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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1903, p. 8

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sister c6f the groom, andf the bridai couple entered the drawing room, attended by Miss Lihian Cbapman, as flower girl. The bride wvas charniingly gownedt in tucked white organdie wth vaiencines lace and insertion, and carried a beauti fui shower bouquet cf bride's roses. The ceremony was performned b y Rev. Tuck- er, B.A., B. D , Orono. Af ter congratu- lations the gueits numbering over oee hundred partook cf a sumptucus repast, and spent a pleasant evening in conver- sation, games and viewing the numnerous and beautiful gift5, which in a small way testified to the high esteem in whieh the bride is heid oy her numerous friends. Mr. and Mrs Powers wili reside in Kirby The bride and groom are deservedly popular in the conmmunîty and prominent niembers cf the Kirby church, where they rendered valuable service in the choir- The bride's mother was fortunate- ly able te wituess the cermony,and is now convalescent. Holiday visitors . Mr. Robt. Fallis,, Toronto, ai C0. J. Mountjoy's; Miss Mary Virtue and Mr. Webster Virtue, Toronto, at home; Mr. Isaiah B. Barclay, Hlamilton, at Mrs.P. BaroIay's; Roy. W. H. Adams, Ciaremosît, ai Roy. S. Crookshank's; Mr. and Mrs. Stainton, Toronto, at Jas. Stainton's; Miss O. Stevens, Peterboro,, ai Mr. Chas, W Illam'; Miss Minnie. Rogers, Plckering at home; Miss Pinch, Bow- manvillo. ai G. Preston!s ... . Rey. J. S. MleMulien, Tyrone, occupied the Methodist church puipit, Sunday ,veing.. . ., Forks, bees, shovels, rakes, annealed wire, nauls, etc., etc., and manigoid and sugar beet seeds at close pric8s ut Wotten's .. .. Mr. P. Moroney visited at Toronto. COURTICE. Mrm. Wyborn bas returned from viiting Irien 'a in Tyrone....Miss Bckie is spending hoiiduys aiCanton ... Mr. F. W. Gay visited bis brother Mr. Bort Gav in Teronto dnring the bolidmys...Mrs.. Walter spent the holidavs with lier brother iu Laefleld ...Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne visited ileov. j. S. I. Wilson in Fleerton.... Mrs. (iRev.) J. H. Oke, Sunderland, 18 spending a week witb frieuds here... On Tuesday evening Mise Bert Han- cock, second daughter cf Mns. Grace Hancock, and Mr. Harrv Brown, Easi Whitbv, were uuited in the hoiy boude Of wediock. Afior the wedding dinuer the veung couple left for their home in East Wnitby ...Cheese nmakiugbas been started at the D. U. C. F. 'The butter season has been very sucesfiil tbis year and prospects are gooa for cheese. Visitors :-Miss Evelyn Honey, Toi- onte; Mr. Sid and Miss Trixie Ruther ford at Toronto; Miss Rhoda Bilack in i renton; Mrs. S. Edwards and falnily, Port Poiry; Mr and Mrs.Levi Edwards, Newcastle; Mra. A. C. Ma.eraine ai Canningten; Miss Nellie Hoeken and Miss Rebecca bewdney, Bobca3,geon, at Mr. R Hlockin's Mr. S. Huilliday ivýith his sister, Mrs. Anderson, Mani. lobe; Mr. andi Mrs. Jas. MeCemtjib at bis brotner's, '1hos. 5lIcComb's.... Mr. j ohn MeMulen has bought the John .tadl faim on the 5th concession ..., Rev. C. P. Hiolmes of Victorfia University, reached in the Methodist Chu rch Sun- day evenlng.... Mr. Wm. Pjatterson ha, aso dteîeLiconfrm, 16C acres i OshawaStati . . .Dr>.NW\W. Dlickevi, Nl-ew Yeîok, bas bougiit the ni. "IicS farim, West et Newtoiile'. Mr. v X mni.Brown bas-moved te thie D..CjDnachir, farm iand Mr., Iermain Lav;*is titihefamvacated by Mn. Brewn aid cMi. Johin McQuarrie 1as tee psesiuniîe am aae i1y ~r. Dvis. Ic bng place Mis E ia eLound Mis iita Geý-rry have ta referenco b Mr. Shaw'scommunica- doen re drain, recommendlng that Mr. Shaw be fnrnished cile to repair the drain, he to do the work himaelf. Adopted. Dr. Tilley's acet, laid over ffrotu laat meeting, w. takren