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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1903, p. 8

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________ I La. buying a Tooth Brasb may be the means of saving youo dollars that you wouflc have to pnys a dentist. YoCur tcet can hardly dcecay if kept perfectly -Iean. Nothing is3 so seriCeî0I able & a"good" Tooth Brusb. We said a good Tooth Brush-u'ne that isn't too hard, one-i that isn't too large, one that willflot shed its brsis ielike you can bu-y here at haif a dozenl pCes. 'ome. good-for--th.e-money Brushes at 10c. EveryBrushof best quality. ~E.HggA ohaf &Son, Druggists, Bowmanville. R. M. IIITCHELL, Mailager. As the prieceof other building material is steadily Sadvaneing, the demand for somethi-ng eheaper is daily Sbecoming more general and nothing be3tter than Cernent ihas yet been found as a reliable susttue For sidewalks, floors, eu-uirtsA solid masonry isteRATHBýýUN'S PSTMARPORTLAND ilehlading Catnadian brand. For bank barus, stable flor aInd silo work. is the very general favorite and extensively used. We Rý have receetly put in a fresh stoei,ç of both thase brands and are prepared toý furnish. either at satisfactory prices, also an expert tD superintend their use. t will pay you to see us before patroniizing the travelling sale sman whom you eannot reacli again. We bave also a fulil une of Hard and Soft Wood and Coal, Oliarcoal, Dressed and Unclressed el/ Lumber, Shing-les, Doors, Sash, lig, Sait and Plaster. Quality right, prices reasonable. KING T., AST, 1BOWMN VILL4E, SEEDS AND IBEA.L FENCE. PETER ti]flDO'li beg'q t o return xnany thanks for the patrcnage reeeived for ,"seeds"- this season and espeeiallvy for the large sales of Turnàip and Rape last week. Fresh supplies arrivîng tbis week- -ALSO- For the oroirs for the ",IDEAL FENCE"l the best and cheapest Fence that lias been offered. Busy this week when fonce arrives. Cail and see it. PETER IXURDOCH, BOWMANVILLE. ALLANLINE Fisi ly 4, 91.L].....J uI!y 47 p. ni. Prtra oyR a n....July 11, 11) YirtRTES ý0F-1PASSAGE. oin $75. -Parisizan $70 aqnd upward,Prtra 6 and upwaeds. Second Calai, Liverpocil and Londrionderry Othe stemer $370.London 12.20 ýexýtra. Third Clase, e25 an~d $26. Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasg-w, bondon. $lhrough lëhicets to South Africa. MO3TIIAL TO GLASGOW DIRECT. Corlntllan lune 17. Sardinian juLly 1, tnd and Sta class oniy. Sicilian .JIVlys First Cabùin $50,0 aud $75. Second Cabin $35. Third Clasa $25, For Tiekets and eLvry information appiyM. A. JADIES, Aia Line Agent, BowmnanvilIle LESKARD. Basa Line Sabitatit Sciteol are talking e1 holding teir annuel pienie seon... Ue. Elmeir VanCamp is iu camp at Kibgston drillin7. . .. A large number from itereeiijo),yerlthe trip te G~uelph lThursdlay.... -Miss Breen, Port Hepe, anS Miss Mabel Annis, Part Union, spent Sunday aI Mr. Josepli Lang- ni icis.... Mliss Aima James anS Mise May Guy are writiog on te ÈEnrauce Examiuatinn. Suteos. . ..The Christian, F.udeavac bas been progressing quite favorablv titis spriug in aIl ils phases af work. Great credil is duens thie Pre3u Seul, M1r. Ernest Foley. SOLINA. (Crýowded eut last week.) Mr. Ellis 'Pasoe, EnflelS, visited frici.ds h....... . Street Commisioner As ho as p1Ratrtd tise sidewaiks once 15 getlio.1so t'wa weatke.. .. Mr.