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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1903, p. 7

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NOTES IAD C'Oe1LENTs. and liecome part 0f4,flic frctory sysewn oo ler fwilawnsh tom. We used te si and weave ut I~af liand îvben one flnds if, necessnry - Spi I ~te take imipotant measuremens Demands and Ils hut a few weeks since We wOifi homse fi maklng cloth hecame aw Oemfir wohdageatsdon î, iorlusti lotoý titotaif thoteaoîctn! vlue ad intornied hy teîegrams, appare3ntîy ooeswil eîno mr n-u lU i Ul~f fSewing te do for lier large family arueîleMouineblnornuno.Thîead fustworfliy, fIat flie Britishi Gev- Cinory, more knowledge, and more HLA 'M E . 04*ofetsatalchiîdren, did away witli Secapital tant e rdinary home .kbt i eruient wes disposed' te co-operate ln fi inuci utonoe making on every- col poie.Tenw egnt day trousers fer the hoys hy scwlng ;thGermanyl ineCconstruction 0f cudpoie hnw ee e~brass rings, et differeet sizes te flic a iaiwa tomKoia o ficeat-atke cloth coinînunaily instead o etn oui xrge et As Ki Min eMsl dl~Lta nitne ~ DMSI EIE. jbands et garmnilts, adusing tlicm indduall. Lmnan place et pýofbuttonlioles in exactiy anfifren tht lîan~enfepotet n flieuse eofflic dietary computer ]Brown tBread. -Tliree colice cup-iflic saine %ay.Asotpcee ENDAIIS ~~~~~~becoîne generai and a sim-ilar resuit: fIsk fic;oraîl r utr lni ae(orrictimes doubled) ivas fic- tr f he lcNear East Soutli-,lese oik ne teacupil coýokilgng ol- 1piassed flirougli flic-ring, and, this ~PAVINCURE-il, lo'... Thcerüdillnry hs inginplce .iar t lagadad Bsoal. A wf 50,ý ~fse~lsaîtlir-ce tape Sewdoriy teicclofli, Y e. o flc lsf-anid ctylio.veer, sînpîycanlmaleg iitiien mal, Onle cOffee cup- W'Vlien sfitching tflic seanDIS ef an is ,notw at seîn:lo distance fo lclioed utl îdocîos-arols~ white fleur and sulficlent Ga rador nny ether kind oet fin> five lieadadndietetr dragon. If flicnîamofleurntedmake areal stff 1bat- goods that bothers hy catching In Rinboesýth s. utern trmnu ofth lnepreparafion et huntan food is a pro- fer. Hake hntre rick-slaped flic machine needie and puckering, Spi~t, orb. an. d aI f.oref SLanrnese.tcsotimn trius1 li ioposition oet f is kind we îmust havei baves, one and one-liaif heurs in dut strips. et paper and haste flicm st1i-nefaiof ngeellyaanos, it. would jie seme peint, like, Koneif,th dear Cstd o ..B.1onge. ar.e. oTnYer'Sedl tifin-il T ~ a central iaboratory and distrihute 1lioderaf e oven. toteicgood§, wlin feedsar Lafiole. Y.,fla.on, the F: en Gulf. a food bly menset a pnieumnaitube, Fruit Cookies. - One andi ene-,halthse oete.Tcppe scs r. B. J -J tîdilCo.,; nineuSueyt.r n ews is tînt Grtent Bitain bls nef S rngrsoil eolton liglit brown sugar, one cuptul pulled aw.ay when flicstltching Ils unet flo,, lendai. ttutn tae ona iaeatad the t 5a fem .1 Con. _- sse trnersoil evltin butter, tirce eggs, one feespoonful cîieeladfcbstng flirentis fou., ea"iS,Td -tuonithme ntroiy. vs0 '. only declined te ce-eperate with have hnppencd, The foodi tube Ideaetdnanncovsndutgm.- are remoed. The ouled paper thaf spasajim l l ,reo n ..luint fronbirrt and -neof tIr >reaurC stani,th . g. mtguvaOoo îaattt eu Grnyi i srcionetfi alreacty ieperatini dn cd, cuptul ofraisins, oecuptul linos craciker boxes is hcst for f bis her conpletotet citt tih )our Sptin Cure'-. Pus.,prejctet setine ap S or eate ntui- rueandi h!,riwvbtlisdtrun 11aticr flian trile witli flic dietary crrn, nocpu eurkn a D eae.