9' ~ m-a i n, as tise cdo ti shlti h coory c! use p!o 1eopie on' li iag n'as pinot-t îg a fraî,ne wiieworking ro 'innn as "bttliall'g." It consistet kiseep it frem puickýerningani lpulling lating tseClOit's band, palin out e! shpe.iuper>ir., an that iL n'as helciquîtt Anobi- pider webtriîmuiing cnn- nnton d' ati Li alinn'ig nater sists nf ibbion, either of volvet or. to falli.ipon iiL, dr-op by tiiop, fron silk, sewed togetiser to form amaîl a heigbt o! four 'or ilve et. The a aaenibn npen space latise puin, acnretilas ery a"'i' - 50_oý ccneî, filintin - 'itb a spiýder. '1Th ismurhso, nld.ed, tisat ;'g l have square is busted onto a pince o! been knw to bai-e been iî'iven stifi'ening, whiue tilisut lis the renter. tcinnrarily nii- ,aa eby-it. Tise above, dtitocltiinlnck sel - \AOTTMVILILTY cv nibbon anti onarso hî 'l ack i LTAl1 E threat, maties a ni-etty facing fofo tortur-'l that :anna as tLrua-3 fthe nr dem aide o! a bat biiii, sitb sing."i- Tesu îXuis aforocti to sit 1 white- satin piaceti untiýcciath . upon 'the "roait, andtIWluO an nd Irish crochetlanaa deep ci-ncoîni',scabliards nith ,tise su ni'ds ilidie niay lie e-lfectively, seed in the' sanie aie placeti, ono nte- bis hoîns anti SOMTE EGO- RECIPE-S. Eýý'ýggTm3esPt six çggs until a c;nnf i ca be taken up wîtliout srnin.Add 0. ecant teaspoonful Of ,ait, one-fouth teaspoonlul of pepper, -20, drops nf onion juice and un1e andi ont haif cupfuls nf ricli nilk /'StI ain into buttered timbale Moulds, stand them ina, pan of hot water ami! bake for a bout 20).ominIutes or 1,ltil the mix.ture iN firmn to the toucli. Turn rin the iiiouids on to aý hot b platter, surroun-d with ,a bro-adi sauce and, spr.înk1e vwith hali a ciuful of fine bread crumo browfl- ect inbutter. Mexican ]Ieipe-Tho exi sb ave a,-way of colingý eggs that mii11 -eaeyou if you give il, a trial. Choý,p fine onle-quartor of a good- sýizeËi peppeî', frÉlin which you have previously taken tho seeds. Put it 3VLO a saucepan with one table- lipoonfui of butter and cook slowly for about five minutes. Add one cupini of tomaetoes cut fine, 0o1e teaspoonful of finely chopped ounion and onue d.ozen slices cut into strips andi cook siowly intil qttie thieck. Thon adi haif a dozen finely chop- pod fres. nushrooms or double the number Li cannod ones aad cook for five ajonutes longer, seasoning with skLO taste. Toa;t aad but- ter hali a dozen slices of stale bread. l'oach six cggs ia înilk, slip one on each slice of' toast, pour over a spoonful of tL.e sauce andi senti at 'once to table. A Tasty Dish-A particularly tasty dishi of oggs is madie in this Way ' ry two smnail minced onioas in butter until browvn, then mix with thom a desfflrtapoonfdr of vine- gar. 'a littie satiýt anti pelppor. But- ter a dish, gpread the ounions over it, break verthem a fhaif dozen egsandi put into a bot ovea. h. the eggs are cookecl to your taLS't cov,)er thom with bread crumbs that have been friled in butteranId are Étii bhot and serve. This is a gereat lunicheon dishi. Sur le Plat-Buitter ar earthen pie Plate thick ,witb ttbree tablioon- fuis of butter. Break into the disil vory carefuiiy six fresh eggs. 8prinkle sait andpepper oei his. P'ut the disb mi a moderat o oen and when the etiges of the white of the eggs are bard serve on the dish ini which they are cooketi. For Lunch-Another ot a different character may please-you even bot- ter for lunch. Take some thin suices of bi-oad, tilîoff the crusts, iay t!iem on a weil butter disb andi ovrwith thin suices of rich, but mitlti, cheese. Beat up enougli eggs tu cover the bread, season witb sait and a littie cayenne pepper, and pour over tb@à sli"es. Put the djsh in a moderato oven anti bake tili the oggs are set. Serve while Very hot and from the same