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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1903, p. 5

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- -~~------------ t BRigger, Botter, NIoré Central. thatwe hve ceurd a10 years' laeof the comeodlous Business Stand now occupied -by the Dry Goods and Jewelry departmnts of The Mason Co. and will oceupy the sanie as eoon as it is possible for theinte give us possession. 1Moving a Drtig Store. withl its "1thourand and on e items la a big job and 'eare determined to reueour stock t& the lowest pos-ý sible noteh. Bargains inEvory line O f Druggists Sundries will be given that have neyer been heard of in this section before. Country Store ke.eperb can buy from u.s at lower Price than from Wholesale Hlouses as our -stock must be reduçed and buying in large quantities fur our 4 stores enables us to seil at whole sleprie. st Ott & Jury, The Druggist and 0 ptician. To, Lastl101 -2 ýor 3 e arsi These goods never spoil with zage and ineyer go out of style. 'You May never --et another chance. land Sen.tbs, reg 2 for 5e, moving sale price le eaeh, Band Serubs, reg 5e, moving ss2e price 8 for 5c. 'Toîlet Seap, 'reg 5 to 7e, rnoving sale price Sfor 10c. Toilet Soap, reg 10e, moving sale sale prico 75e doz. :Toilet Soap, reg 15c. movin,( sale price N0e Sponges reg 30e to 40e, meving sale price 25e. ýSronges reg 25c, moving sale pnice 15c. ,Tooth Brushes, sour ehvice by line 2 for 15e Tooth Brusbee, extra qailîty special Timportation 18c. eCombs- Se, 5c, 8c, 15e, 20, and 35e Whisks, every line reduced. -Hair Brushes, reg St 00 to $1 25, moving sale pnice 89c. Hosir Brushes, reg 75e to $1.00,mov- ing sale price 67e Enir Bi ushes, reg 50c, moving sale pnice 25C. ,Hair Brushes, reg 25e to 35e, mev- iDg sale price 19e. _PURSES-tbis stock wilI ho cleared out reg-ardless of cost. Rland Nlirrors will alKo bo cleared out, rogardiesuý of cost. C0ail early and GIetï frt choie Gyradwtte Opti&ians & Druggists. Don'É 1fliss Our Bargains lu Spectacles. A WORD 0F CAUTION. Dr. Pitcher's Back- are prepaa-ed frema the esecriptien cf Dr. ia Pitcher (formerly Profeser cf Matera Medica and Genito- U*inary Diseases, Mich- i9an Coilege of Mcdi- aine, Detroit, Mieh., U. US.A.), whiieh-he usedt wih;à ceru succes fo vrtwelve years in, ritepractice ini the We..stern Hospitai, De. They contain specifle ingredients net foand lany other k7iduey Ze;d,a it sa noc;t tha thecy malte cuýres 1 in Yery many cases where other remedlies na preved a1togetiler WVe wouid ,caution ye iii purchasing the Ta ietot sec that the ) aecmpayiugeutprin.- ,Oted[ iný gr2en ink', and' ad signture aeprinted On the p3ackaýge.1 Befuse susiue n mttionp, aLs thlese are sure te o apon.1 Teprice ef fthe T.ablets is Sc .bx othrea boxes for $L125, ah ai druggisea 4 eil hy mail by -.J(reýsing the Dr. mPilohor oro ennto, OnZt.. Gran d Trunk Railw av Svstemnw UÂAILWÂ'! TIME TABLE. ý' 'oW2UANILLIS STATIOK. Gem4b SMl,i -GoISO Wimr .....O &1 ' i5Oc . 7 i Mixe . 