- Ya tuyttl, CLARK 0. PORT. etd nefte opermit teflic n fa cmptr,1tl-et--fodtbe ivaînufmns, ene teaspoonful bak-over flic senins and haste. rleeJsîfoîe ig powder andi fleur te mnix stiffenl- fipaogq ural 'oureTrti«ce fr Kndars ravstation 'or tertifled seaport onToslnifcittiin .ffi a 5e bonS foron, nratiurn SrtiatIsrsannGolfeuropea henan ace is ee nutrican fetha te-00gb orolnicely. - Ri. B.. AL.. h esa ufby any, uoenmrrc sto tiaeathîng to Chleken Patties. - Caf flic breast IIINTS TO IHOUSEKEE PERS. DA KNALO.ýEnisburg Fals, Vt. pOer.e, le bandîcti by amateurs. Let us eft"a holleti chicken into, small picces. 'A useful litfle thlng is flic litf le pass if over te specialisf s andti Sf- l'ut 0ver >thflfire a tencuptut et bruish tint corees for fIe purpese of Nothing, indccl, could ho more Plify ouri donîcstic lite. ichicken iroth, mn'Icîtfablespeonful brushing ouf fie fringed etiges et N'EW ANDT STRANsGE., unequal'ocal and perenriptory tien the o f baffer, stir loto lit n tablespoonftowfiels and tsapkins, w.hicli is saili ennoncenent ati hy ord asîs Fo Ove SioyfTeutterffS, strein fie brofli over lif, te lient fliccoarse conil in doing saie etof f'tceLafest Inventions anuc'ern ad y odIn- Fo vrSxy'er adti l aitacupfuî ef creain, set ovor business. denine on this suhjecf. Speaking in Ars. Winslow's Soottiig riyrup tins fie lire f0 eeok f ili tie, then add One cen hlancis anti sait lier own Ti andest îetle ferthen Hou"e et Lords, flic Sccretary been ascd1 by millions of 'mothers for the dhicken andti lotieat. Bet fie &lxnends and poanuts ut, home se fli Oi ct otnso orng thesicng o erîa Afir evdn ti oierrchildren while teething. If dis- yolks oettwo eggs and stir in, thon quickly and 'chcaply that if hardly tiroe, is t o efingth lncr Jr oeigasing eredntietorbcd at niglif and breken ot. yeur liilichepattfy -hells '.ith flic mlx- seciins WOrth while, te pay tic gre- ficceis o gveýtheanimal lait an upon ail lýCuropean coa'ntries fthithti resf by a sick chili Surfer ing anti CrY- turc. Seeson, whille cooking, wltli cor a- double price for doing if. Just oc, s a doy.,.Atleast, SaihBri stinatio:i We-uld view flic estali- Ing wîtli pain, ef Cutting iTefth senti sait-nnd pepper. pour-boiling Watorevo-ý(r fh la- p , , ,ýnliilsis i[ heClilli n lic ýfcabge: ory f ilu fi srn i flac sradit-safefs geatot ea i ul o ffiea birlies la i e Briain îould - c r ainily resit if o na, r gulates , ft ic Stom ach - an ti salati bo l, season ivih s l, and s l -a ni ro în tflim in th c oven. geliveicilgire off aybrilliintplagefo whlich will last fot a toriniglit with'- 'tith' ail tiheieans eitlifs disposal. Boîvels, cures' it ol, ofn i three or four fablespoons et 011 ,aiidOlv01 sstiyînyinpaet put Waiing. Theo waî-îing, of'Course, is ntidressed IGums, reduces inamnntien, andtji te iiLityivfi nor until, ,ell btter.iuegvsthsrcp o givs fneanti encrgy te flic wtsoî oaedj ten add tîree talespoons TiEicrgisfhsrcp o 13iack snïioke is now furnedtinlto nef onily te Germanly, Wîfli regard te "sy . iJlw' oofig tgeetieider vinogar, toss agein îeaking doffce: Tic frst stop ils glî fr rnîingge onins l Bl-Kowelt or ay ofior possible fer- 1rp e htienfchn 5 îa witli tire fork, sprinkle with tWo, ta- taken tie