-~ . c MÀKIMS KOM% BIKING iEÂSY. AND HOME BAKED, FOOD SUPZRIOR TO TKTànBAInR'S. WCikesI mufTins, etc., ln which Cleveland's Baking Powder is used will boop better. " MARIO.V HÀRLAND, (.oingl o Clear Out. l'bc clearing.oUt- sale at Young& Coa China Hallcon- 4îtinues.- Wemust soon move our Crockery Stock f rom our 4îeast store to make roorn for alterations. Sweeping redue- tions iu this department to make our stock as small as pos- sible when the carpenters corne ln. Last week's list of tQ Dinner and Toilet Sets wiIl bc continued. Remeniber these ~ IQ ista arc 'ouly a sainple-'everythifla1 reduceed. S This, week we caI your attention to the foli .9 4î "Il Dinner lare White And Colered. DPinner Plates, reglar $ 1.20, Sgle Price $.00.» Dinner Plates, 8 1.00, " .80. 4î Breakfast "Il $1.00, ".80. Breakfast " " 85Ç ".75. ée Tea ' " 80()t.70à 3I te Tea " " 75ë ".65. 4Î~ Cups and Saucers "g $1.20, dé $1.00. 4qCupe Yand Saucers " i00, tg .80. 4Î in aur Grocery Dopa rt.ment you flnd us giving our msal beit attention in filing your orders. Special this 4Îweek-Mastard Pickles, godo quality, regular 2.5o sîze for 15C. 4î Y-OUNG&ee., 4Î BOWMANVIiLLE. CHIINA, HALL. t Carnag9ee Buâildiný%g And Repairing, >The undersignied wishes to, announce to the publie that having pur chased the lut rest of the Morris Estate in the- Morris Carnîage Works, Bowmanville, hie is pre- pareci to receive orders lu the above line iu ail branches conned.5ted 'with the trade, Prices right. Satisfact o n guaranteed. Thanking customers for past liberal patron- age 'and solicitilg a continuance of same. Wm. I3dger, DO WMAN VILLE NOW IS-THE TIML To i eplace unhealthy Blo od Seeda -by a Fresher and More th e KidsHighly Vitalized -ot isore-y ld more. .eoid byaUIl^.ers.Fluid. THE BEST LINE. PAINEIS LEERI COIPOUND Is The Only 'Medicine Titat Can Purity Shattered Strengtà Prom Bowmanville ta New Yrk- The sleeplessness, nervaus prastra- Grand Trunk and Lelligis Vallev ' tioi, general debility, weakness, func- through Pullmans Toronto ta l4ew hounai irregularities and despondency Yonit anti Buffalo ta Phîladeiphia tram wbich thousantis of-waïnen, yoag Dining Car frain Toronto ta Niagara and aid, sufer, can be quickly emoved FaIll and aisa tram Easton ta New by praperly feeding thse nerves, and re- York. The Lehizh Valley bas thee placing te unhealthy blo yafeh Stations lu New York---Uptown near er and more highly vtalized flud. The afrs a hotels, anti Downtown happy change, on11 lîloo d miafrsh neralEumopean Steamer D)ocks. ery ta true wûmatiitod and happiness, For tickets cali at Grand Tuak tawn can ouly be effected by thte use of or station ticket offices. 16-8w k'aine's Celery Compound. ir IrThe present spring demand for Paine's Celery Comppund, -wan's T oI o uIl[O'dseC% frienti and lite giver, is enormous lu every province af thse Dominion. This f ct aloile, ampiy proves that the greet ~,~ivaivi~eCompoui possesses virtues andi powers unknawn ta other remedies. Dear wife 01 1 ir W ll Paer tade ant "dmather, do flot procrastinate; libten trade pto.-dav ta thse vaice o! reasan andi the tO ereWall Pape hs- rpernsad etmn ftetos anlde of your sex w' o have, been madie exceeded any previous year weland strong~. Mrs.,S. J. MceKiniay, whic speks vlume forCheim4ford, Ont., says:-- -Whih seaksvolmes or,'I wish ta let yoit knowwisat Pairis our class of paper we are Celry Comoound hias doue for me. Il carriLg.was afflicteti wîit nervousnees. sleep- carrihg-lesseses, debiity aud general weakness We have very ~ for five xears, anti during Chsat time I have vey nicewas doctored andi spen t a great desi of paper at tbree centspe roll money tor medicines withutan goa pe resulte. A friend advised me ta use and better ones front fiVe--your compoundi, and I arn happy ta say it bas comnpletely'ecureti me. 1 naw est cents upwards. wi.l,sleep wll, anti am as strang as ever betore. I am sure J waouid have Room- Moulding a nl>d died, hati not Paine's Celery Campounti Curtain Poles to matchLorne ta Mv aid. 1 wish 0 Very woman ta k no w a bout -youm waudemful medile- ni ne. ALLEN' wri Meont freQe.nAdIlcar. vice wrta CoConsulting Physician's .