8 Sp.m jrasen~T1i42> P. m Local e S5em, Mxcul 7 38 *)Expre...Il25 P.M. Epemdoua not go WeSt Monda6y morningi. !slzdaisBight enly. iDalit-. I ST-rt-à JU. iulai .TwA1rfn sQwâMA-NVILLE, MAY. 6, 19O)e teud 1'. H Knigt's new advt. Fielfd Seede o! ail kinds, treeh, at Miss Ela Martin, Dundas, le vlsitiug Mn.Da%id Gigz Councilior Chas Dane' sIen has zone Loudon visere ho lias a situation Fehooi reporte. cerrespoudeuce, aud a lot, o! other matter crovded eut. Mirs. Thioore Fishleigh, Oshawa. le ,isiting hon ather Mr. Lewis Hamalsy. Mr. aud Mrs. A,. P. Mitchell, Clarke, vers resent guess o! Mn. Jacobs Polard. The Mises Cornilsl, Orono, vi.siteti thefr aunit Mr Bert. Andru8, Ontario' Port Hope streets get on an average 10 loads or 18,000 gallons o! ater ah day Clarke Township Sabbath Schoei As- sociation viii meet la Nevtonville in Bay e! Quinte Confereuco meute in Simeos St. Methodiet churt-c, Oshawa, June 4. l'ont Hopse barbe-e have !ormed a union laud viilhsnceforth chat-go 20c. andi 15e. ',Millor's Compoun Inon Pille, only 25 cont tefon 50 doses Sod by Stt & Juùry druggists.ý An account e! the terrible disester at Frank, B.C., wul hi found on an la- side page, Mn. Geo. C. Hainies aud Mn. R IR. Loseombe vers ln Cobourg Wednesday on business. Mn. -anti Mes. Wm. Catn atteudeti the Her, selShow sud Tout-nameut la Torouto last veek. Mi s Cors Seott, Tynene, bac returneti te hone former position vith the Wire Fonce Co., Oshawa. Mies Fie. Masen sud Mise Dolla Os- berne, von' guests et Mrs. F. A. Hoan, Oshawa, over Sunday. A great t-est ie lu store ton ail wheo go te hear the Black Kuight lu Trniiy Chut-eh.Tuesday eveuiug. A lot o! Msn's sud Beys' readY te vear Suite; juet epeneti out at Couch, Johnston & On derman's. Mus. Marvia But-k bas roturneti fromt ai et-y pleasant four weekc' vieil vith relatives ln New York City. Monev lest somevhore hbeen Mart% n*s Grocery sud Mise %Iorsehead's neelde on Kiug St. Ses ativt . The aiual. meeting o! the Methodiet chut-ch o! Bovmanviite District viii ho held inl Orone Tuesday May 19. Mr. Thos. Ted abbeuded theo Master Bakers' Convention and the leetures ou Bakiug sud Bakcry Mothods lu Toronto ladt weck 'The veak, fluttering heant bhacomes stropg sud negular vison-Mider'e 0Ci- pontI rou Pille are useti. Sold by Ste' t & Jury. du-uggicts. Ron. Neil MePherson, et St. Paul's Chut-eh, Hamilton, bas boon elecled te the Council et Quoen's University, Kingston, for~ six years. Mn. C.MI Cawker lias punehaseti the China Hall building at pt-osenit occupieti by Young & Ce . ana wiii Couvert the esst hait e! the store inte s butcher (+hop. The priepaiti vas 34,500. Do net despair et curng ynun sick beatiache wheu you eau se easily obtain Carter'e Little Livor Pille. They will offet a prompt sud. permanent eut-o. Thein action is milti sud natunal. Doos your baincoreneut? Tnv dulut. iuug au ounceof o!reax aud su ounce o! camphor lu two ounces o! soft water aud vashing the bain therougbly Ivico on three times a week, ciipping the onde off occasionaiiy Il will cause ilte grov quiekly, thick anti even. The moving pidtur-s anti stereepticani viewe preseuteti by Mn. Camegie in the ecbool-noom of the Methodist cbîî-..h Weduesdav evoniBg droIT a goti 1 audience anti von' vet- entertainiflg suAd instructive "The illustrated lalk on" Sheitiou's book "In Hie Stops" was specially goati. Ortiers for Parkor's Dye Works, Ton- ente, nuay be left vith Mn, W. T. Allen, 1Bock anti Stationery Store.,Fowman- ville. Gootis lit ta hic care wiii have prompt atteution-Cloaaiug and D) eing le doue well if seultet Parket-h Dye Worke, Toonto-work intrustedti t Iheir cane Zets t'io heet attention. 