dish. You may uso, grated Parmesan checsse 'sprinkýid ovor the sliceti bread if you profer., E3gg's Bonne FVemmj1ý-eoo two ,unions, suice aii( fryý themi brown ia Lutter. Theîî ix in)ca dessert3poon- fi! i Li . lttora :ih andi s1reati11t.e oionuts oerit. Break over ithem ithe nm o e. Cg'gs re- qii elfor- your fniyad place li l, a 1bris;k ovo. h 01te ggs aocooUeti covýer withi a layer -of Liroadl crom!bs frie i iniutr at Lunchon ReIpo-T i uncheoni reCipCe raay a;z;tlie srerscd as ete at innr. nvea p'lat of lich to-ý maopu,-ee anti ckinitihit aý1 doze ~el omieaegg por.1the, wboie ntLiadeo d (ish ati iser.Ve With it 1broad ciroiuons. Certain kintis ofaricalfoes j1Lmuch ut,,ýi fori, îi' wit in the wa.y ot collaýrsaaid boitde coritionis, iti tbose that aebe usoCdiiin trfaîmlg ha ikts 1may lie uitilize i la this wa, ater re1il g aî{d 1pressinig, or paintiing with va-ý ter colora. Somre imay elven hoe fa-,shiioneti lout - ! sikandisifooj b'Y illoaio f starch or gumn arabic. 1DILaisies la ribibon work, isingth n1varow white sa tin baby) ib'onth, inake a pïrtty ornamentiatioý-n for a stecký coliar o! black siik. The nib-! bon ls threaded- lato a widC-eyed neeandi eacb stitch taken forms a pet,'ai o! the do wer. Tise conter ïutay lie filled inl with yellowFnc knots, matie by bringiog tho needie Uip throug'h the goods, -after ký;lt- ~tirr the threati, holding it in the, Left tband i wth the thread lan the rlght, 'anti wintiing' it ton tjimes ar-ounid the fleedie ;theii, stili l~ iga firmu hoiti on ts th tentdt prevent it froîn nitngptto the netitle througb t he 9goots a sbort distanceo front wlero It was r'ay. If tIse tesiroticolom oi thiena ti nttn lieblînti, use nwhite oott'ià, nbioh corne-s on aponis, No. 16 nr cnosor, ati dyn iL aiter crocîîeting to a ligbt canime coîni- or nny shade ciesiret. Lace that mîatches in colom tise gown or lint wisich it trimas is miucis won'at *pi-Osent. A cape col- lai- recently scea n'as contereti en- tirely ,n'itis lace, very cnarsc, o! crochet applique, tieseane colon as tise gown, nhlob n'as gi-ny. A bat to wnar n'itb tisis n'as covoreti also witb the same shade o! coalse gray lace. For croup satumate a pieceofo flanuel saiis tumpeutine and place on Lise ibroat anti cbest ant ini every case tai-uc or four tiiopas on a lump ni sugar may lie tak-en iawai-dly. One can have tise hauts ila aoap suds n'ltbout injnry to the skia if thcy are dippet in s luegar or leion juico immiiedlc-iy alterîvard-. 'lo chian îlwchairs use - si anti water, aliply witis a bru-ta, rnis diy if!one can use glyçeî hie, a gond lotion Ior tise bauds ilaone liant caminr and thmee par-ts glycerine. A gooti gargle for soro tismoat la 3nmade of vinegar anti a littie -.icti peppern mixed n'lLb water. -Baking soda ila one o! -the licat known noinctiies for bornas anti scaits. Il. shouiti bo irmedlateiy applieti eithon svct nith il.k onrn'aton. For the carache make a depres- si-1,on la a amaill piece oNeotton bat- ting, flii nitis blacis pepper ai-id a- ten dlpplug tise baillai swnet oul, !.aert loto the oar usiîg, a bandage to keep lui place if neceasany. TIIE CEILING 1100K. In maîîy homes there, la , in tise ceiiing just oven thse diniing tabue a oistisat n'as orlgially intendeti for a chandelier on a isaaging iamp. Aprctty use ti for ti onis turing summen la to bang from it, by mnens o! sramal bras chians, that can ho bougist at a dry gootis store, aý smali basicet or othen mecoptacie rwhich n'iil holt a, disis or a vase.. 1la tisone can keep onct flnn'crs. A rose blicwinlaa rir-basËket la uséti in one home svitb gond elloot. LAillkintis ci lbowss'nare isept ln it as tisey c-orne aiong, either n'ild or !rom tise gardon, anti long grasses or vines ar'e sometinîca usoti, theý long ends i'eacblug