We have lately witneseelthIlreo cawses serving Mny fellow men arnd my commu- N. Y. XILITATIY TÎOURNAMENT. BAY 0F QUINTE CONFERENCE of drunkenness of a deobsng nature nity to the ver i best of my abiIiàvy ln the I Svr. "ilei bttepolo PROGRAMME,ý 1903. D familles of the men-ali comparatively _______teAeia eulevptieCf Sessions wili hbefield in Simcoe Streetn -D ir c e Yeungmn rsetably connected to. CR siderably 'ith, or- are auimna ,d by a Church, Oshawa, Ministerial Session A WeIK wnCtz o Evr n O tUss Wee etogveal h prielrso CRWittGi-rT SftOOL C.&SE. military spi rit. j1Idging'-. by the crowdS beginuing Wednesday, June 8, at 10 a, What we stwieathe on 0305larHs M.EDr of Iwllnt aothat tlironged ta wxtness the operform.mand General Session ThursdayJuine SMN he ailsi n WVest any criticism of this artthoesIvonth aannual]itarr 4 t 10a n Duram oui hadlydar apear~ t myproe~sona aricl, Iwoud eY and Athletic Touruament he!d rocetl ~Stationing Committee, Moidy ueE S CE E I C M O J D Durhm wuldbarly areapper i tamy rofssjnalbrethren who would in. Madison Square Gardon, New Yoik 1, at 2.80, ini Medcalf Street Churchl FAI J U C0 1 public for thée Summer, so ashamed depart froni ever known rule' o!fr-Ctudrtemngmn fte SaitclCmite usa t Woùld they be over the conduet o! the f.snl ypo iyudrtemiagïeto h ttsià1Cmite usa t1 hu.bndan fthr.Wereran rm mght tl!tithe publie Ilirougli tho rue- the promotion of! athletie and phlvsical Fnnil et rusaimet Confer- husbnd aeu a ithr.uWeirefrain frm edinl conduýet eorp ha he8xneianMltayAtltc'ee frn Fa.nci B Total giin eena in, utwehoe urdinio!te pes that their lients u7n- dvlpmetin tU ited S ats Am once Treasurers, Tu2eday i 8 p. _ni. vn Bfack T efICtUllhFr01 t P Be lenîncv uwttokhnpubuatioofth deradrcIlVe wonÎa Iaw s ýuitwieand lNavv, the Nationail Gu rd n Na aL&ni1n'AssociationWedlesdav orit.>.l&11 ilâ imý pauticulars w1ilnet be ta-kn advan their oppouentïjs undet the advice of an- val MiWitia The immenseanphihe t 8 ý M. To th Wear bysDptîc. tage o! bv these niou to get drunk and other hav'e lost, tha. il wero well in was literaily packed tLo tire roof. and thre Snnday Services. Ftll'riain ý1_ ~icapable again lu Bowmanville or any- making a comparison thus sa extolling information givon us on our first visît Simncoe Street Church - 9.Bi)to 10A5 a. We ASk this Question: whero else. Thedisg-ràce their conduct o! their ability thrait they should net by tire polic.-inan at the entrance wa4 m. Couference Love feast, led by Rer. has already brought on their famui9s choose for thle conaparison a professionai ' Standing Rooni Only. " Wheun Wo0n- Jos. H. Locke; il a. ni, Rev. A. H. Thousands o! egtimable -and promin- Everton, Ont., who gatflvrte should kee'ïô therufroux indulgîng in appeet thome. unless. their state- tered we fouud esoen standing roia enr L . rsdn !Cne-etpol nilecdb eipprflos- Why don't you remove strong drink the test o! tiieir days. ment