Carnage Building and If you waut a uice car- iage ior wagon COIl audSüee mly fine display, Prices are righ-.t and satisfaction guar- an'teed. Repairing of al kinds'profllptlY attended to and work satisfactory. Give me a triaI.1 1I- doosý the work uerfectlv l o(es tile work i n a er minutesý'. timo. It keeps tho dish or the wheel just Right it iu a wonderful improvement over the old inethoci1 Uu tiî es reet accurately' and ol g-tvn, îuo mnuch dish to the 0Que Door West Hllnter's Law Wm,.'Efdger, relook Morris, Carrnage Works , Bo0wmauville. & : and I regard thaem as indispensible lu. medýijcai assjstancearid ha haýd cx- any homo wiere thore are littie cnes." piredî. 'DeUCeae was fifty-bwo years of Motbers from ail parts of Canada age. Mn.Taio' wei if-Vork 'Ras write lufavur of Baby's Owu ausfor -I-e Globe. 11ie ontercd blbý c rviýce proviug the dlaim tbat thay are trie vcrýy thîntýY-six Year g san1offieeboy ando hast maedicine for all tic minion lus of rose steadîly. Hon.fou flrcwn placod iniants and young hblidren. Gèuar- much reliquce lu bis judg-meut. and anteed to contain no oplate. Pnice 25 when he çiied in 1880, Mr Taylor was cents a box ait aIl druggists or direct appointed business manager.,1He was frein The Dr. Williarns' Medieino Co. one of the hast liked buriné'ss men lu BookvkVl, Onàt the ,lty. - - THE 3HERWîiN-WÎILLIAMS 'CREOSOTE PAINT (s ade epcaly for buildings bufit ofopen-grailube.Imke thewod poo aainst shnshin, . or storrnadke tfondecaying. The nails hold stronger and longer-the -buiding shows the différence in a handxed diffrent ways. SOLE AGENTS. <Dealers ini Shelf arid Heavy Ilnrdware, Far Iron, Steel, H-oop and Band Iron, Builderrs fHardware, etc. Rock [lottom Prices. Phone 66. One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. HANS'CRRAE WORHS J-f a';ing Lo'),jgt4t orne of t4o JE -HDHP,8OJ4 TIR{E SET- TL AIJÎJCJILNESý,made by t4~e Standard Tire Setting CO, K~oekuk, IW1cva arn pr-ýepared to set tires botter and olieapep t4à'n befora'. '~ ~LL r - It Setsthern cold. Tho aHaiailStaesilailLOCAL AND OTIFRWISEt. .BOW ANVLLEJUL 1, 90 1 Mr. Hlarry T- 1er, Toronto, speut __________________________ Dr. Erne7sitDowuey, Chicago, 11i, i6 Last ear's Whsat crOP lunthe orth 1visitiîîg biis parents. west was 65,000,000 bushels; this year's Miss Bertha Shorev, Toronto, has estimate !S 85,t000,000. been vî8itingý Mrs. J1. B. Mitchell Represeutatives of TPLie Mail and Em- Mres John'M.tJclolTrnoba pire. The Toronto Worid and The Tor be iiigM.JcbPlad outo News have had to publicly a polo- Miss AmnY L . Armour is spending va- gize for indiscretions iiu counection cation witb relati\ és near Millbrook. with tbe Gamev matter Revs F. J. Audorson -sud B H. Hay- den will exe-hange pulpits Suuday even So manv faite gaines are being pract- iiig ised on the unsuspecting, public-that the Mr. Mairwood George, Baltimore, authorities are determiued bt prosecute Md., is guesit of bis sste r Mrs. Davis these attternptiug to secure money und- Luttreil er false pretences. We caution Our Mrs. A W Crawford aud son llarold, readers against advertisers who prom- Toronto, aire guts of hier sister Mrs ise big value for usthing and good siu- R Crago. ations for smahl outlay.