Little Liver« lits.J Must Bear Signature of ise I-c-,iliIeWrapper neiow. lO aL.e s ugar. S F ~ OR IIZINSS. S - FOR TORPIR LIVE. :-~f~ OR COUTIPATIOI. 'FGR R LLOW 81<11. ~'__FOR MME COMPLEXION N GuRîý- 810K 1-EADACFHE. ît?. L. POTTER. imi' eai (Ilî 'c o(iirlSopste Trfalty DENTIII¶RY. 6C0 NNYCAST,&E L D,DDS, Honor CGoucate la Peiitittt'rof Toronto University es-n CF,:-Over Central h1iliirery. Entraisce fiit door iWest cf Big 20, BùwmaLvilIe MISS ETEL MORRIS, eRI'iT. 1nFtructiOnh glven laPAIN'ING I Cli. W'aer Coler ant (i ma. Sketh'rg aijît ,iiig fi cmiatur-e. IIN on ptomises,i ri gai usual prtees. 5.Gi. A. E. MaLAUGULIN, Ban IiEerSolciior anti Coaveyancer OffIce: Elftikley Bieck, lh g plie et, Bowmaav üe.1 Moi-ey to ban atmi sasonabie raie., 4-iyr,1 ROBERT IOU!IGV. S. Od-' 9IE IN HORSEY'S IBLOCK, elP0S "laewiailaîtitraîuce, -a leie lue uîill ha cui di frorn8 a. m. le 9 p.Ili. N ight ftaill aa suidence, direc'ly opposite Drill Shetd. 17-tyr NAIRIAGE LICENSE.---M. A TA M&, sbuer cf Marriage Lteenïes ekidence: Cetre siieet. 8131PSON &BLAIR., 1 . B IM aNQ., CHAS. P. B -LAIR 1'~ixueis Socie,,Noua:i os, e, Aorii ïMe, 1;peaii, irg Stieet. Rowaniaavjlie i--insfor l c tîuio 13a',îlk. Privatej ]Uttyttaed ai 1l», ss iatsi Hl. F. 1l[1UNTEII, ARIISTi1Sol-II, OR,NOTARY L.PPabuc Coiie rAoioey, Ptivate and Piiapaiîy Fiîds to dat lta wet canei t a e4 IuICËItS: hlegSt,.ollio3îte Dr. Rarndeïîî' Dentailicre Boos H mnanvule 13-6m* $ 50.000.00 mort F Àc, ý,o' UUGIuLmIN,lhior,BouwvrnihîaOnt. J>ENTISTS. W i lie at Blacksteek on tise firet &ienday cf oaci mûnth. et (troue 2nd fr1oîdar ail da%, and ti iNewcatle hst Wed nesday [rom 2 p mn. Orrîcn:-Temper-ance St., Bowrn- Pijierear oet Higginbotham's dru- store 0. HARNDELN, LD.S. Lrach-Riteoettise Rloi ai Coliege of Dental Surgeons, Otarne. OJFICE-Opposite T.Biaghani's office. VII'ALlZIID AIR, M1ways Up-to-date Tisis liï.y mette :-Eaci .3 oas-as !he new improvements are_ placeti on TRE -,BEBTORANU IJREIIITORI Rev1 .-Vr. Talmage -Shows, Them -in Their Proper Relation to God. ýEatered accorcing to A 't et thre Par. mevemient lieslied ie airxb;st chai- liam ent of Cnaa, n tho year 0110 Thouand Nisle 'fuadreci dtThireCO. Plas ;anti cflion is leaders anîd b-> %Wm. Baîîy, af Toant-, at tire, cnzilnters i l îeîuîen wlie xxeek Departoment of Agriculture, Ottawa-) b-ekpec rmCrsinpl pts." Tliatcelirabnntwes iglit. A despaicir frein Chicago seys The thuntieucus epplause of'tic au- 1ev. Franki De Wit Taniu~ge ps'eaeli- tienne approvi' iIL eti fnr ilte felewing text :Tire churci cf Ced us the groat in- ilatihewi xxii. 21, "Rentier unie ielbecteeli7ing force. Dr. Chaules L. Co Cthîe tlinîgs that aie Qed's." Tirempacir once detrla,-redti ta "the Tfeuy people teîk as if tisl worlti Preabytenien chuncli wee net the wene full o! rogues. I do net believe churcih 0f greai caihedu'als, but .f any scdicierge. Thee laaone lien- amaîl colleges " Wlerever, the gospel esty ianilie warlti than it gets credit muisters go ilicie you wilU findtheir fer. Inticeti, h le my belle! tînt cellege plantera. Tire schoolhouse mesi people are lionesi. iliet Most eiways stands under tlie shaticw of people want te do iglit. Thils is the clench steeple. Wlieie tiere la net a worlti of hypocrites. Ail men ne chiarcli