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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1903, p. 3

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~~VL HVET SOPlIR P.1~~~WQQA4E1 fl~scrving as a non-coimnss1oned offi- WORLLLANDUSITLUIJ .Li9S iII XFORUUSE cor, if lhe has showa intelligence, lhe W O R'AN1,T D W N can apply to his com mianding oflièer MVOST SERVICEABLY AR1XED for permission to enter the com-l FORCE IN EUROPE. missionied ranks. If ail is satisfac- tory hie is sent, to the offitrers' War Footing 515,000 Strong -se'hool, where for three nmonths ho Effiiency and Econorniy rust attend lectures and, is -given the Watchwords. thorough instruiti-n lain ilitary af- i fairs;. The Swlss armyv, when the amounit, of mo)ney that is sontupon it ii;,P Nss A h n ftreinents :honr- taken iintg rontsideration, is the imest J~l i oiet tl sann coimrissioned olrleer, but Iho acta for servicoably armed in 1Europe, says ath mnt asaecnliunn, writr inthe endo Expess. wlthout havir.g that ranr. If his (NIt la not oruamentl;la fact, theý work during this menth proves quite u'niformsare net Orly ugly, but fre- satisfactory, hie is tucan granted a (quently ill-ftting. They are, how- crmmisien. - ex er, enîlnently practical, and are O There is a smalnl body cf efilcera I~O MNY OMN AVETODO niufactured frem the very hest ma-' h r eraetmn1ese h 'Flow 'ANY OMEN HVE TO terial. This is nere-ssary,, as a r praen inie o h THIS FROM DAY TO DAY? a serx ice. These are picked imon andi MILItENS HART EP NEVE man's unlforiu bas te last him teata ntutn fi'ist h Mil.BUR'S IEAT,&D NRVEPILLS whele a0f hss mnilitarinserx Ire, whicth re a blessing te womenn utbis condition. The"yfhsiiltr'srie hc ain eiins mure Nervousness, Sleelessuîass, Palpita tionuf frein sturt te finish, censists cf 30vaiureints the Heart, Falot and« -iyzy Spells, ,Wakness, yoars. The, ordinary officer is arawa froîn Listiessness, and ail troubles pecaliar te the 11rsiulyisalwd i stations in life. I kaew a female sex. l cai'oilyi lweanw Mrs. James Taylor, Salisbury, N.B., in recom. Pair Of trousci s, but the Govern- xorlng blacksmnith iin the,,Canton mending thea, saya: Âbouteiglîtmbnthsage nient dees net encourage extrava- of- Vaud who is a mnaJor la the cav- Iwseyalrnonws obelral gance in this direction.- It often- alry, and a hotel keeper wbo is a dizzy 1 would have te lbave my mork and it happons that when a man bas got colonel la the inlcuatry. down. 1 seemed te bo getting vrrermaail the on la life kindly nature adds rotua- Ia the ranks the saine condition of Mime, until a friend attvised me te try MIL. iURN'S HUART AND NERVE, PILLS. 1 dity of person te his figure, se, un- things exsts. I wuas w alkinig one an truthfully say that tbey do ail Yeun daim under, these circunîtances, the Gev- day la Genox a with a very well- ror them. and 1 can recommend them te ail crnment at ifs clofiig deparf monts knon a bnker, He was ln the uni- run-down wemen. Prices0.perhor, erSboesfor$1.2;alldeal- alters' bis tunlro and serves hini wlth fermi of a private. We hbad net pro- o rs. or The Milbura Co-. Umited, TQzoînt.. Ont. a uew pair ef trousers. ceeded far whea we iret an ofirer. - ~At stated periods there are kit ia- lmmediately the banker came te the spertions ut whilrh ail uniformis sainte. As