is ta sav the toast trileI candid- a premium, The tickets wexe 1.50,$1 one ni. .D, Prsu den-Scof onfadr-es-noticesor evieno ice o! rieds, 'I hav sufee rn nrowes Th eal Warden, Mr.S. E Forgu- lv objgcfto aven Messrs. D Burk SiMp- and 50c. os by Rer. V. 1H. Emory, Rev. S T. have, la SemeIleaveu-dîrected waY undown syýstem - and er eanff son, K, C., and Chas. P,. Blair being 'Col Dyer, the Prosidont o! the Miii- Bartett and T. Wickett. Esq.; 7 p. mi , used Paine's Celery Compound and fuorealobnglimes.s Veryflnseiso tliat ,wight at the rit, 0f son, Cavran, lis bound to leave no Stone paiuîed as groat lezai luminaries at mcv tary, Athletie Le&ag ue, in his addrOss 11ev. A. Carman, D. D., General Super- saved themiselves !rom sufforings andumcncuss oldoreorm, 1.unturiied te socure thatConie' ensepen4e un'oss of caurne tiey are en- very, truthulvsyir ongseican Wudtiilndatfranhrc thA tmahof Refuge for his township drib isîited t tl. i ýand f ulysays hitftuencre ach P 3,ntenet. Ordinaton Srrvice y tndea dwiliph s uid m5aseforxahurtor oeec i lcrbnyo! the chair. The" Mitlbrork Whv Mr. E'litor, should you state, on thesemitolosand influc ewhichtion s dntfoownirngeriendj ou eHeentathtosusWencsisnsrtredIwol Reporter risos te say tirat the Counnues' whoFca Rithorily shoutd you stato that I exert upon citla nis at large. an(l more Joitiff ed,follows eventug service,agnewreddspnnt eptsmvsocb Idotedlgwtht Wliy don't you regullate that PrOPerty COMMttee decidel at a m'0et-advised the Counicit of thie Township of eqpccialivupoa yeiiuegmon, cantiot ba Meal! Street Church.-Il a. m agn qwea te his on o M, cold anmy soed est. 1 I tho apiyc varibleapptit, ad cndiiontheng'in Cobourg that the institution iCart wright that an award was valid, overestirnated. 'f bey gîvo people the ite*;.G.,W. ootB . ahundh naguaed ad narhiin ha te oedn dtvt gan oî godopotuiof wtnMayt, n. Sndyscooadreso y er ea tatmgondos hipr,'Mn iece lt Pin' Cley 1po daieivetirgandcthatitilnothets repoingrt tedRo ndraara ieandcetai ney? on cîdn e t psil euta rnos go po iityt ti3-the MCoollrr B, Ao., > B. D G Wo.mban! at ins ter Copoun"ýdwian d oon beaonew ai.I r bo necessary tstrethestomacli the June session o! the, Counceit. WcIt, have sl tid tbov were advised, b~t in or- anîd ellicient a(hletic trainiîng o! the Lancele th appierfcshs and on e ent ead a e befoe umylte taket Y te, avoid distress after eating. if such an institution is knu absoxute ne der that the vii¶wq o! your article might. mon. On the other ha-d, the aiseoOffe-r- Presbytorian Church.