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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1903, p. 7

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Littie LIVIer Pis, Muet Bear fSignature or. Sze Fac-SilloWrpr elw Teo 1tanuenas 0Q97r ý5I VER FOR TOPDizLIVER. PI LL. ~ 7I1STFAT î0 . S ALL W1SKMJI 2~ccrg gti ni.1fc Uitr fc e r retWeee.iiircil St..cpot Ttnt Ccý riveist of B~ igî vi wavle. 81 G C BOENYCASTL vonLli i)SHor G lm :-O r 4;1,(ir l 3kII e l.,Eitr arie git tir~ f i 0.Ri iaeat irg fil liëal priee, 5. A.EB. tIXLAUdlim, Pnrj~cv ciietorand Coi' ,n cecur Office - Rifakiey Bck, M ig tect. Eowmalniditc. UIlueY tO han ai acsocable rate'. 48-lyr, IlOUFjT 10XUNG, V. S. O EC- E if il yBThC<0P3) Lîe Toi lall Entrance, wlic e hi wttt1,- t nd1; m 8 a. in.' (o P. am. Nîga caYN atî eEiadecce, direciiy ovP s.ite Drill Shaed. 17 lyr1 'NVABRIIAGE LICE'ýSEiý-M. A lA JAMFS, lsîiier of Marriage Lieenses Rtideace: Cei nie atreet. Fai llelai S latasNotaiîeý, c'ec Mrd }b<t. 13 lainilii gSteeýt. i1owîmanille if. F- II N TE R, P%1rBI9I EB, I? -IlORNOTARYv Pub1t,1lie Col) vex-ar ca. M oaey, Private anîd CFFl( S:K ig S,,opjpo ite Dr% Hal-iide1.'n' I etaiIleim- vwinaîaville 13-6am on good mort- ;apgetteclty etim d e ec a t1iý,-1ýit< t et, A. aE -L 0 SiBý lcto,Bowmvi leont. M Ilbc at Biack-tock on 'the first t Mdendav of each month. at Olrono 2nq p,:oyida al da' 'anîd at Newcastle fat Weueds rnt2p M.S OFFcE:TemeraeeSt., Bowman- P ýJ11Iie ar of lligginbotham's drug store. t î4N TISTRY C. HARNDEN, L.D.S.M Cia.C.liate of ti.e Po, ai Colieýge of ( IF.-ÇppoSit T AInR. cef Alwiays Up-to-date c Thi is Il y inotto :-Eiaeh j ar as ibo new iiilprovemnents 'ale Piaced 9o1 ) l'e màrket, 1 alwpaes make it a ýspecial1 - ROUX FOR IMFROVEMENT %d TUE PRODUCTION OF CLEAN ±- CLOVER SEED. Âl Bill Has Beexi Iitroduced Into Parliamient Dealiing With, XCO i S A A'D COMMIJENTS The discovery of radium ba ha the g'reatest lnmporta,'ice f or cierre ists, ankl is in fact opoch-makiin, becauseI; t lia si eabied theui to wel together i-to a harmyon-ious an~d a< ceptable whj.ole a niiineber of isýolaI cd theories ; lthat hd rocüntly beec plut forth a's the raui of si1udies (: Rongnrays, eetilyaqld othe vhenlonmna. Up to aý few yearis ag no atfo-Llhad, e-vr ben bseýrved ti chanlge. N1;Ow at is kilýOwu that i] tle cases 0of at ieast fobwr elernent ary aubstamces, of wvhloh rnldiumn byfar the most ineortant, the a;t orna break down amd sentI radijatin foT-ce out lido the nves. Th theory that the scientific woiLd nowiv ooking upoil wîth favtar lha b1en m 1-,st poiotyvoiccl b: Sir %Ulliami Crookes. It holds -dha atomas are conajiosed of coýnvlpiex syx- teis of olectrons, that a" the at.on break ctown the electrons 'are set fre, in-thc ferra of raye of force, a-nx thttt lu ail probability elemn-tq,, i s-tead of being permanent andi inkies ti-actable, are lin tinai roces of making anti beig ms ic. eyoýn tUe esclentific îiteest, hwvr i disco-tery of r adium basise grea:t est ilreanlng for t 1he layx-nn n ii pcsup cruIIabs flnom tile(- oni tabe, ocastcit iwll give hlmwhe. he bg t o abo 1LI, an-a etirjelý difes nt deaof thle naiyure of tli( IAoýrld aromld i 'hlii. lie can no long cr view the ýwrild kas "deaFl." Mat. ter, if it is ail ilie rdum ie ex'- ceedingiy alive.