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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1903, p. 1

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e i T~RMB a-S1.0 PER An~uu.OCIE TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRWr ; THE WORLD APTEEWARDS. M. A. JAMES,,Eio n rpitr NEw $RIE8.BOWMrlANVI'LE, ONTARIO, WEDlrNESDAY, JIJLY 1,1903. VOLtEXLXN.2 * ANDq CURTAINS. We have just received direct from John urossley & Sons an Immense Stock of Carpets., E NWS T D E S IGY. TN S. *In Tapestry, Brussels and Oriental Velvet. * î We AIso Show:, A Big Stock of New Union and All-wool G arpets and Art Squares and the finest stock 4ofm Lace Curtains. Newest designs in al Squalities we have ever shown. We guarantee our prices for these goodsq qto be as low as any house in Canada. ~~ BOIWMAN VILLE, 4f OSHAWA. Comfi o rt L ow Shoe S Woý' are strong- on foot- wear of ail kinds suitable for the farrr, but on ladies everyvday wear, we; do shine.. Broad or leinin Toos Common Sense h eels o r hardly any heals at al; Tie shoes or elastie fronts; Sewn. or pegged soles; Soft Don- gola, Soft tOeble or heavier plain leather uppers; sizes 8 to 8. J.utst the comfortable styles a busy house wife Easy Fit and Easy Price,, Summer Shoes And Strap Slippers. As might be expected our assortment i ni these stylish fines is large, we par- tieularly ,recommend- our German Tie Shoes and Strap Slippers as they ar-e strong enoulgh for sehool wear. This Wveek. Lacrosse Shoes and Boots Fresh Polish, 251e -bottles 20e 0e b)Ottle5s 8c. 9esale. We are running off a grea,,t lot of fine Shoesad Boots a t this attractivel pr1043 lIC W0A CALIFORNIA AND RET1,U $62.-50. NThe Chicago, Union Pacitlc and North WVester'n Lino will issue Julf lst to 101h inclusive round trip tickets from Uhica,-o to Sa'n Franuiseo and L os Atgeles at rate of $62 50, Correspond- îi)n Iow rates from other points. Return li.niit Augn4 BI1st, 1903. For folders à nd full particulars write B. H., BÈN- NETT, 2 King St., East, Toronto. The geneýrositY sud good-w,'ies of another Webt Durhamn boy bas been, runifested lu a verv praclical nianner 10 the scirool o! bis youtb. Mm, Alex- ander Siruipson,- Manager o! the Ontar- io Bank, Otawa, son o! the late lon. John Siruson. Senator, sud brother o! Mr D. B. Simupson, K. C., when here recentlv, visited thre scenes o! bis boy- bood daw s at and around Sbaw's Scbool flouse, lHe afterwarda decided te give TENDERS WANTE Suet110 tenders wjl rercived -,y the under- signed np t on on Tuesda Jt tto new, atnomoie Pls d specifications may be seeiýii toffice of Levi Morris, furniture dstrBowrm' l";ille, and( office of thre architec!t at Toronto er Juiy 1. A marked etiec(Iï for., per cent of tlie amotunt oS each tender to k e enios(ýed wir eaih ld Af, made payable tetlire TreaisunrrIf Corporation of itowmanviie. Tire lowest or an-.y tender rot naecessarily accepted. 75 Yeq, Tcronto, Ont. REMOV ED C. M. Cawker bas emaved iris! butcher sirop 10 new store between Young & Ce. sud Davis, sio)e Store, sentir aide King Street. SOLINA. miss Annie Hiogarthir i iiing lu Torcent. ... Chas. Ligmibbarn rsisiug wab Thursday , FïredFiul cnaco..