan n-afupfludrawer le filiefi. Over ail a shetetof' ARe-gent street, London-i muer 1m-an'san wouis tired b twe teaspoufuls baking powder, ti ssus paper is spnead. Ai the sud1 i nide a forueb ivnig the n oa' atrfd 0 one iablespeonful butter, oee and of 24 bers or toue by nrtveutrag 5 degrees the d one-hall cups sweei milk.Veil-s of w irshav saverhing lprumte tdmswe athier automobile suit. I SOFNV TR, ,t two cggs. :Bake, in square s uliow wilf'cliaR te h foi- a long timeë. Fer-SRK O UK pan about one-baîf heur. wostaotcnovn h eu Hominy Gniddl CakesTo euefulies are, beliivrd te nrýakceYiethes jTPe atonies of coule et these chance hseabucocrngheras te lomny ridleCaks-T on an Iiien muc moe woleome, .fortunes show bow sleudcm ivas the 0f sbeep-shearing by rrraciinery. An hf pint of Warmn boiled horrniuy add a Plowerà nnd certain prepared per- opporunrty îvbich resulied lu Snell orrliuary farm-hand can sbear ne ,s pint cf rniik andi fleur euough furmes have excellent ruediclual qual- wuTh. îere le the erre of the Kmni more than from tbirty te fifiy sboep te malote a ib atter. Boni up two isprs uee.bhad a avNon Get eggs and ssur thon)- thoroughly ie s.pes ueie braud ae deay rcw, u eat0, Mlle. Rugeule do Montijo wns wait- Biannos hn r oe3, r tbe battn. Add a his sait. Thon ONLE WOMAN'S WAY. ing orne rvhbt for the arrivai of lber 000,000 sbeer-a Governmeni returri fny as usual. Serve witb syrup or hnrrdressen. Suddenly a sorvn'.ta- published lu19 gvoteexc rl sugan aird creanr (tbick). TPe day ou which tPe Ibousoheld rived with nsws tIraitPe unlontun- figure ai fll,667,195-whlilst bu tPe i Fr-bd Puddin.-Take. the cold1 mattressets arnd pillowsl une renovut- aie mari hafi been seized xitb apo- Cormonwealth of Austmalia and in breakfast porridge, cotinmie suces, ed is an occasion of dread te tbe plsxy. There was net n minute te Ne.w Zonlaîrd tirey may ho ceuntefi 1- drp iro egg andfifry on the grddle housswife on acoa fte fuet a'nte, se the servant wns sent fl1 y tu eoruis like Infla pudding or homiay. which MIl nostr-ils and ibroai, caus_ iug for anoiber lrir'dresse,, nnd As oeshseep le capauble et' yioidiug Serve with butter on symup. ing sucb unplousuut irritation. TPel.soon ,L. Joseph E. armir cd. RH four poua 'ds of wool, the gnose -Bolled Influa Puddiiig.-Wnnm te- lindhady of a ceunir-y bealding 1provefi te ho aperfect antisi ai bis quantity 0f the anuniaol yedl sgether eue plut of molasses and one bous-o Pas a metbod that is S wer'k. Hoe drcssed-the beauty's bain rtrnendous. Muliahi, the stutistician 1plut et'milk, add oee pouaf of Simple that ihi s a woudt'r other' na ainlietoe.nd ceosbrts h ai 1,647,00a.000 tchoppefi suet, four eggs weil bouton, w orien bave net thoîght oe th. She was deiightcd. roundis, and the dernand isl for mono ene teaspeonfual of chnnamion, baîf of produces froin n ciosei a broufi- A day or two later she bchd becoierue evsy yenn. Wb'eu n n Australian a nuimeg and tPe grated ind fi onee brimh-aed eniior liai, pins lu firruly tirs pr'cuised bride of the Lrrrprr- ciiznivented the lWolssley sheep-, lemaon. Mix tiroroughhy aund add on ber Pend, deveýrs Pcrselfif lu h thon Prince President-Louis Na Pneaf cclaned ta ucuf meut euougb to miake a ibick batter. witP a chilfen via s if te kesp poleon, and soon aftsnwarde shîc ap- sr about 300 sheep, the r Dip a pudding ciiti in boiliiîg wa- awuy msqhios cd thon goss te polatefi Joseph E. bier court Pair- e,,on3ld brrm'd and ih"d, and itls ater;, wriug slightly, drefige with wenk. dresser. Ile livef ut .13- Faubourg