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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1903, p. 8

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a~B w w e o G o o o i o o e o o o o G o o o o o o G B8OWMANVILLE1 APR. TYRONE. Mr. and Mrs, John McFeeters are spendine~ their honejmrno rrvrone frienÏds. (2 )gratulat lOur highlv esteeirned pastorRev Mulle .ý having recoived a cali church, 'renton, the Quarter' of Tyrone Circuit have extoi unanimous invitation te lie' Some Peop] Gxet Âlon 'g Without a spi 14.y make a cl eanser and t, Some needi one of us is better for a bc Bitters contai Celery togeth( table remediei It toues up ulates lazy ap] and helps a p take it ail sun start you goil rOi J. Riginl 1 lm ± .ru oughs mu-uat-u uian catuxrbColda GriieandsayFyr' the visitons, provlding heur dinnar aud *fe t tee lu the lecture room. Tjhe' meet1 C alitm, rogether wtb a bottie of Cres Z 1wadimee y e.W . ngtn $15o. Extra Supplies of Cresolerre, seenrs and the Prrrshsterian i.hurqh n h « 2 r OEsir8. 3Gtu 18OHUROH. Mr. J. W; Gifford la lu poor heaith. At the sannuai vestry meeting ot St. de Mr. John J. Glfihian, la the Cty onl John's charch heid Monday, Apri l 3th, business last week, ~, Messrs. Ed. and Frankr Long are 1903, the Wsrdoni pvebented a very - oated et Denver, Coi. encouraging reporte, the Rector, Rev. ing medicine, but the,, major- * Recent Viutor:-Mre. Wni. Patton, R. Seaborn presided, and the foilowing SToronto, with hier sitatr, Mrs. A. A. ofcr eeeetd practice of taking- 1 a blood G amsby -,Mr. and Mne. W. J. Cann, oâeswr lce SaIom, at Mr. 0. F. Awde's; Mr. A. W. Rector's Warde-Dr. Bonnycastie; Carveth et Peterboro; Mra. John J.Poe' Waden-A. Tait ; Sidesmen, it worse than others, but not Gilfilian and daughter, Viola, in BIow. -T. . Spry, W. W. Tamblyn, W. there who wouldn't be the manvilie; Messrs. D. F. Walsh and, S. Vann, John MeConnachie, Mr. Johusi, otte o s ofou Pefec Tnie * utte, In Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Geo. J. H-rnbrook, Win. Brook, H CaDn, ,ninoe Cascara, Burdock and W. Stinson; Mr. Frank Dring and Belle and W. 11 Dustan ; Audtors- da;ghter, Mise Lot&, Mobuvers; Mre. T. H. Spiy and V. W. Tamblyn; er with other valuable vege- * Bradley, Emporia, Kansas, hier father DelegateB te Synod-W. Mailory, T. S. Mr.R. Hugbaon; Rev. Bertram Will- H. Spry and W. W. Tamblyn; Veatry sti- ~oughby, Brougham, hie uncle, Mr. A. Clerk-F. W. ¶ann,. the sse wonderfullysi- A Gamrsby; Mrs. A. 0. Macfanlene, The thanks of the veatry were tender. ?petties-stirs up digestson- 0 homne from Oanngton; Mrs, Edmund ed te the Bector, the différent siocieties, )erso all ver. Don't need to duMacNachtan, Tnronta, with hier aister the choir and the oflicere. meron ail botle ovBoro Mr. Gairdner; Mr@. R. Hill hame fromn The meeting adjourned outil Mon- nmrh. Js bti0r 0t Newrnarket; Mr. and Mna. W. Daynard day, April 27tb, 1903, to recelve And-. M)n.d r. John Hleard, Port Hope, et itors' report, and :any other business riMr.lyR.SÜ. Cowan's; Miss Anna B. that mai be brought befores the meet- ~.S F LE E3Y 4)Thompsor, honne froin Toronto. îng. "K*~Çig" Thomas Benson, of Belly- SOW dult, in hi. 96 vear, oue of the oldest TOWN COUNUIL. lm 0 met) lu these lUnited ConnUesa, l i i. ý,bothamAlgorna District, vislted 'former old Speclal meeting calied by the Mayor fred.The irm of Croukhite Bros., to give the By-law its third reading. Druggists, Bowmanvfl1e. hv -alag brick Woolen, MIII on Members ail present, exoept Couin. àt the north ohanel of the 'Georgian on Doncaster. Bay, vhore they keep about, fonty emi. The Clark presented a statemeni of *~* O O ~~~ 9 99 ployéees. They aiobae a store et the vote Gore Bay, with Mr. Stephen1 Chronk- Moved by Ceun. P. Méson,, seconded, hite ln charge. by Cotin. J. Mason., That the By-Iaw M~~INAftYS00IETY, Me. Chas. Black, who je now work- ba uow givenls third raading and that ;ng near flamilton,may go to Manitoba the saieaha signed d assied. Csrried, Th loàthannlC ývei o 1or tire Northr WeBt. Ou motion Counicil edjournèd.