to tisetable- clotis. A hanging bosuquet, o! this isort beaves in on the table, aL 1whicb a large' family, glatsera, for otiser tis, anti is less aptL to - bo tippoti oven n'itis disasti-ous con- sequsences to tise table linên. IEGARDING "IRAGS" AN7D "ILAGGING"1 IN THE ARMYY. One "Saab" Was Madie te Carry, Brins uir His Water Bottle for "Pioeat tise Èbar, you are con- victet o!l being a diity littie bounti- ev, anti hosentence nf tisecourt !i that thr cli conferreti upon you the OUreer c tise Boôit." jLI 1tisee nords'as "pronugrateti" roety tise iccision ci a - 'iain" court-C--iaitiai, iseiti, by iseaSai temna !cd atcertauinsvl-ow rg- anme n'ay tras1gesttise 1uw i,--ttà coUde o!iaws govo1 -iiigtise coaduc1ý('t ofinde. bbg eizti nti u1d by tn' iolnsuhýaltens1s, n'hllocac- o!ý tise othora i1-set iadqministenoi d a Sisam cour ûs-mni-tial s ni this de- scito Ure no joise, iisler to tise v-ictLim on to those tiigpart. la themi. liudecd, thcy Sraie-o sham" la i llttlo more tisan na nie. The me- Ltis o! ufprocetiurc incidenitai to a ril court are1 closeiy folosset. Theý senior, subaltern, as, presýident, taises bi.s seat at <,tIs eacatni the, long,, 'gi-eanbaizo-covredti table, donn eitiser aide, o! whillî niýi-e rangeti tisel meashens, cacis in ll tica Lnifonni anti wearing bis sn'ord.. As soon as ail ai-e settîct iiii Lir places Lbe -pisonen" ýis manchot ,in. He la wlthout is sword, anti is guardoti _by au aiet escomtI. - TE INJITIN" i.5 finaL renýd ovni- te bim, andtihtin tise seio ibaltoriasis himi, - aeyou aaly oje(ction1 to b-e trjed bY ime, as peiesor by anyi mem.1ýber o! tisis coýurt ?" Ir-vemnt yeugstnhave beenl the 'othar on bis nécli. 'j nse -are thea drawîi doser anti cioSor te- getisor, by ioens nf a couple of twisted sasinO', the eonds of which are pulloc iniiopposite. dir ectioins by four lusty yoîîngsters. '1heoresuit la to draw the neck anti knees togetFothe anti lic d the sîjine lato the adîaLpý of the letter "C."I The offences-' crimïes" they are terinoti for wbich these anti otIor eqiuaily cr'ue! punisbmcents arn in- llictcd vary co îsidcrably, but the greaLer pîroportLion aie such as la eliliîi lire wnuld b' a"counied tory venial transgr essions indeeti. "Carryiîg a noný-regiieatal cane irbea on parade" earne-d an earl's son a "ragging" the nther day. F'or deriining to sabscribe towartis the cost of kecping np the regimiont- ai drag anot ber yonagster was hnuaidod nut-ni hîs cnrns,' anti a promnising cai cer thoroby- cut short. Yet a thirti notorinus "mag' -anti one, by the bye, whicb cntiat dises- trously for ail parties cnnicérned- hati iLs origin in a cor.Àplaint miade tv a waiter regartiing wliat Ras demred an insuticicat, tîp. In this latter instance the accuseti rofused to subasit tn the -senitence" pro- noun-ceti upon hlmu by tht "court- miartial," and AN UNSEEMLY SOUFFLE 'as the resuit. The "nsnr"b>e- ing a skiifui boxer at a pnwerfuily huilt yonng man,- got liy no ineans the worst n fit. Whereupoa bis "-'bi othej-" otilcers dotormnineti to mnake bis lufe unirearabie la other waya. FUS quartera Were brokea inito_ and wrecked, bis uniformas were cut to rags, a bath of ice-coid water was olmptieti over, hlm one bitter night as bliy aslccp; anti. finaiiy, Bone inoxinus .tmrg was surrepti- tiously mnixeti with b is morbing cotiee. Sovere iliiess was thse nesuit of this last littie piece of I"pleas- antry," anti the evholc discreditabin business camne ont. Fîîrthcnone, thse geneî-al in comn- miant o! tise district haîŽpened to ho, lu tiée' truc ens11e of the word, a- l'gentleman' as wseil as an oficer, andtihe inss'ted on a. court of la- quiry. It was boid in due course. and, as is usualin sncb cases, witlî cinard doors; but the upshot was tisat threo of tise ringientidens