niglit hefore. Tic coffce, SI gium e; fi soke ilasndeto pass yu-frcidetehigspea ,ýhrouglî a ioating deviceIlîleti iiith nîseus oethfe E upbmates-Ti gris Valley ant te flic fasteanti is the -prc-sbesp sevoif esp t e u y i aseouis, or breat, or pot roeuîî, fias produdfiig flctph cilway, but aise te Russf a Wth re- scriptioe et one etfflic olticst anti Serve. qua roqett . tiry is reqicotheo hak htesti ciel ges, '.iicli lis proveti tory ode- fcencc totehflic celtempla.teti exten- le ent hscesaîinre n Mc iiknCoute.-T of is flr eti utWit flic hae h-cb noia nteeiie.the Unitedi Stntes. Price 25 cents a caps et ryc breati - hoine-matie Ils o g.Ptiieasîl fb Shvng lthri8 a protoctive sien ofliher Trans-Caspien line o t lottie. Solti by ail Bdtruggists tie best -Cioppoti fine, one cal)ofen fcroi , or anti lsofstand f111 B ziais mcobs We yýou eut Bonder Abias, a port o fcnothe i-trultfiworlti.1 suie ami ireleats. Mix te- ai oms t yoarselt the gernus get info fie littie, cris coas t oflice Straif et Qinasilskfor Alrs. winsiow's .Sofhing gether antidchop egein Wfiha table- p ngpo Ton paf meýdeiedfli uloffcri etlp nlaiiainbt' spoonful et butter, an even table-poouoeriflctsrti n-r irsmilani etopinlaînaton bt froughichidiflicPorsian Gulf is Snoontuî e gted ount et boiting iveter, lot bell p sý if yen cilt your face duriag fie oper- ..o----ga d n ,a scent js ne ah -lacpo odo tof etsiaving. flic seu:)gets into connecti ivîfi fie Indian Ocean. T=E PULLMVAN SLEEPER. teaspoontul et ground rmece. Meit jasieno , tieSilat.ada f e i en flic opoiing anti profects flic ieshi t ires neetiless fer Lord Lanstiowne ealîcaping teblespoonfulmof utt-r in tr int if, ltesandvet. i in Tint is wiiy it lents se quickly. f0 SayWliat le sel f-.nvicnt, fief the Experience of a Man Who Has a Caucepan Wlf ls liata eiespooi- G eu, smd, ntioggseil li nefpostionfaksi mii egad fo fli Bee Thre.fol et fleur anti atit gradually fo if seents aro anyfoiei ndominon psto aiuwt eadt h enTee a cup et ridli nilk; ilion fuis coules CUTTING A CIMEESE. tr but nilcel ha erntssay fiet gan PeFoi an Golf iroalti ho naintaineti, a "Seuie folks sleep in sleeping, cars te a bell alithfe oflior ingredimtifs, Thit art of catting a iiole cheese hi casd ye dpsi fsadin h friri it eerne-ete e--aîsy one iie las Acacn Sier slf anti pepper te faste, tison stir int o ici'. s is kno'vn t toîe. Usuel- 9g c a u e t i b y . t o p e i t t s n t i i n ~ f l c I t o r i o r , m f l i r e f r c î c e e f e o t f l e f - b t I a m n e f s e g i f t e c , t ' t a t i r e w e l î . h oa t e n cg g s , r e i n e '.o v e y i f 154 a t t o m p i e d i t i f '. a l i m i e , a md i h b erganisîsi, unti fief senti is depositcd ceast, lelonging par tly ' te I'crsia says Mr. Ford. -I attribute this frein fIe tire anti atit a fabicspoenî'uî fie result is'not successtui. The pro- f bglands similar te fiose i0 birds, -pnt parfly te Belucistan, wihd mainly te tie blankof s (soealloli!). offsnjic unU o lte irwsa JwIich enables tie featicroti creatures ttlmnjcltreto apafrprwy te loie ifis te use a fine 1,e protiace tie sielîs for fîcîr oggs. strefelies fronl Bunar Abbias la thse Bref Ifearte scys a sleeping car te cool, terin.i se cyliîîters, dip ileirr. Take e length et if sullicient i Dacngi ni leîî ocmenei ratt tesoficser onr - lanket is etfflicsize anti conslsfency egg anti brenti crumbs, as usuel,an teg rodthcesad t 9 fanir destrow ng gr lis fi e sboiy.]