- .Miss yrleBrooks la home froru Outario ais Olg.. Mra, W. N. Pstscoe iras been ,nudtr the doctors came- ...eceut Vstr-r Mason. Hlope, ah Mr. T, Baker's ;M!iss 1M. J. Amuol, fHampton, sud 2MiL e Zlls 1Lander, Oshawa, aI Mm. L. T, t'sscoe'si j WOMENS' INSTITU'.CE. The West Durha m Womens' Instîtute wil1l hold a serles of meetings at which two lady delegates from Guelph Agri 'cultural Colege w,l give interesting an)dingstructive addresses. Mrs. Colin Uam.1-pbell, Goderich,will, give an address and! Miss Mongan, 'Toronto, WPi give prac.tical deointratioits. The Bow- manviBe meeting wtill be held Tbursday july 16th in the Roi ai Templars' Hall; Hampton, Town Mall Friday .Jnly 17th; Solina, Sons' Hlall, Saturday July 18th. Ail mieeting-s 10 begin at 2 390. Choiceý o! subjiecs wîll be decided at tire meet iMgwhc are as follows: Mrs, Camp- bell, -The Scientifie Cook," "Canning and Preserving of Fruits," "Bread and the Principles o! Bread Maing," "Wo xnnsInstitutes, and 110w to Make the Meetings Interesting," "The Kitchen [Garden,"' "Does the Garden Pay,1" "The Housekeeper and fier Importance to the state"?. Miss Mongan, "Salado," Made Over Dishes," "flot Weather Dihs""Deserts," "Quick Soups,"1 -JMeats and Fish," "Meat and Fish Sacs, Vegetables " Tea will be sered etwensessions. Althe ladies; o! t'he tw and couutry are cordia1ux inv-ýited toucomie aud hear teesekr whose addresses will be cf! greatim portance to ail house-keepjers, ODDFELLOWS DECORATE. r.FL.Bray, Miss Jrene a.nd Miss Love casts a garland on the grave, Ethel VanNesqt, htfed.a r J. Van- That mav not blossom more. Nest's; Mr. anid Mrs. R J. Lke0 aud Sundiay week was Decoration Day famnilyio, aI Mr. W.t Werry'a; for Floren&e 3Nighting aieNo.66,I.O.O.F. Mr an.d Mrs, Th1,s.,Short1, Qý;-w,.a, Weatber was propilions and citizens Mr.I T.Psces;1s.W.Tremneer, turneci ont lu large numbers 10 wituess Littio3Britain. ith friends; liies. E. G. th(-e cerem-iony. A new feature was the Pasoe, and MNiss Eva at iydn;Mrs leaciug part lue fiarrny Male Quar-- T. Bak er and Mrs. Miýason at Wodtck ette took iii the musical exercises and their services were highly appreciated The very latest luin digstation- Tire singing o! sncb an appropriate sud sud eddng' akeboxe atTuabeautiful pie,.e as I'Lead Kindly Ligbl" rSTAEýAý in e.lIhe gquiet o! the cemetery cansed STATSMA offce.every one prosent ho feel 'a delightful seronueaif we mayv so express the HOUsEHOLD SCIENCE. effect. Paut Grand W Furze acted as Noble Grand and w ilh becoming solenitv opeued tbe ceremony by Tbe Lilhisu M&ssey Noý(rmalTaiig ain My hrethiren, before we pro- School o! Hiousehioldî Scienei Toronto oeed wiîb the auties o! ibe day sud bas had a most sces iya.Aun place over tbe romains o! our depsrted those Wbo bave passed 1tireJnir ix friends lire floral trihutos we have amination are Miss ýM. B3. Tailynv brougbt lot us invoke the Divine bles. aud MisM er !Bwavlasdeing. .Miss M. Eilbeck o!fNe .cas EMs a Tamblyn took fir8t clasa s oos u PastI Grand Anthýony Mitchell, acting physica, pbysrology, zoolog"Y, bactoriol- ebaplain, offerod the prayer begiuning ogy, botany, bygieno. ý , p0 oog OThon uGr:e.ansdEternal C od, our brstory o! educantionchmitroffoci -Fatheïr, r ato nsd Preserver of the practical cor indm l rk nsUi verelookdown sud bîcas us lu secndcîss onoa n eem yor~îti.e ý( leimi services of Dccoratiou Da5. firsî elas., honorsansd oe e %cAWilt loa i e us grace to emuflate ni~~~~~~~~~~~t be 2sbet !eaia~ isIe virt- !or rtessleigl ioThev 1are thie 6mI I; wo 'L% pupris o! offeriuig ou esacigrave, prefacýging the ibeir ear. act witîn recital o! a verse une o! which JUNE WEDDINOS, Ah , v ered beart the grass la green aud deep Wbhere thon art laid aaleep; uERRING-GÀnSBY. Kîssod by soit wiudsansd was led by A very prettv wedding tcooký place gentie abowors, June l7tb., at the home o! Mr. sud iMrs. T-hon hast thy crown of fiowers. Gadsby, Oabawa, wben tbe.r dauigirter Týako now thy reat. Sadie A. wss unîted lu marria ge w4ith Mr. Jas. fierring, Taunton. 