inveniebly iliere is ana arie net sceundrela. absence cf thoe cheolîscuse. In Rom rne y mioilier cerne yeers The ciurch is the greatesi purifier age, wae examinimrg a piece cf jaw- of ilie ccmm.niiiy. It la the greai elry. Bofone deciIng ta bey aie pror enter cf crime- I knew cf a wlshod .lier daughiers te sec the keen, slirewti business marn wlic iveti sanie. The piropietor of thée stab- in a sînall Ohiocicty. Eveny year lie Eisimenti iimdiatf-iy wrnpped Up ent a large donation te ail tise dl!-- ilhe article aidbandq i hte lier. HIe feront cisurcies, 'Inot," sait le, .toldit ur mther tisai sic coulcd tak-e because I am a ýprei'esslag, Clristiien, it o e ic licel ati tho-ra tiecitie but beeaiure 1 believe the ciW-g a toas ivirat sie wlsliedtit do. - 'But," an- mrct e enpty our jails ans-tipeor- sîvereti inoilier, "Is tim ale for'-yen lieuses ati criminel rosonts tiran I te de ? You de Dlot 1kacîx' aie. Can 1cànys other power on ecnî." TIre you trust al your cîtîïeslit' 1 clirmc f thé' Lcrd'Jesus Christ is this ?-'e "eswrth ie pro- tire greet cenmirsiene cf a pr prictor, -'lis safe,1I kaaw yen areliehme. We o de irtlhave te arg-ue an -Aienicrun lady. No Amionicanihomer caro mornît te try te -piove lady lies ever yet deceiveti us 'ur heaJtis stetenîcat. htisl an axicra, a rut- trusteti lier. We wiih take lie seloiteitt faci. New, my brother, risk" Dees 'nettt rci orve tiret if tire cîurcl cf Qed -mekes ycur niosi peeple are hoecai V doks mare liooesianti keeps the A 13ILL PRESENTED. iuîesseiîgers of crimi-e frai aff tle Taking iith proîrise. ilieu. fer sireots, idiome tbcy mig'at tiestroy gioiited, I shall bcltily prescrit to yoir 5sons anti daughters ; if it la -vou a bhii irlhcli 1 kiisow vonî1îvirll?,lie iountiation atone of a streng ne-- tm-y te par' . 1t je fî'om itv Lord tional goerîient as well asz that of aUd aste. Itis a sînlemnon.i e!o the bomoe ; 'if àIthtei gnat exonry the detiohiihlevo-y ruina. weoincf ignorane ant t,,ic leder innal an-ci cimit. te more or tees cxtoisi, 'vmnstalokIthpuiy arves te Coul. i do isot hemn utlpy- ing anti spiritual eevation cf tic i ment cf it, fer fitis grec ton thenhuenrcdyumetbleetia vonu colid ever pay, ,ilieuglis ouyeu shîculct'ceci your influence lie live odcn carti a thouseati yi-aus and ti s uorli ? Ta yân net awe it an la- ivarbetiashird as yen coîmîti luittinrie ih hîit u ic î rxaat vou te beel yixur obliugationîs try te breaden its tenchingsancat anti te resolve that vou w'flî de ail tircugli it try te disseminate -tire -ha tiresa i our powver te show yeur- gospel rédemnption whilci iillisevel gratitude te ycur 11eavoniy Fatlieirmen ilils aide o! the grave as wel for ail thirieinnes andl cecîfenis as upon tlie oeen aide ? forts with wlricl le lias aurncuuncleci SPIRtITUAL EDUCATION. yen dniig your life, Thenefore, A big doit for a gospel éduecation wliet yeu arc te do,. nust tari I fiati ciarg-ti hgnlnst usc nl lanthe te doi iglit. way. ant inha rde-r te diVine bed ger. The struggles of do it, -voum nîuse cr-recChrist Iront pO o bes fon a colle-go edugtcuo noi01V on witli your îxhoie heart. fer soe filie Most iratietie1 of 'il- A big bill for geeti healtî s 15 lstationis., Herry is a fne' - hreiup egainet areat of us lanbey. o lives laintie ceuinry anti