10 MOVE. We have to leave the stand we have occu pied for considerably over quart- er of a century. Out stock is too big to move and we have decided to c-Ut it down -one haif. This will be done as speedily as possible. »In some lines our prices wifl be less than cost. Haif a ton of Blatchfords Caif AMeal, will be sold at a big reduction to clear, Ilair Brushes, Purses, Tûoth Brushes, Itubber Goods, Toilet Soap, etc - will be" sold at prices neyer be- f -,rje heard of in this section of country. Don't Miss This Chance. 54tott &Julr,z c The Druggist and Optician.r Bargains IN Spec tacles, CGet ý our eyes tested before Grand r runk Railwav Svstem, RAILWAY TIME TABLE. BOWMANVILLu STATION. Gonze WAS?. GorISG WI<BT Mi....9 20&. IM. 1 ExpreBB .... 5.15 a. in **Xr ..10 25 Mw Local... 750 .. 3le . 56 p.m. IPaimenger...1 42 p. mi Local ... 6 8 pan. Mixed. .7 38 *Expres...Il 25 p.m. Express dce notg o west Monday mornIng. *8undays night oniy. §Daily. STOTT & JURY. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, APR. 22, 1903. Lindsay's rate this year will be 28 milis on the $. Miss A. MeLean, London, la guest at Mr. John Grigg's. Miss Mabal Welcb, Uxbridge, la vis- iting at bier father 's >Miss Olive Osborne recently visited relatives in Whitby. Miss Mabel Highet, Cobourg, visited friends-here last week. Mr. W. S. Bowden, 0Oshawa, gave us a friendlv eaul Monday. Miller's Grip Powders Cure. SoId by Stott & Jury, druggists. Miss Squires, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mrs T. G. Mason. Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr. Edward Ingram, Port Hope, visited friends here recently. Mr. Thos. Paterson lias returned [rom a trip to the Holy Land. Mr. W. L. Kevs and Mr. C. A. John- ston are in Cobourg on the Jury, Mrs. Richard Bragg lihas returniedi romn a visit with. relatives in Port Hope. Miss A, Peters, Norwood, was recent &uest of!lber sister Mrs. R.D. Davidson. Scrofula cured by Miller's Compound [ron Pil. Sold by Stott & Jury, drug- g15ts. Master FrantkO., James, Oshawa, spett Easter bolidays wîtli relatives here.- Reserve the date-April 24. Grand musical concert in Town Hall. Don't Miss5 it. E Mr. Esîle Oke and Miss Lois Werry, ýç Courtice, visited friends in Cobourg recentlv. Mrs. Hubbard, Millbrook, bas been visiting ber sons, Messrs. H C. and Ar- enie Tait. Miller's Worm Powders for restless- îtess and peevishness, Sold by Stott & il Jury, druggists.1 Miss Mlabel Tapscott, Port Hope. was 3 recent guest of Mrs. Wilbert Piper, A Washington Plceo. e A lot of Men's, and Boys' readv to wear Suits just opened out at Coùchl, Johnston & Crs derman's. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Jarvis, To- fi onto, recentlyvivsited bis father Mr. 1 Rich. Jarvis, Centre Street. a Lieut, A.E McLaughlin was in Col-S borne Tuesday attending a meeting of, re J( ro i bc Humbugg 10e. a lb.. Saturday at D. Luttroîll's. See our $6.50 coucli. M. D. Williams & Son Mr. Frank Knigbt, Toronto, is lifie for a few days. Washable Kid gloves ln white and colors, ;ust roceivod at Coucli, Jolinston & Cryaerrnan's. Young & Co's. China Hall clearing sale is ne make believe.- Genuine re- duetion for cash. See spocial offer ln our window for this week. in white onamel turniture. M. D. Williams & Son. Ladies' black sateen blouse s, also some ologant white blouses ail new at Couch, Jolinston & Cr3 dorman's. Elophant Brand Floor Paint made to walk on, dr3 s liard lu elglit hours. For sale only by J. B. Martyn. Men's Bats-thle verv latest Engliali and Arnerican styles at Coueli, Jolinsto'n & Cryderman's. Sponges at reduced prices. Seecaor special 25e lino. A fresh lot of camplior bails at MeDorrnic's drug store Ladies' Waterproofs-tbe.finest Stock we bave over. shown froni83 650 up.e Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman's. The Misses Lylo and