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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 May 1903, p. 8

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0000, Sowý Ge me People .t Along Without a spring ity make a. prac eleanser and toni( Somýe need it W, one of. us is the better for a bottke Bitteres contairnn Celery together m table remedies. It tones up the ulates lazy appetil and helps a persoi take it ahi summe- una J. Hiviggibol R a aama flh a.M As, the price of other Sadvancing, the demand fo, becoming more general and Sh as yet been fonnd as a relia For sidewalks,, floors, cu RATHBUN'S S isteleading Catnadian bran( and si BATTLE'S is the very general favorite -~have recently put in a fresils are prepared te frnish eithe an expert tD superintend thei *us before patronizing the r Scannot reach again. We hav SÏtWood and Goal, Charc SLumber, Shingles, Doors, ~ PhaterQuality right, pric* KING Watchmakeri * BQWMA Do you want a watch ?I any kind o! watch yen want. ment o! the best makes. * Everything in jw!y- * fui rich jewlry and my pie *very pretty brooches justin * and ladies' gold rings. In Silverware I have somq Iamn sure My stock will ýcon * my fiver knives, forks and sp Good goods at very 1owe. te sce me. On Thursda.y o! ast weok, the Spec- ial Committee o! the Property Commit. tee of the Counties' Council, ctnsisting of the Warden, Mr. S. E. Ferguson,and M&sars MeMliuha, Carlaw, Leith and Masterson mèt in tiic Clerk's office. The matter o! a House o! Refuge wa S dis- cussed, but no) action tak3n. Theques. U4on will coine up at the J Une iebiOl. Pains in the Back ÂAre symptoms of a weak, torpid or stagnant condition o! the kidneys or liver, and are a warning it is cxtremchy bazardons to neglect, so important is a healthy action o! these organs They are commonly attended by loss cf energy, lack o! courage, and sorne- times by giaamny foreboding and de-i "I waa ken 111 with kldney troubile, and1 became so e alt 1cauid scarcely get arotind. 1 took-medicine witbout beneflt, and finally decided ta, try Hood's Sarsaparîlla. After the first bottie I feit sa mucli better that I continued its use, and six botties made me a new woman. Wbeni my littie girl was a baby, she could nat keep anything on ber stomàach, and we gave ber Hood's 8arsapa-1 rila *bïcb cured ber." Mas. TIIOMAs le- :p7s, Wallaceburg, Ont. HIâýood's Sarsaparilla Pures kidriey _and iver troubles, re- I i Mr Ucvîtt wîil retbulid as soon as-hoi' A FAMIIIAR NAME-In the homes aofIci can get rnaterieh an the graunti.,...Mr. Canada anti the United Statesathere areI Seaton Falles who bas been soltiering few naines more famiiar andi nane a 1 for a number o! *vaars anti served in t te more rovereDtly spoken than that of Dr. $1 South Afnican w&r is renewing acquaint A. W. Chase. the gree t physicien anti ju£ Mr. anti MrF. R. Failis. . .. Miss Tot the su!ering he has reieveti anti the Rowan who las been studying musc i iseases ho bai; cureti; bis remetiies are in Toronto is teaching muAeic n the useti anti endorsed bv thm'm haut n .nl, * BOWMÂNVILLE, MAY. 13, 1903 medicine, but. the major- Bey, MeKim Young was recent guci t etice of taking a blood * re. Gl osise hlm .... Mr. and Mrs. Win.Davàso ofIowa who bave been1 C. ~on a Western tour are visiting at Mr.i ors tan thrsbu no O S. M. Biiinxs'.. .. Miss Ada Trull visited1 ere who wouldn't be the * ville,. Our teacher Mr. Inch has beeni * offcred Orona sehool to succeed Pic or so of our Perfect Tonme * ipai O.D. Austin after bhidays . . .. The g Cascara, Burdock and Bell Telephone representative