- tadlium, hie Is tolti, -aises thc tepeatreof oj-eaoaclit, by svridegrees; it giveis iîgiit on- o'ugh to read by; At will hum a deer, sore ui mn flesh just by being it's diuco-elier's belief, kill any m'ai wuto would bc rash cnoýugh to von- turc into a rQor w'ith, a poin Il d or two of it. And ail thi§s wilh er trlfling a loss of Sbtnc htcun- taries alonc raun make it moainifeet. WVuhat a world it nb-st bc, thon, that we,, live ln. The eartIh becomes- coul- Pai-ablo rati Cc to a storehouse of ex- 1 ileslv'es than to ainytvlng else. Sup- pose tl'at the forces lockedt up at e bala:uce la a bit of stonc or iv ood or inlu he silver coin lu one'e pocLef ýiholdbilea-etias lare ithose of radl inm. The dsrcie powoîr muighýtho , IW~onccîyab1e. Suppose that a deto-nator ÈShould set frc the forces stored ut balance in thie at- onis lu the xvhole eartb. The un- 'verse .suigirt go bac-k: on tlhe instant to tihe "forîuiless r-t" Tlhese are flot "practicai" copjsidoratiogns for the làyruan. They are wios'h bis re- ilection, boecr They m-ny, well teaceh blus tbat the tny5stery of -t-ic scorld is too grcat for daly ax- gu naind thoy imay 1,ealtim, -le h qis bomt to Lay down the awab-o:uttthings iiu he,veu andi earth---juet to refrain, It appeare frouin the latest me- tuims of the clection of Germais nembeils to the l-eiclhstag that the Social Deniocrats have ifuceeded in ziolling eigtat tlhousain, ulore theos the threû million votes they -salde they woîl-d ha-ve. Thislurae f nine huin*di-edtiitousunti'ç votes ov-r! ivhurt tahey \p-ollcad'at the laxtgera n1ie:2 tcareasthlat the îalajority of! thilnttIon is dlssati«ÏK!od wltb thie ( esnt order of thitigs and lta tbis se!itïlîont s growinag. -ose caýtuire ila t!lse elocCi( rtiu, o orFs sig.nitîC.ct thiai% the su 0 f lieý S4ocial.k rtl e Stîhat tlie îClricai pa.rty bas suiïerd no loss, the increase of the Social Derno- c-ats being at the opns f taho sialier group .. Tis deveiops the ifsqtrtant fact that the Governu-acut výi;! ül-d itseif depondemt for . ar ontiîy la the Ri-chstag ou the Cle.ri-1 ~n The inivestigation1 into thec coudi oftiens cf the secd tratie by tbe Do imba Depa1ýi)rt1meurt 0f Agricuiltur !rdrn ieps two years ha lus clear 0 ]yysihowilu tt there le vast rool n 1ee wts introduiction into l'aria ment by tise Minlister 0f Agricultun ofs a ih to imnp-ove ýýthe condtion: that have beanýumbownto cxlst. Ti, tbillle lîstendeti to prohibit tiese e 0g f any conunercini seetis wbich mn3 lie coutain seede of sncb weeds as wil 'miustard, penny--cross, os-oye daisy isperenlal sow tiistie, ragweet, hindt le weed anti se-soiai otliers; andti t )y provude for the gratiing oif ail secIý t solti as eltiser "Grade NÇo, 1_ "Grade No, IL,""-Grade N.-I, ou- "Screcusings. TIse requ iiremnentý s of ecch grade are specifteti, the basi, >e of gratilug heing- the per cent. 01 [d pure lIvinig-seedi, ant inlathe case oJ Sthe hblber grades, _tho freedoin froir sîsecifieti weed ýý,seinl addition tc 3tisose aboie sîenieneti,_ Tho gradIng s le to be donue by the seedasuei itheur Ai selves, -buït sanipies nay be- sent fer oe analysis to tise Departisucut of Agri- tculture at (ttawa. 