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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 May 1903, p. 2

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MILBUKN'S IIART AND NEKVE PILLS Make Weak Heaits Strong. Make Shaky Nerves Firm. THEY CWItE Servousness - Bleeplessnesa - Palpitation el the Heart-Nervonn Prostration-Fafat and flfzzy Spelîs - Brain Fag, - Ater Effe ts of La Grlppe-Ancenia-Aiud afl Troubles Arising from a Rnn-down Sys- tom. Read what T. L. Poster, Minesing, Ont., lias to say about them: -I i-vas greaJly trouhîci witiî palpitation o! tne heart, a sadien blîndaess wenld coe over me, and floating apecîns befere my eyes caused me great incenvenieaee. Oten I would have te gasp for breatb, aud nay nonves vene ini a terrible condi- tion. I tooi MILBUJRI'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS, and tiey have proved a blessing to me. I cheerlklly recoin- iend tbem te ail sufferens !rom beart and nerve trouble. Price 50c. per box, or 3 for $1.25; al iéalers or The T. Milburn Go., Limitird,- Uoronto, Ont,. Cures Coughs. Colds, Bronchitit. Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma. Pain or Tightness ln the Chest, Etc. It stops that tickllng ini the throat, la F leasant to take and soothing and heai- Lngto the lungs. Mr. E. Bishop Brand, tas well-known Gait gardener, writes: 1 had a very severe attack of sore throat and tightness in the chest. Some times when 1 wanted to cough and couldi neot I would almost choke to death. My %vife got ine a bottie of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRTJP, and to my sur-j prise I found speedy relief. 1 wouid1 flot be without it if it cost $1.00 a bot-1 tie, and 1 ean recommend it to everyone bothered with a cough or cold. price 2,5 Cents. THE MON1T NUTl11TIOUS Epps's Cocoa An admirable, food, with ail its natuiral qualities intact, fitted to build up and main tainrobust health and to resist win ter's extreme cold. Soid in 1 lb. tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & Co , Lmited, Ilomoeopathie Chemists , London, England. GIY1NG STItEiUrl AND> VIVOR. Write for our interesting bocks I lvent- or's Hl Il" and Il How you are rwindled." Send us a rough sketch or model of your in- vention orimrprovetnenit and we will tell yen free our opinion as to whether it il; probably pateutable. Rejected applications have often? been successfuily prosecnted by us. We> cnut fully equipped offices i Montreal * ad Washington; thisqualifies us to prompt- ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents~ as bro. d. as the invention. Highest references furnished. *Patents procnred through Mariopx & Ma-1 rlon reccive special notice without chargein over roc neýwspapers distributed thrc.ughout ithe Dominion. Spellty :-Patent business oi Manufac- turers nd Xngineers. MARION & ZNMARION Patent Experts and solieitors. 0 ffc s New York Lile B'ld'g, fbontreal ff, Atlantic ndg,Washington DC. BRECHE A MANON 1LADY TELLS 0F? RER IXPEIENCEC DOAN'S KIDEY PILLS Thé Great aud Well-KnoYD Kidney SpoeI for the Cu re of ail Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Mrg. P. Blertrand, flreche A Manon, Que., writes :-I think it nothing but right for mne to let you- know wat DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS have dlone for ,Ëue. For five imonthis I was badily troubled rwith 9a sore back, and sucli severe pa)ins inunmy kidneysi that I could cr'cly walk, at tîrnes. 1 got a box of DOAN'S KID- NEY PILLS, and before I Lad thema hait taken I was greatly relleved, and with another box I was, completely cured. 