tl i i no letiger M V nvugrriv- wan xto tego te scîjeol, ami liow canl ing ci urow anti have lhne ant Ilie?, liard as tIic ,fauai l iaLy, Ihene 'a nicunatic tw'urîge thoy cen - 1 jua aeetsaetat bo -wnabio te on tas o f iîv la- ine mlore. Bu1t get lan oduiation lie digestible feecis uas rx'î, dii'i eni il. Ho wrks on the fan 'duiii g yeusag, or ta ivenlias naptIdly or-as -i ume àdtaè'e c1ýOl long-, but racat cf us have ladied îaý te rinter. Af ter awhile, iyý yr Caenti yeai's cf gu'ati lhi. Weanight study, lie fits himîe1f for an have lad years wivti tivo tout hîins acaierniy. fIls littie e stings ho licenard l fke e miser. île -entera 'tic anti tivo kt'on ves anti iithi goot ivlersity. Thon ponliap liec ornes dioiveors henistiaq.Wsa hve p te graeduation îith a liacklng vow coresithe qtionviii i i laciogior nuinoîl oyosughi ant i u-th we ccoplihed wit ths 'odie physcle healhliwrecke-ti Ah'i givruiressiag calluti go'md l-hi ? that is ietietic! Thiat la a sacrifiýe Haie wa tiene aîîvthhag more< witti thînt la being muade la eîeny part of it than tae cmi ent sie-ep. anti mthte landi.,1 luhue, p-iysmally te enjey eunalves ? But if it la pethetieic aeee a pJoor Hae'wo Ilacedti tiraiooti lealtIh at boy struggling fr ulïtl acue tihe senvidacf or lie W'" ediscation licx'-mucli mare pctlietic kîroîx' ie ug-it l aodee9ýle it t e ce s truggling 1cr a spir- yen ied ireen rerv slck ci-i 1 sli-uilJ ituai ediieetion wliena le bas been I remise inte veur recîls hua cter théebora ho the credo cof sia?-Mihen 1 cris!iswasia pst, anti cc," Weht. Mr. go ticivathe streot andtsec aiea anti So-ad-s. ho ar vo feeïU!' fi 1 ornen rirîoce faces fncî early chilti- day ?" Ycu ixoîulitl auraer. "Thiuîk booi i are scarreti antd iisarreti iiti Qed, I aun btter ; h hope 1 shl s s, h ofien sey t- ïyef What'! cîrcîl le ivell,"- yu gire by tiraitian- chance have, thucce poor mortiaS. sI e-r cli tire credit cf your call' hcn ftie ems ieejil 4 cnt asi cahirte ed Ca h- ire irs. their mictionù- ere dI- th;tQe li totesqiecisuug vea tolute .andti tiesontetI teipel-icps on tic ontligfruio coa f île day tlioy ix-re borai.Ter tIns ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l bbss7i ?coaprîen rom jiouii;uvq eo "Bu,"emuîroma auo ca, yc lie s nirobor. nt otcen cacuselt t liî1e lise )vemage penfsons for' of ieepoor wretchs, lic 1 in cia n l)'t bci llore giitefuidfoi 'h1-Is liai e siugge p b legric( of geeti lielib. A leaLtiry issa do-es Qed lie othe Iig'il>. Tlieyvely net tiîak about hi eiralhl. If tiet slow and painful stages, iwon a liard geoti healli rias laken awey froni anureti spiritnal eidicaîici, like "'Olti hlmi it ivoulti hc dilbemnnt. Tihen the PDli," fer nïany y'ears the door- individuel iveuitirealiz<' ivrt lie hati koeerocf thelerry IicAuiey mis- lest. But hoîx cati yeuî blanra a man sien, ivi w'asae thief ani hati ser-y fer not bing grateful1 for a iealhlyet seveaiteen b'earc li jai for hil ].ier or kitiaeysr ao spleen wliea the ci imes. Tiieyv stnciggleti ce anti up, motre fart tînt tiese eugens anc bettliig ilein wai stop i y stop ioaltlîy preves tsai lie nover knew fighting ageinsi ail tise inhieiteti lie liat a iver or spleen or~ kidneyai?" tervdonines cf thi-r pasi liv"e. Tiïey ha oune se-use, iny broilier, yonr' efr- strugghed