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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1903, p. 5

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In a very Short time we JA (OWMANVJLLE IL I OSHIAWA- Ollr turo LINDSAY' COLLINGWOODI "SGoods WeII Boughtý Are Haif SoId" The lime has corne when -merehauts every where are learning that the batie between success and failure is fought out on thie day when goods are bouglitby them, In purchasing for our four stores we flot only save the whoiesaie bouses' profi t for our customers, but we are, sure of prime fresh goods -such as- our. custorners expect when they corne to us and we ne-ver disappoint them. An experience of 80 rnany years has brouglit us into touchwith the best sources of supply inu ail unes and genuine, exceptional bargains, botli as to pries and quality, eau alwayh be secured at our counters. ~N ~XPM PL At the present we are offering solid back, pure brisle flair Brushes for 25c. In the regular w.ay dealers charge Irom 40e to 50e for this brush. This is only one out of many items we can miention. Cali and see other 1unes *Stott&%.JUry The Druggists and O0pticians. Grand-frunk Railwav Svstem, RAILWAY TIME TABLE. BowikANVILLg STATION. GOnINQ VA«. Goîxe WiE5T Mail..-... 9 2a. m, 1.Express ..55 a. m ~~pen...121"ILocal... 7-5si" Mixed 8 46p.m.Passenger...1 42 p. m Local .. 658 p.m.I Mixed..7 44 lExpresé .10 24 p.m., 'Expre; 43 p. m., Express does not go west Monday mornlng. *Suzidays ig;ht ouly. f Dally. STOTT & JURY. Town Agents BOWMÂNVILLE, JUJLY 15, 1903. Mr llarry Isaac, Pitteburw-, P a, is home. Mr. Chas. Keitb, Toronto is holiday. Jing at home. Mr. Wallace Sbaw, Toronto, was home Sunday. Mr R ohiert Belth, jr., Toronto, le vis- iifn g relatives bore ^ Mr. W. J. McMurtry, Toronto, visiîed bis mother neihsntly. Dont misa the flrst. excursion te Niagara Falls-Monday next. Mrs F. C. Hars, Ottawa, le guesî of Mrs [Or.] J. J. Bars, Port Bowmnan ville.- Mr, Hobt. iird,-operator t the G. T. R. station, cald on Whitby friends last week. Mn. and Mrs Alf.N.Mitcbell,Toronto, were gueqts of bier father, Dr. W. E., Tllsy over Sunday. MnI and Mrs. Thos, AllUn, Iowa City. Iowa. were recent gueste of Mr. Richard Poster andi othen relatives bers. Mn and Mns. G. Ed Roinson and family, Sochester, N. Y , bave been guests of hie sisten, Mrs. Calven. Mn. R. R. Smaie, son of Mn. Thomnas Smale. Providence,, has passed the Primary exams of the Roy ai College of Physicians and Surgeons., = Metbodiîst Sunda3 Shcfool plenie, July The many friandseofDr. John Boskin, -22nd, aI the lake K.* C.,-Toronito, wilh regret to hean of' Mr. Sidney Morris, Port Hope, was bis illnese, ho being eonfined to0 bed home over Suniav. andisl not permitted bo discusa business Miss MeDonald, Otawa, 1 isvs i tn 1 with anvone aI prosent. Miss Susie Belman. Mns. C 'Ditcbborn and niece, Miss Mrs. Donnellv, Buffaho, N. Y., bas Courtriglht, Carbondahe, Penn,, are- been visting old frieuds.,, guests of bier brother, Mn. Jacob Pol- Miss Florence McCrimmon, Toronto, lard Mise Bain, Taunton, was also ïs gueqî of Miss May Gaud. guet thens over ý3unday. St.