'Tbe bride After lire .1 deceased Odd!ellowýs' - -fAh, n -hfp raves were visited and tire floral th2lje O tai rée -prizes for the -hréeebest coin- was prettïiy attireaiwi te W oIU r,,ýauncii Positions written by pupils in tire tirreansd carried a spray o! cr-eanuida ~highest 'asies cf that scbool su3d accor- roses. Tire bride was snpported by ber ~Naigtio U m pn ~ding1y offemed prizes o! $5, S" sud $~2 sialom Ida, sud the groom bly Mm Hapr-i, 1h bj beiugseleted boMm. . D.vey Reynolds, o!fEast Toronto. Tire IDEAL NVATER ROUTE Davidson. Principal o! Bowmanville bride was given away bv her fathier. PubliceScirool. sud Migs Neihie B Hall, The ceremouy waý per!ormed on fihe Fine Iron Steamers, Hiamilton, teacirer at Siraws. The compositions lav jWn, . under eutîfuli evergeeubelîs Spartan sud Corsican, leave Tforonto were examiued by the donor o! thre 1e.Wf.Cilyofcai bu sud Hiamilton tri- week 1y on Tuesdays, p)rizes sund the awards made as follows: seventy invited, guests witnesýsed tire Tbursdays sud Saluirdays at 7 p mn Senior, 4h--Jeau Galbraithr. Junior cereruony, after wbich ail sasto a calling at DarlînglIon a, 10.30 p.,ru. 4th-Arbum Allin (exce'lent in every surupluon wedding breakfast Tire w agged. Westboiduu aerset eir2dGIa&dvs Galbraithr bride's presenta were numeroua, useful Moutreal on Mondays, Wednesdays sud sudFred Bragg equal. et-on graIn- sud ornausental, Tire happy couple3 Fridays callinzata Darlington aI 4.80 laIe the pupilseon thirirsuccedSsa, le! t, iu the evening, for their bore ne l p. in. on ',ednesdays, Fridays sud Taunton amid tire warm congratula- Sundays. tions of tiroir frieuds, showeris o! riceI saThese steamers pasa tt u htie SHAKY NERVES. etc.MisFrewd stdi Marisws payed beautiful sceuery o! the Bsv o!f'QuintebyMsFodasitdyMisHp. aud Tbouaand Islandsandsudantire TR.EwiN-BROAD. Rapids. Sufferers f'romn Nervous Troubles are A very pretty weddiug 100k place Special low rates snd express Iu a State uo' Continuons Torture- Wednesday at 8 p. ru. attire r,ýs deice service for tire bandliug o! freigirl. o! Nim. sud M'rs. Win. Broad, Ilsydon, 1 For full particulars applv bo J. Mc- Suggestions as tu How the Trouble wheu their youngest daugirter, Addie CLELLAN, Ageut, Bowmanville. Tuios. C au be Overeomne. M _was united in marriage with Mr. Has,NY Trafflo Manager, Monîreal. Sulas Trewiu, sou o! Mr. Wrn. Trewin, R. McEwicN, General Freigbt Agent, -by Rev. J. S MeMullen assished by 11evj Motreal. 26-t! Wiren Sour nerves are sbaky vour J, G. Brown, Tire bride was givenj ___________________________self-control is shattered-y our will away by bier father. lier gown was o!f power is broken, Sud don sounds tartle white siik organdie over whrite silk sudj m ]àvon; your temper ia irritable; your ahe carried as siower bouquet o! white ban.da tremble; tirere la weakuess lu roses sud smilax lied witb whrite ribbou. N e B ok yurnesyour skin is pale and par:b- The maid ofironor, Miss Alima Trewin, ed, ou re estessat hrh an tied istr o th gromwas sttired lu whrite