deubtrug oye iooksd obllqueiy ai the -fleur and pour the mixture lu. Tic sircet, Houons, a noînhber whicb abe invention. But t hbas since changed up, nllowing room te sw'eil, and i TUE LITTLE WVET SIIOFS. insised upon brving aitereti. Thon its mmid, and more sheop now *are Poil ibrée 'heurs. Serve witl bot Mauy a rlorniug duîiug the wet she fiesiref i birte decomata ithe pince ebeanefi by machines ibun by baud, asauce. moeurs tPe childu en's shoos will pro lan ber favorite sirado of miauve, and ibue saviugmillions sterling ln 3 Cocu B3rcad-Slfî eue quart of sent a sorry appearauce. Tlîey îîay linaaly requlested hilm te cIter biËs laPer, and flirectly rsdudiuff thei mneal, mnix lu two teuspoufuis cf have bot-n wot ilrrough tbe nip-ht naine te Felux. ceai of woo1lsn materials. hakig pwder eu toapooful t' efore and fiied bte stiff, papsr-iike That as foriy yer'rs ugo. To-day yr upsn îcrnshv a sait, a tablespeenfui of butter, onero aiars, lmestimirpossible tu put the Oi-fl genoratieri cf Felix Is the arub ig - tiRifor ti>heir prescrint prmrier quart of sweei rail!, andi four çwell- oto tPe ttie feot. Peur ste reo e Pufof eueet'f tPe greatesi 05mab- PositionrinrutPe wonid of prratrag. heuten eggs. Put irin .1Shaiio'. ssne oiî ie a saucer, andf wiîîr n liabr rus lui Paris, buving colrubinecf Tho wtfl-k-nown Linotype ma chine is gr'easod pan andi bake lu a Slow sp-ange put as much ofet' iu tPe milliuery with Pis original bursinîess a nativ e of Amenbca, whns i le 1ovon. shoes as ticy w ili nbser'b. Sec if et' Pair drcssiug. tboii Pt by haift' iis peepIe there Cern 1luffrs-Ous plut et' cern- thty do net beoic' as sofi and KAISER'S MOUSTACE. thati h was tPe very fret invenïted, loeal, eue plat of frour, erre table- black as new isirie of fie minutes. Feuix iletotihe only entistinlu Boginuing ca flocearber l7tlr, 1ý842, spoocful et' sugar, oas toaspouful ef TPe oeh souks bin nediately, s50 h Pair îabeobas arade a fortunseout e'1rmi rvrbes c h Fml lard, twe eggs, eue plat et' iilît. .lewelî te go ovon thieur sever-la n îew faebion. Ta lve car e cge tPe Ilemali" w-es oe up by ay 1-ave tPe murffinpane celi. arîf aelluies. tIaiss' saw -ne 0firis ataches groasefi. F111 two-tbimds furl andfKisr___onof___atahe baLs inr a bot oven ovar- ifîeon B- anon Ilolser, weuring bis irustuche TYPE-COMPOSING, MACHIINE ainnotes. 1ISTFRIOUS GRAVE, lu tPe way whicb Ps h-,IrirseIf bus[rvsted by a Jhaumes Young. Uia- ComaPis-as ua e' crn, wo ggs hon le noer ronscofri can'rendted se furln.Is l-torsey's Seif-ceuiposi ng macbmines ap- Ceotn Pilgitermao cprn,0f woeoigs r l mse riotrec uscyurd u itpMontquhro the nane et'the bvareu's hum- peaned in teLdon Exhibition of beaen igh, oe cpfu of Sweet rav inthechuchyrd t Mnt-dflrer, and Was tmlii t17 ,il,-,was 16,uî in tP)e suie yeur nouther « irli, oe tahilespaonof butter, pop- gomsery, AIr., on ahlriîtire grass ne- Rov. ma erio0f th'e saue charicter wae per and saît te taste. POur lie ofuses te grea - Acefit t tus ThiolieFuaper-onsont fon Il-nP yand e iiaby ibe-ih-. ete, art, oteb greascd. pie tins aad haIre iha a cd- local legeufi, a yourng mua c f Mot votuaiiv corstitrtcf i ceuniBrt h AscainniCmefg en-nie oven util lima-n. An excel- goery -iu ragtîfr 'rr-ýnng bi rse.Tc"s i m-îît o o t'tPe threo r iauchiincesuc- lent dleb fer luncbeon. hie swcrilrean zi. ieasc'tf etP o riptes .e tma"nrsi errie, liastcnlleflac uirteadrrvio Bukef Indian Puffiiag-Beil a lasi ibat hieaa o git,-afo oe IIb' tone cfritve et'i weid neirben difi Miicbcll'ei quari t'f mik andfiturn it on a pit the