1 cannot help but give thein ail the pras 1 can, and will neyer fail to, recommend them to ail kidney sufferers. DOAN'S KIDNEY PITLS. alle 50c. box, or 3 for $1.25; all dealers or Who Doan Kidney 1>111 Co., Toronto, Ont. ADVERTINING RITES, Wedrssday moring at the Oillie 26 STATES- liAN Btock, King Street. Bovmarille, Ont., by M. A. JAmEs, Lditor and Proprietor. Suibscrip- tion $1.50 r anno, r$1"00 If pald strlcliy in ~d Anc. dvartmlsing ttrasient advcr- lulng tiOn cents per 1hue, iratst tlon; ve cenS rr Ue aehsubequntInsrtin.Con- setiaieb or. application.- j y iverd. No spot coubd ho more suit- aprpovntoenexeet ,and uoriginal adhîeine. Most people able thîna Thie Hague as thie site of ane au arc that finnial, 11rench, and such n fane, and are hope that the Australian eggs are largely impont- Governint of the Nethîeninada ail i cd fate this couintr~y, aam plaeed on ho able te fuifih Mn. Garnegie's gen- the market bore at a bawr figure . ,tlînn the British f ariner ena afiord crolus design withsout inroasing Itetunote for' bis owa home-mui eg'gs. taxes. Light and pence are ievely Noar, this gentlenman's idea aras te boona, but the îvorld is cunsci arltb prncticaily tura the couatryside into grunîblers tyhe, if we mny ameai a a huge egg-tarmi. iTe proposci that phrase e! Sydney Smith's, proton a every faraser sbould devete a barge aypart o! bis land toe oggfarninlg, and weight o! ignorance, boarever great, by thia meanas are ould net onby ne-- to any bnînden o! taxation, bev- taini the aboie o! the egg trade o! ester light.- la bis enneer e! bene- the country ia our own bands,. but ficence in tuhe United States, the Scottish Janus bas touai butto maay surly -kuocers' at bis tom- pie doen-s, n lu lland tue nesponse sbouhd bc ns quici aith gratitude as the plan us fruit!ui aith aîighty dis- tant bonofit te the areh-beîng of mnnkiad - Wo scan'eely aoed add that there is a enînieus flicity ia the endeavon o! _Mr. Carnegie, stho bas acqnired a mrodeat coriLpetenrce in thec iron and stool lino(, to induý co bis pruiiisig books, Lîb)i>rios in tempes are a geod ohd chassical ,fashien. la the ib- rary of The Hague Teample o! Janus, one reterna, ene stcrn, neceasanry sys- tom o!f excision and expurgation, soouhd ho enforced. Wisat sînibas it te hînibi toarers and temples et lighît and pence, if works o!f uvar and' darkness are zdmitted th(r? n Carnegie bas shoan n just sense o! this dîffculty by "putting"' ehd Iliner " te 5iOOp," te herowa, linsnie phrase. Ail thie firebrnds and felons o! iitcmature, Hlonner,th Sonîg o! the Nibehunga, the Cid, the Sonago!, Roland, ail the sonou scouadreis, iînt - lie kelît eut o! those sncned precinrct'n. Near those teunîtainîs o! lifght nut bcho îard ne lînnabernonte than the ban e!fiaw sirocp and the inan e!fIacal!. Conditions in Macedonia are miueli the saine as if a vinîdictive war had nready been feuglit to the stage o! exhaustion and the, parties thoveto acre contiauing their ghasti,,r strug- gb- in guoilla reprisais. Ttrrkisil soldions and Bulgarian banads are arnhrîshfng cneh other, sneiiag and burning vilages, massncring armea and cbhdren, and mobbfng farinera o!f thef r produce- and thein' îsîeney. The, Ilulgarfan, fa as ,tn'ucnrint as thi Tui.k.