wheuyouwak. Itallcores rom rgadieandcarried a bouquet similar F 0 'Rnervous exhaustion, nerbapa due ho leliraI o! tire bride The groom was F D .overwork aud wormy, laIe boums, bol anpported by Mm. Cyrus WV. iemaon days, sud want o! blood. Dr. Williams' i ho parlor wheme tire cerem-fony was D 1 iuk Pilla is tho ouly cure, Tbey make perforrued wss boautifuily decoratedý Surnm r Re ding new, icir, red blood. They brace up wilir poonios and smilax. Ater cou- jaugled nerves sud sîreugthen tired gralulations thie bridai party piroceeded backs. Tirey gise irealtir and euergy 10 tirediniug rooru wiere tire wieddiug 10 duli, weary, despondent men. sud dejeuner was served. The tabl,3 was womon. StrOug proo0f is offemod lu the daintily decoratod wlth natural flowers, case o! Mma, WmWîn stcott, o! Seaf ortir, here beiug a pansy sud daiay~ crosed, ~am n~ ad aneig" Ont., who sasys: -' For a long lime uM; ah each plate, those of tire brdal part-t ý,Caniiti ad Cnoeng",heallirwas inabad state. I was aubject beiug dislinguisbod by tire 'presence o! to badahos diziness sud nervous ex- orange bloasema. Tire grooru's pros- "&Letters of a 'Seif-made jý haustion. M,1 appetite waa poor, sud I ont 10 tire bride waa a pesmi crescent Merchant to His Son" was so badly i run, down 1 conld niot sud le tiremaid o! honior ire gave a stand tire least exertion. 1 tied aev- broocir set, witb brillilns sud te tire 'L r Mt~erai medicinýes suid consnlled diff ereut, groom a Kpoari stick rnu. The ýbide's 1,ovey ar' doctors, but tbey- did not belp me auy. travelling gown was boine býreadclotir, One o! m% ineigirbors strongly urged(me ,ithir-bî u oiesdbtt ac i lThyra Varrick"1tmy rDr. Williama' Piuk Piill a sudAmid s owe f !rice dhebappycul before tir fesecond box as ni he lie l!t for Bu[rketon vbore lhey le! tfo liThe B'anner of Blue" 1 tumning point for tire btter had beeni Toroutto sud poinjta wýest. Tire bride reached, sud bv tire lime i bad used a was lire recîpieuit O! manv handsomne bail! dozen b)oxesq, ho the surprise o! mv suad usýeful presents an evideuce o! tire fi ieudsaLsd nigrbrsIwaa agaýinoen- igea teem inu wh;ch tie ouug couplea "Lad Roe'sDauhte" jyîn gooirelti, adir~esncooonare heldi by tiroir maniy find Abn alrong sundmweliIdo not kno(W iy- 7,5 guesta itese ir crmoy tiring 10 equal Dr. Wlim'Pink Pill; Tirose (ýfroru isdiane were M. sud N wben tire saytem âis rmn dw."MsGreawy ort Ferry; Mrs Jue) 1 ~WrthIe pille ave doule for others BroadC, Mra. Dix sud icâ."ss fazel Dix,i tbe wlldofor yen, if yenu will give Lithoe pritai; Mm and. Mrs. Samnel tem sp fair trial. Sold by ail medieine 1Trewnsud Miss Vemna, Oshawa; Mr. 1ý1ý'njrs' osenpospaiRt 0 c 1 iud Grace Trewiii, iowmanvilie. Mm.l DIP Qfl ~~ing tire Dr. iliw' edCioCe. aud Mme. Trewin wilI reside near Hay- BIG20, BO LUVL!E brockville, don- t'ribute d eposited, Bro. Furza delivered the oration of the day and with due soiemnity after tho introduction said "Here today, surrounded by these tokens of mortality-by the grassy mouuds that cover tie remaîns of those who once lived-the monumental tablets that record their history, and the epitaphs that tell their virtues-we are f orcibly reruinded of the pei ishable nature of the things of time. 