CRAMPSe ý-'1. Pain ln thlo 4 y Stoniacli, CChoiera anid all kinds of Summer Com- plaint arc quickly Cured by fi1d Strawberry,, It bas been use d by thousands for nearly sixty years-and we have yet to hear a complaint about its action. A fewv doses have often cured when ail ther renied"es bave failed. Itsi action îs Pe atRapid, Rellable and Effectuiai, Dr. Fowler's Extract of -WiId Strawberry is the original ,Bowel Complaint Cure. R(efuse SkibstItufes- Tlicy're Dangerotis. TE WANT A GCDOD RELIABLE 9Ymait t0 act as local Salesman, in y our district. TLe position la a permanent on1e ant cf eis large pay to any wvide- cwk 1 ieeet worer Ail our' goodî3 are golanteeci. -V ~vt t0 dent only wjth those iwto ca11 apprcciale a gnod position andi re. iesclitit s atily. Ne tutruci you antifnrfflsh yen npte dae s.imlt %le r pay weekly. M1l lie ghtan icti ctng chIarges are pald by us. ],en 0to, $ 150.00 rer* monili andi expc 1ses caul be earuied, sellin_- Our goodns. E, 1',i. IACiet<i5, Toronto, Ont 20-3m M ANTED -SV L ID S tr1onsr u nenhsaet rave fo aieCapital, to cali u1pon merchants andi , eisfur stceesful anti profitable lino. ?'eri-anept eng-gemeuit. Weeklyetcash salary ^ f siS andi ail travelng expenses anti hotel bis ativaucetin cash eaels wcek. Experience flot eiia Mention reforenco and enciû,eseif- sdsedenvelopo TUE 'NATIONAL, 384 Dearor St. Chicago 18-4m Kîdnoy -Are r.o respecter persons, People iu evcry walk of life are troubied. 1Iiva e yu a hackachce? If yeu have it :9 thse finIt sign tIsaI the kido'yS are net working preperly. A negiected l3ackacbae leads te serions Kidne>' Trouble. Check il lu lime by taking DOAN'Sb KI1D-EY--P-L- S THE GUEAT KIDNEY SEII~ The>' cure al kinds of Eldne>' Troubles 'rrni Backaclie te Bright's Disease. $Oc. a bc= or 3 for $1.25 ildeaiers or TEDOAN KID14EY PILL CO.. Torosalo, Ont. 110W TOCNVN , Souie ores anako a Sîscialty Uof ocstha.t are loworthan toir cens-i peýjtrs, %wble othfcissstn fr geod quality and pay ]lite ttn ti1o epr-ico . j"t is we ll e ur ~hzl.ntsL te onsterwIlb lti is \}It ortb l tivating and te fol- Iý uw lonlg thole nsrotr adup- o.The inereba;it, hns h îs guinig te got aj)Lpngailter adopig acheapi) olicy nili net tarc ervsy s-I l lathse W ay cf buisiness if lie dýes net. tell about the goodia; how i arneS. If a mnerchant wüaîtsbu- 1 e-sa ho will have te work, for it,, a:nt ilth imre fact tbat bis goaa' dclupIr than ethers will ne1 nk 1)eopîn seek bina. The ,pelit ul>on txldich te concentrate thocuglit is 1) 0w te coavince tIse people cf, the good of the thinigs for sale. Are jusî what every weakz, nervous, ru. dowr5-,o-aon necâs b miake lier streng aud Th ey eu re those feel- ings efsuothening sud 1i sinking tIsaI corneou ai limes> ike thse hennI bltrong anti recgular, give 5swet , C refresh- 1ig sleep andi "'liaces and i er- NEVE infuse. new i antiencrgy li disnirit et, beIl- / shlalýteretiwne wbvio bavecor tettbi1ýin t1-iesea ne Care fe'r beru. They cure Nervousness, Eepeaes IiN'rv'us lprostration, Brara Fag, lFaint iud Dizzy Spolie, L.ttaAfter ofei f La Grippe and Ferý, AtiSnja, Geneai hbîity anti a!' troubles arising -P:iCe Subrbon x or tu'$1.23 aildr issor rsanlecl by ý FlI E TS. f-M1L-B3,V N CCO,, L Un T ED, Toemotqo nt. MIRRICKARD'S -SPEECH.' Gt-s-ied ith~ t~ beirng one of' the best~ deliv'ipees cri the Gamey charg~es andi trial--Yftt, tickeksd's Premierv ROSS' $vlotDn.- (Uontinuedi [rom. last issue). DîrstERE7Ncm usTisln. Thoe Hon. Gentelee fustiser Raidt tisai tise jnidge waa aOslpiel> f when hoLe sai(rtisai Belanti acceanleti for tise Provincial Secretar>' fromt eleven te eue o'clock on-thse 111h cf Septi4emhr He saut, "'Tisai"l,-absolute- 1>' fais-e B bauld tices In e ecui tfor Stralten turinz tsai im." Now 1 s-ent in thse evidence Ilast- Bolandnti tacs accouint for tise Provincial Secretatrv turing tIsai lime îlietells about meein iim ai bis cffice shos'tly alter teoit lolî walking down wilis hlm ho bIc Trust Compaay's office, anti asriving ibere aI aient oiev-enococ M4r. flelanti was in anti eut cf tise Trust Ccmpany's office on eue or lwo occasions ietweer tisat antieue o'cleck. andi saysata page 2374 tIat