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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1903, p. 7

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+ ~ q H 4 ~ ~ q ~ 'erally censcicious The, teachers ii Î. avane werý,,ý th (ce;-ditiors en-ARLI - EF Publicourage ~thein to (do)so. Virth 25 ool e +people maniage thie scheols uponl CANADA.&ýS FINANCES. principles which app,)Irfach the ideal, TeonW..FidngMnserRc EU Tthe tea chers imrov inspirit ad Tof F jic, S.ade bdet spi,-eehpriof. W. GSf groat rapidit3. ~~~The foll1o\wilg are somenp of its pin 7eD ino.GermeidrprthaSn' _e Jniversity ofIlflinois.i~1shoswl ei i-iTecplfau s o ne o 923 7. Sopcnan ttthth-~cna~o 4S~+44 Z~ ~ +4 ' ~ T. intlligece aii tei).,spirit oilf h Jne7$5,OOOO a nece.ssar74 ta oodla(tys.. Be ýs iand grshavunesan h ork oF the ,sihool. (Clb]ilre ie odshel î sT~ iîî ni ilates an xpeni turli To Ui Weay Dy Ppic. Pri ipesupon which ou11,gret"es"or"ef..(Te .rset ina esteyaevr anetaoti. t eue i Tiheblcdb scesste, awhc tee relvemnl nan omny s- atePeîealwmresl 5$ 3 f ter prov.idiig for, We Ask this Question: half a million of teacheýrs and fftLeenlseeit i(0li ,eneso ,o) miloso -pland which coStst r -ilùuc test of a'scheel is the seorstenbecoinie appoirtbcrs 0fsholaiexadtr.Onhepotis mlon fppsThe ho-ýhe h ppl o hnspoad, nd otthi appoint aad fthe last four yeaîs ail expen1i;-ý twe hunid illion dollars eachtu ewih teppl otig reee tahr heg aoi-I~ have been paid and net 'oneî Wldon't you remoVCl iitand hy ontfr bmevsbecause they like te ism, and fa deflancublfciio adi irele tr le themselî es over the way by do tliem. T1ho amount of werk each xperienced professional superintead- c ade t -e tlîe pubic 18cbt. The taweriatte îto iich the sy stem le te accomplisà child dees, the length of the course ents, the schools will bo weak. S$-920. Ia 1896, $50.96. t iSs its pipo and justify al1 its ces{s. 1 or the- nuîîilber of, studùies ho takes, is If the peuple iiill gonerate enough t i Lîated for the current y ear- at the Mcoctagon Bar 4 th tmalTee maîiy parents give little thought 1 'lt Of se melimatter as that lie rivic energy to socure laws which $48.31 per hlead. It is Preposed te te nattor. 1shall got it se nsome things wl nbete oprotect their lsui hIpiqadrin e hii (ilhe inlipressio ftepolewî i 1 'othem for himself. rhildrenaaInstincenîpetents amiDoinonte s a derand fY o tm tno -ionof tlie enotes ou'Cocurrencysonotesn te nthink very liard about it is that1 The greater number, of childrea true teachers against ascitonaIltheamount of $30,000(l(,00 tepo Why dLon't yon regu1ate that ithe scheels are te teach pupils te iloier 'become onthiusiastie over anjy- ceniptitien w ithto unwerthy; il "(t max-iniuîin ,being S20,00,00,;the colin try tlie duty on the raw iand 1me'3a3- CoC ay)wiih digstie ogan sotha itwiInotaî,fd know soiotbing about birds and lives. Nothing quicirens their seuls oxocute thens4or, ut equire ex- 25 o outadditional [[feniisfldmcuîfctred arthicle, The C.oen-1 r(,at, kanxtsi