w--- -- pany ihl nt exc "d(,20,00(), if it olT e nTpis n-F eop le's n p e e t t v s a edfmir scape,,d by digging their TeRpeettvsa __________ ______ yte the surfac:te fi-on the upe the Provincial Capital. w î'rkings. Soîne wece injured, but NOT fEFE WRT Seventy-Five Persons Killei ifeet long, extend.ing fomtlb hgh- nt seMlsly. FR E. lNOaswR To Mc. MatWIieos u at the, Town of erlyendjiiof slide 33 f ,twt The f amily of the iwe Grahe'nis, te eadn i acancy i Na t mitJh o(if tunnel, exter. iig ar whlose hoecs wcre sepnraîcd by a RInfrew, tie- Premier replied ti'aî FMnlk. the ',al]eY anîd up the opposite hank ie a u npoe !îoîr h Speaker's warrant lfor tbie Issue - ~ Or na ati nc-qartr în1esfrot & McVigis whso rizi irs a MI ii e the ivrit in tee North riding of front e! urtie 1MouIntain and furtbcr cast, s'zare buri, d lul îeCut !liefe sd{d2r A dcspatch froni Winnipeg says: A s,-rend eut fen-shaped, ISe ýthet ai biuîedred feet deep,, and nnie e! the eiclî1903. The Coi ernment bas sperial on Wednesday -aftecnoon eXrejinçentiil0f slide _it w-as9 nearLy hodics can cicr h eoeei.l etdil-e cerkînmîmuiýIîmmînnem frontîCalgary says seventy-five inen ltwo ade,,s wide.fact, it lis doubtf'ul if'nîany o!the directed tue lerioe e su P are dead as' a remit oe! a mine ex- "otac friver' for ona mileo, L bdies o! tic deati are evr crco,is- irt ndn!h peetil ',tiga- Plesien ai Frank. The cause e! the ,but -etr ow, going tihreugh rock ed1. tien. helocaust lis repertad te ho ither as fast s (cIIiriiig dewn. a1 ies' meeting was beld and GVENMNTIOUSE. LOAB)Eb UP ITII an enrîlîqualce Or a volcaniic eul-"e poabetieenl ofo tpsee kntos.rc heinasIio.M. acodi-snke ,e IPRTE.tiorn, but SuPpoecd te Le the latter. therldeofcimey censaqîm:eace. for bodies, but oiolI, seven bordies gai-ding a report ti at a nîci- mci- MPRTS.Telegrlpb wires are desin, andi thel *'Tu'. !e police ansd two offlUers bad beca founti up l last evenling. Ceix0 Orloi'-i Lieut-Governor would 01,11Y details lad bere are ihose sent lbere; ileiîty to inaiitaïin pence andi Most e! the bodiaýs cceereti iore sborly li l rou ided, and stated tLat IN 111F SPr"RING MEF by the Canadien Pacifie Raiîway entir "dfr eesypusposos. m-nai-gied se Ladly tînt, identidr-atien the subject i amI net bec-i considerecl riiedn tCabok te"oerhuk rvlao l'wsimpos-sible. bI heGouernInent. H id{itw YSF sLAE supEirintedeJnt liere. >The report w Piiile mmc excapt tw 0o cap- qTIIîk ,C. -P. Il. A EVY LOSE R.f patent to anyene, bosseveî, tiat tlîe Il lSAE] Psasad seeît7-VOPoae c ý- Cnde aicpresent Coi erninenit flouse wVa s ne W1II1IPIRITFSoutriglît, -andti lai there are T1YVE CATASTROPHE. Thcnarà ir b1the is-aste. Ts ao loiigeriasuitable ies-sder.cc. In the , st 1 tant or biry me intue î'ak, N. 'W. T., was visited ed- nilies o! Llna iera buiidfcoin 50 o fOi tPince it iWas ît cnunintt irine. Alsest 'instantnously a needay îîorniaîg by the'-,vorsi disas 100) feet deep ani n I.