> Lev AretlieLs dijîîgieS c om-u mSbaI Mi"s Ist eila Leas Deceased Ste baSditecu a meumeer of teDivisioni of Sans cfTelooperance anSdîliey attend ed te funcral, in a body sund conducted their ceremoy t bouse anSdigrave. lTe body was intatreli aI Usliawa, Rev. J. B. McLaren, Columbus, oiliciaI- eS 'Te famiv nae-e the henet-fel so mpqatity efthlIe coimmunily lu Iheir, i te; eneet.Mise Dcaa Werry menytnieîlsare ple4scýîtI teheai'ofet i. .Mis Etiie Brooký!s is borne from Bellev:ille Deat anSd I)it Inustituts, for vacaton .... tUr. as'on, Toeente, prsached ah d'-etChurcitSunde.... Soea rom tiers attendect Nestleton ciurcit annîivrsary. Ms.MoesRobiastok n Dr. Chase's Pis Id . John Davey asuIdadughter, Gertîs, attendeSlte S. S. Cenvention at lNew- OUR FAMILY M EDI CINEM tonyile... Mr. W.- J >loch bas secured SN E 16 a position duing te toîidays witit Me.186 RM. Mitchell, manager lligginl.altrn MLý G. W.PAIStgona,0t. _ D rS tfre, Bo'srpoiii. PO.Rs i uites --"In thme ycar 1861,I1'sas ver>' baS 'irer slitu ejs f eth eor epts- t ui i>' kiduceys. 1 couid cot work on tee, b~iu eOOhf lie lraIloblit, ccouaip nori>' h ack bcbng lame, coco anS asason et a meel an Jue15h M anS ric. 'ita Palersn alen~e~ ti~ pinfoul ailttc lime. Thougit I canefuli>' Rnd Nis. Thq Paterson tturiied te llowtie hedIrections-et eue famil>' doctor uerai 0of ber tater, Mr. Argue, ut tecwas unabla le do me inncb good. At this ManersSatîda wek... .iusBal- ime Dr. Chase 'sas hecoming kuein as au lagit, Orano, viîsiieS ber sîster, Mrs. A. especially successfuî physicisu, sud on te J. Sapis,. Mn Fre. Rorese', Mc- dvice ol ni>' uncle, Chtarles Williams, I1'seul fend, l',isitnli-he sle eJmt t Dr. Chtase at Ann Acter, Michigan, sudlhe Bradey...Mis Rure~IaBrcdev aS âv II t ox oetbis pille for kidniey dsse aî viiiI eFarking', etbny cn uscarcel>' imagine hbei mucit geed vioftaw4errîes ire vi nm hy entedniese much that wroî atlit Entas e Eamiabios v,1boes.Lu niy mmd tlotre lne ot a Ledin Oron, vi :-Brub ('e sun Wil itaif) so ged a r.taes !n Kdueýy-Liv-er PISl MorsaS teGiltnt.,.-yi te ide'troule anSýiteadacite.Weaîy KttcnSte pies bas accu i ndipse. ke it u iteuse 3 as a fey nil mdicine, have eob rm ek Dr. Citasc'sKdeyL rPis, one pili a pinsteu vsiluItfniousiiithe'seîx.I dse,25 cenit3 a bo9x, aI al decalers, or tiocer ceaIdes .îs.i e uiw oprotct yen eagainst imitations te.-portrait Lancrs. . Ms Dan CîcgaîIen sud signature t fc.ý A. W. Chase, titefinu eazain homnevvit hec matno!h-,hvo rcilh9l e1%, r ncuyb <1 a lmaHtinie At K.oxtai, afl0,aco vî o BOWMANVILLE, JUILY 1, 19038. TYROXE. Previaus te temr removal Tliursday, ta Trenlon, s number et iriends frein lte severai appeiatmouls on the circuit galbeeerd lu'Ty'roae citurcli Tuasday esng Jane 23rd ta bid tarewelilat Rev. sud Mes. J, S. MeMullea 1Me. A. E Clemens occupied ten chair wile s program. of recilations sund music, vocal anS instrumental, was, given. 11ev. J. S. McMuilen wes inviod la Ilie plat- tori whea Mr. VW. J. Bragg, C . Providence, rend ani address axpressing- apprecia lion aoflte presperoos condi- tion, finenciai aud spiritual, ln whicb 11ev. Me. 