op and afier con- &iderabie discussion. the folloving Com wae moved b>' Cou». Pennington, Sec. by W. R. Clemone, te take the mattor op and report te, thia Qeuncil: Mesare CurnIshF. H. Magon, J. J. Mian and the M*yor. Carrie*i. The Mayor îtated ihat at the last meeting of the. Councll ho had beon la- structed to cail a public meeting to dis- cus the By-law but after consuiting with the Council, 1* was declded te tesue à circuler statlng the facts of the casze, lu- stoad of calllnag the meeting. A copy of th. Circuler hsd been mîlled to every Froohoid Elector. There was another reason aie: Aigît ha been tated that the Hall was no% safe, and bad been condemned If a meeting wasýbed and [an accident occurred the Town would bo endangerlng the Ilivs of thu people and wouid aleo ho reepousible for dam- ages. Undor theseetcrcumitînces i t would b. unwiîe te take an>' chances. Socun. J. Magon co-lncided with the Mayor& Remarke. Coun. Corulèh, Chairnian of Court of RevIsion, reported regarding the Taxes cf certain Indigent porions who had aakeâ for a remisiion, whlch on motion waa recelved and adopted. Cocun'Cornish asked for Information regardiug the Chomicîl -Engluo. He understood that Mr. Parionshad bçen bore and ho winhod to know the reemit of bis viait. Qoun. J. J. Magon repiied that bo exchaugo tbe Engine, It would Incur a% heavy los to the town. M r. Parians claimied that tllrough our having tbis hlgb cliii englue, we conld -appro&ch the Fire Underwriters Association aud secure s btter rate for the town. He offered to take back the Englue lu part pi>' for a 3Road Roler whlch wonld ineur a rurther cash ontlay to th. towu cf $1500. On motion Ceouncil adjourned. Children Cry lfor ClrenCrfc Directuore ot tue Bank for the iianrin r UW UCich zhy have onuusuuthe IOafairs of the Bank during the piet year., Mr. F. W. Cowan, seconded by Mr Scott. mnoved that. the t;hanks cf the Shareholders be given te the Cashier and other officers ut the Bank for their attention-to the interests of the Bank -Carried. Dr. Melntosb, second ed by Mr. Gibson. moved that this meeting do now proceed to eleet. by ballot;, seven Directors te fi the place of those retiring. and that Messrs. C. W. Scott an~d John MeLanghlin be scrutineers for said election and that the poli romain open for eue hour Co reçe.ive the votes of the cihare- bolders, but that should five minutes elupse ut any trne without a vote being taken the poil shall b. dcclared closed, and that the Serutineers be paid $4.00 each for their services-Carried. The Scrutineers reported the followiug seven gentlemen as having recelved the unanimous vote of the Shareholders, viz. :-Jobn Cowan,Esq., R.S. Hammun, Esq., W. F. Cowan, Esq , Dr. McIntosh, W. F. Allen, Esq., T. Paterson. Esq , and J. A. Gibson, Esq., who were duly elected Direciors f or the ensuing yemr. A vote cf tbmnks waB thon teudered to the Chairman for his able conduet là the chair and Vie meeting then mdjourned. At a subsequent meeting of the new Board, John Cowan, Esq., was unau- imously elected'President, and R. S. Hamiin, Esq.,, Vice-Presidsnt., TYRONE.At Mount Pleasant,East Durbum,.Mr. John R. Ellis died Sunday ai the ripe seld age of 92 years. Deceased, wiio Sceoi report for Marcb -Fîrfth Clas had spent the better part of bi$ lite in -Ella Sanders, Minnie Lindsay; Fourth Durham Couuty, was a fine type o! Class-Pearl Skinner, Florence Clemens, sturdy Canadianism. For a number of lia Short,Aiberta Morris,Florence Rabin; vears bie hmd been living retired. He Sr III-Blanche Bail, Herbert Burgess, was the father cf John P. Elisg, Florence Rabm and Almeda Thompsou, president of the Toronto Board -of (equai); jr. IIU-Mervyn Morris, Norman Trade. Pooley, John Lndsay, George Simpson; Sr. Il-Mary Congden. Flessie Mc- Laughiin, Herbert Morris, olive