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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1903, p. 8

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w w w w w -. - I me people 1t Along -l o:w- e jS BOWMAN VILLE, APR. 22, 1903 MT. VERNON. Mr. F. J. Anierson, Hampton, lias kindiy consonted to give the reinainder of hie lecture on Booker T., Washington on Friday, April 21th. ini the intet est of the League, NMr. Anderson ie putting torth a special effort to makisth is lecture, interesting and profitable The con- gregation sliould show their apprecia- tion hv îbin,, a sriaial effort ta at Druggi'sts, Bowmanville. wwwlýw%-Wlwlq Socety o f Christian Endeavor, Don- ver, 1903. The Passen_-er Depai tmout of the Chicago & North Western Railway has issued a very interosting folder on the subject of the Cibristian Endeavor meet- ing to be held at Denver, Julv 9th to I3th, together with information as to reduced rates and sleeping car service, as well ai a short description o! the va- rious points of interest in Colorado nsuaily visted by tourists. Send 2 cent stamp to W. B3. Kinskern, Passenger: rrafllc iManag-er,Chicago, 111 . for copy. 17 4w ST. TI OMAS VAN M1VES ADVIOE Without a.spring medicine, but the major- îty make a practice of taking'ýea blood cleanser and tonie. Some need it worse than others, but not. one of us is there who1 wouldn7t be the better for a bottie or s0 of our Perfect Tonic Bitters containing Cascara, Burdock and Celery together with other valuable vege- table remedies. It tones up -the system wonderfully, stim- ulates lazy appetities-stirs up digestson- and helps a person ail over. Don't need to tak e it ail summer. Just a bottie or 80 to start you going rightly. FOR SFýLE B3Y THE MASON 00. a Higginbotha.i & Son, F'«V 1 -t' * I o i *1 o' o e o o e o o o s o o o e o o Tells His Friends to Use Dodd's Kiduey Pill for Kidney Pains" Lew Dake well-known Hotel-keoper, gives ils experience with Canada's great -Kidney Rered3. ST. THOMAs, Ont., April 20(Special) - Everybody in St. Thomas and the surý rotinding country kuows Lew Dake, proprietor o! the Dake Houe. and one of this railway centres most popular citizens, and many people know tiat for years lie was the victim of a very ag- gravated form o! Kidnoy Disease. To- day ho ia a sound, hoaitliy man. Ho used Dodd's Eidney Pis. Speaking of the matter recenty, Mr. Dake said : III had been troublod for over fivo years wlth my KiduoeB and pains in my back. Nothinlg I used could give any relietftili finallv on the advice of a friond 1 startod to use Dodd's Kidney Piso "lBy the timo I had finished one box the pains and Kidney Disease were gone, That is over five years ago now, and as I have had nq reoturu o! the trouble since, I think 1 arn safe in eonluding that the cure was permanent. 111 adviso ail my friends wlio are troubled lu the samne wav to use Dodd's Kidney Plls." Dodd's Kidney Pis cure ail stages of Kidney Disease from pain in the Back to ]lright's Disease. MT. VER*NON. Misses EfIa and Winnifred Rogers were homo for Easter week ...Mr. Edward Heddon has gone to Muskoka Sanitarium . ...- The E. L. Cj. gave a very pleasant entertainniont here ou Mondav, April lSth. Misses Heatlie, Rogers and, Milîson were the soloists o! the evening,whiie Miss Ethel VanNest's readings deserve special mention Miss VanVest is becomi r a persouator o! oeeee A PROSPEROUS ORDER. Grand Organizer H. Brown of the Royal Arcauum lias been in our town two weeks and witli the assistance of some local members bas been able to makis quit. a substantial incroaso ln the membershî p of Bowmanville Couneil No. 968 This couneil counts amonget its members some of our mout promi nent citizens and the influx of such desirable young men and business mon as were lnitiated into its mn;-,stories ,Monday niglit. WHii but give a zest to the older mombers, and place this Urder ln the front rank of Fraternathinsur- anco in our town., Sixteon applications for xnembership were read, and ton were present for initiation, which cere- mony was condacted bv the Grand Regent.Major H. J. Snelgrove of Co urg Tis Council was instituted in 1886 since wbic iime $21,000 bas been paid to the benoficiaries