up eut cf thehoelc anâti sucer ie igit. Mien a mranl loses lis the sa'loon anti the gutter andtihti Impaired Digestion is quickly corrrected by these won- derful pills-One trial 'wi.l show you the reason for the big sales of PuuIs d-um ~Sold Everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents, bell ove net one-ever lied te go tlirough sucli a struggle fer a spir-, ituel etiecation. We rati that inthe de1 s cf our chuilhood. We were. hem lan Christian homes anti reaneti et the kuee o! Chrstian methers. Shahl we net lie wllling te pay God back fer this odueratiea? Because lie lies given us that spirituel etiica- tien free, se theat we cen tiscriîn- mnaie between night and wrcng, shahl we net now lie willing te pay semeà- thing et least 1cr 0-ur pnst Christ- ian ttiln? DEBT W1E OWE TO GOD. L A big deht we also air-ate Cod-cifor 1the blessings w1hicli conte te us frein, our fi"ii ig7lveti cnes. Strauge us the faet tint ive rarely epps'cclie a dear co until slia is gene. ThcrË are pleîî-ty cf monuments ant inren- oriels erecteti for deati mon, but very seldoni aay fer the living. Oue cf the iniost reinrk-ablesqtatueivs in tbis couîntry is that aiet l the B3rook- 1-yn Prospect iate Jams S .T. Stranehan. lu wes tunveileti wbile the "grand OltinmscfBrook1a wes alîve te see d îvitli lis ewu eyes anti witlrJlis ewu enrs hear the oulegies cf bis life's werk. 'Ne would ho wrllirîg, if our finances ixoulti warrant it, te endo!w a lies- pital or librery or fcunmiliagirni te the îîîeînery cf a dead clt.D wo net owe Cati an3 tiebi cf grati- tude te thre loveti eues whre are stuh by cuir sîde? Shall net the failieri 'anti lusbanti bel thut lie acacia te rneseule ackaoxvbedgîient for the chlrnanti the wife ivie uew ait cih hiciaet the table andi bow witl him at the farnily ealtar? Oh, my Chisitian lntts, I do net bolieve wo are iotrinsicaily men. I de not and wxill not lower nsyself te the be- liel thet ire have intention-ally gene te Qed hemetofbre only ns beggars. Most cf us have neQt stoppedti t thiwk witli bow mny blessings God lies sturreendet us. Therefore 1l liave oeday tîledti t show yen tire jcys cf Christien giving, the jeya of pnyiag beck te Qeod ani ltas-t a littie cf iriai we owo. fThe simplbe feet le that but few of u- bai ee ci begun te teste the sweetest nec-tre hicljiee frein iLie goýsj el i ioyais. Ma1uny yers' ag o. c gos a Qerruan 11lo'ge-aaprn of i theferent. 12 senjt te(lier,--asi a moiin gî ni ro-usogg Th1e' sent ifrotiier loer ltrew h npý,lon thie grouusi\ti, hn, le, the sffroîl broelc anti ci edt, ala4 incîtiseti therin was a ili r liing. Ia grea:t anr:are- nient,, the prncess pleketi up' the egg and fouat inl this silver liinlg a sprirrg. Sho teucied ilt, anit openei, anti, le, inside the silier lia- ting was a golden yoi.k. She toicÇli- ,ti danoeii sprng. and, le, inside the golden yolk glitt -ereti a beautifuj ruby. Se the reaýson Soule cf -us, have lied>so litile joy out of ,pur gospel exJrerimuce is becausýe wo have oaly touclieti th,( cuiter etige cfits jovs. We have enly seifiehly look- ed ettbihegifis wlich Cod lins givea te lis. Dut wlien mw o oestly t'y, by a comiecraiet i 11e te pey btck, Qed for wlini ho iras tiene for us4 then we shall have a joywviicli, like