bat to senti lahirn ppes"wlesev- erai of the thrpart(iýipts la tise 1,lot were severcly reprJiandeti. Other ati . ove.i More gruesoCme cases have, howover, béer' busheti up "for tlhe crédit of tbe corps, or lest thîe "bonor b! the serv-ice" shoulti lie tanîsheed. One sncb la 'stifi recaîT-I -with bit- ter shamenu anti regret by ise, par- tiians h"rein. * ~ ~ ~ ' A \WXJIE -UB.' or'ia rimetiuit sert ing la india -,'as stncdtýo carry 1)r'ine ila bis wa-, tur-'pktl1 foro', ektia «aiof fresh wate. nt dy a o vute maoh toikjplace, etnin to over tbirty- two m ïiles. Teyugtrcovemeti iL gamnely wvithout wettinýg bis lips, tiragigeti himsGi' on to tbhe parade,- grou-nti, sal1ucti lo1ebly lritise cus- t oma ýtY r i nnr at the commianti, "Officerslau o'lit" staggeed, .drop- Pebaath sotnotoî ios lan ong thse few "raýgg, g'ca-es that' - b1ave bec o -r pbli Îioperty. ani o ýne1 wlCh. o- 'so, labpii bo lutlyunqu 0 is 1,71d, was ;that1 iiigh t eizyi h ea-rlyai L i es The raging itcifwas o! tue usuaýi type but when the -vlctIin comij[ýainetiho n'as actUaily placeti"d undèerarreý;,t Y bis comnîianding ofi- c 'ir oachre of having ;suis- miltteti te ungeatleas.anly conduct' fro is tbrof's.I ProbblyRolinso's chief" ,im-ý agieti tat amr formai "trial" n outi ctfice asit hi donc la hua- idretýs or other i-nstanices, te silence the victim anti id the regimient c f lus oeconbepresonce. But la th is fho recloneti wîtbout bis boat. Robinson vwas sub Rn. Iobinson isat niono,_y. Ant ilutise endi Robin- son tiriuiiplied. le, engageti the beat legal talent. Thse court-martial, îvhich shouiti, _accnr'tîng to jrocei- 1, ontcbave ,been a inatter o! bonis on,.exteaidetiovor thirty dys Puic- oidnion n'as stroiigiy arouseIý. AiA ailhoug the court tm Ly ant i oelatybouighit iin UtS verIdict 0o! gu1ilty, its ifsndiaýg was promýîptiy llashiet an(I ti LSsenýtence lmmnediaitciy ani c neîto~s set asitie by tishges't nî1iiiltary IaU- tfioity lin thow lanltC. - Pea rsoan's SUGAIL F 1,OR S;TRE,ý-NGTH.P " L .Ruue sbter," 1ait3th nli u cd4 - "b,"ut Jbe blac botteruo t , is as t-tllling -B Ut 7-a'n ins's pal," saitd liot 'mhea are yLi te gontlens -an 1wbe broî'gbt hiin line nîter the acci- detît?" culrd the nrae, expo'ly. ý j0-Of course,"' mepluct i 1k. "lie weecoining an-ay fir-r bus'incss te- gedlier, anti Jinislsîcti ns be jumnp- et froni th,, limani n a momenti a l' ht s an nas ovcr binile tid îliSeOhus ser-m isly hurt, ati 1 lft- et humu n into a bansosu. I slouic bave tauca hi-lm to anisospital, I sup pose, lut lie asiset to le tiniver to bis d'fgýings. 'lie tiocto- seerned te tîsile ut 'vas oniy abcis andti ta tisceee no buts ,buoken. You are Lie nurse,,£ e3<poot, tisat lie pi-o- lni.ed su sent the fiusLtbtiag this nsuîuniuig'?", -I caise jîlat aitei you bat io!t," saidth ie nurse. "Mm. Rarusey has been asleiag for you ail day, evea when ke bas blcuscelirinus." In a few ' minuites Diok n'as by bis irieat's Icti3ide. "Wefl, Oit ohap, feeling letten, eh ?-' be asiset, clsenrily. "Vos, I'm btter. Pick, but I feel soi-o ail onsni-.i sah go to blîness to-moi-ion', hon'evor." "Go. 0 to husinesa !" oxcia irne Dick ; -wtiy, gent iseavena, mon, you wn"L e abîle to go Lo businesst ton a mnoîsti. l'a o toît oit Sksinner ail about tiese aasb-up, atdho sait hon' soi-ny ben'as, that yeun'were Lo geL n'ell over iL, and ti inas iucky you n'en't i Ihin. Even Loît rue to pay yen youî' înoni's ntronoy in case you store short o! cash." "Ihat la vory gond .lo! bim,"- sait tise patient, soitîy. "Anti do yosn ison', Jim, I'vc been Lhillng, matdI'want you Lo maiso mie a promîise. I-lave you ever n'i- ten te youn motsci since you lef t ber,. f vo yenascge '?" "N o," mepluti( Jiui, w.th a sligsL "-I doa't w'at, to asis tdisagreabie questions, Ji, nid