-,ti Letliu bildings; lathe, Aftcer the liard work of the i-inter, grant volum-e: o! debris was thi'on-n tac tlat bas cicr hîeesî w itusuil a ot elctd îdhîlnext, the noise and sîneke nilake the thie e aing cf iclband Leavy fooda, tLe uand Luried the surreundiag a oiimatyi ete Caidav re cuie loss e.litig rt iL ocation, ohiectionablo; fuiîles, it systepo becomes cloggelup wiiîîwaste coîsntry ilve and six fcct tdeep, in- P55 in thee ctire Domniion. disastorh Otit is ff Occupieti a xery lInable block o! and, pisnou mate, aid heblod liding the i1âlihoad'track. it also .Whati iras ither a slip of lanti or enrouitte Oe nmilioîîd---ladolaandtihie ieuse itsoelf i-es anl- isd flisnusmate, n te loddaîmiiet theeriver near thie nouîh Oe! rrock cffeîîcîî gigalilîstigc d îo efaabytr.tiçiiated andi uial.The- Min- bectines thicli and sluggisb. the iiie ire i-as then sean t 5 eut " 1- iscowceitaLie te ibe+y " ilioni d he prep aed îfthe da lGra This causes Ls of Appetito, Bilious. suc from taemrouth o! the pit, at îîde n woea e a-m' -IN WED it Lde oipreiparclIleir e iargl Dess5-LiacU oifEnergy and that tired, weary, la an lacrciibly short tinie ibadl li it, 'or a ai-de iiîdticed ,iby a soie-0 L it wt enelpei ri-o!bose i te 'i uliavi .ii' 8 assd- VctwiAeBeivai oBeH- hoes.clie sil emou l nsa listcs felinig se pi-avaient in the spcn. i ~.I wnymcnaraie inmpri- 1sr lîepan !teCndan iepee-ysetidef'paku- The ceaasinig, bleo'ptu'ifying action 1soiîed n emiBathee snedob A ii', p' at'i î ompaay hi-ci- Pdlers.FaIîigbotbtuthex-cs or4 l urnei t iatel d e, anti tIe -t un, mmc onlîl 'ntt~i woncîie- rnoii h e f et !leat iig l î,acs anv nighît, amîti as yet n i n eÎhe lbei- y l ie a ivenno ie o! ~yten satatse~lgfs- l TE F woringrui, alitia Icar i ik iitf"oh ; n La erlL olotnhesp tr -a eTllha pe ag e! tu at st op e amniesoenm'i g i-i t e si ni on t ct od c l gîiai n e1x Tedes twihot xcpton crcva detl f riieis c, l ow n t fiim irniQaf t4 i-1ii a s' s ,t i-l apca'i th a en Letrn ocfligclis e -yýten,ïat >i)suglh-vr ck-ý cenMisaIit ci Ld ben ierwî eeld1yadafnn i-togltII, h icr eiag qu te Ï Ed i iI a.6 iL' sonth mdan toreid: îul ' t aaiig o!bilig , roi,;, dltu ient rapsietil oc ouaT1,ý,Isj W t lthe ssi e unt o ! f îe Gpecie teendersi ult ratwe iaon fubcngeo 9ladeentPacons n r ! . duaîl oiw-ld $l,150.e- 1i oe nud Omimute,î vi Ia iiiass woîat, is ftci-e,30peîiuî sspat l 92?la teok aivddc o iFrau , t opwTm-l -nlit m e.C n at wae-, ntpisn h eatnendt oi-l.o! tndthe satievaluatin l Th B s S rin le l ic.il tmpa ct iin sm Muedaly c te lr i -at nclo1: I -,0w ,en _ieue ps ofesssh e i -teil ia i hy i sai u o%- an a tmventdvlue e!iaii p lices il su fri-n appearetill t nha oan nir a-opio ie r ts5 ],yiîL oade o! is de l- iîegt!tbcicaati junsp lal itc1,leed anVI If., rat s hea6?u Moniim, lîrb;".,ea Leto-,iba tekjî, but ica ayfSrougibth u Ile hi s Vsa ssun a en at pt tbrewngmilinso!tos ! oc iuti tnessr00-Ltb rel iterb t eocizacisîoitue usa- Aprai th7, 1903, ofhentote eutani ovehn ta ameenrane ane ! ustieMontin ie fa)i' freutpr tfoy Lad g(iýy ene te 1urvle iuti costrucio n o!