soon as the offirer lad must be shown. la the evemt of a passait I asked the banker Who hoe ýé%r4" uniforia showing sigasn of ncg-lect on n'as. the part 0of ifs oworlte soldier at "Ho is, monsieur,," n'as the î'oply, %~hia own expense hais cîther te buy a "mny captain and mmiriorh ir ~nexv garment or get that garmnent I ' ~Thle wafrhw)is of the S ,iss OEA TAEL RSA ETON t te0fwr 51L'000 mon co(ýn ho put ýThe Allan and Cunard Ln.wl attueilfme11ld, ad vwhea it is con- accept retura ti Fets, isëued b 1y eLier sideret i thatthe population cf the compan -ib-ect te 'any iffr ueini Cenfeoration is îînder 3,506,000, it rate effare. llmf wilbefund te ho a wiil lie seen that thère is a higlier g-reat accommodation te the traveillin- Heals and Soothes the Lungs an percentage cf imlitary service la Publie. Brnhi ue.Cures COUGHSi Switer]iand than lu any- othor rtoua- Glasgow direct steamners frora Mont- Bronchia Tubes.try iu the world. The ros t of these real commence Mav 231h fi-st cabin COIjDS, BRONOHITIS, HOARSE.1 51,5,000 mon is $5,600,000 per an- $50 te $75; second cabin $35; thiî J class N~ESS, etc., quicker than any rem.n* an,. $25, lietura tickets goed to return via edy known. If you have that irri. ALL MUST SERVE. Liverpool steamers subject te differeace tating Cougli that keeps you awake E very Swis dltiohbe t f lare M. A, J.mrs, Allau Line acllt s labl toAzent. at niglit, a dose of thle SyrUP 1Ù11] mlltary serv ire. la the ex ont of a stop it at once. ne.n being ph3 sically unfit te serve ______ ~with the colora, lho is conipelled te 1oI- pay a sniail sum annually te exempt Wl UJSED FOR EIGIIT'YEARS. hlm fromi service, but in'tiieicof war [ 1 have used DR. WOOD'S NORWA-Y lhe rnuy lie ralleil upon te serve in suChcapc I a i aleal PINE SYRUP fer every cold I have had te h capThiles o may h onable for he pst eght ears wit won elether*cf acting as a nilltary clerk fui success. 1 never see a f riend with a or as an orderly at the hespitals. ceugh cor eold but that I reeommend it, The military service la dlvided iu- IL M. Ellsworth, Jaeksenville, N.B te thr.ce perieids, tho first being what la knowa as the "elite,' whirh a PRICE 25 CENTS. youth enters iu bis twentieth year. __________________________ Af ter passing a stif! medical exami- nation hoe gues loto training at oe TII~MONT~ UTITIGS- of the barraçkaý for a period oi six ýT11Z MOSTNIJTRTIOUS weeks te tbro menths. This train- S ing la very see.le is constant- 'Joco ly git weik tue leledat~ebch- dlgIrllled Ior 1beinig tuh eso ~ or eut on lon,:g routle marches fmeiIy intellgnt bsa eit sqlas An )admirable food, with ail its icpieI srit u sesa 11il tt ra 1 qualities intat, fîtted apîer iimxltbuttrnsre 1(0 bUiltl Up and mintaiîn robust filg anýy imilitariy ian', te mppeal te 014 he'tlth and to resist wînter's un o4icer for ftbler instrucetions if exiee ol. ol ~~ lb. hoedoos net lunderstand what hlie extrme old.Sol. in 1 bas been told. The pay is 3d. per tins, labelied JAMES ItPPS& day, and liberal though honmely ra- Co.,L'Iriîed, llomoeopathie fions are., supplied. Chemists, Lon don, Engl'ind. Wten fthe recruit bas finisbed bis fira serv ire, andi bas beon passed by -- Oa the coînmanding efficer of bis rogi- Il ient as satisfactoiy, hie is dlsnîiss- pýî 0ed froni fbe recriting srbeol, For E the