Messrs W.W.r Shaw, Fred Mitchell and Frand Kvdd attended the Hockey Club Bail at Port Hope. 1Barb, oiled and annealod,plain twist, galvanized and Spring Coli fonce wiro, Staples, etc. Full stock at J. B. M art3 n's. Better results follow from tbe use of Miller's Uornpound Iron Puis than from F any Cthers. Sold by Sýtott & Jury,~ druggists B Don't miss tle Juvenile and phono- graphie program lu the S. A Barracks re on Monday April 27th at 8 p. m. Ad J~ mission 5c. Miss MacWain spent Easter-tide vorvS pleasantly lu Buffalo. N.Y , returning 10 to Toronto for the Stato Concert, Me- Kenzie night, lu Massev Hall.A That fullness after merds promptly g' relioved by taking eune of Miller's Coin- pound Iron Pis alter each meal. Sold Ir by tÏtott & Jury, druggists. th Will custorners kindly note tnat Miss di Nledl'tnd and Haddy & Co. have decid- ed to close at 7.30 eael evening except oi Saturdays and pav nights. 14-4w ai Just received direct froni the makers hundreds of pairs o! lace curtains uewest designs, in ail qualities frorn 25e up to st, 9.00 per pair No better values an îY. fo where Couch Johunston & Cryderman. Il Remember the musical entertainmont i the Town Hall Fridav April 24th. m t will be one of the best ever given here. Tý Mr. Frank E. Blachlord, violinist, and sa Mr. Arthur W. Blight, baritone, as,,ist-A d bv local talent wili give the program. mý Reserve seats at Bi.- 20. Plan opens i Monday April 20. Admission 35e and 25e D( Mrs M A. James is enjoying a visit ý New York Citv with ber daughters foi Mrs William A. White, 461 W. 43 St. fol nd Mrs, James A. Phillips, 452 W.57th Cc t. A liver oui that is small and sure. eh' 'House for sale.-See ad:vt. Libraryv for sale-see advl, LBurnbugs 10e. a lb,. Satu] Luttrell's. Nice lineo f pan taffy and D. Luttrell's. Strong kitchen chairs at:3 Williamis & Son. 10,000 dozen good f resh eg. at (Jawker & Tait's. Crockemy Bsrgains for cash & Co's. elearing sale. Miss Mary Grulam spe vacation in Claremont. Men's fine shoes lu kid and enly $2.00 on Saturdav at Eào Appvronticos w-anted to leai ory. Appirv at Central Milliner HAMY a &Co. Don't fail te seçure one of t overcoats at Coueh, Jolinston man s. Take your oggs to, KY. Car st , Bowmanville. and get tbe A white season, those pre canvas weaveand stripe goodk select, examine MeMurtry's du 26 pairs women's rolled edgi regular 70e. for O.o-au Parlor Shoo Store-aIl sizeês. Miss Tottie Jolliffe and i M1rs. Wm. Allin. and son Harr speont Easter with tbeir mothet >nto. Ceagi,., corda, beutreiahsi, land0 aliments are quickly reieved by tablts, ten omtsa r box. AU dri Coke Shaving Foani. Coke Foam, What is that? guall a Barber Shop and sce., For the newest, best and ead y to wear clothing caîlla johnston & Cryderman s. Lawn Mowers. Rakes, Hoes, liovels, Rubber Rose, Re lwest prices at J. B. Mlartyn' Pethiek, the barber, Stili USE Lnticeptic Shaving Foani. Ci 'et shaved with it and see howi Can't eat? Take Miller's Cg [rom Pilîs for a few days and tie resuits. Soid by Stott ruggists J ust received a full range ilcloths from î- to -2 yds. wide, ind 85 cents per square yd. [ason Co's. stores. Young & Co's. China Halli tock must be sold quick to mat or contemoplatel changes. Bi- ions for cash. Ready-to wear goods, dress nuslin waists, you want thernt ooke's Waists and Mînerva sk de at McMurtry's. A 15e bottle of furniture creatr ove the spots from your furu:l anke it shine like new. Sold )ermid's drug store. Womeu's $4.00 patent leathe Dr 83.03 on Saturdav and $3.00 r $2 50 at the Parlor Shoc rne early for bargains. For cottou and cashmereh hildrea's wear, see the Mas< Now is the tirne te leavo orders for al kinds o! painting graining, bardwood finishingklo nnetc. Orders8 bi a -B Martyn's, at Ilice & Col& or at residenco will receive prompt attention. Prices moderato. J. W. LITTLE, 'ODDFELLO WS, ATTENTION The members o! Florence Nighitingale Lodge, No. 66, I. 0. O F., will attend divine Service at St. John's cburch on Sunday next, April 126,ha t il a.,m. Members will please meet at lodge room at 10. 