baviagi visited our burz, states that aperattons1 vith other valuable vege- begin at once ..C. G. Arinstrong Esq. Orono, gave us a short visit hast weee * glad to se hlim provcdl in elh.. system wonderfully, stim- M r. W. J. Inch plays bail in Peterboro tie-strsup îgstsn- on Saturday next, Bethany V.S Peter-. Ues-tirsup dgeston- boro-Eastern League . ... We sec thate n ail over, Don't nee dto 4) aur boys are again an the Foot Balil r. ustabotieor o tfield. Practice nights Tuesdavs and1 r. Jstabotte orso ýo M Thursdays .. .. Mr. Sandy Sommervillei ,ightl. 'qe-is assisting bis bire. Thomas driving a 1 le team putting in springs work etc.. 9B Prayer meeting had a large attendance 5FU.E B on Tuesday hast; hope ta sese nu mbcrs 30~ increase as work ou farni derete486. thafi x )Uln 3NEWCASTLE. ' O Mrs. T, Gibson bas been iii. Druggists, Bowmanvie. 4) Mas. Vernitor la vosting Mrs. S.a q ~ Miss Edna Bigham has gone to Sydney, C. B.a Mrs. (Dr.> Hunter, Toronto,, visîted i Mrs. Lockhart.b ~ ~ rs. tcafe ad sn Talbot return. >1 od to l'art Hope. iý<- Miller's Grip Powders cure> Sohd by 6%Stott & Jury, druggists. -a Mrs, Chas Wilmot, and daughters1 ja i» have retnrned to Port Hope. , 1 %jum entAllan Wilmot, son o! Mrs. Asa building material is steadily A do3e o! Miller's Worm Powders oc- r something cheaper is daily y cassianally wili keep the childrea heal. nothing, becter than Cernent *tY Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists,à ablesubsitut. ,~ Clarke Township Base Bail Leagu [ablesubstttite has been organized as fuoliows: Hon h, Llverts and solîi m,-sonry Pres., Col. Hughes; Pres , J. Bradley; ~,Vice-Pres., Wes. Tharnton, G. W .~joncs; Sec'y, O D, Austin.9 'TAR PORTLAND k Sait Rheum and and -eczematous ' conditions of the skin are cured bv thek dil for bn ausal es~ use ef Millcr's Campound Iron Pills.j il ok. Sald by Stett & Jury, druggists, TH ROD(Crowded eut last week.) a Mrs. Wm. Perrin bas been fil. and extcusively used.- We - Mr. W. Faster, P. M., bas sold bisN stociK o! bath these brands and driver Goidie for $300.,111, er at satisfactory prices, also Mrs. MeLean Stinson, Toronto, visitw to ee~ ed ber father Mr. EiibcckL -vir g se.ItlI ay yhoU Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jebnston, A avelin slesan ho ye * Ingersoîl, visited friends bore. to ýve aise a ful Une o!fliard and hir m Tetn n agtr ceai Mr.sscd and Undresaed duteria ScaleshMndist and nrse Milhbrook, were here recently. SashMoulings Sai andAs a sprîng medicine Burdock BlaodD es reasonable. Bitters bas no equal. it toiles up the e Ssystem aýnd remoyes ail impurities from T ? the blood, and takes away thkt tired, I an & eo weary fec!ingso prevalont in thspng ST., EAST, BOWMAN VILLE, I Mr. A. A. Colwill recently sbipped a F fiue, Tamwertb to Baltimore, Md, Miss Burnbam, Cobourg, basb een ' guest of, ber sister Mrs.. D. J. Gibson. A _________________________ Miller's Compound, fron Pis, 50 doses de 25 cents Sold by Stott & Jury dru -cý gîsts. The corner stane o! W. Pickarti's new bu * blacksmith sbep was laid by 'A'Iderman i à Quinlan. if yeur chiltilis pale, peevhsh anti dees C K A h Ulot thrive, a dose ef Miller's Worm M Pewders occasionalhy will cure, Sold 4, Sby Stott & Jury tiruggists. Pl Ii ~Mr. and Mrs -Chas. Tambi n, Chicago,M and Jew ellerIll , visiteti ber môther, Mrs. Varcoe'T ~N IL E.recently. A New ie for a quarter. Mller'sGom. sti peund Iron Pis. ffldi by Stott & Jury, pr Sdruggists. lo hi SMiss Bincb beid a piano reeltai, by w, ber pupils wbicb was much cnjoyed by Hi I eau save yen big rnoney on a ùuinber