'McMullsn is leaving lte cir- cuit anS wisbing for hlmi evsry presper. lit lu bis new field. On boitait et tt fniends assembled Me. Richard Hawkey proested 11ev. Me. MeMullen wiIl s purse et money as a, sligbt tokea of thei goad-will. Aller an appropriaIs ack- nowlsdgemeat by. Mr. MeMulien et bavons received dorng bis peî tonale bers, short, complimanlary spoeeches wecs maSs by Me. J SIemon, isydon; Me. F. L. Squale, Salemi; Mr. W. J Bragg, Providence, sud Mr. W. Brent, Tyrone. The praversoet lS and yong tallai Me. MeMullea for coalinued soc- cess la bis Masler's work., EiNoRmous GROWTH-1nVcr since Dr. Ctase's KiSaeyv-Liver Pills were firsl introduced te lits publicelte sales baye steadily increased, escit year beinz lerge ttan lte year peeceding. Titis le pnebably lte besl evidenco o!f their remuekabie efficisncy- , a,, qtreatient fer durngemnnts o it vides,liver anS bowvels. Tt> r n abe as a famil.y niediemne. NEWûASTLE. Strawborries are a largo crop Ibis season. Miiier's Granules cure constipation. SolS b>'Stott&Jury; Sroggistîa. Me, Henry Pearce vlslled trieudSelu wbitby. Milier's Grip Ilowders Cure. SolS by Stoît & Jury, Seuggists, Mes. 'ltas. Douglas is spending lte summrer aI st. Maey's. If your tangue is casteS, lry Millec's Grauules. SoIS by Stoît & Juiry, deug- gists. Mes. Samuel Mason, visiteS friends la Bowmanvîlle receatly. New lits for a quarter. Miller's Cein- poundlion Pilis. SelS by Stoîl & Jury dcuggisls. Mrs Perrin, wife af Wm. Perrin, passeS eway J une 21 st afler a lingening iless,.1 lThebest physiciens spesk wel a! Mlilee's Compound Iran Pilîs. SolS by Stelu & Jury, druggists. Mr. Howell Rowland anS Mr. George Ceay visiteS aI Mr., John Lcnd's, Tyroue, MIanv Persans suffsrng fri niteuin- alisi have been peramanentl>' cureS b>' Miiier's Compound Iran Pilla. SolS b>' 1Stoît & Jury, druggîsts. Me, anS Mes. James Dieksou anS Miss M1abel Ciemeuce recectiy visited aI Mlr. Asa Otton's. Broken dewa sx abois, shttered nerves, and emaciated fermsae rapid- iv restared b>' Miliers Compound mou Pilîs. SolS b>' Stoîl & Jury, Sruggists Mes Robact Raîcliffe sud daugliter, Mrs, ilicCarl>'. visiteS lier daugiter, Mcs. Robent Kennedy, Guelpli. 'lThe worst kiads af splitliug itead- aches e caie lieved lu five cmules by Milburn's Sterling Headache Pewders. 'lIe>' Son'c Sepress lte isant. Pnice 1l1c. and 25c. Mca, James Parkrer anS sou, Downer, are visiting ber sou,Mr. Haniau Parker, at Geff's Fells, New iHampshire, TImesis ne eue article lu the linaet modicines lImaI gives se large a retuen for the moey as s gond pereus slreeig- theuing plaster. suait as Carter's Smart Weed and Beliadonus Becirachie Plasters. Messes, 'Wm. Chiaplin & Son bave a- splendid apiary' of becs coutaiuing about 100 colonies efthlie Italian branS. ilearseuesa s Lsacomman trouble .during the summer 'siti t lose itaviuz weak broal or longsý. Ilcanbho eadiy cureS anSdlte trioat- and longs slrcng- 1 hened b>' Dr. WooS's' Nana>' Pine Syeup. Prias 25,. Miss Jolie' Gibson , New York, aud .Messes. Elvin George, Bancrof t, anS AIheel Waldon, Tloronte, wec guesta 1of. Dr. Farucombe. Titose uuhappy per -sans who suifer .frein nervousuesesud dyspepsiealieould 1use Certer's Little Nerve Pis, 'shicli .are made expressl>' for sîseplees, uer- Svoos,S> speptie suiferers. Prie 25 cents. mnisýters aoflte district were peet NOE mYOUR WIfGT-B lntiug ',yoor ?tSe'NervoeFeoS vo can prove tee s certaiutv tlitInewflrm lesh aud tissus lbeîng aSSeS ta lthe body. Tits si te severest test %ou ea ppîv te an>' treal-. meý,nt anS proves the soipeiiority af titis -recat restorative' prescription of Dr. A. W. Cbase, lte farnous U.8ceipt Book author. 1 , ruerCounilneeaen traetameGrs fitais $10 oeuid he imourraS 't th o ut sblthe lasme ut lits Csmncil. Soins membace ef Ibis Coun)cil ha", vie- Latedtliti cls Ilu employling aSocir te draft te By-lew juel psssed. Ceeum. F. H. Mason roplieS tf hlie ce vit fl hiae mal§ asan'y82 00 , (10t ha, il wo eitltia I he. Aftcer somee furtber dioenCeeal- oildouud i1.5; R.Weedey, ber, $78 31;e R.