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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1903, p. 6

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/ COLIC CR IFS, PilN IM7 THE 5STOMACýH, SIJMMR COMarALAINT iÏG EFFE9079 ARE rIARVELLOIJS. IT AUVS LIKE 1%uAIROL azna vouan aUnniasrGCN ET. TKENO 01-I5E. TEWANT A GOOD RELIABLE an to art as local SIesse-an, lu yOur distrlct. Tbe josition la a permanent oùet .alld,,e-ffarsa large p1ayouto anuy wide- aiwake iena okr I u o r gliaraniteed. We va t toe dlealloly with tes w)!, eau apprecla good110Slt'11 ll] a Td(- Alil fi e gbtsand pziuleiîg t-barges are epaid by a3. Fros $m Ot o ita' er imeu1th ail ( P. LiLAcieFomu, Torotuto. Ont 2-311 WANTED - SUEERAL IN)Uq-, Vitrions personis lu each state te travel fr bouse e stabllshed eleven years and with a lui ge c aptal, te eau upon marchiants aud agents fori sucemsitul anîd proiableIlic Peýruaneîît elig'gemenit. Weelly caîda salary 01 !18 and ail traveling extenses sud botel bUils ad1vanced ini cash eacli w eek. Experieîîce not 'sses tial. Mention refereuce andl culoseself- sdesîe eueop.TRE NATIONAL, 334 Dearberu St ChIcago 1-4 NOTICE 0F SAL.E. Un derani y virtiineo,' tht' powerscoase 1,u s b nve vsecios Foucteeti et an 'ci 1ceîpecii tlu e ,,roneïty of elgiua Ius'ltuuios ( 80. iSi7 Cap, 07 1 ibre w-itbe ferffor sale bv oublie auetton ont MONDAY -THE aTt! DAY OFJUL-Y, 1903, at the heur ef 1w-oo'lock u Ie afterneen ai 11her cce et A.E MeLaughlin su the Bleakely i , itueTom ii of Hîmnvheby Lu. WV. Tale, aeinete followiîug roperiy. nmy: Ail î a nti -singua71til-tua cetIn iareel or truieto f and And Numberlesa SimiIitudes Wioh iDescrLbe Our state. j EnstPrt rcf] i 'roeAc t the Va- i eeb ilu ite !kilgtiem ef Coti.','0f' itet i Caadis. in tse 5a Ci liJepartllent et Agricultu re.,(ttawa)aZra et te Iobulekowu as Arssm Jana ani Jcob Aglu:"Yeshahl A d10aqpatroh fcmn Chicago aay ;scAhainlnrasiiJaco and Iiov.IF rank De W it Talmîage eacidou wn'ý:iiArataîjn lanti ýanar aie cd from t Ise following tex . îod'nail ti >rphesiunhokiug'dom c1 f uty hanKe andI nîy feet, th'al. it la ý JGciOd.'- Says ýSt. Paul te the Thes- myc'. sS.~deanloniansý: "Whî',at la oui- houe or Ph aoy wrd xxiv., part cf 3 . 1jcy er crcwn cof rejoici ng? Ai- o nt T'h abiv wodssuggest the s ' sol aea 45 lu the posence jeri. of oui- rocognitieqn cf depaa'ted cf oui> Lord Jeafus Christ loveti cnes lu the ivoril te o c, a-t'i s roiiiiug?" Againli e Tiais subject la of inltercat at l na Vs te tIent: Now ie e secli tînis ntitouhesîîli ugi cici--1ycu, lirethi-ca. by the com3ng ocf oui- oàne. liardly asîy tîre axeie uthaeLord Jesus Christ anti eor ghr bUi1îleti theis- deti;haildly ats0i b-t ss1g togetlher unte Him." Anti o 0ne haiý',e siuut oil fi-ouithe daiiy aciximre,: 'I would, net have, ýoU ho tha et thcii oiillls a ouserrat ti ignorant1i',, bs-îthren, cenccrnïinýgtler voii; ari3'aîs bt at tinîe, ar ns- e a sic tn e o--i'lslot eancary oikig: b2mil1re as ~os ilier w-ho have ne .le" The- wsli thero hobcia-bond cf riccog- brs fmetn gan lion bntwceu,,, us?" ,AN ol-,ALL f 8 1Now, noult1la que's*tion W'e reulti hildiy ex_-pnct the -word cf Cd ,e orke chai-acter msght ho ds-awn say , uh.Cod wculti c'îpynefront tire Epistles cf St. P'aul. But lui- witli duy î-alher-ta witlh it viil sffre us to 'turs fi-cm thoni spe'oitiu, oucortener anIel now atiteccusiti ror e lt-e fusther sarto. ht nto le-von la,ý , lest stînet t osi- ex. ulid Ive problinibefcsi'c is. W o are gi-on noughl, rItila us that thuLgIni- little cof desrîl ption, sniWli lied bcdy cf ori-Lordwas reccgi'- cf direction. -Ne() mnup of ied, aîi l',,ivas oui- fi-at traita,anti ihat- Golden Ct aurds.ltins ie rs s shah we risc. Thereiý ouja tjc Il nrrow roui Iecsaxri.das,,indtli, ab iIolt Hui an uuoarti anianuen la's iet Uép ns a it 'aostl-u, bat tho ivnuda were yect te pe'intire 1( wiy. iHit nihuglr i I, e nme ees leokeoi u-t p th-I ,ur¶tielr f it'is'alonba"uc Il n ho aes Ill te saune iipsspk witfh the ,pri- iiluges I tho i-eq1irc- te tb(sl, tlîe saine bauds bcst mnts cf ti i 'rd I.gLve-ýs us ne Iîesn11,-a1lei a wonirous glory ilIim-ý ousptr Cuoi atloîs wýithrIl seue te tirii l. Teewas tbat about Hlmn t1c t ainabe. l! tile j i imdziloi nt wiitieredl. fi--tpiethielasIIat peýr'.atliÈgj Net at fi- st tîiti MaIry ant ilis dis- ondeuben whiclrire tii-ort ev<ry- cip,(ýlekov hit.Whltiy ngt whee e aupl uri f , w, -ri, e r ruligo') lhigor open Uic tBulle rvbielwe1.siay. s l u o yilo hei oys vro d Ile 'ceia ,r 1 -i los couices-i.n'g car bs,"--btwe ie unt te prta B Put agil, tre rcogulticu 1of Hlm; ton May ni "iaboi; toewe lhavekno u rifi I ton S.John c i-d," ltIc de-iia'ios cfGois or.We oa;terpnat Peter- sank at ar1t)h !,e lti acot frlt--id f [t, lu like imauner it shah hab sasrfor or dainailItirtonewilrusati ous. %Ve shzah ho asroc11tius. Can ht tison ho prsii di ig ,foir corr-uption~ thora shall t]ao o ac'ntt nilteeh uor-pin or weakniess, pew- wh'm ie hveiniuenetife goti r;foi- dishlonior, giery, for the na-- os' iii? tuiraI, 'bulhboay nimay- Pesclrap, hweve-, ire ti-egea cf uifrinlga cf the plistshiah ho rogis-ý tIc ~ ~ ~ ~ o inietta1lrae h il toi-e111on1carfatces anti tiras oui- ou ItIs on at efînil hs -alca-cea pes thesuselVos;: cloi- ttbieat ratrr h-ai andti egootideeidoua- lu as eue of sscate.Tq kr-scrth eee eateiopeuily. te t ira sea aist1im înriiuggreap, ýýt oui- imurcl)ti-talindivitiunlity shah llyo inotiueUfihs. tis ii( lk ref 'rin anti ne ha kucwn teoa,ci suppar1; urniixtiwtl gest, Ilis otfrItti- i ifllible preefs. Ahi-Ianti a fliewshîp, a CnnnUnien, a fami-.shah I 1iciîn Abirabaîn, Daniel sa ly, a homorbki.Surely, ki,ýt te- stb(-hoDaniel, uta Goti SUper gettier hy mihtics, týis metb 's efsIIl Istill caîl lita aîecp hy siame, that kingtieni must kuow cati uofli anti thoy wlic lave niet lintis lifa Blt wa are not ift -temore ai-el-ishah reoein Ibebecca, a Daviti shahi foi-cres ant i iplicatieo. The Bi- go t-te a itiiWho coulti ne-t cee hic assýerta tium'cstly