-11 a. ni., Rer ohatoessusecntetthot. great eiie arieal ikpo Th~~~~~ ~cossity, it should ho built !li sorte gel hc o mepiete hv should you say thmpublic an excellent opportunityt i ites D .;7p i e. Têtkecourage affiicted elle; thougn euetegetoientaddsc -Tefirst stop is"t ulte the at-able point, net out in the middle o1" Mr. Ilunterailvisced" tbem ilwoutd show our Foldiors and sillers. both reg. C. E. îcîIntyre. physicians have ponouniced vou ineurà- a grand work foi' me. bowels. a bacit township, se faraway froin. the almost p.eemi the writtr, (flot von Mr utar and cit4zen the uriqualifli'd assur- Bapîs huci1. .n. Rer. .1, R. hie lot us assure -sou of positive aid anci Il Yeu are in ueei !frenidca d e main lino o raîlwav travl. We haro Miter) was not nmore desirous of givieg aente o! tneir hoarîy approciatiom o!fButler p ni.. lier. AJ. 1H. Striko. cue Th rrts !PiosCervcwre10 oslin Pyila' For this purp3ose grnteHm !Rfg rbei a te ews than hoiwas o!fniaking a cern- theirefforts to do such crejitable service Christian Uhuih.-11 a ni., Rer. ,3. Copound witl givo yen, in as lare a Deptent, The Wes& chrsi Much thought thepaut fow yoars as any parise-n which might brille- profit te hini- for the cutyadSaua hvaeGrut .m,1eIT ei. masuxe, the sanie lessed resitts thait Ço ,Linitedl,MorelQu.Atc- othrnaninth cnoio, ndweharose . h teoorabln roesinof cenî1iluAlvgiving o (dic f. Cefee A .nT erarioswere experienced hy 1r. T. Sumons, of resporndeuco is sacredycofdnil Bllrock lOO . Btt~ yet to ne o! the necoof tirefor thre l;te)wetdpth9'_havo your prac. To g!i,,1 Canadiani readersiiau idoi Meinstehe oI8f.n lias xîo'8100dual. lnepnee ut ,e i hs tino~ o aleteata tio 1ffierdId(, ie pub1lýth Weesday4lls trclSctî.L8 - IlW ANIp.AES aênt'i may !Q1it t ha i qa.couniities,. EeF,îgh wudh ate ir rogrn ifrIthe 1firt perlakeertario&- we oi on Pht às Cesîpariso1n. i lwr atueevery um ofo!which witur vW outn s elvio boat Ce. Limld leu acte promlptly and effectually %We take pleasure lu giving olir rea,:- I-rsîutd ih, imadel wIvm ýounefehctteîret;n: edolSureet Church Lt iay bhof o- nie initereet te the, rate ~ ,ad erannty urs lldeane-c s a few geod thoughts advanced bv but wheii vou inake il, and Iit ise, Itar AdmiraI Frederick Rogers, U. Thursday-Bicentenarv of the hîrth paveors o! Bownianviile te know that .oaourg, PorCo e andpemaenlycurs ildeane-Dr. Lyman Ahhott, Editer e! the New must atit Iest nlidîr speak. S. Na.', v ereing officer. - o! John Wesley. AddresshyRler. Jas. even with the, tax lovy at 24 nis IbisRoletr monts ef digestion. It cures Dys- York 3utlook, a weekly magazine- Mr. Editor, hefere veur ,article wont Ileview f U. S Sillers and Marine ilenderson, D. D , Asseciate Missionr- is net a verv' high rate, lu comparison - beoeexceedingir ;popular te- the piiihadt yeudsîigt s op. adR iet ueo enarSerotary and Judgo Deian. with ethor. Iowus iu Ontario, We have ÇTYT~jJ pe~i ad heprmay auesled-undor his Editorial controti.lIe savs lunimy naine bceon kizid, yen, coutd haro wall's Owc Riflas; National Guard and Friday-uecption Service. Ad- just received the animal report o! the Str. " ORTI iu i.ng te t. effiect, that dtes and towus are net learned and suroîr, 'or Carîsvrighî's. Naval ialitia of New York-, incîuding dross3s byELier. G. W. ilendorson, Bureau