HO GOOD TIiINGS TO EAT. Loituce' Sala.-Iave the lattuce colt and crisp, Tear il aparl, ne- reserring onough cf tLe cup-shaped leavaes for -a border rounid fîL dish. Mate a tesl i reozne-La! ion gratet, ena ta Jespeca e f A liojuica, a salîIspeeneache of wiute pepper amid d.1,1rynusf art. Mix ai mail togethier ani tisr in gradually tire-tabla- Epeomma oach ef oliv'ee ib andlivine"ac. l3oiientCed W ithi Snuce.-Wmup îLet1i fish l ina lotL amîd put lie s altet mvater ecougi te covem'. Coot g-nily albeming hLi!an heur fer aniutfoi aant a hal! pounda of fiaI. Stima occas- leaahhy, anti ihien tLe fish is tene tata if up ai once, for ovrudoae lisli tas a tisagneenile îcehy taste. Gar- aisL îritL pamsloy and serve îrith egg sauce. Pelai o aeallop.-Mel,-asure fouir cupa o! slicet iv wpetviat, tirechoppent, unions, ia loeai ablespoo! lobaly chopp"d pairslcy, tir eel d tnpoona o! Lutter. Butter a puddiung dish and put la a layer of polatocaoneu laça tdeep, aprinthe wiîL saiaun pepper and dot mill butteýr nt 3on-, ion and panahey and thon amante a- ohrlayer witL seaseings. Scait! four cupa e! milut maa tt lw 'Ie wo1clea t sblespoona o fou disisolvent in a bilîie ,cpIîn mut;pour eve:r thea po-' Utfoas and Late ila ahot ovon umîlh îLe -pelatoos am'e toce. Hecrseradish Sauce.-Thuis saumc la te Le sert.ent mIL rend beef. iiix Legether 1w-o taihesp(-oms o! vîaegmur, four tabiaspoons (f gratet herse rad- iaL, ene rouading inilespoon of fine cacker crmtas, eue he eh el ýslîoi e! sai.t, a tableapoon of xebmues- fard and a-piaci of ýpppr. Tlient ail togetueu, atd 'oee alf cucp o! sîveet croani and briuag lu tLe scaît- ing peint. Serve thie saueh ot. Sauce Tartarc.-Mix oee abbeaýpoen of mnixent mustaiun, oaa hcývebte - eu Dfs-agar, oe ena ldteson ftl ont a pindhi of aan.Scl L anicatemi ylts of fine eggs, uit ena,, cup eliveo elhand lnc abisen of vinegan 'all"nnatehy. Whon îLe miixture is amnolth and thicit att lono rouating lableastoon ùo! dheppet cap- ocs amui choppent pickles and ena ton- spoca ef enion juico. Serre fuis sauce îlth broilol clicten, friu'd iish or coldtlongue. Creaumemi ol'eotEggs.-Putt eaoughi boiling muter luto a frying pan to any fll ii. Lay la sone ecd ring. Bell three minutes, or peabyfour, LutI net. bongan, and lae p carefuily s so ice nt te break tLe eg.Put aneh ag n ea ena Li suýce of toat. Mateý a sauce fr-oua meo cup e! scaltet iltl-leela I! 1 v- el tibespeen e! cornslamch aîmt tir hevel labiespoomas o!hutlier. onn with s'ai and papper and peur ovai- lie eggs and toast. If parsiey la litent, att a lithoe cheppiet fini te tia Sauce. W.eie iBeot Salan.-Vasli noir boofts butLa arflu ct le dut thona. Cook iii Leoiing vwater umtil îLe akins arihi slip 01 rndîy.Ciel oh îLhe alomand sco-e oli et Lie centrea, ieavimug lIe bceil, ime ferni o! a 11111e eup. lPare anichop ene cci-(tmeuirand fillimhe bet fer î, hîaaara ceint. Orcdorer ic bots ritivneandaîtsel in tLe iceý chast over cight bLoeauaing. Peuir a French l tresing eventhie a- maeiandaci set eaarL beol on lot tuce beaves. Il-ave a. itîlo pnrsiey elop- peuh vcy fine-and aprinthe oveer îLe top e! hue curmcner. Daýrte Cotlage Pudng.-Ce-eain eue- haif cup o! buIler, atd once up of ug-,one mal eatea egg, once cup 9! nuit, a sai spoon o! sait and lour cups e!f four la mhidi six levai iic5poons o! Latîng pointer Lave Leen siflet. Anit ast oe cup o! îhoppot dates. Bate in long shah- loir pans amni sanve mith liquit lanuce. THING3iWOiiTEi KNOWING. lFor deaniag irooleas nad velvels 1 hlve3 fountcermmaeaî danîpenat uith gasohine te Le îery affetive. Lay tLe garmant on a paper spreat Dn a table, put a ton' poonful e!flime mioaî on a soihot place, anuit uL xirouai andi areumit igerousiy, mitii ?L picce 0f tlent umnrear. This oeous ho "tna eint" cf tLe tint Ltter than amyihimug cisc. Chc-anao(, lins unili tLe gaumeat la thiouougLly donanent, ihicli yen mli fint lard mort. ani carpet Lugs: Oaýa-Li!pt.