~~~~lmir Elit78 r, ssr,$7; 1u;eos J. Couh, $6 Ja5e Wilson, 5; 'ves Spoula, $4 Mes., Rose, $4; Mes Lacse, $3; R. Ba'e,$3; W. aos,$2,501 ýMies. fHoldgg, $2 Couumi l ajiu"ed te 8âîacdzy, Jwîy 251h, st 10o'c Ok. THE MASON Co. BOWMPMNI LLE. il TOWN COUlq CIL. Specit'l meeting hald on Tbuceday eveaing lat. Membees a',! present, Mayor James p'reeding. The newly sleceýd coucilor, Me. Levi Morris, baving eubcrlbed te ths declarlnL!o! qf ualifiaion Psud of office, 1ookfie ea-hechair fe,1rerY occu. pie byMe.ChaceDoncaste3r, recent- ly declared vacant. The Mayer ex. prcsaed tha elcomie et the Board inaa ts am plm sywords of greeling, te hh Me. Morris resýponded 'reey appropn atel dgrsci ously. A cemmu ioln 'sas received frein Mes. Fannýy Todghi, stating taIlie goode ail eaueizol for tbxeQ, snd asigOueull te tes taps te stsy ovSby Coun. F. Mason, second. ail hy Coun. J. Masin ltai taes be Movcd.. lu aimendinent by Ccun. Cee nisfi, cne by Ceea. Penning- Io, Ibat the Chiaf be ralquested te elsy -peoceedIvgs, ila ccrclancs wltb o mmuncton.Amndment lest. Freinu Guelph Pavement Co., tat ing thal. Mr. YWlker wonld be ia Bewman- ville aI t hoesarliast cenvenlanca, te inake ncsayrepaies Iuwalke. Re- ceived suan!fyled. Me.Caracadden and Mr. D. flrlgg, akdpermissi1on t In crtainbtrease lai fr,ýof et thir pam ls.R,terred la Ruývîp and Ste. Crwitlipower te Coun., J. Msnsae that tha Piree sud Water Cern. baS enteeed Ie one- gotiatione with the Troseet ofthe aid Disciples ,cburcb prapety, fer the pur- chiaa its sh anie for Firee Hall prain. iees, ior the sutiiof $650, aud ceadi agseat oet purclisse ef eald property. On mtioni the agreeument 'saz laid on Haeaise read communication freini te Sec. et the Fiee Ce. askiug thelte salary foc the Firearen- be handad Ite the chie! etltae FiresBrigade lu a lump ein ýo o psid cul by tte ficere et thea Ce. (Joua. ,F. M'iaon moved,oeaconded by Coun. J. Msasti, that tha requset of the Fî;remen that te salaries be paiS te tae Chef for distribution, ha grant. aS on co)ndýition .at lte Chiai furulsh te te ueiibefare asci pay, thsa rames sud number etflFiremau Im e Oempaony a, itâlme, sud mtitlid te pay. CarclaS. Coutr. J, Masoûn moved th list racead- lnig ut , e B.lalp e empower the Cou- cilb prchse eaIeastale for Fies Couacil wet nto oc. f thte Wlole, Rois 33 ocln>îý,g s?usedfor ltae pur posec of pSseingieBylw Pe e,, ,iouns L l itepassing oetIhe motion. 0osiecbascussion ansoad. The 'sas thon given ilSs econd rsadilng sud on moton te adopt. Cou,. Coerlb, -meved lu ameadmaul, second- ad by Ceu. Pannington, tat Cauncil deiay lhit titrd reading for a tai day.,, luedrb ebîin turtber Information. Cu n. J. sud F. Masren speke againat lte, ameandmeunt. C on u, Cornlsh repllad, satling titat when haog L, Ilaneceeary lnfcrïmatk.;n whi e ha &ked fer te îould probably ha lu bver et the echeine. The MavJyor cdemieS tiat ilu tia face cf 'shah iseaaalresdy dioue by tbis Coun- cil, bis requesi for delay iras net s practcL(doe. Couni. Penninglon denied slatsinente medae by Cou. F. Maeon regardinug Cu.J. Mason suhniutath( fat if Ceeou, Co)rnisb taS ied te stay pro- ceadîne. on 'sitlle saiS waq bisraàse- on t ors ESeia'ng, îhy did haoflot prepars seina stalemenlte l ay bat ors this Ceema- cil, Hae et esatiefied that te purcite et part ooflIme church proeriy sud owa- 1 ng rigitt et way over the oter part isapsrtitly salisfactary. The