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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1903, p. 8

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IENU Z: Mr. T, E. liggin b otham, having retired fro)m the firm of-m EWishes to thank ail his numerous cujstomers for E their patronage during, his long usiescareer 3 and bepeaksfor his suceessor, -M Mra RaM.' Mitchell, An ilonor Graduate of the Ontario College of E Pharmaey, a continuance of their custom and Ssupport at the old established,,stand. of inJ Hîg"-ginbo#thani &son, Druggists, BowmanvJie. Iýi Notin LîkeeColent II As the price of other building iniaterial is steadi Sadvancing. the demand 'for something cheaper is daiy Sbecomningn more general and nothing better than. Cernent bas yet been found as-.a reliable substitute. For sidewalks, floors, culverts and solid masonry RATHBUN'S STAR PORTLAND isIfi thed ing. Canadian brand.Fo bank baras, stable floors ~ and silo work. _ is h ey BATTLE'S THOROLD isth -veygeneral favorite and extenisively used.- We VI iM have reeently put in a fresli stoec of bbth these brands and i QIare prepared to fuirnish cither at satisfactory prices, also gej ib an expert to superin tend their use. t will pay you to see i g us -before patronizing the travelling salesman whom you cannot reacli again. We have also a fulll une of Bard and ~ Sot t Wood and Coal, Clmrcoal, Dressed and Undressed ' SLumnber,- Shingles, Doors, Sash, Mou1din's, Sait and * ~ Plaster. Quality right, prices reasonable. KIN~~ BSTIBOWMAN VILLE. iM jTu NI RICU#"KA»RDI W atcli-maker--an-d-Jeweillr---, BOWMANVILLE. j' Do you want a watch? 1 eaui save yon big inoney on any kind of wateh you want. 1 have a very fine assort- ment of the best makes. * Everything lujewelr-I def y ompetition for eui fni rieh jewelry and mny pxrlees are exceedingly low. Some* very pretty brooches-just in. Great assortment of 'gents' and ladies, gold rings. In Silverwaire 1, have something choice ànd extra good. Iarn sure my stock wîill conirnand your adrniratic'n. See Smy silver knives, forks and spoons, now selling very cheap. Good goods at very lowest priees, is my motto. Cali to, see me. LAWN MQWERS. 1 solicit a call fvom rny aid and uaw customers. The siarpening and me- pairing of Lawn Mowevs, warrau ted ta give antime satisfaction everv time. osesors and Knivas Ground; saws sharpened; light obbiuoe a spec ialty at thea West End Smithv, King at. W. B. WILLIAMs, DOMINION LINE-- STEAMSHIPS. IONTREAL TO LIVEIZPOOL. sDominion...... ay 23 June 27 Aug. 1 S snciswark ....May 3o JuIy 4 Aug. 8 f,,sada.."*'......JonP 13 Juiy 18 Aug. 22 KenesitgtO ...Jusse 2n July 25 Ang. 29 BOSTON TO, LIVERPOOL. Maylower........... ...... Msy 21st Jane 18 Coînreath.......... .June 4tl July 22 Kew Enigland( ý............ Ju~llli July 9th PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL. Nom edie.May 251 Tanie... June Cch InistmauMay 30 1Narseinan. dune Tf fis AVO-NlidOUTH, DOCK AND BRISTOL. f rom Montreal. Mauxmanii. May itith 1ttoaiti... . 