£t10Tam dr1),anco! .iifeetdie. Ahtho iea1- oeîecatlneig !te h ot mkas.se us m !ndsveuacf ati byte poinceu ou~ atntd-stMy,190 Istntyhile, nt oe teny in atieîtucy rsate îaa i-!othig aots, anhdi gave isc tee -d nerse!sti mu-ny? inori ARE GUARANTEED 1ara ai-e nii-see i iibe ue îitbrtneoo n uîsls oe roitels-oppostion tha ot henmca i-areiHu în ena !bnirt-n r hittle Iole e! mcsce Seven rot the îîîoutahlybmreobnat erw ptd2(,ic- idei cnriPio Lrtan ILornserl «sthe8on Bowf ou l Svarl but a1un- thensty emoaani hid-fot.sistana docum et rIssîsei fi-oie tic-anry2, 1903? nacuito h ing up rock." Iiiifs sîveejs îLe i-cetsittefaLean Coîîîtepai, o! vlîrd aOnt. e te sod h coesAt Toutend o! Fank te iela te ati- sde hi coas, rlaeu i i îrt aen asrkPlir, ! 1CayndW BILStrEXPioNfte.em Cndobu'ldnsandlit i itati ui-i ireaail ln f l e lc tbsplytent on a ban ainds ofse nade e! alntermea isna boe0, teleîetirlgt plat ah- h ba sn as20hr.ad, l mhia tilumudlis rwaupin riasefoiar t (oi- o! css qaiy foke 0 ERCET.sOVJN TuJiae bIrucf i-. édbrey te roi- mpilly ad uth e f mineb ere i n-tile eveu nle tel cr, sseveibuss euds,-ýfutn b u,hei avei ide fer tue e ation o!way teC st.nle thlledmainissue e! leent i-!_ t mi a mi e hir c- s-dIs-n o >ticru. MNICIPAL CAL YARDS CoPvnflu~'nof0. Tse efect o!oc. mecil's mmend Anonsesdngakeehndeurit ersyin aari: '-'sned nthe minewi e eta aimsstaeih tcvia asda oibr iiia ute n e le punicipal Anr twtoau ueiî sE tG iUJ,RoAîNioar EweI s eypaetissmseaî u !e nonaitegeie iheeryit f eeigrsee mto ad teeihishCento! ceaio- ,nvention lepropesof rateuta.la Commoaota t1us5rçirOfdeA .LA Myoko>1eta dube lie. urself la siz thebusiess antikseul iuitli th aishn ons lThrentama tiniuilaatannsyaris h1902?nicialithetietic Tont Iro,,,tgeeerscrrgS~n of ulsioa , ianys itdntt oer cli r io,2 e10 iet heiettyo tevcirsmnuatrdi h pio ic s 8~fnelaotuanvivle. a hundredt mostthowo! erknd hld lat- lon o u e b [Insntatcuent sarie byiLst red.snda fr sui u19s,0lemaai larg Te nunt ssilthat aAnc",a baby rae\ 5Llaîe tHitic LkGtespeiiMutrb.LeC '.isB !applians, e oieofraillo cisialon f an ~~eufic ~m~iI. lu-i-et iste h deaethisyeac ul-cniJi age Theslidhdesteyr-i R. fai day ago,îLeMesîdtion Xessis, nti er th psarbas ant Abaafleeme50 Y.'e7RmS. ALL setio f t BUT TWO îPaItýloe usecati h i orai atin o-aeo t îeistaa o- hi-.soige e i te ula s-I- -o!ý: cîle aon a tîeti iles fftee i d'en týljhe beusnd stoi, aci tet u en ri av1, rag0 , i yh andirid Pti iebh raeti- L nj:y ai-e r eu t .itheut iajur aitie ael ire,- meaui, nplar' n g mufliiie x ît ouly 0 arcetao îe n e t ymd s i-a ! fnînef br oersin Ï A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~w n xr-wtiokat 4 vf is~iie o l, R yMuti- c! caruly;mtheti, lu bilerandbi-enîea-cg mnii cliato, ibe emrloy eti fo mfoe t$a00ain ais t he t-Lai te oln ose i eat, es trîhuui'tpan, ail- tin aic,0crisgt ieLusady xeia aee a îLe inauvalc s!em'tiin ibse ut THid idiNes Copsan' oSS ifa-n eposfîaaigfcmOeuacetokeat abl r vr te10 huER CENT. . 