boy," conatinueti Dis, Laiig bis isanti, "but n'as tise quai-roi an terrible that aeltben can fongive ? Are you asune, Jiml, you wstre net in'Lise n'roag 2 "I-I n'as la tise 5a'ong," ise sait, woarily. "I n'as a fool. I thougst I n'as n mais anti I esenteti beia 'g 'tindteLomynmotbei-'s apron- stirings. I1n'as tn'enty-one. I1n'ant- ed Lo asec lfe. I wantcd tise fen' heulndu-etipotuis Lise poor oItdtint Ilîad lbi mus, antifI sait se n'as try- ing to steal, oati stolen, iL !rom me. 1 tisinis tnt nariy lioke ber boni-t. Tise net ayaie, gav'e me tise moaoy anti sait,' 'Do as you thins lest, J .irbut n'ien yon bave soeis hi"e anti Wîsen l)tise money bas gone, creOceto me.' IViti a snoer i tlihem Iîn'ould tase care ni~~~ ~~ nyo',at lanyeam on two pi-olabiy niaise a fortune b;ï)ut la leas than six mnias iL n'as gene. I hati gamibletJiL it away at carda anti i-acing."- "I kiion," sait Dici, nsely', îîon', Jisu, as soon ns you eau usove I n'ant you to go )bacis tobe-' have a fnrnighýt i1 Lieeoltibnd L le hýDr boy agnui. ï Reni r, ju hon' a mothen loves'.'Il ,Jiîn tii-net reo,,Issiy anti bis lhp "I ga" gobace îow7 le ad, proeîîiy "I noulii e to men rt etum-n non'." Mann'erlng n'as net tise mais to spoil a goot impression by to usu1ci tale. IHogave Jlius's aasnez anti 'cisangeti' tisecnesain to othier subj-cts. 1Prcýsc)tlyise sait - 'We've been p:-etty buisy la, tise office to-fitin. l'ie audhltors came. tisis mor.nioig." "Tise autiors -s cildJs," tbey s-ear e ImtuB ne[ixt 'e Iron," saitD icis ,0 iy bave alro i Lier date,. 1Fnunly Lbng on, o[iShIn'finiit came eut th;ii mennjig mi asietifor youir md-1 tra.Goiig 1Lo seniî yoîs a biant- sorne choýque, prsp. "Perisaps," murm1uret Jini, has ily ' anti tison, n'bn aa Skaji" at.-taL! came Leto ise door, ho aïtui-t,,d up1 wiltýiy aniudwisisp i-ed, "Teil thinIu l'ni not houe , Dicis." W'hyi's a lettonr,"-cijeti] a uusoL-I(Inest fi-iwai-ta. -'Rt'roe fi-cm tube ofc. Wlth a tmeniluiag bant imegi-aspj-o Pd- antitie, itnghiclsgd ts ings aiSput thirga nîigt.' lbe t!ought that cadoesa lung.uago te "Oh, Dicis ! Dicis !- crietlijs, lie- wvii give the people tise niglt d tn'een bis aobs. "Hon' rais I tisaiso!fise stock or the sbhsnet yen ;wisat caa Isamy, my lest o! Kep tise ,stock cdean andtite al-ee- frîcada ? Von have savet sny tising stylo gooti, anti uýe tis,1ttise V mothen'a life antinon' you have saleopýl taIs as Weil as tise -i saveti my honni.-"vorticemIent n'nîtur talkis; tint wh "Etîsis t nt anlother wordI," saltdo is usnesfor tis sor. Manw~ihiug "be couses tise toc- E ton. Peoiapa i etv yon n'ilîlibe able Si-," ]elt U', çiace itise ý,*t. to go bonse to-day." I canîsot stand slin" e Tise toctor'a report n'as favorable, Njimç. . ýSee you in tise mnmning. Ciseer up,ý atudiç1ic arrangetita idbut nid oy,"antiin nmomet lie n'as go ti n that înnrninig ittb gýone ; anti Jiinr fefllacis, n'hwli bi'-s nrs.Then, with naiîeanty hil- j non, troublet hi-nia beuan to aîî- saMann'nriag hurrieti nf! te tonbusines,,s. Ou tise way hie stppim 5' * * * ' andn'mte a etter - thenie wet t(, It n'as nearîng ele'een n'hen Dicis his liais antitiien' ail bis savings- li:nwaring _snoket .ait the, sileat bjs sas iags niof astno huadreti cannrlob ouse ai Stanliige, lînt tise at it onts h n y ise door n:'s quiokly opencti. bat sas en pouati by pocîntinlatise _Î "At let,"oud thse littHo do'-to'-, hope thatsoisse dayloie Skinner, trawing hilm into tise 1gbt. "lil.y, tise pntty ëtaugbtcrofni s employer, Who are 'you ? Whiere's Jinr ?" raîght listen to his ploading. But K "J ims sheipîcas in lied imrom an that n'as nIl ie n v s v. accident," explainct i Pck, ra!itIly. ît ivas el"xen s he ientomedtleî "I'm bis fri-ent. Telli1me, lisn-a fcn îen'i tmigt T Jone lus se ser 2 a1dgave îh.l