19-2v, A besutiful bouquet e! Narcissi adonetieut- office dock, turing thE .past veek, te gift o! Mr. F L. Ellis, jHaempton, who celebratot i bi 8itL ,birlhdav ou May icI. Thauks, vory mueh Mn. Ellis. May veut- temaining 'cars ho as bright sud eheet-y as tbf 6flowers you preented us. YOUP OPPORTuNî'rv TO GMT WELL- You are offoreti Dr. Chaee's Net-vo Food »as the most perfect restet-stive, blooc et-esteor anti systemt builden that wsu exP et- preparoti The nusme ef the dis- cc ý,et-en, Dr. A. W. Chs'e, Le eougb te !iatFer9ntee this, sud besides vou havE 3the8 testimony o! scores anti buudred etu cured eues in evory part of OsuadE PntLi(te Unitedi States, You eanu u;eil ,kunowiug that il is bount t doyen gooti 1ion mauy frientsis luBowmaux 11h( anti vie nitv will ho pbeasedti t lest-n o t the marris g ocf Mise Mat-v ilOsborne , daughter of Mes. W A. Neade a!f 1h: 8 aon, and Mnrilerman K. Speckmann 8wbiclh teck placenut Oakilanud, Califot-nia 9on Salut-day Apnil 251h, Rev. Dr. Banks iBaptist mînister, officiating. Aller es shorîtnrp te several ef bbe citles ii "Net-thorai Califat-nia tbev bave taken ui Dresidence aI -208 Jou'es SI , Sau Prau Bciscc, Cal. lu wilidCityMn. Speet -manu bolds aresponsihie position. Wi e ffet- ut- hearty cougratuishions sud bextIeudti Mrsc.Secmu eut- brobst wishes for a very happy: snd 3prospeous mat-t-ed life. nTO CUREA 1CULD IVN UNE DAY Tou eauiget hbard ware that viBrs at Souch's. Hutubugu10e. a lb.,, Saturday et D). Luttxeli's Buyv our Gardon Seed lu Bulk sa, Murdoch'@. Vulcanized floor paint at Soueh'e hardware. Nice linso! pan taffy and creams et D. Luttrell's. Pure MTaple Svrup and Sugar just in nt Cawker & Talt's. New d regs goode in the latest styles nt S. W Mason & Son'a. See tihe wvyouw!re springe vi eér at s2 g0. M. D Williams & Son- Dou't tail to seurs one ef those ceisp overcoats at Couch, Johastea. & Cryder- man's Have yen bee n luto soe that $17 .75 five plece Parler Suite? M.D.Williams & Son. SM A. James lIonGverniet issuer o! Mariage Liseuses fer Durhami 1Countv. SWashitble Kid gloves in white and colore, juet r ceived at Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman's. The verv lateet in Wedding station- err and Weddinsg cake boxes at Tn STATESMAN office. Men's, Rats-! ha verv la test Englieli aud Ameican st;les at Couch, Jehnston & Crydermau's. Sponzei at reduced piese. Sece our spoctal 25e lins. A frosil lot et camphor balle at MeDormiai's drug store Seco ur bargain eounter-a nice line et gonds at be 10e 25e 50e etc. China Hall Clearinog Sale, Young & Co. Ladies' Watterproe-the fineet Stock1 vo have over choya froin 83 50 up. Nov is the time te lt-y Sereen IYors before the fies ceuse, soes eus stock the ptides viii surprise yen . .qartyn. Dou't forget thati Dinner Sets $7650 Dinner Sets for $6.00; $10 00 Dinner Sets for $7 &J at Young & Co's, China Hall. Our linse! oak Sideboards are well werth seeing. Juet cail sud compare our prises beore bu3lnZ. M. D. Wil- liams & Son.