ftm. dieie ncesa tosrethe sitW"otcl ndtean nreand ndpepeor stirs them te reai, ligh-îninided oduters wiho artru ýlly aînJbitio'us fer by icesolIsset ouedii te' mornftred taklel p o r te ii ake BIanS eDA 1IS '!L bencsaytisav h tmc n ielike. Thce chois are te do, offertý A teacher wlice can wake a ýthe best that can lbo ebtaineil; thon previde esr o f 1Ieî er t.fer atcesIc r euete uy Te elwn hi ee insc ths u hyar va neda. hl nand get him te workin<1 for: tle schoois nu eholikely te aýp- usocaticltyfref $60,000,000 la <Th'oie-rnng b to vod isres ate etig. they aro eno tih ixhat they cost, iomt nOf ra tace. uh pochto del net sxig b s.laîe10 telieif. s tIey canais 0flthe rst r*jeading:te The flrst stop is te- regniate the un, is t*i-ey do a gr"at deal mlore., ir'h ler wiîî Iie leaî'nrri Huithibs i Wlireioi'aa oacheis teaure f 05 dît o beadstuffs iai1p ..cuitytOYW1-l hfii2 re s eije'tnItle-,eraRala Ali caniiot ho accenîplishied by terroriz- itioîî doos inot depend uîîen a true Iupraiateils PeCiain ah fer two yeaî!'s. lis aLý(cin wsand Ceai Ce.-Mr.Oler bowels. Ail our states make lau vs requi'- taka auii -irauos 0fa lage nd RspotingtheLakCEr'Iian De ing the îpeople te niaintain schools igtî Llo tyngt hp prtaduainr se xet liea ien aiepee e r r ei j Forthis purpo~e for al the chilciren. Nearly l tete11 ftebild js l isounese in tteacbIing, lthere are te rei~la pro-feren e,inaatgreesttieduatn fmietrtiawyCo-..Cwa people '.xeld do t J i s wýi litot nny 1lîfe. Tho werk 1f tuesrhelinîust ho poor00l'schoels. in uh a is hrel.i'f i'Gleat Britain eon'e .creaig t osllae TXe peepie l d t i'f' ho f ia, klif,,hîch the chilcan lkfi,l ho luÔ sltnadnrds aid to'tech pinipeCaad neld oaed a RuMNY ISRIINTIN.Trust Corpo-ration.-M.Clrt tOe Iar nedrta fteoaet o ,. JiIf th chiilejeys onie klndig jivii hf ekls i'luScientliifir. frb prferen1, î't'ot-Oi-Repcin+1te RthuuC.-M; Bllrdock Blood Bit ushoo eo! werk ottr thn aotlierý , li eluiswilPOuaOlg tccer opad¼gtepsiiî ftellKîtP'nuired ,vben Lte tngto et ivrVoly lias no Equal. sdels hy ri h opeîd tejseudh ecuagd nost in tie teachcts. It vwill h nK> say teCaaonu mnuaruirs uc ai'feenr trte icrmiaton h RilayCo'e4. euînn(Wiine It ~ andeffetualy 'ofs. lfthïiiswa,!tiroughoul t the j khidhlikes beet. Lýot himloaa e Io k uo oeigamstee' r esoif gr-atedl,II mustet oa eîayaang aaiagCe epctsg teMptui i,11 ý ons mjýlaiii g!ýiii(i-thiags. keeim those wihe unight ho truct- e t preparef i the pics.ent moiiin-tGet ritain n th \ewonldai .mt(AgiIý. mens -fdiesio. t urs ys hae slblslcdbih ieIs ad'Theaeesit c to loe raiugers frini deing ge ed. tGaynraeaattli awo f odBiain ou Treat subiert ücf the R.egl-ecting t, e-Bruc ie adA peIsia and(lthie primiary causes lead- î our 1e hoates bave setup groat and the separation of pupis icte 'Wheroioi' echool boards miii secure t e Bi-itish Go ernment te the view Sic WVilfiid Laurier repiied that the gm ala o-r yet l'-freghn. ufiren im meticeirespendeare relatinig te Gorman MTASRO ing to J.5G. hu~Ibi-il'cl up