00 The bihli as arouseti great interest r among thie seedmnen, ns shouldit btch G corne law, mucîs gîcater care wil bc ax requiret inlagrading tisn su sat, pres- oy'nt tise case, A deputation of promi leuet Canadian seedsien waii (Jup ^on thso Mýiieteu 0f Agracultuir-a jweeýk or two Lgo to istotest a gaiins - climlu tht cosueof (lie claLus were ns ,ttaijdatIthat if en- forceti weuiticauiso undue restrictioî) antI poesibiy S SUSPIENSION 0F TRADE. y They cdams tisai it le impossible to 1- obtain lis sufficient quantity seetiof 1) tise Iigisor grades, owing to thse pro- 9valence ef '.eed seeds. Many ef tisese it is inî-practicaýble, to dlean oui ou acceunit 0f their simnilarlty in size anti weigist to tise ciover sentie -Much'0f tise sooti mcioti froin the r _produceîs le viloe xitli weed seeds, andti niogh it înay he gîeatly lut- pro'.eti by cieauing, cannot by any useaus se matie perfect. jTise desuant thils, yenr bas been t mucis greatu- titan lu auy prox ious year ýfor the best reckeaued seeti, due jIargely to the prcachlssg of the gos- Pol of geet soecd by tIse Agricultural jDepartisent. Iu fact, it was stated uby oeeof tIse lcading seetiemen that as fac as dernautI for goot seti was - ceuices-neoti ire had been msore irn- Sprovoîssent la tbe las-t two ycacs. tisan is the pi-oviorus twonty, Unî- -fortuuately, lsowevei-, tise quality of - -seeti recelveti frein the producea-s bas net lnsprox('d. Shouldth ie propeseti -bill ceuse luto force,ý as is alîneet -sure to he the case sooner or luter, they are determineti to tiuIeeitiate -g-eatly lu price in laver of cîeau -sumples wliseu nakiug thoir pu-cisases froe tise grewers. To a cortain ex-- tout tis, le doue at present, but a special preniîüiumis te he put ou bigli grades. This le s sit eiaeuld ho, isecaose tîsere le no excuse for the production 1 of ciover seeti foui with wxeed seotis. The ýweeýds most censimon la reti clovor - fields uc aaretlstýie," Ccu riet dock, ragveeti anti white cochle; white wild nmusta-rdi, ex-eye't dalsy, sew tisistie and sevcîal atlirs are founti less frequeutiy. Inu aiko fieltis, mien flux, wl-alto cockle, siîeep sorrcl, clurli't dock, mnywecd auîd lanabes-quarters nre freqîieatly fouisti. Al of tCsose weeds înuy ho readuly cocu whilo growing, anti hefore the Iccii rupeus as tise proper timne to re- move thons,> Tiey mnay be eltiser s1putidoti or pulieti, anti reisoved from tisic iti, Tiiasystein, le practiseti 1.v somne of our nsost succesefui giew- ors, of cloverseeed,-,antI ivîscuonce a giva tiai is fousîd t o lho not oaîyý pracicalebut also tisorough, faialy raîsiti, antI VERYPOFTBE Tt may be climed ý(1tlisatto do tisis, wbere weeds are v ery pient iful le on t cif tise question; that it weuiti taice a great deai of time, andthîe tramîping wouid injure tise crop, A fieldtinl whicb Ithe weeds aretoo plentlful to bhianstiet inlu tissway shoulti îot unader any considematiou be devototi te tise production off clover for seed., lit le absoiutely foily to grow seeti wblcb is ton or fifteoit per cent, weti seeds, as tisere les. no surer way of wideiy tisseaiuating weeds thatu h ave tiese eodeuni xeti with other-. ivise goti grades ocff emial commueri-l aIleee sncb ns thoseeof tise girasses [usutic 10-srs, To se Il seeds adulter-1 ateti with ton petr cent, of santi would bo îegardeti by nmany peuplej 'as crimiiini, but bow mucis morcej criin ,al ehouht it ho eardoýt esi soot cottnineg tn gprde-t fins-j - lou weedseed, - lstie os-asercas re lis Is -t he health tha t Z.ucornes: le Je Y, d- Lo -s sinyTon.ic Tal tg -thé Ëent1e but effective laxat )r rLet the dainty littie tablets cleanse your s- - your body, purify your