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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 May 1903, p. 4

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ICvcI*d~5 ~ IAUU NO POWPoe 'rhe great cooklng schools must have the best resuits. Trhey use eleveland's Baking Powder. ý 1,1 Live used Cleveland's Powder constantiy botb in scbool-room and lecture work. recommend i."Mi'FANR. RMPrcalBsa oknS/o. "Put a coat of paint -on an old house, and you'll corne pretty near to having a new house," is an old saying that's proven true every day by the old houses ruade new with THE, SHERWIN-WILLMAMS PAINT. S. . P. protects and beautifies. It's greatdurability, beauty of finish, and economy, gives satisfaction to the house-owner. It's easy working qualities, great covering capacity, honest imeasure, and strict purity, satisfy the demands of both painter and house-owner. SOLO MY RIC5&O SOLE AGENTS. Dealers lu Sheif atd Beavy liurdw are, Par Iron, Steel, Hloop and laud Iton, Builder's Hardware, etc. Rock I3ttoin Prices. Phone 66. One Door Wvest of Post Office, lowmanville. HMAIN%îES' CARRIAQ E WORKS ,Ha'ing boug14t one of tl2e JÎ E~NDEI MO0N 7T1RE SET- TEN& JMJClIMNES, made by tI4e Standard Tire Setting Co., Koekuk, Iowa, 1 am rn Prared to got tiresbetter and cleaper tItan before. It Sets themn cold.: q ~ It does the work perfeotly. It does the work in a fer minute s' tiMe, p, It keeps the dish of the wheel just Right It is a wonderful improvem eut over the old method No mîore guess work, but tires reset accuratey and quichly, withiut any chance oi'giving too miucb dish to the wheel, or in ainy wày injuxîng it. ilavino' cnecf ï hese Tire Setters in practical oper..- tion the patroiiaYe of the publie is solicited. Ail ork thor- oughly warranted A Large Stock 4f Furnished Buggies, Waggons, etc. on hand GEORGE 0. HAINES. elearin Sale Since we announced our Clearing Sale we have sold larze . quantities of Crockery, but our stock was large. the largest Sbetween Toronto and Belleviile, ani we have a good assortment TENDER3 FOR GOAL, 1903. S ealed tender3, adtreaed to the Provincial Saceeretary, Province of On-tario, Parliament BîîîgTo=ot,vand mtrked "Tenders for ol.1wj1lbe rrie. np t.noon on Monday, May 2âh, 10,fo0h dlvryo oat n o'n shedaof Uc nsittinsnaedbeow o o before the l5th of J4lly next. xceia ead the coal of Lu d 0,Hailonand> Brockville Apylunisanad Central Prison, as noted î Asylum for Insane, Tor'onto. liard cool-1,850 tons large egg size, 250 tons stove Bize, 150 tons but sîze. Soit coal-5QO tous lump; wood, green, 100 corda. Asyhim for Insane, London. liard coal-2,700 tons samalti egg size, 800 tons stove ize, 100cheatunt ize. Sit coal-SO tons for qratea. 0f the ,150 tons, 1,000 may flot be rtqnired titi Jan., 1904. Asyluru for Insane, Kingston. liard e.oal-i,600 tons large egg size, 300 tous small egg size, 80 tâila uletnut size, 600 tous boit screeniinga, 600 tons bard screenings,20 ions stove site (liard). Asylum, for Insane, Hamilton. liard corl-675 tons amali egg size. Soit coal -2,000 tous, 474 tons sÉove ýize, 146 tons ehestnut size, coal for gratea, 20 tons; for pump bouse. 2t0toous oft slack; 90 tons bard slack screeiugs, 0f the above quautity, 1.12à tous may not be required until January and February, 1004. Asylum for Insane, Mimieo. 1-ard coal-l,700 tons large egg' size, 125 tons stova, size, 60 tons- chestniiFt, 100 lotis Soft sere'- ga 25 tons,£auuel coal; 50 corda green bardwo,ýCgs Asylum for Insane, Orillia, SoIt c'al areengag No. 1 oir sun of mine lump, 2,ORI tous ; 80 toua bard oastove site; 40 tous bard coal, grate Asylum for Insane, Broçkville. liard eoal-1,759 tons large egg size, 200 tons stove size, ffO touts $mail egg. 0f the above 0JUatity ,000 tons may not ba requtr-ed until January and March, 1904. Asylum for Female Patients, Cobourg 1liard coal-450 tons srnall egg size, 20 tous 3g ie 0 tous stove size. The