tlie fableci gg, inereases la value as we doive ilai . ,Firsi, tle irn sheil, thont the silver lining, thon thre gol!den yolk, thon ilie glut- toig rnby crcîivn. Oh, mny brothepr an sstrwîll you hli onoa-t %wlth Qedj? Milîl 1you try te eey unb al ea seriN iu for ai, tI ilen erds wi thIlchlie linse-- r-oVutpdet you? I to-ddy jreei ths bill cf dobit frein nîy iviiiMate ati Ring. ONE MAIS EXPERIENCE. Provision He Mhade for Hlia Tek- ing Off H1elped Hlim. "It may seeuai dti tepou," saiti e îiien w-ho lins moey eneugli ncw te, huy a' dezen (ernetonles if lie wanted tliemr, "but tire first great feeling cf relief andi gratifictioni ilat caime te rme wiili îyfirai uifle accumnulation1 cof meney spreng freni the reahiza-1 tien 41irai -n -, fortelir;i. urne WDK4MS ÂGE RER SEURET AND 25 15 A GOOD ÂGE AT WHICH TO STICK.L Statistics Prove That a Great Many Do Not Pass That -Period. Is it necessary for a woman to tell hier age? A 'cairiety of opinions ex- ist regarding thiis delicante subîjefct. 1 -I don't think tlierc l.s a particle of necessity for a xoman's telling her age," says o1ne woian,,addin,' "but it is equally useless for lier U flot te, tell it. There is always sonie one who knoxvs it, and,' there- fore, if you attempt to' prevaricate -Castoria is for Infants and Chiidren. CastOria isa youL are certain to lie found out." amess sttt fo CsorOP eg iDop This is'quite true. It neyer f ailslarlssusttefrC to 01, aeoi, rp that just at the point when yeu and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, liave cleared away ail diffiozulties and op1 n o teNaci sbac.I s lsa . convinced everybody that yen. arecopienrohrŽactcsbtne ti laat cluite young, somne dear, good-natur- Us guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of ed friend is sure to pop. Up and say: ohr.Csoi ety W msad lasFvrs- "Why, yes, sticlian~d sucli a thtng Mtes atra etosWrsadaly eeih hapPened wben I was twenty, and ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colib.,. Castor a you wero tlien just tliree years eider relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and than 1." Se wliat is tlie use of-' keeping tlie Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Foodj: regulates trutli back? You might as w ellsub- the Stomacli and Bowels of Infants and Chiidreu, giviug mit te the inevitable and confess tlie hatx n aua le.Csoi steCude exact nuinber of years yen have been hatyadntrlsep atral h lide' on this earth. Panacea-Thie Mother's Friend. Tliere is ne reasen, liowevcr, why I a woinan sliould go on tlie ieusetopCatr.Ca or. and proclaim, te tlie worl'd tliat she ____________oria is 50 and glad ef it. Dent do it, 'Casi.oria is an.excelient inedicine Çor ."Castorta la so well adapted to chidren aui don't tliink yen are eld. No -bidren. Mothers hav.e repeatedly tl i m that I recommenid it as suiperior to any pre- one nowadays is, old'. It is unfash- of is good cfféect uipou their chidren." ' cription known tomie."1 ionable. . pa. G. C. Oseo», Leaell, Mass. H. A. ARCHErR, M. D. Br'ooklyn, N. P The favorite1 sticking ago fer a oia s25.' This is pe-ovad by tlie Il AT ID fact thaýt tlie rrnber of woinmen re- THE rAC-SIMILE 0IM T R F tuîgtlienseh os as between 20 anti ~ ~ ~ j11 2isfrarrtanthe nuýni- ber of girlIs