self-i especting charartor lbas certain di cadi aîîtages. Wlhe riandi ceoperate- witl i iiiinl a peiiy rba 'io'ii' ifrn eîî i helreshosccrbn m me urreed et, e Doufln uMiettbil mutdiscrimination would lho forthconiing, iITASROSRVRE _________________________-aii deieiop sounci view's of ifc, te the- youngcr pirpils aneglod witiî the which nl give overy teacher -the 'h aloodthe British (io'.oinment'IO h te ite'atolyua train up good ci tizens and iaiho the o1Iler oaes ard heard them rccue, .: right te kaow that a lîigher position jteo esi the inatter. Thonl, islgi ren theohriite-atc imperial ýtsandi tie refublic Fafe; il is net te eic htter pay ln tire schools i 1M th Biish peuple, G everanent and, ea rts oreAnhitdi -ntyto gv vrcil an oquai i They saîv,, whnt was ahcad of tiheni, surclycon ai'd a genial and steady Pariinont shouldl net showv auy ap- 1 o raett cn dw eti emhad spnii ondte giveasig esee-modepache.r Lndoilsptc chance n it evec3 ot:.i', but te uin-- and ftcn, thcy iero coused by it. sit a htiîraigrsetiipreciation offitle i alue of fthc pî'fecr-dsace.ALidndsac ns h Z'pel eve-r37 eeto mt-te nti Ts at ia a legadec scheois S'ociety miii as sui'ely folîv patience once, they rould rnet reuuîlain if PARIS CIIAMBEIr-FCOMMERCEjofce nTurayrcidfri chance. the grade aboie is the maina juLdge of and theroughncss ia work, the Cancda saxv fit te o odify or change Mr ni uvs nfmo bthBigdeG-naI aangmnou- That t1is le the ideal -îuurpose ef!tie n'ork iin tte grade helouv, and echools wiii crtaîely 1advanco te- 1 tirepr'fec.Trr 's eax rme httO e hme fjand of th.e Britietfore l S-ia the s _ode. To couine inarer attain- that the grcatest desire of the pupil ward the best ideas.-YuhsCr-iit on ttc part of Canada fer reci 'Commerce aliegod te haie been es-lilaed a esatrj daed tnoft î _'ngfi, the siýhcol muest coeeuor 'st aeiieth etgae a pnei rct ith tlireUniteci States, ~ujtbihdi ai vsntatoi-mls wrwr fGl-iSîal t. ng lîlcal. WXc are ery Ilkeiy te disadvaatagcs as nveli asadvant- --- a strouug feeling had heemu reanifestefi I cd y the Canadiaii Goe enat, md pî 8 anhr eiu ida eaËrwilkow DNAKI -Gl- ýU. i telteiadthtte oenn hdn Britishi reverse is repotd julge of a echool by theolooks of the cgee. An 1eatacrwlinov EN IAK3L D JR leielte' ceuîtryfor rclortrade a ht hoGvenent ha eiA fi3ing celumnunde Cl.Cole sirool heuse. We niay make a uniis- mhat the- disadvantages are and- relations. lui efthertIl-e questions officiai knowledge of any kfnd unlftaadAilîtteoe- takc butne îo icryaie uly t ii june treraat emiai neposible lI Hie Chisren Hae 1aasidpossiabctlgeBîtai auîi t, Fue-i conccion ith he atdc.Initretho endte Wiwa Autciv Paenedxs My,190 rigbt. miii do genuine and henest -Work iMost of the Reigring DJynastie-s. lStates uthere naS onougih te cause TRACKIMFrN'S WAGES. îng te difflrulty inln-ngterd Iffne sc abîmlda g butielatirn- uithut e mch cfeeacoto ho tu Co erimet t peepun- ay h- l rel3rte M. Kmudîl Bla.Blar aC sherte-s efwat-î'hoofs bou ARE GUA RA NT E ED tue uvîh