a ote or R sy ".Sba's a3iishîig," sait the tiocton. aiis'tP-t ho iiit have -ýit thei e "Sbe's caten lier iseart ont hungor- msoment ho retumnedteto business. lng finnlier boy, but she wrouldri't "Sislnner's been asising for yu" let us senti. Poni- soul !I1tlîink sajt Joncs. t aise n'as ton pronsi Lo tell us she Masswariug- hung np h1ý bat anti i tilti't linn' Jinsi's atitresa. IlIe's n'ont straigit to Mr-. Sisiîser's leen a niolet son, anti I tell you ofice. Tise ohi! n'as talking to a jthat, even if you ai-e bis frienti," little tanr-luayi. " 'ln is diffiecist non'. I have cnmle "Oh, you'se couse to busine(ss 2 ito te41 bis inîther tînt hla ssoi-ny. al.,ýeetMi-..iene 1 1hil 've cor'-- to asber forgivenesa "Ycs," said,t Manwaring. tfor -hlm, ant ihem blessîng. Let me "Thene's a cheque, Mr.-.Mannnar- isec his mnther, doctor, Periapa my ing_- legan Mr. Sisinner. - message n'ili heal tise hurt a ittle. ý It îla a org'ery," sait Dicis, sPenisapa iL .nili. gisle ber snm-yetbning thlcisly, thr(iaugi bis dry lps. I to live fo." have brongist tn'o huntinet ant i fîty "Ileaven grantâ,t mny," sait the pountialal I isase-ýto partly doyen siotor. "But ai-o you, sure lie n'il your losa." .i corne inter, for it n'oult lie.iinden "Tiien you-coniesa to emb1ezzlngý- to lot lhem due non' than to cail bier "la not tIse evitence enougis nith- brie to life only to iili ber after ont confcssing ?" aleet Manwarng. n'itb a more cruel deathi. But you "Pienty, I tiisîi Detective Bau- bat botter comne, anti you must gor," saIt Mr. Sininer, drîly. "Tiss lieais tisenews gentiy." la you mana." Tise tisin, n'nnn face, n'jtb those *e * * 3pitifi, ivide open, sightiess eyes, Dnys lifte i nLo n'eeks anti neeks turnM dtowartis ,- Dicis as lber oqiok into imonths and ti il JiinRamsey ;'s c ana cangist tise stranga treand. iealtis bat niot ecovem'ed sufficientily, "la stisat ynî, Jise,,dear ?" aho to allon' o! bis morturu to busjiness1. whispemed. Diois tonis the n'aated Jim coulti not unuirsanti wby Dicis isanti anti geatly stroiset it. nover wroto, but tisougist, penhapa, "I'm Jim, "s pal,"lise saj'd, soltly ;hoin'ashburtat bisdecoit ati aht ise andti ien, as hoe 'atoised the eagei moss ofi al bis aavings. "Býut ho, rmoio! ofope die ou tise patient face, shah haiLve tiseun lacis," tbnnight Jiîîs, Sise attiet, quicisly, "Jim sent is "if T n'onk my fongenrs to iseý boise." lo ve." Ms. Ramae:y n'asn'eu nouisJinon' H ýon'eagerly tise poor, crving 'Itesit on tise bncnaiy i l thesun nith 1lenLir t graspeti even that pýo mes- Jim. Tise operatin to bier eyes bat sage o! love ! Witb a bal! sol tise been sucessisl, andtihie inothen 1mothen claspeti ils ianti anti caried anibeCr boy speat manly happy it to lieor tia, ti-emWîiog lips. Diihoni-p togeth"in. stoopeti quickly V.Udiissti tise ftt,"We ,3i youir 'liaI,' Jiai ?"nas-ý ci-1 ;to, fallin.g on 1isi imae by cd is mlotiser, tisleeaagbenr b tish iie , hopouneti eut tise stony nttnti tcd1o businjess. '*'BnIing hlmi of Jim's penritence. Ant ihe toIt hiem tiunî itiî yon on Saýturday nemt, thait hem Jlm n'as liunt-jlist a littieifor 1 I !ee IL n's hiewiso gave you burt--but ho wnulti corne in a day lacis ho mýe." or tn'n, anti thon tisey n'oulti both OCil nay as liim catet d tise ho hiappy. ficho nas reeeelwitb boarty " swe shah ail lie happy tison," hninkeniiqlis wbs~erd theo mothe(,r.. Hao iWsrJalanailg9 e us ble.sa you."* Then aise sat up' antiý A autitia si '(sc 1feUoul tise fol- ralactilber fangt-. - l-' nt rJnc al Cdt hlm a note. "Hus."Uase sait. "Miialte'ne ý Jim htori-ocff tise cever. Ti t ra noise, for my baby Jim is asleep."