- The 'rurih officiais are do- iag their utrirost to prex ont the os-- cape o! any unfavonable infor'ma- tien, and ahi ive renbiy inow o! thxe actual fighting aid pillage connes froin the few venturesene press con- nespoadents arbo bave plurnged inte the distunbed districts. Tlho Macedonian leaders, are arc toli, have deiied te postponc the gencrai outbncai and te content theinseives wlth guonila warfare. The reasonis for this change o! plan ar-o that the Turks bave massed ovcrsthehmrnghodies o! treopsata 'Mlonastir and other contera, and that tire prospecta o! Enroean in- tervenitieni sueolinmore and imore m- moto. Andi' yet otherLs decare tt aI eoaelertcd me)VeniUIeat la hound llfite come (ýsceor, ince tho(no, is a, feouiing nmea th Macdonan ptrits hat it f nloaror nve.The lmbanianis continue turbulent. The Sultan sent a rmission, to persuade thein te acquilesce fa the achernre etreferma, but the Allinnians rejectod nîl pro- pesals cabass certain radical conces- siens uere made te thein. The TurialiPonce Conumissioners are nea r pacticahhy inîprisoaed at Ipek, the Aibanians egading thein as bemtag ca- Gi-enter oquaalmlity appoars at St. Petersbunrg and Vienna. The 'tae Poîvens seeru te think that Turiey la faitusfully tnying te put the Mace- alsuo be able 110compote with the foreigii egg inerchants abroad. A labyrinth of figures accomi)anied the scheme, which went to prove that there would be a net profit of $10 per acre for the f armer who con- ducted bis operations on this 'prin- ciple ;so that a manl witb, say, 500 acres could make a clear $3000 per annurn by xork-ing 30u acres on the egg system. There were, of course, a variety of e rrorsanad-flaws in -this g'entleman's, figure's and faets. As an insqtance" of how a eraInk or thîs sort nglesthe consi~deri ofost imnprtant ac-, tors, there was aetuailly NO MENTION 0P REN'ýT in his calculations. Apart fromi the impussibility, of dototiag se much land te any une branch o!arcS ture, the profit of $»1 per acre would absolutely vanish when the1 burden of rent, rates. and taxes is talken fnto account. A mucli more practical scheme for the imiprovemeut of agriculture wasý, devised sonie years ago by a very clever farier, who aise publfshed i st ideas in a pamphlet. Briefly, bis 1 notion was to convert the sewerago matter o! tihe tewns into farma manure, iastead of running ft off by drains into the rivers. The manure thus made would be the property of the State, and sold to the farmers at a minimum cost, The idea was distinctly ingeniouý,ýs. Sewerage mat- ter contains a considerable quantityi of nitrogen, which is one of thei most valuiable constituents of the soil and is one' o! the most expen- 1 sive componeats of artiftcial 4nanure. If it were possible to adept the plan of cuaeertiag sewerage matter1 into manure, the f armer would be sax ed a very considerable expense in the purehase o! bis manure, andj weuld bo able te vastly mjnpro-e ithe1 growing qualitiesofthis iand. How- ever, 'cver as the idea Nvas, it was nover !ound te be practicable, one of the primary objections to :t being the great danger to pu!iJic benalth f n-f volve d by storing the sewerage mat-1 ter.1 1 A SSSXFARMER1 conceived the idea some years ago eft the "rcst cure" as applied to land. The question of how to rosý,tore to Scott's Emulsion is the me;ýns of i'fe anîd of the en- joyment of life of thousands of men, women and children. To the men Scott's Emul- sion gives the flesh and st'reýngth so neýcessary for the cure of cns-umption land cithe reairing, of body lusses from-r any wasing disease. For women Scott's Emul- sion does this and more. Lt is a most sustaining food and tonie for the special trials that women have to bear. To children Scott's Eî'ul- siCn gives food and strength for growth of flesh and bone ,nd blood. -,-For- pale -girls,- -orthin and sickly boys Scott's Emlson is a (great nhelp, Scnd fan r rosampie. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemnints, Torente. Ontario. 50c. and $1.00; ail drunrists. 