thle doctrine, cf te hlm, a Mary anti a Maitha shall ceîue'atie~rstihwas d>try- itJîel Afterpain ea ebta, she had. jsiahave selvedtitiis înystry- 14'Ur.. stai-tat back ou an evcning train, te a certain extout. TIc- av ds T Ïftcr Ovcr-IllduIgcuce, STRINIE "iEWESTY8TERJE8I The Kroos Deniand Higlier Wages For 'Thefr Work. FECTJLIAR DAINTIES ENJOYED The Kroos arc a fine, muscular, iu- BY, HlUMANITY. dustrjous lot of fellows who are ai- moa inispnsaleta he oreguNge-e Is Said to bce Very Nice, trade with licat Africa. They make Bu'trw atiNt Liked. excellent satilois and are unsurpass- ed in iche at uof tranporting freigivt Ngýa-pe is a dainty peculiar tou th through thc surf bewveen ships and B1ýl'urese; this is hoiv it is prepared: the shore. Staii!iy enýgaged a lot of A hole îs dug in th(, ground, and a tliem to go tthe i(ýConigo and help layev-(r of 115h is placedl on the bottoin. --bilistauL ha stiat!ions, alog te Tenbomne salt'is thrown ln, with- rive. Evrybdy wshe the iv Ilte addition c om chillies anid bjecauso thoy supply thie besi kid1cf ari ous other vegetable,,s. Thon there native A 2frican iabor. .v1y i s placed a layer cf earth, tiefn an- W' aongthe coust ut ihieria.ohe lyer of Ilih, and arnother l ay- S Tie c Africai, an interesting eýr cf sait, and se on luntil the pit ta i~~,)jual pulishied in Monrovia, filed up. The mass is left horýe un- - 4Li bigs thie news, however, that thei tili t becomes qulte rotten. After a A roini~ Suter ldy roos have La gkievauce and have goed uîany mrnuths the black putrid Mr. lachrd o Nshliegeeun str-iku. They think that mass is takers up. The odorons stuff their \vages are not adequdte for the thon is called Nga-pe, 'and la held in Tenu., tlshow she was cured liard iverk they do, -anîd many other high repute. The Burm-'se maintain of acacedizinss pinolpersons will agree with themi. that it la the finest dainty that it au of dizifiss, ainf llow woîlld onr lengshoresnen like possible te obtain. andirgnapeod by L-ydia E. te ,ork for'-n pittance of 2,4 cents Alter ail we have nearly as poculi- Pinhan'sVeetaleCornpound. 'a day? This la the exact sumi these ar daint les lu oui- own country. At "Grtitde ompis e t acnow- tout, willirngblack moen rereive, ai-d an inquest held on a chuld flot long dge te great mec yut 'ee it la al the steamarhips are willing te ago ît waa stated that she liad bosua table Com ud. hva auffered for pay. The mou, deînanded 36 cents fed ou salmron,- ire cream, pickles and four years -withà irreg,-ular andL p:illful a daiy, and as toerdmn u u.Te mte f thi clildý mnenstrution, -aIsedlzoespltha in net corcedled tliey wcnt on sttike quite a young womnau-had ba1-t three Ue akan oe ma nd fltfni cearly th1ýis year. Sucll a tlîîcag la childreu ithin a week. aie-ep. 1 dreýaded"( the t:mte i)cerne alinoasitunlieurd cf in tropical Africa, The Mexican national drink is an- whieh wouid only mnus Ù)rigteîhere itrdeýsiuionis tnd the walking ether peculiar coucoctioni. The bos me I l oie f