-FauVes Sunday Sebool pienieked i Miss.Lulu Reynolds, daugbten of Mn. .at Port Bowmauville, Fniday. A. J. Heynolds, Scarboro Junetion, Secretarýy of East York Women's lu- me. J. W. Coliedu, Pittsbung, Fa,, stitute, bat beau' ssleced by the bas been visiting Ic bis parents.. Ontario Departmont ef Agriculture as Mrs. R. Crago le vibiting fiends lu lone of thse speaking delegalion for the Peter bone, L iudaay and Whttby. mideummer serie of supplementary Mn. and Mrs. W.J. Tnenoutb, Clanke, meetings Miss Heynolds bas been are spending vacation with relatives assîgîîed te southen Muskoka and bers. adjacent parts. Miss Rilda M axwell, Cleveland. Ohio, The Juîy Bousekeepen comaes in an is visiting ber cousin Miss Fraukie uinusually attractive and- appropriats Jswehh. dresIbis montb, the coven -design Dr. J. C. Mitchell, Toronto, was lu portra-, ing a Fourth of Julv incident. Iowa recenthy guest ef- IMn. Jacob- There is a variety of fasinating nread- Pollard. ing for warmn weatben. An extnemely Mra., (Dr.) Amos, and Mies A;noý ractical- article is that by Mrs. Eliza- Exé erarevistin bersiserM 108> eth O. Billon, principal of the Chicago Exete, ae istig e sstrMr. .Domestie Science Training Sehbool',on Trebîcoc~,up.to4da-e metbods of canning fruits. Mn. and Mrs. S. H. Jeoffery, Toronto, Howt10Be Youn Own Millinen, Hints ans visiting is mother Mrâ. H. Jeffsry, on Home Dnessmingu,, Conucil for Wellington St. Mothers, Home Talksc, give the Corne on my excursion te -the Falls Housekeeper the titis of 'ýThe Maga- - nsxt Mondav. Il make it pleasaul zine of Behpfuluess. " for alil.M. A. JAMES, ManaZCer, The nE)wl¶'.elocted and' appoiuted Mrs-. W. A Whït,, nna daugbten omeecrs of Florence NighLtingals Lodge, Mildredl, ofNew Ynrk Citv, 1IsV 0. 0 F , are: 'N. G., Geo. B, Mcý- Ing ber parents, Mnr. and, Mrs M_. A. CIe'larn; V G , Cari B Kent; Hec. Secy.. James ut Lorne Villa. Hl. C. Tait; Fin. Sec'y. Fred. H. Eolsy; M ý 1 -1 ;Treasuren,. Mankus Mayer; Warden, Mn. W. W. Tamblyn, M.A , attelided Wm. Edzer; Surgeon. Dr. A. Beith; the International Teachers' Convention Conductor, GÇeo.. p. Freehand; Inside lu Boston, Mass.,. fast week. Mns. Guard. W. J. Iboan; Ouîside' Guard, Tamblyn accompanied hlm and is new AlexL. Wigbt; R.,S. N G , Jobn Hellyar; enjoying a vacation at Brookline, Mass L.S.N G., Ed. Osbiorne; R. S. V, G., D *Jno. ilîbent made, a business trip t Luttreli; L. S V. 0, J H. MeMurtri; arranged for bis supply of coal for <uùstomers for' the coming FaIltancl Winter trade. See hlm.bef ors placing your orders. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxatre Brapiq Quilnine, TableWa *AI dm~i te retsd #e meey if t fa&l% to eure Cawkor; Chaplain, Richard Allen ; Past Grand, P. J. Borne; Organis, W. H. Cawkon; Fiinance Commitîse, T, C. .JewelI, P. C. Ky dd, John H1ellyar; Vis-f iting Comnuittee, Wmi. Edg-er, W. J. Jeffery, F. F Morris; Memnbersbip r Comm-iitei3. F. R. Fohey, F. H. Kydd, tWin. Edger; Trtuteesu Geo. C. Haines, Men's Hats-the veny latestl English and Amenicau styles at Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman's. -A-CUPIeo-O-elaaWbt-V& atnd a summer, coat and you will feeL more comnfortable perbapaý-the cost le' not mnucb. See.what McMurtry eau do for you. With, eveiry1 tubs of that ds'lightfl t001h paste tuCream Dentifrice" we *11 give awav n ~tooth lbrusb, duiiz mnth of July. Botb 25c. McDermid's Dnug store. W1Jil De, in u il Mumm(ýr uBlue oroCLOVERSEED. ...... Porâ&rou, r bush...1 0 60 t 0 00" O 00 t 6 00. 