he coulti net bave been an>' more than lai eut' minutes, mighl have beau a uitile longer, andi limho hla askeui liis 1"liat ,Mr. Stratton time te go te ,île Parlia- ment Buildings anti iack again lnta ta time s? Aaswer, "lie." llow l is ai not accounting for tise wieeabouhs cf tIse Provincial irceretar>' between Ilose boums absoluteir. ,Itl Is pen toe tati Ms-. Bolanti is undcrlakiag le swear wlat is net truc. Itlasopen te atata le conîti net swear lIai the Provincial Sýeeretaa',y CeUlI jnet ge -otesePaslia- ment Buildings anti lack during lis abs2ee, but ai tIse samnelime, Mir. Bolanti fiat swomn ho' il, and if iie believe Mr. Blaud's evîtecce il ac- counts tes- thc whiesoaboubs o! tIc Provincial Seeretar> ai tisat lime, anti bhc jatnges do beieve iim. >WRONG INii ns Corîcs-uTon. Thes contention cf bise hoosaile genirinan waslIai tIse 3ntges' report1 wms fais-e in mn> partieuharir, 1I aimi il sI in tIcs-eacres-ai particulars le wms( wmi ng ta lis contentions. ,Tisen tho makes a great acio anti charges tlicse jutiges wibla faisehoti because thev saV tIse protes-t was setleti on Oct. 2G ,i tIsaI day being Sundav, Dow il miti lie apparent te an>' reasonalle persan lIai tIses-econîti s o neobjeci nom intention on tIse part, cf the jutiges ta perveritIshe tralis, as le this date antic every oee muai conclude tIsa i i la( net ingi mos-e uer lettelisan an errer,1 wIsiiIes- a prînler's esreor on sanie oîheri Errs-s. 1 calluet Sa>'. is eference tle tIse maties- only goés te slow tIsai le1 avas dilig'ently anti carnesIlIoekin,&g for sometling lie wanted but couiti net fiat il I dent remem ber wliobiscs it was lweive Coaservative jura men tIse-honorable Gentleman waa isilkiag ote tIse Prime Minis-tom about-on Fridav, 1 or net, But wbea a man camin mbthie1 wituiesbox tri téti Lilst51r>' l iset e plain anti simple jarYmen, anti wli(T1 1 ,u telfalsehooci aits- tailseoti, rg in conrLloese tIse jas-y, tIsai tIse>' know anti ec sec are faîsobootis, thcy in thoir plain anti simple waa, dec'i laite muci stock in tînt man,- anti if P5 iituess gels lie îlehebox anti isaket' to tell about luit certain vainab'c documenta came te be missing ait tý lani, ,when Ibat ailuel.s was tIsone orepentai lIse binai, and if tisai witns'ss- was on triai andtbcleicinel te expiaisi waa ho know about tise slips, or itow lIse forgeti slips ýcome te replace tIse nemi slip5, andi if tise bank people -wore tIses-e tetellliehe s-y litat vou have( r-ai in île evliece, have net vert na-ncis toabitaabout -wiat tIsaijus-y wculd( « do ner as te tise conclusion tisey wouîd aimai. AnOUT CosT CF TRIAL. Now as te tIe coÉi, tisis man's story bits cast ibis Province lna atditionali intemnit>' ote cniembers anti expense cof tle commaission in te neigisbas-boa of fs-cm 870,000 te 80,000 anti wlat goti bits il dentcj I ought te sa>' wis't Iarm b a3 il dloncý? it basdtstineli>' lowcredti is llevel of public ile ia t3U's Provine I if e iuinlcf halkant itL. kicti cf 1s4ccnd aanthtsekinti cf1abuse that hlas uenrampant lunlIsis Ions-e for îlei 11ast tew tiays, is aleowed te g-oiun- pu.ýnialie I Ihen public eiîbaavl c ýenIstial>'have- te bc ekoeiwitlr1 Tis.-is mono>' ia worse tisan weasled. Il lias brongisi sisme anlti disgre) upon .bali mnobor for Mlanitoini, tise Exet l ive govemamneut, tish LgalbrotIs j;itielar xi (ithtie [air wme cof thisr Prx-le.Hw 1mueis bores- t ii oull havoel i 800lad been spol n l uiew, parIs cf Oniaie in povidiag roand. ni bridges tes- tis seýlers or luis-e- lieviug tuse unutstîuates among caur Baivan TO HiAVE BtIILT AS ASYLUM las-dl>' a Grand Jury makes a ns-e-t Seiltmoet 'but Ilircagisut tise lengîl, anti bneadtbof tins Previnîce it -catît attention tle tIse lact lIantholrela not 'ocm laneunt asylums for mac>' un-f imrturiato people who nagisite obl there Wouid it net lave less bettes-, a ti I sa>, sir, it ww(illd have beau letter Lad tise menerY beori useti for thet erettioli ant i miloîauencf an aid- dutinala~humfoýrthie its-anc irn tIsis province, se islaI ilwoti'd ccl teo noessýýïar>' thnt unIartunato peopler shcsoali l ceketi np for iveiks assîdc nosths with cîimiials, If a large anti wcllrqup~r qqs-aIllm aere pa British insiitutions ? W'hare is t-f proteetion, safety anti securiLv iat w damte Lave livilg beneantatIse fiat- "bIsai Ias brauretia thonsanti years thi' baille and tise bi-ceze,?" Wiimia OUR BeASTE niEunsDom? 