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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1903, p. 1

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ana~i~n MTERMS :-U1.5O Pun Annzuv. 003 TOWN AN» OOUNTT NIES? t TEE W0EL~ AFWEEWÂRDS, m.t A. .TAhI F dîtor andPratwietuot NEgw SEBIEs. BOWMU-NVILLE, ONTÂRIOv WEDNESDÂYe JU-LY 15, 1903, volUMEXLXo.2 Cooeing of Ane Sale COUdI JOHNSrT.ON & CRYDERMAN, hiaving been 21 years in, will celebrate the event by givingr graat bargains in ail kinds of S:ummer Goodas U i Colored Mulslins at redueed prieces. Some Fine Muslins at half price. Wot 1~ fr8e inghams W~~~~~orth 12cfo8, oti15c for 10c. PFrints worth 10 and 1-9,1c for 8c. Sateens worth 25e for 15,,,. Parasols, Ail Parasols at reduced priees. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 VISIT TO DEAAE, Jfot deter, the negro- from crime andis degrading and brutalizing to the whites.1 The negroes iurnish Judge I,aynch witb Un. Tuos fl-anR, C. .. SoLINA, WRIITES over 100 victitus annually and verv littie effort is made to punish the flends who A VERY INTSIRESTING ACCOUaiT OP IS perpetrate the ly nching. The speet- TRIP TO THEC SOUTIIII1NSTT. acular President of!'the -United States bas the presumption to forward a peti- tion and' remonstrance to the Czar Being.atCobourg at Countie;' Coujncil against the murder aDd crueJties ýto and hav ing a few days to spare >±ftter Jews in ;Russia. If Carnegie wonld the session 1 dcided to makef a visîjt te) a give sorne of his surplus millions iustead brother in Dover, Delaware Leaving of bas $600,000 and other multi-million Cobourg at 2 p. mn, Junie th on the ares would follow is exampl and the comtortable steamer North Kn fe United Statea Govt. would dio its duty a delli'htiul Bsil 1 srrivedluPhte by the negroes it would give tbem oat Pennsylvanla IR.R. Station nt 8 p.m., Dchoolo and- compuilsory education and 10 aie for a train to take me the mosti teach thein te work and tbe aignityof direct route to my destination, se took labor. If there were more ýgrand,' te New York Central for New YYMk. beautiful characters Ilke Booker T. 1 bad a frleu)dlyacat tram R~etr1 Wasbin.-tou, witb funds fer their worki Syracuse witit a genxtleman juqteresîed of u plifting- and, educating the unfortu. lu hewaerwoks sse nate blsck race of tbe south il would go and ther ntawrie sytons"Co'bOurg a long vay towards solving the nep~ru gli Oter utt." tOnsHe Proved preblem. of the south. Leavlng Wil- An iuteresting' cenversationalist from mington 1 reached Dover about 5 wbom i derived cnieal informia- o'cîock, June 6th, in a heavy raîn. My tien At dayliight I biele-ld the beautiful brother onlyý lives a short distance fromn Hudson River ontone Sidu o! the train. tbe stat:Ion snd I was goiug to walk out On lte other sida was rugged ;senu;'r'v but a friendly native soniewhat under looking as if natuire had a superabuud- tbe influence of wbiskev offered to takp auce Of rocks and dropped itl promis- me past tbe gate, I accepted bis offi.. cuoslylxichaticconusin i whehHe.had a bottle aud cork Screwan state it wil reinain as Lonig as tinie iaSs cordîally invited mûe to take. a drink. Iun arrivd luNew-avn Yorka 71 .itn.He was surprised tb find that a Canadian Jun 6t, sd bvln luwai autwouldn'î drink foyer wbiskey', AI- two hours for rny train took a str-eet car îougb somewhal vet I received a warmn aud viswed sente o! the handsome hiotelq welcome fromn my brother wbom .1 ha& F aud solid buildiings nBodaas a eu o 8yas b onr the arkt ad sw ausrm o!menarondc Dover is level, soul