next thirfee.n years hla rsalledi i .reuenly.Doyou enjoy the voy- yea 1 iI sodie pss lut e the "No. Somiething always cornes Landw ebr, lu wbîrh hie romains for up to mar may pleasure," tl'o next twei\ e years. Here hoe is callocd up overy fourtîx year for from e ight f0 eleven da3 s' serv ire. At the A physirian a s board te exclalm PROMPTLY ~en of~RE raic is Landwehr soirv ie h rereatly upon teaon fvltallty passes imte fie Lanestruin, in which a woeman xiii put inte a rockiag tzà,liehoîmuains unfilieh is filty, aftor chair. "I've beard n'omen -ho Write forrour latergs'rg hooks"nvent- Nvhich ae lie, is free freinm mllary roenl from a long ivilk or aflrn oS5eiusaug-Husk tc re sweind- service n t1.W timne cf Wa,hard day'a n'ork rotipiiiifa t1lOthr s(ýtlcS its a landfte beroam urheedeit fbet the1r1- ry liievdte n-dead upim If.iTue I'cer mam newspapers disribto1ed hootsotn'eu fer heGeei'iiiieu comate s11kis auseesa a L. aiî l~ersadli fllyegipý fie lacera. flr Ttiay t' Lbii xioi ofexpesifhluniasn padtr o tant < MAR l i, &i MaR iý uýIln ntebauo herguaio0u-br' < atent Exread oli fce itr. ars n'hen going tbrough flic Irfe 11wber-st'l tearh yen t patents trcureId gh Wabicn &M- do irtur te yng os eaolditerued"etncosr, i Ihve __________________________________ pre in esr..Aps mr-ivc, itha sabylsuearat."tin eey oks efi6rio pwsaprsditrbuedthouhot htui , tosthuapoviidfeuser-sOsek i sleý n wsls trc>obeii ili Kîdney Tr an wate UUUIU an mrella opedin aoetaadro aad Pak î ýturersamf enginersarm. Sncb t ion'as t ho figure ,ha e MARON &MARIONhnota ia tnd trey holdiong fi er -I ec oft Patent'xpertsand Solsitorsa1 o carw angolibo trooghthe!rtcfthr WihKde rulie Somg e Foresat tche tio, u-d i could nef hlp re-,Youn Man Tine Srn Fr onerno neD ToI.narintht I oulita odieurae N otniarsr;1 ae js BeTrubedFo Ay entl 0 Txe h unibrllav, nd th ay mudoabb ert DOAN'S KDNEY PILS. "I nicbttonsagree hd esi atda pudo ua * Toube-henCone omiiatina - lg ox hotSunay?" er r - Mrs. tupman aprominent' lady of Richmond, Va., a great sufierer witli woman's troubles, tells how she was cured. " For semne years I sufffered-ivifhi backache, severei bearing-down pains, leucorrhoea, and falling of the xvomb., 1 tried maay relliedies, but aothing gave any positive relie. " I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Comupourrd la June, 1901. When I had taken the fi'rst iaf bettie, 1 frit a vast improe- menat, and ha ro aow takon ten boffles wjthm lihe resuit that I feel like a nom, Womaa. Whecn I commenced tauing the Vegetablo Cemipound I fe1u ail w ara eut and n'as fast- appreachiag complote nelr-ous colllapse. I wighed oniy 98 pouads.. Non' I weigh 10934 ropommada 11,11ammpr-oving E-very day. i iaiy tesifytethe beneflita r Sofi t.,RihmodVa. -$5000 frri),f Sa prmdumcd, Wlien anmedic. ie has been suce- cessf ut in inoje than a m5illion cases, is it justice te yourself to say, wtithit trylig if, "I do itot believe it would lielp mie?" ' Surely yen -cannot wisheto re- main weak and sick.- Mrs. Pinkliar, wbose address WsLynn, Mass., wll answer eheer- f ully and with eut cost al ietteî's addressed to her by sick womnen. Perliaps sitelias just the knowi- edlge that wili help your case- try lier to-day - it costs nothing. ONTARI1O LEGISLAIURE. The Peeple's Representatives eX the Frovincial Capital. G [VEN FINAL READING. Third readinga nore gnoen te the fellowing bis: Itespecfing the Sandn'ich, Wiadsor and Aînherstburg Ruilvayi7 and the City Railn'ay Company of Windso r, Limitod.