returined ten yenr s be- fore as between 10 and 15. The for- nier mnust naturally hc the survivors cf tlie latter. flore is a iittie niys- Lery of wliicli the solution mnList bce i oind in the intricate niazes of a w orans vanity. * The prosent King of Englandt, wlien1 P E R N E E Y W A P R Prince ef Wales, once asked a pretty P E R ON V RY W A E . woînan ber age, She replied: Five years Inter lie met hier again and asked the saine question. "Just 25," she again replied. wsmade hy Martha Sliingler in Thbe Prince smiled, andi saiid: Ilf 1901, se that tlie s ervants uef Guild- sie aysears g o ae tieIIUIÂfU AU UJUf.. ford, as they beconje eligible for saIneanswe." --cempetîtlçn, always entertain liopes "Ah! Your Hgnes"was the XONEY THAT IS GIVEN AWAY oft tlrewiig higher than-tlie winners rejoinder, "surely you don't tliînk I TO FAITEFUL MIAIDS. ef procedinig years. arn a wensan wlie savs ene thing te-, Rewards te faitliftl doestle sex'- day and anotb"r ting to-maorrowl" vns ae md, a vr She was quite righi. Twenty-iiv« One of These Gifts Was Left in at ae mde a vr is a very preper age at which te re- England as Long Ago liberal scale in tlie York- main. as 1620. sie tciwn ef Beverley, tikste what is known there as Thero is ne, reasen wliy a wonian There are quite a nuin-ber ef char- -Turner's Claty This bequest slîould bco obliged'te tellilher age in itable beiltests -buf by benevelent1 was left by an elti resident of the court. If slie is wise, she xii net. people wbicli are litile knewn te tlie twn, a Mr. Mattliew Turner, forty- "And wliat is youi* age. madan" generni public, anti cf iheso several 1 twe years old, By, means of thiq was tlice attorney's questïon. appeal sPecially te tiamestie ser-egy ovr$50 is itrbti ]Y. y ewn"slire answereti prompt-: 'vanfts. Thr charitifes ini question, every yeer by the trixstce6s and, ly.j:1 oen f ,wjicli are0 of rýceýnt-date,,clrksrfthe funds, in s oifus e!tit "I ntiersienti thi, naten; Ivre m i intteiferi-bte pur- gioseci esat s wlie hlave mea eweliar vu? o0f rwrig evnsrxohdne eniss than eiglit yasi -IL arn neut olti, srwith idga atiul evt hermses oln ito iinn six meis if tien. . msrszsfer- a1long1"terni1 of 1erfilvrey Tis area iaclildes a pot- "Ibeg yoiir pardion, malatim, Isaya L'ondon0 Tit-Bî!ts. te ft~ rnia uul ful mea liw inn yarshav yn Oe f te lde~t f hes glta15and there is ne lack of d-11y qIllt;ichti passed!' tnown as cets Cliarity." A candidates fer ithe substantiaî bene- "None, the years, have passcti suin of £400 was left, as long ego ft rsn rr m.'as 1620, Lintier i wil0f a man T1 NETDFNS "flow mnny of- thern have passet inedt Isaac Duckett, foir enceurag- TIF NETDFN~ yen?" I'ig feitlifulncss -anti fidel.ity aniong There are usually over thirty ro- !'All; I have nover heard ef their donestic' servants resident ln the cipients each year. This yeer there stepping." pa rishes cf St. Andrew's, Hlolborn, were thirty-four timesties wlio were "Madaùr, oumust answer, nry an d St. Clenient Panes, Stranti. prosented wltl gifts; one successful question; I went te know your ago.