a ioam witb drilling sund blasting the solid rock some sand. Creps are fail wheat, clover mnakîug1 a tunnel under lte busiest busi andco crn Spriug grain is nlot growu. E ness part of New York for Streeti carsIT i euiu okn Wbile walcbiug the men at work blo original foretsaeilgnbuthr the street workiug ounlte undergrolud _ are a igla mnygoe yui ~thresR railway and then saw the rulsh and consisting o! maple elm, andi ether 13 beard tbe roar of trafflo aud the an ikndswhiichtadd greatîr tolteasppear- iA ing noises and wild haste, the thioulitî suce of lte lauciscape. Delaware is aH came to me that the Alil Wise GodlzIaAt frni tt.ntnoi ~ Am., PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS, BOW-MANVILLEi PUBLIC SOHlOOLS. 'Naines lu order of menit, '0 SEMNIOR FOUIITH Clss--Normau' Trehîlcock. Dorolhy Edsail, Emily 1ils, Florence Morris, Nellie Goulci, PertyPlyn, LouieJackmau, 11ev Jack- mfan, Harrv Hocken, Mary Painton, VictýorLegge,' Edra Taylor, Lawrence Wilson, Howard âullow, Wiiliî Calver, bIarkle Roenigk, Citarlie P tinton, Ar- ville, Harley lPercy, %Ma'. Shaw, Charlie WVeekes, Kathleen Sinclair, Violet E'îshleigbh, 1Mry Graham,. Dolla Miii- son. To JUNIOR FoRiT~U-liV'tsie Sparliu-o. Edna Botîreil, Aiick Lvle. Dt>uglas NIeDonid, Dora Peret-, David Morrison ioss Hemn, Fred Gale, Lena Horne, Arthur Frie, Richard' Branton, Eva Burk, Mary Buitahtm, Edra Grigg, Alfr-ed Peneington, Ruby Mestit, Edua {amle?, Ethel Brittain, Dalph Tucker, IONAYJULI 20- The pnpilar excursion S 1nt. -Ar- ýIe" bas, beencbred for a before-harvîesîtntrp 10 Niagara Falls ou, Monday, if July 20 No effort wili be sparea te make titis a rosi f pleassur" excursion in- every the feet? Thera.,is JDeUverence From sueh evils sore, through ail'haiids wearingy t he German Boots -a nd Shoes far-lamed; ta bc. had only in their..perfectionl rare fromBurnfs at'Oshawa's Four Corners, Made for h ard wear; in sizes from- ehild's to mIen's;. From five high-elass leathers, and sold at Four IlllldrOd Pairs To Select Fromm. Bun,1fs & CO., 0581AWA. One Price-The Lowest. tkero'by an old iriend. ýThe visiter txad 'sonuch difitculty ln pushing open the front gai., that ho ypoko about it. "ý-Y ou- ought to sco t. the gate, said ho. - A mian of your geus should not hav, a gat. that , tgsa bard te open." "Yeu don't underotand the reamon," trmponded the *nglneer. "Tbat gat@ commliunicatea wltb t*0 watr tn on the roo f, a n4 *vet7 pereoga h renmes through- lt ptimpu up ft*w ge9»4 Reduce'd to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR Nâlew IdeaFoui Woman' s magazine T I sthe chcapest and best qFashion Magazine now be- fore -the Americari public. 1h show,ýs New Mdeàssin Fashions, in Millirnery, In Emnbroideéry, in GCoking, ïn Womans Work and in Readng; beautifuily illustrated in coWor and la, black and white. Above ail, it shows the vety fashionabie New IDEA Svmaes, made _fi-cm NEw IloA Ps-- -mvms, whchcoat only 10c. each. Send Five Cents To-day for a sleloc»Mof the NHw Irm% WomAs MASn.and a«. what groat value icg iii. moey nIcmo91"giroyux.C T"E NEW IDEA TLIHN 0. 