1 L vahrTinhubitla p. rowititt ro- su o 4dnryOfr if. ueineltç,i as orkings'e!dtseçlitr-ashei rsi hieinuoftithat îl maie ,ai- ntat. Neoexploe s iati leathi i-esoy -sileti by tetotlrniuafvrbefrîernan anlaayh mlto au iau gasti-a fou byescipta uivofld yter <f uîsan a uverking ism'i-x !îepca iac. ccial dyio lî1rcein iy o r~~. ~ t.In the lgas t isyue-ouit.hPeImfty pi-oued thue. oteriniei y ungcîosert tMUtmbe'o NI'CILaue îOAlARDS.î h t ne stThieacreiec ofMr of A Ialiedl Arntn en ogfskf h'11( C m aýir la non' golag laethFrank il e aieatin oti temuin the antiey ain aay. Te sese lisj hamentt he uiipraulActpito au-t fi h orda rc ethin the Iard o! île t('n udanPafran il- lofe o L nsîdao! he tue n-lery itsLe rspt s foc am iotbci' usai' loy for ahor Dtay hailer iofey i doublstLa bit ile, uie îLd e uuinebacui ni h i-euld l iern mebotrisn te aeIlnme'ko ida rnt Paeýëitk, Ioý1 oli1&C.rcle i whn a ai- d. Ten n' ais no fdoi buriOO00 u a c----4 .Aoheri!eta esc ie 'ý A ltit the rge aineousiaoirasrktas- - Àa t LaeO'oneNDeeLkete eot'ssuTRAFFthC. duetin o alnesmteber ou' Ottaof cd t.b a doînctic erp. nsnig-es e nd forte nurcpaite ante FOR Janiieson cThe sadegarst'oLe Rsatfw aiy7s, -Si ,ob ofcBthybaecei - îL AIe nthaLii- li s.Noewrefud aetesattîterInigo ccaiaiiofo!the ai eîi s-oes ien of thevurnie!- &Po ý-rlàoad=y, N W York A message ecciý,iuiss 9reusetiQ byeetIcsedaiays frdsei-, îrdein foi-oIsahe, Ly i, aplet gheedaodibIipauiare Brnc G pS..wabigtn D C nsafrnFaktecvi-,oncenpletelyars fbie ekiagr fi, ,up, s-, amanuiFtu-et AE Libi-eRianl ts ani ba uctoi o! ha sine iteneethesUp, ue stý, - ed but: tgcstmuîai ! i-afritue naie 'nsuaiaiilties, actntcenichaitv Tharf.Mree ouni etjL. utiog. I iii afryatwoacaibihratnthinga - LJLt.Jex-u)J. trusgfa e o! ,t. e gr ieat ird a citethof emesttiaoesnie dupnoyfrmn' rlde'at e uwil i to-neufftion.se Oten tof hpfmi-st . - 1ch ndhi wIf s is ru*mn attee stun. lai dldi-cPo el y- ts ulic clo- peamr urnt etrqat npain is bingtkn . MsIouec Jde-i tohi ion ess annot ha aby taiolan Leasfoare tus-iha ous- infNOTsifCtrES 0FsMoret.,t fiihta n terEetiBi ai ethbocksaut eut trfeandslfrem Mc- o ee¶ îLfs liýhla ewente fiemag umuser e vbic he N4iotiedsfeaugimoeut ! ue li- raAdlEss cf prucnkille. It -vant Foi-aise uinits ae to Isunhuslness - - t'i pusria ras acetdinag oteIvcîm a buis: ptatarae f eeodutCcabroekMatE bon LSS uong iiead hl frovr suecrafrNevu WanssLvrt iaîl e Thecansdeiy ait. ofbhe I lios nefiss dleads ail h Va00 pr et. I h e etie. itimr -reet-Afri THE P nROF. OSE f er sm inctoreinurean-t h Nopoiand hrl a wle ytettlcntne aoal o