blood, and tone your bi t then you wilI be prepared te, face the wearing heai mer days. Reînei ber that impure, blood, dlogged racked by bad digestion or sleeplessness, simpl - FlHeat, Summer Rashes and Sunstroke, t - IronsOx Tin-Y Trontc Tablets are ge They cure constipation. They build up your t help th.emn to clean e your systemn andto kecp il melans-. They WiI1 fot "~force"~ you and they ýv the '"laxative-hiabit" f fIron-Ox Tiny Tonîo Tablý,escure They are flot a imere temporary relief but ai - ron..Ox Tiny Týonic Talblets arei ta nic- T ey make blood; they help,-the liver, stomach, the boweis. They strengther. and Iron-Ox Tiny Tonic Tab' Very small, very daînty, wrappcd chocolate coats, they are as tempting Fifty Iron-ox 'rabiets, lui a pochet case, 25 cents at ding1: on reccipt of price. Thse Ironî ficd, Walkerville, Ont. differeuces lu price iu oîder to pro- erance to this insect to Mr. R. Bray, tect theiseelves, and there le no \Xalkerton, Ont.:- 'llie peai- leaves doubt, that the inecased price for shoxîn at the Fuýrinare' Institute -gooti seed wil l mor-e than a-pay the meeting at ' Tceswati- are infecteti extra trouble lasvolved lai Its pro- with thse Pear Leaf Blilster Mite, duction. It le tîserefoee to every (Phytoptus pyri). This .insect is farnieî-s interest to grow oniy the sometixues quite provalent, and ai- - highest quality, net oniy though it spreatis slowly, froin tree is a gloss injustice to, neighbor 1 to tree, il1e likeiy to do inuch hai-ni. farmors to continue tho(- productloîa Dr. Fietcher, Douminion Entonuolo- of weed stieda,, but also lacause hoi giet, traete of this luscet lanlis ro- is sure to ho amiply reýwarded for port foi-rl85piage 160. Ho recoin- any ilicreased trouble,.inonde as thse anet practical reuiedy Dept.'of Agriculture, 01ttan'a. the use of thse kerosene enailion Just as the leaf buids are opcuing. Dr. VFietchei5 give-s the followlug NOTES FOR FR I EISdsiipis"edibsot îpa YRshape, , about onc-cightb o u c JflTS ROM TH DEAR inl dianiseter, nii freýquti y confluený t. MSENT OF AGRICULTURE. These aperonc the youn1Ig ear beaves ecnîly lu sprrng, anti n ;s the AWarnîng-Orchard Culitivaýtion- stiimsur progrc-esees they tuiru 1o Pear -Leaf Blister Mite- corky, blister-likeý galle - alh-aiole The ging Apple. in the centre througb '.vhicli lai-go numbers of minute elongated mites The Fruit Division of the Dosaul- issue and, nttack thse fresh parteof ion Dcpartinunt et Agriculture, Ot- the Icaf.,, tawa, issue's the Solioîving warning -This lnsect attack ouly-_pear leavos to fruit groweîs:- It le tO, be fear- and le reportoti as baviag,,bci dis- cd that the wet wcatheî at preseat cevea-etinlu euriy ail pcar-growing pr'diing wi iii id a good rmanydistîict. orchas-dists to negleet spa-aying. Luet TH 'IG"A L. ycaî- the susnier antI autuinun ive- ivet and many groîvers of fruit falleti The "King' is one of favorite to givc their orchards -muore tisan varieties of appiein the, ariket, two or three spratyinlgs. As Mi-. but, unfortuuately, les s sy a boni-- -MacXinnon points- out, tise cool, er ou its own roots, that it le notý inoist. weather le peculiai-ly favorabl1e at ail profitable. It bue, however, ta the tiovelopinent of fungo_ýus freqiiontiy been noted that by top- growths, and t i l only> by seizing grafting it on auy vigoýrous stock- o'cy opportuîity aniepain it b-comnes