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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1903, p. 1

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jus tte.Iâ T7ERMS :-81.50 FLIC AzNU. OUR TOWN AND ,OOUNTY FIRST; TH2 WORLD AFTBRWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, 'EditoradPopitr NEW SEkIE~~~~. BOWMANVILLE, ONTÂRI0ý W.EDNESDÂY, MIAY 20, 1903, ~LM LXN.2 AIND CURTAINS. We have just received direct from John Crossley& Sons an immense Stock of Carpets. * «NlEEST DESQTINS in Tapestry, Brussels and Oriental Velvet. * We Also Show:,* A Big Stock of New Union and All-wool SCarpets and Art Squares and the finest stock of Lace Curtains. Newest designs in al j$i ualities we have ever shown. We guarantee our prices for these goods to be aslow asany house in Canada. BowXMÂNVILLE. COMING A!4NIVERSAR'iIES. Ennifskillen, Mav 24l and 23. T yrone, May 24 anid 25. Solina, May 11 and June -1.. Providence, June 7 and 8 'Ebenezer, June 11-1.5 Enfield, June 141 and 15. Maple Grove, J-uns 21 and -22. Haydon, June28--Jiuly 1, Hlampton, June 98--J uly EDITORIAL NOTES, Attendanc8 at town Couneil sessions dwindled to one or two. Don't placre too mucli confideBce in the ,board, citi- zens Corne out to the mecetings ani ses how yourreeetais do your business. Eternal, justice is-the oly sanse basis for settling the labor question. The laborer laisworlhy o! hia h-ire, and q(> long as li j prevented (rom attaining hia rightful position by mersr monsy greed lie mnay countý on our assistanice to obtain lies rizhts. Whitby and Port Perry Agrieultuiral Societies, gvn pigseed ind s1al1ion show to t&1e noîtheru town eand the model fall fair tu WhîtLby. The idea la a cood one anid qshould prove benefielal to both fairs. . G T. R switch, 15 also proposed to teWhitby Fair Grounds. The experience given lu this journal last week of rar. Eti Orborne, with a stove peddlar should prove a wýhole-some caution to farinera and other- neyer to igun c nr taor aree mjeînis of env k înd w hen prInt lb stra.'ngers. If you do0 act s nw e~l tu3t,do fail to îead crflv htyuare ask. ed to sigu becfore you write y;ournine on any document or -,0 pay. Nýumber one o! The Keystouei,, Whit- hy's new paper, la very xeswelI editéd audwell printed-a feir ,amr)le o! a ive local paper. We mnav be par. doned for sain.-'that the haig etc., la oni Pa map o! the district ad trJît indis- tiuctnýess mairs, somnewliat the o;ther good quahîties of the paper. M1r. C A. Good- lellow, editor and maniager, has oui beat wishe5 for auccess in tle cýapital town o! Our jsis"ter COUD ty. jMr, Geo. C. Haines f ound among his father's panters thlis nýoticce: Geo. Hie j Esq. Ia ir -A meeting -of the coin- Imtee aponted! on Monday evening laEt to exercise a deogree of surveillence over the prospecting now being pro- ceeded with at the eoal pit will be helfi ini the council room here to-morrow, Friday evening,tbe 4th mast, at 7 o'clock p. mn. Your attendance at wbich meet- ing i8 particularly requested. I arn, etc , J. Milme, Secretary pro-tem- Bow- manvillc, Junie 3, 1858. Prohibition is coming a pace in West Durhamn Darlington township lias local option-no hotel for three years,, and nobody- has Liuffered. CJartwright township lias had oenlv one hotel for somne years, and now Clarke township drops into Iind with onlY one hotel-in Orono Newcastle lias one hotel and PowmRnvile-the Model temperance town of Canada-has only three hotels anid nio lquor stores. Surely the Star of Hopu is rising higher and higher iu the Prohibition firmamrentand we hope to livo to see the day when West Duir- hain shah be a prohibition riding. When we advise people to coins to this town to dieal, we are flot doiig so for any sellieli motive or for the sbpecial beniefit of merchants. We are Ilirougli our business relations with. merchants lin dail.y conversation and know pretty welI what they are offering. For this reason we feel it a dutv we owe to our country readers to tell thein o! the good values that await the cash buvers. We kznow that Bowmanville is a good town in which te buy cheap, -and with confi- dence we tell it Wu have neyer known sucli a real Iaugîater in prices so early in the sezeson before as prevails in Bow- manviýllo just now, anid thercfco we urge ail people who can to corne bere te trade Big value for ýoUr monley la guaranteed at, ail the leading shops. Rev. Dr. Lymian Abbott is a man o! iwide experience Fand genieral intelli- gence, and has for iman, years been a student of economie problems. lis idea o! municipal officers i8 that thev should ficýt et ail be capable men who can and w il! studv the manifold and difficuit civic problems with intelligeni2eadmîn- ister public aff airs with skill and repre- sent the muiticipality with dignit *v, dc- ing ail ini their power to win favorable opinionA andcofen, Succeas in these respects can ho strongly help3d' 1w Che support of an intelIi,-ont and wisiely directed public npinion, WIl and bold leadership wih comie efforts o!citizenis can Place a City iorý town on a solid, moral and progýresIsive5 footing. It was our good fo)rtuine on M-ay ,8d tu hear Dr. Ab-bott addresýs a lare audience in 'regeHIJ e Mr. and Mis. . Nichols visited rela- This reý0oiuion baq 1bee1n set to F1v, tiveseat Purpie111 illrecenitly. ... Milk J 1HL'Turuulil. M. A at OttaWai.