19s îes-e any truhin latise siatemeai, approveti ef anti applauieti by houer1 mble 7entlemen opposite, cf th4emeilaber for Manitonlîn tIsati is l,(-)estie oft thilîgs laueus- Province? Ani,' if se, wbat Èeftset li';it "gcing te lave onueOur Prsovine anti on tIsé Dominîilp es tIsacents-ocf attraction for tIse wisole! world? They are ccmiug te us iy tht! thouauts from tIse seuil anti Iv leur' cf thousantis fram tile cist If Our Courts cf Justice are sncb, if juistice t- atiniîsier i by men tIsat are taise, liy men Who are e )t traie men, wbere l cgr boasteti justice anti freedom ? Puin- lish tisis man's charge anti bave il spei broacicasi oves'tIse counis-y te tise soulh et us. WIsat wonid lise> say? WjaIaî1 wenid lie thse resuit? I' ask "are tbolýe things brué ?" 1 ay "nelhey arifo' tmue," Iira>' lIat île peeple of- tus' Province cf Otarie sav týise are fa1ise I sav tisatihsepeio cf tie h ovniof Ontarie have pronionneiiceirver-dier on thIs calumny, on titis char:e gana tIse judiciarv cf thiS Prov'ince anti againat tle Premier andtihie Goverit- MOaRETrIAN ONE ACTIVE BUAlN. 1Now, Mr. Speaker, I des-ire fer a icav minutes te go lack te the beginning, 1 mnean tte ieith iday cf AMardi maaîcue tile hoanorable member-for Maîtitonlin mnatiebis charges'against tbe.I-Ian tise Provincial Secretar>.'. His actieutas a great surprise te me, sir, anti I believe te ever>' other memb's- on ibis side cfIthe, lieuse, anti clainaidliy ,,honorale cgentle- men opposite e lic sa tate hcni How- ever tisis ma>' baye liec. il isquile eviti- eut tisai more tIsai one actiave bmain hati been at work hatcbing anti planning thse scIseme, anti, as yen kneav. \lr Speaker, more tisa tlarc axee!ks cf valuable tinie la tlîs Hanse was taken anti I mn>'Sa>', us I saidti ten, avasteti anti -e-rse ihan wasted la discussing as tealIse mariner in avîsucis thosti char ges shoulti lc investigat- cd wis e icStaates cf Ontario, as new on the Statute Book matie anti createti b>' tbc naniirneus consent of Ibis lieuse la 1884 peintetily anti preperly provideti fe3r exact>' sudh cases Anti, Sir, li re- peat uow wisat 1 s-aid ieu, tise sole cause anti only -object aimed ti h>'by onorabe izelenaen opposite aasanti is te miate peliticai capital le cennect lise member ai thé goverrîmneni aviith this scandai, anti b>' laceý r creoot, 1'cihe- fais' mensor foal, ho detent lise Governameat on the floar oethtIe Hcuse if possible. If iraI i',ere, >tisen aitIshe polIs avicîever thé o p- portunit>' occurreti Home lits îhe avhclc Causse for the existence cf thîs gne.rt scan- dai. ROYAL Co3,iiiîssios RIGHT COURT, Noav, Mr. Speakter, at that timne thse gentlemen opposite vemy strong>' con teradet tIsaI tIse cisarges shaulti be tniet Isciore a cemmilice of tlie lieuse cia ani- il tIsaI Ibis woud lic more satisfactor> ta tIse îcaple. N-cw, Sir, 1I nii liuatita s-ny thal as fan as1 baye eeicable tV)cli -tain au index te pub'ic opinicri, ifisas been mest promacuncet b>' Couscryatives as avell as b>' Lilicrals ,ibat tie Rayai Cammi-sion was decaded> le licibter court lu avicish o try thse case, anti1 I l assureti, Sir, tIsaI an>' member -cf the PulcAccouains Comnrîittce wlio attend- cd tle nmeetinigs cf tIsaI Commuîîee anti leanneti bv' iard experience tfelic dficuit anti dccidctily unatisfactory resulîs in dcaliug avilis sncis natters avhere peuh-iai mancon reigns supreme, avili casil>'con- clutie tisai a commilce cof tisefHouse c-cm- îînised as il must have beeci m iembers, on lieh sîies of palitits avonî i. ave lie ne ps-os-entribunal lealu>' suds a_ case anti tIsaI tisecuiceme couldti s h ave lieca sali-factaor>' ucitiier le Ibis JHeutse nor tise people cf tIkis Province. Notbingmore definite or saîislactorv Coulti poseiti> isave resuiteti than a diviýsion on po litica! uines caasiug thb inging in cf a major, il>' report anti a iuoant> report. Tlrit PuTj3ic AceeeuNs-s COaaaIî'rrL Now, Sisr, 1I purpose