- Shuu a& Dr. L. Hl. Reid anti familv are uow chance «&mesý Wrecks fromn specula- ocuyngter ct 'g tPort Bow- tion are very numerons. Stick to, hon- manvilioge;otaet est business enterprises. Mts. JleelMsRtsad atr Willie Roeniigk are visittîug friends iu Findling if impossible. to publish this Lindsay, week th, whole of the excellent speech Ms et acc svstn deiivered lu the Ontario Legisiature on friends Bra atTrno B iastford and the Gamey-Stratton a flair bY West Dur- Hamit. noBatfr n ham's repesentative, Mr. W. Rickard, M P. P.. we bave beld lb over bo. pub- Don't miss reading Stott & Jury's lish it complete uexb week. The dlvy advt.. Tbere is somebhing of speci ai papers onîr gave extracts. but we shaîl Iuterest to youi give the complete speech as, prepared St Paul's Ladies' Aid serve straw- by a stenozrapher and revised by the bernies and cream at Port Bowmanville speaker. It was pronounced by tbe to-day. Doul't miss it. mmers an able effort and bias caused Miss Eilyv Freelaud sang ,The cousiderable comment lu the papers. Holy City vory sweetly lu Triuitv church. Sunday evening. Whpn the forger Ross was committed Misses Maqrgaret Cook and Amauda to Cobourg gaol the other, day by Bond, Oshawa, were guests of Mrs M. Police Magistrate liorsey. he said to the A, James Saturday anîd Suuday. Editar of 'THE STATESMAN ida answeor ft, Mr j. L h pon Port Hope, is the question "Whiv don't yen work visititg_, his inoiherwh is versy ll at ho.esty istad f rs ,iin 9tosuh lier daug-1hter's, Mrs. W. B. Couch. criminali ways cf getliugmiopev?"1 Oh, i eRo. Sab nsd Mr. and NMrs. ils whiskev A feVow who bas strongW. U Talîo-ry tad hecoig appetile for liquor must bave it. For exrieao rnty eed Pthe csiu the sake cf mv dear old niother don't eocsso nut olgPr oe inention beýr naine and tears filed bis Miss Evelyn i Everson. teacher, Dar - eyes. We4 remarked thatw we re glad linlgtoli, and Miss Aima Cýountic(3 were to see , bad some tebliug left aud lie guests cf Mrs. T. Geo. Mason Sa.da y. was escorted to the cil again by Chief Mr. T. EL ilrbta and family Jarvis, and bas since b1een taken bo are enjoyingii, he lake breezes at peneteutiarv for 'eoven Nears, Ilere is 11Huberton Cottage," Port Bowman. warning to mou to leave whiskey alono, ville, Many auotbor man with respectable 11ev. Jos. Ward, B. A., B. D., Cour- relations bias falion throuzh drni1ug I ice, will p reach in the Mothodistechurcli whi.4key. Surdav orilg'and 11ev. Wm. Jol- if oe iii tha exenlù. HAMPTON. Music, Siog nCudSalvation gse by Enlsig u1 ustaFrenchin lthe salvation Messrs. R, H. Buntý, ',. W. Horn and Ariny Lhis Satturd.ay hd, $un-ay Jl Ewart Creeper, Toronto, spent Sundav 4tn and,7to. il are welcome. here .... Miss M.J Katerson fias returil- Uhildr(oýs da exorcises Suudav eV - ed from Toronto.... Mr. Sam. Moore onu ) u isc-iple chunci weru un- continues sertouslyiviil...Verv large usuaily ple t,,;ng. sud the collection for congregations abbouded aniiv,ý,rsarv heailhon missions was over 30. services Sunday' , seats bein,- req':irod 11ev. D. O. Crossie,, preaches in iu lte aisies both morning andevouning. Ha'îoweil churehi, Belleville, next 11ev. Ei. S. Rupert, M. A . T oronto, de- S1unday, it bcbg the celebration of livered inter-astlng and instructive ad- clearing of the deut onth enurch. dresses Tie co!iections were ccnsidih erablv in zvne of former ve-ars. Amerie4's îe_._cherst are gi-e"' rs I)on't miss Dominion DaY sW.nvices. pl.AEu i,i toit,ai Magstozie. Home and foýroigu tlent, Music to be Dr .E Wuiotol o1Bso s furnibhodvlie O h- 0h îwa quartette A 1preparing te lcoe itho, 25,000 faîîcv driLi 1 2Young iadies, 1stîon1g aliy in July. _____Boti ih C. P. R.t and G. T. R. are HOWS TISgoin;g to miateo spccial exhibits ait bhe HOW'S THIS? Domnionei Exhibiitio-n, Toroito, Aug. 27 Rewrd or~ Spt.12Tio G T. R. proposes to w7e offer One Sinudred Dolla r r frMak eà e ,Lf t nabidn auy case cf Catarrh that cannot boecured by e eyetr fotluanîdn Hals Calarrh Cure. et irso F. J. CFIENEY & GO., Projs., Toled,O . 