1 tht rut onpromises maie little lie-v s' s to hlaveIts Ça. iUnr stock axoc at Scruphe o!' roi elling to-day on the a new person after ta&k. ~$1,fl-00,000, white botb -t andi the profits of to-nirowe. - Johnson. inig Ster-Parent - "Quite so, quite Midrlesex and Elgin Inieî-uvhaa soek e wa iniudno a, nettoho iPuasnedse! Xon tel aie that Ion hiave pro- itucrensenipoarors et analgalnatien To e my trie av od to e imputaimn3 poecd te my aughter. hut-e-r-yon andl night o! way. Cha j!iri,-a1n Dr-- e!whatst d, utneortedo Say inaîhiing iet yeu poitin."dca-_îooked u pon thei i are tma of bat --- ugtc t do butnîe!. - doNeous ntoi m1'poition, sir? Mn. MeDînrnxid (Elgia) s ali tbey eh- r tire tise usuelene, 1 w-ore net acceptable inn their presoet Dryden. Ch ej;ý -enuira mcs. yeknow-' frat h jfrutnîncpht ________te_ _________qu hehieliti Since 103 ne member e! the '1 ees- -st v 7 yte ci good thinga iirterested. Thîl acre lîetb laid RoIyah Fanjsly bas heen Lord Lieu- h. e ei it Prermi ou ie gooci over foi, a wcci te allen'ofethte oh- 1 1 NOTES AND COMMENTS. Perbaps the heroic sculpture di, Say, the twenty-first century will represent Mr. Andrew Carnegie as J anus, a god of light, illuminating equally the East and the West, the Sceptre o! Knowledge fn bis right hand, thoeKey' of Wealth iu bis loft. Mr. Carnegie seoins to appreciate or prepare unconsclously for the ascrip- tion to bimnself of the fumctions of the Italic deity. Ili bas ruade hlmt- self the guardian e! the gateways of literatrîre. le bas filled the xvrld %vith libraries, these cities anrd pow- er' bouses of light. lielias written lumîd«i-rous books and magazine ar- ticles with his briglit and beamyl pen, And like his predecesser andi prototype on the Ausenian shore, ho is especially connected with peace and dedicat,4 thereto. There is this !arther parallelisin. betweon these two friends of man, that they sel- dom shut up. Mark, bussever, that while the original Janus was usual- ly open for wàr, bis lucent successor is alwàys open for pence. There is, thon, a bigli significance and fitness in Mr. Carnegie's offer te the Governmnent o! the Netherlnnds .f, $1,500,000, fer the establisbment of an inte rnational lfbrary n) temple e! poace at The Hague_ ti as if a god sbould buildand cne crate bis own sbrine. "Pence,' ith libraries," is Mr. Carnbgie's donian reforms into effeet. They consideýr it neecessar>y to force the Sultan to quejli the Aibaniians - soething that fa distastefixl to the Sultan, who bas hoped to bc able to depend on the Albanians in the event o! further complications. -A strong force will ho necessary to restore or- der ln Albanfa. Ibrahim, the assas- sin o! M. Stcherbinn, the Ihussian Consul at Mitrovitza, bas been con- dered to die. This sentence is an answor to iRussia's demand. There is a report that Russia wi 111 aso de- rnand fren Trrrkey an indonvnity of $250,000, te be paid to M. Stcher- binas fnmily. VERY PECUILIAR AI~RMIB"I SOiIE NEW IDEAS FOI. SAVING XHIE LAND. Huge Egg Fana Proposed-Con- verting Sewerage Into Farin itanure. Tbe declining state of British agri- culture is a fruittful tepic with these di sinai people xxobo elfeve that tariin ing fa this country is domed, says London Answers. It canuet certain- ly be questieneci that agriculture is not tbe paying iadustry that it was twenty-five years ago; but that money ena stili he made by farîairg is a tact tbat_,tbere is plenty of e-vidence te prove.' Sorne fixe or six years ago a gen- tlemiian living fa the North X Eng- land, whbJ farined suee undrods of acres hi niseif, thougbt out an idea for *a îew imethoofd o! farinfng wbicbi the chiffon. Don't squeezo' or wn-ing P RLAM N >1 r e* * >"it rý-.butlay it between very soit whilte inuslin and gently pat it wfit Sthe band. Have