o! deceas- ed members, and who eau tell of the uncalculable good this lias don. to the homes o!fithe dear one5l, le! t to bat' le with the world, after the nread winner lias paesed to the -great beyond. Witli a total membership on Mardi Slst o! 260,000 members, this Fraternity bas paid ont no less sum than $77,000,000 with a resource steadily increasing with the mortality rate lower than for the past 7 years and wit.h decreasing average ag'e of membership which to- day is 33 years, each and every member eau point pardonable pride to such a record and f e! that they are indeed affiliated wîth one o! the most conserva- tive, economical and wiseiy manAged Fraternal Societios that is to-day ap- pealing to the vouug middle aged man o! this grea t country. Wliat a host of Bowmanville people there are in Toronto. Whon making a round of tlie citv on Friday we met several and most of them are doing well. It May surprise our readers to learu that we mail upwards of 100 copies of THEs STATESMAN regularly to that city. The senior division o! our publie sehool is having an additionai holiday, a new floor having been laid dnring the holidays and the oh hbas nut dried in sufficiently for use . . -Mr C N Ruse. LAWN MOWERS 1 solicit a cali trom my old and new customers. The sharpeninx and re- pairix3g of Lawn Mowers, warranted to give entire satisfaction every timo. Scissors and Knves Ground; saws sliarpened ; liglit jobbine a specialty at the West End Smithy, King st. W. H. WILLIAMS, 16-2mn. Bowmanvilie. $50.00 to California and -return. Via Chicago & North-Western R'y. First class round trip tickets on sale trom Chicago May 3rd and May I2th to i8th, to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Cor- respondingly low rates ftomn other points.- Favorable limits and stop over privileges. Low one way settlers rates to Western points in' effect daily until june i 5th. Three trains a day from Chicago to the Coast through without change. Daily and personally conducted tourist car excur- sionts to California, Washington and Ore- gon, For particulars apply to yosur nearest ticket agent or address B. H. Bennett, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. i 5-6w Col oniat »Excursion One w&Y tickets at low rates on sale until June I5th. to pointe in Montana, (Colorado, Utab, Oregon, Washlngton, Califorilia and Britishi Columbia. SERVICE, TO TEE WE3T Leave- Arrive Arrive Arrive Bowmanville Toronto Detroit Chicago 17.50 a. mi. ++930 1 1.42 p. mi. t3.20 p.m. ' 9.30 pm. 1+7.20a.m. 7.38 p. mi. "9.15 '7.25 a.m.+1'2.50 pin + Daily t Daily except sunday* Daily except Mondaby. (Jomfortable coaches eloctrie lizbtedl Cafe Parler Cars, and Pullman Sleepoe on through trains. Tickota. reservations, etc., 8tott & Jury, 0. P. & T. A. BOWMANVI LLE Fluor Rugs And Mats. Haiving through -a fortunate chance purcliased a quantity of baud- some Eloor Mats at much less than real valge, we are uow off ering them at the following very lbw prices:-Door Mat 15x30, finished botb. sides, sale prices, 40e. Door Mat 16x36, with fringe, sale price 50c. Door Mats, Smyrna, Tapestry, Velvet, in beautitul patterns, prices 85c, 81.00, $1.10 and $1.25. Large Rugs in a variety of makes and colors at equally low prices. These are very choice goods and so wteý1 made, they last almost a lifetime. Nothing helps so mach to beautify a borne as a few niee rugs. Now you have à:chance to buy them for a small amount of money.' Take advantage of the opportunity. Spring Trade In Full Swing.' Clothing Ready-to-wear le now in great demand. We are selling a botter quality this season, thle demaud seems to be for higher class goods and we are well propared to ineet the demand. Waterproof Coats. The Waterproof Coats we advertised last week are n alal sold. We have placea a repeat order and expeet to receive them this week. Gents Furnishinga Department. This week we wisli to'eaul attention to our working men's sbirts: consistiug of fiannelette Shirts from 25o to 50e, navy and white, black and white. Drill Shirts at 50e and 75c. Plain navy and plain black drill Shirts at 50e and 75c and black sateeu Shirts at 50c, 75e, and. MI

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