orig'inal motion carrneS on the foliewiug division ; Yse, Couas. F. H. s ud J. j. Mason, W. R. Clemneus, L. Metria, Neye, Conne. Corniah and Paniigbuon. Thé, IMar toped tbhatfni thie quas FOOT BALL. Au intereilzing aufi fast g aie of F00 Bail Was piayed boe on satunrday J une 12 betweeu Cobourg and IheBewmen'illeteam The gaine was f ast freon beginning toeandl, tbe score ait finish being 4 goals te one ln tavor of the home teste. The forsearde of the Cobourg teain were thme fasiestsecen in out town !for sins leime, buit weseunable te break np the gooil d-feues work of the lo cals. At hall lime the score etoid 1 teo0 in laver of tae visitors; but in lte secondi baFl! te Bowmnviile forwarde gel down tb Iir i lion and wben ltse whisile blew, lie d con np the score le 4 te 1. lTe fiýs% goal iras secreil by DrDevitt, lte siecond and bird hy 1lich andlte fourili 'ty Fred VansIone, The team inneil up ne folloirs: Goal-Ge,,. James;ý baels-F. Kerlate, B. Vanstone; half-backs-El. Me- Cready, A. Mortis, Bd Worden; frwards- F. VansIons, B. Clark, Wm. Ineb, Dr. Devitt, Cyrus Blemon. Bey. Mr. Munroe mades e capable andl impartial reterse. Thte loal. expect a gains bers on July lot wiIli on.e ofIhe beet 'Toronto touame, 50 look out for notices later on. ORONO Mr. John Buckrley hail about ',0 lhens, astolen frein the reost. Mes. J. E. ]Richards ha. basa suffering frein a speained bot. B ey. J. A. McKeen la reco'ring feoni hi. ilînese in Winnipeg hospîilm. Miss Annie Newroni, Vancouver, B. C, and Miss Jean Newoom and Dr. Walk, Torante, are guests et Mr, A. A. Powas'. Mr, Blake Crawford, Port Hope, was in town recently, Miss Julia Moment le home item Whitby Ladies College. 11 Mr. Bradburn of Port Hope, vieited Mr. R. C). Cowan. 1Mes, Boen visited bier d4ughter, Mes, David Noble Me. and Mes Watmon' Coboccnk, visiteil at Mr. D T. Alin's. M~r. Ww, Thompeon, Oshawa, visited hie b)rother, Mr, John Titomp8on M. su ad frÉr. Levi Edwarde and dagit. teuA, Lens and Mabel» visiteS hie brotbsr et Port Prry. Mr. and Mes. Henry Blsck end gran- daugitter, Colitorne, i ited bier sister, Mes. Levi Edwards. Mes. Rhbt. Cooper, sccompa nied LbY hec mother, Mes. MeKsy, and brother, bias ce- turneS frein Underwood., Major J. W, Odeli, Cobourg GrIsan Artillery, visitez] hie father, lie w&8 se- companied hy big ties, Mies Jean Odll. Mes. R. Horkin, wbo bas beasaýlîl with îfiammàt:mry theunistî,ni and eingot, La eecoveing. Th, g~ardez psrty at Me. John Stewâs ', sit lina, was a spendid soceets,sme$4 being realized. Mr. Frank Lonag, en route for Los ,Angel. ese, Cal , droppad off st Danville, Cal,, sud vsited h;eonl, h.CareEsq ,P. $1,, J. P. Me. O. D. otltacehis bean au. p-)inted te Boirmasunsmission vnasethe Swan River, bsteta enthe Poeupilerand Dack mouuntilas, in tha Marquette DisI., Man. Miîss A, M. Tb;mpson ofthlie Normal Sebeol, Toronto, is gue8t of bier cousin, Miss Annie Tbmimpson, itafora retorning bomne lu Cobo conk. Mr. PR Knix bas returned frein Tilsen- hurg, Mr. Frank Knox, whitewas seriousRy injured ity afall frein a sef )Id wafi etili Unconsc.leos lier. S. A. Kemp, Fort Stuart, mil likely succaed Mr, YounDg as junior pauitor 0. tbjs circuit. An ol aud estesinel resideut ofthle village, Miss PRoiay Ann Gifford, passeS awc.y afler a iagering illness, nt the age et 66 ysars The funeral Suuday was largely attended, lier. SeotF Howard officiatîng. The pelu bearers were relatives cf Saceâsed, i ieseirs. Sagiuel Saunders, Dean