11rQ ~E~VANT arlingion. havlng unit une 10-rocomed tram i oo AN WA-NTED-Gond ueneral -huewth good tone ella, wodhe,,1,l--- andXL.B ng o thblelake. GCoudwages. Apply teMUS. NOMAN WOodhd h am unFwt oonEari OR rls.suhpr llt 65 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~shoedaiclsase me iihforîbeao 0>,Dalntoowlhae wdwý elh~o OùTLEtecottage, Port Bwavle 8t goodîstone eellar and pantry ;1ara i i il co>3 and eereS re r hlîîngiSwuth part 0,b 65 EAHRroothouse, a trame pig house, 2z. e3Is b ie &d celiar j'irir thhr i î îe Oca 00WANTED-A qualifi hry' ,danrrfiigs>in ntaed feai, about:',aere of orhrlcc b>tcc3r, nraww ered by. two wele 3aid m i Où Tteacber fýor S. SNo. 8, Clarke. (Antioeh) ûf mix ed tirber. Weseyok li, . ", lv'e ;Çdscult t 1tebgndaty atrtehldys ae= e lconr9er n wl hwpaî e'P-S tieareeni u1 14 ps'efex-red. Applications with teelmoss ers overit. Tenders will also he rteearo forvent.'I ery favoa l rer asll ie b gien.A,1 > statinq salary wanttiteh be nade to waloRTeoN r ,the saute up te July 2'ýth. Il ;,, 't î sudýf1 1VTHR 57 Fuctýrsa Oron o on or befort July a' Permonal '."ll te renteS. Addres Suroi, ifu;maîtun eLI hiW1T>E iou pr»einees, W.T. 1W'i viER. 50 gpp1WsaM;i[ ri 4 28-8.. ends . Wu. H. PaaBX, Bo wmanvilct. 2ý1t W 'R 2Vanaulu.y St Toroio, or t .A NEW DRI STORE il the meantime de not, fail 10o ask for a eheek every lime you purehase goods aI our, store. For further particulars ses last week's STATESMAN or eaul at our store. Stot & J ury The Druggists and Opticians. A WORD 0F CAUTION. Er ette (formenly profmer Of hatbla Me "aad Genlto. UraDis aes, mich- of Medi. U~A),wMhho .used Wl ondernful SU'Cees for @ver' bwlv. yean lun pnivab jwactilo.iu the wStera Hcepital, -De. igrdiatMnot fouad laany hew kiduey rm4 ad 16is lnet sn'2sln, therefeOm whwe. othm, nomadiLs B0~W sure 1adcsutiont eTh prs, f YeTul4n l c. a bot, oelbne boes r&bl.et4aS&acl th,%g1th, r~ ~ ~ ~~~~l nelb alb dd.un ~ r ~ma PtoherCe., oroub, Oa- rkt :M Geod general servant wanted a once 55e advt. Miss Ida Trewin bas beeu visitiul fniends lu Guelph. Miss Addie McSortey, Toronto, 1i visiting ber motter. Mr. Chas Cox, Kent, Ohio, viditei bis parents last wsek.. Excursin 10 Niagara Falls Aug, 10, byG, T. H ail the way. lins. Rieb Snoüw,- Torouto, visite( bar niece, Mrs. W. B. Coucb.., M. A. James is arrangiug for excur siens to Niagara Falls aud 1000 ls 'lands Mr. Herbert Freeland has secured i situation in a photographie gallery ii Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. W. B MeMurtry bv( bean enjoying .a trip te Montreal or Lake Ontario . Misa Josephine Wllhiams, Dausville. N. Y., is visiting her father, Mr. W.11, Williams, blaoemith. Mr. Thos R. M-.Keown, Toronto, visited bis grandfather, Mr. Thes. Creeper, and other relatives bers. Ladies' Watsrproofs-tbefiuest Stock we bave ever shown from 83 50 up. Couch, Jobnsten & Cnydermau's. Dr. aud Mrs. John Spencer, Duukirk, N. Y., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mns. Duncan MeConnachie. Dress Muslius, a beautiful lot lu ail q ualities from iCe per yd. up to, 50c ai Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. Ladies' black saIson blouses,,aliso some elegant white blouses ail new at Couch. J ohuston & Cr3 derman's. Excursion te 'Niagara Falls by Str. Argylenoxt Mouday is for convenieuce of Farmers bMore barveet, e. us Dunlng JuIy and Angust Dr. Rsid will be at bis office daily from 10 10 il a. m. except on Sundays. 27.