an iron inoerately I3ILLS INTRODIJCED. O M R ~ot and iron the fabrie on the wvrong Thiolwn us eer tdc- sîdo, having tissue palier between it Tefloigblsoeito andtboiro. d and rend a first time Respecting the St.IVary's River COOKING RHUBARD slogast ptodtebby C o.; respocting the Medicine Rat Rkumbar b fa richr la oxaîre aeîd, i onÈ !atLg eee ntadNrhr let al,ý o wbîe dos muh t ton th syten past bis second suirurrer, hie is fed MIr. Logan. Detrot c FEDINGs LIILE NES Ror1WytherOliye an: fer umiur s lint.Thegretifrc rations. But. atter tha'y a g0od hock Rail\vay Co.-Mr. Fo vler. use te n%,hich xve put rbubar O is fer aynohr set.otiki s fiesC Yet it is impossible to hake it ail right t e lthlm ont anytbing. Mr. LizptI's biT. mn h hotuecr cruta îtbot bvmg he oi aps it is net until this babyDoion C trvtd Eecon under crust seggy and indigestiblo. gets te boe a schoolboy (or perchance Act was rend a third timte and If ibtibaib pie is desîred mal c it thîs one is n girl) that there Is arry liîke an English tart. Lay tbe inch- «inta ol.' ie ý,. h asd lon, upeledbis o rhbab i abest sert o! material foir building MILITIA PENSION ACT. deep granite or earthea pie plate bis, fittît bouse - the bouse fa wbfch *The hilil te ariend the M1ilitin Pen- and spninkle liberaliy xitb sugar. oms spn aibsdyad sien Act was aise put threugh. the Miss Gannon, Se'y tot Over' tbe top lay strips of paste ian wlieh will prove a shelter or a bur- fnal stages. Tt provides that a civil cross-bar- fashion and bako Ina aidon in ycnrs te comte. servant who afterwaeds hoconies arr Amateur Art Associationi, tells rather cîufck non. An attractive 'These signais o! disorder rnay hoeofllcer In the permanent, force or Young women what to do to anrd irygierîic pie nay bicrmade by the grudual creeping on o! weak- beadqunrters staff, shah bhave eredit- avoid pain and suffering caused fn"g tpe rplatewib ia.dUery hO -neas, or fretfulness and dulînoss, anrd cd te bis miitia pension the anount iDg pi plae wth i. oer te are naturc's way ef tellîfug tliat a be bas paid infte the Civil Servie, by female troubles. fruit put a gencreus meringue; set mîstake bas been made somewlre, Superannuation 1Fond, t "I eau conseientiousIy reconmoend it in a cool even forna mirnute or and often it it fa right in tbhesoat- 'LORD DIJNDONALD. Lydlia E. Pinkhamn's Vegetablo two, thon chili. Serve this wltb ter e! diet: Conipoundl to these of my sisters crisp wafers. Chlldren are net se very differen On motion te go inte suppiy, MXr. suffening iith female weakaess aud Stewed Ifbhubarh. Cut un one' froru animais. Tbey have their na- Bourassa brought up the question o! the troubles which se often befati pound o! rbubarb atnd cook *1a an tural instincts about eating.Sme public statemonts mande by Lord woecu. I sufered for mentis with earthen or granite saucopani. Do net tie hi peie vSer(- Dundonaid and relations hetwoeen general weakness and feit se weary Stew it fa a tin vessel; tihe acid xii i vey iraîabetite îî4s tey the Commander o! the Military tint I had hard worki to keep up. 1 ont off the tin, aad the fruit will hoie eish a disb one day and refus& it focs1dte Miitro iiia. had shooting paubs and wa utterly a dir-ty pur-pie la celer, hesido bnv- the îîext. The trouble came neot freint 'le choico miserablo. Ini my distresI was ad-. ing a strong mîetallie tasto. There Natre doesn't aiways expînin at e!ffflicers commanding the forces, vised te use Lydia E. Pinkham'S is ne botter way te cook rhbarb frst just why baby makes sncb ca- but froin defectixe systeia. Ho re- Vegetable Conaipound, and it was than te set it fnan moderato o ven Ini prious changes. But