Lydn, F_ delegate haie net yet made their wny te get an idea cf its pclai Pikhr's'VgtaleCmp'udad'-ent, ties la te take a mixture c(f 1four brought me hicalth and happiness lu a'l'The result la that, the trading and wnter, aud allow it te tn un- few short muhadwas worth st1eamers tu Europe are haviDg a tii a ricli green' mould grows uipen more than. montha iunder the doetr'a lr timne te got their freight hand- it. When it gives a amin whiurh per-, care, whlch really dild net benefit me ld. The editor of thie 1New Afýrica, uteates1 théeplaice for aL ýGod dsac at ail. 1 fc]. lilke another person now. goiug nioug the ceast ou the Mas-to round, tir pepraio îayhocon-l My aches anti,! pains, have ieft me,. 1I Woermnu. nfouud thle Ki-oc a a near- sideredcopte arn satiafl(ed Ustea lane snedieine ") ly e r'littla port determined' te A Fronchii entom1ologiat la greatly, goed for sic1- wom-lran ý!,your Vege- 'onjpel itheir encesto recegn,1ize lunfavýor cf is aas inu art icle cF table Oompouuid, and I adyccate itt teir ideiimdq. The - ,vessel s(o _pped >foodi. This genlemn ahcsld hol b- a miy lad(y Inond lu hlnee d cf mdciat placcawhereitwas iusually easy excellenltatithcriity ountHe bet hel."' Ms.B.A. nÀçerÀa, 22te eur arogo inubr of lbauds, ferho has enten erery klindc1 f iusect ]odSt., NahllaTeu.- 500 er 'uttis tiue oeuly a few meunivere imaginable.,lMe lias tasted lhuadreds faint t if iinieose ate rse 1oumeia etli. 1,and ,these chati evidently cf tbe -speciea raw, beileti, fild, Whleu n wonoýn are troublod with neýt' licaird that a strike hati been1 broileti, rensteti, hashotiati menstrual irglrteweakness, idcae. At at 1accounta thse TR'EATED LiN OTI-lEIL \VAYS. ioucorrhoen, dslcmnor ulceration strke wtu ain uprogrosa. lHe ddc et rar ie for spiders, because of the woimb, that beariug-down feel- Soe f the premineut citizens- of firat cf nli they are net insecta, andi ing, inflammai5t ion of the evariea, back- Yonilroeýi a say that the demnanda Of îseconciîy thUiey re filenetera, lera aiche, they should remiembor thora ,5is thse l aborers ai-e neit unreasonale. ate recintmlgt ccp oieatri-led nd re ey Lydial E. 'Thir worký on the slips >is cf the for, bis favorite side-diali. "Poundi PinhamsVeetaleCrnpund 'hax estkiud. For years they haeyour cockçroach1es in a mertar', put drudgo ail dy lon and"hve en l a siove, and pour on boilinigwa MUI-T.LAH- LOST 1,Cý ,00 E!N. reuethn there was a rush cf 1t er, ci b cd fst okc Iokt la-bor far luto the nilt iri, arry J olînston says ho_ has War Office Rececives News of Bs-j- aii l for a,, pittauceocf 24 cents a tasted na moat peculiar dili. Tt was- tih icor.dayl Thes,,e sympathizers say tjiat whiîe lie was lu a vory wild part cf the servicýe of the Kreomau is ai- Wust Africa,-onthelUpp)es Cro-s li- A PIac ror -m Leoavcivanys: ineat indispensable,. and is request or. liewas .