Calladian Statesman BOWMANVILLE. MAY. 1.3, 1903 SÂLEM. School Report for Âlril, V Estella Rutltedge; Sr IV John Yellowlees. Law- rie Gaud Jr.IV Edna Collacott, Francis ilutchinson. Oliver Grigg, Howard Gand; Sr.III Mabel llobbs, Kvle Squ. air, George Honey. Annie Thompson, Eva I1obbfs, Eisie Jack~s, Jr.III Katie Stephens, Archie Thompson, L"awrence 8S*uair, Rilda Rutledge, Bertie Chala, Frank Parker, 5r.II Fred Foster, Hubert Foster ERuth Squair, Mary Hicks, Russel Hobbs; Jr.II Pearl Chala ilazel Colwill. Rueben Colwill. Eva Jet- frev, l3ertie Thompson, May Gaud, Pt. Il Alvin Allun, E dna Ilobbs, Katie Fos- ter, Leslie Collacott; Class I Donald Yellowlees, Celia Branceh, Sondy Law- rie, Mabel Challis, Flora Branch, Mary Lawrie, George Colvili, Afred Right. Lizzie Lawrie. S.M. BELLMN,teacher 1MANY DOLLARS LOST. People throw awa * dollars bv not taking a local paper and reading the bargain offers. Just now owing to the business chan2ges consequent on thje tearling down of the old town hall build- ings, some clearing sales are announced and there la no mistake about the gen- uinenesof bargains awaiting the cah buyer. Read the announceinents and then put the merchants to the test. 'We did that very thing, and what do sou think the result was? Whv, we got for $15 what had been selling for 820. You can do as wel if you try- We have often qaid it before, and we s,4y-it again adiv isedly, Bowmanville is a cheap place ini which to buy. There may be cowns and cities where butter and eggs will bring a cent a pound or a dlozen more, but la such places vyou pav much more for goods. There must bc a living- that merclhants who pay more for farmera' produee mutat charge more f or their goods. %Ve make a point of going through departmnental stores in Troronto and New York, aid: we have no hesitat ion in stating *,hat, exceptitig occasioùal remuants, lef t- overs and defective articles, we can buv cheaper, fitr cheaper-quality coàsider- ed-in Bowrnauville thari in tl ese citiesý Dor't he foolel1. people, by c icth offers, baits to catch Cie uinwarv, such as iît ; stores throw out Youiimav getthe low price. but ý ou get the low value, too. BEAUTY'S CHARM. A Clear skin, Rosy Cheeks and Bright Eyes Compel admiration. No womala needs to be told the charm of a clear complexion. No inan caui be blind to the beauty of rosy cheeks, or the power of sparkling evea. And ever'v woman no matter what lier features may be-can have R perfect complexion Bright eyea and a perfect complexion corne from pure blood-and pure blood cornes fromn Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. By enriching the blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla give vigor, strength, health happinesa and beauty. Here is a bit of proof: "For upwarda of three years I suffered from anaemia," says Miss MarY Jackson, of Normandale, Ont., "I had no color in my face my lips and guma were blood-leés and 1 grew so weak 1 could scarcely walk about the house. I doctored a good deal but got no ben- efit until I began uaing Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla Before 1 had taken them more than a couple of weeks 1 could aee a change for the hetter, and cotinuing the use of the pilla for some time îon,-er my strength returned. the color came back to mv face and I gained fourteen pounds ln wei2ht. 1 eau recommend Dr Williams' Pink Puis tu evey wieak,, ailing girl or woma." These pills sare gond for ail troubles due to poor blood or, weak nerves. Don't take any other medicine-see that the f ull name. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîs for Pale People "las found on the wrapper1 around every box. If in doubt send .irect to the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co.. Brock ville. Ont., and the pilla will be mailed at 50 cents per box or six boxes for$,5 Two speiciai meetings will be conduct- ed bv Adjt. andi Mrs -Simms in the Salvation Army on Thursday and Fri- day May l4th and 15th Public invited Fridav at 4 80 p nm. the Adji. will con- duct a service for children -Seven Caps of E lesinz" illustrated by chemicals. Admission lc. May 24,,1.903 Retbrn tickets will be issued at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE between al stations in Canada, also to Buffalo, iSupension Bridge, N Y., Detroit, Pt. Huron, Mich, etc. G9OD GOlIqG MAY 23rd, 24th, 25th, valid returning fromn destination on or before May 261,h, 19 83 Oolonist Bxculrsions One way t-ickets at low rates on sale until June 15th, to pointa in Montana, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washýington, British Columbia and California. For tickets arid ail information apply to SIOTT-& JURX, 20 2w C P. aLd T. Agents. To%1louse; Cleaners.ew Ouir Wall Paper tî'ade up to the present time has f ar exceeded any previons year which speaks volumes for our class of paper we are carrykbg. We have very nic e paper at three cents per roll and better ones from five Fresb, lean Mercliandilse at Iffonoy-saving Figures. SWe Soit Bost Makors' Goods. tEvrythilg Advortisod flore A Bargain Grocery Specials. W e Seli Best Seed Corn, GROOERY SPEOlALS, E. R Ulrî h & Sonls.,e 328 lbs of 'Our speciai 30e lb Tea 158 lbs of Our' special blend in black, green or rnixed, while it 31ocka and Java Coffee 30c, lb lasts per lb 18c. wtjile it lasts redueied to per lb 21c. 1'01d Leader" extracts al1 40 quarts o f good mixed flavors, 1 Oc for 7e eaeh. Pickles, in bulk (you don't have to - 4 doz Singapore brand canned pay for a heavy bottie) while they pine-apples, elegant, luscious fruit, last per quart 17~c. while they last 2 cans for 25e, SParcels Delivered to ail parts of town. Bring your Produce and gather ini these Snaps. Dry Goods Specials. 27 pr. $1.50) Curtains now $1.18 pr.' 18e and 20e yd Carpets 110w 13e yd. Baanerof1o00 ds o etvleP in yd.o 228ayd of u fancy printed Fhrnnelettes, were 12-le to 20c'yd' n0W 10e. 228vdso ginghams, sitable for EIVIiROIDERIES 4c yd. Not aprons, shirts and children's sehool the 4e regular kind, but 6c, 7e, and dresses, fiow per yd 4ý-c. 8 e ones, ail in one pile now 8e .'yd. llundreds of yards of Valencienuel and Insertion Lace 2e yd. Special Prices On Goods For Men. 2eMenIs Fancy Braces 13o pr. $1 00 and $1.25 Hats 85e each. ~ 010 doz of Men's genuine 25e black cashmere ilose 110W 17e a p tir. Over 200 Men's stand up turn dowa Collai s, sizes 14 to 161, 5e eaeh. Olothing Values. $7.50, Suits hi Worsteds and Tweeds, made to fit and wear no w $5.90. Heavy Tweed P 4flts, suita'>le for gardening 65e $2.2-5 ami $2.50 Men's Tweed Pants $1.85 pair. Special value in boys two piece Suits $2 90. Big Bargain in boys 3 piece !Suits $3.90. Balance of spring and falt short dress Overcoîats $9 50,iand $10. 110W $7.5 0 Footwear Underpriced. 33 Pr of Ladies' oxford Shoes, slightly narrow, regular $1.25 to $2.50 pr now 65 52 pair of Wonian's laced or button broken sized Boots, good quadity, old shades, $1.75 to ?3560 now $1. 18 28 prir of Men's Boots, broken sizes $2.50 to $4.00 in, quality, flot newest shapes per pair $1.00 ~ 35 pair of Misses, Oxfords, sizes Il to 2 worth $1.00 pr up, slightly narrow, now 59 pair of Misset laced or biîtton Boots, regular $1-.25 to $2.00, slightly penair 68 now perr88 10Dozen Botties of Oil Slioe Dressing Reg 10o Bottie now àe. 10 Special Price on ail Footwear. Corne and Look and'Vou WiII Buy. Every item on this list of advertised L!oods will be sold at prices as Sabove as long as the qdiantities mentioned holds out. Corne and share i thebargains. We want ail your Produce you can bring, remember and will pay brightest price for it. Eggs And Butter Wanted. i John McMurtrvff To0 Cure a Col ivuOe Day i woDy Take Laxative Bromo Quiiihî Tablets. 01olh every Seven Millonboxes sold in Past 13 months. This signature,,* 7e-. ~ ' box. 25c.

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