the îittîo ferred te the speech maýde by Lor a red letter day te me when I tooki the a sinaîl covered beaul-pot wfthout one's tastes-ruight guide biru with l)undonald at the St. aeoge' Dy first dose, for at that time my restera- wator. Lot it hake until dissolved; mruch wisdom if they wero net made bariUuet' at'Hamilton, fa which ho tien began., In six weelcs1 was a thon sweeten. If rhubarb ceoka a artfica by being offered se mach contenided the offiCer wasexodg cbanged xvoman, perfectiy well ln minute tee long, w hich irians -atter nhlsre fo, uc ast'i uhrty H wi. o hep- every respect. I feit se elated and it has gene to pieces - it wiîî loseo nboieso food, sul aslter bis tonityo wasuble net ther- happy tint I want ail women who Its dlcions fiai or Stir it as lit- OfeWcourse, sote plan piens mntsers ote mke pubv licy oune ,suferte etWei asI i'd"-MSStleas ossbl, ad wtha wode nust determipo beow far a cbild, the country. That was'the busine(-ss GuILÀ GCANNox-,q 35 Joncs St., Detroit, spoon. DO net ndd sugar to it, shah ebhoose for biinssel!; but the of the Minister o! Militia, tho Cerresponding Sec'y Midi. Amateur wboa baked or steu-od, until alter >cntn prabtîadnauei oiia odo the department. Art Association. -Sooorrfeit lgifeaÎe;f cooking. Svweeten to tasto at once cnantelp!ul orshtetowr ake. e s oiiFredrc ordniitre aboue lotte r proîirg gonrinenosr cannot be produred. a elfu coit t froiSin the fixe.e, inite o lt is clearly shown în this Jeliied Rhnbarb.-Cut up oneMitidd ntgre ihBu- yonng- lady's letter that Lydia E. pound o! rhubarb, and put it fa a WINDOW CURTA'INS. asa in bis ériticisnî o! Lord Dun- donal-d. There was rrotbing te coin- Pinkhiîan's Vegetable Compounfl hon-pot witb a thuru slice o! lemon, Curtains ia country bouses shouid plain e! in Lord Dun'donald's utter- will surely cuire the sufferingS of a sialnl bit o! ginger root and oeeh fewer and bass voluminous tisan anees, and lie iougbt Lor'd Don- womeu; and wihen one considerS cupful o! suigar.' When coolced, add fa the city house, since thore fa far donald bad ne intention o! usnrpimg that hViiss Gannon's letter is oIly twe tablespoonfuls of granuiated Iess necessity for excludiag thé eut- 1nuthority. one of Isundreds w-ieh we have, tie glatine, dissolved in hal! a cupful or world. Arrange the curtains IS REDN . great virtue of Mrs. Pinkham's medi- o! celd water, and atmr unti it therefore witb somne distinct pur-FIS REDNS cine must be admitted by ail. meîts in tise bot rhubarb. If not pose fa view, cither te scrcen a wna- Rospecting the Interprox-facial and ______________________ Pirnk enough, celer with a touch O! dow oponing upon a public way, te Jlames Bay Railway Company.-Mr. -fruit red. Wet a meuld xvth !CO exchrde an excesa o! sunlight, or te Talbhot. the so ith srootban gowngwater and pour in the jelly. 'lurn introduco cebor ia a dîrîl corner. Respoctiag the Qrîeb'ec Bridge Gem.- pre orte takengthofandb grow- out on a piatter when firru, and gar'- Sortretirnes a strip of curtain at eitb- paay.-Mr. 'Talbot. proertes akn ot o i bý grw-nish witb whfpped crenin froin a or sideofo a group o! windows witb Respeting the Lirndsay, Bobcay- ing cropa on the land ifaoe ethat ov- bg-l aae oto oi et u-goadPnyolRiwyCm ery fariner lis coosider'ed. Ail arti- hub. Charlotte.-Butter a bai- a valace a fooetopor se , in dcpth n- gen, an PotypoHughes. oi ficial rnanures ai-e made with the ob-iî ihadts tl rneub igars h o !townos ay-r uhs iii dih ad tssstae beadrumsland cenneeting the tîve aide car- Respecting the Nopigea and Grand joct fn view of strengtbeniog the in it until the, aides are ceatod; tainsferma a desîrable frame fer Island Raiiway Compnny.