- Every- year a silm of mncy is dis-sevn atyrreiedhe'wy -I clon't know that the acquaiet- tributeti, ai-d only lest year, out of fervathent oarecetied he dowry anco is desirèti by tlie other sida." the. >numerous applicanîs, îxxcnt y- employcti for thirty-six years in oe -1 dcon't sec wli yYouii isist upoII twe were awardd nunis varying[ liuseliolti. In a second case thirty- refusing te answer my question," froni £5 te £15. epe years was flic terna. With sucli saii he atorevce.xngy, "~ Tlie oniy quancation for tliis gift an laducemeat it, yoîîng -givl.s there amn sure 1 would tell yot- how olt i thetiniaid-servants must bce mer- should hc o nelak of "staying" se.-ý I was if I wcre asked.. ried, or must have attaineti the age vents in this part cf Yorkshire. "But nebody would esk yen, for of 25 years, antiumst have dis- At Cardiff, un er-the termis cf the everybotiy -kuows you are old eneegli ýchargoti satisfacterily the -duties of thirti Marquisilof Bute's "Silver te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - kawbitrtant o shg imestie servant i!n the errploymnent Wedding Dowry Fund," founded Ia wenian lier age." of soute respectable person residing 1897, the mayor .for thfe tiîne boing Anti the attorney passeti on te tle in the parishes nieti fer seven con- las te award a nierriago dewry te next question. secutivo yeaî a in the saune service, a domnestic servant 'wlo wishea t t Tlîe objection made by woraen te Tbey mustoilier still ho in suci mnarry, preo-il î?,! ielias beon in hecr lettng hei ag ho new is netservice et the tume cf the grant or- situation for ei, least oiglt eaa approveti by 1lie1ladies f Japan, have It sînce the lest dist4ribution IAiny servant may iýcfiiii thie gifi, but whoc aculytisplay :thir cycli et thf e !clirîy-T.-0itrbtinsIsh ia e ve that tfie money ye'arc, by tay in W1-ich Ltliey t ucsîicliinsaemti n ilh c s ehr nd lias te arrng tlei har.auaîyat thIe pnucoujrt leueof pessesa an excellent characteor. Girls froni 9 te 15. erherlar) nre'Agift o! $5,00ý0 w;as beft biy ilie, cirle~run io oai, hofo~eied Mrq i f ute, Ihiiasclf a Lin- boinig left Ueo wtba curl at ecisretgir-ls îayseclro Icegiis ml'maer oftheo tewn, tiiti sid. ren li aos0f15te 30t hougJi the ondtonundorw ii itret on tliis aratha-t is thde hein i gtfierae up ai to bec they may lie gaiued are somncwliat awarded. Last year Itaiune thai iesatiicf a bu t he r an dîffenent te the foregoing. Thone i,, te $140. The selection of toms xtin tw shngscf siliterflyor fanti enly oae eward, known as the woriliy recîpient is ne lîglit task, ponlis atiesoratile efceloread . "MAID'S MONE Y " for ene *year thene were ne fewer beralla ato o olrdgîven enclu year, ianti ithe prize than tbirty applicantr. ainounts te sonie twelvo guinons. Ia Another tcwn where monoy is ro- Beoendtihelie mlesiene cf 30, a wo- 1674 a Mfr. Johin ow inivostoti-1 wardod te faithful servants is South mari twvists bier hair arounil a shl Sulu o f £-50,lie'inieresi oun which Shields. This money la dorived ýpin, placed luorizon4ally at the b'acb wns te prex ide dou ries for faithfui freins a noel Clir'stnsas trust estali- cf tlie heati. Quite differently, sorvanis. Under the ternis cf the, lisheti by a Dr. Wintorboitomi, whth, again, a widow arranges lier ccii- trust any servant wliolied liveti for the object of once a yeer rewarding fore, andtihle iniieteti are ableo te two -cars or more witli one fainliy filiful servaafnt .1la thiwn who