trees about it, and with tcachor la the ue-xt neem,. Thenught- Kn hitanI.o1emakveinuni h uhemeu ncwn. eaid that the tractaien of the te eave hie protectdcmp( - FOR ~ ~< ome gxc~nted and fou ou' heis laxjaliirpeertl Tihlleuid ncheol-eusesh-pciehcatfdeiet8nth rcent-.ThadM nistorwasntfdeannd-nI.C.. had hee granted n increas hirtludaynsod nhopefulbds hffu pepleg ivasl scoearduss fa. the.atdirws ttiDu-n fo, ti.e sumuier tîme, and uvit a utiolei will put an asseuîubiy coonu into emecy y. i ahr.a ioDueef-iîîg tuade- mith France. As te CGer-, of wag(* fa 1900 amountingtelioa party unfder CaptOiey tr' Bowffanviill anil bight fiag floati'.g oeer i t, wo bouse, wbere ail nay ceaie tegether Schleswig - Holstein - Senderhurýg- jmma discriminationi against Canada,,Icnspe anliee gair f 9ivasas econieig L.l us t 1allb i h ikely te finci tînt tbirnge are'andg f tue ge-d whiriî comes fri'uecsiarad t uvas hs nteGem ernaerîf dono their beetiltiare last session 0f Panliament, SENT TO THE ECE ____________________________ bou astbe sienîd h insde.ii ue 'cnal ooîng.It srai îuac- up o 152,uvhahtn'a a1,'852, tie 'asi ue-3 cls e bing tucirwcgc itheencpast, s thf Cl. Punk-ttuith 10 mn c th athc aus tg boeuguy arsd.iftie icly inneiie t e er tho chiid rcepfed hy the grent Powe rs at theIabouit a btter uadorstanding witlî theifr wînea nwet $175 paer do ay seCo.d batticfthe ig' f 50 YEI~$' groundseare unkemipt ami the flag what the srliools are slet te do, un- Londonu confeceurc as tte hein ap- Ge-r ymu, but in vain. Ti.e Gvbn fi eteue 10 R1 ane-nft tte Danieli throîîc. On the eramotpoeo ecp h XBIL E EOD RAbN.ruRifles, 48 mn0ftee-ai EXE1EO age, e cahb iki t id eethe pupils cof different ages inter- eti1 fFr-eio H f 83 i an e Cnmny ufasnesecs the soioin ile wc g nt$1.oned30.ref ehi eie.I that flue arbool-house is cirîty and 1nIge c'rieKn s hth î'l o a mpee nablsetoh olo-ngblsweegvnt(i unhealthful. ttc greafeef danger eëne Knco 1iebaete4tt 1îîiî'ebrableofdutiabile (,geecs, woulc enart a claueesecodcadn aOcfîrdt rm trndd ouf that Oliveybdnthe 'Prehai hý raet agrtoýocert he te fto1hoeffctthat uvhenu rny foinoign mittees -jcîc-ecbtCl imnioto oa Wle shall ais e hoiiteiy te finil that ttcpublic scliol sysfem le that pco- hi sension te tire throne nxt No- 1ceýumtry freafs the iauno'?ts frein btCl flic tealcher je lazy and fte puuîls Iîl iho larc able te coud t hein child- mme.Prpntiosfra oeao le aorbetnu îa espiing ,the 1Huron and OntarioJing him confinuecit poeea r linGs-' anI te îork f itf e uc- o eprivafo scineols wil hecoe 1îoobservation ofthaf event are ai-.te Camuada Haoterconi OtiyCmîay-M.Rs Suhte teee ontys-o ne ceont. diesatified' %,ith the public echeels; 'leatdy in pregress in Denîaik. fle ipl entsfrimoheruPn th ies, oîu rigtaenie). esfwido uï'r hr-h TRADE FMirns Tirer e, neav ho cases laivn c w lls iv nithdrawv -their chifdren anîd One of ttc pincipal noasens for geecfsr oeg -unr u-- iasjwas attackekd by a vr tn oc

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