cvigscmecthiugý te Sa' about tic 1Pub1ic Acco ts Crn mlc.Seme isonorahle gelitlem, n op- posite tae great ipr'isc t10 t'lrnse 'es for isaving accompisi somciigwomadcr- lfui b>' thiein itas-estîgaisons ant> Ibis limancli cf tIse public service, anti lct me s-a> thnt ih was qtaite apparent tbai sanie meaibers oi Ibis Commitîce, more es-pet- iat>' tie honoralile mersliers for Lanark-, WVest York anti Centre Grey avere -dirlig estiy antipersistentir booiing fer saine tbiug tIsaI îe>'coulti ual finti, ant idt net fiat, tiscg ever>' facilit>' was given, ne pains non ezpensc Iseing sparet inl lbinnging man>' aituesssafram near anti far, ait cf avis îrngave tics'ea'idtic t- beiug sabjectetatle clcosesi cross ex- amis lnby ture emineiîî lu'gaigentle- men 1 nave uaersionnci, wih île ýresu i that tuse>' aller'yfaîlet inlufading oe avs-ng or dîsîsonesi actan ftie parit -f tIe, Coaîaarssîoncr et Crcwnî Lants cr an>' ,;lIse meoiber cf tbe Goverîrmeut, anti ilotwit -tandin -.Sir, the man>' chargres of tisshoneat>' anti crooketi dca ingý pre- fcrneti sgainst lIse Go craiment ftie ny', >, fe Iers. enquir>' aas given; bIe dustiguishcd Couase lies- tise prosecation himacl, Honý S. i-I. Blakte, K C.,, rankh>' atînitedt is anti lui ther statedthtIIaIlite cyndeuce Isad iseen fairl>' recela-c thtît conldIti psa' îblv be oliaineti revoient le tise casie ,Tlhis I dlaim, Sir, is tise truc tacts-ci tIse case, notwithstaniigailisaitbancs-asile gentlemen opposite'bave saidtt le cona- Non', Ms- Speaker, tise hojnorante gemtigmasa fs-osa lasiteailinans weli ns týiller honorable menabers have ag-ii anti agaclangedth ie twvo disingýuishIet jutiges et lbeing partial te tIse accuseti, niways disc 'inintisîg againslt th 'accus- er, antin uthis connection, Sur, I avant le peint crut tIse tact liantavhea MnýI.,Game>- fiîuding tisabranle deposil slip episode anti bbcetaîma iug lenves in use Crossin ca;s-b book bisceuini-saolo for hlm ant icfar- ing thse con s-quence lise sk:lipcd out to Buffa'o, ant ir B ake finidsag iis cýient absent ant i lk-uawiftsg uswhîereabouîls sait in sinîslauca t l e ' lae hauebrr: ,A.~ lsyoun permissin, Ni>' Lord Iavi I tirow ai)l)ise case. Now, Sir, if the juges Inhendtici e e partial ta tIse an- -uset Iere avas, theiË opprîrtunil>' VIaI aras the ansaver ocille Chan-ceier ?1 In tle inlerest cf tIse people -this malter sboniti have -Ise niost tIboai i 1elg tun anation toisground 1avis-b yen ho coma line witi tise case. Nonv ', liSpeaker-, the question mn>' Ie tebaîti fer tiys- and .%e--ks anti mousîba Herîrablii Zceienera, mi- nusike long anti tant 7ipcce4, dis1laying thicir )Coavers rrl ena tory and psolang tbis teInte indlefinitely, but the avIde question resGivtesiscif io- ta a mnalien of tant: Are tise ch il-g s tucl rr arc île>' taise s' Hurewe havetOie. keanîcioattise aut tbat conta'ià,atIse a0bo!c matter Oi'. Ganmcy avio isati pccdl isazis-el1an incredibe e aituesa, and las-- Il ecd sîncl bb Ilse cour t,sanys .eara bby b'thse PoinirSeretnny, nu] otax'îissla th ie tact tIsi tser ar l ame Cfi vo c'- otclrjirea vis>1 MI Gne'sa>'ys id lta wIabvh anti 'l cv cf: 15t tatyeî r- r. inet eue single unt vit- usI t atisceroiornes Mnr Qrarey, l7)i Sme^ avitacsc conrbrate the Provincia Sec ena y ssiears tIsai îe chsarges ;- ro- net trac 1-4w Sr,N wlosba a-e llica- tieconianti s- anding n cne ant i po eI 1Ilimaclfin lugivlng swaera ca-ience iluee ueorItie torroborati',e ividaee t enrs-ens avise citeiuta bas u -er ec s-beo au te be incîcirbie TIse Vira nam* i ber i r 'î est Yôrk saà!t1tIse leu Isev tractai -Secrelar>'aca t'ikelege-t a o tIse tiLliicruliy I1s>', S r, he is eut efthtIe difficull>' anti I sa>'tIsaine jitige or j- ji> ,-out pcsil>'ceaie toanyu> usrconclus icn or matie any eliser fanding tinsuthe OENTRAVELLERS ATTENTION! The Allan anti Canard Linos wil accepi reluru Il'telkqs s- u0ed Is>'cibler Comnpany- snbjit te an4' tilferasce la rate ef fare. l'Isis aili lbaud te Ise a 2rufyat accommodtion Otie ls sareiîling publie. Gisegoar wdirect stea!mers troan iMont -ca cmmne1m 2tifinal cabin 85i) Wo 8375;second ecabin $35;- hirt class $25. 