--alco- bli, 1 oz. cil e! catar, and 2 oz camphor gunm.-(M. N. C.) Sprnkate flouir on a carpat ihere kerosano las beenspihi. It îihh ai- ron îLhe 011. Tata up and ranci lhc fleur natil the ou la aial out o! tle Tuirc chairs upsite toma andt insh île c(,ane seals mith soap antdira- tar, - dthon n ltîe epen air., lî's sunpriaiucg hem tLe Canes wihb tight- cn if they are nef broen any. Shortritige; Or.-aniaf, miss Mazgie Pascoo ; Supt o! LoyalCrsdrMs Lzura Hogarth. She -"iB say's hb lo ves meL;y et Le lis nsoly known ine tire days."ý lier Friend - "Well, perhaps 'that's the reason, diear,"1 1 If you have som-e cake, eithier slice, ceut or ini a "chiunk,," that is ,be ginning to0cildr out, put it in a tiîi vessel that lias a cover, a lard patil wilI do, wring a napkin lightly eut of hot water, spread It over the top, and put the lid on tightly. If left thus over niglit, the cake is pretty sure to rcturn to its first freshness without any dampness or claincanss in any one part, such as it would have ilfvrpped in a danip cletit. GOOD HEALTI{. WVant of pure fres,;h air is res"ponsi- bicý for more sickncss durinig the in tcýr nionths than exposure te theý we ather. If wc vi1l therougbly air our homes several turnes a day by openitig douta or windoevs eidc, for three or live minutes, and get eut of doors for a Nvalk or on soi-e errand, w'e shall net, be hlable te "catch cod. Ion't 1make ,tho mistako o! bundling tho throat tee cioseiy, Býe sure the feet are pro tected frein wet. and cold, wnlk erect and taite dcep breaths througle the nostrils, and say "goodl-byc" te nerves and drugs. Don't sit or stand too close te a wvindow or door: there's always a drauglit about thom. Sitting with tobacit agLiist an outside wall is veybad for the longs. Pu!re leme-,n juice is said te bc sure de Io te th typhoid fever gcrms. It is atise good for bulieusnoss, sick haaesaud 1rhnnatismn. Appleýs arc belL food;anid imedicineý foi, neýarhIy cryoeAnd 1how good theyare Chap, tee), if we raise the ousolesas we shoffld. Diliheia and etiier throAt troubles are muicli holpedby îLe juiice squeezed froin a ripe piiocapple. A speonful er ,two shottld be taken every heur. Swing. g fremahn orizontil bar Îs streogiithen woal, hugs and dgsi aipparatus. Go at the, exercise care- fully and modcratcly at f1iat. THE LATE DR VANCAMP. Dr. Ira VanCamtlp, the clrieet practic- ing hysiian i the sfaý0, ci cd fai bis home, Ginaha, Nebrasla, Joune Lit, Pur- rounded by Lis fml.He was net afflc ed with ay ami% armlay but su-cocc1be f0 gent-ral brakýîig dowcfa vigorous mauilioord. 14ce wvis bot71 years of age. P-resexit at bis8 bedaâiid Mlwben the ed ca~me wene is VanCamnp, Lis wife; Haîiltiioni B. tend Dr. Ira L bis two sonts; Mlrs J. M, Edldy. S'Ira. E. R. McMahon and lâMiss B3ertha VanC-amp, bis threc daugîters] Dr 1ra VanCam was bore l Durbai enTyUý , Ca 'd . Oober 5, 18,28., lie Dakejta coUn ty.in 186.1 le remeove tt Oinaae hehLela -s ~residcd. le t8c hogrduaedf rm Uc cleti Meicl ntiue f iCfenai, be ta Fbrury f GItha rin 188 h cstblahe te Mdialand lSurzical insýtit ute. l i181 Le waselected pro- f esser e! obletrical science at the state uiiiversity, where le remaiet twe yecars, deliverîug lectures twvico a week, at theeücid cf y, hich parient he wascoin- pelJle reFiigu ou accoant of bis lare ractice. Dr. VanCamp was one cf the erganzers of the Nebraskta Eciectie à1edicai society, holding thec office cf pre3ident Leveral vears. Tc bis other duttes le adeed that of aseciate editer cf the Nebraska a Medical Journal.