îtihe nlila. eterer1 e ofacolti huckhiet cake anti sit s fry la oiling faf. antie gtoneli heeaniit for estr.ý i! 9 errts i thebodyBritshomeiatelysparo utetadcatin; twist Ratero oafe aefatal f0 msîc- r cqualy 'î clupea yen. Gertainiy Sfc'.eti liabl. -Wash WOlI, butatjcdiof those entis round aclcoflies- tE ff iey arc compoetiof someivý eird, do nef pool,.,,Catf ai imîdi ion gfhs j as te tornm. \ý tielIogrnsp robes if mnantifor a tew îii-iTopesi a tortilied naalsttonnnanysustnclit a aemranitecai uetspinîeoerabooeIntieiinfe atlop ieC tme, orig erudent -expoti- COuldils, ,,lr, i ý(IIU - ti I mllents, ni l ianun[g :Is cvct ly fi'te bo otbiitiltGrany ~a meîg eapinfeaponuletsda1fin14,tc lieo ni lpll iîitb i orno i (iiýýiiu, ffciein lKeWet or elsew.vicrcnon fithoe in etsi iey[ aa f icecum vfh iiigmatr, nti lot aill;tlucdhfsuill ilapal iii ixllyare ofamlple pruoe- Ilstand ablout sîn nutohs, t hon clealy df(lat es. Ts ntoflil s g( Asle a i esuif offo ropnyenteti e.per ( Golf by iussia a Biindai- Ailfionis; fer e aia oftSix fuel, rco rain ouf.1%ix j llf as pcleitj ofSpart T AtssgarWifi'aloaseonol t doa- e ed-t liints a reniiorticuifar1s)as- or t any ipoint hotîrcen'tîthas'o- icy bavemodîs tn lie tisiret, '1ant1Mixaofneros lait up( i e ext. î l ese ea iet uot in oq . i rîstte ot ui Kaiehe-vuli l a lc l san is liept ail nghit la starcýI ti li -for ecI quiartetfuit. l(By - -b. srlieiiplaceti neer sanflows te aat tsicdPn.i-ar tflcjsuspense as f0 wlictscmlie lad bost iusiflg sotie you sv is t h aifth fie CiiILDREN AND) LATE HOURS. pull ap the blenkot anti treeze lis qatt tcgr. 1fi i e u lilrnt c al.I o any efior position. 1Hliotrope anti ttglo-Indiieii Governiienf, f0 mhlch feot or pull if dem anti hiee ogctier, cever anti lot thoinscook iPbtpchite b o tedry.I youlilre violetis cliulti le placeti close te-ý e1hpte lo afryu cidn gofier in omttcr te get fiebei 1r- ficelîsolote control of fie Suez pneumnonie. I slowlii, oither on bacà f et icsteve tyasllo' o hm u pl suîts troinsbofli, andtihfscsainie p- route te E_ýurope iseamîafi rorft "nitsn laju lgofn erjor lanflic even, unfil tender anti sep- las a ruslo on any ternis. You necti plies te pansies anti carnations rnrîdct iisin. a, eo yle hemiupn te mri T espbalce alt flo lioro cig as-tte a der aeddous irliehilave groaf n-ifnitftom one ail- 1 syourselon mfhfngani yclffosonirficmestn, spciancai. y diig ltti ite at atioult eaavnsmdtiiie f l oiuiain ihEgad'yyoumseif on fie bedk et yeur nlci pudding cen ho mande te et irts oretfrcsanirreinni qi'iî, nos'.est sIret loti et deanîng way oethfe Caietof ood I 1loiî [amdîti!ll in tfils onstreifletiatti irl ippoti reain.ifwlhoadtmiccîdrn sa chacis s f hm lii e in jinilî b sciosl treaentibytshe te adjust ene's pants, mithout i w ayeursclf if yoîî hon't-gct If. cO chmes l o u itl in ngltb erosy h-atndbýemingotoie's change or off end- Tic Importent thinig is, got year tu scrap in fie lire ocesionally; a very hi l S quadrons issuisg trino navai ing the lady in tIc atijoining soc-1 A T WERYDAN . thutsdrceinofs ha-n iiSl h qua scd yonl iiisned, aic clii- sfaonglu olils on ftle noecrn cost on, requires gy mnastmc ablîfy et 1 Stramborries in .tinîbales ils a aide nels. or in tiîsîc yen milfliiftdift- 10 it isto bcused nlypriescte fhfieorerr. Yea are et liberty! way et