h ei-enstores - ,, ced onS'tai der1 f he recrt, ee, raci c i l ý-,o s pft ei ni ohers infîl Kitaeyant Stmac Coplant,[liu-nour nofg ageuifetC t brky tî n is attcfen to.ilei- Ohasia-------92 ,55Ci e insr maim aaBcPiso ce ti. eiiuev ins-h i octfera i s-e 1 ess Catrises min iadthen r - a],Sur oea il ent-------- , and a5,6 1 i0 __________________ong a ai at !ts oi. Wa h ait tneo! .t he o rinCas an i ! îLe od ererLar os-taoghr th ag_______brofh s i hiE uslti eapat n hring YOU tintn'th fsom !otrty fefityoferotke bte tiolofsse ndr hcantesodg fiy-----------I,497 3,1tewe osntece it-or wil ee yar yunertin -hn ourocinti arîL-tîm ibs tapei.i aterin the -otnlai Cutrd..66 ,8 went te bed. foreiug th('t dlulti h n'earusouie, aso atiet,shl elwu o-nuiiaiist Be-r !the Rach of re t Ay ma eevt L okia tili ný fi-cm $10sts$20nfor anElectJ e-Bi- n;t dei- tle meuniha lna'c.L systenio n ures drai- if le sietair([ itahîLe tiaicis o! L'Ofl rououuig iseoeXhit(,laiteut rhicLoli lad give WéAr sellooti ,, îl letMr-e'sBel aiuueutho! tlle uic uvatant1i ag bin cogged. Ite Lesujrtfbtit fiiveulti appear,,tiir à 'i!ththe)ld tlonkey wthli teitha o nl 0,rie th e o et aSilop-oueiieaat i ih-i 9viei£, 1 pr hu, nitkn ~~~~~QU~~,we vl tno saelata au lt.pîc. aoul0 tn ardy. smctni mr iigtsenmila- Juilla littîcln oil fot caj e eniss le$3wewlloedr IWe a(d)fi-tn's-an iflbem'uts aieihaesimteiIIc s--ta nt ugget -n toul expessofice C O.D. 85 ihI nivl.puroasteo!lasruties micti ox i -d incatuu ..i b 900,000 c verouta scrioslursg ders-se.o th eprssagnt85an eprsschi- misee tsSinri. îcra tiesr e scin traff ir'....ba ,00 sotes anildistI in as anORthBen.ifent arerestnentetiaio i-are on bearti txreuiy meaufiars e!r seu ne"sh pyeacnt fyuset l orhte ountAti Pol ii-o gostoteroto teof the aedmmraead h cas inuscrer -epreavthepotae ipevrter in îtpy lOe toua, t roule nd rad. ats ssibor lenbye delays iraîems-,cogtpseshe, ra and tat th topOf th min is si vetiola f traficivoing t ïnicetb is pa ciandllycommoeradr nse for o- ok giing pric e and f uilA ispatrLàn frei taiaBya: Mc. the stoci n es, oms- esofs in lecrseino! eaato ndi sei supns o r mns oIt uati eusee ace mc'wliiurveout woe atthe frnkgetj bupolisemeyfraîîroîsndun p..,..;+ - --, -_, _ ___ _ _ . u-aei'ii g eri sbt t net fsta, n-.v - - . --' e ysiu'ia tes-i erti (o-ecsmet wîan eh, nt ne Lty ons.. rictins 2 cnt abOti Write aionçe, Adtiuesa anti tecde uiatmeie! meassuras action, A b1Oaa beas offti ill demnon The F'. E. Karn Co., rouit hea arangct, i-ires- as folbevaAs yslers Esfila Lanti is non' kneinte - b«, strate its vî-tue- 132 ~te the Dcputy Ministai' o! thelin- the bileflrouil the systemi an isîmuti, antioeao! île lai-geai in 7-t innatresown way, 12Victoria St,, Toronto, Can~ua eli ature s a l e rdlangnamn!80- try ____________________________ "Fca k N.W. , Ap-li .abu bruino'îno'health, 00as si'emies Ohtenau' sad ifecachlti led alean oah