11tu-nstickets goodt'OIc aa.urîs via Li-je'Paoi sioarsars sulîjedt te tiffes-once et f are M. A JAmrls,, AlIma Linet Mistress (fuuting visiloî lu kittien)- - Who l is, Mary?" Mas-y (cors- fus-d )-1'M> bsees, nss" Mis-- Ires-s ,(auspitioesly)-' Yoît're nelt inucis aliko." Mas-y (statunmcning, apohgetlauy-' we eue, m'in; butý he's just Isuti is bea-t shavot off, anti that makes hlm look tuseut, KEND LL'S _CU.RE tise Iml eiablr edy f., epavua,. asegisones. 8uius Curbe..etc.. and auoso Iauaaa It enrkn thrsoIs181 ofçs-s u aay. dues itlao..t a lrmish, as r dorssaet lister. Corsplie Cure for Boiesepavin. tl r.1 lad . J lSeeati-te, eîîk in , I t-i i 1,11 1S 1 es-ao'.Puer>'b>' mesbel E1 e, Ols[aamies Kerr iteisecca Pac tea C'a It iasodnlie>Cnt- busts-'Club coniplete tise ;euiaber. in ivia -d-e. i c , i -ý '-fi i ',th' ',iSe 1 Ais e ainr a d oir Se i i n -t itarei. -a asr-pi rri:- 't'. an i' au. a'td ui re sus ls-Pur"aev- 1l, 11,11ea SSh o'a~s~se ms r aris fneu.'Thsefi-si steamer ons île Tharnes 25 sx -r 5.Asa-iio s"i utaus sl'e "Marjorin1 -. Th ats ' Tseai, onOa Sors; an- 5îoo1k iv r- tlcrea 'Rchaonti" foleaveti les-a yeam qDR. 8L .. ENDALL Co., ENOSBURG FALLS, VI. ImtW. OeeCOutainèd' in thje Judges' report. ,I îay, Sir,,that there is not eue honoraLb'e grnîle Man ou the opposite bide of thiïs Honse (and a number cf bhemn are legal, gentlemen výerseti in the in) if Ihcy a iii Le litnest can say or, idi say Ibat, tbey coulci possibly ma-e auy other finding o come te aiiy other conclusion PAINFuL TO-()CcoNTEIIPLATE Now, 11,1r. Spe7al er, venitile te sniy thaite members cf Ibis Heuse fl i,,,ered le) a si cccl ion Fidcay lait Ihe h e cf, Y bic it aas net er beard oouthie forc j ..z Lcisiaîuîc, er auy Panlia0rne of, I aîy 11hat sf.ccch, Sir, stands anonte, lavii-rg neprecederitandi1 do siaîcerelv truis; isithere' neyer may be the lite iagain:. FirodTu or urd te i ut it mildly, it il îaiîfui' te oien F'Prcd Tu ors urd p!ae-, tic fact that aay gentleman Li-v Note the resuit of Mrsý. ing the- confidence of thse peop'e a Pinkham's advice and medicine. ,t lerebyla seat ii Ibis Hans-e and thi "Some time ago 1 wrote te Yen1 de- aespe(,Ctfr ins:anifrIiHo e seribing my symptems and asked your1 anti for the Province, as ta scaadabizou c ativice. 1Yen repliedi, and I. followed Jutdiiary by repeatedby accusingr two ai ail your directions earefuily,,and te- tIse most lhoaored and dment ýjudges ru day arn a weliwoman. , the bauid,, whlse character coulti neyer be The use cf Lydia E. 1Pinýkham'g impeiche.ctinluthe alightest cdegice 'cf VeeabeCoinpoumd entirely ex-. falsehooel, cf dishonerable cordC*iC, et peiledth ie tumnor andi stressgtliened being unfair, of -wiiful y, kno%,,iigly stn-d my whiole system. I cau walk miles -continuaîîy- pcrvertrng thse h uth and neW. fal iving lacis anti instead cf otiia "Lyda E.Pinkam'sVege thetla vere purpoFe y anti knowý,iugby table Coînpouud la woth five dol" iding tIsh nrb a Sr ti anu jar adsep.I - iis al woenwhO ta cent(-mpbaLe liais factibieôugh tiîs ac aireaflict.1 wthatumr~ o fealein itself ln view cf the neîv eslabbisbced trouble cf any kind te give -i L a aithi r fcharacte1r cf fthe speat er is of x cryy but'e trial.Ï- (Signed) _Mus. E.1F. HÂYIc,acotaddesntmnit asp 252 Dtile' St, (Robumy Bos on. f tIse ling-er, but, Sir, avIsaI is mc more Mass. -$5000 forfait if oriie f etoùr ai aful te contemp 11)aie i tise astoaindin f Ïroing gcnsrncneýnss cannot fie froda;ced. jic îa ag nn~ fhn al Moeuntains of gold Coild1 e gtemnCetsmnsiol hanîily ap- purchae u e tmxy rprove of Ibis -speeCh ai dtise char)acler take t=eplace of the hiealb. antidouîngs cf tj,éIsean teîtereti l.I ancl happiness wVhieh Lydla E.sySilsdifctleuiesan hw Pinkliames Vegetable Compouad onoîaUe gei its agto iaen ti- broughit te Mrs. Haye's. . utC cf lIse i copie stanldinig igla in the Such testimeny shossld be accepted esîercilf Ihe p~eople anti houoe d by a by all wOman as eonvineing evadene r seat ini ibis House, coubt i3nplaud anti that Lydia. E. Piukham's Vege- appi ove cf sncb conduct 1Itan cary table Compound stands waitlsout a'n. terstanti it, Sir, by. couclutitg tisaI ,eer as a rem ledy for ail tise distress-. Fartizanship, pàrtý