scrvlng tfus doudcous trait, ficalite otaik or flinli et anythlng CO rjso apr t g~i ~ [*te vnry fuis oxercise, isever, by'antioeetestinedti t become vcry cxcopf ticelieuse amît the chiltiren, to wit sot Th vp ofth zncIlSezrutet scuefor England is yixngonyu tr on the bof- poputar mit b tic progressive cook. . ai lias a great affinlf y for crben, -if es fteRe eanti r- oi fet under i ruit, fisli, lliatfe.treilslECUL DRL. noir cliemîicaî conspouni,part e tesse of Zanzbar-, et Aden antied lc fe erooihcifli 11ll eiinstingevt a Ain Irisli laboerr miers, "touir- is Afrian otetatebas inthe sf111 crisp,tioicate tim bale shis -that us h ci oos up nti o uf eu p a t U an. B ut for fli p o ses io n et a t ch es elt h ef i m g t, s m ea r od m ii ev ery uo m an i h coes n ef p tr o n z in g ' t ht e co liî tiy , p ick in g u p a jo b eu fetis te lic su ept up as ash. Madagascar by Fransce fie Cape îtacîuing anti arttsîîîy conceaiei. Ie delicatessea stores shoulti c-t here anti there i te enable hlm "-te if Patients are te lic nuiseti by i'na -otie aise ireulti lie sate. Ilors car. "But whtît a cliange cerses o'er fie'quifë the art etf making theni ,îoi pay for, lis bcd," as lie caileti if, fh chiiei--y, aecording te flic inventer0 duiohax' espot as yoa apprend yearlier own Itousclolti. Gare fin fol- one day cailoti et a tarmieuse te ns à neir contrivace. Wicn flie - _ Eisi'iand bce îxîbcted toencdamiger lier tienît Is sufYcring fresn a nsialady dur- r 1omtîol 0 those in1seial destÎlntion. Tint frein hetoreiewing tlie directions anti a lit fie sec if lie cealti get eînploymcint. Tic pi inipnsbe idi you have leernedti tetremble practicemiii scion auake oii's cf-femruroti hcmnalvrm iîî a l i l i t î taru s P i tu r lt î îaUi c b . mi1 t1e ii l a îi 4 inr f i e i s r e pl l a c e tI y a o fi c t h i l ti ik e l f o r t s d t io lg Itf f l ly s c e s u .b e in g e b i t d u b t f u l o f i s f a r î n i an g 1 c i teadneos on tey f nc .' iîm~dp-dccb otingbLlndnss. IIis lsolicilafiou, rperd- Fr rut tmalsts fîoito bltis in sei le if li Il11,- a~~Frf nurse1ij htib e- e n dn.fnn e --n titnce. x i±--îisisOvéifrie ,e GrimromRsi oesai gyuefilrrng the- -asf ;is anl excellenlt rci-a it csrth eue on nv rLi omsci t 'tNd TUCFRM I lIAPE AS A CATCH CROP. This forage crop lias hecomne SO mrportalnf as a pasture- crop for sheep and hogs that every farmner should try and have a smali field of t, even thou -ghli is crop area lie liited. In order to do fhis it is best f0 use rape as a catch crop, or seed if in connection with spring grin crops. For examnple, by sowiiig lire-e or tour pounds et Dwarf Essex rape to tlie acre along with the oat ced, thle rape will corne on alter the oats liave beenlier.ested and fur- nisi plenty of grazleg until freezing tio, for slieep or hogs. Sonie far- mers adi ise sowing fthe oaf s ratier Lhn when rape is seeded. This' is, owex or, not neccssary. Sow re- wularly two f0 fwo and one-haîf Dusbels of oaf seed and tliree f0 mur pounds of r~ape sced f0 flie icre and you will get a firsf-class flopof oats and a large amnount ef ,ron forage. froitlie rape. Anotheii mtliod, similar, to thisis to s0w in Ithe spring two te three- ýounlis .ap se on wilbter grain 'ops. Do tis as isoonthe danger cld wiýth at liglif iru and a -obd si tad3f1rpe iIl busecured. Phis (an lie pasturei-d let the stubble centý remnoved.j