scafifI dcimeitiainegaSs tbrouo-P the Kaiser' las now -ni .ononfrst irlofi ai Sîottiswoodo's iiý eof siftcd lrndiuu areal. Stir, h irr wnuid grow nier bis!gi-aveutil iris cd if, Uuby's shop is' stihi n n Sr161 ;nor Kasteeuirrs, frettir-hef welh, se us te scaîf the meul Afi urcdo aeprvf.TcPd I elr hcr i tthe "Times" office lu 1892 ,uer tbree tuiespocufule of sogan, two îîbecy, hisl aliefrd, lins beeri fulfllef The, Stery cf Irish poier ,i s a hlcokeî-'s, rr Mackiese.Al failefi of butter, or ainsi choppefi fine, a te tirs proesai dy. cuirrs tine. Lady Canew '.a-- te te wi faver, trogi the ranchines SI eapful oet'actnaunndMix oPee -bchoprntrid ut tPe court cf Louis Were al îigbt. But wbeu, ibu Juhy, large spoonfula cf wheut fleur witP RE1,ýMA-RRABLE IJIAILSTORM. Philippe. Sire teek Wh l ier te Paris 189 b ioyewssou In a pnt f seetrnik ad sir t w', a leagib c f Irisb poplia, ahhch Lonîdon, it "cuught on," for tPe j a putet swom riikaa sn inhai Wbiie eut drivirrg nour Timuru, Iras first bcmng madinb m ele I 'orld lad chuugod litainid ytironir tPe pudlding. Whlt-n tire alrle is jîra Ne Zeniarif, a Pailsiomni camne oun .vaa ef a dneairyv aiLte, eoibreifcred rm Petpcorosa mchn iukcwam udf nes heicu ege. If lthce -us sese'. os thata geuchinae you dihrn hr pufllag t iii i * f wroua '.va e , coniellefi get er- aeiover a'hthî littls dois andfiSprigs 1 te priathg is a short jourroey. Tillr you i-s a ich uddng ut i laf mn wa copeled t coer isiofolfi.Lady Carew tetik it te a tPe close oet'htic igiteeati centuryl n peurif eof raisins whîea the lied- Pherse wîfhi, Pi vs andtihte camiage 1Pnrhsia *iidrersunuler, and îhe mcod-1frnntnm.g wns doue by a hunfiprese,r ding Pas beon in tPe oe s long cen- niai te prescnie i fiou i hrjury. iei iste iront ineo ecsîasies cvi h tPe tinacorrent Stanhope Prees ougb te tirichrea, 50 ibey '.nli net cwan ,d lire bafi te pnoieci xVii Osle xa ptieSai- o ib u-i1get10 aesprhur i Girls With' Danger Signale Their Faces-Sorne of the Theories. le 'y y Le ýs DECIEIT IS, INDICATED, "Tire date of tic seul," tPe fore- Pouf PasbPe a cuief, Pentures al- ter-yce, nose, niouti may change their aspect frein, a ibousanf causes. Accident mag mur thear, pain dis- tort tiem, olfi habits fi-eniueatig give ibem somne peculiariit' ofera on' expression. TPsg are hiLe the bauds on the dlock dm1l, tog mnoeondfchan-ge wt Wei mar or external influeaces. Fini tins fonoeaf d is like tPe tubai isehf. I renomins substurriuihg tPe saine tlrooghout lut'e. TPe perfect foreuîe(ad ebeouif ho smootb, cdean, w m itenufsades uaîd eue-feurth tho louagýl eft'ie Pouf la beigit. TPehigieLr, Proafer n fulchen it Le, nul oubeibýr ings equal, île gi-enter the capacitg acf stnonget' ofimid. Ihigi lon'eieafs, borrer , une net uiways indicative of brmm poirer. "Never marr namernan: miii a square, prominent cPmn," sage 'a wise muan,"unlese yen iwish te Ps ruiofi." And don't go offauf get w ismiiiturcne f tiruse ftile ciop pmtfchias, for esow'ili îcnAf tee muicb et'you. "'If she lue a netreuimng dl-ia,it shnows .nayielfing aund cusilg dis- courno-ef nature. Onu- s its ewrr huas otinr rowli-uieopef facultios te ceucisînci the hinfluerncset'f this chia, 'Énsieis uronîally acfdi mysiculjy A pleasur-ho'. mg poison bas a smnll, iveil morictef chun, aitb n nef cusin m fuet'lii rpon it. If imloid, it Poiocga te a coqut, or to oe mire loes tePc pettof andf ad- inef. TPe ideal domoatic chýia is asitier squrare,lnom pohutefi, non promineci, non n'eireaing, Put Prend ndfround. TPe bnnend, round chia i s a type iy iis'l. -Tt