-The ThAe late Dr. Ira VanCamp was bore on thrn ohd VaniCamp hnmestead on the LaeShero,.Dartingtoni, near, Na, 3 (La,ci liue) seheol hrusci. Bis fathi wafe a we-i!-kneown citizen, Mr. Jesse VanCamp) Ira was educateti at the comamon school in Ilicir neighborheod noti afterwards had a short course cf 1ît81EUCtlon under W. G. King, w01-t knewn îs able teacher. Mr. VanCamp1 afterwards teck a situation in the gen- eral store of the firm cf W.ý Bowman & Co., andi subsequeatlv- entereti into pnrtuersLip with tLe late Chins C Btetes Thay carnieti on a large mercantile es. tablieliment for some years in a three- sterev brick building where Mfr. John Eed's shoe store now stands, On tle 1winding up cf flic nusinc8s hloe!t for the Woýtern States. Ho aerved for solite vears as mnicipal euncillor, was a gooti plat[erm speaker andi hem tlie force cf bis natural ability was bound te mnake bis mark and leve bis im'press on the community where La liveti. Mr Jegse ril is, a cousin %lessrs. Thos andi Jes. VaiiCamep, Dar!in'-toiy are the only imaniemembers o o! lud Van Camp ftemily etili le Darlingten. TYRONE., Repo rt o f Public Sehool for June, lia'es le erder of menit: V Clase, Ella Saudes, inie inauc;TV Cla-s TIIE NORTH-WESTERN LINE.-IM- PORTLD JAPANESE FANS. A ît!o! four attractive aee fansq issueti by the Chicago & N orth- Wetern Ry. sent tc any adt£rass tec'înclv pacteti1 ou receipi cfl10cec.isa fpay postage B Il Ilaet, 2 Easf King STrn te, Ont. 2-w 1 81URT ~IT AT 30 YEAE>" rMPP.ESSIONS 0F A MVAN WHOSE VISION 15 RESTORED. Born Blir-d, Ha Was MVade to Sec When Wefl on, te lVIddle Age. John Carruth, at tLe age o! thin- ty necoveri Lhis siglît afler being blila frein birîh, andI gazent for tLe final ime 10upon 11he hnndsenpe o! simnple pastoral beauty irhicl inlagea- aîrous proportions surrouaida Lis hoine aI Croft 1lient, Bidge of Wein, Scotiamît. He w ias daeply nont LfI y îLe scene. "Oh, ita s plend(i," le' cx- ciimet;, -'lhere's Lomant te Le a Creator for l l tis. I oflea dreonet that I1îveuld sec liewirnt, but I caver imaginant il se splendid.as if'l i.' PnoLaLliy no mou- clohquent serMon has ai er been prenchent. lutherte, ail hat been ivoaful tart- nasa te Carnufh. Nom he sai the- Lis andif ales Lathi l giouc suashine, iviieh iaquicitcning imb life tLe -young and tender foliage. Carnuthis lacertninhy a Mosti iciel- hIgent man. A correspondent of tLe London Delly Mail tascribes hlmandt is sensations as fohoîs: 10Ofmediun heiglit, lhe ma allenand acti va. 1Hatranscnfbea is tieugLia mIL irondarful facility, an, s ml ,ight cnlunalhy Le petdLi uidin aîlsenise o! louehre ili- V deehopîh.Soniricat lUcian L- nee I l Lshy 1breirs poar Ihe eýyes tîtlu arlie Loginning f0 show tLe v,ýitnitylý of vision. A hever atuna truhy is CamiL. Ilane are ILia finst 1impressions 0f tîLe thiaiga iriiiihente Lave bean te. hlm Lut a trean. T31E, MYSTERVY 0F WATE1I. Seltin)g eut on hîhs frst irait frein Lia Lomo, hlimet soeteneighbers. -Aye, Jo;hn, 1 ena tell yo sac pme. It's a miiraicle," saint a atout, rg gent Scoîsmonuan. 