'To every man upon tbis earth, dearli cometh, soon or late". Wealth cannot bribe 1dm to remain away; rank and power cannot shield ns from him. No strength of mnortal arm can bar his onward maarch ,; no praver can turu aside his stroke The ruddiest cheek pales before his breath, the stoutest heart cease to beat aI bis touch,,the strong- est frame bows and laIls before 1dm Hie closed the add ress with the words: "By an unfaltering trust, approach the grave Like one who wraps the drapery of bis e, couch Ab-out hum, and lies down to pleasaxit dreama. The brethren marched back in their pretly regalia to their lodgeroom., Mr. F. J. Horne, N. G., read the names0f the deceased bretbren at the cemetery. 11I havC used Ayer's H air Vîgor fora geatmnay ears, ?md iai- theugh I r aetghty years of .a", yet I have flot a grgy liair in .y lhead." Geê YllotTowson, Md. We mean ail that rich, dark color your hair used to have. If it's gray now, rio matter; for Ayer's Hair VIgor a1ways~ re- stores co 1or to gray h-air. Sometimes [t maes the ha-ir grow velry heacvy and long; and it stops falling of the hair, too. $1.00 a toffle. Ailn~s If -yonr driiggist camijo sply yon, oend ni, on. dLillarand ve vi1 express rou a bottle. Bý sure andgive tbo cama SAKIO PwDERo MÂKES HomIn RKINOZIASY, AND HOME BErD FOOD SUP1ZRIOR'-,'0THn DBAKZES. "Cakes, muffins, etc., in wbîch Clevelrand's Bakin.a Powder is used will keep betzter." m.RloeuHARLAxVD OUR BOYS AT CAMXP. raked off the bottom and the pans with the dougii shoved ilu. Tebedh By Our Own Reorer. sproduced bv this meanrs l th ý best The nnul drli ! Ih Sr sud4thprocurable. bueeyhigi ed The nnul drll f th 3r and4thand ail tha requlî-îtions for rations are Brigades went into camp at Barriefield, , at hand the a mmbers of the Am v Ser- Kingston , on Tuieçdav June 2Srd, Col.1 vice Corps. bu sixly in number, Gordon in cojrnuand. There are five1 place it in -wagg'ons and ingt aýlng înfnty ud iv cvaryegmetsth t Ules sud h 1and it over to the cookr3 Army Service Corps snd the Army Med- of thIe varioas regîments ical Corps un de. rcanvas. be nsrc- The rations suppiied 1 h e r oGs from 'L'le Royal Sehool o! Ilifantry nw a b Bva rtosIeas are puttin g the men throug-h their ctLrainbeus faciga he eater bokethedaytbev are ruade up ii the articles of food theng soderswe erute dathemen- recon-mmnded by that geýntleman in hie dh odiewo nr o a adalmotrfe oedcourse 0éf lecture s Each man g-els a the ground s so that some lents lhad toda,1l.obrd Ib.ometil. be rmovd bbigiereleatins. o! potatoes, 2 oz, o!f four, or 12 oz. beana, .9 oz. of jam or 3 OZ. of dried apples, 2 Wednesday aflernoon was fixed for oz of butter, cheese oir bacon, 1 oz, the camp to open, but for nearly 24 lirs. epit peas, ý2 oz. White suger, 1-2 oz. 0f the rain poured down turning the sit, 1-3 oz. of coffee, 1-1 oz of teaý, 1-86 grounds into a place of muck and mire. oz of pepper, 1 oz. of evaporated veg- l7he Army Service Corps were f9rtunate etables. Ail these articles are banded enough 10 have their tents pitched be- over to the different companies ear, 'y iu fore lhe arrivai of the downpour. They, the mornfing The officers and men liad dry ground 10 lay th eir blankets. s peak lu the bigbest ter mg of the rations The advance parties o! the coming thev receive ahd the mauner which they regiments were forced 10 geek shelter in; are deltived to Ihem. It takes 2,000 tbs, tho hotels. io! rneaî and 2,000 pounds o! broad lu Col. Scbinic, Major First and 40 mer edte"ome. of the Militarv Colleze, St. Johns, Que. The hay, oats and other provender aire en