- Oniy a few Tiliet Sets left et the Chiina Hall Clearing Sale. They viii ho sold cheap., Mrs J. P. Tallor sud sou Newton have removod te Toronto. Mr.,F. S. Smith has rontod lber cesy nosidense on Church St. No eue knowe botter than thoso who have used Cartor's Little, Liver Pilla vhat relief, thov have givea vhen takea for dyspepsla, dizzinoss. pain in the elde, constipation. andi disordered tonach. Pleased te sec Mr. Jacob Pollard.who wae se seniouslv injureti by an infcriated eev some weeks age, able te ho down teva again. The stomach trouble viii couse if voit viii taes Millr's'Compouud Imon Pille. Que a! ton eacth miai. SAd by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mn F. Wood, Supeintondent Model and Public Sehoole, Port Roe, bas ne sigusti eving te illhealth. Mn. A. A. Jet-dan. Proseett, sueceotis him. Palsechecks rapidIv become rosy vhen Miller's Compound Iron Pille are taken. 5o) doses '25 cente. Solti by Stett & Jury, duggists. Don't miss hearing the Black KuigisI lu Trnisty Church next Tuesdav ovon ing. This le his last appearance la Canada Ibis season.11 Oun bat-gain liste in proviens issues of STATESMAN ctli in force as far as goode are lu stock Ths sarlv buyon gete the -beet slectien. Young & Co. China Hall. Bon. J. A. MeKeon, Orene, Modera- tonr Whitbv Presbytery, pneached lu St. Pauil's Chut-ch Suuday aud declareti the pulpit vacant. Their gentîs action and god offeet on Ithe s stem realiy makes thom a perfect 1littho ph1i They please thoso vho use tliom. Carter's Littlo Liver Pille may Weili hotermed "Perfecetion.", The bouse o! Mr. John Staploton, a fat-mer, ahout eue mile north vweet e! 1Newtouvilie, was hurued Sundav a! ton- r one ausedn hy a sparktrot-n the chim - .nov. flouse sud contents iusureti for 1 As a spnung medicino Burdoek Bloond Bitters has ne equal . Il toues up the s% stem sud remoes ail impuritios from the blod.sud takes awsy that tireti, weary feeling se 'prevalout lu the sping. 1 eat- iu mmde that it coets ne moe to ,gel, a goot i tting, well -made suit than il dàes te buv an, 111 fit ting, ,sloveuivI made oee Te socure Ibe fermerjeave veut- ret-donat Couicb, Jobnston',& Crydermau's A speciai bat-gain, a largo lot of 'Synup pitehers.*ith gqoot platoti top, lucnide drip. nico showy gods Good Pvalue at 25e duriug the sale you eau 'have thora fer 15e. Seo thom lu oui ,east wiudew. Young & Ce. granteti in West Durham for 1908, Boy- -mauvilie, Jne. A. iMcD3,naid, Bennett d House. Jue. Dat-ch, Balmoral; Jue, dBrewer, At-lin gion. Newcastle, Ft-snk Bennett. Oriental. Blaksteck,_ Thos Jas. -Alian. Ot-lut, John S. Gt-ce- wcnd, North Amet-ican. FOR A CýRTAINTY 1 AtM îuoM James Trenjeman, butcher, 536 Adelalde a Si etjiondon.Ont., wr!iics thal for lwe xeasbowaslai ,upwilb kidney dis- ,ea-e and u-ni-'trouble. -Ho became dropsical ançi bis leg-s weulti swe!l sc leIhai he o uitiscarcets go round, He )fnover used sny medicino Ihat tit i ha 9se mucb good as Dr. Chase's Kitiuey- Is Lîvet- Puis sud kuewc ý for s cet-taint. ltitat this treatrnent curet i hm. Ont lýOno pili a dose. 25 conte a box. Dr. Edgar- W. Allia, con of Mn. Sam. SAl lu, Laite Shore West, who has beeu taking a special Medical Course ia Lon -don. Engititi, bt-s completeti bis examE aiantiiq nuw a memrber of tise Re)' al Coi re log'ý-e o! Surgeons cf Englaud(.%I.R C.5 suad L'ceutiate o! theo'Royal Coibeg oe Il.Ph qieians o! London,(L.R.CP.). WE dbIear tily cougratlhito Dr .,Allun on hfi ss. He bac been a diligent au( persexeving student anti monits the bou ors whicb. have foilovoul bis efforts ii thoe olloge o! CaInida sud Englanid re Ho viii visit Devonshire.. bis ftbler' native place betore relurnin.