'Tint's a triL; it'a a mniracle,," rehirid CairrthU. Iý-%0 "Aye,y. Tnt' ye vcanlad," mor I Lep pnrfig irrtiaof lcedamneo. "il is fine ýte s'-c1thp b"o e L ond" sa1int Carreih na iieinGltt.. Theë ciseao ant fhhof ltahanzmIl'iflîehen ien witiL admirat ion. I-leotw ihon ,ha iras blilnt thiat il tm as oetimaes La(-ro emev tIhan ai othiens, Lut nom Lho zs Souvent ihat Lad lion a myatery 10 hlm. -A'1h Le gel lin"', 10e preet c' niese', Luit A'm ngettin' on fire," iras quict cemran, Thon le cane te Houston iTent Lochi. iH(,t wi i uuo elIbut lho sairit, for itheficst 'lime, andthîe mater, silverent by île ýsua, iras mon- mytifie t hlm. H, oLd beon iha Ih ,aaler, Lui-cuhd cotldelntorstan oir il gave may Vo huafl, ~ad ho L [contntgef blid of if. No( Wil e sanwit i uifufl antd cean, buit 0as Lo ho'L7irwas rafLer facravay hec on- tenltd hîlmasoîf -that le arouhd sýoon, sec the rivier. MeanaiLue thore iras 1 îLe eývclasting green te deliglat in, and iLe evon perceivent Leauty in tLe ,maih btilt on the copse Ly îLe site o! tLe cent. "It sets off thie green benenîh," Le sait simply. 1 "Do you haar that bird sîaging?"ý ast-et Cnnruth's ceapaciien. "Ycs,, if's a art," Le ansîvenet, foc ho tnows tLe seag o!fnMost irds. "Butq do you sec it rising la ils song?" Ah, liantiras sointhing noir te Car- nulic. Ho steet adatchet it untih if mas a spocit, and thon Le couhd sece it ce longer. "AHi these hins," lie sait, -"mli give 'lifea nnoir intýer- est. W'Ly don't people inake noce fusa about liani?" locuston iras cesthing a7rong îLe [verdure on tLe loft, and at thieent, o! tLe village rose tLe slnlehy tom-ý ors o!fHouston lieuse. Carnuth stoppent teadire the viair, Lut, in-ý stand of going le I-louston Lhe and his conapanien branchent off te Cross- boa, passimig a sigmpesatndItleus- toc's bttle cmclcry. The igcpoal iras n revelalion, and ao inteed wias the cenmetery, wileLhlietheughi Lenulîful mIilis silence ant amooet- ness.' A atmange feeing, Le sait', cane ever lin as lie iralket on thp- toc ahocg tLe graval patica. PLUCKING A rRIMROSE. Bonting toma le îLe greunathc inspecleif a îriîd prienrose. le moult lit-e te lok"it ai if oser, and mon- dcccli if Le might pinet it. 1lia f Leigit hLe mighl, and thon Lo stood, up vlnt helîthe foirer cloeolethe oye mihwlucl iciho cai soc bonit îl cuît( have teint Lythie toueh that it mia a priimrose Lad Le afililbcena ilnt. Lut coîr Le rejuicont te sec tLe flower irhose dainty d hiac ad ai- xithis hanti wa tching tLe gli-teni- ing waters. iurther nlouîg flicrond Crai gside was rearhed. The feetpath Lare is wedded te a Streamn on tLe right, and withthe0 Grytie on the cloft thereairas, wtrenougli fer Carruli. Paper imuÉet Pe thrown ia agatint t eacehow fast the Streama is flewjig. Away if wcnt, to is greaf dlight. Then Carruth BE irELDI) s FTILRSl TI ("ICI and was very'sorry becauise it made off Leicre Lo Lad ïarealihy good lok -at if. A ittie Inter hLe sair a fown and à abreod cf c1iic]iis. Ho ad been verýiy anieus te sec liens, and thoughit if very wenderful Lew they ahil re-re "sae perfect." Carru h lias now seen herses, coîva, degs, enta, a duck, and hens and chiekens. The cnt amnusent hlm great- ly, and the dogs puzzle lirn because theî-c are sonany i arieties. 1But altogether animais do net surprise hlm se inuch, for lie Lad Landled them Lefore ho get bis sight' and ferment an idea of their shape. Whiho woiking nieng ho' na asked Lis opinion eof coirtain thîngs Lie Lad 5tŽenu. Ho theuglît the -policemen ia Glasgow stately-heeking, but finest ihen Le kept n distance frein thotn. Looking dem aI ftLe, boots hoc ia-s Wearing le said Le nover imaginent that they.shone 50 Lrîghthy. I-la ool;ent in a glass. Le saint, andi found, ie xias Smarter than hoe Lad i Lougil Le -n. lie is ansdte intcL peepbe 1,,wagging ILoîr jais aI et limes. lie lias nefsenaybd cryiag yet, and dees neivantot. -I weu Idlite t esce ee,-yýbedy; -,amil- tng. I seon ceuld (distîi1guli1saCI or cross peophe froui.gay pleoPhe." But îLe irm,h 1o thminks, are al geent and happy. Ho is neit te Le id a hurry te get married-. There are -Sac imany Leautitul _wemien,'- ha says, "and