mucis more p~roliflc. beevra day or two of d ry wea- Tise Fruit D)ivisIon, Ottawa.In, t Dont aliow a dhilti to grow up ivitîs squiuting eyes or 'crooketi teetis, 'The sciontific treatment of physicai defecte bue reachoti a 11gb point of ekili, ant imîny ofnature's unkiidueseses may be overcome. tirs. Winssiows Sootihg î"yrup bas L ohn-Iike Taking Timne by the beetai Used by millions of mothers for. jForelock. their childreuswhile teethilig. Il dis-. ]Yo't oxpect Clltiren tob eu-rest by a sick chilianffering anti dry- fý4I nles heathy toap ho andcauti I wlus pain of Cuttlng'lee-th senti tcîsted. Thalis ded.goa f to- fît ence &nu gect a bottie of-'Ms 7waxds usakirig tln %ýies iassowe s,-ootliillg Syrnp" for is1il- Dont tbiiak too tia,,cl is tuecan ho denTeeting. ft wilirleetn devotetito psisna d-v1)00ct- u orlifttle suttïelrr lnnnieittly. Do-. i1otJýng isit of[pefsi upoîs it, mue tlei-s. tisere ila110 isolsugleit0fusreluaprtnc t ist11 about i t. 1It Cu-es Diarr- Itakýe tiuaic by tiseforeloc, taeglat tieSt eacs n Don"'LtClie- clti-nsit ath'out sulp- Bes, relts iit le Stol tons t.h POrl*t to tlheir- hache; ansd eoun ag GDa, recs Ulnhsanunasýtei3ate 10 nstores't tieir Spin"ses by lying -ai -iaioi, nd hasc lu ciaiî. nca'a dy mkeg.i..stone anti euergy totise whole - hoh b~ e ntigirlsý lie fiat on the ytm Ms Vnlw otii floo fo hLPt"tn hur.Thi wil ýSyrup' for childi-en teetbltsg la pIes,- flor fr ailnubou. Ti~wii -sant to tise taste anti is tise, pro- isake fine figures. &rpino n fteode Don't give ebilda-en chairs that ara ec pin foeoftsode n. thi best female phsyscians antI nurses in j olt anti iow lu' tise niddsle, or thei ie Uni-ted States. Piice-25 cents a, necks wiil lie certains to shah witbiîî bottle, Solti by all drnggists i tîeir soulders, aaud tiseir figures be- tîsrougîs-ont the worid. Be sure andi coîsse dis-toi-ted. azic for Mrs. Winalow's Soothing DOIeut let thi s it stiii too long Sr,iP, at>a tinie; if they do, tlîey ivili fi- y got, move restlessly froan side to sile, andt taite attitudes whîicis may UN1UilASONADIE. malte theni grow crooketià. A SaLmoan editow r ls angry be- Dont let a stooping iess-oîs, as dilcOone Of hlus ,îuiscribers Whuo ae xrlting or drawln.g, cuti without I oux-cd Mi aaonoy sonit hlminesteae a aomne lsiîple arni exccise, loatloati 0f baa4ins, orangesý, guia- Don'*t havLsceavyrcirtains ant heti- vas anti alligator paraslcirig birn coolas wiiieo'wvs; lot tise aijsline to sccl iiemaxai forwaM tise b1ý al- polir ln. bî,(cto biSI. tis Wais ithsoie on-bsoben 'I'kanl eilt-he.ui- day for abo)ut ifh mnte ails wev r3'bo 11 os w ' ien't it?" 'O Dont av an crpte n -l n; 1net for tieemploye,-rs." "And( rootis loos uerugs ineteai. Have wis y knet frtes" -Bcxs, felv liasngs andtIltaibric-a -1)rac, tlsey bati hoeen content ýVi thli aueighut- Dot et itese nti aJyn- ou-dat1e wudntbaes-c time ne a tuIe bedroomutiuau le abso0- cee ubcîin ipuo- luteiy acesseary. i- - Dout ailow a chilti to lewih an oltior person. seep nai VJRo f t1po11flG. -Dont give a cIsitt a isarsh Puis af-j aja aoie tho Englis îîmarket. Ir its oiy de-- fect, want of preductix-enese, can bt curoti by tise simple iaethoti of toi, grnfting, it sisoula itiox-e n hoon to nsany peeple who bave viguirous treces' îf undcasirab]e varuletîes. Ottawa, June, 1903, DON'TS FOR CEILDREN.

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