'~ To Cadial Sttesmil UNSHINE AT WINDOOý% Th an rsi rBOWMÂN4VILLE, JULY 15, 1903B. te lime Gurdo. The__________________ lunceirie âo britlant that it ce- The Scrubblng Brush, ~ EXCURSION TO NIAG ARA FALLS. pled QuCee Victoria, to resort t a blajestys return to Windsor, whea Monday next. July 20, by Str. Arg' le jlho Inspected thriee- detachlnenta o~Wé~ W l fl1Cfl~~ th~ e tpoopI&'s excursion to he Flls th, HQUSOhOl Eond 1for, etI~l 1010 The dey of the dusty carpt the dftty CSi sdmb bb4 including boat, and electric railway. Royal Ilorse Guards and the Second brnsh in wanlng. A ru eau be ùml "0 Take full lunch baskets. Hot water Lî e Gueards had- journey.ed up from, Ooorean>eOls~e Wih a uattfree Boat leaves, Bowrnanvile 7 arn; Lndon, jioiflng, te Firat Li _ I 0sh',~ 7 5 am. Whtby8 Ia. .;Giiards. Amid scenes of great enthu -_ pickering 9 a in Leave the Falls at fia8m3, th& troops forme d n tos 1. 30 p.rm., sharp, Chiidren 65c. Bu' Ilnes, unmounted, in khiali mnfo m u r~J s tickets on wharf. M. A. JAM1Es, "n immense crowd oe' people wIt r Manager. stessed the assembly. Brig&d-er-Gon- __________ e. Trotter, the district conunand- INSIDEFLOOR PAINT' Reports of. Town and Cartwright Inspection.i~ o ii n - 1~~~45?k~~~ 8id 8. ~ cucis Convention, Tyrone, The Queen's f"rewell te the sol- oluj it reprmnt@ h lOrl tu VanCarnp's obituar.y. and conclusion of ed you hore to-day, my soldiers,who ne wk ndeof ouîkSpa&Mr. Rickardsa great speech onl Garnéy- -r 6lay near me, to Bay farwell Stratton matter are on baside pages beforo you. Cross the seau te a dis- __________tant part of my Emnpire to assist your comtrades wbo are ligbtlng sa iN Conservatives expect te lose 25 seats bravely for your soverelgiland coun- M la *gP ie n %jd sa dmll ~~V 1i ich? iuin,>rovinice of Ontario, bv the redistri- t.I knowyouw'illaways de laigP ie O d sa dE d orOttawa .Correspondent, and there 's Qed te bless you and give you ai h o g o The Paint Brush orDU gba d continue tot as efore.ba Th , redvance. TeQcnsoo ad The Scrubblng BrusW. drandry up o th. Duhi8 ftv bas Aertespeech lier Mfajesty bock- te be one constituency but Northurnber- oned te Col. Neld, who thereupona SOLI) DY ~question now !à'- WîIl Robert Beith he.rtily with the colonel, who A-A accept nominatîin for the enadsured Her Majesty that ah.t ccul il pr of beautif ni design Lace Curtarns, regrular -$3 50ad$.O r iconstituency? e ,pend on the Quards te uphld c 0vi W-VSA _____ the houer f the Quocu and countr.reueit 20 Col. Mr.l thA ledino throg cheerse - e 14 Ladies', Print Wrappers, regrular $1.25, $1.50 -and, 15,yu SOL E AGENTS r onnti aigrsge the Quen and 500 bolmets 'we, Uopadbis seat at the Concil, a new aeoctinn ralsed hlgh on the polit of uworeuehic eeh 95 Dealers in Sbolf nd Beavy HIardware, lar hon, Steel, Hopadwill be beld at 12 o'cock, non, on Julv and carbinea. The clier3 were v- 40e INeek: Ribbons in Taffeta Silk or Duehess Satin,pour lr, b~and Ir4 11, Bu ýder-'s Hardware, etc. ,Rock I>ottom Priges. 