ilwil Le rather liard I l k a nchoira." Carî-uth ia ambitieus. IHo anys Le wii hleara hanguagos and rend andI stuuiy nature, ad iLe thints, some thiags miglit Le improved up- on, thia cspecialfy apphying te foenc- osý, galecs, ant stihes. He Las han- keri-ngs aff or 'cycling. Thea melor- car. however, la above ahi gueat ant mightv, a ireaderful living machine. Carrulli is la a curions fix wh Lis neiglibors. Ile knows thon 'al Ly tLe souad of fLair voicea. Ina'Lis blindness they caîheci te hhnma nd hie replient, but noir semaeof thon think of playfully cntching poor Carrufli Ly waîting untîhL e observes them; Lut, ne, Carrutlh, thoughlieh may observe Ilion, doos nef knew Ihein unIles ley speak, and lte rosuht ha thnt Le la a stranger ainong is oic Ha elas learnt'd much in bis fow Leurs c f vision. Lutle lans stili muicilleare. ffas y Ie(,oughl tc, iv irty years leagor Ilian auy- in es, aorder tle maka up for lest tinca. Ile is yer.rcîng te 500 îLe meeaon andti he stars. Hoc says ha maiiy sec London yef, Lut, aboyeanai, ho is glad le gaze on lice face o! bis mother and to1 behohd tLe eld homea la whicb, Sitting Lack l inhs cLair by the firaside, ILe Las se oflen lrled vancly le conjiure- up pi turcs cf the grant mont around hMnWhal mas a irnto ,f dnrkness andi uncertalaty new la a worhd o! light. huIycTERY 0F RADIUM. A Germaunnscientist,' Horr Lunden, las muade a socles of oxperiments vhicb denonstrale tLe cearveleus qualities'e! tLe netlh radium. Rnts, nuico and et-har animais placet with- ia a short distance of a place o! radium weighing tlbxree-lenths of a grain dled within thre ays fu'om ne ether cause than tLe proxlmity- of radium. BrougLI near îLe lin- man body radium causes wounds ro- senbi ng burns, thougli cold, net Lhent, waa fel by tLe pacson affect-I ed. Ils qualios are net solehy de- structive, Lut are also. beneficial. The raya reflacted frein radium, Le saya,> pecetrale cran te the bramas o!f tho bLîfa, enahhing then te see mre or lesa clearly. Hc)rr Lua- den cites tLe cases Of lie Ruasian boys, îLe, thougli olely blnd, ne- gainant their sight lhrough treat-meuit by radiura raya. TLey can flow, rend and write casiiy. lie declarasl tha llhi îlit parsona cau derive îLe aine Lecefîs ýfrnmradiunm, KAWARIHA.LA KES. The Trent Valey Navigation Co., of B3obuaygeon,bavo favoreti Tii STÂ&sFs- ,i,%N vriîl a neat folder irhicl tliey have ,ecetly hatiIscueti wlth rt fereece te the KK.wantlîc Lakesý "where Nasture lies Ila sweet.ab.udocmni , and laugli ir . v%éat kirts an hbeerlttihorPs.' HEMRES TU TEIEitVALET 8 AN INCIDENT 0F iVR. CHAlV- PERLAIN'S RECEPTION,. German Eînpcror's, Servant Loseuu a Bet-Sungeon Whio Warks iracles. ly tond iras giventlefluecordiial ocptica acco,'udntote thue imgh lim.Mn. josephi Charnborla-in on1i the' occasi01on 0fLis arriva la iiLoni- don f~mSen)ti Afeica hy ine lests a personage than tLe rigli lion. gentlemïan's oarn cenehman. Thal morthy iatiividual iras se ovcrctoel by tLe chocu iag of thbe mal multi-1 tante, together mih the sigLi of Li$ master, Ihat Le snachent Lis bat fron bis lient and mavet it iigh aboft vigcmreushy mifli ach swiagiuug cheer. 1Miuch liasLoon irritien ni various finies 1oth îe ellect thal a Lere la seldeen a ai- e otohavalet, yetthîe aboya per!ectby Irue instance, geesi soimne way te disprevo il. A fur- fher number of exanuphes ofîLe sane character inay Le rend mit h soinek3 imtereat. The Gernian'Enuperen, as is iviehi t.neirn, la a lover o! atrenteure and neiV e_,peniences. Ile is uniing la Lis' iiany artivities aant ver vstrict - miii regard el Cote tc ateni i dam froiniLi nmrous depecardants,. yofL al lis servýan1ts llu.I-avaostie'nd tep),l-rootet aifecition for 1dmii. On oe occasion cet se lonig ago thec Empaer r as one of a dittiai- guishont shooting.pnnty iiiEguc and aceenipnnying Liai iras a Ger- mac gua-leaden wlio, leacnimag wiuo flic ether gxiasts o!fie pnrfy wave, effarent te bat that Lis emaplcor vouint ceme eut TOP 0F TUtR MARKSXVEN. The bot mas reatiiy acceptent, Lut thie groal visitor juaf failedtot jus- tify lis ser'vant's expectaîloca. ud Le paint Up wili a -cheerful fae, oh.