denotta constancg or faihbul love. Grea-t acitenlior f'- vehopurint:of tPe chia l si 5"n of warm fdispuosiion; grenu de:.l)th a - inîdication cof waywurdcs. lJpoa tire rnuth une recordecl tle vr'aions confitins of tiere ni- wonn-y, doub't serroîr, peevisinress and nger. Ail tirs lun emotiorîs pcrch uni1on tire lups î inpssng aud lea'.e thonee orecord oÈ ilein ion- ncy ha script so plain tiat ahi1 vie mciii muy rouf. Goof traits antd Paf vu-e regisieref ulit e on tPe mnornib, af , as tPe genre go Pj, tuis mobnile ouattrouucouecheusiy assunos a'î expressron ret'hectig tic surotions inesi cunante it. LIPS TUAT CURVE, binacrf ut the corner's une usually -ho mc suit cf ili-naurn fthon giîs. Tliey aun-otni te o usted. 'hm lips showircoidnesa eof dispesi- tin. lu he tPe girl mil mihe full, -cf lbps a'be smiics pleasautiy, te cioni the lovable disposition Pc- cangs. Sic Pus a mind froc frein. 'etiy spitos and joalousies. If lier teetb une ratier square cafd spark- licg liko pennes, it is inierhdica- tion ibut surs is the meet ieving and eovabuset'f girls. Eu enly grcîricg tesil show a Pet- oer dispc-sition acf botter de'. ehomîrd nimd ihîn ibse ilai crowd acf overiap oee notien. Vertical teoti repressat an or ou tenîpor. _1£ the torîgue la longý, ut is au i- i"atior' 0f fr-nkss; if short, of eceit; if nannoir, of corncentration. flou tire tougue isbe bil long and brnd, it deoeeticughliiessnoess. If long' and narrir, its orrner is uhny unît' fmauh, thimrkiag ne mucîr es le nttoef, but net ahumnys utier- Ing all ibut ha thouight. If chort ýil narrow, gncat prîrdcare le'de- TPe car, tee, is t'ri et'ofr enesionm, ufd neoisesshndicative of char-acier ,an tPe eges, Prom, c'linanad angnîs. Wheni roundofi -t lune top, lIre the ;al enfdtuf cr o gg, Its fair pos- essor bas a lovabie ndfromniu issione. If tire cdge o hoti, aS pi-essefdervow, cseiscr i,>or l'ss l!ibi nr anincin tefIo jIf ai t e di if fic Y The latosi amusemoent wbich prou -mises, toe elhpse palirnsîny und ibouglît non-ding ie chunaciorridhng by tic fegatimres. Tie colon eof the eye, for exanapie, may Ps the ke3y te tPe ciaracter. T(ihero urusosme et the theeniesl' on wihthîs "kjnd 0f ciaracter rnsonAsle Pusef A bazei-eysd Irman nover mILs tee muci or tee littie. Sie le lu- teliectual andi sgteeable; sie prefers ber iosbaud's comrfoni to e bei wn', il lr'd mill ding.te hlm ibhrough meal or woe. TPe gmey oye ime i shofu et' brwd- cees, ht'inldicutés a betier 1bon d !han iroari. Particularly shouif the lovrn bewa-e oet'he soft, gney coye witlî the large pupil tint contracte înaf dilates niat word, a ubeugit, or at flash 0f fein u eyo tint laugis, ibu bs is suasrine, ius twiiigit, îus îwooaheams aund ie storme. A ireuderful oye is ibis grsy oye tuai wias you, wbeibsr you Wili or net, nd thai hroîfs you ut'- ter it hue cusi you off, Black eyss arecyia of fume, berorsm andf fimrîos. Ilea'i anouse thsm if'bey ars caipable oet' akiug vengeance, tisy seldomii forget n iajury sud wiil bide ibeir Chme. BIue eyes are amiable, trutrful and affectionate. Tiey i by kiaduese. Wben the iowor lhf canves down- ranad shows tue white Pelow the pupil, tiren parise before you trust yorur wolt'ane te tPe owaer eft' t oye. Elyebrows, may Ps ubici or tim, fine or ceanse, arcief or suî'amght. regwular or irrogulan. Each forn iaud m qxuîity bas uts spocini signifucance in neferonco te temprmah2eat acd characten. KiWen syehrome are ihicknf irre- gulan, barsirîess of chamacter iS fenotsd. Tuan, fiue acf delicate oye- brows are indicative of a refunef na-