-Mr. Auld. Rrspecimmig the Cii3' cf [Londenl.- lUfr. Bock. -Roct,ýrillg St. ala hrh Dunax i11, Otre.M -Iucut Resptmtng he HuitnEeti pa ny, Limiitéd ammd the IHamlilton Cataract Pow'er, Lig2,litf und Traction Conpanly, Llînited .-Mr - Caracailea. The followsiag bills n'erep givea their second readlng: Rempecfiag stafute laber. -Mr. Rosa. Respocfing amomdmnts of the lan' ia cennoction w ith the -rexision of fhe Assessmenf Art. - Mr. Ross. Te amiead the Hligh Srhools Acf.- Mr. Harrourf. H-OUSES 0OF REFUCIE. Animportant measuro n'as lafro- dcued by' Hon. -,r. Stratton.- If pro- vides for the compulsery provision cf lieuses cf refu ge by reusty niuni- cipulities, n'bich do nef already pos-. soss these institutions. On the iii- itiative belng f aken by t-broc local muairlpalitles xifhia the ceuafy, fli c eunty ju-dge is cmoeclte have the orection of ,th,"h iituton precedod .n'lth. The site, plans, and .other dot ails aruait ho approxed1 arUe 1)cf greafenoglte narran-tlthe prevision (cfa ,Sarite lieuse cif refuhge, tn'e r moe cemmils w 1l)h ailon'ed te r'o-operato -'la orecfinig a Suldn ai-go (enoIugli te meeoit the.ý j roquiroîmmients cof ail. About twnay couiaies have already provided bouses cf refuge for their indigent pool. TEMISKA1,INCI RAILWAY. Ia ansn'cr f0 a question liy Dr. Nesbitf, flie Minister ocf Publie. Wcrks - aid that ne subsidy had been granted hy flic Dominionm Gev- erninent tote iTeiniskamning.,R ail- n'ay. There had been ne cerres- pondonce betn'een thme Ottaw'a and Onta'rio Goevovraments in ronnortion n'ith. -the matter, but several por- sonni interviews betn'en members cf bofli eàvernnmemts had boon beld. SlcIALLPOX EPIDEIC_ Mr. Stratton, repilg te a ques- tion by Dr. Barr, said that time to- tal rest cf f1lAghth fisnailpox cpi- demie in 1902 n'as $5,664.78.' 1I1OARD QF CONCILIATION. Homm, F. R. Latrhford, Cern- mssioner cf Public M'orks, intri-d'uc- ed ai Im iportanit mcsîro, n'hich bus frifs ojet the creat;ýien c(I alPro-, xIniu B ord ciCocilaton and Arbiraiion for 1flic etie on f diferecesbef'ee omloyrsand empliloyes. ýilfi) te h axnas tho1 "rrmie Diputs At,"anld makcsý Mnay termninale if affer gix ing sIxty days' inotite." Ins the rase wlicîc the parties do nef live up te ftho award tluoy are, if employei-s, lIabue te a lineocf $500, andi if ceployes, te a lineocf Another prom isba nin tîme bl i l thuf the Boamrd,ybeheim- tf Loy aiZe -sikod teo or nef, inay laxestigate ahi strike(s affect ing fiunsj crtat ion, food unpply-, etc., uudnah.e a recoi- JLLAD A TRIIRD TIA LE. Alr. Pattullo*pLiii mesc tig tlho Elg-in Loa ccd Sa-vim gs Compuny> xvas moud a third tse PASSED COMMIITTEE. The fohion'lng pri-%Tate likîs passèsi the' rmînltestage of flic liuse: Tf Uspecfing tli, Fort Frances, Man- itolu, and. Northern Ralmay Ce. - Mr. Camnemon. Respectinq tflicTon-n cf Whitby.- m.Drydemi. Respocting ftho Sarnia Strmort Rail- n'ay Ce. READ SFCOND TIME. Second reuduîsgs myre 51m on te the fcilowing measuros: Te ronllmm iiy-Ian' No. 455 of the Cift- cf Cnehmxh and for otîmer pur- poses.