-8w* Dr. S. C Hillier attended a -meeting of Ontario Medical Council lun Toronto hast week. Mrs. Hiler visited: frienda lun the City. Mni. Lew ChappleWho is ,visiting bis sister Mrs F. M Soucb bas ceom- pîeed bis legal course at -Au Arbour, ÙMieh.*, and purposes opening a law office aI Bilhings, Montana. Canadian Pacifie Railway Company, Atlantie Steamabip Lins steamers bave started sailîng frorn Montreal- for Liverpool and Bristol. Ses or write M. A. James about tickets. The na me of Miss Lois Werrv as passing the Entrance exams was credit- ed in our haqt issue to Miss Sexsmitb and should bave been Miss Pattinson, teacher No. 4, Darhinglon.> 11 Auguet New Idea Woman's Maga- zine is wortbv- of.the careful reader's attention. "The Economies of a Sum- mer Girl", "The Eývolution of a Home", ',Psycho.phvsieal Culture" are among the intorestiîîg articles. Mr. Wm. Bellwooa oir he Expositer, Little Current, Manitoulin Island, who is visiting bis brother, Mn. John Bell wood, Newcastle, gave us a friendly calon Wednesday. Mn. Bellwood bas bean on the island fifteen years. Bear lu mind that il c osts no more te get a good fitting, well-muads' suit than it does 10 buv an ill-fitting, slovenlv- made nue. To secure the fermer beave your orders now at Couch, Johnston Crydermnan's Mn. H.' F. Gardiner, the brihiant paregraph and able leader writer of the Hamilton Times for 25 years, bas beau appointed Superîntendent of the Insti- tuts fcrthe!Blind at Brantford. This is a real gond appointment, Mr. Gardiner being of the bright, cheerful nature that admirably fîts him for such duty as wiIl be bis'now. Bis promotion will-be a decided lose b Ithe jourualistie arena., The Sherbrooke Daily 'Record bas: instalîed new presses, monoline and, type-settinz machines, -etc., and, bas now a tboroughly up-to-date newspapen office wbiice rtaiuly a credit te the cnmpany. Mr. L.S Channel, manager, is to be congratulated on the business enterpnise and good taste displayed in instalîing sncb a well-equipped plant. IlTho Alla n steamsbip Sicilian. Mon- Inca] Glasgow service, Capt. Pairful, left Montreal on Wednesdav wltb 85, finst cabin, 45 second, and a large number of third-elass passengers. The excellent service given by the steamers bicîllan, ,Corintbian (uew), and arian, bas made this route very soar The accommodation given is very supenior -and rates low, MT he Durham Boys' Association, West Durham Branch, re-eected o fficers on Thursday at the couincil roem as follows: Hlonorany Presidents. H Beith, M. P,; J . B' Mitchel, ex-Mayor, BoWmanville; W. H. 1143d, ex-M.P.P., Ci»enke; J. H. Devitt, ex-Warden, Cartwnigbt; A E. Clemens, ex-Reeve, Darlington. Presidenit, W. Riekard,' M.P P., Newcastle; ViePresident, W. B. Coueb; Secretary-Treasurer, M... James,,BoWmanvilîe. F1 MP SnUcbslspr1PrsGen B3ORN. CÂLvER .-In Bowmanville, July 13th, Capt. and Mrs. J. E. Calvert, a Bon. MARRIED. SCOvrr-MAGTIR,-At MaP1e Vale, Liffor Jly lt bv 1ev. Chas. Barltrop, Toront J'l'yed y 1ev. Wn. -Robeson, Mr. Ose Scott,1 Newcastle, and Mise Elizabeth, thl daughter of the late John Maguire, 'Durh. County. OIED MuNso-At 868 DeKalb Ave.. Brookly N. Y., July th, Miss Betsy Ann Munson, agf 65 years., Sister of Mis. James Elliott, Bo ARx0Iioua-Saturday, July 11, 1908, at hîs Son residenee, 89 Harley street, London, Englan, John Douglas Armour, Justice of the Supren Court of Canada, aged 73 years. 