o! Industries for the year, 1900 more ageatosof dvdas hYReev oe nud have told you 'hast. that detachoicats train Sth flth, l2th, l4th, Rv .HAasadtAPoiet he hw h ubro il nteWe a evc o haro a character distinclIr thoir own. which mas a somo whal personai and 2-2ud, 23)l, 47th, 69àh, 71s Roglirneuts, Saturder,-Theolog-ical Union. Lec- doliartaxation te ho as foltows for that SOUTH BUD Evory place e! env note his its owii private mater; uainely, that the lTown- 151 and 2.1 Batteries, ist and 2d1 Signal ture hv lier. N. Burwash, S.T D., L L. yoar: Leave Cobourg, Ont1.0pni porsonality,and places thet haro beome shtp nover even asked mv opinen aI Corps, Lt and 2d Naval Baltalious, and DCacle itraUieslAlso 6Newmarket 241 Port Hope, Ont. .8 UPE A C L rnost signiicout lu the aff airs o! mou ar tuei. That net until afrerthetiiaIoltnd4hRgmnsNGN, ubjèct, "Doctrine o! Hliness as get A1,one5Niagara 24iArçSmmritN ..74 hare beau, those whose persenratity has ltion had hogun isore mv services se Colonel Frnanklu B.rtlett, 2ht Regi forth lu the New Testament and lne oArnhersitburg 31 Niagara Fal1s 251[el!Rcetr heu mest marked and distinct The crdb h oni o h isIlmmttEgnes .GN y, Wilis !Jh lY, ued aylf rerior2 0 Çrn l ay28 _Lli Streette Churchforthe Aylmeime men 'Orancgeville. nul- 1 l ,Rochester, N. Y 84 rank of, a ci or town doponds largoely and thonn net tirai I shnuldý a vigo theni, manding. Barrie 25 Orillia 26j1 tupon the distinctuess of lis t\pe- or but!h ai .aravF~rdterarc . xiiinDiib iefdRg Monday.-Mtssiouarv and Eduncalion- Bothwell 24 Oshawet n'r Cor. N. St. Peuar Mi Sa ea, Broou tevdstint 2s wt'àah mer iliorin251, il mprsse uon he ind o mo co- soni (igntya errt-san difs- ment a Moftitia. MjorS. 0,, sl D,, and Rev. Johni Potis, D. D,, Sacre- Oerlt lace ~23 Parkhill 24 Loave Rochester, N, ..) .n taia charactcr stics.for whlch il stands. played )y thowriter rf that artie-I Rogers, commaudiing. - ary o! Educatin, Torouo liin2 ar on Fý 3-ht'Pedav. EwrhLegeadCobourg 22pemb roke 9 ,[o N tMalan anS. \Vo cen att naineptaces, sainereiatirelv wttt net divulge the nain,.tbaî1 2 Rougir Ridiug hy 2d Cavalry, U. O Ewoî ogu îdCollioigwv0od 25 reneiang 2u5orilN.Y 91 a i IMMal tte, whtch haro been conspicuonus should as Selizdtor coiidu-,t the iitioea S. A Snind ay-school. Addresses hy Rer. J. Cornall 251 Petrolea 30 [t'ort e! Rocbeser Patened it Ma, 19inluthe hizher lite of hnnianity 'becanse tien and set as Ceulnsol for them, 1-ri- 8. Dill îby I n!nr.G. Lewis, B A,. and Rer. D, Scott fleserolto 28 Port Artir 28 Arrive Cobourg, Ont. ..180pn. thoy haro stood for semething whtch or te beinZ retaliied br >the Townshîip 4Diib Honck, ile Mecaîf Street Church 1, do28PescotiSI " Port Hope, ..,5,p 4.Dilb ai ne Corps. Diidas24L ItiPortage 801 AR U R N E et Morning Ijevotional Sorvices Li sex 27 Rftdz 3w' 13 Ri-lit reserve te che tno tho FOR SAL49 R -seme werk o! the mind or o! the ad te lain