-' sarvi ig tint if ih Lad not heon fer flhe trying naturec o!thue Erighli aint lits naster mouit undeu.ubtenthy huave donc all ht nwnas anticipaient Sic Fredonidi Traies, tLe -erannt surgeonawirlhast year perfemot Ldan oeuration ailIs4ucli succassful ne- suls upon -ia Majcsty lie King, is hoeted upon by somne o! Lis chev- or nurses as aliciast a miracle avort- er, se frequenly hans Le savant a life tint seemre eLyotnt Iiuan ait. One junilor nursaeiras tlhing t'er fients o! thle great srrgaen's in- veltiveross and nosolurce, andt aie iras asitent irat ho moult do if hie Lad te perferni an epecation wiiL- ,ont hofor or gas. "-De? Wlay, le r ouit te il mit-b- ont huxrtng the patient, or else liW moult cahl lan a dentist, te extract 01uB o! thie pallent's teath ihile lio ment onrmI hue mmoe se-rIons operb atihe, se thal îLe imîaginatioun cf theo sufierer arenît Le fixen uipon tle tee-iL, thereby toiag aîrny mii tLte possihility cf lis or lier tying frein shock!" In the Iioyrih Courts e! Jtustice Sic Edwamt filante hics a relpýtalion foc Leing able te rori t hings wmitr- oiar amy le may happen te mish, ne natter whIni the saie e! tLe vi- dence is te lme eenlrary. A visiter fuonthe oc-uutcy anc Lad cause te ieneniLer Sir Enliartd's reasenimîg abihifies, piacitiy beilavedtt THE FAXOIS ADVOCATE couit miate a British jury amard a wife -beaf or haavy dan.agcs againsi tLe mife's relationcs oictie gi-cunntof unttmuthfuhl estilmuory as te coting conàpetency aI the tino e!f marriago, mo're lic so inclinent, inamsmJih i as tI lis country visilor- soeor"1y in- formai.thîe presect irriter tînt le hai enpc-ieacet a case on alilfouirs wiuL s,-cli an instance o! Sic -Ad- wann's iresistibla eloquerice. Dr.: Temple, the hatoly tecensedt Archiiolp e! Canrterbury, nets ai-' maya a Lero te tLe Rugby suzhool- boys. Il dit nef natter îLe thie pupil iras îLe mas suarnoncd Le- fore ini, cor did t if attIonîh-af iras the punislmoat airid - tLe boson frîend o! a vicinmo(ult ai- I irys mnadia îLe aisoltite justice o! îLe.sen1tenceý. Iliras inc this spirit thaltho (ýgreal sclioohmrcsten carniet fron îLe lads fie :tila ef "a best-but a just Least." Many mnieasuci oxanîplea might ba given .ihich ireaîhtoniy go îQ prove that the saying "No cana is a haro te is valet" namust onhy have a qualifiai acceptanl'ce. No docuht tLe valet, or otiier subortinalo, sees nmuchiof tleie mer ifae!flis chie!; but Il by neoueana felou'a that flhc EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. A- Sunday Sc'uool Convention wtt hel in he ic e;hoditt ckurch, Blatck- stock, on June 23Ad. The ci cniog snu'icea were condmced by tht Rer. J. R. Butler. An adèress was given by Mi. Thou. Yehiowleen, thle Associa-e Secretary of thec Prov. Ammacclaion o! Onîtario, on "The Bueefits o! Organ, za- tien," followed by tanit-ebtng cis- ession. A uîominatixug comunite as lthon sppolited, tfieî uhlclia ree-nd tabeleitfltet wtt crndncted hy Mr. Yeilow!eer. An aediers !o.lcwei by Mr. MeMyahen on "Heur teO hia'n Kuîpwledge froue the Bible' At tLe c os e cf the session, tLe nnunlnsming comemittea met anti made the !eilowioig nomiL>atiorus te bu preeentad f0 the aeeeng meeting : Pre3. M