-Mr. Dy- land, but experts difier ns te the thonput fa a layer of buttered1 the outdoor viow. Or curtains may ,mont. best chernicals toe omPioy fa the errîmbs, ncxt a iayei of rhubarb eut holieneeded 'to conceal an unattrnct- Respecting' the Toronto and Hamil- manufacture o! these mnarurea. laicew itb a generous sprinkiing! ixe window framie or te, repreduceto aia Cmpry-rCmp This Sussex fariner, however, pro- of sugar, a dash o! sait and a grat- 1 one of tise iali tinta to accentuate bell. posed te do nxvay altogether witb lng o., nutmeg. Covor with the but- sortie prevailing note o! color. Respeeting certain trust fundas in mnanures, anîd rcnew the str'cngth o! tered erumnbs, thea m-orerhubarb the land by leaving it i'die for so..o and crurnbs on top. Bake for hall the Dicosoe! of sme-r.Oir time. Hie told1 bis !ellew-!armers an heur in n moderat o vn seve ONE VIEW or THE CZAR-. Iepcigceýrtai;n patents graatiod thti hycud aflerd te ba-ývo narm rwithî n creaiiny,,bard sac.-te P1. Deniers andeto-M.aL t1frfrn iie fior a -couple of year(1s Rhbarb Mammalade. - Press on a Paiufuliy Consciotis, Xindiy and iery. thEsi wo lih conrphteîy rejn- lernon squeezer ail the juice frein 12 Sensible. To irîcorpemate the Hiamilton., Ber- veatdad as fertile as the sofl in fine oranges and one lemon. F rein An opPitnt epe ein h Aimerica, or' the best fields et Ans- the slieils o! the fr'uit pool the wiitI p'uatte ephhn tolnad Con. fiwyGm traînand1f rtib aricltue wnidprt, ton bopthorîna fnePutcutaisthat secludo bis isrjestt, 1panly.-Mr. Cwn tcCarwnl outcs aigtn To jincon-porate ttheColinîbia Rive'r thon lho abre teL flourish inf spite of the rmmd, juice, three punda e! lus as te the cacsos o! policies and -prvmtOopayM.Gîl< foreiga competitien. sugar and tîve quarta o! rlîubarb eut1 politics in Rus-sma. But, nias! ivelber. Mr. Aclnnd, çvho was oneofo the fa smaIl pieceai a prescrving pan ana look onîîy tbrough the oves f To iricorperate the St. Jos(eph nost exporienced ansd able farinera and hoil untîl tlnick. others, who ,celdonsi sec wliat w'Ž Transportation Cenîpany-Mr. Le- tbf s country evor pmoduced, was at wouîd --ec. Mr. Lahouchere iateiy gan. dietinsof aringnîgfa ss tecon-d 3IîNG OVErt. gave a readable poix pictureofo!the To incor'porate the Southera Cea- ýditonsof frmig i Susexandpewerfuh Iticisolas la the pages o! trai Pacifie Railway Company.-Mr. was astorrnded at such an nbsuî-d TIre w-eman who understands 110w the London TIrutb. 1'Trrxth about Logan. idea. In writfng on the subject, hoe te cloa up and rofashion bier bats the Czar," -,eo might -oxpc-ýt thel CIINESE POLL TAX. sard: - Soute people in Sussex bav eand gowas ra o!ten as yell dresse.d leading te n ead, but is the informa- Ia eommittee on , Bil respecting concert cd the extretordinamy notion ns those who spend a lot o!faxoney tien trtuc? la it founded on the in- Chinese Immigration, Sir , Wilfrid o! bencftiag the soul by on their ciotiring. 'fiaie, si IIand tirante observations of the ririter, or Laurier oxpîain-ed that the orîly ai- (lIVING TT A RE ST, cieverness are ahl noodod, but thea fa it n rebash o! secend-hand and' teratio rm teodbhia ou he ain prncile s amodcalthe resuît does prove se plensiag the Itbird-bnnd rumors? One ean ely provision t as h hlpepl man ordors an overwor-ked patient exodtr !tes eusts i ead and judge for hinisefnnghtbhb tax frei $100 te $500. The bill te take n hLolidaly." liere rgota ew ina hbma end, and judge fer hiarsoîr'. was rend kn third tinteo an'd passed. At one tino mnany peene wrebi eroTeheeoialwy e rI., Czar's father, bxa-BILLS INTRODUCED). pie wer hew ier- o lir conmicl w.derIll, as a doll aman, says fimmly cenvinced that nothiag n, e- Soiled feathers mnay hoe wnsbed la "Labby." le ivas a soit of r cxci- The feilowirig bibis wcre f atrodue- nIie o h Biihfrnr u oht d:-To incerporate the Montreal maie- fo te ritsbfarue bt t hotwater and seap. Rusise ther- sien te the pensant type, with a and Longueuil Bridge C-l.G-etf- devote ahi bis energies te the inannu- oughîy to got the soap ont anrd pou er!