-Mr.1 Dlomney. TWO TIIOUSAND HOIIELESS. Fire Devastates Tomn cf Sf. Hya- rinth3, Q-aebec. A dospufrîs froi rn St. Ris acimîfle, Qianys :-This fowm a s flic s ime on Wednesdamy ultermoon cf a disusromis rila!omli, hi wmped o'uf flic o st princ i on'r lhu&ia '-hotels, acd imcrly fli c i unm- irei dn'liing louscs are ini ruina, whmheovexcit o iliousanti peoplo are hornoiesse andi depecldcmt spemi the succrrof their amomo fortuimal ' neigli- bers. 'Thle aoncfary loss xx111l e oe-oc aif a millionxdolhars. The tire brokeont about noon mn flic ahea factory of Cote llrotiers. in flie lon'cr tomyn. Ilomv it originaf- ed la a rnysfvery, but if aDr ad with sncb rapidify tflnthflicmilie factory n'as soon a in-uas cf flames. A sfroîxg wn'imt nas bion'ln-g ut flic fiwe, uni a Ion mminutes aftr flic n'alla of flic shoe factrt iy iud Callen mn a score of woodn dxvelibxgs tcok tire. The strong n'lnd bien'Ion'ard flic river, mnrr3 ing tf ixe in l fat direction. As ,then'oc-iea lmQuses n'ont up la liauses, flic sparks neore carrieti ly tfl inud arrosa 4.1o. blocka, ant inlua Ion'heurs flie Plaimes n'ere raglng in auany phares, some oc themn widely separaIteti. Three of the ieading hofchs, flic Front enac, the -Union, andtihflc 0-' tan'a, ahi fook tire at once, nt ia- shiort n'hilo n'erc eaa oi 1ru1na. Shiortly ulter flirc erhckado tismi i int 0o Mnrel 'emmi ar- m-ix' doms l ie on anti dit good n'ek a f ppngtho roge o cfhli flas s.- hi nater sphlo'vr n'asLs naeuate lie ixo coi wtor coulti net le obfamned te have, any effert onthfllames. The acene wnathe. tire n'as ut ifs heiglit was a terrible co. For nearhy a mnile fhlIon'er town nas ablus'e. Creat cehumas of lire sWepf fromn stores, hsofehs, and, dn'elinga, wulis rashimd out, diviag hac- -,, cron sin la pnic, wn'le the midcar- riedtheficflanis in la hi directions. The dn'elings flint teok lire n'erc mainly thlie ocf the pooror people. andti lere xx omis any xitig scnes as tIse peopi e triedti t save th behongimugs-. Squares, boulevards, anti roadn'oya mvcrc covereti xiffr bousqiboiti gocis aid stock cf al kinis. Many olf lie people seuglif refuge inatise upierfon'n, n'here fhey -n'ere sale from thee humes. PracficaIly fhe n'ixle-cfflihe iewer ionn bs been snc'pf by tfl imes. CFLUPC.s OITY, IEDo W îANK sJ. Cassas ýniakes eat'tl fa t le 18 the anti state afooesiti, iualsadlirm x'vil)Ipay tIbeý sn-mefo E INIOLASf o -îired lyîeuec .naCTSO maî - FRANK J:CHE'NEV Swera te liefore me suddsoliseribeti lejmy presenice, this euh day of Deceamhe, .O.58 SEAL Notary Public. hallsCatarrh Cure la takea u.ternaily anli sets directly on Ilie bect anti meeua surfac6s ortile,Staem. Senti for testîmomîlala, free. j F. J. CIENEY & CO ,Toledo, O. Solt b 'Y Druggisîa, 7.c. Hlii aKily Pilla are Ithe lest. LIFE'S SUNNY SIDE. Cultîvatte eptimisax. -If pays, ex-en I if h eada occasienaliy te tiose long whea thoy bogin ou, if, -andi n'hiellx peurs forth'snioke like a loco- m'otive stâck, The ceaducter smokes vhea lie cormes fhrough the car fo rcollert fthe tickets; the brakes- man mnkes whe lie mus through tho car, for ie ostensible reasomi, as brakearen do, andi even the nen'sboy sinokesa5aslho sella lils wares. Donlit- iess fthe driver -and f!imeman i ofh saioko at their pesta. A GOOD REASON. Cycliaf (te driver of waggon n'hicb 4, blorkiag theroad)ý- 'ulo, fliere, pull ont andt ii nie!hy ennuy hurry