- home. A.i ) i.~e ~stora 'at !.ara tile Signature f ~ C Ht-s. Flotcïkar. is W'-en BaUt- was sick, wc gave lier Castoria n W'heu àaa was a Chiid, she cried for Castoria. 'Wheu she became Mis, 1,1e clnnig te Castori. S Whens clid ChildrenCihegave tlhimCasins Wheu 2011tCentury clotbling camne lu thse market wé had têî -acknowile4Ee it wae suprerne; Ivo siferoent nike Iroode had to talek.a drop trom our pi.. îng orders. We are aatl8tied vs made a leood change. Our custûmeca ire. SuitbsSSMO Up to $15.00. Take a look. Jno. memurtry. lieuse for sle.-see advt. Nicesline'of pan taffy and emais t D. Luttrell'95. ýSec Our Mattresres at $2.65. M D-. Williams & Son.' Window screens and sereoxi doors eho*p at Sonul's. 10,000 dozecu good reuil eggs wanted et Cawker & Tait e. New suits for men and boys this week at S W. Mason & Sepi's. The Ideal Fonce is thep>rongest and best. Ses lb et Murdcblý Now las the Urne for bargainsa t the Mason Co's. Seo their page advt. Trv our Lemon Polish fer your furniturs M. D. Wilams & Son, Spring overcoat-rain proof-at re dueed pices. S W. Mason & Son. Appreutices wanted te isarn millin - ery. Apply at Central M illinery Parlers. Tress Gooda, Suiitigs, 511ks, Prints aud Chambrays. &Il new at Couch, Johnston & Crydrmans. Mr. Hubert Hligginbotham of the Standard Bank, le sp ending holida3 s la Toronto and Milton. *t Ita ceagbe..eclMs. kearnaeand eticutbea aliments are quickiy relievtd by Or«en labete ta cnt.prbox ,h11ruggiat Coke Shaviug Foam. Coke Shaving Feain. Whatilethat? Vaîl at Pethicke Barber Shop andd ee~. Priestley'a dress gôods alwàyB blatk. <ruin's prints. niver tes e lor in wash. iug. Sold by 1cMurtry. For the newest, best and cheapeet ready te woar clothing eall et Coucil, Johuston & Crvdermta's. Water Sets rogular pice 81.50 sale price $1Iî00- regular 1 75 sale pries 81.25 Yeung-Ce s. iina Hall. Edior 'James loft Thursday for New York Citv te visit his daughters. Mns. James wiii returu with hîm. Miller's Warm Powders are thse beet laxative medicine f or eilîdren; as nies as sugar. Sold by Stett & Jury drug- gis te. Messrs. Stott and Jirry have rented tisewest hait of The Mason Co., block where iie wili removo his stock. Ladies' taller made suits and separate skirts-latest sty les just te hand at ,Couch. Johusten & Cr-, derman 's Lawn Mowers, we ssii onlv the Woodyatt, aIso ail gardon requilsites, eur pnices are low. J. B. Martyn., The Mason Ce., are offrng great bargaine iu Boots, Shoos. Greceries and Jewellery. Se advt on. last page. Ladies' black sateen b' usse, aise some elegant white blouses ail new at Couch, Johnston & Cr.ý derman's. Pethiek, the barber. stili uses Coke'e Anticeptie Shavin;w Foam. Corne and get shavod with it and cee how it works. Gt teofo our 66 50 Couches before they ail ro, covered in velour. It will pav vou te cee them. M.D. Williams & Son A f ull stock et Frost Spring Col wi,-e, aise Barb, Annealed and Galvanized wire at close prices. - - B. Martyn. A 15e bottie o! funnîture cream Nvill re- move the spots fremn your furnituro and make it shine like new. Sold at Me- Dermid'e drug store. Just arrived a car load of Horsetooth Cern for seed-Manmoth Southern SWleet, Loaming 1I, el Cbaud, yeliow Dent at J. B. Martyn's.,, A