jMra. Dauber - "Thi ishaoee of my, wentcn, a, si on s paintings.:' Crittick-'Auei Divers' boots weigb 20 pound tis m-ami.mn ndrfencil- a( lensou aîiece. Th emlL e t isiighs 40o "lTtit l tho ight theca nul he o ne and enlergy for work. YeVs." Mca. Dauber -"a;L' pouatds, nthîe tir ans80 îtr*ouble fi-oTie i-ainig o! tihe river. .. "RPhC.'dan impridentcR6du quilteeti dl ek il z s-rt, amît" 1iouîîd~~~~~~~~ nigi 1?ts URc2it h-t ortouad uc ii u-larIi 01muvîsn'thi?- Wh~f hnin vr~ir ~ - X~cmo Mr. I-lendTie - To amfepd the Mu- ! ciatecl with thé oNa rcea Mr.ipLaAc.tYPified by the South African mil- Mr atchford - To amnend the lionaire and the gentleman witb Art for the lrIpox Cirent cf PuFOIO AC11R lighw-aîs.A.FIEGwACCR Iir. Beck - To amend the Aluiïi who ,a Prospered excLeinly' pal Act; aise bill Vo amend thle the "cityv." lIt is true that noele. Street lRailway Act. - men ike flis Grace the fluke of Mr. W-hitney - An Act to aniend Westminster tl abide In Parkç l'ie Act paased in the 62nd year cf, Lane-but they are flot nearly se 1-er MaJesty Que(n, ict'oiai, enti tld thick as tbey used to be, while the an Att mn h Statute Law, "ether soirt" are- eea gats- 'Nr. Ptyic oaed tJue a rate that Charlj-es, T. Yerkes . is Act to pri.tmnhplîi-s te sesadte hae rflustean olîer (,f À votngnichne. OUse thlera on! tte grounid that thie MIr (llboii- A At t amndstxet containe"d teo 1many iiew- At.Teexoduts ef Jaek Morgan f roui Mr. teijad -Co a11aend lthie!a nigviihod icb is lsg a Muiia ct; kalso te amend thie littile ef its tolic-a miatter tbsat Act for tee Improvliieat1 of P'ublic could net be expected to ieake il-i EIighwnys. slightcst, difference to a mresobe-r LEýG.[SLATIURE NOTES, man of, businiess-io tile mos)t elite Mr. Da-vis' bill respecting land sqkuare ini London,wee lie is to grants, ani-nds the ýexitting Act se have the Duke of Portland and Sjr that ail those who s'er ved in the Yrnest Casiseil, King Edward's Ini- South Afrioan War shahL e entitlotd timnate friend, as neighbors, look& to grants, and aise thuise who signhficant. served in the Fenian Raid during the A inarried man-with an Amineeau ycar .1,R65, as well as thoise who wife, of course-and the preud fat-1 sý-ervcd duriiag,1806 and, 1870. The er of two beys and two girls, t4p Chicago voluntieers ara entitled te hieir tei the Morgan throne bas eâ- grants uidvýr the ameadmient.- joyed best rpending a good shaýro Mr.' Dowrey's bill to amnend the of bis leisure timo wý%itb bis 1,twiy. Municipal Act proposes a chlange in And hie has «avýiden d, (isp1ay.