Emerson, Vice. Pries. Jolie Jchneon, S(c, Trias W, C. Ferguson, Execulivui, Pied Vesle, Jet. Sundersen, Rebt. Philp, David Malcolme, J. H. Devlit, S. lSich- o!aon anti resideut miniut1ra. Tîe nexit place of meeting eill be ef Nestieton, le January, dite te te ixeti y llie Execucive, b tthodec'dea>thâlit a col- 1, ction be tak.jn ln caccl schcol the Iii Suridae in July, for the benefi c! tLe Provincial Association. .Arraugenenfs were made te have racb acbeol visiteti darlng th. year. The evening ses#ion opanuid ab 8 o'clock,- whfrni e services urere coni- docteti by thie Rer. J. R. Buller. The re-port of the nominafing commilîtea wtt recaîreti andi adopfed, after whtch addesies were given by oRes. J. Or ti.hton anti J R Botlier, T. Yollemv- ees andi M. Emeorson. Tbe simuglug ives coudectati hy the Metho!ii choir, A collection was takren le b hi! f ozîte cuinvention andt he meetin.9 was cloteti by Rer. J. Crelohien -f- W. elip the ficULwleifrein ch.Port Aniher Ctronicle. cf Juce 20mb, Mise Helienbeok b4 i g a former reideent'co Borinseavilie: "The home ot C au framtor ata Mr#. Ilcllenieumk, Tupper etreet, was due oceneof ra happy weddieg Ob W04nes. day eveiuîg, theILirdabirKt, urss married te ioMn. Albert B. Baruei. The ceremouiy wtt petfornuetiby 11ev. B. W. Parsoens, M. A. A lmer the daiety re- pass had'been pattase ol, the Younug coup'. left for ibeir 1ew hol-e on Palk Street, wherea Mre. Barumeli will lie at home te Lai friemis." Lmrz us CàSA»-Wa have unctiveti flre tLe awuhor, Mr. Tbîî. C mnt,- cf Osbswe, - ch above tille, uwlih wss pub!lshed l'tin Apnili si, Ltbe lLe> second volume urhicli Mnr C ,LAt lbas pblishieti. Re i, a de- rcendanI ! lger C)Unte, cue;c'! the Pi- - n FàtherF,. Ii a rni fher, slo nemsLd Roger, urss bore le Mas. ntua fier cIi" REveiciiet cf1776,selteinleC -cada. Thie book, vhichl a a mosi inrealzýivg cee. esq!wit$b îLe hliory cf îLe eariy days of Lie Pnecvirice and Dominion teýd lofnbc inciudents ln ocnsatonuri Lse eýrç' igy lite ofLoelme.W. espafor Oui ARed;ers a peresul cf this vo1cme urhbicli uni lp Iirerpay yo-u. T- beiohd of yer nous denIer. We undrwâru1idha lisîe work la Dow~ being trns tledmbFreuchliby îLe Bocieiy c01 ns Bnis i rsos Belgum, The Most Charmniug Inland Water Trip on the American Continent. Palace I ron Steamers "N4EW YORK" and "ALBANY" of the Hudsan River Day Lîîrie. DAILY EXCIIPT SUNDAY L-eave New Yorlr, DesbrcFses S1reût. 840 a. m, New York, )Nest -2,dtSt.,NI.9 wa M. New York, %Weýt 1i,- '1, St., NU-1,32ùe anm Albany, Haruiltiu Stret1, 8.30 .. M Thle attractive route ýor Fsutamrer pie.tsor travel to and frc-aantte Thused I81nnds And St. Law oe iiýver, the Ca t8kil 1 7Mounrelu'g, Saratoga atdnd îhe Adlrottdacks, Bot& Cham. .an ad the Northi, Niagara Fatis and ilie TICKETS VIA DAY LINE ARE. ON SALE AT ALL tJî'YlCkS. A n one of these ianous Steamers on the obetStresa In Cite ruuttry citons rare attractions. They are litirci up ln the MosIt elegant St.y iý, xlusivtly 1cr pa3s~erieI .TSir gr&at parl(ira sud luxuricns acccmmodatiai s ln every respect rEnld(r tiata unexcelled. Band- scmeiy appointedl diiuig io)ins vwlth supeilar Êervice are o', ihe m.in deck effcrdie)g ain u- iutctrupted vlew cf the inagnilicent sceniery for which the Hudson is renoinned. TflROUGII TICKETS sold to all J-cints and baggage checkeà te i stîon, Seuid 6c for copy of,~um- Excursion Bock" F. B HIBB]ARD), E, E OLCOTT, Gen'l Passeutger Agent. Geiu'i Mavagtr Deabrosses Siucet PiF~r.Ncw lYok. Canada'sPride New Innovation on Griand Trunk's Famions "International Limited." The dieing roQm or the Cafe Parlor Car leaviî.g Menti cal tis moriiing ont the . International Linnire" from