ý clearedoer 8ý cts per cwt. at the D LI. Dear Sir-At th1e last meigo! the C. F. in Apil.... .Messrs. F. W. Gay and Publie Library Bord 'ur resignatii L. T. Couruies left-Tuesday morning for was îeceived âant accepted, with regret Manitoba where they wi!l spend the sum- and pleaFure regret to ls ,our valli- mer .... Ample preparations are being able advice andasitne and pleasure. made for Ebenezer anniversary on june to know that 'ozu lhavegone tW a widst 14 and iç 1ev Dr. Cleaver, Toronto, field o! woîk and usiefulneas. Thtî has been- engaged to lecture on "The B3oard feol assured thatL \ou wihl bave in story.o! jean Valgean" on Monday nieht' Ottawa, the saine deep interest in al under the auspices of the E. L Dr. matters, Social, Edutcational and Beli- Cleaver is one of! the most popuflar gious., that you ever imanifestedi during preachers in Toronto and ail who can ' our fiive years resid1ence in~ Bowman- should hear hlm oen this interesting sub- ville, and they wish you great succesi, jeet and much happinees in Vour new home. Signed on behaif of the Board, MAPL GRVE.W.B. 0 CUH, Pres'e. Recent visitors: Miss Kirby Oshawa, at j D. Stevens; Miïss Elliott, Rochester, at S. C. Rundle's; Mr. and Mrs B J. Gay, Toronto, Mis. W ,. Everson and Mr. and% Mis. R H. Hamley, town, at Wm Snowden's; Mi. Fred Brimacombe and wife, Toronto, Miss Laura Brimaicombe anid Mis. R. ïM. Saxby, town, at Rtichard Snowden's; Mrs. Thos Hancock and son. Pickering. at àMi, Samuel Cole's.. ._.The Sabbath Schooal cornmittee are to be cdn-, giatulated on securing Rev J J. Rae, OshaWý, for the anvray..-Sho is closed again this wceek tihI ail danger ot scaîlet fever in over .._-Somne of oui young men have be-en getting their bug- gies newly painted ...Our boys have a new foot bali and are zetting ready for a challenge. ThAusands of Mothers., Recommend Baby's Own Tablets. ..I would xnot be wmitout them,"ý is a very1 familiar sentene iii their let!ers to us. T'he Tablets -get this praise ,iimply be- cause no other maediciue lias ever dons s0 mutcl inlu elbeving and curing the minor ilItao! i.Àfants and voung childien. Mirs Levi Perry, Roseway, N S., says:j «'I take gîsat pleasure lu îecommnending, Baby's Own i ablets for colle and con-1 stipation. I have ne-ver found ani th.ng1 to equal themnfor these troubles." Be.j aieuîing colle, constipation and indigestion, Baby's Owu .1 ablets Prevent1 croup, break np colds, expet woîma, allai' the irritation accompanying the cutting o! teeth, -SwêetQn 'the stomnach ami promote hiealtti-giving sleep. G uaranteed to contain neither oipiatesi nor other harin fui druga. Sold at 25 cents a box by ail druggists or may ho had hi' writing the Dr. Wiilliams' Med- icine Co., Brockville, Ont. VICTORIA DAY IN BOWNANVILLE. Victoria 1)ay, Monday May' 25th, wilI ho i ight royalli' celabrated at Bowan- ville under, the' auspices o! the Basebal and Football Clubs,. lu the afternoon at 1 p Mn. at the -Drill shed gon a football match will be p!ayed beweea the old rivais, Toronito vs Bowmauvllle. The Firsu Midland League game o! the season w-,ihll h playedl between the bwae, bail tearna o! Port Hîope and ovTnn- ville. A good program o! athletic sports will be givein during the a!teî- noon,,for which $100 wihli ho iî,iven in& prize5s. Seo prograins for particulars, and corne and spend aut enJoyable day as the committee are spaîing, n-o pains to make the program first-clas. Pa, member the date-Mondav Mav 25th. Victoria Day at Enniskillen demanide publie attention this year. Ont Suniday May 24th Rev. Dr. B3urns of Medcalf Church, Oshawa, wýIll preacli at io.3o am.n and 7 p m. Special music au&, collections Big day Monday-Victoria Day At 2 p.M the chlinwîhl gîve a progai and Rev 'R. M Phalen, B A., a patriotie address. Tea, served fromn 4p Pim At 8p. m a mrand concert with program of unsurpassed excellence wfil be given' by Miss Gertrude Trotter, A. T, C. M,, Professor o! Elocutioa, Albert Colleere, Belleville, and Miss- H-ough, soloist of Qucen-st NMethodist Church, Toronto. Dont mi'ss this concert Tea and concert q5e , or either -One 25e. ý childien 25e, for boýth and i5c for either.- J as. Stainton, Supt , S. Crookshanks, Plastor. Sec buIs.

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