waist shows a ekirt off, these ame with a skirt. See McMurtry' s'Wveil waist elothe and the best fttiug drese i kirte made, Minerva Brand., Wo are soie agents for the Pittsburgh Perfect fence-the oniy fonce with electrieally welded stay wires, lot us givo vea prices, J. B. Martyn. People whe chave thomsoNves and Ewant te shave iu a Christian style, buy a tube of Coke's Antisceptie Shaving Foam from F. C. Pethiek. the barbon. West Durham Farmers' Instituto will hoid their annuai meeting on Tuesday Juno 2 at the Goverument Pouitrv Sta tien, Mr. A. W. Folev's rosidence, Maple Grove. 1Ail persone indebted te Young & Ce. are requestod te cali aud settle st an eat-ly date. Business changes require ail eut standing accounts te ho ýsettled as soon as possibleý 11ave you spàre timo? Increase yeur iiinme b work at night. Others are deing it. Our g'cods are used svery- Swhere every day Write G.- Marshall & Ce., Teas, Londen, Ont. Just receivod direct fromn the makers hund rode of pairs of lace curtains nowest, desigus, lu ail qualities from 25e up te $9 (00 pe.r pair, No botter values anv- T TXI ELVE teaclacrsand USO Ousee bu htdreal t 1ewtiting tîsachilues. I a fa lýanuethatt i,-aone et-aci * bvwe podaco thebeltr lt-s, 'Wu cannet begia tlUPPIy the demanti t e r o u r graduates. Ene au1 tîmne. ,rîte f e n Centra. Business College- jW. ia. SHÀW e Ptin eipàl, Itçking £kin DIeÏtreee by da7 sud uigb- That'. th.. eonplalut0toft oeWho are go unfortalnate as telho amfie"e ,wi$b ZEema or SalEbeum-and - out- "ard Applications do not Sun. They ean't. The source of the trouble w lmu 1he booed-make-tbat pure- and thia oeil. ing, bnrning, itchlngikmi diseaiie vil arme whlà lprored very disarle.a i 1 coneluded it W&» alt rheUm and boUght a bottie or Hood'u Sartapariila. In twe daye after 1 began saklng It I frît better and I t was net long before I wau cured. Xava, neyer had any ukin disease mnc." Mm. IDA B. WÂEX>, Cove Point. )&& B'f'-ood' s .Iarsaparills ride 1he blood of aIH impuritet Mtu euresaOU eruptions.11 Miller's Grlp Powders Cure. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggiste. .Humtugs 10c. a lb , Saturday at D. Luttrell's. Kitchen chairs well made and Atrong 89c, M D. Williamîs-& Son. .PiIlow Sham irnider8, that do no, mark or ecase your shame t 25c this week onlv. M. D Willilams &-!Son. Dr. Talmage&s sermon this wteek is on -The Danger of Letier WritînX." R--ad it on another page. Springs aîîd Mattresses are beinir sold at our old prices. we will flot Rd- vance the price. Ask for Our fet Mattress. M. D. Williams & Son. Mr. W. T. Stead contributes to the Review of! Reviews for Mav a character sketch o! the man who aspires lia the title of' Ireland's Deliverer--lw RiXhtý Hon. George Wyndham.. We eau gatîsfv 'you, if' yoa., want a, Tooke's Sbirt we have it, a W G »&R., we have it. a Crescent Brand we have it West End-Houge, Jno. MeMmurtry If therewere auy better we w'ould oeil them. 1The ef sential ]ung-heal.mog principal of the pine tree has finaly vbeen succes fully reparated and rellued into a perfect cough medcive-Dr.. Wood's Norway Fine Sý rup Sold by ail dealers on a WANTED,-Every larmer ln West Durham to callat -J. K. Martyn's and secure what seeds ho may require such as Red Clover, Timothv, Alsike, Lucerne. Rape Seed, Leviathan, intermediate