on hehai!f o! ratepaeors vhe Engi:me'rs. N G, N Y.FotWlim0 Sana2 whu oic FO A>~spirit. as wollas saine wrkof theohands. had nover asked or reevcived dvice 6. Exhibition bv Torpede Datc deso! net more then 15 minute i FodrWiam 23.1Seafriai63 Daily service durigJnl and L,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t4ri oBwlalYle Trigti orsee osnn etomupen ,thn questiomnbut whese mpilt, 13t, Il. A , N. G . N. y drWelnesday -Led bs' the Poieu.~e~~5 ~ rco 4 4Ags.Bgaec kdtruht L orsà 0liyour own City, town or village, ramier, ntuioý were r-peroly te pro vont the 7,Diib 4NvlBtain Address hv Rer E. Roberts. Conforence Hraton 24 I SmtFallrs Mn pit, 9rfuiorifrmto and couqsider what yen have doune, per passing e! the By law if possible, which 8. Exhibition Drtil b s 1~'a pral or meeting.Hwebr 5 ISugo at 2 apyt sonaiiv, te premoto the hig'her life, 1 did. C Thursdar -Lerd hvIlier.,J. R. Real. Httrtsville 27 JSiidbury 4 . IDESEEE Fridar -Led hy Rer. FZ. G Rorke: Kineardinie 27 Thora Id 235 wiso cf your cemmunits'. i Irot gbout, and assiste le in ie Courte! 10 Artiliery rltbr71 .ery, U sdru e.SJ hrr igville 119rnt e. 5rKigtn E-EINEAppoal IIbv lirolîl Fîscher, as Ceunsel S. A. Laig i2 xrde2 EXI NE Arco dioitl h o o liavo1b3 r~îhe x~îe~ aturflav.-Led hv Jo-s. Ward, B.A ,Lindsay il? IWeaaeborgSO reent îimely ESilca l te ooor& i r&en Fr,îîîtry rv Atludi v Rr. . Rigou. LstoWel 2L 'ellIaiiii2i rneGlobe suid: "ve(,r teenin aton I-) a,...me.t eefre hie Ju lie msiJ.tdaud25 Wîrio 2 V 1i1p011taî. iledsnigt acoiu du-e; judgrtwa irnl FACTS ABOUT ORCUTY Thecheoeringmutatsîdutndii.ng fht oerchie-fIcliMondar -Led b e.WiîeiJh.Xii nu 251Wu,,gbe.fi23 bo inscribod, IlBorna amnan, died a gro- tarer of Towsi n euai h htgctdtoCnin[eime s'on Addroe bIv 1ev. J. C. \Vilson. The fottowiu snows the population sevs te their 'traie, or business, or appeat. Vithoul deaiin iîhayci-puen eorslir osedterAddress h2 Rer T, Ni.Camipboll, peFgrso nee RK profession 0se selfishly or se sordidly or featinu-s ot the article, I might say inle performances e te aonadrew forth AB.Grear, SPro f Con villges PoIbsuditict: b. rmQub T AD a- S hat niany o!ftheir faculties sufer aIre earder tthai noue e! Cartwright's rate- appIeuýe equat 1 - t giroen am, .Getrx e.o!Cn Pw Pplto Db.Fei ubct Ykhn DESIGNS phy. Ttîat is te say. a man's lite is of pae r, will ho frightenciehy the stare- j erance bv Am11es icans, Showtng tioeLindsaryor, 11,2089 $812,31 Ndi-than y ayete popse Ayn edga ieCOPadYesriHS more value Ihan the things o! fle, and ment.Ihal cosîs wlho $1l, b S.000, friendîs feeling cxistiïîg hetweu ithese HORSE ROUTE&. Lidsa, 7,110 $889S N r aand ort po, i~ikyacrenoropinionfrew et er an hie robs lhfe of ils dignitty and misses ils Ihal aiready Messrs. Simson Slt,î' 4 two netietis 'the Canadiens were Ohw, 4819,-2ksc rra .tý ct d g . . an boo o at nt m a k h o W a Ste 3 a d lo sas li ise]! i n b i , co sIs of a ilth e C