rancor, party greeti ug ilus c women; alovarian troubles; aend party gain teck finit place and tIse tumeors; inflammations; ulceratien, great principles ai, houes y, truili andi falling and dispiacement cf tise wonb ; justice came aiterwas-d. This, Sir. lsaa bacisache; irmegulsîr, suppreassril or tfact anti a trulli mucli te be regret cd at painful menstruation. Surely the ail t'mesaxheliser ccmirig fri honor volume and cisaracter of the testirne. ab!e gentlemen either ou Ibis sida cý,f the niai letters we are dm11>' pinting la lieuse or ou the opposite oi bbe Flouse tise newvspapems can beave ne oom Jfor doubt la tise mintis cf fair people. Gîva Tiniî FiRcsi PLACE _________________________ we ail necti, what w-e shouid ail strive te do aI afillimes anti nader ail ail tisai car pes2ibl>' be saiti oi ibis is tIsaf circumstauoes is te give bbc greal il was a mistake outIse part of Crown principes ci benesi>', Irnîl anti jutice, Landis Departmeat or what we cail a bai which we uer e tauÈrbî at Our meihcr's, business dcal-sorncîhing any cf us are kuce ancd wbicb we bave e lct deas' ail fiabe te do anti somcîbing many cOf us cr lives, a firsi place andthIe interest of bave doue. Now, Sir, in Ibis connection party a secound pa-c I arin îùdased sir 1 feei that I arn just fieti in referr ing te te bc able te s:sy tIsaieme cf tise houer- wbaî 1 thbcu bî a very wreng andi imProP- able gentlemen opposite î'itinet appîati e r expr-ession on the part cf the houer- uer approvs-,tb -:ir sense cf honor I believe able gentiîeýman from Lanaris. lic aiti,f prcveatiag tbern from deing se. Even cf the- Goveramreul isad- got sorne (À 'lac worîby c f somle crudit lisre, fer WItfle aI moey receiveti from Ibhis sa'le cf imber the firsî bc diti applard lIse speaker bic ansi lad useri thse saine îocornrpfGarncy. hati aimost if no' entirely discofitinredta t Now, Sir, tise honorable gentleman isad' do se long befereelthe close of the s ccclih ne reasen or grountis whatever for mak- I claims, m Iat ;Wsueulti bave a fain ing suris a statement. 1 feult il. e rescrnt. mensure cf chanity ionrave neyes' kacw iug Ibis accusation then, anti1Ido s0aiOw each other antiaNve are tnieti, uer do ave I bel'eve, Sir, lu saying wbat wc- mean knoav ourse!ves unileave ttrieti andi I ,nud menu ail ave say, anti aviacuwc e say ail houer te the marn ahe i rot-es the statemeat that we believe somne Oee irnelf truc te sorui pradcipres wlhea tIse lias doue wron2- wc shoulti bc able 10taîrne cernes \Ye bave leie nît urb, sir, give sorne reasens ferour beliefIn Ibis about what the verdict of thse people iv l connection I1avant te say thaltihe' ,da r- be in tisis malter. 1 arn glad lb-at 1 lia e man cf the Pub'ic AccouaIs Commitice lu a country anti unden a farna of gevern. was most fa ibrougisout andt tougis un aient where the veice afi he people con- tien greal provocation, liq neyer once lest stîtutes bbe hi-isesi powter in tIse lmmd bis tempes' but disebargedtie tc ules cf aiîti I ana aeul content, sir, te leave Ibis Charma aitlfaînes ati îgily cen-malter te Ibat gooti and ihigh.t! ibuna. mnating the respect ou ail thie me-mbeî-s Persoîîally, I arn quile avili'iig te leave ef the Cemmitîce, boath Conservativel my case;andthei stand I bave tkera in andi Liberals. But eue thiing must lie this great question hoatthe hicîeligeul apparent te eves- anember cf this cern- ciectorate cf W"est Dur-ham; ant, ir, Fo milice tisaI is, tisaI a sirnilar cornmittce, fas' ns tIse Hon Premier R-oss an t [ils a cemmitîe cf the House 'wouid net bc Go- crament is concerrîi, Is-est easy iu a suiPable tribunal te ts'y t 1he Gamney lcavrng il te bbce intelligeut electonate cf char--es, liais Province, fui y believing tIsaI they B1ROADEST SeoPE WAs GivEN. wîll risc up la- tiscîn mizist anti blet eut NowMr.SpeUer I antta ay n r-Ibis vile slanderrîpers the caîluent anti frnce, s'. paer, I avoryan te ayort distiaguisheti irriges ai ibis landi ant itIse oferirvestegtiommission anittse crt gestaîn upon the gooti ane oi our beloveti ofth hîvsîgt ooalewIImte carge ? Ontario anti drive ornl frorn hein Legis- preferreti byllIsehbemon-be