24th, te fitl the vacancy. The name of etdpanadagi adth Phone 6t;- ~~~~ably mentionod for the office. He was bands truck lie jM1*ýL 'GoýQi Sami the b n momero! inardneTow Cuncl uee."lie Mjesy rov o a.id$1,25 Black Sateen Waists, tuedbe ad frn, pry 28 la hoe dber o ebe c in e T ow aCc uiam t.op p1,r 5 ofn-. ______ ~~~~~~~~for seven eazs, is a thorough business fe hes e h pcaosaa eue 8 mani, and an ahl round good citizen. It_________ Eco ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~to whfle la t IIf u~'I lghsiufehhioB MrLti TH DANGERS OF- CHILDHOOD. CîrdM si ae [col 1011 l 1 Buyl 19 f___Sum [ier is the most deadly season e!C %l r d ' L h awl kont îtzu h t he Near for ittie onos. The 1littleIe Wtesln a Ch is e olice Mr. R. ari, hat str hangs bit a mure thread;, diarrhoea, Chefo Plce M.R.Jrvsbs tonzinfant chiolera and other hot weather 30c, 40e and 50e Colored Muslins boni-fide bargains, nwpry 0 approciation o! the beautiful in Nature ailmeuità conte quicklv, and eometimes 25e Colored Musins in plain or faney designs reduced opry 5 Ecniyi aigPwe rfowers. Ho has intirnated te tl: iteis, vr ohe hudl Roononyin Tea BRying Moniy11Bkn o r ayor art lie wtrOE likirigk o sial in a 'few hour, extingshoua bi in%: 15e Colored Muslins, neat patterns, now per yd - -- 9 MayerlyBkigowe that ho widrnl undotaee t e oiin teepoapsto o guard against, -or cul e ____________________________________________ Içincora Ceylon Te-a Foi tCt -aigPwe thati trubes quaradb bete the proeicn posed nlew post office and Municipal tnown toble, a scie ne mi ctueo finest lavore Tua ii ibe rarke t owder.ft a pur, prk hike square which when complote sueB esodl n esfh fietfaoe e eiakt aking Powil hoa delight.te, the oye. Thank l'aisiOwnabe t A ba o he 17 oniy table 'kinen ends, 21- and 2j yds in each end, bgvle to-day.~~~~ahet shul beete kep luleuii evervr home(r ou he.o ehl ftectieq'5 white duck andi -V. K. dress Skirts, >sligh' ly solreur toda. Wbthryen drink the leoîepwro! nfrm euChenbhif!th tie. where there are littie olnes, 'and bv 25c, 40e or 5()c qility yen get the quaility. giviflg results equal te any Yeour genereuçi offertis accepted, gViga catntTbe o best value at thie îuonley offered o lof the higher priced pcwders. Used $125ie tomeit $2l b0 eacb, now d mn-3only ladies' wool cravunette ratincoats; extra value ec 59 aoeso ie es s ccord-'accoi ding te directions found on nn Tenohatwkamm- atfier litlm e i b ho pveed. ing te directions tound in ecuh , eli cani your bakiug i ii be satis ber e! th, OnEtarie Cabinet rernarkzed totrul en-tataybtejt. package. Yen wvill a gl-eO itl ~lactorv every timo. , lb. Tins at us that Mr WV. Riekard ta oneo f the lileibrta hs irumscnb as te ils merits. Let \Our DeOit i )u, i - lb. Gem Jars at 25C.. best meinbers that WeO4 Durham bas preveiited, bv keepillg the storaach C o ~ .n ne o e purchase of Ton be Kincerg.sn eteLgsaiesrby. anud bowets ri-ht Nlr,. A Vanidurveer. yUgohrGoverniment official high up in Port Cothurneê, Ont., says: "Mv habi lrsofDeFs lc-ovwmno il n le oo th eat to!, Agriculture spoke wvas crosýj, resthess and had ttiarrlioea plain DeFs B.c-o wmýl-o il Younlg &e 1o. sellgÀesng in & Go.,la vein, gdts sayig that In the [gave lier Baby s Own, 14hIutsý n r il thread, in. thecool open wok indth faneyb'd flou.ewenM Ric 'kard rises te suea the% heiped lier almost at onee 1 hn rlsewr the mrîre frn Full assortment of