- - 29,193 Teeenharnl Mr. Wm., Arms3trong, Managyer New. Council thon re-opened for generai the MNethodit Worn 's PMlMtonary cala Flsh ERatchery, bas gene te, the business. Whonutira Clark read a Society of the Bowmanviiie district was Western lakeas wth a consiggaient of communication front H. (J. Tait, coin- fireldinlutir NewcastliMgtroz1ist church fry. piaing te ttha Counoitiret hie coler ;.ulpo Tuesday, April 23ed A large rep- Mn. Jas. Wood'e House narnowly was flooded with water, -caused bya Gulpeiscapd balng burtnad Sunday waak. defectInl the drain tirrough the cou- )OU With jouen atlo 0 f the auxiliaries was pre- structIon of tha slde-waik.' ,tio"S Th opnin i3eBi-)n ega atAf ter some discussion it was uiovad tià set, acpu ssinbea t THE UiNDER PATS. adscne yCus ous n te Grace 10.30:e. m., Miss Tourjie, District adscne yCus one n ly Board Organizer, condncting the openiug ser- Tha annuel meeting of the Bowman- F. Mason, Tirat Ihe communication ho a,, yeri . Rerte a n 2L mt. rom 0 . M.> Cawkr, satiI2g that lhe A odMT. VERNON. fiA c Anderon, amtn. Fri da . night adà V- L .k)U were very much deligrhted with tire con- tinuation of iris lectureon Booker T.g Washiington, oeo the greatest negrees 8 OVVM AN V I LLE. the near future to~ have the pleasure of_____________________ hearnîg Mr 'Anderson finish this most interesting lecture. The, League feçls very much indebted to him for his kind. ness .... Visitos : Rev. T. J. Anderson, Mr, F. J. Groat, Hampton, at Mr. 'N Cryderman's ; Miss M1aud Heddon, iU home; Mrs E. G Pascoe and Miss Evka Stainton, and Miss Ilazel, Toronto, at Mr, H. Abrahamis; Miss Ritson, teachen, spent Easter holidays at home in Oshawa. No service here next Sunday morning on In our Dry Goods IDepartment we cail special atten- accun ofqurteiymetin a Enied.tion to Our stock of iRugs and. CarpetR, as this is bouse dlean- LIFE WAS A BURDLNig See our Mats and Rugs from 4Qc to $3.00 each. Marie Aun Bujold trIedý many Metboda 01 Curing ber Dyspepsia-Dodd'a Dyspepsie Seo our Union C arpets from 25c, to 65c., Tablets did it and dld It Thoroughly. See Our Ail Wool Carpets at 75c, ý85c and $1, 00, "For two 3 ears m y ilfe was a burden' This la part of the expenience of Marie Also. a full i ange of Oilcloths from one to two yards Anu Bujold, of Marie Cap, Bonavista Co , Quebee. h la irardiy necessary te Wide at 25c and 35 c per square yard. tell what was thre matter with her. Hli thre people o! Canada know with-AfilrgeoLceCrashoepterscxl. OUOlliDg. They tee have Indigestion Afl ag fLc utis hieptenccl or yppi and tirey>know only toe lent values. weithat life le a burden te- them.i But listen te thre other part of Marie An___________________________________ Bujold's experience. IR "I could net take the simpiest food without, having a pain across my I stomacli I finaliy consulted doetors, ' but they did menaod i "I eaw -cOmoe anneuncernents of J wondefui cures by Dodd s Di C'potps01 ions te patent medicines I made up rny mind te try them. Tire result was wonderful.* Ouabox cured niy lvs- In our Clothing i-Department we show a large range pepsia completaly aud it bas never cornaan back since." of liglit weightan waterproof Overcoats, whîeh are selling< Dodd's Dvspepsla Tabiets neot ouîy fieely on account of the chilly weather, just the thifng to relilve but cure Dvspepsîa.- And they wear in the eveningï and for dri * $1 ýrice $1 , Seo cure te stay cured. vO g, rie $ our ausortment of Boy's Suits.- This season we show a larg- DAT~INGT.~(.er range and choicer patterns than ever before., LýMAkAc

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