5AiEss-At Moose Jaw, N. W. T. at Il residence of their daughter, Mis. BImu Worth, May 20, 190S, hAartha, heloved wife Morgan Davies. agàed 73 y eRre, and; ai sau place on May 24, MorganiiDavi es, aged 78 year formerly wholeiale tea mnerchant at Bowmai ville, Ontario. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Voàrreetedby JiMurtrY each Tuenda: FtouLP 100 tbs.......$1 Il90to822 àHETFal, bush .... 0 0()"ilO 't Sprîn «» 00 ft'0o t' Red iie.... 0 0'l 0 fi Goose .....000i O BARLEY, VI bush, ENo. 1 0. O40 i't0O 'fi 1t 2 .0 00 I O' if fi 83 ..0 89," O qI fiTwo rowed 0 40 if0 O DAT, white -il............000Aif" O RYE, I.............. 000"- O f BUCKWHEATil'. ..............O00QOl"0 PlIAs, Blackeye, lP bush.. O0 0 il 0 _n...a:.- l...4-.nOh.n t Excursion te Niagara Falls-Aug Try the City Dairy Ice Croeam Lutterl's. Buv, yur Garden Seed inç Bu] Mr. Frank H. Morris is homne fi 1Hamilton, Ont. New dress geoodu in the latest sti at S. W. Mason à Sou's. The Ideal FesÂsthestrongeat, best. See it atjK;curdocb's, Mr. Wm.' Fishleigh is visiting father, Mr. Wm. Fishleigh, sr. P. M. Soueb i!S net selling Sci Doors at cost but very near ît. 'Miss Aggie Mearna, Toronto. is V' Misses Clare and Mldred Qick. Miss Carnie Edwards, Brampton guest of ber cousin, Miss Jean Tod". Miss Barber, Belleville, is guesi Mrs. W. R. Goodwin, Port Bowni ville. Don't get iad at the heat-1 somethilng etol to wear at West1 House. Miss Trixie Hays, Toronto. is vi ing at cMr, John McClelan's, Port B( Manvilie. Mr. J. H. W ilmot, Spokane, We ington, la vlsiting bis tuother, Mrs W. Scobeli. Mr. Robt. and Miss Mamie Tod,l ronte, have been visiting ber moth Mrs. C. Tod. JUlst rceeived at China Hall- Grocs Toilet Sets that are extra good valù( $1.75 and $2,26. The ver y latest in Wedding Btatii ersy and Weddinz cake boxes at T STATESNAiN office. Ladies' tailor-made Skirts iu the ve latest styles just rsceived at Cou% Johuston & Crydermau. We are agents for the McCormi Binder Twine, our pricesà are tbe lowe Sec samples aM J. B., Martyn's. 1 A lot of Men's and Boys' readv wear Suits just opened Out Ra Cou. Johnston & Crsderman's., Cool goods- supplied, at West E Hlouse for mein. Wasb lies> underwei hose, straw bats, flansi trousers. 'Write your friends to meet you Durham Old Boys' Re-Union at N iaga Falls on Aug. 10-our civic holiday. Binder Twiue; Pure Manilla, 650 the most even spun Twine lu t- market, get our prices and see sampl at J. B. Martyn's. - Adjt and Mrs Geo. Attwell wý conduet the meetings in the S. A th Sat. and Sunday July 18th and 19 you corne. A few more men can be started the road to fortune ani independenc Don't delay. WOrîte to day te G. Ma shalh & Co., Teas, Loudon. Ont. Binder Twiino, Forks, Rakes, Turn Hoes, Hope and ovsrything for t] harvest field ,at rockbottom pices at B. Martyn'sý People like te go on M. A. Jam( excursio ns. He looks after thini ight. GO 'niext Moniday, JuIy Tickets 51,25. The 'ajterations are completed è Young à Co's China Hall Grocery ai tbey wilM bc pleased to have you ýc and see our stock._ jilly Cleering Sale on at, W-est El House odds and euds must go, read a carsfully from week to week aud8 masny money saving chances. Friday eveffing the members of tl D. O. & P. <iço. Band were entertali by Mr. and Mrs. C. e Fletcher at the residence, Liberty St. ,with phonograi selections. During the svsningi cream and cake were served, Ever body pronouncsd"it ' a very enjoyal evenîng. 