- No ûb'i- the qualification for aldermien by dinners have beený given by hinîm-1his makîng aay ratcpayor who owns entertaining consisting of baving a silfhhicilent pr op'e-rty te entitle lm iite few intimiate friends in occasienally vote at miu:nicipal electiens, eiîein quite an informnai way. Andllho for a sleat at the Council board. The anid, Mrý, Mergln lhave gene out cor- second part osf the bill repeals the respondingly littie. .Jack Morgan he, sections of the Municipal -c-wic however, fond o! sport ia the open have become pepulatrly. known as thei air. Every inorning early, during 'Conmeýe" bll. ýtheý seasen, lie is to Le ýseen ridling in PIIIVAIVE BILLS COMiMITTEE. Ilde Park. Hie golfs, too, and is At the Private Bis Cemmnitte e! much attacbcsd te yachting. lie is a the Lc-gislature thev application wns1 voraclous readerr-being fondest of considýered of the ToNvn of Niagara history and the Falls te bav e an agrement ratificd LJIVES OF G-REAT MENZ. witb the Ontario Powe ,r-pnyt, by Like bis fatber, lie1 is a connoîsseur which the' comî-anywasto sul!y of pictures and already bas made the town with 1,000 hlorse-power at the beginuing o! a private gallery ý$10 par horse-power for 10 years, ina wbicjh shourd be notable semne day. return for which the tewn was te There are those wbo insist that grant the concipiny exemption irmJc ogn wrsee a~j taxoation foir 10 yeaîs. Ratepayers than bis father dees-or diii. 11e is fromn the town woie present, and at liiedes)k in Morgan & Co.'s un- aî'gued for and against ratifying the'impi gsto fie n od l3ad apreeniýent, and thLe coînmitteoi finally st,!eet every înorning at 9.0 o'cIoéîý:, allowed the bill tei rensain over. and works with bardly a pause mih- The bill te, incorpora-te the lianiil- tiI lurncheon, which bie takes at the ton Gataract Power, Lighlt, anid City Club, next door. Then Lie is .Traction Ceom,pan-iy, e! whicb lion. b-ck at bi& desk again, and net J. M. Gibson is president, was like- awvay fsoma it uit-i. five o'clock. RA1LWAY COMMUITTEE. that lie bas bits father's !aculty for At the llailway Conunitte ]rive getting threugb a lot of werk inla bill,,;'ciýerepoulcd(-, and four others comparatiîely short tîme--also the werce set dow-îi fer couisideration. old man's brie!, terse, but net 4,' n The buis reported were :- lagreeable way o! finding eut exac'ly I eap-ectin-g the Ont ario and S*aultitWhat a enlier wants, or wbat ho Ste. Marie Railway Compeany. bas to, supply. Real4.ecti.ng the Hiuntsville and Lake iii appearanco the younger â1organ e! Beys Ilailxxay Comipany, te ex- also is like bis sire--being inigihty tend the tiine for commenciag the in fraine-six feet two moLhes lin road until twe years, fi-ou Septemi- i eight witb a rhest whicb is, and a ber 1. 1903, and for cempletien un-1 girtL which promises te be. ample. tii fOve years froni that date. fils eyes are smnall and fuille! To amoand tbe Act ince.iriating shi ewdness, but tbe rest of bis fea- the Nortb Lanark Riaiiway Coin- tures are large. Both in businesa pany, increasing thoc comipany's and eut o! it bis reputation is that cptistock, ;and flhagtha timeipo! .a bearty, ol-uidsncms fer comnpletion at five y .