o! friends. b hav a eryfin asort * The bcst remedy for Scrofula is Mi ka]. I havea veryfine asort er 's Compeund Iron Plis. 50 doses 25 'c cents. Solti Dy Stott & Jury, dru-gsts mi * Tbe lake shore S. S. anniversary was e de!y cmpeitin fr baut. * a greet success. Bey. T. J. Edmison Gh I e cmeilo o bat. preacheti good sermons. nel sare exceedingly IUw ol # IThat tired, languiti feeling and duhi de0 Dp beadache is verv tisagrceabie. Take h Great assertment of gents' _ two of Certer's Little Li ver Puis8 be!ore S. Sretiring, and you will firit relief. Tbey Oak lenver fai to dogeeti. hou Mr. W. Buttery, Cheshire. Eng , after 2 acthing cheice-and extra geed.-1 twe veers in South Africa, will lcarn îmad on amiaten Sc 0 farming witb Mr. T . M. Gibson. nman yor amiraion S * To get relief from Indigestion, bilions- lois, constipation or torpid iver without pons, now selling very cheap. *diturbing the or purging the ~st rice is y mote. aR * boweis. take a few doses o! Carter's est pices s mymotto 'Cai Little Liver Pilîs, they *1i1hl pioe yen, S Another oid, residont of Clarke Town- 4% Rhiipilpa iawav Ap-]loc!-h,-n To-onto Cures While Yciu Sleep Lt cures because the air rendereti stron-gly antiseptic is carried ortedsaesr I 'ce it evrybreath, giving prolonged anti constant treatoient. It is invalu- able ta mathers ,vitji smalh chiltiren. IS a boon te asthniatics. !i1ooiPig Oeugb Brbenchitle Croup Cougha itarrb, COUdS Grippe and gayPoyer, The Vaporizer and Lap, which should last lifetinie, together i8h a Uo île of Cresolo, k-50. Extra supplieskof Cresolene 25 cents aud ;cents. WVrit for descriptive booliet contan. ut bigbest iestimony as to its value. VApO.CRFSOLENlz IsSOLI) 5V DRUGCflSTS a :VeaWli£Rx. Vaoo-cresolene Co. BABY'S HEALTH. Mothers ail over the Dominion willb e spared manv an antious hour il tbey wilI keep always at hand a box of Babv's Own Taclets and give tbem to thuoir littie ones as occasion. May require. These Tablets have saved thousands of littlerbabjy lives and grateful mothers everywhere acknowledge the good they have done theirlitzie ones. Mrs. E -j. McParland, Wylie, Ont., writcs:-"J cinnot praise Babv's Own Tabiets enough. Whien 1 got them my baby girl war v ery bad with whooping cough, and cutting hier teeth besides. WVith both these troubles at the same timîe she was in a bad way and slept but littie either day or nizht. After the second dose of the Tabiets 1 found there was already a change for the better. She slept weil through the day and nearlv ali night, and this was a g'reat relief to me, as I was neariy worn out iosing so much rest at night. She cried aimost incessantlv before I began giving ber the Tabiets, but in a short time the cough ceased, she six teeth, grewceh eer- fui and began to gain wondertully. In fact, I believe 1 owe her life to Baby's Own Tablets, as I do flot think she would have puiied throngh had it flot been for tbem. I eau recommend the Tablets to any mother who has a cross, fretini,' sickly child. These Tablets wiil cure ail the minor ailments of Little 01108; they are guar- anteed to cozitain no opiate, and can be given with advantaze to the youngest and most delicate child. Sold by ail druggists or sent by mail, at 25c. a box by writing to the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockviile, Ont, OROYO G eorge Armstrong in home fremthe city. James Stevens ie home from 'Oshawa. ,.. MrB. e. Hcckln has been quifte Mii. ý.. Fred Winter le home from Toronto . Mie Nellie Hookin bas returned to the city. . .. Wm. Brown bas had, a severe, ettaek of grippe... Mrs. Mallory le ependinff a couffle of weekn et Kendal.... .Miss Stella Butler, Toronto, ie visiting et Mr C. G Armstrong'.... Mrp. F. Pollard and Mrp,. Milton Poflard spent e few days lest week in Toronto.... Amos Callender, Port Hope, visited frleuds hore recently.