0" BEoeailway, 'Newv ork, N. Y. deive tieir statement of defence, June fiit, clarns,oQYsters, lobsters, sbelj, sud 9th, 190e, as between solicitor sud other kinds of animais thât comne eut, o! client fothwith a!tor taxation. the water, Iban I ever heard o! or read ___________about, aise cherries andiberrnes of ail If oueM-aydu< tenar abude kinds, nov apples sud fruits ;of evory If yur ver-da duiesare bndendescription I also vidited Fairmount it ls because yen are flot weil. Milleils Park where the Cenlennial Exposition Comipound Iron PilUs wyl correct this vas held-in 1876. It is a spaclous sud condition., Soid by Stott& Jury, drug. beautiful place. I went titrougit the gisas.Museum in tite Park in which there is a ___________________________fine collection of Paintings, potteon, ludian relies, bealben gods sud curions- Established 1&89. ities freni ail parts of lte vonid; aise owords, battleaxes sud antfqnes of ail klnds; Sberman's saddle and kuapsack 'il, fl~that be used lu bi& victonieus marcit te W the ses. I vas aise tbrougb Pennsyl- vania Acadeiny o! fine arts sud sculpt- Seile titieure, vticbit s filled, witbhea nîliful paintings and, figures of the sculptor' VA 40%art. I stoppod aI lite Windlsor Hotel O for mealà. lhe cuisine-îis ai! ltaIcati %Susines be desired sud the service excellent sud the coloreci vaiterspeiite sud !aultlesaly drossed. Philadeiphia 15 a beantiîffai C oie s city W]Lih ide anddensrepldd buildings buildings aud evemy evid once Ldrnnitedl._o! Wealth and p-ropenrity. The soif frem New XYork le Wilmirnglon lu Dola- DEPARTMENTS î- are is aImost wortitlesS, a great des! 1 -Commercial Training. o! it bas been -cieared> sud cultivatod 2-ShrthndTypwniingandthon abandoned. The sou lunglaces is 2-ShrthndtTypwriingandred, lu fact ail shades of med, otiter Grapitophone. places vwhite sand sud gravel. I stop- 3-Telegrapit, Commercial and ped a short lime aI lthe city o! Wil IRailway Work. ingten, Delaware. whicb ba(s a pop-- 4-Ciil Srvic Optons.ulatiob o! 120,000. Titere are large car 4-Civl SeviceOptins.vorks and aise extensive ship buiiding 5-MathematicS. 1I yards. I 55w a large nev ship on the 6-Languages .-Enghash, French stocks. Il vas-a gigantle iooking boat aud German. aud made me think of -Noait's Ark. I dont expeet il vili take as long lu Our rooms are the biglitest build, as Noah did to bulid lte amk. I aud ýhealthieàt. Students may vas tbld shile ilu Delaware Ihal lthe commence on any woku day o! peopie didn't indulge lu lsnching lu theo year. Ibat State. Since coming home I was shocked te learu ltaI Wilmingîon folk J. FRITH JEFFERS, M.A., have disgracod their City, their State, President. aud tbe Republie, by the burniug sud murderinz o! a negro' virhout a sernt 28 J., A. TOUSAIV, biance o! trîal,bL- a brutal ferociousmob 2e8esr'.o!whites.- Sncb hellîsit islessuess viii, ur women. Thair, dialect la peculiar. There Is thar, sud more is mar, sud everythiug 18 right dovu gooci or bad or ssmart or vbatever they are talking about, I think allogether educatien sud civilization la lower witit lie masses thau here. with less evidence o! com!ort sud vealtt, I vas infermeditaxes were higb sud polieis rotten vitit botit .p arties catl'er=,, for the black vote ho r eare ne large barns as vitit us bat s gre at mniauv maller sheds sud stables, ail' elther painted.orwviitevashei. The vinterlais to moutha sherter 'and mncb mulder than here, vith littie snew Weather botter lu Jnly sud August Alhi-hiDelavane bas bas vinler tbere, is more spring sund autum.. ,Frein Phîlaaelphia -on my vay'home 1 teo& lthe Pensylvania Railway lu Rochtester. The country is poor a zreat, part of lthe vay, otber place ithilly or mountainons. Crops ail the way con- sisting e! bay, osîs, rye sud faîl vuleal were verV ligbt oviug, -I vas luformned. te tite drougit o!over 03 weekg. Tt vas raîning when I arrived at- Rocheoster, lthe first--I was told o! -the season. A!