Guneral Groceries and Crockery. Prices low, eïep od haetion. s thhoisrorde utiien".bet splsndîd >medicine f or 1knsome with cotton tpand natural solel andi bleSwt quality considerud, coiirteus attention, prompt service. by those who attend the sessions as one whitealet polk dotste t ur o! the rit-ng members. and. bas won the Ih besaegaate ecr ati fieiiiraIenso it n, Our Hosiery Values Are Right and The HosieyITh Bet BUTTER AND EGGS IVANTED. ~~~~~~~respect o! beth aides o! te leuse. atlii Cuii&l u piteor -pinis o ise*onos;_____________________________________________ Tenders fr new municipal buildng ru ab.Sui Nindciu oie Coo .if.ua ,~ a in Bewmauvilie have been opened but or ýý'nieu at 25 cents a box b Wr001u 1%. Gr fohoehtlagrs iae_ _ Y ~~~ ëete Thbidn comte hvto r îim î~cn Black Lustre Coats $1,25, Greý Alpacha Coa-ts$17 Fane s 1NF H \LL 6O MF NVI LE spcîicthos n n endeavor te secure AF, eirhIl."$59 n' avy Worsted Summer Coats $2.50, Men' lnelTosr some reductions witheut impatrhng the An Irish reader ot Te London 140Me'FrnhP- K. white Vests, detachable butos$50nd17, structure, Architeet Siddali bas aise Spoctator contrihutcs thu folewingMesBakCotnSx3pfr25,M.'sWsTis3 or2,Mns ARN 'r RET.-liii~ceso lo, \ OOLbeen bus- tr% inz te assiat the commit- iipcciinens of Hibernicisin, which are Me lckdCrtton SOc s3i p, oit 25ck TruMr $100 pr Large T s.- RN on 7, T. 10iin ic , w ec res oot,( ' tee in thiendeavor. Theit are meet good Il.A Sum m ere ; r 50 s i otone'dwelliuig r barzg d bar stune . htpes aud it is likelit urgadicsina meîgasot ntfgodvleS ckadOealsew wl. stbe neexcei.e.,î gralin or Ftuck 1aim ta the tenders wilh ho awarded befere of the Trinity College Ilistoria ofSe au mcs n vrlssw stes unwterdWils and streain. 2aeý es orchard Trhe, Beason for the wooi clip having ther rie iieswohv entecoyUOltesgh o Se Apyte Gso. Cntu,.TES, P1o(I tý-),or a'AMUEL started, I am new open te aîplnsar geuai wh lasdwt atce te li ýte una'. lized n- Spca auew ummer Shoes. Clothin Bagis __________________ = wartng fprn 8cd wevx o e 15 .CO thandsome appearance o! the build- tiens a speaker mnentioned the extra- usul.Fîtl îoc o Fhnnts uding on papor ,Since the first estimate eordinary circumastances that in China Biankets on band ait the HAMPrON aaoaned at2er cent tand he If a man wit5 condemned to death he WOOLEN MII.LS. D. TAYLOR adacdaot2 e et n h oulId easily bire a subsitute te die 22-8. Prprieor,,liamton.size ia slighthv larger and a more ex- for bum. 'Anld," tho dehater went A LLA N LINE 223.Porcoi~' peflsweitower bas beeu planned and a -Iblee;.n.po fellows get iMuii . ici 1 tV JDEARNOUR DEAD. accounts eutirely for the inoras intatay ubttesB rinv1 . ROy AL M AIL STEA MER. coat. A public meeting was anneunced "We0, -Mick," said mny friend, -'ve Fm rll lion. John D Armour Îied1 in Lon. fur Mouday night, but in view e! the heard somne qucer storics about your doMotri, rmcncro(telee fotso he om.ti Queae cl d o ng at 14ceo6 o os rn Your Pî'oduce and GathrIThs Ionisa. J....... n 1jî xl. 1-5B .o uylt gd7 iPar He 1waJns ly. "Och, don't belave dz o rn - Baaa. niii .. ~ onJl Enltad 73 caeo!t erforts o!tecemeeias1cledof tîn, air," -replied Mick, "Sure haitlls Teiin ..Au .7 a. M.Augt 1, 5P p 1. Justte_ of the Supreme Court o! Canada LOCAL AND OThFRWISE. tho lies tould about nie -by theo nay- RusATES:, - F PASAE aud a memtbe- o! the Alaskan Bound-1m l7 udnwr l'tuaa %,. . s- ll foradS Aom timed bas beein ii for First Cabta -vr~- Tansard Ionia ary ,rîîTmissi<,n. He asb A nice assortment ef Canned Meats Acidencrngt smother qecond Qabip, Liverpool and Lonîdoniderry Dr. Arnold Armour. justice Armeur frpcia xuaessdbtwahrsdrprc htu a wloe p4ii and $42.50, Bavariai', Tunisian and Ionia, waa b5ru in Otenabee, Peterborough L neches ac Young & Co's. a hutton. -Weil, well, leck at that oJtier steamers tsi-Se. Lodnc 0eta ounty, was a son of Roit. Samnuel Arm- Don't miss hoanin Adjt. sud Mrs. auppoe the next thiag you'Il -do ta - ThirdCss 5ad2.Lîeei.ery our, an Anglican clergyman who waa vrolDry Gee. Attwehl in thn Salvat!on Armi tel swlowabttnoeU T Througb tickets te, South Afi ici. roctor in Cavain. He studted law lu thils Sauda nd Suay1 'l8th »toro Curend ae Cof the Onehl Day TwaDý 1MONTREAL TO GLASGOw DIR.ECT., the office ef lis brother, the taite Robert aud Snday-,th Juî Uto r ena e te gr-ahi of- Cull , ca iy) ur t Armour o! this town. Hie bezan prac- The rep)ort that Young & Ce -are giv ,hlm tattered coat: "Faith, yer houer, . .,U~ tiV ril ,. ueTbes 1 Sardinisa, (2n d 5c >a8o]Y 12 d 5yllh tiee in Cobourg Tho bite Judge was ing up their Grocery sud Crokor îtanthn u aprel0 oessw ,V/. bo.2c Oshia~~~~~~~ ~~~~ $45ker ands npwsrda. Seuon aat kuowtod oo, intimat Seeseie ocssodl atl o This signa ue ¶t. Sieillan, Aug. 12, dayligbt. a man of strong Personality, immense Departmeut ta net truc. On the, Coli- tegether."emfl nbe odI as 2mnh. Tî iuue First hai n pads ý.1 -l egal kolde ni acRqilitint. trary they are geing te psy particular A curieuis peculiarity et the Irish 435, Third Cîss$525. ,ance with huma n nature. great cern. attention' te ithat departmnent sud as nature us ilhe wide limits to %vhich FtbamTIaketna sd eVerY informin mon sense sud.shrewdness aud wasfst as 'e stc ries it willt beceaosî aoxedd D o and 'work satisfactory. Give' ur abie preseuts were receivod from the going. It will do nie a woc SW aoalszssdknao feachers of the John Smxith School t fgoid. Mycieel h tutî tAte ve eal cieai hatd is of h aeo heCnd emnn mie a trial. v v.Irving Park, Lawyer Emory Fraser youth for me.'" teeCayada, t rilthpaetsd etr aad ota sud otbers Af fer partaking of a Yndntss? 1 dainty repst tho hiappy couple Ieft dn eVs I de.- Wbs don't l'eu try 1% ]For Infants and Oidren. A~OCACA.Croainbsbe cagdt - - their weddling tour f or Boston, Mass., me If It weni't make you l The KidYuRv4tas8uh eslctyu ptoaefrCnd emnn otaeC ll uT-d Iotheýr place$. TfflESTÂTEMD!à 8X..bttr TLw awe5tnes ci thé mem.. býKn odHv gg WCslet u paroag -1 rai. NlorrisCarri-agp. Woks tends beet wishes te Mr -aud -Mrs - riés' wil. aa ut were, spreafýd ffý'a a th bc ,x.n Carria~~e , K Seller'for a very happy married ltf. o r es pirit and-" Ber the n !iteaoe ~~~Bwanile V. At preacus. tliy arm aueste o! lier "-,2guesa it wuldn't have %ho Signature of iJiug S. Giert & Sowmnte .-~ aag~ b~ Bomnil.Mothor Unr. E,. J. Carr, Ohuoh et *a .eff-t « me.',îKn t e". îwixyle