-.Wm. Armstrong, left M onday with a coneignmeut of f ry, for God. erich...Mise Ada Truli. lýeakArd, was J gueet et Mr. H. Moulton';. ... .Mise Aima Tourie haé taken a position with the Ishi. kewa Si1k Co., Toronto... . Miss Jessee Waddell bas gone to the Western Hospital,( Toronto. toastudy for a nurse.... &i. 0 G. Armetrong was conflned to the bonne with an attack of pleuiisy ... ý.Miss Minuie K'Vle bas returned home f rom Toronto...Miss rrixie Rutherford visited ber sister, Mrs. Milton Pallerd ...Barry Merrifield and Ifdy friend were in the village recently, andi wheeled on to Poi-t pe Mrs W. T., Liockhiart, and Mrs. Hfunter, Toronto, visit. j id et Mr. R. Moment's recently. . ..Mrs. A. A. Gamsby is in Torocto asisting to care Aà for ber sister, Mrs. Wwr. Patton, wbo is ill. MIr. and Mrs. Alfred Moment, New York, are in tiwn for a short visit witb hie father, MIr. Robhert Moment .... Mr and Mro. Wm. Davidson, Iowa, wbo have heen on a visit at Mr. A. Griffin'sinInboS weRt, 9pent A Luesday evening at Mr Ed. Souch', a nd are 110w visit*ng the Powers, tamily et Kirhy..- Orôno Cheese Factoy will open - for the sason about the Middle of May.... Frank btinson bas eecured a position in ae Ir Furnigbing Store. Toronto .. ..0. D. Austin % iresignicg his achool Soe to enter the MinietrY.... Recaýntly wben Mr. William j Artrong wàe rAtutînlcg by train from elvering rir in the West. a bu let Bl crasbhed through the car w.ndow snd peeeed within a couple of inches of hie beaA1. [Nntb. A ing fiahy about tbie iterr? Be knowe tbai bullet was en clee to hie noFe,ý dote be?].... The new Epworth Leagne oficereeare - Pon. Pvieu., Rev. W. B. Tuckr, B. A. ,IB. b. I ~'ree,, Mis Aine Waleb.let Vice Pres., mle@ Ia Jeynes. 2nd Vice Pres , Mise M. B. Beet. 3rd Vice Pres., Mrs. A. J. Knoxr. -N 4,h Vice Pres., MiseT. Beerse. 5th Vice' Pres., mie M. M,. Moment. Bec. sec. Mie@ Eva Edwards. Cor Sec. Dr. M. M. 'noker. Tressorer, W. E Soucb. Audi. bis, Dr.' Tucker, Robt Knox.. I G Armstrong bas leased fisbing rlghts on the O tream pesaing through r D. Nobla's prope rty.... Messrs. John Buec'ey end sens ets1 &,fout year aid colt. from haote, oniof ie fine heavy teain of colts.... Fred Riddell 'as married NNednesday ta Miesa Mand Efoldaway, -the coremany being performel )y Bev. J. A, McXeen et the mars-3. The M ippy couple loft town amidet a shrower nfi lie.... .John Devey, director Maple Le.! ire ineurance ompany, attended the lest [1011h1Y Meeting et Oolnmbu«, when cdaims ve adjusted au followe. Boht Beet, Urke, damages ta farm ýdweliing $8; Sam.- ie Isevitt, Cartwright, dwe>lmng bouse estroyed by fira, $5OO an dwelling and L 100 aon contente.,_.Dirs, 2ymour is eick... 'ho@. Tharnton is in poor bealtb. Mr. He Rmm and daughter visited friends luiW bawa recantly.... Thos. Doncaster wa% ore from t1he city lest waek .... Wm. J. 'miter. Pontypool, wae in town lest.week: B] bargains are big offered clearing sale. Dry Goods Dept. 3est quality ail wool 2 ply carpet reg 85e foi 60e yd. Good quaiity union carpet, nice pat- terns 20e to 40e yd. Ail our regular. l2ýc prints, new pat- terns for 10e yd. Best quality table oil cloth foi 20c yd. 1. lot of ladies blouses at ý regular price. lot of children's ribbed cashmere Hose, reg 25e to 35c, now 20c pr. 'loor Oileloth all wiciths at regular priee. Nlot of Dress Goods, reg 50e to $1 50 a yd, now 2ý5e yd.