o u rt i, h a v e b e a u e n v ery g o d n o tice s hv t ie m t ie p li- M r. R . B e ith 's s wvee p sta k s H a ck n e y P o rt P rC y , 1,4 635 8 145 4 1 3 m iles b y te p re c t r t ,v i irfre..ds ~nroseIaai. th or.asrbn ffort at making a jtaxed and uî.lowel aI 318.82; a serv lan rs ie and returnel fmi testlinmlatPrmc wlhofrObug429 225,875 Vncue.Prm onrathnw Paet a en c Mufnr & . riiaecel th v-asrbn S-eeîetanotice, withu irein the " lvng uies cosaecowdel amati Rein for ever twrosas'liiation avenes igrerkidproposest evieahbsow abeiissaon Japelfr, ,8 4i2 ~~ ~ ~ ~ with men whe are sacifcing the essec -aveu te tire Court o! Appoal. toed h mrcnslir Tri 2.Bowmnans lie, 2,791 9,) 781 rot.p ee tesoente i- ~Ckiimk III~U~fI, iilamants o! ibelr menhood on the Yen will ploase, Mr. ERiblr, givre Ibis gPanedP einpotd tvesalPot op, 4,188 241,816 tac y90mls Iflnstated weudv. argeatdr. rnhless tter o theirtrade.A man paco, s whii I uioer te he auî citizns Themanufaturingpopialllon o Abandsoinely lutrtdeel.neseurs il, sltr f hi l tde ra sae h correction r objtec he Thc tounament leste I fron Monder the preperty of Mr. Rohi. Beith ivii N 'wcastle, 615 2,216 Cadaserentdb45cte culation of eny ,cientif0c ournai. Ternie, $3 a caunot do the ho5t for bis occupation, trulh. I know yuy ciourar vo 0 auriv orhiuarntehetPOP Canadad asesa ugt tGere lilrok 17442rndtWfscf4OOe r oestuI dinfigit, iînprering en oriching i oe o tecrecino errer. o! NewYk 'do thoe' cilles attendled Gray's, Newcastle; Thutrstlay nighi t an etso 410 wMlrs&cb Office, 65FS. asblNew ork ç unew ideas 'and botter niethods, Vours tmis'y, lîlsa ra oidî uclnsilrt eîîOicsEez ~~tboBw+ed along thec G. T.Rnmer 1. BrachOfce 6 pEt WabULon D ul ho iekoops bis own mniioed t i de- H. FHJE, . the NationalHerse show, and the ladies meenvilto rosi o0wek Trnis total0,40,or 1.7 er ent a!th _______________________ enen e!anuoterIbn ua bigs May rd, 1953 turn eut ie Ibelr eich attire le ho ad Abat ScottlGroom. l THE ROCHESTER ROUTE.Itotanopuain the cuty hoe doe,. Net le know bis manrhood'â mired an 1 te admire. Every ovonîng STR~ or Resus, the limported, CIydes ce ! cad ut6Teetre worth ls te hoittie that worth, and, 'was a ceai dress occa4on when gentieJ dale stallien, recceuilimporzed hv Mr Actirlîr prevails on board the stoai. ac4s5o600 ,00,cfancd9802,4 chngiug the ternis te suit the in'divid mna'Qaspnian" ha r-'s ads R eii Wl by 135,0,00' fW An n Extra- ubl. the oldtime epita'h wouid serve: SUCCESSFUL WINNIPEGGER. , mnpoae1eann mesado ýlhaat as fellowE;-s:- NorthKioe;and "ere tboyiihase las uniaabated. Ia We hearîlir conigratulahe another oldwod eeR itdscein Monday nýoon et Entiskillen; 'Wednes- undeegeno oextensvrerepaiLrs dueiugt therae20,000acsuncu Durbainbevfreoi I, e! Enniskillen on - e cannot close Ibis article wilhouL day ceeu alt Leri Ellus', Oo)lumhus,Fri. past iviriter. Sunmmiervilie, N.Y., poýrt orduarPfid ite br t uh aliThere