1,e ý àad rs R. Brandon Green W~e, the uiidcreigued, have knwn FJ. o hi il'flb Cheney for tbe lest 15 years, and believe hint wtltiMua ortorIed0 ai pretyhnorable In aii business transactions or aiNeay ,Mici2j. Tnoev carry with Pu inncialy ch)eto crryoiayolatosîm Iersctndgowi otui mnde by their llrm. WEST&RLJA, WhoesalDrnggists,,Toedo,o. of te C;ouýregatîoiils. uto i u WALDING, KINNAN & MAcvîz, Wholesalc Drug- ciiizoj. M, a y sUcco follow them. gists, Toledo, 0.A ounath rt.EszSse Hall's Caiarah Cure is laken iuternallyý, act- Awmua h ruEsg ui inü: directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces Frencei is visiliug Bowxnvillo on Sat. of the system. Price 75c. per botîle. SolO liy aud Suud iy July 4,,h au t f5th and on ait Druggisls. Testimoiiiais free. Halls Family Pis are the best. those dates, sic will conduet ail thc meeting-s lu the Salvation Army. The HAYDON. Ensigu la biuging bier Guitar and Salvatioin Singing and Musie shah beo the order (-f lie day-dout't failt t attend. Mrs John Broad, Little Brittain, and R1epot o hrhi ot-et Mrs W. H Bauburv, Bowmauvilie ai O prto r a cbrc tuortH-wETeru - Mi7--W.-B-od% MissSfadeCut _arlohwr rue a H TTS padCer, iA ofcd d--th le -minister--writes.- Toronto, at home;, Miss Vorua Frewtn , 'Tie church reports are received and 1 Oshawa. with hier uncle Mr., W. Trewin; r eîsîstd iyaevr ct Misses Eva and Grace Trewiu, Bow-, 1 itd Masthns W ! mauville, with their uncle Mr. John nîncdo Maprny bbauks " Wriear- Slemn; Mss E L Rewnin ,-ws luright Orders by mail reoive prompt friends; Miss Florence arwnwa n ttention. Bowmanville writing ou the Entrance last weck,.... Miss Eva Brown, Bowmau- Dr. A. E. Aunger (a Hlavdon boy) ville. at i'trs. S. T Mouutjoy's.... 11ev writiuig from Lacombo, Alsa., sa%:s L. S. Wight, our new pastor officiated PlOaFe endTuE S TATESMAN to tue for ait bhaternoon.and cveuing services one 3 nar.Ibiiss bbcteb- part cf North Snnday and hield bbe undivided atton- Ameica. Ever, thing is lookintg A I1 tion cf a large audience whlleelhe dis- su2d tic, indîications arc that bhie will cussoti character-buiiding. Selections hoa bumnpor crop. XViI! give you a write were reudened by the Sabbaîb Sebool up cfibis section later on if ) ou s50 wish.1 under tbe tuition of Mn. W. H. Creeper, D-dC. Tho Jcffi, number cf the Corticelli WESLEY BI-CENTEIqARY. Homie Needlework la to hand. Some very eganad up-to-dabe wcrk is! The John Wesley bi.centenary service shown alsc some very pretty desigus lu was obsorved lu the Methodist chuici embroidiory and lace ,work. lb Suuday. lunthe moruiug 11ev. D. 0. will payý every: ladytosend for this bock Crossiey preacbed an appropriate if you are intcrested in fancy work. sermon sud in the atternoon a speciaîîy lbond 15ec to The Corticelli Si1k Company, pnepared prognam was given aItith St. Joinsý, Que , for a copy. Subscrip- Suudy Sbcol Reponive eadngatien Sc0e ýr year. O OU RTICE. Gentlemen entertaiued ti IMt Cars- wAil Div ision lad wcek-.. .. Mrs. W. S. Perev. Chicagî,ý is visiting behr Pister Mns S S. Br *ks Mr. aifd MNrs SadroToroîito, Ëre xisiîing friends bre .... Mr n sd '.rs. W. Arnsiroig. -rco w e rr'ceut .tuests .1Mr 1 F RYour Dolla' Daeposited With us isý secured by Our cf paid-Up Capital and Resrv Fnd. Our lwvested Funds excced $ 40,......o Ae F ~ ur cent ToonüStre oot 12 acres, more or less, SOUth ar of lo 21 con1, arlngon n hic are deliwgbose and neeessary farm buildings %wîii stonec stable and cellar underneafli ban fuil size, O chard of 1l.acies,well wa eied by t wu wells andsal ruiniiiug stream, Convenient toDalto Station G T. R- post Irfie andshol.Pos- sessïon imiridiat cy r