and marnmoth long red Mangel. Sugar Beet andSugar ýIangel. For a full stock of everything requîred for farm- or gardei," call at J. B., Martyu's. ______ Soeiety of Christian Endeavop, Den- ver, 1903. The Pas senger Depai tuient of the Chicago & liorth-Western Railway bas issued a very interesting folder on the subjeet of the Cbristian Endeavor meet- ing to be held at Denver, Julv 9th te 18th, together with information as te redued rates and sleeping car service, as well as a short description of the va- rions points of interest in Colorade usually visited by touiriste. Send 2 cent starnp to W. B. Kinskern. Passenger Traffic Manager,Chicago, 111 , for copy. 17 4w MARRIEO. S1Eca.mANN-OsBoBNE - At Oakland, Cali- fornia, April 25th by 11ev. Dr. Banks, Mr. Ierman K. Speckmann and MissMayH Osborne. daughter of Mrs A.drý-e Nead., Boivmanville. SDEviNs -MÂT,--At Osbawa, April 29th, by 11ev. J. J. Liddy, M. A., Harriston, Miss Frances Rosalind May. aud Mr. Milton jroason Devin$. DlIm SOIE -0F TRE SNAPS WB ARE OFFERING THITS'WEEK: 5 d6z. Ladiles' Print Wrapper, fast colore, reglar $1.00 lins, for 590 150 ys. DresGoode, goed prus, str ervcelteelr worth 25e yd., for 12ïo 30 doz, Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, fast colore, seamless, per pair ,1()e 20 doz. Ladieis', Fine Rîbbed, Seamiese, Amerie.un, Cotton Hose, rogular 25e pair, now for 150 15 doz. Ladies', Fine, Pure Woei, Black, Cashmere Rose, per pair, 25eC Special lino Ladies' lmported Fine Cashmere Hose,per pair 350o5 Lace and Chenille Curtains, White and Coiored Quille, Slieetings, Pillow Cotton, Carpete, Fleor Oilothe . Linoleuims, Japanese Mattinge, Window Blinde, Cartain Polos and ail houes furnishing requisities, Drese Goods in black and colore of ail descriptions and qualitios. Silk,Saeeu,Muslin and Pint Blouses that cannot fail te please you. ladies' Wbitowoar, Veste, Corsets, Stock Collars and Shapes, Beits. Our Gents' Furlishiug department viii furnieli you with ail the latet novelties in up-to-date goode for me's wear. Ready-to-wear Clothing for mon anti boys', Rats, Caps, Goillars, Ti es, Sliirîs, Uuderwear, SocKs, Pants, Overalîs, Smocks, _Pwaces, etc. 10 doz. Mens, Fine Met-mo Seeke, reg. 20e pair, nov for 2 Pr. 250 15 doz. Men's Heavy, Kaitted, Coten Soeks, regular 10e pr., for 50 5 doz. Mea's,, Fine, Black, Cashmere Sox, reg. 25e pair, for 190 2 doz. Men's Fine Pure Wosted Panle,BIack or Navy,reg $2, for $1650 2 doz. Men's Corduroy Pants for working mon, reg, $1.50, for $10 ivsiw. The Leading floUse for Dry (Joods' Bran~ ,Next Door to Standard'Bank, .Bowmnanville, G ENERAL SERVANT WANTED- At o nCe in famiiy of two. Apply at THE STATESMÂE office, Bowmanville, 17-tf F OR SALE OR TO RENT,-20 acres A f iand near Mapie Grove. Immediate possession. Appiy to CLARK TYLER, Bowrnan- ville. 18-t f. BU 'ULLS FOR SALE-Two Shortborn 1Ybulls, foui teen months oidý Grand pedi- grec. Bargain. Corne quick. LEvi SKINNER, Tyroue, P. 0. 