are iveý-eib smc ordin ry O for! Continuing, Dr. Abbott gives expregss uceýs in t.Le West The followin- 110df tfqii O stimniY te tc dav lnon at Wesley Ellitis,Taunton of Roebetr, wii again le thoiandig ied nctpidl h Nrbeta btgher lite cf a conmuniiy is the cx- Miîl exptain: fronithe Prt3sCormmîttee thmough Mr. C Moeres', Manager, !te.obso ieti ata wt the total acreage cfalto]am a E Iectric Beits f pression of ail ilsactiviîieis-commercial, 11- W. Hutchinsen bas acquirelI the Chamberain, Press -Agent. Whienwve JOrL's Tua Auné,, pure bred !ini- Irunfer asegrsad begage to the teUle tts hc ee 1, edcaioala*titi,-soia adreligi ons, Firi ll ,airchild Compaut, le[(ld b esntdeue cairds te Mr. Chiamberlain ported Clv.dpisallnstailion, wili have cils'. Tue service willho furîher par- 2000ars the Rech of Il ad a nan's qualitv âand renk as 1aciti.Ms - mbi, n iî otne u c eo dwitîb us 'te the box, stanids as folow: Tead(ay leere hbi e ad Ibithe ,,lnding of the steamers Tin, tho Canadlian etth xen teR aho AH i- t zeii depond aonthe ftos î hw hdietts bsns f hie item ias its aler' linre ho cýssig'ned ivs ads'aicta- ncn shabie, Hitmfer -Jos Bet', jut abe' e. the forrrnd the car tracksladnnaitdarete sxad We Are SeI1 n.- the BeElc trie Bot hatrsmainifiold ht f ! i.s pres',ident. Mr. Htciso 1as been ensqares adcaedrigui uniten oo.ew tbl t.ih; engm e Ie eo. n-bl imsasget nacua irt the World at àa Prico wîvthin the town ior Citv. Rss'po ls d ihtIeenpn ueueuyyas.n efra ce sethel we VH erouriz ededaGee. 1Leask'a, lot -,o.6 t olwn fleelih c hreta oiee o i atr Peacli ef the Poorcst Sul1cror. vidnal lirei o! the higloosi probiîty, but'b ceutdisafisiilosga otbe lebei husae4et ih;Tnsdlav, Ws _ sels !tb~ eua tair Ii esn nCnd teeae1,e ie baie e cîie lte Whk costittes-abail;t-1ity dsuc '.Liai s ver' polgtoLngecdepeelyl h e nooni; Rd Oi o's, fýt 2, cou. ',niglbt; iSc amer '-NrthIig-CpaJcfsge trc ale ce 64 -- - citizen-i? A itnniseeMbestrs h ethe eirunci nieus'fi edl r lmîi n oa rs gn o rdv enil flouse. mcwm 3nvlto JrreHt is oicr A Rlicks; second 2tiles Cfsecondtrc City or towni, cherisheCs its interosîsýt, and g"1riataiun i a4 hidCopn,_hi Cndingessflarry WkGroom; John Jo11 Pro Dpra o ond gineer, RVin '73 par cent, it.scod tal 1, ~ $20 coirihutes te h iheseoi iei ts h tjhu peat hus vo ea e pleaýc i toea fi)ofear«lie jusi ooepîtr o ii usrA ur twrJ itn rilwey rep)resenLtin epetv BELT When a man bogies tta ise ClOa!,; vith iin tho cliv. a nti a thse prosn io îigtattoniil lieseee LANCprerdipo'e ld - Semr 'apau"CpnnWt317 n 6 ahs sep tdb ibis fellows. hýo wes t aIbn i tfirst hanielitaesst (nbusinesýs in t ise the mclsuccessu cnamteuts Yet dalo, owucd lyBaitb and Pcwor, will em lBloomfield; chie! amgiuaer, ,O. J. t1ha Grand TruiIk,. r FOR iac.,the inspiration o! hisihcha;rscter. cuîr iîîisnseo ia .hlediecntuheiyasr hbave stands as tollcws: Tttosdav useonIlle kex s;e, jcIlt egi-eG. Suve; The ('anadiPacife oertas7, - $5 QQ ~Nobadman ave was or eVerCPdm ho a ln thse tuturit,,ýÎS Ibusiness wîIl h1 cn-the qtalitv O! tisee nuteý7inient ires o' AE u.l',Eoezr on Ipre, .Dîr twrLWemp. 