15 a. m. te attire and march te the churcli. Visiting brethron are in- vited te join with us. F. J. HORNE, 11v. C, TAIT, Noble Grand. Secretar. SECOND ANNIVERSARY. Saturday next. being the second an- riiversary cf the Parlar Shoe Store, we have decided to, celebrate the occasion vith a general BARGAIN DAY vhen we will offer te the public some ulaps iu fine footwear for mon, women, ai-d eildren. These are Dlot old styles, lis ek We will be pleased to show you ladies our new Spring (Joats, Dress Groods, Prints, iMuslijs, Ginghams, Blouses and White Wear. Lace Curtains and Cartain Poles, Chenille Ourtains and Table Covers, Window Blinds, Carpets, Floor Oiîs and Linoleums. Priettlevs black dress goods, always rday at D. Colot.- For sale at West End House. A car load o! potatees-Michigan f.fI~ . u ~ s -- m .~, u i ereame at Camjai varietv-has juet arrived at T. JE à~ I ~r IJI,~.. H9. Knight's.- Prices right and quality ~.M.D.the best, eall and see ME M.MD. Some snaps in coaree working boots __________________________ Y1 on Saturdav April 25tli. Bargains aIsBO4 ýgs wanted in childron's footwear at Folev's. Corne 41iff you corne our way we'll send overflowîng values g and clebrate our second' business 4 your way. th at Young anniversary with us. If you leave a dollar with us, its merely exchaiiging the O"Mr. Blacliford proved bimsolf to be ent Easter nlo only an accornplishod master of 4 money t oi its equivalent in groceries. technique but a Bterline», legitimate in- htw edyui!bcason adasgui s A box ealf terpeeter, free fromt affectation or hecticOWa esn o ilb a on n sgniea ley's sOntimentalitY.-"o.<>,to Globe. Town the money.-g ru millin - Hall, Fiiday April 24th. I you are a cï.refuî spender, this store will appeal to you ýryPalos. WANTED,-Every l'armer in West o h cr feoo ry aors.Durham to eali at J. B. Martyn's and ontesreoecony hoso clieap -secure what seods bie may require such MI EJ-Sr'J'EJ R E LEEi.r.IS, à & Crydor- as1 Red Clovor, Tirnotbv, Alsike, a Lucerne. Rape Sood, Leviathan, :gf Sroked Hamn and English BreakfastBacon, Our Cooked rrChucliintermediato and marnrotb long red41 -r 'CurhMangel, Sugar Beet and Sugar Il angel - arn and Tongue are delicious, selected f rom the tenderness of te cash. For a full stock of overvthing requireâ iD youth, fairly rnelt in your moutb, and seli a 30o per 13-6w"' for farni or gardon,-,Cal at J. B. 4 Btty wbite Martyn's. 111 play "h commissions of C ris" ade Nice Sweet Oranges for y5o oi' oz. * lispay. an interesting topie at tbe Epwortb ~embbr LaueMndyovnngate evton- If you are anxio us to sectire goods that are flot alraid of rday ate tbe ai exorcises conducted by President'N the closest scrutiny, this is the place to corne. [t is agood place Foley the chair was taken by Mr. Fred 4w ber sister, Vanstono and tbe following commis to corne for every reason that mrakes one store better than another. * ry, Salem, sions were diseussed "Love one an- GIa ogetyua n ie lu i Tor- other" Mise F. Jewell; ,Heal the adtogretyu t nytie Miss W Pennington; "Go work to-day CAW KER & TAI T other tbront ln my Vineyard" Miss F. Mason; "FPeed0 r Oresolone my larnbs" Rev. D. O. Crossley. Miss 4 THE POPULAR GROCERS. .ggiats May Vanstoue sang "Satisfied" lu RSbaving clear sweet voice. Next week will b e te Pethicks election of officers. 1Cheanest PAINTING AND PAPER HANGIO 8, Spadeq,1 6els etc os Coke'si ome and V it works. Jorpound1 (1 observe & Jury, of floor 25 cents 1at thed crockeryà tke rooma i ,redu-.t sskirts,' to fit, try ikirts, for n will me- Iture and 1at Me- ier shoesh 0patentsw )e Store. hose for si on Co's. ai .......... 1 ý