- l1aek worsted Suits, reg $12 50 now $9.50. 3laek worsted Suits, reg $10.00 now $7 50. lot of tweed Suits, reg $10,00 and $9 00 DOW $6.90. [en's striped tweed Pants, reg $1 25' 110W 95e. len's and boy's bine worsted 'Suits, the best lot we ever had reductions from $1. to $3. on suit. )vercoats, reg $7 50 and $10.00 now $5 and $7.50. oy 's and 3 pieee Suits $1. to $1.50 off reg, price. folo Pants lined or unlined, ait reduced. 'he best chance you ever had to get cheap elothing. irenté' Furnishi*ngs. rorkjng Shirts reg good value at 50e now 39e. Lack and bine worsted Suits to,,order reg $18. 110W $16.00. .aek cashmere Sox, impcrted line reg 25e for 20c. hrysties Hats, stiff and fedora reg $1 40 for $1.00 aney eoiord Shirts (To okes) soft and hard fronts reg $1.00 for 75e. iveed Suits to order reg $16. 110w $14.00, aspenders, best in the world, reg 25o and 50e 110W 20e and 40. big lot of caps ail kinds reg25c to 50e nuw 15c. BI cji Su A1 Sum mer Uinderwear reg 25e for 20 ~ eve ry day tti. ~eun Boots and Shoos. Ladies' oxfords reg $2.50 and $3.00 for $1.75 and $2,00- La,.lie's' fine bals reg $2.519 and $3.50 -for $1 75> and $2.,50- len's box-calf reg $2.50 .tnd $3.00 for $I.90 Boy's sehool boots reg $ 1. 50 and $2. Girls fie bots e 1for $1 15 Gir'sfie bot rg $1.50 and $2,00 for $1.20, 3 special clearing lots at 25c, 50e and $1. Telescopes 14 inches to 24, f ron 35e to 95e, Triunks, rnbbers, slippers, everything at. uost or hess. Neyer before sueh a chanc.e to bny cheap fo otwear. Groceries. S bars of comfort Soap for 25c' 13 bars Judd Soap for 25c. 1 box telephone matches reg 13ec for 10c. Force 2 packages for 25e '. Horse shoe salmon 2 tins for 25C. 6 lb of 5e Tea for $1. or 20e lb. Crocks, gems, fiower pots,br>oorns.brLushes, etc, all have to go and barains for- everybody. Watches, Clocks, Jewellry, etc. Gent's gold fitted (best quality) Elgin or Waltham Watches reg $12. 50 tQ $15. for $8.50- Ladies' gohd filled and solid gohd Wahtham and Elgin Watches reg $15 to 25 now $9, to $15,00 Ladies', boy's, and gents silver and nickle Watehes from $2,00 up. Ahh Watches warranted, satisfaetory time- keepersor money refunded. Best 8 day Clocks, «I hour strike, ahi warranted, reg $4. for $2.25 Best qualityAl l847Iloger's tea spoons reg $4. for $2,50 a doz. Best qualit y niekie tea s poons reg $2. for $1,00 a doz. Knives, foî'ks and table spoons equally how prices. Sihverware, ahi kinds at above one haîf reg price. Rings, broochles, pins, links cuif buttons,, studs, etc., at lower prices than you ever seen similar goods off ered. Without a doubt this isathe largest lotmof goods ever offered to the public at rushing- sale- prices ini BowmanvIlle, and while we are very anxious ta get out, the goods quickly, we 'would, like our regu1ai, customers to corne early and get some of thea good things 110W they are going. We feel ýsure you will -be sorry if youdo not corne and see what great bar- gains we are gilvi*ng. The Msaon Co., haveing rented their west store, are clearing out three departments. The Boots and- Shoes, Groceries and Jewellry wil be no more after this sale is over, The people_ will get bargains to take this Stock away quick, The Dry Goods and Clo-thing- will ben h sale as there is more goods than one-s -hop wil hold. -Read the. Iist, of sample bargains below,, Hundreis <of ,&M LAl&ýM, 1Does it - t seem marc effective ta !breathe in 4. remedy, ta cure disease Of ýthe brcathingL organs,ý than ta take the remedy into :he stomnach-?

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