as maiýýy b e agrteed upon. Very favorable terms willgiv -r Apfly to JOHN WIîmaamDG,on Ëpremises, W.T. WVIiTErt- TDGE,2. Vanauiey st , Torontoý or to M. A. JÂE5 owmanville The season for the wool clip having started, 1 arn now open to bav al grades of wool from8Se, to J.5, Wrol cýarding, spinning and weaving done as ustiaI. ,Eitl stock of Flannels andi Blanikets on, baud ait the lMpo.,~ 22-Sm. Proprie(tor, llamp,, ~ ~ A orthy School * Wbicb couverts more ra W malerial ieito 'e earning power and places more men andi * women in zood positions Ihan any inisu- : tution of the kind ini Canada is the Central Business ColIe-e Sand Telegraphy, Toronit, Ontarto. *Always open. No vctos Twelve * eacisers. Fin(,e etlinmentl. Special silmmLer >session for uily anld August. W,.IH. SHAW, Princpal. West nd Hol~e.West End hous Newi Idea Patterns 100. New Idea Pattouns 1Oc.I Sorne Interegting Good. Values at West End House This We ek. Black Sateen Waistse Sie 3 o n erpriced. sr hs Wais4to 40, just three clozen i the lot, wý,rth $1 35 each, h. ad iae of good quality cloth. ade by a reputable maker,suetfi andniclytucked back and front. Corne and get your Waist while the Ssizes are here. Ou0 rieThs ek 98e. 40c Neck Ribbon)Is 28c In nearly every color that is popular with women, Those are our 1~regular stock Ribbo,,s, but ju,,ýt to clear balance of stock out we have decidedto reduce them-ito ai price at which it is savine rnoney on your purbohsiik or sailu. arne 5 d inck6to %inwidth and we havoýeM Lî othsîl orsadj- 2,onu nd ickyour favorite color Rb Reduced to 28,- peryad White MslnWaists 9c AIl of our $ 1.25 and $1.50 white musli Waists eue.Ths Waistsar made by Tooke of Monreal imýd the narne assuresa eet fit,. They are made up in, fine muslins, ni'ýe emibroiderec iasertions ri Ssertions on bac,ýý and front of Waist, fancy embroidereci coliars, tuc ied wrist bands. Waists at regular prîice good ,raln; u--, sizes last we seli them at 98c cach S orne Big Values i Our Shoe Department on Ladies>', Gets, isses', Childreu's, Youths' and Boys' Broken Silze Shoes. * Big Olothing Snaps - Ispect 0111 Suinifer NokwoarE Wew~ilI pay 14cper dozenfor Eggs ïewnty- Poae To Cure aC in On Day Take Laxative Bromo »OQuiheTe~ enevei-Y Seven mm, onboxes SONd hi Pest 12 imonths. hssgaue o.2c S AMFRSL.- 0 Jno.Gilbert &Son Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Seeds, Elour and Goal FLOUR. 1, Manitoba, Hungarian, Patent and Strong Bakers Flour, at special prices. GOAL. We have ail sizes and kinds of the very best coal that is brought imt Canada, at riglit prices. ALSO CHARCOAL, WTe soIIcit your patronage for a ny of the aboî e. Jnrio. Gil 1bert & Sn 1ngst. West. Bo0wmanvýiiLe. We n,û-ico- by the despatChOs 'ýfri KRingaton î at Capt. Xm uges youngest soiniofMr. John -Hughles, i"r merly ýof 1Bacsoc wisreseti v Highlander UCaes witih a gold bc l edC1 cýane for bis services as instructo. WhVen3 Babn. was sick, we gaive her aor. Wheu the was a Chlld, she cried for Castoria. Vien mue became miss, she ciiiag to C-astorila W~u..Ia Cbldrbgavthecastorip. No more îes' o, quickly, witho ut ai cheance wheei, or lu an~y way ]rijuîiiqg E-aving cnej of the.,e Tuie 'Settul.- i practical ope1', tieni the pLatronage of t'Le public is ,ýüÀcited- Al m ork thor- ouighliy wa-,rxrnîed. A. Lrge ý t, kof Vur, islied Bu-g iztagOL, et~c - on ihand GEORGE C. HAINES. OffersFor Net'FlwVays. V- î9- E. Strawberries and Pine Alples at ,pecial E r Pure GolQ Jdily Powders and Quick Pudd- i ngs'in a flavors. E uhoice Cooked Ham. __ul Euh hes of all Groceries. Butter and Eggs wanted.j Y -0 un n, 0 .0hin 'F,.ll, B wmanille ",,OVE D