1N w is the tim e t o get yours lf a be doras froro 25e up. Cal and ses tl st-a w bats for summer.full hune,0f men boys' and cbildren's; aise fuil lins shirts, collars,. tioe, cufts, underwen etc,, etc Tne very styli'sh furnishing you want, Mayer bas tbem. Cali a: ses them. Tailoring, your owu clotb if you.lik is dons in first-class manner-second no other sbop lu towu-by J. T.-Alît tbe oid reliable and fashionable tl and cutter, HorseY's Block. He bas reputation for good lits, Prîces a always. rigbt. Country orders givt same careful attention as towu out Suits may be ordered from saMphu 12-tf 1 lq, -L Perev -L 9.10~ COOKING DEMONSTRATION. Under the auspics of West Durilain, ]kntnield a slow:-owmanveeilg le be tiWomea#s fsits, meetanvige T Ik be [rum day, Juy 16tka 2 30p.m in ILT.of T. 1111 0.r Hall; to be addressed by Mrs. olin o g t t e S c e . SCamp~bell, Godenicin. ou "The Bouse- keeper and lier Importance t thse 8n 'IaI "Cauning and Preserving For get that courteou3 treatrnent is 0fl5 et Our studios. I J Iruits." Miss Mongan,, Toronto "b8alada" and -Bot Weather Dishies "O Forget that We are promnpt. bis HtoFniday, Julv 17thL at 2 and Plogteeyh4 u Ca h ý" sw ~su7.80 p.m. lu the Town Hall; te be ad- 4oreevrtngb hîteg.otswseli are alway rendresssd bv M rà. Campbsel on "Wornen s 'li-Institutes andl How to Make'UhemJ nt. Up above the, poss'ýbility of irnpurity, Fruits." Mbiss M oganou Vfo' etables" Lots <of Ca n . oo VTTLin i. ia and "Meats and Fisb." J.-L'L Lufg Selina, Saturday, JUlY1' îh ut 2 for hot weathsr rusais and lunches. tQuick meals help busy bt of o'ctock .m lu the Son's Hall; te be ad- ian drsss b1 Mr». Uampbeuî on .-Th housekeepers, 3 cans Corn for 25c, 3 cana Pes~ for '15ic, ScientifieCok"aud I)oes the GardenboleTmoCasp1. -,u Pas?"; MssMuga On "Made over 2 caus Tomatoes 25c, 1 oteTmoCaspje End lo5bes"adu esse-rts." .I.iok Corne and bring your lady fnieude -to 4 isit. bear theSe spiendid addresses' from aityD li4ce ow rci~îwres eo ie c-bers 91 the Instituts will please, con- at a xinute's notice: Cooked Bani, Veai Loaf, Jelied aslr tributs te the reiresbmesîs wbkch will ho8 b served betweeu sessions. Toun~e aiways fresh and slleed while you wait. ro. Sping overcoats-..rjin proo f-at ne er, duced prises. S. w. MAson & son. A. Jme Gvernmenî issuer (eawker&Tat: éry, of Marriage Licenses for Durham W& CR ,at County. Ir yogre POPULAR GROOERS, BOWMANVILLE. [on ek es u ng & a Mhiam i, il ee., est. toe at his un0 ce. > the..*, ueau " s ~, ~ Sysem of ling 1 bues i ltonlythe Cbedt system for tour oWn intrssv e > bu an o indigthe iterets o onrcustonaes.The r unvo inerosss incurred * *C ecdd o odut obinaefrts uuerionasTI tL CAHe bsiesz ble. >, <en Slife of dy firm carrying o ht oclassthf bsess; and ef el tha t e nnt~ ,: te>:~ bu affo i ton n frtherf oriksom thaTe By doinga btrils ash Bcur. :, of serms ewllb nbe o aeteCs iouts frmc the obesiad < un, a o lie f nyfi Audi o saing at ofbis st byd thfel maing o Bad :5, toe P 'e Ce Debts, and the loss of Jnterest on Capital tied up in Bcok Accounts, we caný es es. le e and wiIl seli our Goods at a much dloser margia of profit, thereby givilg to :u -n' ::Our patrons the Goods they purchase, at a corresponding less cas t. Thanking 0 0 y oui«r for your past patronage, and askiug your heýarty -Io.operation in our new CO undertaking. e rd, .~:We rewrain Vours iRespectfully,ea 0 eeua a- M.l . v uB.Rf n

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