band as instructors t0thie volun- for the borses le suppliedbjGog tecrs. The Prince o! W aies Dragoons Thgmpsolý- The Army Service mý en see froru Bowmanville, Millhrook, Coiborne that each horse la given a good ration. and Brighton are under command of, Tùe Fieild Hlospital, though not en- Lt. Col. Sutton, Millbrook, Capt. Art- tirel ' éuew, is an improvement on bavrnx hur E. McLaughlin le in command -o! ambulance corps counected with, eaci the Bowmanviile conitiugeut, wbo are regiment. Those in charge are fully receiving ever'y attention lie c in monder, qualified doctora and the attendants for Referriugto their arrivai at Kingston, the moat part are medical students. The gewsays: Tbe 'drd Dragoons ai- Tbe patients receive mnchbbter care wa-ý s preseut a smart aud soldîerly ap- Ibsu under the old systeru. pearance, Their scarlet tnnics and There le only one baud in camp. yellow trimmings give theru a dashing Lord Dnndonald,comne-ch! appea!,ra-nce. Matir o! the flerses were o! tbe Canadian forces, and Sir Richaýird fitted ont w11h new tan equipruent.Catrg, ise o Shortiî% after six the rmen, monnted their CrwihMnse !Taeadcm sîcda ud ove î2ard th cap. mercec have been among hie gu"Iesîs o! Thie genial fa-ce o! Lt. Col.Roes retiredrdlss Miajor Gar vin, tire quartermastor o!' Srd Dragoons, la thre man o! letters o! that Regimeut. He is a writem o! rare ability sud has composod several pat- riotie poems. Tbere are some' vemy flue hoS-s'not- abir a haudsome grey riddon by si Bowmauville trooper. Tfhe cbief officors o! the brigade are Cavalry brigade -Brigade Com- mander, Col. F L, Les,-ardC .;A D C ,Brigade Major S Neis1CD. Orderly Offcer,Capt.Straubenzie,RC D. The oldirsespecîsuiiy the Armny Sevie orsarc worked o(vertîme.' Somie of! 1ire "bos" ho ,have fotbeen nised to hard wvorký, find froin 5 &'.M, 1111 7 -p.m. pretty long hours. One ruIV was strncki off thestegi of the division on account o! beingS physicali v unsuited for bis duties. Lordi Dundonald looked over the ground and expressed bis satisfaction witb maltera in genieral Hie visited the station hospital and talked lu the patients. Lt, Col. John Hughes, R. 0., was chairman at a military concert Thurs- day night. Lord Dundonald gave an address, and treated the 1,700 soldiers 10 refresbments, fie's a jolly good 5tir infautmy Brigade-Brigade Coin- 't""»o'. mander, Lt -Col W E. ilodgins, O C, Monday moriug, June 29-We are O.B. ; Brigade Majar, L. W. birannon, stili baving a good lime sud, enjeyiug R.- 0. camp liie more sud more every day. Cburch service yesherdny was Anglican 6th Iufautry Brigade.-Bri-ade Com- -wo stood Ibrongirout-bult iwvas mander, Lt. Coiý J Hupghes, R. 0,<- short se wo liked il. Afler service Lord Brigade Major, A. B. Cunningham, 141h Dundouald weutt hrougir camp. Hie P. w O. R. prououuced tire 8rd Dragoons' lino o! Corps compoiug the division are horsea tire besî in camp We ce_ýr tainilýY Divisional troop.-No. 8 Co , R C.R., bave a fiue lot o! boreea and tirer are Lt.-Col. Chiuic. beuaving well. 