îîaulîod eut of bis TîheVr ce on Welsegay e- fer n foîv atditiosnil cents a day is rance, and bis ses-vanta wero lm- ceived ti eeathroin Coi. Roch-l are est, and itweuid ho simpl js- prisoneti temiporas-ily, but ho hlm- foi-t, (10,62 cf 1.hBritisïb ogicer -- tire te accept hs tes-nia anti end the seif was taken te a grena feat. This ingijË wtb UcAbytu-siinîn8i fo.-,e u strne.was luhouer cfsorrie aucestors cf Sorîialilane, whlili saytryss------e Uctribo. As a niatter of fart, s-linians ouMay3lst, after aDsArr, s DARIG WOXYAN, ROBBER. sm part cf the ancetral feat con- cf foruicd umarches,ý, strsisck tira o~î i sse f the aucet1os-s themaiselos. M~lasforce's near Jeyd(, eoris-adage Her Victiirn and MfadLeAmoingst the daînties servod at 'the lng tieta ai iwn ni flsg1,000j Rich 1Haul. - inlor wIa aratheragrea-i-llvor apearsnreh, andnn<'purio Inboîuai(c1t eti ih. lie naki lis hot hat col, 1sa's' A. A. Adams, jun., wife of tire ~ ý' Atysiins hv efftuiiyth ie-r otiu f the F. F.Ad Hofuttlatîedsrvafr- cbadte tir i'ull' iltrv--ts-anis Conpairy, ireported te the police,,-f,-tu'et sltiewhci1a inig places g) 1OUnl l fteGre'biwo ens'y tathe hti be es rvoa nio1ked1ver a fire cf C(iulniti lina, ld aie opea they ýwilîsan'dbagged androlibed of $18,500 Ywît )ehalu contact w'llt'h 1rc Biii rlono arin oo1 n rote te othls ol e (qr iflý1. feco atit e iaal a o-pi-tct rom Ciaoon Tuostiay ngitpl'clrdiepealu.B ata 'n te pisai-t f fiie MoiilirMrs Ad sua -tas tht aie ,adhiu lg conaui d thîs ctiomt i a l' !Il1,11 or t),1(ý MUà tat lzýdborainei a mewinher of the trihe. 1 byv-lire s rtvr 1le t l),bs cem x e e t C ia e o on a 't r The composition cf the sausage liasÉ- watelee pr c fi cuat-y T First National Bank cf tlîat city.sntur lery-te fTinu u Right inâ the umali of thebck Do you evoer get a pairn therce? If so. do yau know whati t riranso Et is a Backaçhe. A sure sign of ,Kidney Trouble. Dont oegiect it. Stop it in time. If yen dcn't, serions Kitioey Troulesr are sure to follow. cure Backarhe, Lamne Bark,Dabts Dropay anti ail Kidney siu' Biatder 'l'roubles. Pria. 50CabxoSfr$l2,aldeI~ DOAN 1K-DNEY PILL CO.. ïToxelto Ont. 50YE 17 I" CoPYRIGHT.S & C,O Anyone sendinz a sketch and deseriptln niay qntekly aseertain Our Opinion free 1' I ether lan invention la probabYý patesitable. Cýýomnn cea. tions atrctly colin ýti&j. I'anilbook on Patents§ ment froc. Oldest agelley for 1eseurinlîî paters. Patents taken t congh bInon & Ce. rece1ve rpecial notice, wthout charge, lu the culattoo f any scieutitio Journal. JTerml, Ï38ea year;fr ot,$1albal ewear. HIINTS TO 1IOUSEHOLDET)VRS. 01ne of tho prov-okinlg thinga ins hosoeplgis- the certairaty thiat trhwbriglit it is and h1ow crfl 13' it is put away, wi1 ii e%71tallly ]J6 tarishied when tkont out. lIt is. as- serted tha tt this need( not be t»e cas43 if the articles ýre wrapp)led in 1lasnton- fumne1 rinnrerl -nhu fnhlvnwtno-scuunn get your ston-ach anid 1liver into proper condition by us- ing this renownecd old family remedy soId Everywhierb. I borues, 25 cents. Ji Sittula el vine ana Delliff in t wlïGýwJ'o-f i 1 1

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