21v 301h' 'BOSTON TO EDER NA. THE DOMINION LlaSE, 2i.iyv 7St areetStMotei u To flouse C leaners. Our Wall Paper trade' up to the present time has far exeeeded any previous year whieh speaks volumes for our class of paper we are carryib g. We have very nice_ paper at three cents per -roll and better ones from five cents 'upwards. ltoom 3Moulding a n d Curtain Poles to match, BIG 20., 1BOWMANVILLE, MAY. 22, 1903 HAYDON. Great rearations are being made for aur SabthShaAnniversarv ou july est. The Sherlock Quartette of Toronto and somne.other splenidtalent aie being secured. 'No pains will be spared ta mnake.this event eclipse auy foasfuer year. Rememnber thse date. Sundavý services June 28th . NEWCASTLE. This tawn dlaims right ta the (j'range Walk this year. The open air Baud Concerts are beiug anxiouslv looked for. Milier's Grip Powderà Cure. Sold by Stott & Jury, dvuggists. Mrs, Marshsall Welcb, Montreal, is visitiug et W. B. Gibsanle., Millev's Compound Iran Pis, only 25 cents for 50 doses. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr. W. B Chaplin made shipmenteof apples ta Montreal last week. Rich, red blood is produced by Mil- ler',s Conmpound Iran Pis. Sold by Stott & Jury dvnggists.11 Mr. Chas. MeIntosis has returned, ta has home finiligis ivear, Alberta. mental and physical viger follow the use of Miller' Compound Iran Pulis. 1'-oid by Stant & Jury, druggîsts. Mr. aud Mv,. Clifford J. Bro'wn mauru thse lass of their 19 months' cld son. St. Vitus' Dance rapidiy cured b Millr's otnpundIron Pills. Suld by Stott Sb Jury, dr1g ý-ists. Mr John Cdwlîng was âeverely lu jured by falling frorn a load of rails. No Worm Medicine actasa nicelv as Miler's Worm-Powdlers;- no-physic re__ quired. Sold by Statt & Jury, drug- Mr. Joe Toms has purchased a flue dairy cow tram Fred Pearson, Orono. If the eilîdren -require physic noue acta go nie as Miller's Worm Pawders; very pleasant ta, take, Sold by Stott & Jury, druggiats. Mr. Donald McLead is now section Foramnan of the G.T. R. at Pickering. If yau are tired taking hose large aId fashianed gripfiug puIs, try Carter's Little Liver Pills sud ake some camfort. A man can't stand everytising. Oue pil a dose. Trv them, A Young daugîster arrived at the home of Mr. Tisas. Rateliffe lest week. Pain from ind igestion, dý spepsia, aud too ierty eating, le relieved at once byý taking ane of Carter's Little Liver Pis immediately after dinnier. JlYn't forzet this. Newcastle LodLree .O .attended cnuirch Suuday. Rev. T.! J. Edmiso'n priached. Will positiveIy cure sieca headache aud prevent its: vetumn, Carter's Little Liver PuIs., This is nat talk, but trutb. Ona plil a dose. Sec, advevtisxnent. Miss Belen Edmi son, lŽeWcastle entertained a nuxuber of voung friends at a birtbday pavty Wsduesday.1, Tm.î SoLAR PLEXUaS-Is the largest nerve centre in the aympathatic nervous system, is situated juat baek oathtie stomacit, and supplies nervous energy t'le vital force Qf the huma n body, ta the stomacis, heart, lungs, kidnays, liver, etc. By creatiug nérve farce Dr. Chase'e Nerva Food directly aida the soar plex- us lu suppîyiug the power, whicis runs the machinery aof digestion and so cures nervous dyspepsie, headaçhe,. dizzy, speils and bodily weakney s. Mr John TempleCors, Shoal Lake, Man., Who la veturning froua a trip ta tise Old Land, and Mr. W. W. Tamb.. lin, M.A., Bowmanville,'coalled on aid friands recently.1 Tas Fuisas op0FmZEý-So rseau us the suffering of Many' peaple Who endure tise stinglng, itching sensations of Ec- zema that theV speak of the skin as ha- ing ou fine. By its soothing, heaiing, autiseptic influence Dv, Chasa's Oint- ment positivaly cures Eczema, Sait Rieratd avary f orm of itching sldn Iisas. ,t s af inestimable velue in aveu y home, and when once intvoducad becomes a houisahe d necessity. ,Dr. Chas&s Oinitment is tise stanudard the wovld over-, and has na worthy iva 1. COU14TY JAIL.