'Ihie Iboys are gettiug No. 3 Ce., C.A.S.C., Captain Dean. fat oulie rations. Tire b-cef la as aweete No. 2 Field'Hospilal, Major Abirott. sud tender as we gel at home. Our Cavalry Brigade. cook is Sam. Dudliyo îof ne, wbo Brd Dragoons; 4th Hussars was a witnoaa aI Coy le's trWia l Bow- btir Iu!antrv Brigade, mauville 1aI falil. e is a guod !ellow 401h Regimont, 451h Regim.,nt, 46th sud will do anytiring in eason for us Reg-iment. boys. Our faces are badi.j scaldod by 61b Infautrv Brigade tire sun sud we cannot aleep well on 49tir Regiment, 56th Regim3eut, 59th tire camp piliows. We use our coar capes for pillows. We escir have twoj Regirnont. big blauketa te wrap round us sud s Tire Bowmauville boys are gros-IlY rubli shoot te lie on. Tire nigirte pleasod witb the food supplies, sud sin ce bave heen vory coid Yesîerdav was a lire adveul o! tire Army Service Corps Fcorcher on barriefleld but crowds Of whelesome food is served ont 10 the men people came ont froru Kinigaton sud tire lu tire moat expeditlous mfanuer. Under couBtry round t0 cee bow ïoldiers look lire old syster tire camp qus rtormaater on Sunday'. Tue bo% s dou't enjo' , nigiri muatered tus assistants early lu tire guard duty. They would nuci ratixer morulug sud took hal! tire day 10 gel sîreteir ont on tire hav tran keop Up a dow ltite linos. Tire rations served "tramp, tramnp, trF!up" alt irhlong were net always tire best. Poor meat, The Bowmn\-ill- bnvs are aii-well sud bsd bread sud questionable vegerables f ai ing sumiptîuouslv every day. We were forced ounlire meu wiro iad te take we sorry lu ha'.i- Sergeaut Trebilcock it or beave il wiretirer tiroy iked il or les ve cam-,pto write ou bis exam,. We ur.t. Thing-à bave uudereone a cern- ail ike our ofllc-rs sut tapI MieLsugi- ploIe change sud tire-food fortire moen lin as well as an'. Ife looks a wei.alter sud beasîs le suppli3d witb sncb des- bis bo) s. Patchr sud is.o! sncb s good qualit 'y tiraI ________________ lu future soldiera will want te- go te carreaders m ould flnd il '.ery lut-A n nce tFo ereslin)gte inspecltirhe Am-y Service To ireaitir sud happinese in Scrofula- Cor1ps sudIý examine tire-perfect svatom sUl seý-rEnetm mI)oW they have o! womkiug. Captain E C a gya vrsnehm meoil Dean sud Lieutenant Sutherland tac.e Il causes buinches in tire neok, dis-. ,pcal ride in expiainiug Ibeir metbod figures tire ekin, inflames tire mucous ospp in g tire soldiera. Tire boof membrane, wastes tire muscles, weak- uaed by the troops walks int the camp ens tire boues, reduces tire power of il lire forni o! a ihe cow se that tire inspecliug olc ati 500 there is no repsatance ho disease sud tire capacity blemisir ou tire- animal. Thmee or four for recovemy, and developa into coli- bhead o! cattle are slauzhtered ecdi day suamption. under thre direction o! Master Baietcher MeAilister, sud four assistants 1Tre "Twoelo my cilfdren hmd scrofula somma carssais ul p sd bng u splae wichr kept grow!ing deeper sud kept thern fecdoff, undor tire sIiade, for îa day, tre ,MgIgt cro frtre otu afier mii bil is put il, u cod soag.Ollments and mredicines ld ne geeod until Tir brad a bkedlu Aldrsiot ir1angivîng tIirus ood's Sarsaparilla. The Firaciis akedin 'AlerbotTis medicine caused tire sores te ieal, &-,i ovous," unuder the directinof! Master l ir hmdirenirave tsi rn no sgns of acrof- Baker Vealo suad tour mon kuow irow tnia since." J. WV. McG1ixî, Woedseck, Ont. te bau3dle tire dougir UheeaoveunS are b)uilt onx tire aide o! a arnali raise lu threIlood's Sarsaparillac ground, sudJ afier tirey are filWil wltir dry wood wbichir le et on tire.'W hen Î will rid yon of 1*, radically and peý the ovea Is sufficieittY bot tire c08la are rnanently, sU it ihu rid huead

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