Another miethod of using rape as a tch crop is to sow it in a corn lld jusf before the last cattivation. ceed at tlie rateofe threc te four )ounds per acre and go over wifh ,e cultivator andi by tlie fime the )rn is huslked flic rape wlll suppiy tgreat deal of fok'age. Whl- n the ire stands up well it is possible to ira shli in the field herore husk-- îg tiie. Tliey will find a lot of oose corn blades whicl tliey, will rnsumie. Tlie rape w.ill lie caten off ,the niain steni, but will grow out tain and furnish a lot of feed a ite lafer in tflicscason. As flice >pe crop can lie sown quite late it sotten possible f0 liave if follow an îrly crop of oaf s, ryo or bariey, if tis not f0 sow if vitli hese grains in tlic spring. As soon Ltic grain crop lias been remnovcd, low or disk flic land af once, 540W m flic rape and cover if 'witli an axlinary smonothing liarrow. This etliod< is praiced f0 some eton -and mattocks from the wýeatlier-it you have ino foot house-is to nail ihoIstert of old stLriPs of boot leaherundr1t14cveset hecorn houe li brninl] ih opunt theni whn~liroulgir ýusinig tliem. B3ARI FIRES. A writer in the Country Gentleman says hie has known of three or four- large fanns, that suiflered the loss cof large barns. Each ,place in question lias liad from two to three, tires, dur- ing the last w inter. This tlire, like the others, caused the owner great oss of property and set one to look.. ing for the cause. My conclusiona are that ail the fires were caused by large barn storage of clover hay,, The lasf fire 1 speak of was on a great clairy and clover farm, and that led nie f0 find the sanie con- ditions for flie other farmis. The old-fashionied metled of curing clover liay is dangerous. Safty lies, irn long and florougli sweafing in large cocks whule flic claver is being cured. Spontaneous combustion is apt f0 occur if sun-clried clover liay is stored in great quantities, for where largo crops- are eut, rnany loads are put in quickly. -1 no of but one barn fire fliat could he fraced with any accuracy, and that was suroly cauisedl by lightning. Ail .other, grasses can be eut young, air- cuired andl mowed away in large quantýitiej(s without inucli if any daia age. 1 have sfored if, and wheni in ~Waigcondition1, til sclass of liay Would get prefty flot. I believe a large mow of dlorer cn hoý, sfored ini acondition to ~gfE y jar or suddin draft sýi7 inonflis affer storage , and now 1 feel confident that ail barn lires of whicli 1 have had eknowledge and for whicli no cause could hie given were clo'.er hay lires. A good farm well farmied is subjeet to this class of trouble, while the opposite con- ditions are flot. People are apft e wvag their lieads when these laýr ge barn n ires occur, aithiougli investiga- tion wouid develop the tact that the, owncrs had suftered great loss. My point is to' wern against carelessi dlorer haying and flot to assist 'to fight the insurance people. RESTOIIING PASTURE. Divide the field into three strips the longesf way, which saves time ia mowing and tilling, and have -a three years' rotation. Earliynla the spring put on ona ,strip a good ceoat of mnanure wi h mnue sprcader, then piow andii lit it fot, plntinig corn and seed down vithgrsseal thetooin sprîng_. Use 11! to 15 pou-ndýs c lo crf, seed andore or two

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