-The report ef the Iun. specton of Prisons for thse yeav ending Sept. 30, 1902, gives the number of prisoners committed ,ta tise Counties' joiu fçr thse yeav as 121 maies aud Il feMales, s decvesse on the previaus yeavof 12; 14 *ae commitad for drukennees. Thes number commnittod under 16 yearsai aga wes lwo. 0f thse The Ottaw% Cliizen giv8P eP reor th ie Graduating Exereibes 01 the LRdy Stanley Instit t(; for Nurses, l in cty. Ausoug uta Damesiin Vite lisi a f seuvcestul gratin. te"e« fte islCI hieAdsir, eldeet drogphier mI Mr. 9sud ie. R.Adair, cf tlite ca, TbedipO7ns atiprizes coU8istezi af wht eaelCos itit the a o f 1ar rfes If te Orde n l gad end tise mse eCf "it Nur D855,ved an dLe back, I t Rtecttct Vi2itors .'Mises-Boeue Doncainter bomne tram the city ; Mies Clbre Pallard et Mr.,]Bobt. 0O')pt>r>', ;Mrjv..q 'ias.Can et .Mr. D. Nae'W, ; Master Walace Sisson k.t Mr. W. J. Rvblnsuu's. jlarke ; Mr. Wrn. Heard, Bowmanville. with friends -, Mr. Joseph P. Martnell witts frienda aet K.,nda) ; Mr. James Beith. Cestouns' Oficer, Bow., Manvilie ; Mr. Gibson, Bocekville, ait bis brother-inle,'sMr. A P. Alford; Mr D. J. McKennan, Owen Sonna. at Mr. Oea. Musgrove'e ; Mv. Jemes HEliei 't witb bis son, James, Tloronta ; Misses Winnf e Joues and Deisy C;cnch guets a f Mis Bertha Jones'; Mi e Linton home from' New York; Miss Steclla Butler bas returueï te the city ; Messrs, Fred Sissenu and Ted O'Neil et Penetenguishene ; Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Long, end Mir. eri oMis. Wm, Lonk, or , aet Mr. Oea. colter's, Pontypool. Mes. Coulter being very ill ; Mr. B. A. Pnrdy home fram Auguste. Wls. ,Mr. Arthsur Meguire homie from Albert Celege, Belle- ville. Mr, R. C. Coaen ecarpeui1ering lu tise City. The MisEsPF Renwiek euterlteined e f ew friends Fridaî evning week at *'Beettcck HElme" Mr. Harold Rewnsley, Skipton, Yorkr. ohire. Eng,, je employed pelutiniz et Foster's Carriage Wae km. Mr. George Morgan is much. improved in bealtb, ~isEvIyu Roney has eceepteda a position se stenwlrepher lu the offlag of the Cenade Biscuit Co., Toronto. The veteren Orengeman. Mr. J.-W. Gif. ford, is criticeily ilh his sister, Miss R. A. Gifford is 8180 ili. Dar. Audrew Metthewsou, Toronto, end Bster,,Mve. S. HVandcervort.,Warren, 111,, atisnded the uerai of their father, who died et the.haone of hie clenghter, Mrs. R. Hockin Now ie e gond tinte ta begîn talsing Reods sarsaperille the Medicine thet cleenses tise, blood end clevrs the Complexion. 'lWolverhampton Ladge S~. 0. B., Will attend churîch at St.