Skinner and Ella Lindsay equai, Mabel Wight. IN THE SPRING Lamne Sanders, Douglas McLaughlin; Sr.II-Effie Manning, Elia Hedge,Lionel Byam, Edith Congdou. Eva Henry, Lamne Phare; Sr. il-Louis Pbilip, Artie Use Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets-They Simpson,Percy McCey; Jr. Pt Il-Agues Enable Nature te Rigbt Itseif and Short, Albert Morris, Olive Gilbank, Gertie Henry; Sr. Pt I-Harold Skinner: Thus Dispose o! the Objetionable Garuet McCoy, Cecil Rahm,Lance Phare; Lassitude Naturaliy mand for Good. Jr. PtL 1-Velma Staples, Otha Staples C. L. GAMBLE, F.L. HouLDEN, teachers. Euster visitons: Mr. ýRobt. Fallis, You know it's Spring. Tht îired Tornto. Mr-, Asbury WVilson, Gana- feeling tells yeu that. You are not sick noque;,.My. Bert (Creoer e, Toronto 1 Mn.buyuhv itencnaonoet Albert Mebaughlhin, Oshawa-,Miss E. abutiolhaes1111e incinaon uto emt M. Werry. Toronto, at home; Mr. t o mhgad sililless erwr.YuasI wm and Mrs. P. -N. Uavey, Duiant, withtednoinmlfelmsrb. bis brother Mr. Rieh. Dave: .... Mlrs. A. Doyeu know wby? Do you lunow b. Wdley andi Miss Ethel Woodiey thut the stoniachbasi been wonkiug spent Eoaster with thoir ister Mrs Robt liard with fatty food al winter supplv. Stevens, Mthl...r Sam Pollard ing the diffrent parts of the body witbh aud Mrs-. B. Moore were in Toronto, both beat and food-that the stomacb 's Mr, C. L. Gamble and Miss F . Houldexi work is doubiet inl thfi winter? were at their reýspective homes fleur D o nwta h tmc f Georgetewn -ad Oshawa spenduîsoe the Dovukû htth tmc fe holaay ... W ar plase to. nteils double woîk1 is tireti ? That wheu holiays. ..We ae piase te otetinued it fails lu its duty of supplying the that after. un cojoyable three weeks dfees at ttebd ihfo voyaeMr O . WrrvtelgrahedThat wheni the parts do hsot gel food bis fiiends e eeQcf)is,, sale arrivaI on te r tre'n ek Saturday 4th a I Faning Iii slanud, the-teyaesrviadwek first Pacifie Cable ttation'... Bey. aud Your stemach nieeds heip ! It rseeds Mrs. e Crookshan!ksý, VEnn1iskiilen, were Dod)(d's Dyspepsla Tab)ets. TbehrY wil guests at the parsonage1-oSunday .... The digest the food while the somchresîs. Eçwoî,th League 'n'intial G(ood Fiday TheY vI!I'net euh' ensurea RfeetI spl and Baster services pused ff sucecess te the starved ergasus and msls u fuily-. Theconert ed soil prsented theî will rest the Stomach mad put it in byv the Leaue Fndav evnuhin antiha!)e-to doitswierk woll. Dd' xp sTns ud eefavored wvlh go4d needs ilu he spring limie. Theýý" are a audenes. Cotneute "!$7 75.... atujraicir ec ethyenbethe Master Lomnle ïnd M'iss EliaSaundesbdv te.ih le! We h nv ,qre vstn theil:RIInat Mrs,John jBrock. 4,,lît thentî can be noe weary, cispiritiing Bowmavili. sp~îngfeolugs. à 22 l"ackets for50c., or 48 I-ackets for $i.oo Free by mail on recel pt of price to amy Post Offie. lu Osuaeda. To U nlted States d 5e. for postage. Te Nswoundland add 15o for postage. Not subjeet to any discount or premium. Considerfng the extremnely 19w rates we canuot possbly allbw any other Seetis catalogued by us to be incladed inf this offer. ÂII orders for tliete mai s be kept sepa rate from ord erg for other seeds. Not legs ttan 10 nackets foriz5e. eau be sold, =zThis offer for 1903 fa madie to Introduce ourseeds'to now customers. Thsea are regular full-size packages. It would be absolutely Impossible to 1111 general orders at any aueh rate, but by puttfog up in snch large quantIties anti concentrating an entire departuient on these comparallvely few varieties, we can 1111 thousands of orders every day,both qulek ly antieconomically. ORDER BY NUMBER. VE(GETABLES. 