member frem i Man1.1itousa 1nagainst tu;e Pon, ttire Provin- ' baIl'e HadIemca thatavsît ha .,-.i gSecretarv ihathe-i iraes son--ofsncbvlsaneruntIm aiseo utTbeo pne rtsueIsental andB raln Wrrail et wbich maidt oulniy Iusanity, Consumption anti an Eas'ly Gravaý. Pres 'Èpr akago or six for $5. Oas wilg pls-Sic wirlcure. Mailot pron2pty on re- ceipi cf priço. fsfe pmhe.Atdrosa Windsor, Ont, Canada, WondI's Phosphodimo is seldlu Bow manvilli, by -Stütt & Jurs', J. W McDermid aurdHligginblotbam & Son, jiuggists. LITr,-A.tY NOTES. At the vIoid' Fim h,141rocerrstly in Osaka, Japanii, tâhcaaiue for tIse firrat tinte iin theirbs-oisit ed coïnpütiti«yn tl tîslbo pri, c# and indtastries c; f iitise f - " ocw- ers'. 'T eosiia, w;bch b s t te Jnpan 1's inidusts'lal poirais deauribeid, avith illuýsts-aticei, ;) au article in the cur-ent larx' c ly hy George Lynchs, tPe eoky' spclal crepne r Jspen 'Ie e'4p)ositie'n is olps, c tihi'f(ew ali bin been moportetI to ~f coocait, eprcsses bis cpmn- le t aIgiIanat t. le peints out vos-y 1la-), the elilloerence bttaveen the as,' pLIgationis cf tie girl asid the 1,o y, arIisp eliv that tse boy rk uslder - diLI.dv-alaItagm aa'hen Le is asasb. jecte otit the uoctaiIdistraiction i efr- eti by tisep-o-ncof girlsteîas AIn,9o, Mr. A'eaarùcîe iesIlISndV of Latin, Cak nits ,als cla-sies-. le isihmsl a gra-,d1ate of WîlliainsCoFlegoi un t-beclatsaeof '57. anti moccivetiti egeecfL. li-i. 1D. ln1890. lin 1860 fho avas graictatet frein Airdoveur Thologicai Siônsiuary,-zbut tii net, take orkie-s. Rendessetocf eane cainssot faal te havai observeti tiseran>'changes iii the appeartincecoff te rîgaezts a thse Iastinoast4s. Mosat iirt bsbeen a ciscnge in tise isoüy type, aahich avili is enxerully cavnn-ed vos-y greatiy te liavoeraâhanecti the beauty ohftIse page. Ilie new type is a Frendsi olti style, tCie miatrices for whsrc'h wes- ecnt in this ry fs-en Frenchs designs. lIn cenatras-l avtth tiue former bslack, coridensoti linge of tIse DeVinme type-, titis is oeon, rÙn andi ligiît, aith a grat iracrease in iseaut>' anti legibiiity. A chanîaning series of initial lette-s te -go wlististe tZ>'pü hbras aise beau de- signeti, also new heati-audi andi tati pieces of pattorns te hssaonIze. Tise papor cf the rssagazino bas aise been Èirsoveil aa-it.h tise rssIest cf far greator briliia;npy tisais boire in teise hiait to>ies. Ver>' stiking, too, isi tIse nc-w cever desigi, avsic'h was pmanted iu Jmsne la a beautilil blue, anel avili instant>' bc reciogmized again in the carrent Jul>' issue lin liti drs-ofetbrillanit geiti. lIn tIse July-Septcnibt-r nuaibe- oi tise Fesinan tse leesdiîîg article lsaa revioavb>' hary 'Litcbýfleld iVoat cf tse jes-nt situation ini"ioiu Pelitics," dealissg pas-tlckilarly ivitis the Presideintial caasdida4us-es andi the prospects cf tas-iffrevisims. A. Mausice' Low's ressasie cf "Fo-elg Ajftirrs' is n-ami>' \con-ces-sIIcd wabih the Maneultria question, tIha ýse-eal- eti Briýtisi Monroe Doc'trine laitise Pr-sian Cli, a-id lMW. Cliambe- lins's protectiasîlat proposais - The naststirikisig avents lis tîhe averit ot fine during thse mat quart- os- ne-e oîstlined b>' Alexanieýr D. Neyoe. evelopin)ests in "App)jliexl icnne"la the sinimno poet are tireateti b>'Illenr>' hlaxrison Suspleo. Tise liLarsary article is a critîcisi o f "itRe -o't Bîogs-nuphy," b>' hle'mýbert W. lilunaill. "liho Reccut Draia'atlc Seasiýon: a Study lu Tbeat-ical E- listion" a ist e ttbe ofa pape- b>' IAfionry Tysreell, k-ading uïa te a plea for tise os-tablis>hasenct t o an Amnen- can National As-t Tiseati:e. As-ch- neelogcs rosonsrch la rep-es--eisted b>' Proel. James C. Egbes-t'a accesint cf "Reccsa't Faasallons lin the Roma'n Forenti." Ossian H. Lang at-ites on Ta aaona Oiutlejok,"' andi tIse ediitor, Dr. J. N1. Rice, dessîribos the origlu, psrpes'Es, oxrsl inothotis et "Tise Society cf Eti-ucaties"a Re- seailr." Tseofficiai -cpeot f this society ar ie aeîiorath te ho pub- lirieti segeslnsly iii the coducatieOnal dopatassntof tIseP orum.r. Tise rns- cellaneous soctiers cf thoplament nuibr centain a disciusrsion cf ise qusestion,, ",H.loa Shall the Celiege Curriculum bc Reýcon.