PiekelI, E, Harper, B G. Càrsesdden, AIL. Saunders, and Samuel Brown. DARLINGTON COUXOIL. ToI ALL, _HÂMPTO2N, Jane 27, '03. liainlar monthly meeting, ruenbers ail pressaI Reeve Broien praaidlng. Minutea ,E set meetfng read sud on motion condeened. Communications mare receiveci frot W. J. Devitt as te mainufacturing ile., Laid on tabla. Frein J. Byes as to damagzes. Âllow- sd at $2. Frein-N. F. Maouschton AND cLOII We beg, to remind our public that we have a anial balance of Groceries, also Boots and Shoes and Jw]r stili left to seli. Help us to clear out al! left; ià wiIl pay you En- ;01 P AMILY PIONI1C On Saturday, Jua 27t, thearuer- bera anS reletlveseofthetsSoucit anS Elford families aFeambled aInlte cei- auce ef Mr. 2Ww.. Soucb, nenlb of Sellas, aselas iteen te custeir, te bave a social lime, The Niïws rural reporter iteing ionored wlit su Lixvitation, iras on ltae scane aîrly i. ltae day, but al's ready, inn seatera, bailng sdece- lage ofthe aidial Jans day that il ass te put lu al ltae ture possible, An~d s m ore Vpitaaut dey àhbas nover heue U lot toeaxpecience. CoupleS 'silli tit Slighttul altuetien of.the horne, on a liaigitt 500 fit, aboya ltse lake,cemmaud- ïug a v lew of the country many miles ia axîcul on ail aidas, aSd takng lna sv.asu expanse of the besutitol waters ot Lake Outario, il was anciatalng in evaîy Pense efthlie tarin. Thte merniag 'sas taken upilaregular olS fasitione.dviil; Siene'sas titen serveS on itaetables, on lte beautiful lawn, aller 'shicit and fer tira heurs, carrnages train ail 4tlartors of lte townsitlp continuaS to arriva, un. tl tse spaclous ground ws' rsas 1155of bumanily et ail ages, sud a spirit of joy seqed te pravada ltae enliresgraup, aven le lits tiny chercb he 'it 'era scamperlng avec lte lawn, several wit ltae solaciug hotula hn and, ai mdi. pendent of motitar or nurse. Mean- wiue lu the parlers o et ltsalely bouse 'shah tas racently beau erected an ltae tarin, Ibes ea avarlet fentent alnlng music in abundaoce, an plara, organ aud viella. A nai sport 'sas inteoduc- ed lunltae shruhrey of lte lawn, as being ltae nEareel approacit evalleble te lte pril1meval borese, Your reporter did not Isara lte modern naine, but il j'a s spec ies et Indien amusement lan'shîcit 'sespon likea stomaaklnbt ha instrunment ueS. We noliocd eue abool Inopector 'sas eomewhat an ex- pert lanltae gains. -No doubt ln futurs ha 'sii recemasend lite teaciars ina hie jurladiction ta adopt ilas&n objacl leasson lu CanadIen itistory. Ping-pong 's e tar i. nowinlathte stade, A galber- sucit,,as tiis -ý,e acrs lcludes eany ameDna cf bail playaýrs, and a greal gaia 'as ut 1p b l e s.,boItof 'siicli lied bbtaries 'siicit ue eagus 1'seulS ha gleýd le get, AsG'se 'sers se bus:y we Sud ual gaI 1o lta bal grouudis ntîil -tit sud of lIma gains sud diS net gel li.te cera. Tite iteeý Ltud oetes andý uMembers oet theur t MMýYiy'srs un- eain iu h-i ei ffrts le Sdoevaryîhiag poss8ible fer fihe pisseurs etfevery (,enl attedan L. B ) evllic uns 'sl J rapraîentcd, as qesti ss Port Perr Y, Bwosmlya, PerI filops. Ditroils Bepli s, o, Beaforcd, ÏTyte, Oo, Keid i Clarke. A piotur c f lmeparty vwae taken 1), e. r'eltend And4 as the shades of evnnwkre gAtheieng, tbe parry-1dispersed tbtheïr honml , elg that a Vary joyou.eavant hssd tiiken, place. C - A% Se, Unider instructions from- John Perciy, J. if, il. Jnry anid J. B, MItchàell, biezirstee's thýereof, there wiil be offered for sale b y pub)lic anctton at the law offices of Messrs. Snpsn&laie, Bowmanvilie, ou Friday, t1ie S3isc day f Jly, 190l3, at the heur of 2 o'ci'ock p. nm., tte 60110w. ing rea l property Ail and siiingular those certain ar els or tracts of iand and premiseshei composed ef.