! "Dean r -bnyui-ont this Thon n'ith a sigis the naset !rm i do't 1malce aniy !u.I oit yen aP il l acis ou the piliow. lie that monio n'eu1 satio 1I bat Wýitb a ]ow ci-y o! beornrr ics eunei u iseb houbut 1' aprang te bis feet, but Lie aotor bat d oifii nu otiseýr yout Itinthlmi alte. For severul Inl- shoulti conse te bier. If tiinigLa ai-o I utea hoie ilteneti antidettise tiindiscoveneti I shal say 1IdtitI. I n'ist. Tisonnitî a sile hoeLui-net Thoee ls ne one Lo bother about me, anti svispei-'eanti,'Jim, youir aothen n'as eating "EIappily, she ila dsleop. She n'iî bier boni-t ont for you. Tellllber I lite non' te taiselber Jim laisino 'bave gono abroati, anti say nothiag, ber aching bhei-t. But for tise o syen car-do ian gond n .Ee iment 1 bai-et your god en's bat yur "pal, 1DIcI." iillefl ber." * - 'IlIon' lng tditi olgL, 2 hoasie L Lefoire tinybreis lýDick n'as hlackislu, "Si ntis camie thec chorýus. Londion; ho bat corne up bIy tic! "Hleîleziesonso money, but oni cnly mai-set train. Ssmiit rpeihm es dn "M.Rainsey l wi-o5jesat tie' tWo mon)ttijs neai-1yýT" nurse. "The toctor tiiiss h',lias S ' m as 'li-ade uîî la a 110- boim-thing on iha nin'L"peot WLhun st,,rs ýantiset, lipst "Vos, Iisnn," ansn'ereti Dicis, j1ise ltrodo ct*LA'to _Mi-. Skianen's choeni-,rully. "I1t's about bis iintiser. joffice. There hoe tohd the truth, -anti< l foeti ase n'as dting, but lnon' wbis -chIe! iis*.ened to bis aLoi-y nith- Ï sfie is goiag to geL n'ell agala." ont a n'ordt. "tsail ngt"ho li-a ot n 'You imust give me ila change, Mi-, ho e nýt r e tie roo m ; y ou r n ti - S ii n erý, ," concl d et J P . "I m u et ci,'s botter, Janiis n'altiýg foi-tae ics' pnemmditey. H yuto corne. Perbapa to-inornon', n'1il ho i(-ae'for life even ïi f-naI oli cap, you can travel ion'n." op-o tie ineie. »ýicis nas startleti at the n'iîd, "Vos, M. 1ney Ishah taise L'Sipairing eyes that turneti --'Tei*hl bc crouît isnrtrly believe isin.iim iguilty neveis wlisen.ho confessed-- "I calioti you baikDict," sait I shall do moie fIshall iisak Rasy, bansely ; -ÉI-cailed you him apantner - n'îim, or I arni bai, but ynsi didn't boni-.YVo gettingi oit. fýoui- coaduoti in rm t -ligt you svene acting for tholling sLi-ig'ht te me dr(ll yu b ht ut IL n'osld bave been iindeýr leanthtie truthsi\shostn o tehav.e leeiei." ia~siiooçlntntsj et " J mi e a t , a n ti a I t i i s y o u 'w r 4Sen'il i nover seale, becr1use bJy temptotianti wei-e adi ntenitioru1ly 1 igstIshah libe a fstt onri- ihnet ou nil sayla yo1ri beelmmt"position. T shah go ý)doss" ato tise 1i Jlare yon i 2" rui-t o-daiy nsti 0iif I can cx-M J p)laini ai al .s a miatuiike nilhI c "I aveheea mtiI bve-fbcu nas ont able o t iiaéetyêýr tjll you ne- s btetting als a, I. 1-iadrsi- r~ !turrnotito b itea. 'uonundentati: th im' csh.I iaie.dr tiu iî.Ramsey h~ ai tisu iolileal opy Shortly mter Dîcis Mnwai-iagn'asc neun-aseti, anti Ramsey foîtti hnsu ba(t ltaea witb a )luschqu. oiiost iuncomfontable nls th iserei-eil 0 ollen'OuIth the 1 n10'ls-1, anti1 I go~sg ietaie I on. wenI bt nas at iscverithise miko ani st fen' n'eeis miter1tisef1rm bec'm accesa te tis i:lmoney, D *but .o iîae' at asnrnat o day tise mudtors n'iiidisceven îeîay nota ne rtylti ïetigr, teork -"c*tn ou ara 'ery can,ýees; sec hon',ý this w-iPiti'g s blottoti." Jdhn (oi nriVOýUsLrý) - 'Tiat - tiat was a nl, si; w aikot arasserage, aati-o Employer (unn:o mbaný,iîtb suruoi a flyoliî b ht'Jh -' 'Th&l W to ',c eif'; 1 illcati 11,1 U~ORS-»KA:BSINTHIE. Inrasu Use ai ýtisaC,ý-reen Ter- ro-i.Aierica. Absnth, "isegreen terror ot Frne. a o beîng produceti ii cionsiderabil qnaiies la the UnitetiI States;, ani i1beîuguset ilo ait aiarmin etct.li smescti n je that (nil la distileti foi m.kngah î,intbe. It liacesaytogie h cLItlvý tion of vwor,îwotigratco-e anti a ceital aeorgowhas li raee bfoe t asuie for WOrt its n'eiglbt in golti. Cia chang_ýes bave 7rcaulret lainkigcer- ý s p o t s