t Cyrliat (aagrily-- YOu seemeti la a hnr-ry f0 Jot tîmaf o0tr fotlions carniage get fpasf." Fumier' 'Tba' 'use ha es e wuz enfjin' my lia v. Thar halin'f ne danger o' yen' otin' if. thenigl." SrStomach -Bad Breath. The body depends on the- bowels ta carry off ail - aste and potsonous matters from the system -it is Nature's drainage. If the bowels don't perform their functions proper- ly and become clogged up, the system gradually absorbs i this poison. It is this whIch causes sick headach-e, bilious- f lis aquezýing ci flie rirethaf per- foration cf flic stomarli foilon'ed. But ox'en if the roaista.cecf fliese grainstiti ne hurm f lie unceoketi- stardli wouhd le lad enouglinlutfli Lorgans of digestion. Te le digesti- le, starcl in any of ifs foodi form.a needa te lie rooie t hcrcughly, sad, furtber than f bis, if needa te lie tlioreughly amasticateti. Yef la sa mamy rases if la one cff te lbast cooketi anti basf cien'ed diahes piaced iupon the table. - Luckity fer sonie of fliose _N-ho, ini*glt ofbecw1so le ledc te ftle mn' sa rch t f in ftle inferoaf of pale- ics, ftle Aneicami)ty' pe cf beaufy, te-dahy lah as10 p wif h flic tan'dioig, piMid figure heai cof ka wo- min n'hich onice n'a sepopulur n'itl flic illusfrators ocfIlhe earlyma- GERSINS-KN W BRTAIN. Ail the gI'raf nations reqaîro iin- formation about other ceunfiols t ih inacfoltifanable epeaiy For flua reasca fihe intelligence depart- nuents, cf fhe grouf ilîitary Poxycca on flic Continent,àrc organizeti on a saie ofcfemt anti effirioary undrearn- et of in Great Bifuin. la Russiai flie secret police enîpiey a rensitier- uable numbor of agents, lofli maie andi femahe, who are realdeaf la Dcl- * tain. 'Soute cf tbrse paiti agents or spies, are people welh known la aociofy. ThIe Germa-an systenioe' secret service la romiducteti on mach mccc scientific linos. German knon'hetge cf fhe Unitedi ~ngtiem is aeacomplote flan f bat cf 'abat Brifons. Evan ex'ery pirture anti n'ork cf art cf any reasidoralle value is kncwn te fhe German gen- eral staff; n'hile fhe study cf British topography, flie înstery of our ord- nunce. mapa, fhe knon'letge cf flie lfords, amithies, obstacles, popula- tion, anti hgh couds form flie sub- jerf cf oanute b ermnioffi-, cors nh aeteli off t te odnfycf ur"quirbng full knon'hedgr 0fflihe rou- !iliescff lic Uniteti Kýingdomi. 'Tli j Garaman agents in Brifuin,' ho are DOMINION PARLIAMENI'».P CFT -CRUELTYý TO ANIMALS. Mr. Brock's (Contre Toronto) blli FAVORI TE te further ummeati the Art regarding crueity te aniamais'as ýthon takea 7 up la cmrnlfee, R 3C I T Mic. Blair critiefzed the blI. lHoý olijerted te thé provision thatli ed- ding lie supplioti fer -animais la cars, on flic ground that 'if 'old - lie hable te catch fire. Thon as teo keeping largead mimali animais lai flic same cars, hoe saidth iaftithe pre- soent prartire tyns te put rip a liglif partition n'hirh n'as subsoquently re- nxe- in transit. Mlr. Blair objerted te extendmng the neanlng of fleicnl- terpretafloîs of the word "animai" - te i',-clude ai animais, on the ' gronnd thut if n'euld thon include dogs andi ruts, etc. M1r. Fifzpafrick objortedti t the in-î ferpretaflon clause ad suggested that Mvr. Bm'ck confer n'itli the Gev- erameat se as te have thie bill amneiinfe satisfacteryshape. Thle