1 Beau, Golden Wax 2 Beet. Relipse. round à Beet, Egyptian, flat round 4 Beef, Long Smooth Blond 5 Cabbage, Winningstadt 6 Cabbage, Fottler'a Bruns. wick TCarrot,fralf-long Danver'a Searlet 8 flarrof. Gemor Oxheart 9 Caulifiower, Early Paris 10 Celery Golden Self- Iilanehing ,ý Il Corn, Early Minnesota, 12 Corn, Stowell's Everg¶een 13 oCixumber, Chicago f ek. fing 14 Cucumber, Long Green 15 Cucumber, White Spfne 16 Herba, Sage 17 Hlerbe, Savory 18 Herba, Maroram 19 bettuce, Noopareil 20 Letfuce, Denver Market, 21 Mnsk Melon, Early Haek. ensaek 22 Water Melon, Early Canada 23 Ouion, Large Red Wetla- erafielti 24 Onlon, Yellow Danvers 25 OffOn, Silverski O [25 Paraiey.- Mois Curleti 27 Parantp, Rollow Crown 28 Peas, Finit anti Best 22 Peaà-.Mebean's Little Gem 30 Pepper, Ruby King 51 Pumpkîn. barg e Cheese 32 Radusb, Rosy GE. 33 Radisb, French Breakfast 34 Radiab, Long Seanlet 3.5 Salsify, SandwIch Islandi 3q Squash,Vegetable Marrow 37 Squash, Ilnbbard 38 Turnfp, Redi Top Globe 39 Tomato, Dwarf Champion 40 1romato> Extra Eanly Atlantic FLOWEBm. 41 Alyssom, Sweet 42 Asters, Mîxeti 43 Balsîm, Mixeti 44 Cuýrntlon, MIXeti 45 Chmbers, Mixeti 46 Everlastings <Helchry- suui), mixeti 47 Mignonette, Sweet 48 Morning Glory imedi 49 Naurtinm, Ta.0Mîxeti 50 Nasiurtinm, Dwarf Mize si Pans , ixed 5S Petunufa, Mîxeti 53 Pinks, Diantius, nulieti 54 Phlox, Drummond, mlx.d f5 Sweet Peas, fi ne miýced .56 Verbena, ixed 57 Wild Flower, Gardais,. Mixeti 58 Zinnia, mlxeti REMEMYBER--We cannot accept an order where tbe varicties are flot selected from the above Iist. Seeds by the ounce. ANY 4 PACKAGES FOR -5c.. Mlany Vegetable Seeds, as well as Sweet Pesa andi Naîturtinms, are frequently needed byteIaf ounce andi ounce. At tbf s 10w rate we eau nly apply the varfetfes enumerat. eblw.Seleet any four of the followfng for 25e. They aesu ai oîatt Canada. To Unitedi States add be for postage. Te Newfoundland add 16e for postage. ORDER BY NUMBJCR. 50 Beet, Belfpse, round. 69*Musk Melon, Early Haek. 78 ~,ih Long Scarlet 60 Beet, Egynti an, flat riund ensa k , 7a'*Salsfy, Long White 61 Bet, Lon g Smooth Blood 1704~atey- melon, Early 80'Squash,Vegetable Marrow 62 CartHalf.loog Dunver's Canada 81*Squash, Rubbard Scarlet ~71*Onfon. Large Red Weth- M* Turuf p.RiTpGle 63 Carrel, Gem or Oxhemrt ersfield 83 Nalrium, D warf. fxed 64'Cueumber Chicago Pick. 7z"Onjion, -Yellow Danvers 85 Swest Pes, Eekfdrd'a, ling 73Parsley, Moss Ourled mfzed 65'Oueumber, Long Green 74. Parsnip, Hollow Crawn . ounce. G66'queumber, White Spine 75 Pumpkfn, Larg e Cheese 67'Lettuce, Nonparefil 76 Radish, Rosy Gera 68*1Lettuee, Denver Market 77 Radish, F'rench Breakfast '~4ounce. ~ounee. This offer is confined positiveiy to the varieties namned above and the order for thoe eMust be kopt separate from orders for other seeds $1 Surpris&-3e eleto READY tIAY 2oth Thosans o thse olectonssol anuaiy.We are obliged to grow enormnous stoeks of &11Il kisdi LanS, BuIbs, Srb rî.ec, generally more than fine! sayt tmake "sur1e ofthavili',enougb. Afric the bavyspring bussîniessi habut over, Ill May, we taetfssrlssoko afu odtig-akekeil toto a "Surprise"Co[llection ant offer t;e111to our cutmer, vng rtîem milantimtes the value of thef r imoney. T hiese colcin ntn e l ot ni IaboutliLemiddle of May and wfilhe etreyof our selelfn fom fod ofwhjh w hae asurl,s. No cofleetfon will be made up f 'r less thnUNE DOLARaud fr Iiihstu1 t) eny amomt the plrchaser me y desîre. Tbeyar stbiy mtps ptbtwhen oderei -by -express we seed extra larges-toct.We elwy avîe cstmes obh, ethtrSýuprise" -Collctions forwardedf by express wbeni- ve t is possh e edo-01pa eprsschri WVZhen ord-lert sg peas- ate iîiuelly wh, theay-),,,wishby mail or express. Ail 'upis"Oieetn rderc d pre% iginsto SM îy 20,1hý,îwll Le booked and s1Ifpped then, bhut we cn oltw (1iu he p tthLie it o u Invest a Dollar in Thiis Collection- You Will Be Sarprised. Address l Grder-WM.- REN NI1E7 TORNTOI

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