-troîctd?" b>' Prof. Gt. Trunvb-ll Lad, ati an ar- ticle os sie ft," b>'Prof. R. C ottheîL. Ever sine ltbe Atlntic di'vliid the î-aslag boa-ies of liset Ra-te, îtsid se- caret bhis conts-ibustions, mniay of its' msaot f ainons naibnilliant sa-ticles have beau ,Caifaraian inu aepic, or axittes b>' Califoi-ialaner. Tise cur- rent (,Jul>') isste cf tise Atlantic is largel>' a Califes-nia iïurnï-ixs, att cemaals a bnilliant gs-oup cof as--licles avhis avili engage tire attention etf ail s-eaders. Her-bert Beitrd di- tes- of "l'hoLiterary IVest," opes Atlantic with a tbesrghteiîl pa- p uTIse Litercs-y Dos-el- paeat et tIse Pacific Coat; P-siat David, St-'Alirdn et StanfoI'dUrivAr- PlA WRFL MEDCUI For Bilions and Nc rvous Disor<ièe, such as Wvind and pain in 1the Stonaach, Sick iead-. al,5 1.05 Gra;'Cslena, o the Sldn. flisturbedSlp<ritf D me anti tNcrveus antiTrenibling inios TWE#rT IVI. M 'S.s anoco. s~wegdte be WIJIIOIJTA IA ~~4l~I?'S PLLStalcen as dire. ted, wlqicyrsoeFmlst oplt rbealthl. Theiy PremP-Itlyhreicve any nlstrugc thLy.dt 111,Cma -~few cdoses wil Worlc wnniderg upoia the vial Organs; Stretatheu. 1119 tmas l1icu1&ai Sys inrestoring t-htl long. îott Cosiüe hll r.i'n ack ttise keen etige' of appe tDcc. ,arousiufg with2 the aàcl e.eoy iJ Lc Lman frasne. 4rhesis are *facts"l admitteti by thousanis,~ in ail classsf !society, anti onc of the hes ur - -Ià t t te Nervous and Debiiitptedais t t L~~vthe Largest Sale of any Patent Medici nez In the Worid. ]Beecha's Pis have been befoare thse publie for hait a century, uani are thse 1most popular famlly inediclue. 1,(4,testimoiale are psabiished, &à me Cham ' apills RECOMMEIND TVEM,"ASELVES. Prepareti oslyby lThomas hieecilamý, St, Ilèleas, Englanfi, Sold everywhere la calnda and lu. S. Amerlca. Ia boxes, 25 cents. AJJYERTISINf; RATES. 1 tirCMS;ADTAN STATESMAN apblateer W ednceday moriiingent the, otie if S rArEs M~AN BIncie, ig Street. llowmailville, Oijt., b3 l. A. JAmEs,- Bdltoraai dPropietor. Subýcrip lion $1-50 1,er anrium, or $100 if paiti sticuty is alivance. Adveiin g .sates, trausiont adver' tisgington cents.rperlieo, lirst insertion ; livc cents ie 1u cd sub equent lujserztoi. Con tract razèbon application. Richelieu & Ontarij Navigation (Company. IDEAL WATER ROUTE Fine Iron Steamers, Hamilton, Spartan and COrSiCan, ]cave '1orontE and Hlamilton tri-weeidly on Tuesdays, Thursdasssand Saturtinys at 7 p m. caliing at Darliugton at 10.30 p. m. whoen fiagged. Vlestbound leave Montreal ou Mondays, Weduesdays and Friditys caliinugati Darlinztou at 4-80 p. M. on Wednesday s, Fridays and Sundai s. These, steamerl pass thrîough the beautiulgcn oy f the Bay of-Quinte antd Thousainà Islandis and ruai the Rapids. SpecIal bow rates an.d express service for the handling o!f roight.' For f uai particulars applv to J. Mo- CLELLAN, Agent, Bowmanville. Tutos. HERT rraffic Manager, Montieai. R McEwrIaN, General Freight Agent, Montreal. 27-tf LTTrTLE THOIJGHTS. Batties are flot woen with war paint.. A man's ashes soon ainotber the light of his faine. lIt is casier to imnitate a haandred birds than one virtue. lIt is easier to 'lavent a windin.ill than it is to rmise tliecNiiii to moke it go. Irhe trouble with niost social me- fermers is that 'tcýy iisist, upon lookIng for vice with a braisa; banud. Ail things coule te hiiii whs!o waits, but they are net uearly su valuabla ns t1hose tbat cerne to biin wlto works. Cha,.r hity dees net ne-cesrarily bogin at boirie, but it is genucmally expeet- cd to return, there o. ente ally with a gQoot balance te its credit. 'The brave nian wants ne charge to encourage iis te duty, and tthe geod man scorns ail warniings that would doter hinm fresa deing it. THE BEST LINE. From Bowmanviibe to New York--' Grand Trunilk> and Lphigli Valler, througli Pulimans Toronto te New Yori< and, Buffalo te PhiRdelpI4ia. Dining Car from Toronto to Niagara FalIN and &aos from Laston to New Yorlk The Lebigli Vallpv bas thrte Stations ii New York--Upýtcwn uëar ail first cOsss hotels, and Downtowa no)ar &Il European Steamer Doclrs. For tickcets eallat Grand Trunk tewn or station ticket offices. 16-8w