8-tf T O LE -Framo huse containing 5 rcorns and summer kitchen; good garden and some frutt trees. Appiy to W1m. PAINTON, Bowmnvllie.1 9-tf. H FOUSEICEEPER \YAN TE- -ý -Lcapabe wo makk wanted t,tk te full charge Of a fa, kn hoL1ýe -, x 11fil y.G aoi wages ta sutable personl ApIIy aL itke nt TMe, N OTHIN-G LIKE CEMENLE As bbec price of other building mater - iligi steadiy the demaud ion somthing - CHIE AER Is dail v e ot'ni ng mono g 1eneral aud uothiug BETTEIC Than CEM ENT bas yet been fouati as a For Sidavvalks, Fioors. Culveis anti f OEAND LOT F')tR SAe' -I h edrgCiain&u;oBn 131,1tck bouse cutaintog 7 rou tai h1( aiSioWr W iku ithed. bard and soft w, 1er liaIt sOkt a- land on %wiiuh arc a aumber urit 111-1IL fuits. i Eý" ll l~ L V For parti utgrt-iapiply ouarthepromises ta XM R5. S. F. qîlpet îtceSt., B\ouaai ; , 17 4w lS a veroGâ l 'vnt sdol .W. CATES. 386 Adel-side L.,West, îotb Ileobt-au sai aep-iae. T ortol, gasd aite from tho a Ls lOte or - icakoe f.tlnt.311 il t .. sÀ t ît r rc s llkxtîeeter, N. Y.,alec froan Cotteg,,etofHypno- ts neettî ueihi h sn tis, NMO-h , ctitaqby Hypnîtir.suggetio, - - ouanus li- thheumhatism. sotatica. NeuraILcix, 'Dysp, li, Lt rt. i lu tr~v~ttt Weak ,bick. Staminmri, Cigarette hi'la reptebi'-eýtnotu,.ae Dipsomanie and ahh net-vs troubles. 17-4wA. ~,~wony3 fl~ ec gi.- W AN tE - S nEE AL INDUS~- 3î i lu tto dat trauts er5t005 ian'ch tate te l t ý1for .1 aî ( ota~i<btca heule establisbcd eleveî, yeaas a i wltb a tlbe j";-a tiLidOb lei ge capiitlo ai t Mupa îirits ia- kfi -dMu1lus 51 sigenls for salle ssful Lidprutabh e Lo. cîea IPermausaîte sogeent. W'eeklty ,Albss-,h~ of ut l aand att traveling 6expenses sud bîki a a dvanced in cash eich weç. Exporer coi t t»R<b. ile1eaoub. ess itial. Mention refrence andL7~LN&O I Cawker,& Tait.,j i FARMERS'ATTENTION Just arrived a car of fine seed Potatoes t.hey are t.he finest quality, large smootti, no Ideep ,9ye, 0the King of the table pota.toes, just ri hat you want* for seed, these are the finest samplo of potatoes thait have been brought to town. We are selling* *themn for 90e bush. and we are offering the b alance *of a former car at 7àc bush. while they las t. O* Mangold seed and seed corn in abundanco, ah, *-aelecteJ from the best growers, as usual you will *find them reliable.. * CAWKER &TAIT àvk. THE POPULAR GROCERS. *~* ~aie FOR Moo5E,-At Ninga, Man., Apnil 2til, Annie Clarke; betcved wif'e cf SH. Fred. Moore, Carî wriglit, Maniteba, aged s.,)t-et-s. Tstn.L,-In Darlingion, April 2ird. Cyril Carniet-ou,infant son of Camrnouaud Anuetta Truit, aged 10enouhe CLARE,-lu Exeter. May 15, Thomas Clat-ke, formnert- of Hampton, aged 84 years, Interred at Cubeot-g. ry for i-eSTRIA Cimicren OCry fr M OLNEY LOST-Oti'Kîg-St., Bo- maavilttk, Aprii bith, a put-se containiug a large ,um cf monet-. tioder willlbe eutabtyddb rtrjn i oMS MREED King St., Bowm-anville, 19-tf. flOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- A t a great bargalut and où easy terms, on Proslpet Street, Boweanvile, 7 roorn. sioen oceler, woodslhed, stable.hard and soft water, 'acreg;euud witi frui trees. AppYto te . A. ~AMEeSTATESMAIt office, nowrnanvitle.l 19--4w. TOWNSHIP 0F DARL1NGTOHI COURT 0F REVISION AND APPEAL N OTICE is ieebv givn that the .Lfirst sihnuîig ofthte Cou rt of Reviiioli for the Townsbip of Da&rllngtixa wiit rha etd t the Town Hall, hsupon k AU.nv tv3(), atune o'ttk)O1,ti. M (bL5 k.k eteraIime ttce severai coin a t prres sud omls iS n the assereanent 1t- ti- lot- hest omiiply Couaarreote uatnaiarsad 19-w, Cenrt. I:ownîhip jo: D a rin gto lk. DOVONOW, % 11,11 1 1 loid .d

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