-Savieur'a, Suadey . village,1 frdfosle Rev. Geo Copeleud, Poýrt Perry, proýeb- ed in thse Methodiât churcis Suuday moru- -Mr. J. P. Wifiemsou end Mr. John Atrmitrolïiz hbve porte te Chicego. Mr. J. 1. S Anderson. Toronto, etteud- ed the wedding of hies nece, Miss Anmie Laytou. Mr. F. P. Winter bas goue t? thse... Mr. Wm. Long er., has been serionsly ilii... Me. Thos. Coweu lest e splendid Mcfiat. ton colt .... Mrs. Armitage bes 1sf t Rosîju. end le uow et Yelvertou . . . Mr. John Fiud- ]&y, Kendal, waeslu towu recenly... Mv, B. P. Gonld, Toronto, visited Mr. J. G. Honey... Mr. George Morgan ie ont &gain, etter bis seriousillnes.... .Rev. Mr, Holmes Who je visiting IRev A. McKim Young,, ie puent et Mr. D. F. Walshs . ... Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barreteud Mis. Iseac Wiuter vigited trieude in Menvers.. ,.Rev. G. LH. Copeland wes goet f Mr. G. M. Lon-... Rev. W. B. Tncker preeched lu the Metho. dist churcis Port Lerry, Sundtey' week... Miss M. M. Moment hes returned fram Virginie, where shte viswted eat Mr. A. Pal- lerds .. .. Mv.,G. H. Linton, maneger of the Bowmsnville' Foundry Ca. wee lu towu receutly .. .. Mr. George' Jemieson visited hie parents hee...It ile 6tty.tnr yenes ega ou Weduesday mince aur eteemed citizen, John Ce&rvetis, J. P., fivet set foot ou Co. bourg wharf. ou hie errivel in this country from, the <id 'and, fis meuy frieude are pleessed tg kno0w that he Ios eulu the auj oy. ment of the bett of helti'... Mi. and' Mis, A. B. GeMsb-y purpose retnreing tao roalô, tôt e few mnonihs vist.. . Rev. J. J. Ries, Toronto, wbo was the B. C. minister iu Oron eat tise trme of the erectean of< tns Bil br 0yaea, o.pesedý throub town lou-1 n &y, oviel r mund Chldcr Ocono waseMr. Rîce~, firet circurit lu Onterio, efter he lef t Prince *Edwerd ITe' uci.. -Messrs. A. E. end W. El. Hockiu vissted theïr perents, Mr. and Min. R. Hookin. ha-viug came dowu from. the city ta attend the funerel of their grandiether, Mr Mathewou. ... Mr. George Davidson sold his hendetome driver "Ledy Clave" te Dr. Geruet Trewin, (Jolliugwaod, fac over $200...lerke District L. 0 L. meets lu Newton'rille, on Saturdey Jnne 6h Clarke S. S. Associetian will meet Jue l9th lu Newtouville... .Orouoansd Keudal Oheese Fectorisbegan sesane operetiaus with vevy -gratifylug prosipect.w.,Tlsuradey. May 14, Mr. Mathewmon, who for e number of yeees hase resided histe with hie daughtev, Mis. R. Heekin, paased eway et tbe Cge of 82 years. Decesmed wes e native of Edinburg, Scnt- land. For manvy yars e e s been e help. lees invshid, a condition which he bore with christian fortitude. The funerel took place to Brookîxu centetery, attended by Dearly ail the, membars of hie family.. . .Sundsv Schoel anniversary sermons weve preached hi Rev. J . J. Ras, Oshawa, in the Metba. diet- church SBuaday. Thse alternoon meeting Wss addressed by Rov. Res, C, W, Barrett sud others, sud singiug by thse scisool aud choir mnade the day very sacceseful sud su- jayable. _______ Lightning strnck the, barn of Mr. Isalais Rodmsuu, soutli of Little Britain, and seven vainable borses, irnpleqMents, grain and hav were burned. Loss about 68,000 partly covered by insur- ance. Does 'if t seem more effective to, Sbreathe in it-rextedy, to cure disease of the breathing organs, than ta take the ~remedy îioa:h somch EstabZisIied z87g. Cures While You Sleep Lt Cures because the air rendered strongly antisePtic is carried ov. r the diseased sur- àaewt every breath, givingprone and constant treatrmont. Itjeivu able amthers with small childien. Isabeau ta astbniatics, -FOR- WhoOping