- titougit I vas tmeated with kindnessud courlesy by.every p8rson i came lu contact vitih acmoss lte linos- I believe we, have a bettex enforcement et laws, a higiter civilization, a more equal dis- tribution.o! weaitb, sud a more desir- able country .te hive lu for the common peuple. Il ma'y ho imagination, but vbheu I gel home I thougitt lie grass Was greoner, rte skv biner, lthe air purer, and once again thanked fortune my linos vere casl lu Darlinglen a mile West et Solina T. BAKER. REXALL HOSE-DYt S The"e Dyes viii dye WooI. Cotton, Sîlk, Jute or Mixeci Goois in ene bath. 1I bey are the latest sud most lmproved Dyes u inthe vorci, Try s package. Ail colons at A. L. Niohols'l store. thorne, tiarry usan, Mabe1 Mils. Bertha Darcit, George Hlughes, Clans Robbius, Cors Darcey, Vina Slacev, Norman M4cDoneld, Fred Spry, Myrtle Peste, James Mo> se, Tom Payne, Les- lie Nichoils, Mereditb Linton, Frank Short, John MeDonsald, Gladys Sanders, Mary Lankin,. To, JUNIOR SECOND (front Central Scbool-Guerusey MeCilan, Ernie Bottreil, Hazel Mencen, Chanlie .Reidi, Hlaroldi Graham, -Sulas Dell, Greta Jekmau. Ross Sinte, Oscar Pingie, Grace Barbun, Ethe. Moyse, Ida Plyn, Ra sseli Williiams, Alicia Creepen, Abex. Christie, Hersehêli Hooper, Estoît Darei Jack Mesth, Mary Pointen, Inene Mann, IWillie Bartou, Loua Payne,, Mary Tamluson, Carnie Pain- ton. Front Sentit Iard Sebol-Isobel Bird, Flornce Diiing, Percy Green- fleld,' Gretta Bickeli, Norman Peste, Frank, Piper, Frnk Tueken, Harry Grigg, Roy Stacoy. - To PART 11, Central Shool-CIelia Branton. Alvin Slacey. Bort Bouxisall,- George Bedford, Audrew Nichois, Gor- don Manning, Gertie Meyse, Elsie Luxton, Editit Reynolds, Ellen Wood-: ward,' RusselCaudier, Norman Les- combe,ï Rena Bagnali, Hazel Wilcox, W iilie Roenigk, Roy Dell, Eva Morôv, Wlnnie Trimble, Aggie Christie, Ils Sinclair.-PearI Vamcoe, Waller Jobns. Lauma Poluten, Mabel Redding, Gor- don Rice, Clarence Canning. Perey David, Isaac iPointen, Alice Downey, Cbhels.UEcgor, Samuel Downey, Elsie 5mbut, Ruas MeDougall, George Fmoe- man, Ida Drinkie. To Part 1l South Ward Scitool-Loltie Tbicksen, Eva Wîtbemidge, Eva Spry, Vida Walms- loy, Beatrice Cowan, Kathleen Kuight, Gladys, Westavay, Helen Johaston Darwin Bickell. R. D. DâvrnsON,, Principal Miss Ethel Bennett, Toronto, is guest o! ber sisten, Mn. F. J. Manulug. Port Hope, the funeral taking place on July Ist fromi the residencê of hor son, Mr. J. L Thompson. 11ev. E. -B. Lancoley, pastor of, the Methodist churcli, of which charch deceased was a life long member, conducted service at the residence and ceinetery. Six of ber grand eilidren- carried the romaine to thegrave. MIrs. Thompson*was a ,ay highl respected b3 ail her neigh bors and acqualântaxces and bier descendants are proud of, having, had such a parent. Lonq Hair " About a year ago my hair vas coming out very fast, $0 I bought a ,oue of Ayer's Haîr Vîgor. 1It stopped the falling and made rny Pair grow very rapidly, until nov it is 45 loches ini length. -Mns. A. Boydston, Atchison, Kans. There's anolther hunger than that of the'stomach. Hair hunger, for instance. Hungry hairneeds food, needs hair vigor-AtyJrs- This lewhywe ay that Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heaivy. 5.o00dl. uiAUl droUlat. If yotir druigit Cannet suleply yen, nend, us one do' ar and w. vl ekpress ye sboie. E. sure and £ive th.e me rye'ur n«st .presiioffie. Addre'. JC. Lyza0., Lowe], X-N.. - - 1~4-~- "S-9~Z ~. - £ s AIways popf.ot, novapvaplus, ulves ualfoa"m ,'eulig. 611 have tested ail the leaders7. Cleveland's gives the best resuits."l Airs. S. T. RORER. 1: 1

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