commit tee rose andt reported pregress, w'hlrh looksaus licugli the bil xvem'a killed. INSQLVENP1ýY BILL MO1 VED. The amotion ci Mr. SMoak for a sec- î cati readiag ef his Insolveacy Bil n'as thon comîsidercof. Sic Wilfrid Laurier suid tlie' mat or n'as umîdex ren.5iderafion of flue Geverinseaf, and n'enld bie uffondedti t. Fcr that F_1 7 roasci the Govormemif coultiac ((J assent te the bill. Mlr. Monk sait ieho nould lie safus- A cK z n fied if bis bll nere ftakien up as a ll z1 Gov erninent mensure.L 1\1,. 1STak pressed a"moi nd1 if n'as defeuited on a division by ' 7E1DA H nste 41 yens. 1 A A H Provision is te ho made in the estiiautes for increaslng the perman- ent ferre te 1,500 amen, and flice création cf te o n' milltary depets , one at Mointreal and cao ut Edmon- ton. The reginmentul dopof ut Moa- freal n'lll llkely reusist cf ut lbasf DIED IN BEA-UTY QUEST. tn'o arma of tflic re fer tho pro- sent, There will likoly li infanfry Ujncooked Rire Eaten for 'Cein- and artillcry. The Edimononedpot plexien Proves Fatal. n'ill ho mouufod infantr3'. STRAW IfATS FORZ CAMP. Uncookëd rire as an aid te lieanfy receafly resnltrd la one ceroner's Militia regulations have boen s inquest lane1ýTrfbun-±berlad; Eng- sued te te ffle icf thaf units cf lanti, ands sverai umore are proiniseti militia, perfcrmning their anal drilla euts0 h am ore ia rampa may taice te camp ant Inl certain portions cf the ciiiery neur a stran' hat n'ith puggaree in districts ef Northumberland the n'o- acrordunce n'itm a pattiJrn appreved mon regard palenesa as a distinctive anti deposited lat he quartermaster- 1 mark of beaufy. Te indure this general's departaseaf. If n'era, the they have been eating starcli in va- ros f, cf flu beati-drosa is fo lie riens cf ifs uncookod forma, pria- berne ly fthe unit s and if is fo lie cipuliy as outineal, rire, and lian- undersfeod thuat flire muusf bo uni- dry starcli. Rice ha been more iernxity la oaci corps. These afrun' palatabie and ut the saine time lias luts s mii oniy lecn'orn subject te proved itself especially deadl3-, as ia, camp regulafions and are te bcienl the case of the dead girl and severall addition te flic ordinary. aufherized cf lber ailing frieýnds perforation cfo heati-dross. Pnggarees,.,c f. a cheap the stoînarl has'-folow-ed fronia a- material,,are, to e ocf flic folion'ing owiag fhe liard, sharp grina colora :Stf f, red iand white ; c-av- Thie human iisfemri is regarded aly elntirler-y, dark ,Hue aIldclno' a;s l hav,fiimg u aor-- e heature 1d, 8fie enie r('4cedani dark of fhe firuting giazactd i of im binestrpe;in1fant ryrosidaînyse- fwltha nasbolxedbyphsc- virecorps wiite: arm1y meic gi.tsat en :-ie yars iage.Thon if corps, ;dark ced ; approxirnate esf, n'as thougit to e liecocf tflic main ton cents. organls cf digestion anld assiniltion, credited cnly wlf i a aemi-rofacy, WI3IRE VERBODYSMOCES churniag motion. fohlowln-g the fui- WHEE of food. Non' if la croditet i wth Inanitlie cars cf the raihway train being a systomn cf muscles operating la Cuba ever3-bcdy smoes. More- toe sqnLee'ze andi préss andi mnke ready o-ver, the Cabans speciul3' favor a fhho food fer digestion anti assimnila- cheroot whirh, olten la mimme luches tien in the intestines. - ýIf 'as ini

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