~DePartment, The Wells & Ricardson BIG 20O. respoudeuce is sacrudly e d ta The etiadiaiStlisa BWi[ÂNVILLx. MAY '61 190$ Toronto Industritui Elxhibition thîs Y""r Wil-be for, the' 'whalo Dominion, and vili be s'big affaîr for -.Canada. Basides _ the Dominion Governaierkt grant ao!$50,M0; Toronto la u.ked ta @pend SI1.S7O on nov iuildingo anim- provemente, and the Province,. whlch hasloffered. 8,00 for extension of dairy building, la asked -for more The ex. bibiltion iii (roin Atgnet 27 iteptember 12. T.aHmer Greenwood, Landon, Bar- land,, formerly o!, Whitby, hae rocelved a cordial Inviation tram the York Lib- eral Four Handred ta canteait York lun the Liberal interest at the next election. If alter hearing hie views 1h seemed ta be -the united wisli af the Liboruls of the olty that he. should coutest thce eat, ho haped ha might be able ta gtve them n answer lu the affirmative. Mr. -Ramer Greanwaod la juet thlrty., .Cnadlun boys camne ta the top in ovegy couatry. ,$50.00 to California and return. Via Chicago & North-WNestcra R'y. Firat class round trip tickets aù sale tram Chicago Ma 3rduiid May x2th ta î8th, ta Las Angeles and Sun Francisco. Cor- respondingly law rates from other points. Favorable limits and stop over privileges. Loyw one way settiers rates ta Western points in affect daily until june i5th. "rre trains a day fromn Chicago ta the Coast through without'change. Daily and1 personally conducted tourist car excur-1 siotîs ta California, Washington and Ore-, gon. For particulars apply ta vour riearest ticket agent or address B. H. Bennett, 2 Fast King St., Toronto,- Ont; FAREWELL BANQUET. A vory pleasant sond-off wae gtiven1 Mr. Frank H. Marris. Tuesday nighh fi, the toniof a farbweli, banquet- ut Thie' 'Bennett House, when tho Bise Ball Team and friends of utbletic sports as- semb edta bld hlmgood bte. Atterthe g onds things on the tables bad received full share of attention a n informai pro- gram vas presented by Mayor James who discbar2 ed the duties of presiding officer. Maçor M. A. James read the follawing address and presented Mr. Morris with a handsomely engraved lacket as a souvenir of the gond vishes af the boys and bis association wlth themn in the aid town: To Mr. Fransk B.-morris DZAR ÀM1a MNoltnî.-qin the ove of yo'îr dep.,rtnre feora Bowaevil'e for a LOw home le bas seeu, d to ue citizinq of Jeow'z'ev,llo t eat yeu se nida oCb" permitted b bave us without out intimating tw yenuinuOo emaîl but tangible manner the eeteem in whioh you are field by yonr meny friends and thoir regret et thus being compelled to pari cornueny with yun wbose conduot au e sportPmau and a manen awrrented their deep roerd. .As.our uent et thin banquet tht. oveniag. we desire, te tell you, -and it in posibiy thse hest weY la whicb vs May indicate te you tte sn Yeu leave our toasa >onvii basve behind yoa many tree triends; ihat when this becquet vau fir..t thought of it wautise purpose that ît should bu tendered yon bv yonr o'd aeociates of thse Besebil field, as $omne indication of their apprecietion enddrocognition ofthtie support which yon ha 1ve been t hoei owmanvjille Besebeli Club for yeers, not oniy in the. vev of pIày- inir first.class bail but as veil by thse moral eiftet uf your teuly nsanir conduLt et ait .tioses botb on aend (Jf the field ut sport. But *lien yosr