- FIRSTLY-That p art of lot 124 n bloci 'l' fronting on Citurch Streelin said town des- cribed as folors : Commeeiniig at a pont on the southerly bounidary of CburchbStreet la satd towu at a point fouerteen fect eaeterly rom the north-westerly angle of salit lo;i' tnfco easlerly along said southiecly bounlary of Churcit Street fifty-two feet and eliiieluhes more or lsse the uiorth-ea8terljranigle 0fscid lot; tifence southerly aloug the eterly bounil- ary of sald lot niunety two feett-,"Iien1v -cesierly parallel le theý northerl'y bun)dary of said lot fifty-two teet elht incies Mor e Or lees te a u oint distant fourteen fceet froi lthe westerly7 oundary of sid Pl; iee nolherly pajralei wlith sad weste 'rilyboundar y ïniuiy.lwo feeîtet the place of begînin;ig; SCONDL-Thiat portion of said lot des- cribed ais follows : Commnenctngr at ie souath. westerly an-gle eofsid lot ; titen-e ruiog easlerly along lite soolherly bondary of same eighteen feet; tîjene uortlierly pacrellel witIh the weserly boundary cf sald lot eighteeu feet; thence westerly parailel wilh thie southeriy boundary, of said lot eightten ft ; thece southerly along the westerly b-onudry of sald lot elgitteen feet te the place of beginnaitng; Ë; TOUETHEII witb fuil right and i liberty for the purchaser hie or its hie, exeeutorýs, ad- ministrators, suceeseork alosig 'e, owner or oweîers for the tme being .,f thie s,,id lande and his and lteirs or its servants and leniants and tail other persons authorized lu, that behaif lsy hum, temn or it from lime te lime and aT, ailtlifli5& itereafler aI hie and their or ites",Viti and pleasure for al purposes cor)Ileetpl wtlh the ose and eui ymeuýt of lite said landi te pase and repase withtieo ilou iorsýes, carts, agons and carniages lu alon!g and over thei westerly f ourleen feet of lte nmû rlherly ninety- two feet of the sald lot a,îd tse southely lier- tion 0f satd lot net occupied with b)uîldik 9t- eiectiones, TOGETHER aise witit fu11 ri'g1ht te 4ig ami lay pipes on anly portion of saiSt lot other thani that on whichtbuildings arei eacteS te the land& se:oncdiy steve d7esrlbedà anS at anýy lime to re-open ite oIcland lesaiS pipes terepaie or relay. TERMS 0F SA'LE -Theo p.ropecýy ,vill lie offered for sale squbjact te a reserve--dbiS. The purcitase money shall te paS own il11day of sale te the iunde! igne4 &eIlcitors; for ite vende,, s.Rite tile of the0 velideî's Cothe saiS rpet ndIar iglit tt convey tlite sanie hm e pt . 1eS by tlte purcaee asabslutly alid iandniosin al.Thie vendoýresha net te reqnîred te, furiit anýY abstract o! titie or produce eny till, Setis decaratonso iler evidctea of titie exceý,pt those l inttu csatn Furîher pa' lieulars may te bad fn)m ,'thc- unldersignied ouiInsan)d wL 'be nide eiiowa on daiy cf sale. DateS at llowman'aile the 27th day of Janeo, SIMPS0QX & BLAIR, 2&4w , -8olicilarg for Vaendors 1: Work is now in full blast and ire ep3t soon to make room for ail the goods we have left. We intend to widenà and lengtAhen, our store and when doewe shail have not only the Iargest but the best store in Bowmianv ille, and iili be better able-, than @ver to serve oui' customers with DRY GOODS THE MASOll-,ýý'

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