Bonp-. venture Station was ý isif ed by, a numi- ber of peonle to inspeet a now innova- tion that the Grand Trtink are experi. mentinig with in the way of an art stie curtain for the windows. This niera- ieg, for the first time, the curtains that have be-cn formerly used werei taken <tut and substituted by a ntow curtain mnadeofo!pant asote, with aninsertion (f white bilk in the c cetre-, on w1hichi was prinited le haîf-tene proeos a view of a senae on the Grand Trun'k Blailway Sysitemn. This procesa oof prieting was was F0 executed thât it gave the ap- Ipe:r:ece cf a trans,ýarerecy aund the pcture cou'nd be Eeenboth fromn the, theSUbjecîs that Were use0d'was noticed the celebrafeti JictUre of! "Uabbits Bay .-Lke o! Ba3 b' in the Hliktan1dsf o Ontari o," and one which bas been s0 favorablv compared to Loch Lornond ln Scoflitnd . Another view was the Grand 'rrunk DoubleTrack StcA-Arch >Bridge across Niaigarat',- Gorge and a view faiten among fthe New England Huils. This device jein iro4 quiprneuit entirely new and the value of! Uic cur- tains as an artdstic a0jnc to a rail way car will be dcmgenstratejd in a few dïiýs, Thé Free Librarv Service, which ivas installed in the Caf3 Parior Cars on Uic Grand Trunit thrciugh trains, ba.3 beeni 1 source of much favoreble commpettby the travelling public, andti tue pictiiru's have been matie gooti use of.,* cot o ùv the passen gens who are non subscrib- ers te the Booklever'uî Library, bu'ta great cnetneandi accomnotatioe to the subscibers who ar-e alluwed.the privlegeo! xchagingfluir book-S on the G-'raÀ,nd Truiik trains. tThe) "International limifeti" laifLis ri orihngwiffi her canal large number of passengers. $0Alalltio City, cape May CALIFORNIA AND RETURN $62.5o. 1 THREE SEA SI{ORE EXCURSIONS.- The Chlcago, Union Pacifloc anti io bIbÊ inclusive round tnip tickets froin Chica-o te ï3an Francisco anti I,os A- -gelcs i trate o!f620.Correspondl- iliû rates from oth er points. Robt5ure limýif Augu4t sit, l19 8. For foltier anti full particillars irrite B. H. Brua5 NETT, 2 King St., East, Toronto. Via Lehigli Valley R ilroad AUgt 7S" 4, 1 anti 25, ikesoaiy 11,03tu rouad trip from Suspension Bridge. Tiçkefs 'goo 15 dava GobdfoýS top- ovèr at L [adilifa. Focr-iti 1palticutara Ca I ou11oM;a-1drOek; lII iu. S Iaîwxs, Passz'r Azi , Tore)to, Ont. The Lest r6otteNew York., Route of Blackt Diamoni Express 29-1lw se For Ovoer TNE CENTAUR 0 ^"AY. N LW vetye ci y. Bears the Signature " W0e ffer Onaelinndred Dollars Raîrard for nüny cane o! Calanrh that cannai Le cured hir Hai's Catarrit fCure. F.- J. CRENEY & CO., Pro p s,QTaiedo, O. We, the nadenignet, larve knwn F. J. Chener 7for tLe lest 15 yeat-s. and Lelieve hlm, imefe tif eiraLle lu alicusîness transactions aInt I l eiaily aie( to carry out aay yligatlons otade lui'the ir-fui-rtn. W V»-so & Tuer: x1. WoeecDugas 'imoO WAI.mus. Kmsîs& lLcavs, Wboiesale Drnug. -gists. Tcbede. O.. t-all's Cmcareîh Curnnoistaken unternaily. set- inn driemily apon tha bloodn muus smrfaees ofet tO sein. Pilce75c. per bottle. Soit by ail DrugzIsta Testuu-nouîeils free. iail'. Faunily Pil are tLe Lest. Proil ZT NARCOTI mates the waaeos rush? Whec s It comning froîn? Whithec does if go? WLaI moult haippan te a mcan wemre ho carrnet deiicila h? île ceu-ld. hart.hiy ha indutote leavo ,t1ic spot, S fsia>ni asL w-:I1î îLe fab mii te feama aý ýnt tie Il,) j:e, Thec ie. cpointent oui îLhe R-iver Grylto. "Il's fine Le.sea it mwýnding away n, tha distanýce. ,I thougbtit Il as al sicaigit."I-Ho Stecd liadîning ils eves frein Itisu iperutct nd ocrsia tion, Sour Sto mcliDiarrhodea, Xornis ,Convu&slîons ,Fevensi- ness and Loss 0F SLEEP.