friends of the Beeili field began te discuse ie suggestion of a baOquet tbey founti th.t the ple"ture of your enter. teinmftat bore to.nigbt cauid not ail ho thissir, tisere being a general desire on tbe citizen. Of Our t ,vute perticipete wvus thew n utiaspleunt ]eave-takiag. Thtis pieesing fe., t-ie. most gratifyink toelne. and indicative as à is efutaewîder andi more gen- ezai appreclat'on of yonr merit end wortis. we point Ont to yeu hecanse te yo 1 t anet !be we feel aàetource uf great plesenre. Speakiug more particu!ariy on bebaif (f thse Bowmanviile Base>bali Club, vo mey eay ûbt we feel your romavai trom &aOnog us viii be e lues quite irrepareble. it in [we 1 known tisai second base bas been 'iseld down" by you la unr game botter tisen eny similler position inanay otiser club la tiset league, and in other position@ on tise fieid wh'ci you have been callad i pun to fi11, and et tise bat few bave made a isetter la tise management of oue baseball teate aend in tise Clubs aff airs geporeiiy yeur ad.- vice- aad judgsaeaî bas beau Of veloIeO ,aseiitunce tand not infrqu8ntly fcll,)Wed, andi as a -men ber of tise Exocutive Commit- tee uftht.e Cubyün have 'shows an, energy suLd cepstsity for work la thee Club', intereet4 7 wiich s i eite t iudeed difflenil. if et ali pas- sible-to find une to teke yuur îil ce ,Wiile regrettiar as ve do tise act that ytnhreaou lulevene h . nrdeir tisas you go cerrying witis yuu not ony tis banquet tu your memory tu sexve as e re- miadier uf yonr iriends. teiiow citzens tend nId companions, but aime we deeinI t fittinz [n present ho you as e Souvenir ut yonr cîti aseecistes niflise Basebali fieldi in titis to)wn tiis address. and this Locket, beering upon it your monogram andi vords expreeeiag the purpose oft us presentetion. Witis these mnemunies andt iese ever pies- eut emblemq f ut u,- steen for you, vo biti yen bon voyage to your nov home anti reminti von thet yen dopent vitis one st ,ieheii for a brigie, ihappy andi prueperone future. Signied on behait ut the Citizen, by M; A. James, Mayor. Sîgued n behaif of the Bowma.nville I3aoebalt Clais by tise (ommittee: 8 W- Sa3ndeno, resident; Gus Bounsel), Vice. resideat; F. 0. Petbick . Manager; W. WJIcox, Captain; W, J. Fuize, G. Weekes, E. F. Weekes, Socretery. ý Mr. Marris suitably acknowledged the handsome gi tand a number of speeches follawod tram Messrs. H. F. Hanter, Dr. Devitt, F. C. Pethick, Fred R.,Folev, W. Marsehead, A. Mingeaud, R M. Saxby, Jas. Gale, A. L. Darcit, J. Horne, F. Vanstane, Ed. Weekes. F.- Kydd, H. J. Hooper, J. Rice, C. Me Lean, G_ Maxwell, B. McMurtrv-, N. Taylor, G. Maynard, Dr. Gray (King- ston). -Mr. Gea. Freeltndl recited and Mr. Cecil Osborne entertained with is splendid phonaygràph. The speeches were ail gooti, to the point sud flot to long. Votes of uhanks weme giver thse Chirman, and ta Mr. and Mrs. Me- Donald for the tempting supper so weli1 and tastefulîy prepareti andi servedl. Mr. Morr's carrnes with hlm ta Pitts- burgh, Pa., the gaod wishes flot only of the base bail team oftvbi-h he fhas been an active and efficient member, but af ail pur itizens, for a succeseful sajaumil in Uncle Sam's domain. Mr.F.C.Pethick, manager ot the Base Bail Team, deserves credit for eo suc- ceeatully planning aud eonducting ttise Does it -t seem more effectiv e to Sbreathe in .rmdy, to cure disease of the breathiu rrgans, than to, take the fremedy into le stomnach? Zstab3Jis.ed ïS79- Cures While You Slecp Tt cures becaue thse air rendered strongly antiseptie is carried over the diseased sur- face iith every breath, giving prolonged and Contant treatrment. It is invalu- able to mohers wîth small children. Is a boon te asthnxatics. -FOR- WhoopingCocugli nro-nohitis Croup