Coligh Branelitis Croup CouýgbS Cat&r.ris, ColdS GriPpe and HayFever The Vap2orizer ap,, J ý: w,2ch should last alifetim, together avibaho:tile of Cresolene, L:ýo Etra supplies d re-o 2,e5ascents and ocet.Write soc d s ip,,e booket contain. VAPO-CR5 BEXSSLO3 zSo Fuitcn Street a6 r NotrePe i6tveet Ncw Yack Montreel give 1s a money saving opportunity never- eq- ualled- in -Bowmanville. BOOTS -and SIIOES at and below cost, we expeot to' drop, about $500 in selling of Our boot's. GROCE-RJE S at~ great ,,reduotionls,-j'ust enough to make them go quiok., JEWELJJERY, you oan u do botter tha;n-to--buy you--r-needs or th nexttwelv months- right now, you will -pay nearly double our, price if you, dono do soâ, Lots of Watohes are baing sold an.c everysaei Iikely to bring another. of bargarns: 4 pleees 'hevy ne ee%Ït sirtinou, reg 121,-C - - 10e English apron gingham, guaranteeci to wash reg 15e yd, for - 1~ 2 pieces German eider flannel, very hand- sorne, reg 25e yd, for 15 Ladies blk sateen skirts, reg $1 50, for $1 Regular 7c yd and 8o yd print, sale price 5o A lot of ladies straw ready-to-wear bats, worth -up to,$SI each, sale price 25e A -table- of-rémuants of al ldnds of goods at trifling low prices to elgar. Gley andblack cutaway worsted suits, reg price $10., sale price$67 Black venetian worstd C and V, with sep. S pants, reg priee $10 and $12 for $7.50 Mole pauts, drill pants, overalls, ali lo0 less $1 lino- for 90c, 75celino 65é, 50e line 40c Black and blue worsted serge suits, size 34, 35 and 36, for $5 and $5.50 Grey woreted s-uits,,reg $12.50, now $9 Mens tweed suits,reg $6. 50,sale price $4.50 Odd pants, odd vests, Qdd cc ats, overalis, smocks, liglit summer 'coats, 'waterproof coats. ail rectuced. Gents neekwear, four-in-baud or flowing ends, reg 50c, for 1 - 380 Mens mole shirts, reg 50c. sale price 40e Mens cotton sox, heavy, 3 pr for25 Mens and boys caps, reg 50e, for 3~ Mens drill 'shirts,,black and white reg 75e, for - --. 6~ Mens ribbed e-ishrnere sox. reg 40e, for30 llere's another Iist. Mens oxford tie sboes, rea $L50 for $ '$2fori, 50o rubbers, reg 80c, for, 60e derby rubbers,high grade reg $1,fo 70e carpet slippers, reG 35c, for 25 Ladies gré ci 25c, for 2 , -Boys fine boots, reg $1.40 and $1.50 for$ Boot po]ish, any kind, reg 25e boôt for 15e Rainbow soap, reg 10e b-ox, fo r8 Delhi. fruit catsup, 25c bot, for 15e Grape Vinegar, reg, 25e bot,ý for 15C Stove blacking, reg 8c box,110W'2 for 5c EngliEh mustard, -reg 5c, *Lb pkg, 3 for lUe Cow brand soda, reg 5c pkg, nowî 7 for "5cý Our groceries are mo re than half sold,ýveity- thing must go> get y our share. WqtcIzes, G1oc1~s,, About one hait' of our entire stock ini tbis dept. has been sold, everythinrg must go and prices will be further reduced thiq, week to make it go quick. 4 piece tea set, reg. price $15, 10w $ Watches guaraniteed good tirnekeepers fceom $1, everythi ng Iproportion. We, are not onIy clearing out our Boots, QSroceries and Je w- ellery Departiments, but we find- it necessaïy to reduce- our stoclk of Dry Goods aîîd Clothing, as we shall not, hav e rooni orso many goods wh ile thue changes are being made., Help us unïiiioaid, it wilI pay yon, The Co Maso n 1 - - ýnýýwrn -

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