ýears, front the ý,of mani. lIt is rather de(tub'tfulîew- pasîngof he -ct eer, if J. Pierpont NMorgian, fi.- To incorporate the E*bro Iial eudeven if he wanited te, tuiiri flalwy oman,1 proeingale- iinlself intto wba1t is known aus ase teilvesyte f radial liîi-s frolln ciety ma1U-n. 0f coutrse , Ibis prcstigý Eîr.~Lio. as is fatbeý,r's sn to say obn Ileaectig th Locion lPak.L i [lis own blearty pjersoniaiity aind and Grand Bend Electric JRaiiway, blis vast \eVh, wiîlopen imo pruposing, an eioctric line fromn a aîiy deor te Inin, but the unehtru- point on Lake Huron at the hound- six eness and privacy o! the 'life ary betwetn Lambten and Huron te wbich ic beir to the houFle o! -Mor- Uic City (If London, passinig through gan bas elected tei live since Lo Pariliill came to London, severai years, ago, bave been teo complote 'net te have made the social gaine aininst ini- PJIJRPOT M It~Â '8 HPLpoesibie fer hlm,. IIE LIVES lIN REGAL STYLE A weak but ingenlous young gny IN L01ý0N.Was inducefi to helieve Lie could fly, IN ONDN.So lie buît &a machiLae Tliatreirdgoes- Avoids Display, and'Spends Most And lie thea 1w atrietee igh. o! His Leisure Tiiine Witli ___________________ His Faniily. lFi ,ide1nily Jerk Morgan, heir ap-I ,parent tel the financiai ibrosie of . l Pierpont Morgan, la gomîg te C ut moue o! a figure la London socletyI heicaftai, says a m'eremur.l ttai'.lic Las takea tLe stetcl bouse Ne. 12 Gi-eaucuor aqusere, iinnnI uiw'cr Lytte spat lus les bar, susth gý'eing te teseit ParkLana aiiîegh bis r i bouse aýit îLe rousstes' of Souil)stre.etut PrkLaseissii' oni li banida. Tic Olitihng is ,i irst !a (dis- Otion (ýibeht îla bag_,ining i,ýte haý iiuada bain-cn-Par! k Lasse- be Fifith avenue o! Loation-anti Crosi eues suîuare. Onaeeau jucgce! ofthe status, o! the lettes' horality froal lie fart tint tic steametr mrhich ceuriet ,se neany duchesses, rouîutcsses and ethar portiosoe!the te-y cream 0 fý ,London Socmety îe Dlihi as the guesta e! Lord Cuirzon fou' tLe dui- bar, iras nickaed, -"The (Gres- ramier Squar-e."- s aete have sarceaim's anti solid social standing if Yeu are te bha aret eoC-o- vauei' Square. Oui tic othai' lsand, Piark Lana hegaît te decuisie front u2tilemît theuime poî'Bauney Bs-nieste son o! a petidier o! oit cietheýs, motlet lie tic usi osi moiîtsa si~ o îe sret.Nows th1 i,,giIdCaut ~Ihom'iq~bfac les reie t haess- The GId- Reliable Remnedy 1 fer SPav17.in, Riiigboltss, Sphlfitï3, Our~ nd ilferesofLamaneas. 'nii ue cfa gsl ol nav doub!e heseii price o! your hre GOOD i FOL, EVEPRYTHiIING- DR.B.a, i - uiae ,.joe, s. it s,, _c _let reinedy fo, Spais wee a and ail cnis au B-weinfges. hae,0Asi adhi, sases.' Yori vry auiy. l ,IO Thousandi c f Men report equaly oodor fl peroleunits from its use. Prwý ie;5 i si fr 5. Asra linienelt for family uge it lies 1ne eqeII!, . AS], your dîuggist fer iiend&ail, , ril, Cure,"aIsO ÀA TreatOse on the Herse," le 1- 1 icfre , or arîdres