Coughs Catarrb, Colds Grippe and Ray Fover The Vaporizer and Lamp, which shouic last a lifetime, together with a botie of Cresolene, e$s.5o. Extra supplies of C resolene 25 cents and 5o cents. Write for descriptive bookiet Gontait,. ing highest testiniony as to its value. VAPO-CRESOLiENE1 IS SOLD BIr DR000ISTS LX ER,'WHERE. X80 Fulton Street xî65 1Notre DauUEirM INew York Montresi Seven Mlon boxes sold in past 12 months. This el, GREA.T BARGAINS IN WffALL PAPERS- You will be delighitect with the beautiful patternis and very 10w prices. As I have to vacate my present premises very soon, I will make it, profiîtable- to y:Du to buy anything. you want in my line.. 1Don't Delay. Get the snaps while they are going. iNew Base Bail Goods, Spaldtngs manufacture, juist receivect. pu TrebilCock, BO WMAN VILLE. The Port 'Uarlîngton Barber FAF al or SLEk.-B e iarn g con 1, aritoan wisieis. are dweliîn bus tend neoeeeary far'n biuldi nges tastone stable C ompany Annual l~eting, and ceeiar underueath bara ullsie Oc, of 1ý acres,well wa ered by two welle tend amati Station G T. R.- 'et Office and scooot. Pos- NTICE 15 IIEREBY GIVEN Tisai session , edagl ois may be agreed upon. L~the annual gecîcral meeting of tise Stock- VerY favorable tertme viili be given. piyt isodee t isePot arioeonHaisr oiJOHN WITHEaInoz,on ises. .T. Wtnz pany wiiofTbehe Pr ldtheonHcarofrseCoi.TOE,29Vaaueyet TnieWTo r to .. pany l et Portdariteofwf iei ofwheani41JM29 BVaauvle ooto-ri .. aONa Pr MONDAY tiseFRt DAY f BJUmNvle = .1903,ile1- atO A tiehO e FOR 'CLOOIÇ inie 1903, ______________ noon foie electiOFnPOfDROcore u.th. tier-e Doon for eeeti nsufngyeatrsnf transaion of.e Sncuiness as mayecome beforeh et titsg. -______________ 174tf Dated at Bowmanville, 27tà April, lso',. Ci] onisb Ejrxcursion1 One way tickets et low rietes on tale until joune lth. to points in Montana, (Coorado, lut.nh, Oregon, Wafbington, California and Britishi Uoinmbizk. iERVIGE TO THE WEST' Leave Arkive Arrive Arrive Bownvde Toronto Dettoit Chicago *5.15,a, m, '6.50 ii.m. t1,10 p.m. tj6.4bp.m. 750a m.1930 a.m 12 1.42 p. m13.20 p.m. 419.30 p.m, 7.2(b.m.. 47.38 p. n1+49.15 p.uu. 4Ï7.25 a.m.4212.50'piu 42 ai' tI>eY ex0ept iEnnday * ai!y eePt M012dalY. C~mo~ elI~ neeestletfoI hte (afe patior (larg, and Puiloan sleepeze on tirougis trains. Tickets, reservations, etc, 81ott & Jury, C.PT. A. DaCpositea ii e l etsa by r Of paidi-up Oapita",Lâand Res3cve Pund. Oui- lnVesie . Fueda ec on * sesat U an ESTRe*%ND MOZG OF;RTO Torntote*e, Toronto... HERE'S THEf TRIJTH, Aiphaue Car onInvestigate Ded's pye- pepla Tableis and Gives the Publié the Result la Plain.Straigbttorwai'd Lalguage. &I hons Caron,. oditor-of the Echo, pulshed ut MontimaKnY, QUe., has orni the roputation afi gain ta the roat f-tlilng8, gatting *1w whole truth ec1oncerning theo. iatter ln hand and then stting 1* forth lu plain language no watter who it holps or harts. The gtutoment@l of such men are al. ways worth rEmding and none more s0 than the followlng. It appeared ln the Eco sort tinie &go. "Do yau know- Dodds Dyspepsia Tabiots? 46I (the undersigne know themn as the best thing~ for "Dysppei. Every person suffering ftmhue terrible mai- a:dy ought ta use:thon> usI have and 1 m arsre ho would be satisfied, " AtPnoN5E CARONI. Mr. Curon's experiem ce should benefit a' jarge.number of people. Nodiseuse le 'more prevailent in Canada than Dys- ppinone more dangeraus, disconi- otlgand dispiritlnîr, none thut sapa the energy an~d vFgor of peaple ta such au-extont. 