îrî phy siqiue sud a cemmon- frion. To incol-porate the Brandon, facture o! ebeese. This important brusli tfhe quils %vith a nail bruab. pin' e rairxd. Suspicieus of bis Intel- Saskatchewan & Hludson Bay Rail- branch of the dafry fndustry under- Ostricb featbens mny ho tr'ented la lectual sriperiors, ho foared tisecf.-wyG-M.Dt. Teic-p- iveat a great change la 1870, wbea the sainie way. Atter rinsing theni fects o! oila hikr nteaetCo.MryDavs.To nRibwy o.r cheese factorios wen'e first startod by pass- thnu tireughî a warni soluin in ds Of obialdîco, xvhsoneae t-. rsi.ýi aiwy o the Engiisb farmors. e! exalie acid. Thon tisey sbould hbcin ofaceriogchy, nwns ieft tie- Mr. Brown. To facorpemate the The idea was taken trontueth starched fnan plain stnrch. The fib- no be acks. Se the preseont i nda ucn etr ala Amrcnwo irnported an fi- ors may lie curicd wftb a %warm infon-med[Ce., also te incorporato the Stow- Amenians, vbo zar and is brother bocanse od art River Delopinent Co.-MIr. T. O. mense qnnnitity o! cheese made liu curling mron. Stenru the libers ho- lseaest, pains tnking itb ois a-- h H theîr facItoies saito this country. fore curing,1. Wiags and fancy fea- frc ri îrfîpiead net with Dvis. licspoctîng te tirnniton & The hate Duýke et Devonshire toek a thers înay hoe cîoaaed wfthb bnzIne out sbrow'dness, but hacking in -i orrGoadt ag vory keeon iuterest -un tho subjeet, and arben dry rubbed witb magnessa. streng cerehation an.O,, as they ad_ its nane te the Joîýdan Light, 11ient1 and ItLwava t Derby that the first Ah silk nihbons and Pictesa e!sili vnîîred fin cars ,in the sert o o!nie- ,aud Power Ce-Mn. Cennis. e- cheese iatn ftiis country aras may ho xashcd ini so!t %vater, uaing tiy that gïlras a subject"- specting the United Ensîrpire Life Iii- started. Put hone is decidodiy fa purciwbite soap. WVash geotly ,and The NexYe Cornuerciai Adver- su rance C.-Lieut.-Col. Theripsoý,n, limit tetu ise beneiifits te ho derived n unse aroli. Rlumfa atowtel tnad ts- sisupL.uisr 'ste To focorporato the Pacifie 1maioo frein chese fatories. Maay people -in ery r reiaen tsnetîs TeCvar, îhenaccerdfng Canada-Mnr, Gafliher. T,, incorpor- boarever, auppeased te think there palier. Do net, wring, It squeeze the te this i 10w of hinr, ifa nPe-onao! sate the AigoaqufIxnier&:wr aras not, and a syndîicate o!fain water eut by uaning tbrougb a the xoe-y boiýt intentions, palrîfrlly G o-itlr. Gouid. Toincpoteie dividuahs wos forined who endeavor- %vioger îitb a toweb, or squeeze ceascieuts, kindby and sensible, but! Gaspo &Western Raîlway -Ce.- Mn.! cd te introduce a Bibliâfte Parblia- tsoi> betweon the pabrus o!fthewltbout the terceà nind penetration Gcira.Rse tin ltl oîtra rment comiiipoihing every farmer !"'o banda, ne ossary te car'ry out great plansiBrn'dge Co. and -te change its oîvned or rented 200 acres of land Sis ena hlie el cieaaed Iu gase-,te n triomphant issue. Tt is a say-!naine te the Mentreai Bidge or nirw'rrhi te have a ceesefactoî-y line. The most Important tbing te ,ing o! those who know hum, that if l emnl G.-M. Bnr on bistarin. îememaber f5 that the article to leA1ho' ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .i

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