321 miles of shul i a nd 3 - godcitizen. Nohhiu tibuls e uelel a!îong t1iselinoss e! courtes. and ams uoasgntrand'Piepor ,ciiL; ediiesdevioon.jor t obbins', .Tire steamer "orisKii bgis iles of eon rck alwy l rnch te the morat ste îigth etf a coin- taie draliing, wbich ile tise pas- have feirnances ot a vem ,ih&sracter AX m'e AE lmn ' Teulier wee'cly îtps on the Bav otQuinte Cndor 39 cdai pr enle The Prof. Morseý'a Electrie Bell [withî muclty as the tradition o!- a unoble lite. made R ce p'ioputar wftb ils cu4ttemers considoi'ebio nunhor of Canadiens ,v ae onighî; TlîursdaY non J. Gilfflliecs and Rochester meute Sist May, nad lier spectiveiy'. Sanspensory ter mu's or ladies' attacis. Ciizens who lbcd sucb ieher iv The olicors o!flIse Company area i tua nce trnii, Oroco at night; Fidgy union and deih- tries on tire Port Hlope, Cobourg Thse extent etonfinre a ment] ta guamenteed te possassa more anid.reveal te the woridîha higher liteý. foltows: reideut RW. liutcbinoný -4- uigbt, Bannat's blt, NewcsSt ccd Roch.sAerr.h nlI a-oented icytheCadinNthr plimuF.vtefor ils besi wlfare et its to use lîupodermic injectionset morphl- orfelw"shese i9. enlforc poto-ad a liai! I rec- Pacifie, 21,342, o 9 a 0 132 ~ ~ ~ -t VitraSTrne aaa lections Tisa chOc! coccema of everv mie t eoasO thIsepan.Tetal .'$ 8,900o posed, but I-1 have lied te refuse ularis'iook oee flercacis mcci, seme- miles; Caniadicu Noriencdnt- 7 f citizen should lisus bh o tedeo OeP what "I îiod diffearemot medical mec and Fron ligiss lone hereires a possib a hin." 'imes tire. After iish toifet se nomuci colonial, each 1,760(n ,8,o may hoe alad ftie hi-iier civie lite-tise medlici sswtsn odrshstt as e-nel xcess of tbe mît of cpercting "Aish ' xclailmed srier astbaeýkr i only took oc-e atter stlpper. 141 and 744 par 100mls "T lonudeLr who inïventad lise phrase iiielMi a clidopemtmeuts is ciway suadd o try Doid' S Kidry Pilils. bothsyîstemis. Tise average rrnefriand. 'Then il- exîisi. T~a ave Ineobeadeciso, no 'Silence jq goldlen' ?" 1obably lise lite et ideas and idORIS. IL is tise Tiree boxes effeeted eP pe fcect cure. 1 fron walterwom-ks etown3 ian Ontat'o iras "Explins iriat v ernu u epi.Ic uod H rcnl nae eh;)- soni poo beger iso ad wi!. ~ oure etc ma's igisr eflcincy ! Icen 1*rcoîn',,neid ýDodd's Kdesz'ills te $î 32 tsr eadAt tise saïea aie t-e!"BotrTom seýifiIeic e iejDo1sD ppsaTbos aebogIhteel',ieiapis nc nls parrt, atnycaod ee hn-hie niera eduring influtenice. Tise q ial wiso rýar urng fi Risanraisnrevenue lhere wold comae te eal cu mr lcogaluaigha ult 'deeaeberhia suSi)- vadt h "u oî e. grapis, aabrer,.tion for erery citizen is tisaretome, cm oir cny 0othet teriietKile ies. 1800 o tia ~ ih. n ho a weary tite." jl-Wo Is.*-(In'"So P