fi o r t h e g r n' l nVj. g o0 1 r a w o t i anti non' tberu r ooa 'rno farms la that Stntc. Tise-e la secret ln iLs cultivation whlcb la carefully guarieti by tise pioneers, and hbence nmany growers ire tunsuc- cessful la ralsiog a plant "'ich wili produce the 01. Tie plan o! son r- the seoti broatioat bas licou abali- tioneti, anti îow the successfilgr- ers plant la drilla or rows, cultivatl- ing as they wo,,h] corn or toba--. It 1,4 just beffore the plant bas reacs- cd mnaturity that it la cut down and sent to the distiilery, n'here the cil is taken fromn the gren plant. Tiseý oil la extracteti by neaso! beqt, the o xact procesa of which -i lam net famili ,ar witb. Tise Wisconsin growers o!f om wood ani distillers o! tise oil aýt fi-at shippot iwnaîly ail their output to Europe, buit non' the,-y linda geoti mankI-et for- it lan eStates, alnd at alieat fblospoices. Of course, tise drug boue o!rmrîafinti a rcady home niairlket. Tie o la cmi- pioyed lu many wvays, buit ILs cli4ef uses are la tie making of absinthe, anti lnmns Tise jeetaLing poweýr of tise oh lai somethinig won- tie! n. Wen applieti to the s urface itweL ita way rigist to tse bone, anti thîs naises it exceedlngliy valuable la COMPOUNDITNÇ, LINIMEN'rS. A ,person ,under tise Ifrluence nt tise drmg xpcincos tse ino)at plea- sant dtinma anid illsagininga,bu like ail excesses it k'ilis tie genIef emo tho1_ns, fr-ezoa indnasiones in manl tise sp)jiito! tise beast, anti nc- compilies mnoevil deets thinat drcmid of. A large drink e!abin thle will prodtuce iseaalbllty, con1- vulsionIs, dilatoti pupIilaslugl pulseý, -antil otlier nou fctth aftr fTL-ct cfte incuigtrombling hanis, armas ant ilgs, initense tbisirt, tingling la the eî,illusions o! slght ani iearing, anld ohrisornifyhng nesulta - Sc, strong a hoit as the use o! absfInthe gainie i,.fFrance that tisec coverilmentbsmaiCepaeI ef- fo)rts ;to SIpjpreaa s isal.I t >,uISe in Amenica lain Jcreasing eveny cday. Tise i-anis poison is kepjt by even21y -salooniat ln every City anti ton'. A few drops !u a glass o! n'hIisk-eY ýwili mate tise average dninkerrtil anti feel that ho ownis hbîtiftieai-La C ai tinat aotse dInk e!oftisesa k'iniwl iv l ise rmidr "Juat aasisof asinhe"15 btt rnany present daýy dru iiïkert -y to the bantender-, w) n ei ty ordcer at drink. Two or thi-ce dinswitli -juat tia !a bsul f Iinlthe'" i IcauIse tise tii-jokers ite geL la-1 t condition wiicre lie gwns it, ail,ltosery thing, n'ants zte hng e1ybtat La tise biggst fo)ol fl eevenýIteen< 'Sta teS. Wboa tise ýtul! 'bieginas to out hoeis on hf0 vergeo! a',gond caseý o! -s moky"Tinelanodrhinking( SclhPdule 50soure o! prodlicins jim-' lainail lIort ordei' as 'ýïÙst a (lisis WbjI ise ison I mnfaýctuirers (f tiecoitwlcsprotlices abs)inthe are gotting a gondqa(tlFrno vi]li conItInue to mae ise bea'-tgrd, iecauao tise secrets 9Of itlsaitfa- Luehave been hinowýn to tisoni for Tgs.'hils secret bas neer fouitt L vay it ielbntne tlisiSide W of the Atat .'- BTTER ýLATE P NNEE. Siesýs sauilt ldyo!feet, nb ua.e-Ëý,, jîstIane *t netîti antiwd e saîedat- hni'er -a&dage ofThon z~nplte gnraneshe we%ýIcit to the o cîllge hooi~a~er as a4ed I ii lot iseho. A feu'w~ei' enabei lion te'O ~rthe d!t-dtigry, aIIAha! '.ani now,1 'i-cati tlisewsppf-5 ani! write anmoriinarybit. Tise most oaial grîTite lu tIse woi,i ave fîoundi l nata tmncia. Tis e bod at n ae a day or two you n'îi le able te travel, aniise can't lek so danger- eusiy ill or tise toctor avouiti have n'jrot. l'Il teil you n'bat-I'll rpua donnte Staîridge t-nu'bt anti 'e ho ie i, nt-'Il ti e e are cousu ug, antci that you ai-e soi-iy for theo past. It n'ii give b ler sorne- ting to hope for-a-omeiti:ig to hive for. By Jeve 1iIf, abmli oves quicisly 1 eau éatch tise netttrain.