'Mr. Caron toile o!'o a sure cure. SOLIN A. Arbor day wesobaerved at sehool Friday. la thi.e ftera oa the boys were defetted atifoot- bail b y Dradley'a Sehool hy a score of 1 to 0.... Bey. J.1S. Anderson gave a continuation of flooker T. Washington. et Division Friday maigut. Reoin gettiig quite eloquent and bis efforts were imch appreciatei.. . Mr. H. G,. Pancoe has captured nmre pouli*r thinves-five foxes.... The brothers of thse Div sion entetan tho week, Mr. Caude Law, Kingston. wili gv emie on "1niibLterature.". .... Misa Ediltis Vice, Bowmenviiie, was home Sanday. GLAD NEWS Dodd's Kidney Pilla Cured b is Lumbago and ho is a Sound Main. Granton Man Shiçouis tthe Good N~ews that Tier. Ms e cure for Kidney Dioease and that .Cure ls Dodd's Kidaey PlUs. Granton, ýOnt., May 8rd (Specia).- There la no uneertain sonna about thse statement of, John Fletcher, of this place. III arn giad to let the public know the t Dodd's KiÀneýN Pilla have cured'm"' ot Lumbago and now 1 arn perfecîl; I-ound," that is the way lie puis it. Quettioned as tathe particulars of his cure Mr. Fletcher said 'I l ad been troubiod for a year with Lumbago and Kldne-v Troubles. Mv urine was of a very bad color and 1 could get nothing ta help me. '«I consulted doctors but, tbev could not be]p me and 1 wag not in a very cheertul trame of mjnd.wben I decided ta try Dadd's Kidney Pis. "But it was a lucky day for me wheà I did. Almost tram the irst they gave me relief and I was soon entirely cured. ".Yes, my Lumbago le gone ; my Kid. ney Complaint is gone aud Dodd's Kid- nov Pills did it ail." Dýodd's Kidnýey Pille neyer fail ta cure Kidnov Camplaiut. whetlser that coin- plaint takes the formaof Bright's Disoase,1 Diabetoo, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Sciatica Lame Back, etc. HAMPTON. M.N. C. Rundie and Miss E. M. Robbins visited friends in Pickering.. .. Mrs F.« J Groat and Mr. C. H.. Bur- rows are recovering from grippe.. Quarterly service Suuday înorning wa s attended by soverai tram Eldad an d Zion .. .. Mr. T, J. Clarke attended the funeral of hie father at Cobourg on uesdaV. Mr. Clarke was well-known here, having carried on the blacksniith business for ýmany years. Hie was an active church worker. Prior ta the union he was a niember of the Bible Christian elsurce here, an honored local preacher, class leader and Sunday sehool Superintendent. Hie died at Ex- eter wheree h as lived for sev eral years. Au eged wife, four sans, John and William, Winnipeg; Thas. J.,llam. pton, and Samuel M. P. P., Cobourg-, .and twa daugliters Mrs. J. Trull,Solina and Mrs. G. Archer, Cobourg, mouru the loss of a kind husband and father. on mwmmffýM% West EndHouse. lest Durhain's Biggest Glothier, West End House SodOnly> by JOHN McJIURTRY, Custom lu Bowmfan llYI, Custm tüorng-is welt enougli for the Mau who is fussy about a button or a pocket and can afford to, spend money on his fussiness. firsteomeouts-new syles weare prepared ready-for-servicýe Clothià-er ? if there icre any botter Oiothing miade than 2Oth Century Clothing West End l&Wse ould Keep It. Suits $500 to$15.0O. SSpring Overooa.ts $4.90 to $15,00,' b Waterproof Coats, Versus Rainproof Coats. We ai-e fot ini the busi. Sness to dleceive you A r Lincoat answers the purpose of a dress spring or fai Overcoat, it is good for hight showers, it is flot -&ood for a lorg drive agailst i ain. SoId in grey or bronze col ors $10).00, $12 00, $15.50. A Waterproof Coat -The kind we k ell, turns the m, guaranteed by the manufacturers, guaranteed by us, we run no risk, you don't-sewn searn, ganmed as, well, $5.00 Up. Mud Ooats Any OlId Price. Qolars5o each. 600 Collars landed in on us last Thursday, we did nlo t have tine- to advetrise them in the paper but had a sale S tturday and sold a big Squantity but there is 333 et to start with MHonday morning mostly stand, up turn down, sizes 14 to 1Q-1. Price 5ce. Corne early. BOWMAN VILLE SDry Gcods. Fine Footwear. Groceries. 1 1 4